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Dyamond Garner

Nikki Bliss Carroll

English 112


Marijuana and its implications

Marijuana has been the most popular and most used drug for decades in the U.S., even

though it is illegal. Lately there have been reasons discovered for it to be legalized and how

would the reasons be either negative or positive for society.

Marijuana is a form of cannabis made from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. It is made up

of more than 400 chemicals for which delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary

chemical it is found in resin which is produced by the leaves and buds of the female cannabis

plant (NIDA). THC is like the brain chemical Anandamide and because of that it allows the body

to recognize THC so the brain can operate normally (NIDA). Marijuana is mainly used for

recreational reasons but also lately people have been using it for medical reason. It can be

consumed many ways like in cigars wraps, water pipes, mixed with food and many other ways.

Many people who use marijuana because of the effects and good feelings it gives them

and because it's not necessarily considered an actual drug. Even though it may be seen as an

overall bad thing because it's an addictive substance, it does have its positive effects. One of the

positive effects of marijuana is that it can help with weight loss. This reason is because it helps

the body regulate insulin production and manage caloric intake easier (Whitley). Also, lately

marijuana has been used for medical reasons and it has been proven by doctors and the federal

government that it actually works. One of the biggest uses for medical marijuana is for people
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with cancer. It can treat cancer in many ways, one way is that it blocks the tumors ability to

create blood vessels which will eventually starve the cancer. Another way it helps is it stops the

growth of the tumor cells so they will self-destruct. Medical marijuana is also seemed to be a big

help with chronic pains like arthritis and muscle spasms (Crowell). Although people have many

negative opinions on marijuana for any type of usage, they really cannot argue with the fact that

it actually has been proven to help with serious issues.

Though marijuana has its positive effects it most definitely has a lot of negative effects.

Marijuana may be used to help with cancer, but it also contains cancer causing compounds like

tobacco (Johnson). Nearly 17 million Americans aged 12 and over have used marijuana (NIDA).

It has many short- and long-term negative effects. Some of the short-term effects are short term

memory loss, severe anxiety, panic, hallucinations, increased appetite, loss of coordination,

increased risk of strokes and increased heart rate which can cause risks of a heart attack

(DrugFreeWorld). Some of the long-term effects are a decline in your IQ, impaired thinking and

ability to learn tasks and lower life satisfaction. Marijuana can play a big factor into your career

and getting a job. Most high paying jobs require you to take a drug test before hiring you or

throughout your time working there. Since marijuana is illegal and it can cause one not to

perform their best at a task, it is very important that they should pass their drug test because if

they fail, they will be more than likely terminated from their job.

The legalization of marijuana has been a big issue for a while now and it will be

continuing to be one because so many people use it and will continue to use it and there is no

way of stopping it any time soon. Marijuana is illegal for many reasons one being is because of

the crime that is involved with it. Many people have been killed due to be a part of drug dealings

that have to do with marijuana (Hall). Another reason why it is illegal is because it is perceived
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as being addictive. Under the Controlled substances Act of 1970, marijuana is classified as a

Schedule I drug on the basis that is has a high potential for abuse. Even though there have been

many cases put in order for marijuana to be legalized none of them seem to have a generalized

convincing case for it to become legalized.

Due to it being illegal for so much time it's obvious that the process of legalizing

marijuana is very difficult, but it also has been done by states. The district of Columbia and

thirty-three states have passed laws legalizing marijuana in different forms. The District of

Columbia, Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon,

Vermont and Washington have all legalized marijuana for recreational uses. Vermont was the

first state to ever legalize weed through the legislative process rather than doing it through the

ballot form. Marijuana has been legalized for medicinal reasons for a long time. In 1996 was the

first state to legalize medicinal weed and then later other states started to as well. There are

multiple pros and cons of legalizing. Some of the pros are the increase of the black market for

marijuana going away, increased tax revenue, decrease in drug related violence and it will allow

police and courts to focus more on more serious violent crimes (Franciosi). Some of the cons are

a decrease mental health, users will put their lungs at risk, and also if marijuana becomes legal

people will use as a gateway drug because it will become old and they will want to try newer and

more effective feeling drugs.

In conclusion marijuana is the most used and legalized drug. It has many negative and

positive effects to it and more will continue to be discovered. It has the ability to help or destroy

people that use it and there will never be a right or wrong opinion as to why it should be

legalized and used for any type of reason.

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Works Cited

Crowell, T. L., PhD. (2017). Therapeutic value of medical marijuana in new jersey
patients: A community partnership research endeavor. Journal of Allied
Health, 46(4), 232-238,238A-238B. Retrieved from

Hall, T. M. (2014). Legalization of marijuana and its effect on anticipated use: A

test of deterrence theory (Order No. 1556522). Available from Criminal
Justice Database. (1545690949). Retrieved from

Johnson, G. (2007, Oct 09). Wacky weed is whack. Philadelphia Tribune Retrieved

NIDA. "Marijuana." National Institute on Drug Abuse, tJun. 2018,
Accessed 14 Mar. 2019.

Whitley, Chip. “50 Unexpected Benefits of Cannabis (You Might Not Know).”

GreenFlower Media, 2018,


World, Drug Free. “Short- & Long-Term Effects of Marijuana - Negative Side Effects

of Weed - Drug-Free World.” Foundation for a Drug-Free World, 2019,


Franciosi, Anthony. “12 Pros & Cons Of Marijuana Legalization.” Honest Marijuana, 23 July


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