Yaddle Daddle

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Because reality is the only thing that is real in existence. Truth is an imagined concept of an answer to an
open ended question

 The best and most random idea comes when you should be sleeping; the time when you should be
recharging your energy, but instead being awake enough to think that you are. It is a simple equation of
transfer of energy. Your mind begins to process what would randomly be expressed into dreams.
Moreover, when the brain is programmed to be asleep at a certain time, while you are aptly awake,
your supposed projection of the dream is transformed to a sensible and abstract idea- thus allowing a
conscious peek to ones own subconscious mind .

 Fear is the manifested essence of doubt. When one says you fear something or someone, it is
subsequent to a certain end result which is devastating to us. Is it is so, then fearing god, is doubting

 Life and death are both circumstance and choice. You are alive because you choose to be alive.
Freedom grants you the power, the control and the strength of a decision; and with that- is the choice
between life and death, per se. Eitherway, there is no easy path. But to whatever extent ,one may
create a choice. There is of course the ever lingering question: when is the fulfillness of life? What is
the absolution of freedom ? Where is the summit of one’s willpower? Quite simply, the answer is his,
and his alone. A choice.

 How is it that our feet that have once walked countless miles of fields and roads ended up walking
around malls, and it seems normal.


because one-liners are easier to read
March 21 - April 19
All living creatures are mortal; they will pass away someday

April 20 - May 20
Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse

May 21 - June 20
As you make your bed so you most lie in it

June 21 -July 22
Believe in yourself and follow your dreams and remember life is an one extraordinary adventure

July 23 -August 22
Taking any advices without consulting a nutty man may be harmful
August 23 -September 22
Damn it... i haven't got new notification

September 23 -October 22
I guess i have to go to my bed for sleeping

October 23 -November 21
Better do it than wish it done...

November 22 -December 21
There is no rose without thorn.

December 22 -January 19
Life must be joking, otherwise, I will do it

January 20 -February 18
Most men seek wealth; all men seek happiness

February 19 -March 20
What the heart thinks, the tongue speaks

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