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ELSEVIER Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276

Neogene tectonic evolution and exhumation of the southern

Ecuadorian Andes: a combined stratigraphy and fission-track approach
Michael Steinmann 1 , Dominik Hungerbühler 2 , Diane Seward 3 , Wilfried Winkler *
Geological Institute, ETH-Zürich, ETH-Zentrum, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Received 29 January 1998; revised version received 11 March 1999; accepted 11 March 1999


Coastal marine and continental sedimentary facies of Middle to Late Miocene age are exposed in the Andes of
southern Ecuador (Cuenca, Girón–Santa Isabel, Loja, Malacatos–Vilcabamba and Catamayo–Gonzanamá Basins). The
chronostratigraphy of the basin series was established by zircon fission-track dating on a total of 120 tephra layers.
Subsequently, the timing of tectonic events was estimated through the well-dated stratigraphic sequences and intervening
unconformities. Sedimentation from ³15 to 9 Ma (termed Pacific Coastal Stage) was dominantly of coastal marine
type, extending over an area far greater than the present basin perimeters. It ended when a period of east–west-oriented
compression at ³9.5–8 Ma exhumed the region, and sedimentation was then restricted to smaller basins (termed
Intermontane Stage). These Late Miocene continental sediments were for the first time sourced from the west in the rising
Western Cordillera. Apatite fission-track analysis was applied to some of the tephras in the Cuenca Basin and also to the
older (Eocene, 42–35 Ma) Quingeo Basin series in order to quantify the basin histories with respect to timing and amount
of burial and later exhumation. In the Quingeo Basin burial of the oldest sediments reached temperatures of ¾100ºC at
18 Ma, when they started to cool down during a period of exhumation. This process preceded the Pacific Coastal Stage
development of the other basins. In the Cuenca Basin, the oldest sediments were buried to temperatures of ca. 120ºC
by 9 Ma, when a period of inversion began and a phase of erosion was dominant. This timing correlates well with that
estimated from structural evidence. At ca. 6 Ma the cooling rate slowed down and maybe even reverted to a small increase
in temperature until 3 Ma, when the final stages of exhumation took place. Assuming a geothermal gradient of 35ºC=km,
total uplift for this part for Ecuador is about 6100 m over the last 9 million years. Assuming a steady state continuous
movement, this means a mean rock uplift rate of ¾0.7 mm=yr and a surface uplift of 0.3 mm=yr to the Present.  1999
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Andes; Ecuador; Neogene basins; zircon and apatite fission-tracks; uplift; exhumation

Ł Corresponding author. Fax: 41-1-6321-080; E-mail:

1 Present address: Matsag Perú S.A., Pasaje Los Delfines 159, Piso 8, Urb. Las Gardenias, Santiago de Surco, Lima 33, Peru.
2 Present address: Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V., Business Unit Offshore, Grote Hout of Koningsweg 49, Postbus 23,

1950 AA Velsen-Noord, The Netherlands.

3 Also corresponding author. E-mail:

0040-1951/99/$ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 0 - 1 9 5 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 0 0 - 6
256 M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276

1. Introduction studies (Hungerbühler et al., 1995; Winkler et al.,

1996; Steinmann, 1997; Hungerbühler, 1997) re-
The Andean chain in Ecuador represents a dou- vealed a sedimentary history and chronostratigraphy
ble-vergent orogenic belt with a distinct morpho- of the basins which are more complex than earlier
tectonic arrangement (Fig. 1a). The oceanic Nazca assumed.
plate to the west is subducting towards the east In this paper we present an overview of the differ-
under an accreted oceanic crustal slab (Piñon ter- ent Neogene basins, and in particular (1) the chrono-
rane in the Costa area) and the Andean Cordilleras stratigraphy resulting from zircon fission-track dating
(Sierra), inducing steep west-vergent reverse faults of both the underlying and overlying volcanic series,
in the Costa and Western Cordillera. The Eastern as well as the ash layers within the basin fill series,
Cordillera is thrust along east-vergent reverse faults (2) the sedimentary development which took place in
onto the South American craton and sedimentary two distinct stages, and (3) the inversion of the basins.
cover (Oriente). Along that boundary zone conspic- Special emphasis will be given to the fission-track
uous tectonic uplift is evident exposing Paleozoic to analysis which provides a coherent quantification of
Tertiary basement cover and foreland basin forma- the timing of deformation and exhumation of the An-
tions (Subandean zone). dean chain in southern Ecuador.
This tectonic setting developed over a long period
extending from the Cretaceous to early Cenozoic
(e.g. Feininger and Bristow, 1980; Litherland et al., 2. Fission-track methodology
1994) with a probable climax in the Eocene when a
major reorientation from a NNE to ENE=E directed Zircons and apatites were extracted using standard
subduction regime along the northern South Ameri- techniques. Zircons were etched in the eutectic mix-
can margin occurred (Pilger, 1984; Pardo-Casas and ture NaOH–KOH at 220ºC (Gleadow et al., 1976)
Molnar, 1987). This caused a change from earlier for times varying from 60 to 180 h. Apatites were
dextral transcurrent motions to nearly orthogonal etched for 40 s in 6.5% HNO3 at 20ºC. Muscovites,
(approx. east-directed) convergence along the NNE– used as solid state detectors, were etched in 40% HF
SSW-running northern Andean segment (e.g. Jaillard for 45 min at 20ºC. All samples were irradiated at
et al., 1995a). During the same period the accretion the ANSTO reactor, Lucas Heights, Australia.
of the Piñon terrane together with the Macuchi arc Analysis was carried out using the method out-
(Costa and Western Cordillera) against the South lined by Seward (1989) with the external detector
American continent is assumed (Lebrat et al., 1987; method (Gleadow, 1981). Ages were calculated us-
Bourgeois et al., 1990; Jaillard, 1995b). ing the zeta factor approach of Hurford and Green
After a period of intense ignimbritic volcanic (1983). Zircon zeta values of 103 š 5 (Hungerbühler)
activity from Late Eocene to Early Miocene (e.g. and 105 š 2 (Steinmann) were derived using the Fish
Loma Blanca and Saraguro Fms.; Fig. 1b, Fig. 2) Canyon Tuff and Tardree Rhyolite zircons and the
in southern Ecuador, various Miocene clastic basins standard CN1 glass. For the Nabón Basin zircons
developed (Fig. 1b) which were supplied with de- (Seward) a zeta value of 338 š 5 was used for glass
tritus from metamorphic, ancient and contempora- SRM612. A zeta value of 337 š 5, derived using
neous volcanic sequences. Noblet et al. (1988) and dosimeter glass CN5 and Durango apatite (Stein-
Marocco et al. (1995) originally suggested that the mann), was used for calculation of the apatite ages.
basins had an intermontane setting with prevailing The statistical uncertainties on the ages are the stan-
continental deposition from Lower Miocene in a dard error as defined by Green (1981) and incorpo-
tectonic strike-slip regime. However, more recent rate errors from the induced and spontaneous tracks

