Cross For The Accused

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Cross for the Accused

H: Mr. Witness, you said that upon finding the phone on January 28, 2019, you tried to return it to the
owner but you were not able to because they were already gone, is that correct?
B: Yes.

H: So when you weren’t able to catch up with the owner and you noticed that the phone was dead, you
decided to bring the phone home?
B: Yes.

H: You did not think of turning it over to any of the staff of Read and Brew Café?
B: No.

H: When you got home and charged the phone you found, did you turn it on?
B: No.

H: So there was no possibility for the owner to contact her phone in your possession because it was
turned off, despite it being charged, is that correct?
B: I suppose so.

H: You suppose so? Did you leave your contact number to the Read and Brew Café in case someone
comes looking for the phone?
B: I did not.

H: That’s right, because you did not inform the establishment about your find, correct?
K: Objection, your Honor. Already answered.
H: I withdraw the question, your Honor.

H: The next morning, on January 29, 2019, when you tried to give the phone to one of the guards, was
the phone turned on then?
B: No.

H: From the moment you found it on January 28 at around 9:20 p.m. up to January 29 at around 1:00
p.m., you never turned the phone on, even when the battery was already sufficiently charged, is that
B: Yes.

H: When refused by the guard, did you try to turn it over to other authorities?
K: Objection, your Honor. The use of the word “authorities” is vague.
H: Did you try to turn it over to the police station when you were refused by the guard of Read and Brew
B: I thought they will also just refuse it.

H: So you did not?

B: No.

H: When you were able to communicate with the owner and agreed to meet at 1:00 P.M. of the next
day, January 30, 2019, did you come as agreed?
B: No.

H: No more further questions, your Honor.

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