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The Roles and Responsibilities of Human Resource Management in Digicel


Name: Annisa Lemonious

Centre No.:

Candidate No.:

Territory: Jamaica

School: Distinction College (kingston)

Table of content



Aims and Objectives……………………………………………………..5

Literature Review………………………………………………………..6



Analysis and Interpretation………………………………….…………..9




Presentation of Data……………………………………………………..14


The completion of this Internal Assessment would not have been possible without the help of Almighty
God for giving me the knowledge, dignity, wisdom and strength to be able to push forward until this
research has been completed. Thanks to my mother for providing me with healthy foods to keep my body
fully energized. Also, a enormous thanks to my friends in encouraging me and my teacher in giving me this
opportunity to do a research on this exciting topic.


Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on to recruit,
manage and providing direction and guidance for the people who work in an organization. Additional
activities sponsored by the HR management, however, how ever, focuses on planning the work force needs
of the business; recruiting and selecting appropriate staff using a variety of techniques; training appraising
and developing staff at every stage of their careers and measuring and monitoring staff performance.

The researcher will them find out the purpose of HR Managers, while exploring the roles and
responsibilities of Human Resource Management within the “Digicel Mobile Phone Network .”

Aims and Objectives

To help with the investigation of this research the researcher has come up with various number of some and
Objectives on roles and responsibilities of Human Resource Department.

These are the aims:

 The HRM strategies aim to support programmes for improving organizational effectiveness by
developing policies in such areas as knowledge management, talent management and generally
creating ‘a great place to work’.
 HRM aims to ensure that the organization obtains and retain the skilled, committed and well-
motivated workforce it needs.
 HRM aims to support the development of firms-specific knowledge and skills that are the result
organizational learning process.
 HRM aims to enhance motivation, job engagement and commitment by introducing policies and
processes that ensure that people are valued and rewarded for what they do and achieve and for the
levels of skill and competence they reach.

In having these aims, following objectives were derived by the researcher:

 Defining Organizational Structure and Driving Productivity.

 Building Coordination Between Organizational Departments.
 Offering Employee Satisfaction.
 Keeping up with the Societal And Ethical Models.

Literature Review

Human Resource Management is a strategic approach to managing employment relation which emphasizes
that leveraging people capacities is critical to gain sustainable competitive advantage, this being achieved
in a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programs and practices (Bratton J and Gold J, 2003).
The actual to abilities the human being as a capital. Each organization has to much cash to commence the
business but have not professional bodies to use them at the right price and at the right time. And HR is
strategic partner of the business which runs with the business and takes the business towards the success
(iftikar). The HR Department is responsible for hiring and firing employees, training workers, maintaining
interoffice relationship and interpreting employment laws so that the organization run efficiently behind
the scenes. The HR department can be summed up into six functions. One of the primary functions of the
human resources department is to oversee hiring and recruiting within an organization. It also actively
recruits, screens, interviews and hires qualified candidates for open positions. An HR's main job is to
motivate employees, train them to be better at their work, recruit employees and sustain them. Policies are
made by the HR team, which are followed by the company and its employees. They design a criteria that is
best suited for the job description and hire the right person for each specific job. With businesses trying to
keep up to date with technology many of them helps to put HR department in the spotlight. The company
is renowned for delivering best value, best services and best network. The core elements of the Digicel
2030 transformation see it undertaking a complete re-design of the organizational structure. This is good
by putting customers in control and making a commitment to deliver a superior super fast network


The researcher investigated the company to gain knowledge on the roles and responsibilities of the human
Resources Management in the organization.

While doing this project the researcher gained her information using a number of primary and secondary
sources. For the primary sources a few included: overt information and questionnaires; secondary sources
employed included business website and internet.

The research instrument used by the researcher is questionnaire. The researcher chose to use questionnaires
because it may reach a large mass in a short period. The questionnaires were given directly to the
respondents and were guarantee confidentiality a major importance. They were also encouraged not to with
each other and were asked to be honest. Random sample were used to assist the researcher in choosing a
sample population for her to investigate.

The investigation consist of nine (20) employees from the organization; ten (10) were males and ten (10)
were females employees realized they were being observed. The members of the sample where all members
with three (3) years experience.

