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A study on customer relationship management at

canara bank




Today, many business such as banks, insurance companies, and other services providers
realize the importance of customer relationship management (CRM) and its potential to help
them acquire new customer, retain existing ones and maximize their lifetime value. It deals with
role of customer relationship management in banking sector and the need for customer value by
using some methods in CRM practices.

The model developed here answers what the different customer segments are, who more
likely to respond to a given offer is, which customer are the bank likely to lose, who most likely
to default on credit cards is, what the risk associated with this loan application is.



Customer is every company’s sources of revenue no company will ever realize income
from any other entity except the customers it has now and the customer it will have in the future.
Thus in many ways a firm’s most valuable financial asset is its customer base, and given our new
and unfolding technological capabilities to recognize, measure and manage relationships with
each of those customers individually, a forward thinking firm must focus on deliberately
preserving and increasing the value of customer base. Customer strategy is not a fleeting
assignment for the marketing departments; rather it is an ongoing business imperative that
requires the involvement of the entire environment. Organisations must manage their customer
relationships effectively in order to remain competitive.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank


CRM is a multifaceted process mediated by a set of information technologies that focuses

on creating two-way exchange with customers so that firms have an intimate knowledge of their
needs, wants, and buying patterns.

Customer relationship management is one of the plans to manage customer as it efforts on

understanding customers as individuals instead of as part of a group. CRM manages the
relationship between a firm and its customers. The effective relationship between customer and
banks depends on the understanding of the different needs of customer at different stages.

The objective is to effectively analyze all the available data about the customers. The
analysis of such data helps a firm assess a customer’s current and potential profitability
satisfaction and loyalty. CRM manages the relationships between a firm and its customers.
Managing customer relationships requires managing customer knowledge. CRM and knowledge
management are directed towards improving and continuously delivering good services to

The biggest management challenge is to serve and maintain good relationship with king-the
customer. CRM primarily satisfies to all interactions with the customers or possible customers,
across multiple touch points including the internet, bank branch, call centers. To support this
strategy to implemented a number of projects regarding branch organisation, processes and
information systems. The organization burden in the branches has been significantly reduced and
centralized as much as possible in order to leave a larger room to marketing and sales. The BPR
projects have been followed by rationalizing and modernizing the operational systems and
subsequently by the introduction of innovative channels; internet banking, call center and self-
servicing. In parallel, custom of technology for internal statement: intranet, e-mail, workflow and
management reporting have become widespread.

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i. Acquisition:

Customer acquisition is a vital stage in building customer relationships. For this

purpose, an organization should focus on the following as its major sources for providing
input for customer acquisition. The acquisition process comprises of the five stages as
enquiry, interaction, exchange, co-ordination, adoption

Each one of the above stages assumes a significant role in the acquisition process. In the
analysis stage, the prospective buyer starts a detailed enquiry with regard to several aspects
pertaining to the organisation, product, nature of transaction and all other related aspects. The
terms of exchange, mode of delivery and other things related to the exchange are settled at
the exchange stage. Further coordinated effort on either said would lead the customers to
move towards the adoption of the product or service concerned, and that completes the
acquisition process.

Acquire Customers

Activities to Gain Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction Customer Dissatisfaction

Customer Loyalty Attrition

Customer Retention CRM Activities No Activities

Re-acquisition Defection

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

ii. Customer Interaction Management(CIM):

Interaction plays a leading role in building customer relationships. CIM constitutes

the customer relationship technologies with additions of technology- based interactive solution.
The communicating channels that are currently offered enable very effective customer
interactive communications, which lead to CIM, which further leads to relationship building.

In view of technology development, the interaction organization is facilitated by statement in

terms of media, message, speed, accuracy, distance, content, reach, repetition, etc.

CIM can assume the following routes;

a. Online routes: E-mails, web communities, chat rooms.

b. Offline routes: Telephone, fax, mails, interactive television network.
c. Outsourcing: It can also be got done by third party which specializes in CIM.

Customer interaction management helps organisations executive effective and efficient

interactions with their customers and prospects. these interactions must be consistent to the
customer needs, based on the segment of the customer, the service required and the used channel.

iii. Customer retention:

The focus of the organisation is more on customer retention than simply on
customer acquisition, customer retention is the process of keeping customers in the
customer inventory for an unending period by meeting the needs and exceeding the
expectations of those customers. It is the approach of converting a casual customer into a
committed and loyal customer. Customer retention is more than giving the customer what
they except; it’s about exceeding their expectations so that they become loyal advocates
for your brand. Creating customer reliability puts customer value somewhat than
maximizing profits and shareholder value at the center of business strategy.

