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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 1 2 7 3 e1 1 2 8 1

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Analysis of a photochemical water splitting reactor with

supramolecular catalysts and a proton exchange membrane

C. Zamfirescu*, I. Dincer, G.F. Naterer

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), 2000 Simcoe Street North,
Oshawa, ON L1H 74K, Canada

article info abstract

Article history: In this paper, a new type of photochemical water splitting system is proposed and analyzed.
Received 29 November 2010 The system comprises two reactors in which photocatalytic half-reactions of water reduc-
Received in revised form tion and water oxidation are conducted. The two reactors are divided by a proton conducting
24 December 2010 membrane. Complex molecular devices based on ruthenium-(bipyridine)2þ
3 photosensi-
Accepted 28 December 2010 tizers are dissolved in both reactors, which generate electrons or holes when exposed to high
Available online 11 March 2011 energy photonic radiation, and act as catalysts for water splitting. The selected molecular
devices for water reduction have a unique property to enhance the existence time of
Keywords: photoelectrons, such that the likelihood of generated electron pairs to produce a molecule of
Hydrogen production hydrogen is increased. In this study, the physicalechemical processes are analyzed and the
Solar light main design parameters of the reactor are determined. The engineering design consists of
Photocatalytic method a photochemical reactor, a mass flow controller to supply the fresh water, and two fans that
Reactors extract the products of water splitting.
Copyright ª 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction thermochemical water splitting, photo-electrochemical cells,

and photocatalytic water splitting. In recent years, research
The most abundant source of energy on earth comes from on the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy of
solar irradiation. The majority of physical and chemical a fuel has gained momentum. Hydrogen fuel is viewed as
reactions encountered on earth, including photosynthesis and a promising means for storing solar energy because of its
water and air circulation in the atmosphere, are a direct or beneficial energetic and ecologic qualities. Moreover, the
indirect result of solar radiation. Fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural feedstock for solar hydrogen production is only water.
gas, etc.) were originally produced by photosynthesis and Water decomposition is a multi-electron chemical process.
solar heating. Solar radiation, although fluctuating over short For a complete reaction cycle, it needs two molecules of water
periods of time, is a constant source of energy over long-term to generate one molecule of oxygen and two molecules of
periods. Moreover, unlike conventional power generation hydrogen. The energy needed to drive the reaction at standard
stations, gradual expansion of solar power generating conditions is 4.915 eV. This energy can be generated from one
systems is relatively inexpensive [1]. photon of ultraviolet light with a wavelength shorter than
Several ways of harvesting and storing solar energy have 252.3 nm, or by two photons in the visible spectrum with
been developed over the past century. They include water a wavelength shorter than 504.5 nm, or four infrared photons
heating, steam generation with solar concentrators, solar of 1.23 eV. For a full reaction cycle to occur, 4 valence electrons
driven heat engines, solar ponds, photovoltaic panels, of two water molecules must be dislocated. This is normally

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (C. Zamfirescu), (I. Dincer), greg.naterer@ (G.F. Naterer).
0360-3199/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
11274 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 1 2 7 3 e1 1 2 8 1

