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UNIT 8: How the tiger got its stripes

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.

A tiger wanted The man said he

wisdom from the wanted to put
man so it can rope around its
control all body so it could
animals. not eat his buffalo.

The man burned

The man told the
the tiger with
tiger that he left
straw and a
the wisdom at
burning torch but
home and need
it escaped with
to return home
stripes across its
to take it.

There once lived a very proud (1)______________. One day, the tiger saw a mighty buffalo pulling

a plough through a paddy field. Tiger appeared in front of the buffalo. He asked the buffalo why

worked so hard for the small man. Buffalo answered that the small man ruled over him and all

animals on his farm. He said his wisdom that allows him to control us. Then, the tiger was thinking

if he got the (2)_______________ he would be able to control all animals. The next day, the tiger

appeared in front of the man. The man asked what he wants. The tiger said he wanted his

wisdom. The man told the tiger that he left at home. The tiger demanded to have it or he would

kill him. The man explained if he goes home to take the wisdom, firstly, he must (3) ______________

around the tiger’s body so he cannot eat the buffalo. The tiger allowed the man to put a rope

around his neck and tie him to a tree. The man ran home. He returned with a wagon filled with

(4)_______________ and a burning torch. The man spread the dry straw all around the tiger, just

outside the reach of its paws. Then he lit fire to the straw. The heat of the fire burned the tiger

badly. The tiger growled and screamed in pain until the rope burned through, and the tiger was

able to escape. Lines where the flames and smoke burned his body made stripes across the

tiger's body. The tiger still wears (5)________________ on his skin today. And he never tries to get

wisdom from man any more.


Study the picture below and answer the following question in the spaces provided.

List three characteristics you can describe about tiger.

i ________________________________________________________________

i i. _______________________________________________________________

iii. ________________________________________________________________


If I were…
Imagine you are an animal. What kind of animal you want to be. Suggest some
characteristics that you wish to have and give reason.. Use the information below to
help you. Write your answer between 50 - 80 words.

I am proud of my sharp claws because I can catch and eat

my prey.

I am also proud of my big paws because I can fight my














The Lion and a mouse

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.

Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story in 80 - 100 words.

-lion-king of jungle-sleep-



-apologize-good-some days-


-release-good friends-

Begin your story with:

Once upon the time, a lion_________________________________________________________













Mowgli : The Jungle Book

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.

Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 -100 words.

-Mowgli-grew up-jungle-







The hot summer sun beat down on the village. Crowds of people jammed into the market place, adding to
the misery and heat. Four animals were tied with ropes to small wooden sticks that had been pounded into
the sand. A large sign, reading ‘Animals For Sale’ was nailed to one of the sticks.
"I’ll be the first one to go," the elephant said. "I’m strong. I can carry things. I can give rides and I can do
"You’re wrong. I’ll be the first one bought. I can sing. I am beautiful. Look at my coloured feathers! They are
a prized possession, wanted by many for decorations," the peacock boasted.
"You are both wrong. It shall be I who goes first. I can give milk for cheese. My hair, though rough, can be
used for making Bedouin tents," the goat chimed in. He turned and looked at the camel. "Nobody will buy
you," he scoffed. "You are ugly. You bite, spit and kick. You have a big hump and smell. You will still be tied
to the stick, sweltering in the hot sun long after the three of us have been sold."
The camel didn’t say a word. He stood munching on some hay.
As the hours passed, more and more people came to the marketplace. The sun seemed to get hotter and
hotter as it made its way higher into the sky. "I could use a drink of cool, refreshing water," the elephant
complained. He was sweating and feeling very thirsty.
"I need a drink of water also," the peacock added. Its feathers were beginning to sag from the heat.
"If it gets much hotter, I’ll die of thirst," the goat said. He was covered with so much hair that he felt more
miserable than the other three animals.
The camel didn’t say a word. He stood munching on some hay.
A group of men walked up to the animals. They were wearing bright-coloured robes that hung to the
ground. Each wore a scarf that was tied around their heads. "I think I shall buy this elephant. It can carry a
heavy load," Ahmed said. The elephant beamed with pride and smiled at the peacock, goat and camel.
Ahmed petted the elephant’s strong legs and trunk.
"The elephant is a strong animal, but it will not do well crossing the hot, desert sands," Rashid replied.
Ahmed rubbed his chin in thought. "You are right, Rashid," Ahmed said and walked over to the well to get a
drink of water.
"I think I shall buy the peacock. It can sing me to sleep at night while we are traveling by caravan across
Arabia," Ali said. He knelt down and looked at the peacock’s beautiful feathers.
The peacock smiled at the elephant, goat and camel. "The peacock does sing and it is a beautiful bird,
but it could never endure the desert heat," Rashid said.
Ali rubbed his chin in thought. "You are right, Rashid," Ali said and walked into the marketplace to buy some
"I think I will buy this goat. It can give milk for cheese and I can use its coarse hair for my tent," Khalil said.
The goat smiled at the elephant, peacock and camel.
"The goat does give milk. You could make wonderful cheeses and butter. You can use its coarse hair for
your tent, but it can’t walk fast enough or long enough to be in a caravan," Rashid pointed out.


Khalil rubbed his chin in thought. "You are right, Rashid," Khalil said. He walked away and bought some fine
silks instead.

"I am going to buy this camel," Rashid said. He petted the camel’s neck. "You also give milk. Your hair can
be used to make a tent; you can carry heavy loads, such as spices, frankincense, and precious silks. You
can go for days without drinking and can walk for a week without getting tired. You aren’t huge like the
elephant, nor are you as beautiful as the peacock. You can’t sing at all, but you are the best animal of the
four. I will buy you," Rashid said. He paid the man and walked away with his purchase.

The camel turned and smiled at the elephant, peacock and goat, who stood sweltering in the hot summer

Text Analysing

Supporting details examples/evidences/reasoning

Main Ideas


Moral values





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