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iv. Attrition:
It is a process of gradually weaving down. At this stage, customers question the
benefits this continued, relationship with the company in question. Attrition may lead to
defection arrested at the earliest stage.
a. Increase in the number of complaints.
b. Decrease in the frequency of contacts.
c. Decrease in enquires.
d. Decrease in volume of business.
e. Decrease in number of active buyers.
f. Decrease in the flow of communication.
i. Defection:
Customer defection means losing a business. It occurs when an unhappy
customer decides to stop hire or purchase the services or products and decides to find
some other suitable alternative that satisfies its needs which the organisation failed to
deliver. Therefore, customer defection is a threat. On the other hand, retentive a customer
is excessive chance. For a product manufacturing company a customer defection may
occur due to poor quality of product or poor after-sales services, where as in case of
service sector it plainly based on the quality of service itself.


CRM is a sound business strategy to identify the bank’s most profitable customer and
prospects, and devotes time and attention to expanding account relationship with those customers
through individualized and customized services through the various bank users. In few decades,
technical evoluation has highly affected the banking industry. ATM displaced cashier tellers,
telephone represented by call centered the bank branch, internet replaced the mail, credit card
and electronic cash replaced traditional cash transactions. Information technology can be helpful
in supporting the search for competitive advantage.

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a. Handling the customer issue:

It helps the management and customer service stops to deal with customers concerns
and issued. CRM involves assembly a lot of data around the customer. The data is then
used to facilitate customer service tractions by making the information readily available
those dealing with the customers. This result in more satisfied customers, a more
profitable business and more resources available to the support staff.
b. Knowing the future course of action:
CRM systems are a unnecessary help to the administration in determining on the
future course of the company. CRM provides various types of data including the
customer name, address, data of transactions. Pending and finished transactions, issued
and complaints, status of order, shipping and fulfillment dates, account information,
demographic data and many more.
c. Helping top management in decision-making:
Helping of consumer relationship organization software will also be able to make the
wanted reports for product improvement or innovative concepts, furthermore, this scheme
will also be a great help for the top organization in shelves or creating product
d. Helping in the expansion of business:
A CRM system will also help an organisation in expanding their business. As CRM
schemes are capable of conduct enormous amounts of facts, they help them in handling
increased number of customers and data. With CRM system and its proper utilization,
one can be sure that all data is available and used to run business successfully.

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e. Helping company in attracting and retaining customer:

A CRM system is not only used to deal with the existing customers but is also
useful in acquiring new customers. The process first starts with identifying a customer
and maintaining all the corresponding details into the CRM system which is also called
an ‘opportunity of business’. CRM helps an organisation to connect and build
relationship with the customer. With help of this relationship they attract new customer
and try to create loyalty in existing customers which could in turn provide a broad
customer base, which ultimately helps in profit maximization.
f. Helping In reducing cost:
The strongest aspect of customer relationship management is that it is very much
cost-effective. The advantage of decently implemented CRM system is that there is very
less need of paper and mutual work which requires lesser staff to manage and lesser
resources to deal with. The technologies used in implementing a CRM system are also
very cheap and smooth as compared to the traditional way of business.
g. Providing feedback and new information on competitors :
For any profitable organisation it is very much compulsory to have feedback, to know
how will they are performing in the market and CRM helps a organisation in getting
feedback from their customers. Simultaneously it also provides new and vital information
about the competitors which helps a company to compete in the market.

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canara bank




This bank was founded at Dongarakeri in mangalore as the ‘canara Bank Hindu
permanent fund’ in 1906, by late shri Ammembal Subba Rao Pai, a philanthropist. The account
grew into a partial company as ‘canara Bank Ltd.’ In 1910 and became canara Bank in 1969 after

Canara Bank’s first acquisition took place in 1961 when it acquires Bank of kerala. This had
been founded in September 1944 and at the time of its acquisition on 20 May 1961 had three
divisions. The second bank that canara bank developed was seasia midland Bank (alleppey),
which had been established on 26 July 1930 and had seven branches at the time of its takeover.

In 1958, the Reserve Bank of India had ordered Canara Bank to acquire G.Raghumuthmul Bank,
in Hyderabad. This bank had been recognized in 1870, and had rehabilitated to a limited
company in 1925. At the time acquisition G. Raghumathmul Bank had five branches. The
merger took effect in 1961. Later in 1961, canara bank acquired Trivandrum permanent bank.
This had been founded on 7 February 1866 and had 14 branches at the time of the merger.

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Next, Canara Bank acquires four banks in 1963: the sree poornathrayeesa vilasam Bank,
Tiruchirapalli, Cochin Commercial bank, cochin and Pandyan Bank, Madurai. Sree
poornathrayeesa Vilasam Bank had been established on 21 February 1923 and at the time of its
acquisition it had 14 branches. Arnad Bank had been recognized on 23 December 1942 and at
the time of its achievement had only one branch. Cochin commercial Bank had been established
on 3 January 1936, and at the time of its acquisition had 13 branches.