not achieved with a single photon, even at high energy, hv

2H2 O þ 2e /H2 þ 2OH ; Vred ¼ 0:41 V; NHE: (2)
because one photon can dislocate a single electron only on
a higher energy band. Thus, at least two photons are needed It is a major technological challenge to maintain photo-
for driving a half cycle and the other two in a subsequent electrons for a sufficiently long duration at the active centre.
reaction to complete the water splitting process. A recently declassified proprietary technology of Phoenix
In nature, photosynthesis is the basic mechanism to split Canada Oil Ltd., developed by Brewer and Elvington [4]
the water molecule. It works through intermediate storage of demonstrated at a laboratory scale the water photo-reduc-
photoelectrons in complex catalytic cycles. The existing tion reaction, with supramolecular devices capable of gener-
commercial technology of splitting water is based on elec- ating multiple electrons and maintaining them at the active
trolysis, which can be driven by solar-derived electricity. In an center for a long enough duration. In this process, water is
electrolysis process, electrodes are used to “inject” electrons exposed to an electrically charged supramolecular complex
into water for driving the oxygen and hydrogen half-reactions that reduces water to hydrogen at the active centre. Simulta-
for splitting of water. As mentioned above, the energy to drive neously, the supramolecular complex is exposed to solar
the reaction is 1.23 eV in standard conditions, for 4 electrons. radiation, during which the incident photons dislocate
Thus, the difference of potential between the electrodes must multiple electrons. Electrons propagate along a molecular
be at least 1.23 V. The electricity required to drive electrolysis chain within nanoseconds and “recharge” the supramolecular
can be obtained from a photovoltaic panel or a solar heat complex with electrons. The supramolecular complex can be
engine, thereby assembling in this way a solar hydrogen placed on a support, or dissolved in water.
generation device. This paper extends the analysis of a new photochemical
One of the barriers of solar hydrogen generation is related to water splitting device proposed previously by the same
its high investment cost, as compared to hydrogen produced authors [5], by considering new paths for improved efficiency.
from fossil fuels (e.g., natural gas). In electrolysis driven by The reactor comprises a photocatalytic water reduction
solar energy, the high cost is caused by two factors. Firstly, the reactor, and a photocatalytic water oxidation reactor sepa-
electrodes for electrolysis must be plated with platinum group rated by a proton exchange membrane of nafion. The water
materials (PGM), which act as heterogeneous catalysts. It is oxidation reactor generates, according to Eq. (1), protons and
difficult to transfer electrons to water otherwise, since water is oxygen gas. It is continuously supplied with fresh water, while
not a conductive media. Secondly, photovoltaic cells and solar all other chemicals remain in solution, which keeps an acidic
heat engines are costly technologies with rather low efficiency pH. The oxygen rises up and it is continuously removed from
(8e25% maximum). Recent studies focused on the develop- the solution with a fan (vacuum pump or compressor). The
ment of supramolecular homogeneous catalysts dissolved in protons migrate through the membrane, due to a concentra-
a solution capable to transport electrons from the electrode’s tion differential. Cheap electrodes and an external wire are
surface to the water molecule or the other way around used to transfer electrons from the oxygen production to the
with high turnover rates. Geleti et al. [2] demonstrated hydrogen production reactor. On the photo-reduction reactor,
tetraruthenium homogeneous catalysts embedded in a bipyr- special chemical complexes are dissolved in water to reduce
idine molecular chain, capable of effectively oxidizing the protons according to reaction (2). In the same reactor, the
water molecule. Karunadasa et al. [3] discovered very active following reactions arise in competition with reaction (2),
homogeneous catalysts that evolve hydrogen from water with
turnover frequencies of 2.4 mol H2 per mol catalyst and per 2Hþ þ 2e /H2 ðgÞ (3)
second. When using such homogeneous catalysts, the need of
coating electrodes with PGM is eliminated and thus the cost of
the overall system may be more economically attractive. OH þ Hþ /H2 O: (4)
Another approach, which potentially eliminates the need
The role of an engineer consists of finding the best surface
of PV-panels and is believed to be one of the ways of producing
areas exposed to solar radiation and best catalyst concentra-
inexpensive and sustainable hydrogen fuel and oxygen is
tions that split the water molecule effectively and steadily.
photochemical water splitting through supramolecular
The paper examines the system design, and its performance
devices, capable of capturing incident solar radiation, gener-
and improvement recommendations. In the design, the
ating electrons or holes at the active centre where water can
supramolecular complexes, as mentioned above, are not
be reduced or oxidized, respectively. Such systems, currently
consumed during the process.
in development throughout the world, consist of supramo-
lecular complexes of organic molecules which possess active
metallic centers and mimic (partially) the natural photosyn-
thesis. The water photo-oxidizing reaction is according to 2. System description
2H2 OðlÞ/4Hþ þ 4e þ O2 ðgÞ; Vox ¼ þ0:82 V; NHE: (1) The conceptual design of the system is shown in Fig. 1, which
illustrates a vessel comprising two photochemical reactors
Here the active centre absorbs two electrons from one water separated by a proton exchange membrane (PEM). Both reac-
molecule under the influence of photonic radiation and for tors are exposed to solar radiation. On the left side, the water
a complete cycle two water molecules are required. The water photo-oxidation reactor is located, in which selected supra-
reduction reaction needs also two molecules of water molecular photo-catalysts are dissolved in a proper quantity
according to to generate electrical charges at reaction sites to oxidize water
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 1 2 7 3 e1 1 2 8 1 11275