Fig. 1. Simplified maps of Ecuador. (a) Morphotectonic subdivision of Ecuador. (b) Geological map of southern Ecuador with the
location of the main Tertiary basins; modified after Litherland et al. (1993). In the Cuenca Basin area the traces of the tectonic sections
in Fig. 4 are indicated.
M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276 257
M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276
Fig. 2. Stratigraphy and generalised facies relations of the Tertiary sedimentary formations in southern Ecuador in the Berggren et al. (1995) time scale. Vertical axis
non-linear. Only key zircon fission-track age data are indicated (see Table 1); after Steinmann (1997) and Hungerbühler (1997).
M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276 259

as well as those of the glass dosimeter. Errors are basins of Cuenca, Girón–Santa Isabel, Nabón, Loja,
expressed in Ma at the 2¦ level. Malacatos–Vilcabamba and Catamayo–Gonzanamá.
Stratigraphic ages from fission-track data are not The Zumba Basin will not be treated here. The
as precise as those obtained from other techniques current basin nomenclature reflects more the final
(e.g. Ar=Ar, U=Pb); however, the high abundance of Intermontane Stage of basin evolution rather than the
ashes in the study area provided an excellent strati- original geographical extension. During the earlier
graphic control and the accuracy of the fission-track coastal stage, the depositional domains were much
data could be checked. The error limits tend to be larger and the sedimentary record is only preserved
large, but the ages yielded a consistent picture. The in the final stage depressions. Generally, the basin
fission-track method is a single grain technique, and fill series unconformably overlie Upper Cretaceous
therefore, as discussed below, detrital contamination turbidite series and Paleocene to Lower Miocene
can be readily recognised. volcanic formations. In the Loja area, the basin
The zircons were in general idiomorphic, unzoned fill directly overlies metamorphic basement of the
and clear. However, it is not always possible to dis- Eastern Cordillera (Fig. 2).
tinguish between primary and reworked volcaniclas- Correlation and chronology between and within
tic horizons on the basis of field criteria. Even in pri- the basins has in the past been difficult (Winkler
mary tephra deposits, it is possible to obtain detrital et al., 1996). Vertical and lateral facies variations
contamination from material ripped off the volcanic hindered simple lithostratigraphic correlation while
vent walls and from xenoliths. However, several the dearth of definitive fossils allowed no confi-
methods can be applied to the fission-track technique dent chronology to be developed. Since the under-
to test for the presence of multiple populations. To lying units of the basins are commonly volcanic
assess the distribution of single grain ages from a and the basin sequences contain numerous tephra
particular sample, the  2 test was used (Galbraith, horizons, a program to date the sequences using
1981). When the probability of passing this test was zircons extracted from these lithologies was under-
less than 10% it was assumed that the measured taken. Over 120 fission-track ages have been deter-
ages did not belong to one population. Any ages that mined (Steinmann, 1997; Hungerbühler, 1997) and a
appeared to be multicomponent were statistically re- tight chronology obtained. This contribution presents
solved using the MacMix program (Sambridge and the ages of those that are crucial for this particular
Compston, 1994) and the 2cm.m program (based on study (Fig. 2; Table 1).
work of Galbraith and Laslett, 1993; D. Coyle, pers. The underlying volcanic units of the Loma
commun., 1995). Both methods revealed identical Blanca, Saraguro, Santa Isabel and Quinara For-
results. The ages of the younger populations are as- mations range in age from 42 to 15 Ma (Fig. 2).
sumed to be those representative of the eruptive age The Quingeo and Playas sedimentary series (Fig. 2),
and are listed in Table 1. previously considered as Miocene (Kennerley, 1980;
Apatites from tephras already dated by zircon Noblet et al., 1988; Noblet and Marocco, 1989;
from the Cuenca and Quingeo Basins, were used for Marocco et al., 1995), are definitively older and
thermal history analysis. Together with the age deter- represent remnants of Late Eocene and Early
minations, confined track lengths were measured in Oligocene continental basin structures (Steinmann,
sections of apatite crystals that were in the plane of 1997; Hungerbühler, 1997). Several Middle to Late
the crystallographic c-axis. These parameters were Miocene basin fill sequences overlie the volcanics
used to construct the thermotectonic history of the and span a period of 16 to 8 Ma. These are un-
sequence. conformably overlain by latest Miocene to Pliocene,
mostly air-borne volcanic formations (approx. 6–2
Ma) (see Fig. 2, Tarqui and Salapa Fms.).
3. Stratigraphy and chronology In spite of considerable facies variations between
the individual basins, a distinct late-Middle Miocene
In Fig. 1b the simplified geological situation in marine=brackish interval can be identified in sev-
southern Ecuador is depicted showing the Miocene eral basins (coastal, lagoonal and deltaic facies in
Table 1

Zircon fission-track ages for tephra from the Tertiary basins of southern Ecuador

Basin Grid reference a No. of ²d ð 104 cm 2 ²s ð 104 cm 2 ²i ð 104 cm 2 U Var. P 2 Age š 2¦ Depositional age if
Formation grains (counted) (counted) (counted) (ppm) (%) (%) (Ma) different from bulk
Sample counted age — see text
Cuenca Basin
Tarqui Fm.
MS 235 729453=9664218 19 48.41 (5675) 91.86 (387) 353.2 (1488) 292 5 56 6.3 š 0.8
MS 216 731940=9672631 14 50.09 (5675) 148.0 (326) 639.7 (1409) 511 0 98 5.8 š 0.8
MS 218 732155=9672200 18 47.72 (2913) 11.78 (289) 56.16 (1378) 47 0 91 5.1 š 0.6
MS 432 723285=9725220 19 34.87 (3441) 76.78 (487) 205.3 (1302) 230 0 92 6.8 š 0.8
DH 213 729094=9687475 20 40.42 (5675) 62.89 (439) 228.2 (1593) 226 0 100 5.5 š 0.6

M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276

Turi Fm.
MS 433 732196=9721603 20 39.74 (4173) 62.21 (452) 162.3 (1179) 163 0 95 8.0 š 1.0
DH 262 721221=9672528 19 35.21 (3441) 40.45 (283) 93.05 (651) 106 0 100 8.0 š 1.2
MS 391 717309=9668285 17 39.33 (4137) 34.84 (182) 76.57 (400) 76 0 100 9.4 š 1.8
MS 283 722317=9671161 5 36.01 (3441) 203.9 (185) 402.3 (365) 447 0 94 9.6 š 1.8
DH 262 721221=9672528 19 35.21 (3441) 40.45 (283) 93.05 (651) 106 0 100 8.0 š 1.2
Azogues Fm.
MS 309 734372=9683168 16 36.81 (3441) 191.0 (555) 361.7 (1051) 393 4 77 10.2 š 1.2
MS 319 739163=9696163 20 39.25 (4173) 90.67 (451) 162.6 (809) 162 0 100 11.5 š 1.4
DH 209 733790=9687405 20 50.51 (5675) 205.6 (1581) 436.9 (3359) 346 0 89 11.9 š 1.2
Mangán Fm.
MS 405 732117=9690104 18 39.50 (4173) 73.18 (445) 152.4 (927) 151 0 100 9.9 š 1.2
MS 377 733213=9697750 16 35.78 (3441) 202.7 (699) 396.2 (1366) 443 1 69 9.5 š 1.0
MS 344 733053=9693300 7 37.38 (3441) 264.1 (270) 524.2 (536) 547 0 77 9.9 š 1.6
Loyola Fm.
MS 208 725275=9676852 21 41.68 (5675) 207.5 (1659) 356.6 (2851) 342 2.9 37 12.1 š 1.2
DH 208 734038=9688019 26 47.15 (5675) 328.8 (2806) 558.0 (4762) 473 4.4 25 13.9 š 1.4
Biblián Fm.
MS 261 725779=9675714 20 35.33 (3441) 118.9 (493) 179.4 (7443) 198 7 73 12.3 š 1.6
MS 209 725954=9676206 8 49.67 (5675) 269.0 (242) 446.9 (402) 360 0 72 14.7 š 2.4
Cojitambo Intrusion
MS 207 735010=9695790 12 49.61 (2913) 115.3 (514) 360.6 (1608) 291 0 97 7.8 š 0.8
Saraguro Fm.
MS 367 735092=9706274 15 38.17 (4331) 502.4 (981) 489.6 (956) 500 2 61 20.5 š 2.0
DH 241 730062=9675245 9 42.94 (5675) 405.4 (709) 320.8 (561) 299 0 100 27.2 š 2.6
MS 281 720997=9667853 20 36.24 (3441) 548.6 (1339) 366.3 (1339) 404 0 95 28.4 š 2.6
Quingeo Basin
Quingeo Fm.
MS 412 728729=9664234 24 38.74 (3441) 542.7 (1719) 331.2 (1049) 333 0 89 35.9 š 2.8
MS 305 736675=9680785 20 36.58 (3441) 607.3 (1326) 275.7 (602) 302 0 95 42.2 š 3.8
Table 1 (continued)