The Government of India nationalized canara bank, along with 13 major commercial banks
of india, on 19 July 1969. In 1976 Canara bank inaugurated its 1000th branch. In 1985, canara
bank some 230 branches in northern india.

In 1996, canara bank reformed the main Indian Bank to get ISO certification for “Whole
Division Banking” for its Seshadripuram branch in Bangalore. Canara bank has now stopped
opting for ISO certification of branches.


1. To remove superstition and ignorance.

2. To spread education among all to sub-serve the first principle.
3. To instruct the habit of carefulness and savings.
4. To convert the financial organization not only as the financial heart of the public but the
social heart as well.
5. To assist the needy.
6. To work with sense of service and dedication.
7. To grow a concern for fellow human being and thoughtfulness to the surroundings with a
view to make changes/remove adversities and sufferings.

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 From a small town bank, ongoing way back in 1906, today we have developed to
become a frontline Banking Institution of India with sound foundations.
 We consider our Human Resources as a most valuable asset.
 Our workforce has inherited a unique heritage of open and informal family culture.
There are a sequence of people structure HRD initiatives.
 The emerging challenges of a liberalized economy entails on us a responsibility for
developing motivated and knowledgeable workforce to meet requirements.
 Towards this end, canara bank consumes been a fore runner in founding its own training
system way-back in 1950s itself. Our apex level training college at Bangalore ably
supported by 13 regional centers spread over length and breadth of the country takes care
of the knowledge, skill, and attitudinal development of the employees.
Being proactive to the requirements of empowered workforce, the bank also sponsors
individuals to external training programs both within and outside the country.
 In order to ensure that a well-motivated workforce contributes towards the growth of the
institution, our but has made inroads towards establishment of quality circle concept
among its employees.
 The growth of this concept can be gauged by the fact that as on date, we have over 700
active quality circles. These quality circles have carved out a niche for themselves at
various national and international level competition and have returned with handsome
1. Best of the convention -Garden QC of Langford town, Bangalore
2. Best of the stream -Parklane QC of M G Road, Secunderabad
3. Best of the session -Surge QC of Thousand Lights, Chennai

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 Our quality circles have been participating in the international conventions consistently
since 1998.
 Vision QC of overseas branch, Chennai participated in the ICQCC’98 at Colombo
 MIPLADEV QC of our circle office, Madurai participated in the ICQCC’99 at
Mauritius and
 Our Garden QC contributed in the ICQCC 2000 held at Singapore through
November 2000.
 In the international convention on quality circles held at Lucknow from 17th to
19th Dec. 2002, 10 of our value circles had contributed and won prizes.
 In order to ensure that local area specific issues are addressed and redressed, development
of HRD cells at the local controlling offices of the bank, viz. circle offices and regional
offices, have boosted the optimism and promise of the workforce.


Consistent with its philanthropic roots and genuine concerns for the needy, bank has taken
several initiatives including the following:

 KPJ Prabhu Artisans Training, production and marketing centre at Jogaradoddi, Bidadi,
Bangalore Rural District and C E Kamath Institute for rural artisans at Karkala provide
training for artisans in wood carving, stone carving, sheet metal embossing and terra cotta
and marketing their products.
 Rural Women Self Employment Training Institute at Harohalli, Mahila Abhyudaya
Yojana Gramina Kendras centre for entrepreneurship development for women provide
counseling, guidance and training to make women self-reliant A D Pai Institute for rural
development at Vajrahaalli and rural self-employment promopion and resource guidance
centre at Holalur, Shimoga District provide training to rural youths for self employment.

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 Rural Clinic service and Mahila Shusrusha Yojana provide medical facilities in remote
and backward villages and provide incentives to doctors to set up clinics in such areas.
 Adarsha Grama project and Jalayoga scheme provide safe drinking water facility in
backward villages.

 Grama Jala Yojana.

 Hari Kalyana Yojana, Tribal Counselling Centers Dr.Ambedkar Self-Employment
Training Institute at Wandoor train SC/ST and minority youths to take up self-
employment training.
 Rural development and self-employment training institutes and rural resource
development centre provides training in adopting appropriate technology.
 Kalagrama-an art village, a complex of 18hours (at K.P.J.Prabhu artisans training,
production and marketing centre, Jogaradoddi has been set of the assist the artisans who
have undergone training in traditional arts to pursue and practice art for mutual learning
and benefit.
 Canara bank foundation of information knowhow, allepy has been setup with an
objective of imparting training to the rural youth of south kerala in the field of
information technology. The training is offered free of cost and backed up by post
training follow-up to ensure credit linkage and settlement.
 Canara bank institute of information technology , it takes remained set-up with an
independent of imparting training in the field of information technology to the
unemployed youth of Thiruvananthapuram and near by district. The training is offered
free of cost in computer packages with emphasis on self-employment/wage employment
in the IT field.
 canara bank golden jubilee education endowment afford adult literacy and support
student fraternity by given that books, equipments, sponsoring libraries etc.