O 2 out wall H 2 out
solar radiation

solar radiation
Exposure to

Exposure to
Water oxidation reactor Water reduction reactor
(dissolved supramolecular (dissolved supramolecular
complexes for water complexes for water
oxidation ) reduction)
2H 2O+2e-→H2 (g)+2OH -
2H 2O→O2 (g)+4H ++4e-
2OH-+2H +→2H2 O
+ Electrode 2H ++2e-→ H 2(g)
H+ - Electrode

Fresh Proton exchange

water in membrane
Electrons flow

Fig. 1 e Conceptual design of the photochemical water splitting reactor.

and produce oxygen gas and protons, according to Eq. (1). The sides. In a practical implementation, the photochemical
electrons are “donated” by supramolecular complexes to reactor can be constructed with a flat plate type geometry.
a positively charged electrode. Fresh water is continuously Some part of this incident radiation (UV and V spectra) is used
supplied to this reactor, while all other chemicals remain in for the photochemical reaction. The remaining portion
solution. The flow rate of fresh water is adjusted such that the (mostly IR) can be used to heat water by a flat panel below the
water level in the vessel remains constant. The protons photochemical reactor. A combined hydrogen and heating
released by the photochemical oxidation reaction are driven system can be devised in this way.
by a concentration gradient and they cross the proton
exchange membrane. In the water reduction reactor, selected
supramolecular complexes for photocatalytic reduction of 3. System analysis and photochemical
water to hydrogen are dissolved in proper concentration. process selection
These catalysts generate photoelectrons which facilitate
reactions (2)e(3) to occur. Electrons, which are transferred The photochemical system has four main components: the
from the oxygen-evolving reactor are donated at the electrode oxidation and reduction reactors, the proton exchange
surface to the supramolecular devices, which under the membrane and the electrodes. In this section, the main char-
influence of photonic radiation transmit negative charges to acteristics and modeling aspects of all four components are
the reaction sites. Water is not consumed in a steady-state analysed, in view of rational selection of the materials and for
operation; the only overall reaction in this reactor is that of improving the design of the complete system. In the subse-
proton reduction to form hydrogen gas. Above the liquid level, quent section, results are presented based on these models.
the product gases (oxygen and hydrogen, respectively) are
continuously extracted with the use of external fans, which 3.1. Water oxidation reactor
maintain low pressure in the system. In order to avoid effec-
tive water migration through the proton exchange membrane, There are many catalysts based on complex organic mole-
the pressure is maintained at about the same level on both cules and rare metals (especially PGMs) that are capable of
11276 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 1 2 7 3 e1 1 2 8 1