Basin Grid reference a No. of ²d ð 104 cm 2 ²s ð 104 cm 2 ²i ð 104 cm 2 U Var. P 2 Age š 2¦ Depositional age if
Formation grains (counted) (counted) (counted) (ppm) (%) (%) (Ma) different from bulk
Sample counted age — see text
MS 408 731963=9675027 20 37.83 (3441) 409.7 (1301) 203.8 (647) 216 2 53 39.8 š 4.0
MS 409 733464=9675553 13 37.26 (3441) 430.8 (838) 212.3 (413) 222 0 90 39.6 š 5.0
MS 291 733101=9675508 16 35.55 (3441) 550.1 (1768) 271.3 (872) 298 0 99 37.4 š 3.4
MS 300 736413=9682577 11 37.94 (3441) 519.7 (893) 303.2 (521) 320 0 95 53.5 š 10.0 34.9 š 4.0

Girón Subbasin
Girón Fm.
DH 330 702040=9644479 16 34.39 (2541) 107.7 (439) 184.3 (751) 214 0 74 10.1 š 1.2
Turi Fm.

M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276

DH 334 703779=9649895 20 40.08 (2541) 69.61 (441) 156.1 (989) 156 90 9.0 š 1.0
MS 241 709399=9655972 6 35.15 (2745) 109.4 (227) 261.1 (542) 297 0 32 7.6 š 1.2

Nabón Basin
Tambo Viejo Fm.
MS 100 13550=28200 10 15.44 (1090) 789.0 (283) 325.0 (1164) 223 0 73 6.3 š 1.0
Nabón Group
WS 68 17650=31725 10 15.22 (1360) 685 (201) 223 (653) 198 0 70 7.9 š 1.4
DH 92 16250=30880 12 14.83 (1090) 717 (261) 212 (771) 152 7 39 8.5 š 1.4
Saraguro Fm.
MS 24 10365=24540 11 15.06 (1360) 174 (986) 201 (1139) 164 8 11 22.0 š 2.6 18.5 š 6.0
MS 34 09820=25430 20 15.43 (1360) 295 (1322) 300 (1347) 175 37 1 26.7 š 4.0 19.0 š 3.5
DH 31 12250=29500 6 15.65 (1360) 295 (534) 275 (499) 207 8 26 28.2 š 4.1 26.4 š 4.5

Santa Isabel Subbasin

Saraguro Fm.
CH 66 680200=9630300 15 49.96 (3020) 474.4 (972) 452.4 (927) 362 92 26.4 š 2.6
DH 464 671534=9632381 7 51.56 (2745) 575.2 (398) 721.2 (499) 560 0 81 21.1 š 3.0
Santa Isabel Fm.
MS 239 683296=9633982 24 48.64 (6408) 142.6 (912) 189.8 (1214) 152 1 59 18.4 š 1.6
Burrohuaycu Fm.
UH 61 687200=9634700 17 39.56 (2745) 55.85 (292) 108.5 (567) 109.7 0 99.6 10.5 š 1.6
MS 238 683296=9633982 19 52.81 (6408) 206.4 (1087) 374.3 (1971) 284 8 13 14.7 š 1.2
Uchucay Fm.
MS 236 682810=9629759 28 46.07 (5787) 190.4 (1866) 221.6 (2172) 192 47 0 18.9 š 1.7 9.4 š 1.6

Loja Basin
Loma Blanca Fm.
MS 225 699139=9546868 8 42.41 (3172) 518.3 (522) 302.8 (305) 286 17 6.7 36.2 š 6.8

San Cayetano Fm. (Lower Sandstone Mb.)
DH 246 701249=9559170 23 46.45 (5787) 226.1 (962) 285.2 (1639) 323 0 88 13.8 š 1.2
Table 1 (continued)

Basin Grid reference a No. of ²d ð 104 cm 2 ²s ð 104 cm 2 ²i ð 104 cm 2 U Var. P 2 Age š 2¦ Depositional age if
Formation grains (counted) (counted) (counted) (ppm) (%) (%) (Ma) different from bulk
Sample counted age — see text
San Cayetano Fm. (Siltstone Mb.)
MS 226 699052=9547885 13 38.29 (3172) 130.5 (321) 253.2 (623) 265 0 86 10.0 š 1.4
La Banda Fm.
DH 223 696922=9561374 16 40.35 (3172) 242.7 (737) 446.2 (1355) 442 9 22 11.1 š 1.2
Salapa Fm.
DH 225 693545=9569306 23 46.36 (5787) 431.0 (1327) 431.6 (1329) 363 105 0 16.4 š 7.4 2.3 š 0.8

Malacatos–Vilcabamba Basin

M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276

Loma Blanca Fm.
MS 247 700498=9519437 24 45.73 (5787) 555.8 (1410) 244.4 (620) 208 249 0 50.5 š 6.4 40.6 š 5.4
DH 344 685992=9538147 12 45.77 (2541) 237.0 (431) 205.7 (374) 175 0 97 26.6 š 4.0
Quinara Fm.
MS 228 694649=9523782 17 49.13 (6408) 156.6 (669) 255.9 (1093) 203 7 71 15.1 š 1.6
Santo Domingo Fm.
DH 229 689804=9536110 10 50.37 (5668) 204.4 (389) 356.3 (678) 283 0 63 14.6 š 1.8
MS 245 689883=9541970 12 47.13 (5668) 320.7 (620) 551.3 (1066) 468 61 0 14.8 š 5.4 12.4 š 1
DH 292 697250=9526717 20 41.05 (3020) 120.6 (909) 212.1 (1598) 207 12 13 11.8 š 1.2 10.0 š 1
DH 293 697791=9525385 15 49.57 (2541) 827.5 (369) 259.7 (1158) 210 0 91 8.0 š 1.0

Catamayo–Gonzanamá Basin
Loma Blanca Fm.
DH 391 680590=9544440 20 43.15 (3020) 293.2 (1465) 218.1 (1090) 202 9 20 29.0 š 2.8
Gonzanamá Fm.
DH 439 674378=9539250 17 43.35 (2745) 155.4 (506) 221.1 (720) 204 1 78 15.7 š 2.0
DH 394 674378=9539250 20 42.10 (3020) 766.9 (523) 113.2 (772) 108 1 80 14.4 š 1.8