The questionnaires were administered to the population on the 5th of January 2019 and they were collected
on the 9th of January 2019.


The researcher investigated “The Roles and responsibilities of Human Resource Management in Digicel
Mobile Phone Network”. This network provider operating in 33 markets across the Caribbean, Central

America and Oceania regions. The company is owned by Denis O'Brien a Irish billionaire who is
incorporated in Bermuda, and based in Jamaica. It has about 14 million wireless users. Digicel Mobile
Phone Network was founded April 19, 2001. There products are mobile money. In 2018 they had 6,500
employees; this organization subsidiaries from Digicel, Trends Media Group and Prism Services Jamaica.
It is also a private company. The Digicel 2030 global transformation programmer sees it promising
customer a completely new made possible by a more agile, customer-center application of resources and
investment. Digicel is one of the first communications and entertainment providers in the world to initiate
a wide scale transformation agenda.

Analysis and Interpretation

The researcher has managed to attain knowledge that Digicel Mobile Phone Network operates in a private
company. The mission statement of digicel is to aim to mobilize and distribute resources across Jamaica

communities to improve education at the early childhood and primary school levels increase access and
stimulate sustainable entrepreneurial activity. But before those mission statement were made, their were
vision statement. The company's vision statement aims to invest in sustainable development programmes
for the sole purpose of building more stronger more resilient communities in the countries where we
operate. This company has grown more and more in getting additional customers only in giving to charity,
which brings residence heart more to them. Their goals have improved students mind to learn more about
their subjects and curricular activities in schools.


From the information seen from the research, the researcher has seen it fit to conclude that roles and
responsibilities in HR department is extremely important to all organizations creates a excellent customers

The other conclusion the researcher comes to is the management style which led to the high income earnings
which is caused by the enormous number of customer for Digicel.


The researcher recommends that Digicel Mobile Phone Network continues to use their current form of
leadership as it has benefited their organization through the years.

The researcher recommends that the objectives, vision statement and mission statement used currently is
very effective and has helped the company to become a “fierce money making” company.

To keep up to date on the works done. The researcher recommends Head of Department (HOD) keep regular
and current records of the work done by the department.

Reference/ Bibliography

Clayton T. (2002). “Why You Should Care About Record Management”. America.

Rao. (2007). Human Resource Management, Second edition. India: Excel books.

http://www.abahe.couk/business-administrator/Quality-Management-Systems.polf: linked received on
March 25, 2013



Instructions: This questionnaire consist of nine (9) questions. Please place a tick and suggest an answer on
the lines provides. Do NOT put your name on the questionnaire.

1. Indicate your gender.


2. To which age group do you belong?

20-25 years old
26-31 years old
32 and up

3. How long you been an employee of this organization?

18 and up

4. What is Human Resource Department?

5. What are the roles and responsibilities of HR department?

6. Does the Human Resource Manager help to motivate employee?


7. How often does the department update it’s system?

8. What are the types of teams is management involved in?

9. Have you seen any growth in the company?

10. If yes, explain your answer

11. What solution do you think will foster the growth of the business
Practice good many management
Excellent record keeping
Improvement of management skills

12. What's the best option to prevent customers from changing to other networks?
Discount off products
Advertisement for buying a Digicel SIM card gets a chance to win a phone
More MB for activated data

Presentation of Data

Question #1: Number of male and female

Figure 1
The pie charts above shows 50% of both males and females.

Question #11 : What solution do you think will foster the growth of the business?

Skills Records Money Others

Figure 2

The bar graph above shows that the solution for the factors is improvement of management skill
with 40% of the sample while 30% indicate practice good money management as well as 20%
indicate excellent record keeping. It has indicated that 10% indicate others for the solution.

Question #12 : What can be done to prevent customers from changing to other networks?

Chart Title








More MB Discount Win Phone Other's


Figure 3

The bar graph above shows that 40% of the sample indicates that more MB for activated data helps
to keep customers with Digicel while 30% indicate discounts on product. Both 15% for
advertisement for buying a SIM card has a chance to win a phone and others.


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