oxidizing water to evolve oxygen photocatalytically. Past One crucial issue with the operation of this oxidation
results were summarized by several authors, e.g., Amouyal [6], mechanism regards the nature of the electron acceptor. The
MacDonnell [7]. Ruthenium based complexes based on electron acceptors consume in the reaction; therefore for
4-picoline and 2,20 -bipyridine were synthesized and charac- a continuous process one must supply the process with fresh
terized by Duan et al. [8]. They promote photochemical water electron acceptors and remove the consumed acceptors.
oxidation. Bipyridine is a key chemical compound which can Many types of electron acceptors are known, i.e., [Co(NH3)5Cl]
be linked to a ruthenium metal active center to have the role Cl2, Na2S2O8 (Duan et al. [9]), K2S2O8 (Mori et al. [10]), AgNO3
of photosensitizer. The photosensitizer “dislocates” electrons (Tessier et al. [11]), S2O8 or [Co(NH3)5Cl]2þ (Christensen et al.
each time when the active center is hit by photons of appro- [12]). For example, if the persulfate S2O2
8 is used as an electron
priate energy. Bipyridine is derived from pyridine C5H5N, acceptor, the photo-excitation yields
which is an aromatic heterocyclic organic compound. Bipyr-  2þ hv  3þ
2 RuðbpyÞ3 þS2 O2
8 /2 RuðbpyÞ3 þ2SO2
4 : (5)
idine, with chemical formula (C5H4N)2, comprises two pyri-
dine rings. A typical photosensitizer embeds a ruthenium The peroxodisulfate (S2 O2
8 )
is consumed as it transforms in
atom in three bipyridine molecules and it is known as sulphate (SO2 4 ). Once the photosensitizer is excited, it is able
[Ru(bpy)3]2þ. This molecule is both a good reductant and to react with the water molecule at the active centre. Chris-
oxidant. tensen et al. [12] used colloidal RuO2 as catalyst which receives
The characteristics of the rutheniumebipyridine electrons from the exited [Ru(bpy)3]3þ. The compete catalytic
[Ru(bpy)3]2þ complex are discussed here in view of selecting cycle reads:
an appropriate molecular device for water oxidation as part of  3þ RuO2  2þ
4 RuðbpyÞ3 þ2H2 O / 4 RuðbpyÞ3 þO2 þ 4Hþ : (6)
the oxygen production reactor design. Fig. 2a shows the
molecular structure of [Ru(bpy)3]2þ. The molecule has the In reaction (6), the photosensitizer steals one electron from
ability to store electronic energy in an excited orbital around the catalyst (RuO2) at each photocatalytic cycle; then, during 4
the Ru atom. It absorbs photons at 450 nm (2.75 eV) and catalytic cycles it charges with þ4e “holes” and becomes able
evolves [7] to an excited single molecule [Ru(bpy)3]2þ**, which to split 2 water molecules.
rapidly loses energy (0.65 eV) to become the more stable triplet An electron acceptor mentioned in the literature is meth-
structure [Ru(bpy)3]2þ* that remains stable for 860 ns, enough ylviologen (MV2þ), a chemical molecule based on the bipyr-
time for one quarter of the water oxidation reaction to be idine structure (Lyris et al. [13]; Autrey et al. [14]). However,
catalyzed, according to Fig. 2b. The [Ru(bpy)3]2þ* donates 1 coupling rutheniumebipyridine systems with methylviologen
electron to an electron acceptor and loses 0.57 eV, while as electron acceptor, in order to oxidize water is improbable e
transforming itself in [Ru(bpy)3]3þ. In this state, it becomes as reported by Christensen et al. [12] e because the oxidation
catalytically active to assist one quarter of the water oxidation process is slower than the electrical charge lifetime in the
reaction by delivering 1.53 eV and receiving 1 electron from system. Another recyclable (non-sacrificial) electron acceptor
water, while returning at the ground state [Ru(bpy)3]2þ. Four has been identified by Hauenstein et al. [15], namely mercury-
successive catalytic cycles are needed to complete one water II. The oxygen generation with mercury-II as an electron
oxidation cycle. The energy efficiency of this process can be acceptor has also been investigated by Christensen et al. [12],
defined as the useful energy (transmitted to the water oxida- who show that upon irradiation of water containing
tion reaction) divided by the photonic energy. From Fig. 2b, the [Ru(bpy)3]2þ at pH 3 and 0.01 mol/dm3 Hg(NO3)2 and colloidal
efficiency of the catalytic cycle for water photochemical RuO2 of 3.2  105 mol/dm3, the rate of oxygen production was
oxidation through the rutheniumebipyridine complex at about (1.3  0.3)  108 mol/dm3min. However, the quantum
450 nm is 55.5%. efficiency of oxygen production was rather low, i.e., 0.25%.

Charge 2+ [RuBpy]
0.65 eV

[RuBpy] EA

0.57 eV
hν@ 450 nm [RuBpy]
2.75 eV
+ -
0.5H 2O+hν→0.25O 2(g)+H (aq)+EA
η=1.53eV/2.75eV=55.5% 0.5H 2O

ΔH=1.53 eV
ΔG=-0.71 eV
Ruthenium atom ΔS=7.5 meV
0.25O 2(g)+H (aq)
Pyridine ring

a 2+
Molecular structure of [RuBpy] b Water oxidation cycle at 450 nm

Fig. 2 e Photo-oxidation of water molecule with [RuBpy]2D complex [Discovery Studio 3.0 has been used to generate the
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 1 2 7 3 e1 1 2 8 1 11277