Playas Basin
Loma Blanca Fm.
DH 388 647582=9559391 20 45.77 (3020) 619.1 (2380) 337.9 (1299) 295 4 58 42.2 š 3.4
DH 387 646676=9558934 20 46.82 (3020) 454.6 (1295) 344.8 (982) 295 0 88 31.1 š 2.8

²d , ²s and ²i represent track densities in the dosimeter, and the densities of spontaneous and induced tracks, respectively. P. 2 / is the probability of obtaining  2 values for
× degrees of freedom where × D number of crystals 1.
Ages are calculated using the zeta approach (Hurford and Green, 1983). Zeta for Nabón samples using dosimeter SRM 216 was 338 š 5, for the Cuenca and Quingeo Basins
zeta for CN5 was 105 š 2, and for the remaining samples with dosimeter CN5 zeta was 103 š 5. All ages are central ages (Galbraith and Laslett, 1993); errors are calculated
according to Green (1981) and are expressed at the 2¦ level. Where several age components could be resolved, the youngest population is taken to represent the time of
sedimentation. These ages are listed in the last column.
a Grid references for the locations are Universal Topographic Mercator (UTM), except for the Nabón Basin where the co-ordinates are taken from local topographic maps

(Instituto Geographico Militar, 1970, 1971).

M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276 263

Fig. 2; Hungerbühler et al., 1996; Steinmann, 1997; mentary formations (Turi Fm. in Cuenca and Girón,
Hungerbühler, 1997). Paleontologically, this coastal Cerro Mandango Fm. in Malacatos–Vilcabamba,
marine facies is characterised by the presence of Quillollaco Fm. in Loja, and Uchucay Fm. in Santa
estuarine salinity range ostracods and a few benthic Isabel) consist mainly of alluvial fan and bed-load
foraminifera (D. Peterson in Hungerbühler, 1997), dominated river deposits dated at less than 9.4 Ma
crab claws and shrimps. Based on the last two fossil (Fig. 2). They are in turn unconformably overlain
findings, Liddle and Palmer (1941) and Feldmann et by air-borne silicic pyroclastics (Tarqui and Salapa
al. (1993) inferred an estuarine environment of depo- Fms., Fig. 2).
sition. For example, characteristic estuarine salinity A combination of the facies and chronological
range ostracods were detected in the Loyola Fm. data suggest that development of the Neogene basins
(ca. 14–11 Ma, Cuenca), San José Fm. (14 Ma, in the Sierra of southern Ecuador took place in
Malacatos–Vilcabamba) and La Banda Fm. of the two stages (see Fig. 3). (1) During the Pacific
Loja Basin (ca. 11–10 Ma, D. Peterson in Hunger- Coastal Stage large shallow marine embayments
bühler, 1997). In the central and southern Cuenca formed during extension and ingressions from the
Basin the coastal sediments are underlain by fluvial subsiding Manabı́ and Progreso Basins. Wave and
deposits (Biblián Fm., see also Fig. 6). Zircon age tide action influenced deltaic systems and associ-
dating of ashes, combined with structural relation- ated marginal lagoonal and fluvial systems devel-
ships, prove that the Quingeo Fm. (see Figs. 2, 5 and oped in the Cuenca and Loja Embayments (Fig. 3A).
6) can no longer be correlated with the Biblián Fm., These systems prograded generally towards the west,
as suggested by Noblet et al. (1988); Marocco et al. suggesting that the Western Cordillera had not yet
(1995). evolved. However, paleoecological considerations
Overlying the Biblián Fm., the westward progra- suggest marine connections with the Oriente Basin
dation of fluvial-dominated delta formations under across the moderately evolved Eastern Cordillera
wave and tide influence is observed (Loyola and (Vilcabamba Inlet, Fig. 3A, Hungerbühler, 1997).
Azogues Fms., Fig. 6; Steinmann, 1997). Fluvial de- The coastal systems were mainly supplied with de-
posits in the Mangán Fm. which generally prograded tritus from the Eastern Cordillera and surrounding
towards the west are dominant up to the major un- older volcanic formations. These large basins were
conformity dated at about 9–8 Ma (Fig. 2). The lack precursors of the smaller basins which formed dur-
of unconformities between the fluvial and deltaic ing the following stage. (2) The Intermontane Stage
formations below implies that the fluvial sediments started at about 9 Ma, during the onset of basin
were still deposited close to sea level. The only Mid- inversion and deformation of the coastal basin fill
dle Miocene basin which had a continental setting series (Figs. 2 and 3). The younger sediments were
for its whole history is the Santa Isabel–Girón Basin deposited in small, distinct continental settings by
(Helg, 1997; Hammer, 1998), which drained north- alluvial fan and fluvial systems (Fig. 3B), sealing the
wards into the larger Cuenca Basin (Fig. 3). The major unconformity. The detritus was supplied from
recognition of facies which were deposited at sea the Eastern Cordillera and from the rising West-
level is an important datum for uplift and exhuma- ern Cordillera. Deformation continued until approx.
tion estimates as presented below. Wedging of basin 8 Ma, at decreasing rates as evidenced by gentle
formations and onlap configurations are preserved deformation of the Intermontane Stage series. The
in several basins (Girón–Santa Isabel, Cuenca, Loja) unconformably overlying air-borne volcanics (ca. 6–
and suggest that all basins initially developed in 2 Ma) show no deformation.
half-graben=graben settings in an E–W-oriented ex- Three cross-sections of the large Cuenca Basin
tensional regime until ¾9.5 Ma (Steinmann, 1997; (Fig. 4) depict the tectonic development of this part
Hungerbühler, 1997; Helg, 1997; Hammer, 1998). of southern Ecuador. The thick basin fill series older
In the Santa Isabel Sub-Basin, Cuenca, Loja and than 9.5 Ma is incorporated into folds and steep east-
Malacatos–Vilcabamba Basins conspicuous angular and west-verging upthrusts generating footwall syn-
unconformities exist which are dated on stratigraphic clines. A regional compressive event folded and re-
grounds at ¾9.5–8 Ma (Fig. 2). The overlying sedi- verse-thrust the pre-unconformity series without sig-
264 M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276
M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276 265

