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Book summary

No way!
No way, written by Sue Vyner, is a novel about Jessie’s life, a 13 year old girl who
has a lot of problems with her family, her dad is a violent man who finally left, her
mom is a very busy woman who works a lot and finally her big sister, Jude who is
16 years old. This story starts with Jessie’s memories and her telling her own story,
after her dad left Jessie’s mom was depressed, her sister found a boyfriend so she
wasn’t at home anymore, Jessie was really lonely and she was getting used to it,
until she notice something weird, her mom change her attitude, she start to dress
up nicely, use make up and she could see her mom happy again, it was something
unexpected, so she start to suspect that her mom was seeing someone, eventually
Jessie’s mom confess that she was actually seeing someone, his name was Steve,
she meet him in her job and he had a daughter who was 5 years old.
Jessie was happy for her mom but at the same time she was terrified, she didn’t
want the story to repeat like the one with her father, she thought that all men were
the same and she was scared about the fact of Steve being like that, she was also
scared about the idea of getting a new family so she start acting in a selfish way,
after a lot of tries her mom finally convinced her to meet Steve and give him a
chance, at the beginning she was very negative about him but she couldn’t find
something bad, until one day Jessie escape from home and Steve went to find her,
as he couldn’t take her home, him and her mom went into a fight and didn’t talk for
days, as this happened Jessie could see how her mom was getting depressed
again so she start to think that it was her fault, she start to blame herself until Steve
and Jessie’s mom got back together and sometime later they found out that
Jessie’s mom was pregnant, so when her mom told her the only thing she said was
“No way”
In my opinion this book is about real struggles in young people, especially when it
comes to family, now days there is a lot of violence at home, which is a real
problem and very common too. The fear of Jessie take her to act in a very selfish
way which is something almost everybody has done, so I think is truly based in real
life story, but still is a really entertaining book.

Valentina Hernandez 8B

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