In previous work [5], the photo-oxidation system in Ref. [12] membrane is also permeable to water, but water migration can
has been selected for the oxidation reactor of the photochemical be minimized through the adjustment of the osmotic pressure.
water splitting device from Fig. 1. However, the oxygen Proton exchange membranes (PEMs) are extensively used in fuel
production rate of the system reported in Ref. [12] is relatively cells and water electrolysers. In a water electrolyser, a gradient of
low as compared with more recent studies. The authors found proton concentration across the membrane is continuously
the results of Duan et al. [8] to be more suitable as a basis for maintained by application of an electric voltage between the
developing the newly proposed system, which reported cathode and anode. In our case, the gradient of proton concen-
a generation rate of 80 mdm3/h of oxygen at a turnover rate of tration is assured by creating a proton source in the water
0.23 s1 and a turnover number (TON) of 550. The system oxidation reactor, and a proton sink in the water reduction
operates in pH 7 solution and uses the following complex as reactor. Therefore, the externally applied electrical current
photosensitizer: [Ru(bpy)2(dcb)]2þ, where dcb ¼ 4,40 -dicarbox- which makes a PEM electrolyser work is replaced in the case of
ylethyl. The photosensitizer functions similarly as the our photocatalytic system with the flux of externally applied
[Ru(bpy)3]2þ analyzed above. Once excited by the photonic photonic radiation.
radiation, the photosensitizer releases electrons to the electron Fig. 3 illustrates the differences between a typical PEM
acceptor, which in this case was S2O2 8 . Once it donates elec- electrolysis cell and our system, both of which utilize Nafion
trons, the electron acceptor transforms irreversibly according to membranes for proton transport. The electrolysis cell is
S2O2 2
8 / 2SO4 and it remains in the solution. The activated characterized by a complex flow system:
photosensitizer delivers electrons to the catalyst [RuL(pic)3]
(pic ¼ 4-picoline, H2L ¼ 2,6-pyridine-carboxylic acid). When  the transport of protons is mainly due to electro-osmotic
activated, this generates one oxygen molecule per four catalytic forces applied at the two porous electrodes (the anode acts
cycles. The preparation and performance characteristics of the as proton source and the cathode as a proton sink);
system [8] are indicated in Table 1.  transport of protons by Fick’s diffusion is in general
The proton production rate is four times higher than the neglected;
oxygen yield rate. Based on the data reported in Table 1, this is  convective transport of protons occurs and it is accounted
8 mmol (Hþ)/dm3s. The rate of fresh water to be added to the for, if there is a significant pressure difference between the
system is double than the moles of produced oxygen, namely anode and cathode sides to create a Darcy flow;
it is 4 mmol (H2O)/dm3s.  water is transported across the membrane by the Darcy flow
We attempt to design and control the reactor such that it under pressure differences;
operates at (or as close as possible to) design conditions  water is also transported by diffusion due to concentration
reported in Table 1, which are demonstrated by real measure- differences;
ments. In order to accomplish this, the products (oxygen and  water is also transported by electro-osmosis drag (protons
protons) must be continuously drained out of the system, and pull some water molecules).
fresh water must be added to the system in the appropriate
rate. Extraction of oxygen is relatively easy. With reference to In our system, however, there is no external potential
Fig. 1, this can be performed by a fan (or a vacuum pump) to applied on the two sides of the membrane. Therefore, the
slightly de-pressurize the space above the liquid level in the main driving force of proton transport is caused by a concen-
reactor. Extraction of the protons can be made via a proton tration gradient. The water oxidation reactor contains an acid
exchange membrane, which is discussed in the next section. solution, characterized by a high concentration of protons,
and a low pH. The typical pH values e used in this study e are
3.2. Proton exchange membrane indicated in the figure. In the oxidation reactor there is a pH of
7.2 (see previous section), while in the reduction reactor e
Nafion is used as the proton exchange membrane, with the role which contains a basic solution e the pH is 9.1 (see next
to extract protons produced in the oxidation reactor, and section). Therefore the concentration difference can be
deliver them to the water reduction reactor e see Fig. 1. Nafion approximated with
is a sulfonated tetrafluoroethylene based fluoropolymerecopol-   
DCHþ ¼ 1= V0 10pHoxy  10pHred (8)
ymer. The membrane is impermeable to oxygen and hydrogen.
Therefore, these gases do not have any chance to mix together as where V0 is the molar volume of 24.5 dm /mol, approximately
they are collected from two separate compartments. The 655 molHþ/m3.

Table 1 e Characteristics for photochemical water oxidation system by [8].