nificant detachment from the underlying formations. from interpretations of earlier workers. Previous
The E–W-oriented shortening was mostly accommo- work based chronostratigraphic correlations between
dated by inversion of earlier normal faults, involving basins on lithostratigraphy and a few K=Ar bulk
the basement. The alluvial Turi Fm. (9.6–8.0 Ma) mineral and rock datings (e.g. Lavenu et al., 1992),
and pyroclastic airfall deposits of the Tarqui Fm. assuming a continuous Miocene sedimentary record
(6.8–5.1 Ma) seal the deformed earlier basin fill se- in all of the basins. However, the age bias due to
ries (Fig. 4A). Detail at the basin margins is not well argon loss during thermo-tectonic overprinting and
defined as a result of erosion or burial by young vol- devitrification of volcanic glass was recognised by
canics. However, steep upthrusting of the Saraguro these authors. Zircon fission-track dating is a sin-
Fm. (Fig. 4C) at the western basin margin uplifted gle crystal method; therefore volcanic contamination
and folded the Turi Fm. At other basin margins (e.g. and sedimentary mixing (a characteristic feature in
Malacatos–Vilcabamba Basin, Hungerbühler, 1997) volcaniclastic formations) can be revealed by ap-
progressive unconformities were developed at that propriate statistical treatment of the single crystal
time. It can be inferred that deformation, probably ages (Hungerbühler et al., 1995). In the Nabón Basin
at a decreasing rate continued during the deposition fill series, the zircon fission-track chronostratigraphy
of the Turi Fm. until ¾8 Ma. Structural analysis (8.5–7.9 Ma) was confirmed with paleomagnetic
indicates that strike-slip or oblique-slip movement measurements (Winkler et al., 1993; Hungerbühler
was negligible. The Turi Fm. records a sediment et al., 1995). Previously, the lithostratigraphic corre-
source from the rising Western Cordillera for the lation of the Quingeo Basin series with the Biblián
first time in the history of the Cuenca Basin (Stein- Fm. in the Cuenca Basin and the inferred synsedi-
mann, 1997). In the Cuenca area the post-deforma- mentary activity of the separating Santa Ana ‘horst’
tional crosscutting Cojitambo intrusion has an age of (e.g. Noblet et al., 1988; Marocco et al., 1995;
7:8š0:8 Ma (Figs. 2 and 4B); this is not significantly Lavenu et al., 1995) has been a source of major error.
deformed and provides another constraint confirm- Fission-track ages confirm that the Quingeo Basin
ing the timing of the compressive deformation event. series is Middle–Late Eocene, and therefore consid-
Therefore, the dioritic Cojitambo intrusion (Fig. 4B) erably older than the Middle Miocene Biblián Fm.
provides a minimum age for the end of main de- Consequently, in our reconstruction the real thick-
formation in the Cuenca area of ¾8 Ma. Further ness of the Biblián Fm. is only about 200 m, instead
evidence for coeval regional E–W-oriented compres- of 1200 m proposed in earlier works where the thick-
sion is provided by the history of the Nabón Basin ness of the Eocene Quingeo Fm. was included. The
(Fig. 1) where continuous E–W-oriented compres- Santa Ana ridge (consisting of Maastrichtian beds)
sive deformation from 8.5 to 7.9 Ma is documented overthrusts to the east over Quingeo Basin series
by progressive unconformities along basin bounding (which forms a spectacular footwall syncline, first
reverse faults and growth fold formation (Winkler et described by Steinmann, 1997) and in the hanging-
al., 1993; Hungerbühler et al., 1995). wall to the west, sediments as young as 9.6 Ma are
The above Middle to Late Miocene timing of deformed (Fig. 4C). This implies that uplift of the
basin and facies development differs considerably ridge occurred in the Late Miocene. Several authors

Fig. 3. Palinspastic reconstruction of Miocene southern Ecuador (after Steinmann, 1997 and Hungerbühler, 1997). (A) the Middle
Miocene situation depicting part of the Pacific Coastal Stage when the Cuenca and Loja Embayments formed during general eastward
back-stepping of subsidence (ingression) from the Manabı́ and Progreso Basins, respectively. (B) Intermontane Stage: at the beginning
of the Late Miocene (at ¾9 Ma) the compressional deformation in southern Ecuador started (also onset of uplift of the Cordillera
Occidental (Western C.)) with basin inversion and main unconformity development between Pacific Coastal and Intermontane Stage
deposits. This coincided with the opening of the Jambelı́–Túmbez Basin which was presumably formed as a pull-apart structure by
northward movement of the coastal block by about 100 km along the Dolores–Guayaquil megashear (DGM) (see Hungerbühler, 1997).
Abbreviations: ChC D Chongón–Colonche high; CE D Cuenca Embayment; DGM D Dolores–Guayaquil megashear; JF D Jubones
fault; JTB D Jambelı́–Túmbez Basin; LE D Loja Embayment; MB D Manabı́ Basin; Pl D Playas high; PB D Progreso Basin; SE D
Santa Elena high; SS D Santa Rosa–Saraguro high; Vi D Vilcabamba inlet.
266 M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276
M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276 267

have also stressed that the continuous deformation osols with gypsum and root traces, swamp deposits,
of the sedimentary formations in the Cuenca Basin wave ripples and thin coal layers), the delta slope
and other basins in southern Ecuador occurred in a system, with mass flows from high water discharge
strike-slip regime (Noblet et al., 1988; Lavenu et al., events (with structures similar to high concentration
1995; Marocco et al., 1995). In the Cuenca Basin, turbidites, see Noblet and Marocco, 1989), such as
conical folding and large-scale progressive uncon- mud flows, slumps and mud diapirs, are all indicative
formity formation in the Azogues Fm. and Mangán of rapid deposition (ca. 1 mm=yr compacted sedi-
Fm., respectively, were interpreted to document a mentation rate, Steinmann, 1997) in a fluvial-dom-
continuous transpressive regime during basin for- inated delta system (Galloway and Hobday, 1996).
mation (Noblet et al., 1988; Lavenu et al., 1995; The underlying and westward interfingering Loy-
Marocco et al., 1995). However, detailed mapping ola Fm. represents the coupled prodelta environment
by Steinmann (1997) did not reveal the presence of with the estuarine water ostracod Vetustocytheridea
conical folds and progressive unconformities. On the bristowi (Van den Bold, 1976) (D. Peterson in Stein-
contrary, uniformly oriented thrust planes, fold axes mann, 1997). Notably, this ostracod species was also
and fault plane solutions point to a nearly horizontal found in the overlying delta plain deposits of the
shortening in an ¾W–E direction (Steinmann, 1997). Mangán Fm. (Bristow and Parodiz, 1982). To con-
Stratigraphic evidence presented here suggests that clude, the absence of major unconformities in the
this compressive deformation occurred from 9.5 to 6 lower Cuenca Basin fill series (Biblián to Mangán
Ma at a decreasing rate (see also Fig. 4). Lavenu et Fms., see also Fig. 6) suggests that the deposi-
al. (1995) reported the results of a stress inversion tional environment was situated at, or near sea level
analysis, performed by separating different stress (our Pacific Coastal Stage of basin development,
field populations regardless of the age of formations Fig. 3A).
in all basins. This is a questionable approach because
the timing of deformation is not constrained. How-
ever, their NNE–SSW-oriented compressional stress 4. Apatite fission-track analysis and Neogene
during early basin development stages would be in tectonic events
line with the generally WNW-directed extension in
the Cuenca Basin during the Pacific Coastal Stage Since the temperature range of the partial an-
(Fig. 3A). nealing in apatite is quite low (approximately 120–
An additional point of controversy is the interpre- 60ºC, depending on the cooling rate, Parrish, 1983),
tation of the depositional environment in the Cuenca relative to other dating methods, it is particularly
basin during Azogues time. Noblet and Marocco useful for evaluating low temperature thermal his-
(1989) and Marocco et al. (1995) have described tories, i.e. those affecting the upper 3–4 km of the
some sedimentary features which are also common crust. Track annealing takes place in the tempera-
in turbiditic deposits (e.g. sole marks, graded beds, ture range 60–120ºC over geological time periods
water escape structures, etc.) and interpreted the de- (Laslett et al., 1987). This annealing leads to a dis-
posits as those of a lacustrine turbiditic system. How- tribution of fission-track lengths that is specific of
ever, the sedimentological analysis of the Azogues particular cooling histories. Further, since tracks are
Fm. by Steinmann (1997) documents the presence of produced continuously throughout geological time,
a northward prograding delta plain (containing pale- each track in a sample will have been exposed to a

