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Candidate Name: _______________ Lesson Date: ​_________________

Subject: Health Education- alcohol Learners’ Grade Level/s: 2​nd​- 3​rd​ grade
tobacco and other drugs

Planned Lesson Duration:​[1]​ one class


Section 1:

KEY CONCEPT/THEME: ​Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (specifically cigarettes)

OVERVIEW: ​During this activity, students will see a demonstration of how cigarettes and
tobacco affect the lungs. They will start with a discussion about the effects of smoking, view a
hands-on simulation of the effect of cigarettes on the lungs, then ask questions and discuss
what they were able to see through the simulation. Throughout the lesson the students will have
the opportunity to ask any questions and discuss why they think what they are observing is
happening. They will be able to use these initial thoughts to drive the discussion after the
simulation is finished.

RATIONALE:​ The purpose of this lesson is to have students view the short term effects and
consequences of smoking cigarettes and to hypothesize what the long term effects can be. The
students will get the chance to review ways they can practice healthy behaviors by refusing

Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing behaviors and reduce health
Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision making skills to enhance health


1.1.A Distinguish between helpful and harmful substances (including alcohol, tobacco, and
other drugs).
1.3.A Identify that a drug is a chemical that changes how the body and brain work.
1.7.A Identify refusal skills when confronted or pressured to use alcohol, tobacco, or other
drugs (e.g., use a clear “no” statement, walk or run away, change subject, delay).
·​ ​Students will be able to observe the effects of smoking one cigarette
·​ ​Students will be able to hypothesize the effects of smoking multiple cigarettes both short
term and long term
·​ ​Students will be able to have a student lead discussion on the effects of smoking,
alternatives to smoking, and how to refuse smoking in the face of peer pressure.

Section 2:

INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: ​To begin, I will lead with a discussion about the students’
prior knowledge about cigarettes. Students will share out with the class. I will then explain the
activity and prepare it before we head outside and observe. After the activity I will bring the
students back inside and lead a discussion and ask questions to gauge students’ learning from
the activity and prior discussions.

ACADEMIC LANGUAGE (Vocabulary Terms): ​Tobacco Drugs Cigarettes

Addicted Lungs


Introduction/Anticipatory Set: ​Many people smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes are an

addictive substance than many people smoke for many years. Cigarettes are very dangerous to
your health and those around you when you smoke.

Instructional Sequence:
·​ ​(1-15 minutes) Begin with a discussion about what children know about the effects of
smoking cigarettes
·​ ​(16-25 minutes) Explain activity while preparing detergent bottle
o​ ​Fill bottle loosely with cotton balls to represent a person’s lungs, replace cap and place
cigarette in cap, secure with clay)

Activity Sequence: (26-45 minutes)

·​ ​Take children outside to open field
·​ ​Squeeze air out of bottle and light cigarette
·​ ​Continue squeezing bottle and releasing and explain to students that this simulates a person
·​ ​Put out cigarette

Closure: (45-60 minutes)

·​ ​Ask questions
o​ ​What happened? How do the cotton balls look? Do you think people who smoke have lungs
that look like that? How does that make you feel?
·​ ​Take children back inside and have them write a letter to someone they care about
explaining the activity they did and encourage them to be proud of not smoking.

Section 3:

Children can be assessed on their level of participation during the activity. The kinds of
questions they ask and how they answer the question you pose as a teacher. Also, when
reading the letters they write the teacher can be aware of what kinds of connections they are
making and the depth of understanding about what they did.

Section 4:

·​ ​Empty dish detergent bottle cap
·​ ​Cotton balls
·​ ​One cigarette
·​ ​Lighter
·​ ​clay

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