Parameter Characteristics Remarks

Photosesitizer Bi(2,2’-bipyridil)ruthenium-II(dcb); [Ru(bpy)2(dcb)] 2þ

5.0  104 mol/dm3
Catalyst Tris(4-picoline)ruthenium-L; [RuL(pic)3] 5.0  105 mo/dm3
Electron acceptor Dissolved Na2S2O8 9.0  103 mol/dm3
Illumination Filtered light with 400 nm < l < 780 nm at 0.3 W/cm2 w900 W/dm3
pH pH adjuster e phosphate/acetonitrile (10/1.1 per volume) 7.2
O2 yield rate At turnover number 550 and turnover frequency 0.23 s1 2 mmol/dm3s
11278 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 1 2 7 3 e1 1 2 8 1

O2 ,out H2 ,out O2 ,out H2 ,out

H2 O,out Anode Cathode H2 O,out

H+ High H+
H2 O,ΔP concentration
Low H+
Water concentration
H2O,diffusion oxidation Water
reactor H+ reduction
(pH=7.2) reactor
PEM osmosis PEM (pH=9.1)

H2O,in H2O,in

Electrons Electrons

out in
Flows in a PEM electrolyser cell b Proton transport in photochemical
(main driving force: electroosmotic) reactor (driving force: pH difference)

Fig. 3 e (a) Proton exchange and flow processes in a PEM electrolysis cell, and (b) the combined photochemical reactor.

Fick’s law for diffusion can be used to estimate the flow the water reduction to hydrogen. The two-branch complex
rate of protons across the membrane. with Ru light absorbing atoms can collect up to 2 electrons and
  convert trivalent Rh to monovalent Rh, which further reduces
J ¼ D (9) the water molecule. This feature is unprecedented and allows
for multi-electron photochemistry.
With a 5 W monochromatic LED array, the yield of hydrogen
where dx represents the coordinate along the membrane was a maximum 10.9 mmol in 4 h for a wavelength of 470 nm
thickness. The typical proton diffusion coefficient for the nafion (blue light). The electric-to-photons efficiency of the illumi-
membrane, according to Haddad et al. [16], is D ¼ 4.5  109m2/ nation system has been found as 1.3%. At a wavelength of
s, and a typical thickness of 0.3 mm. Therefore, the proton flux 520 nm, the hydrogen production rate diminishes substan-
is 0.01 mol/m2s, which corresponds to a proton current density tially. Brewer and Elvington [4] measured the produced
through the membrane of w0.95 A/cm2. hydrogen, both in the gas phase (above the reactor) with
a chromatograph, and dissolved in liquid, which was calcu-
3.3. Water reduction reactor lated using Henry’s law, with the reported solubility of
hydrogen in various solvents.
For photocatalytic water reduction, we focus on the system by
Brewer and Elvington [4], also described in Brown et al. [17], 3.4. Electron transport subsystem
Arachchige et al. [18], and Rangan et al. [19]. In total, 7 molec-
ular complexes were investigated from which 4 have been The equivalent electrical circuit of the photochemical water
dissolved in water and 3 in a solution of acetonitrile (CH3CN). splitting device is presented in Fig. 5. The voltage generated by
The molecular compound that showed the maximum yield the photo-sensitizers dissolved in the oxygen and hydrogen
was [{(bpy)2Ru(dpp)}2RhBr2](PF6)5 in a basic aqueous solution of production reactors are >0.82 V, NHE and 1.8 V, NHE [17],
pH 9.1. This molecular complex has two 2,20 -bipyridine (bpy) respectively. The generated energy is used to drive the half
branches that embed one ruthenium (Ru) atom each. The reactions, which consume 0.82 V and 0.41 V, respectively. The
structure of the subunit [{(bpy)2Ru(dpp)}2RhBr2]5þ is presented remaining electric energy is dissipated through various losses,
in Fig. 4. The Ru atom is the light absorber (LA) and it transfers
one electron each time it is hit by a photon. The compound acts
as a molecular device which generates two photoelectrons at
the active centre for each catalytic cycle. The electrons are
long-lived at the catalytic centre where the hydrogen-evolving
reaction occurs according to 2H2 O þ ED/H2 ðgÞ þ 2OH þ EDþ
(where ED stands for electron donor).
Bipyridine has the role of a terminal ligand (TL) that
possesses the quality of long-lived metal-to-ligand charge
transfer excited states. This facilitates the presence of elec-
trical charge in the system for enough time to react with the
water molecule (as mentioned also above). The complex (dpp)
represents 2,3-bis(2-pyridil)pyrazine, which has the role of Fig. 4 e The multi-electron molecular device
a bridging ligand that transfers the electrical charge to an [{(bpy)2Ru(dpp)}2RhBr2]5D for water photochemical
electron collector, which is a metal atom, in this case rhodium reduction [Discovery Studio 3.0 has been used to generate
(Rh). This molecular complex is unique and shows effectively the molecule].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 1 2 7 3 e1 1 2 8 1 11279