Fig. 4. Interpreted cross-sections through the Cuenca Basin and the older Quingeo Basin, arranged from north (A) to south (C) (see
location on Fig. 1b). For more precise location of sections see some underligned names of towns and mountains (modified after
Steinmann, 1997). Formations older than ¾9 Ma are involved in strong compressive deformation. The Turi Fm. (9.6–8.0 Ma) is still
involved in slight deformation. The Cojitambo intrusion (black in section B), cuts the deformed older formations. The Tarqui Fm.
(approx. 6.8–5.1 Ma, white in section A) shows no deformation. A maximum tectonic activity from 9 to 8 Ma is inferred. For the
Quingeo Fm. a similar Late Miocene deformation event may probably be suggested. However, a major cooling event occurred at ¾18
Ma (see text for further discussion).
268 M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276

different portion of the time and temperature history Biblián Formation of the Cuenca Basin, but nine zir-
of its host rock. Burial of a sample, with its con- con fission-track ages reveal that the sediments range
sequent heating, will shorten pre-existing tracks and in age from ca. 42 Ma to 35 Ma (Middle–Late Eocene
any newly formed tracks, to a length determined by in the time scale of Berggren et al., 1995; Fig. 5).
the maximum temperature and time of burial. In the Three ashes yielded enough apatite for analysis, the
extreme case, all tracks are erased. When the temper- results of which add to the overall knowledge of the
ature is decreased below 60ºC, e.g. by inversion of Neogene thermo-tectonic history of southern Ecuador
the basin and exhumation of the sediment, new tracks (Table 2). The zircon–apatite pairs are, respectively,
formed are practically stable. The kinetics of anneal- 39:8š4:0 and 26:7š4:6 Ma, 39:6š5:0 and 27:9š4:6
ing of the tracks has been found in some instances to Ma, 37:4š3:4 and 26:2š5:4 Ma, with a stratigraphic
be affected by chemical composition (e.g. Gleadow thickness between the youngest and oldest of about
and Duddy, 1981; O’Sullivan and Parrish, 1995). 500 m. Apatite ages are less than the zircon ages im-
This may amount to a variation in total annealing plying at least some resetting. Track-length statistics
temperature by as much as š20ºC in extreme cases have mean lengths of a little more than 12 µm and
(Burtner et al., 1994). Analysis of samples from the standard deviations greater than 2 µm. Modelling
tephra studied here yielded chlorine compositions in of these three apatites reveals a clear change from
the range of 0.4–2.5 wt% Cl, but with the vast ma- burial (heating to temperature ¾100ºC) to exhuma-
jority at the lower level (Steinmann, 1997). Samples tion (cooling) at about 18 Ma (Fig. 5). We conclude
were not analysed for any other element, e.g. Mn or that the heating was due to burial both by overlying
rare earth elements which may also affect annealing sediments and ignimbrites of the Saraguro Formation
rates (Burtner et al., 1994). The apatites in this study which were erupted from 30 Ma to 21 Ma but are now
were separated from the same ashes as the dated missing from the preserved sedimentary section. This
zircons and initially must have had concordant ages. cooling event is correlated to a phase of compres-
Both the age and track-length parameters are char- sional deformation at this time (Steinmann, 1997).
acteristic of a specific history. Using the random Six samples from tephra of the Cuenca Basin
Monte Carlo and Genetic Algorithm approach (Gal- fill yielded datable apatites. The zircon ages of the
lagher, 1995) as well as the mathematical description tephras, and by implication the age of sedimentation,
of annealing developed by Laslett et al. (1987), the range from 5.5 to 12.3 Ma (Table 1; Fig. 6). Yet
parameters determined during experimental anneal- the apatite fission-track ages from the same samples
ing are compared with the age and length data mea- range from 5.2 to 9.4 Ma (Table 2). The Tarqui Fm.
sured in a sample. By varying the input chemistry in (represented by the Llacao Member) and the top of
the program, a difference of only 10ºC was found for the Mangán Fm. have a clearly unimodal distribu-
maximum temperatures reached; the important fact tion of track lengths with the mean value greater
is that the same events were identified in each case. than 14 µm (Fig. 6). From this point down section
Hence, although there may be some variation in the the mean track length shows a small but consistent
assessment of the maximum temperature reached, decrease. Likewise, track-length distributions show
the timing of events such as a change from heating an increasing tail of short tracks and a suggestion
(burial) to cooling (exhumation=denudation), could of bimodality towards the base of the section. These
be determined. Using an estimated geothermal gradi- changes in the track-length parameters are also evi-
ent it is possible to evaluate the amount of sediment dence for increased heating of the sediments due to
removed by erosion. burial down section.
The modelled data (Fig. 6) yields clear evidence
4.1. Results and interpretation that there was some heating after deposition in all
samples. For sequences older than 10 Ma a sudden
4.1.1. Burial and exhumation change in temperature history took place at about
The fluvial Quingeo Basin series with a sedimen- 9 Ma with the initiation of cooling. These horizons
tary thickness of a little over 1000 m was formerly had been buried to temperatures of 120 š 10ºC. The
considered to be equivalent to the Middle Miocene modelling is not sufficiently precise to allow accurate
M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276 269

sample MS 291
T(C) 0
44 36 27 18 9 0
time (Ma)
n =20
obs. age: 26.24 Ma obs. mean length: 12.157
pred. age: 26.43 Ma pred. mean length: 12.044

Tarqui Fm. 10

5.1 ± 0.8 Ma
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
5.8 ± 0.8 Ma
track length (microns) sample MS 409
unconformity T(C) 0
34.9 ± 4.0 Ma 80
44 36 27 18 9 0
time (Ma)
37.4 ± 3.4 Ma obs. age: 27.88 Ma obs. mean length: 12.230
n = 20 pred. age: 27.59 Ma pred. mean length: 12.313

39.6 ± 5.0 Ma 10

39.8 ± 4.0 Ma sample MS 408 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

T(C) 0
track length (microns)
42.2 ± 4.4 Ma 40
42.8 ± 3.8 Ma 100
Chinchin Fm.
44 36 27 18 9 0
time (Ma)

obs. age: 26.74 Ma obs. mean length: 12.620

n = 20 pred. age: 26.98 Ma pred. mean length: 12.696


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
track length (microns)

pyroclastics fluvial sediments (coarse) alluvial plain sediments

volcaniclastics fluvial sediments (fine) 6.3 ± 0.8 Ma F-T age with 2σ error
Fig. 5. Simplified stratigraphic column of the Quingeo Formation representing the situation in the Santa Ana region (after Steinmann,
1997) with underlying and unconformably overlying volcanic (Chinchı́n and Tarqui) formations. The Tarqui Fm. is represented by
its Llacao Member. Zircon fission-track formation ages are indicated on the stratigraphic column. To the right, the modelled thermal
histories (upper of each pair) and track-length distributions are shown; obs. D observed data; pred. D fission-track values predicted for
the modelled thermal history.
270 M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276

Tarqui Fm. (DH 213)

T(C) 0
20 10
40 obs. age: 5.20 Ma
pred. age: 5.29 Ma
obs. mean length: 14.780
80 pred. mean length: 14.905
120 5.5 ± 0.6 Ma
14 12 9 6 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Tarqui Fm.

Mangán Fm. (MS 405) 2500m
20 20
40 obs. age: 8.90 Ma
pred. age: 8.85 Ma
60 obs. mean length : 14.580
80 10 pred. mean length: 14.559
? ?
100 9.9 ± 1.2 Ma

14 12 9 6 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2000m Mangán Fm.
Azogues Fm. (MS 309)
20 20
obs. age: 7.40 Ma
pred. age: 7.40 Ma
60 obs. mean length : 13.790
80 10 pred. mean length: 13.896
100 1500m
14 12 9 6 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
10.2 ± 1.2 Ma
Azogues Fm. (DH 209) (MS 308)
20 20
Azogues Fm.
obs. age: 8.20 Ma
40 pred. age: 8.20 Ma
60 obs. mean length: 13.670 1000m
80 10 pred. mean length: 13.911 11.9 ± 1.2 Ma
14 12 9 6 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Loyola Fm. (DH 208)

500m Loyola Fm.
20 20
obs. age: 8.80 Ma
pred. age: 8.78 Ma
60 obs. mean length: 13.270 13.9 ± 1.4 Ma
80 10 pred. mean length: 13.365
120 12.3 ± 1.6 Ma
14 12 9 6 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Biblián Fm.
Biblián Fm. (MS 261)
0 number of measured tracks
20 20 Saraguro Fm.
obs. age: 9.40 Ma
40 pred. age: 9.41 Ma
60 obs. mean length: 13.040
80 10 pred. mean length: 12.968
14 12 9 6 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time (Ma) track length (microns)

ignimbrites fluvial and delta sediments alluvial/delta plain sediments

pyroclastics prodelta sediments 6.3 ± 0.8 Ma zircon F-T age with 2σ error
M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276 271

identification of the position of maximum tempera- the sea level is a convenient horizon for theoretical
ture downsection due to the vertical height difference calculations. Uplift and subsidence and the related
(1400 m) between the top and bottom sample. How- processes of exhumation, denudation, erosion, sur-
ever, the Mangán Fm. (9.9 Ma) in a higher strati- face- and rock-uplift are often used in an imprecise
graphic position does show considerably less burial, way. Therefore, tight definitions are needed. Ac-
as should be expected. The sudden change to cool- cording to England and Molnar (1990), Molnar and
ing at ¾9 Ma is well correlated with the regional England (1990) and Leeder (1991), the following
compressive deformation (9.5 to 8 Ma) identified definitions should be kept in mind when interpreting
on stratigraphic=tectonic relationships as discussed the fission-track data:
earlier. This is further supported by the erosional (1) Exhumation describes the displacement of
unconformity placing the Tarqui Fm. directly on the rocks with respect to the surface. The absolute alti-
Mangán Fm. (Fig. 6, the Turi Fm. is not preserved or tude at which exhumation takes place is not taken
was not deposited in the section discussed here). This into account. Therefore, the rate of exhumation is
implies a period of erosion from 9 to 6 Ma which simply the rate of erosion or the rate of removal of
has driven this cooling. Cooling stopped or slowed overburden by tectonic processes. Thermochronol-
down at around 6 Ma indicating perhaps minor re- ogy together with an accurate timing of tectonic
newed burial (Fig. 6). The age of the Tarqui Fm. is events will yield exhumation rates.
5:5 š 0:6 Ma and represents a time of renewed sed- (2) Erosion refers to local removal of material
imentation concomitant with renewed burial of the that is transported away over the Earth’s surface. The
older basin infill. This is tentatively seen in the slight potential surface is thus lowered and in the absence
change in the curves for the sequences below the un- of surface uplift, the elevation reduced. Erosion rates
conformity. The uppermost sample, from the Tarqui can be locally measured and integrated over greater
Formation (Fig. 6) was never buried to temperatures surfaces.
greater than 60ºC. This implies the existence of an (3) Denudation refers to the loss of material from
overburden of <2 km (assuming a thermal gradient both, surface and subsurface parts of a drainage basin
of 35ºC=km), indicating erosion of less than 2 km or regional landscape by all types of weathering,
in the last 4 million years. There is a hint from the physical and chemical. Denudation is not necessarily
modelled section that a period of enhanced cooling accompanied by erosion.
began again somewhere in the range of 4 to 2 Ma (4) Surface uplift describes the displacement of
(Fig. 6), but at <60ºC modelled cooling histories the earth surface opposite to the gravity vector with
are poorly constrained. Since the Tarqui Fm. (5.4 respect to the geoid or for convenience the sea
Ma) was clearly buried, there has had to be an ex- level corrected for eustatic changes (England and
humation event at some time later than this, hence Molnar, 1990). Determining surface uplift requires
supporting the notion of a 4–2 Ma event. measurement or estimation of the change in elevation
for all points over a finite area. Only where the
4.1.2. Uplift rates in the Cuenca Basin rate of erosion is zero, does the measurements of
If an absolute reference altitude is known, the displacement reflect regional surface displacement.
available mineral cooling ages can be used to es- (5) Rock uplift relative to sea level is the sum of
timate the amount of rock uplift and exhumation. surface uplift and exhumation. Rock uplift is equal
Because of the presence of marine=brackish fossils to surface uplift if no material has been removed by
in the Pacific Coastal Stage Cuenca Basin series, erosion.

Fig. 6. Stratigraphic column of the Cuenca Basin series together with zircon sedimentation ages. The stratigraphic column and zircon
ages are in the central part of the basin, between the village of Deleg and the town of Cuenca. The Tarqui Fm. is represented by its
Llacao Member. In the present modelled section the Turi Fm. is missing (see unconformity between the Mangán and Tarqui Fms.). To
the left are the thermal histories derived from the modelled apatite ages and corresponding track-length distributions (centre column);
obs. D observed data; pred. D fission-track values predicted for the modelled thermal history.
Table 2
Apatite fission-track age and length data from some tephra beds in the Cuenca and Quingeo Basins series

Basin Grid reference a No. of ²d ð 104 cm 2 ²s ð 104 cm 2 ²i ð 104 cm 2 U Var. P 2 Age š 2¦ Mean track length (µm) Std. Dev.
Formation grains (counted) (counted) (counted) (ppm) (%) (%) (Ma) and error .1¦ / (µm)
Sample counted

M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276

Cuenca Basin
Tarqui Fm.
DH 213 729094=9687475 26 102.1 (3486) 1.051 (16) 34.48 (525) 4.2 0 99 5.2 š 2.6 14.78 š 0.29 (22) 1.37
Mangán Fm.
MS 405 732117=9690104 20 112.4 (5692) 1.803 (16) 38.20 (339) 4.2 0 99.5 8.9 š 4.6 14.58 š 0.28 (18) 1.17
Azogues Fm.
MS 309 734320=9683428 23 100.7 (6334) 4.632 (40) 106.4 (1502) 13.2 0 100 7.4 š 2.4 13.79 š 0.29 (47) 2.02
DH 209 733790=9687405 20 116.5 (3486) 5.258 (63) 125.4 (1502) 13.5 0 100 8.2 š 2.2 13.67 š 0.29 (66) 2.32
Loyala Fm.
DH 208 734038=9688019 20 121.9 (6334) 4.407 (44) 102.5 (1023) 10.5 0 100 8.8 š 2.8 13.27 š 0.28 (49) 1.95
Biblián Fm.
MS 261 725779=9675714 22 111.6 (5692) 16.34 (169) 325.8 (3369) 36.5 0 100 9.4 š 1.6 13.04 š 0.33 (64) 2.61