Protons flow Table 2 e Characteristics for photochemical water

reduction system [18].
Parameter Characteristics Remarks

Oxygen Hydrogen Molecular [{(bpy)2Ru(dpp)}2RhBr2](PF6)5 65 mmol/dm3

evolving evolving device dissolved in CH3CN
>0.82 V, 1.8 V, Electron N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA) 1.5 mol/dm3
NHE NHE donor
0.82 V, 0.41 V, Illumination Monochrome l ¼ 470 nm 15 W/dm3
NHE NHE and l ¼ 520 nm
pH pH adjuster CF3SO3H, 4.46 mL 9.1
total volume
H2 yield rate Maximum achieved during 1.15 mmol/dm3s
3 tests at l ¼ 470 nm
Electrons flow H2 yield rate Maximum achieved during 0.33 mmol/dm3s
3 tests at l ¼ 520 nm
Cumulated losses
H2 yield rate Averaged for solar 0.75 mmol/dm3s
< 1.39 V
radiation (TON w38)
Fig. 5 e Equivalent electrical circuit of the photochemical
water splitting device.

 the volume (and therefore the content of chemicals) of the

reactors must be adjusted such that the two reactors can be
coupled by the interface condition. The flow rate of protons
including ohmic, concentration and activation loses at the
produced in the oxidation reactor must be the same as the
electrodes. For the system to be self-sustaining, these must be
flow rate of protons crossing the membrane, and the same
lower than 1.39 V. Practical experience with PGM coated
as the number of reduced protons in the water reduction
electrodes in fuel cell and electrolysis cells shows that the
over-potentials are about 0.4e0.6 V.
 the surfaces exposed to solar radiation of each reactor must
The ionic molecular devices attach to the electrode surface
be calculated such that the reaction conditions e regarding
where they exchange electrons (donate or accept) with high
the illumination e are met;
activity. Therefore, there is no need for expensive catalysts
 the parameters of two fans must be specified (flow rate per
(like PGM) to be coated on the electrode surface. Basic graphite
capacity of reactor) to assure that the oxygen and hydrogen
electrodes or lower cost titanium dioxide or iron-based elec-
are swept out at the rate corresponding to the reaction;
trodes, with relatively low activity, can be deposited on the
 a mass flow controller for dosing fresh water must be pro-
electrode surface. Hematite and titanium dioxide are
grammed to deliver the required water in the oxidation
preferred candidates because of lower cost and they have
reactor and thus maintain the desired pH.
photo-catalytic activity in the ultraviolet and visible spectra.
In a typical approach [20], titanium dioxide is deposited on
Based on the above remarks, the main parameters char-
glass as a transparent layer and it shows high activity when
acterizing the design geometry are determined and listed in
interacting with a [Ru(bpy)3]2þ photo-sensitizer.
Table 3. The assumed geometrical configuration of the system
consists of a compound flat plate panel having:

 glass exposed to incident radiation on tilt surface; the

4. Results and discussion average incident radiation is assumed 250 W/m2day;
 a titanium dioxide transparent layer acting as photo-
Assume that the photocatalytic water splitting device e based electrode;
on the concept introduced in Fig. 1 e maintains the reaction  a planar reaction room for water oxidation with thickness
conditions in its two reactors. The composition of chemicals dO2 where fresh water is supplied, from where oxygen
in the oxidation reactor is summarized in Table 1. Table 2 evolves and the solution is prepared according to Table 1;
presents the chemical composition in the water reduction  the oxidation reactor is assumed to absorb light in the UV
reactor. The processes in both reactors were demonstrated in and highest range of visible spectrum, namely 300e420 nm;
the lab by the respective authors [8,17]. Both investigators  a transparent proton exchange membrane allowing protons
used batch reactors and artificial sunlight in their tests. This to pass;
paper shows a device which transforms the batch reactors in  a planar reaction room for water reduction with thickness
flow reactors. As discussed above, oxygen and hydrogen gas dH2 from where hydrogen evolves; the reactor absorbs light
are continuously drawn out from the process, while protons in the visible spectrum in the range 420e600 nm;
flow through the proton exchange membrane under the  a flat plate solar collector for water heating placed below the
driving force created by the pH difference between the two hydrogen production reactor and separated by an IR trans-
reactors. parent filter which absorbs radiation in the lowest range of
The following issues affect the design of the photocatalytic the visible spectrum and in infrared, for wavelengths higher
water splitting device: than 600 nm.
11280 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 1 2 7 3 e1 1 2 8 1

Table 3 e Main geometric design parameters of the water splitting device.