Quingeo Basin
Quingeo Fm.
MS 291 773101=9675508 25 95.42 (6334) 20.88 (114) 127.7 (697) 16.7 0 100 26.2 š 5.4 12.16 š 0.33 (59) 2.50
MS 409 733464=9675553 22 108.7 (6334) 24.26 (173) 159.0 (1134) 18.3 0 100 27.9 š 4.6 12.23 š 0.23 (100) 2.26
MS 408 731963=9675027 35 129.8 (6334) 11.92 (159) 97.29 (1298) 9.4 0 100 26.7 š 4.6 12.62 š 0.23 (79) 2.08

²d , ²s and ²i represent track densities in the dosimeter, and the densities of spontaneous and induced tracks respectively. P. 2 / is the probability of obtaining  2 values for
υ degrees of freedom where × D number of crystals 1. Ages are calculated using the zeta approach (Hurford and Green, 1983), with a zeta value of 337 š 5 for dosimeter
All ages are central ages (Galbraith and Laslett, 1993); errors are calculated according to Green (1981). Number of tracks counted=measured are in brackets.
a Universal Topographic Mercator (UTM).
M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276 273

mean 0.4 mm/y
(0.56 mm/y)


sediment thickness (m)

(1.4 mm/y)

0.7 mm/y



3000 1.6 mm/y


0.3 mm/y




r (0.2 mm/y)

0.2 mm/y

2000 an


0.4 mm/y

1000 erosion

0.4 mm/y sedimentation rate


(0.2 mm/y) erosion rate


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
time (Ma)
Fig. 7. Subsidence and erosion history of the Cuenca Basin based on formational thicknesses of the basin series and maximum burial
from palaeotemperatures derived from apatite fission-track analysis applying a geothermal gradient of 35ºC=km.

As explained above, it is only possible to cal- sediment thickness (Fig. 6), at about 9 Ma erosion
culate rock or surface uplift rates, if there is a of approximately 1000 m should have taken place.
reference horizon with known altitude in relation to Then renewed burial by clastic sediments of the Turi
the geoid available. This horizon is represented by Fm. occurred which is also the beginning of the
sea level documented from the coastal marine facies Intermontane Stage. Sedimentation continued at an
in the Cuenca Basin fill (Loyola and Azogues Fms.). average rate of 0.4 mm=yr until ¾3 Ma (including
Higher up, the Mangán Fm. also contains marine the pyroclastic Tarqui Fm., Fig. 7). Although the
to brackish ostracods. Consequently, major phases youngest material still present is about 5 Ma old,
of sedimentation in the Cuenca Basin occurred at there must have been a thicker sequence, since there
about sea level. The calculated total sediment thick- is evidence from the Tarqui Fm. apatite modelling
ness for this first period is 3400 m and demands a for a burial to a possible maximum of 60ºC (<2 km
basin-subsidence rate equal to the sedimentation rate burial, Fig. 6). The final exhumation and erosion at a
of 0.4 mm=yr. No depositional altitude can be indi- rate of ca. 0.6 mm=yr started then.
cated for sediments <9.5 Ma, since there is no geoid The calculated total uplift and exhumation values
or altitude control for them. Refining of the mean are summarised in Fig. 8. Sample MS 261 (Biblián
uplift rate is not possible at the moment. However, Fm.) was deposited at or near sea level and suffered a
combining the thermal history from the apatite mod- burial of ¾3400 m until the Late Miocene (¾9 Ma).
elling with the stratigraphy, we can develop detailed Today the sample is situated at an altitude of 2700 m
history of sedimentation and erosion for the Cuenca which equals a surface uplift of 2700 m since 9 Ma
Basin (Fig. 7). Taking into account the temperature at a mean rate of 0.7 mm=yr. The exhumation can
overprint in apatites compared with the preserved be calculated by the simple formula of England and
274 M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276

middle to late Miocene Western today Eastern

Cordillera Cordillera
4300 m

2700 m
surface uplift
2700 m
Mangán Fm. rock uplift
Azogues Fm. 6100 m
3400 m maximum exhumation
Loyola Fm. subsidence and burial 3400 m
Biblián Fm.

sample MS 261
surface uplift = rock uplift - exhumation
reference point
2700 m = 6100 m - 3400 m

Fig. 8. Comparison of the Cuenca Basin during the Miocene and the position today. Not to scale. The combined stratigraphic and
fission-track data allow to estimate absolute amounts of subsidence, rock-, surface uplift and exhumation. The sample MS 261 is also
figured on Fig. 6. See text for discussion.

Molnar (1990) which is indicated in the lower square tal, with a dominant source to the west in the rising
of Fig. 8. The rock uplift (6100 m) minus the surface Western Cordillera. This phase is termed the Inter-
uplift of 2700 m results in a total exhumation of montane Stage.
3400 m. We can infer that in the Cuenca area since (3) Fission-track analysis and stratigraphy concur
approx. 9 Ma, in average a net surface uplift of about with the argument that major cooling events occurred
0.3 mm=yr occurred. As the coeval Intermontane in southern Ecuador at 18 Ma, 9–6 Ma and possibly
Stage series were for the first time sourced in the from about 3 Ma to Recent. These phases are associ-
Western Cordillera, there at least a similar or higher ated with periods of compressional deformation, and
surface uplift rate must have operated since then. associated erosion=cooling.
(4) Taking burial into account, the total rock uplift
for the Cuenca region in the last 9 Ma was 6100 m
5. Conclusions which is equal to a mean rate of 0.7 mm=yr. Net
surface uplift amounted to 2700 m or 0.3 mm=yr.
Apatite fission-track analysis combined with
stratigraphic and tectonic based reconstructions of
the basin formation and inversion have been used to Acknowledgements
derive the thermal history of Tertiary basins in the
Andes of southern Ecuador. We thank Arturo Egüez from EPN-Quito for con-
(1) The sedimentary basins of southern Ecuador tinued advice in the geology of Ecuador and many
developed in two stages. The first was the Pacific fruitful discussions. This work was generously sup-
Coastal Stage where sedimentation occurred over a ported by the Swiss Science Foundation project no.
large area at about sea level from 15 to 9.5 Ma. 21-39134.93 and 20-45256.95. We also appreciate
Sediment source during this time was dominantly the financial support of U. Helg and C. Hammer
from the Eastern Cordillera to the east. by a Swiss Academy of Science Travel Grant for
(2) From about 9.5 Ma sedimentation was re- carrying out their Masters Degree mapping in the
stricted to smaller basins, remnants of the older more Santa Isabel basin domain. The manuscript benefited
extensive basins. Sedimentation was then continen- by the suggestions and comments provided by the
M. Steinmann et al. / Tectonophysics 307 (1999) 255–276 275

Journal reviewers B.P. Kohn and C. Noblet, and by Hungerbühler, D., Steinmann, M., Winkler, W., Seward, D.,
R. Spikings. Egüez, A., Heller, F., Ford, M., 1995. An integrated study
of fill and deformation in the Andean intermontane basin of
Nabón (late Miocene), southern Ecuador. Sediment. Geol. 96,
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