Design parameter Equation Value Remarks
R l2 IO2 ¼ 20 W=m2
Absorbed radiation I¼ l1 Il dl Calculated based on reference irradiance
IH2 ¼ 70 W=m2
spectrum from [21]
Iheating ¼ 160 W=m2
VH2  IH2  n_ H2 2 VH2 000
Volume ratio of reactors 000 ¼ ¼ 1:5 n_ , mols produced per second and volume
VO2  IO2  n_ O2 1 VO2

dH2 VH2  A dH2

Thickness ratio of the ¼ ¼ 1:5 A is the panel surface
dO2 VO2  A dO2
plate reactors
n_ H2
Proton exchange ¼ 0:005 APEM ¼ 0:005n_ H2 Assumed 0.3 mm PEM thick n_ H2 ,
membrane area in mmol H2 per s

The design calculations show that the water reduction one selected for the present reactor design (the selection has
reactor will have a higher volume than that of water oxidation been made based on the criterion of maximum hydrogen yield).
and that 8% for the oxygen-evolving reaction, 28% for the The low value of the efficiency justifies the practical
hydrogen-evolving reaction and the rest of 64% is delivered to application of the system only on the basis of reduced
the solar water-heating panel. investment cost, which eventually can result in lower lifetime
The efficiency of hydrogen production is low; for example if cost for hydrogen production as compared to other systems.
only the hydrogen reactor is considered, with a 5 W mono- However, at this early stage, the system is not enough efficient
chrome light source with 1.3% electricity-to-light efficiency at to compete with other hydrogen production systems because
470 nm during 2 h the hydrogen production is only 8 mmol. of its low efficiency. Heat delivered to the infrared solar panel
Thus 468 J are consumed to produce hydrogen equivalent with is a useful effect, and with such a case, the system efficiency
8 mmol  0.286 J/mmol ¼ 2.29 J; the efficiency is 0.48%. More can be defined as:
radiation energy is needed if one considers the combined
reactor for hydrogen and oxygen production; the efficiency n_ 00  HHVH2 þ 0:9  Iheating
hcog ¼ ; (11)
becomes 0.31%. A general definition for production efficiency IO2 þ IH2 þ Iheating
of the reactor proposed in Fig. 1 is:
where it has been assumed that there are 10% thermal losses
n_  HHVH2 at the solar thermal panel, and the subscript “cog” refers to
h¼ (10)
IO2 þ IH2 cogeneration (of hydrogen and heating). The efficiency of the
00 cogeneration system becomes 58%, which is due to the heat-
where n_ is the hydrogen production rate in mmol/m2s and I is
ing component. The hydrogen generation contribution to the
the intensity of incident solar radiation per unit of reactor
efficiency is about 0.11%.
surface measured in W/m2.
A simple system (which includes mainly a glass panel and
Fig. 6 presents the efficiency of hydrogen production for
a nafion based porous media) can cost e considering the cost
three cases. The only difference among the three cases regards
of transparent glass e below 10$ per square meter. The lab
only the water reduction reactor, namely the molecular
experiments are at an early stage of development. It is
complex has been changed. The considered molecular
believed that the system can be optimized to reach more than
complexes are those published in the paper by Arachchige et al.
1% efficiency e a fact that can lower the cost of produced
[18]; note that the complex [{(bpy)2Ru(dpp)}2RhBr2](PF6)5 is the
hydrogen below 1 $/kg.


5. Conclusions
This paper proposes a device for hydrogen production through
η, %

photocatalytic water splitting that uses two photo-reactors. In

0.30 the first reactor, water is photo-oxidized to oxygen gas, while
in the second, hydrogen is generated photocatalytically.
0.29 Several chemical reactions occur concurrently in the second
reactor: proton reduction, water reduction with hydroxide
formation, hydroxide and proton recombination to form
water. The overall result is hydrogen and oxygen generation,
without consumption of any chemicals. This result is
conjectural because in the original system by the authors
[8,17] electron donor and electron acceptors were consumed
in the reaction. The newly proposed system eliminates the
Fig. 6 e The production efficiency of photocatalytic water electron donors and acceptors by inserting an electron con-
splitting. ducting media between the two reactors (electrodes and
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 1 2 7 3 e1 1 2 8 1 11281

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