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Canara bank recognized its international union in 1976. In 1983, Canara bank opened its
first overseas office, a branch in London. Two years later, canara bank established a subsidiary in
Hong Kong international Finance. In 2008-9, canara bank established a branch each in Leicester
and Bahrain, and converted its Hong Kong subsidiary into a branch. It also has a representative
office in Sharjah. Composed with State Bank of India, canara bank recognized a joint venture in
Moscow, Commercial Bank of India LLC.

Canara bank provides the general manager and the branch manager for AlRazouki Intl Exchange
Co (LLC), which a number of business leaders and non-resident Indians (NRIs) well-known in
1981 in the United Arab Emirates to simplify remittances to india by tourists and NRIs.

Since 1983, canara bank has been responsible for the management of Eastern Exchange Co.
WILL, Doha, Qatar, which Abdul Rahman M.M. Al Muftah established in 1979.


 Canfin Homes Limited (CFHL), with a network of 110 branches and 28 satellite
offices throughout india
 Canbank Factors Limited
 Canbank Venture Capital Fund Limited
 Canara bank Securities Limited
 Canara Robeco Asset Management Company Limited
 Canbank Financial Service Limited
 Canara HSBC Oriental Life Insurance Company Limited.

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Canara bank sponsors two regional rural banks (RRB):

 Kerala Gramina Bank- It is the largest RRB in India. Its headquarters are at
Malappuram and it functions in all regions in Kerala. It was conventional in 1976 as a
scheduled commercial bank.
 Pragathi Krishna Gramina Bank has its headquarters at Bellary, Karnataka, and has
645 branches spread over eleven districts.

Canara bank is a state level led bank Kerala.


Through canara bank is trying to grow organically at 23% this year to reach a business-mix
of Rs 4, 00,000 crore by opening 200 new branches as well as 10 overseas branches, Chairman
and Managing Director AC Mahajan had recently opined that mergers and acquisitions are the
only way to grow. This hints at the burdens the bank is facing in opposing with players one rung
above them like State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, and
Union Bank of India.

Canara bank is one of the four public sector banks that has a important exposure to the troubled
national carrier Air India. The airline has required more time since canara bank to repay its
existing loans.

A medium sized public sector bank, canara bank has completed selecting 1800 new employees,
which might add strain in a recessionary environment, especially since there is still no
performance based pay structure in place. Canara bank needs to put such a structure in place as
nearly 20% of its 45,000 workforce will retire within 3years.

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Name Designation
H Krishnamurthy Shareholder Director
M Swaminathan Divisional Manager
Mahadev Nagendra Rao Shareholder Director
N Selvarajan General Manager
P V Bharathi Executive Director
P Vithoba Asst. General Manager
Rakesh Sharma CEO
Rakesh Sharma Managing Director & CEO
Suchindra Misra Government Nominee Director
T George Augustin Co. Secretary & Compl. Officer
T George Augustin Secretary
T N Manoharan Chairman
Uma Shankar Nominee Director
V Ramachandran Deputy General Manager
Venkatachalam Ramakrishna lyer Shareholder Director

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 ‘SHOCH Achiever Award’ as a top Bank in ‘SME Enablement’ by SKOTCH group.

 ‘Best Use of Digital and channels Technology’ award amongst large banks in IBA
Banking Technology Awards, 2014-15.
 Best MSME Bank award by Chamber of India Micro, Small and medium Enterprises
 “Agricultural and Best Social Bank” award (under large bank category) by ASSOCHAM,
for its outstanding performance under Agricultural Banking and Social Banking.
 Golden Peacock Award aimed at ‘Corporate Social Responsibility, 2015’ in appreciation
of its pioneering work done finished CSR initiatives.
 ‘Vigilance Excellence Award, 2015-16’, 3rd Best in Banking Sector, Instituted by M/s
Institute of Public Enterprise.
 Agricultural and Best Social Banking Excellence Award, 2015, by ASSOCHAM.
 5th Yearly Greentech CSR Gold Honor, 2015.
 CSR World Congress Award for overall excellence in CSR.
 India’s Most Trusted Brand-2015 under India’s Best Banks Category, in a survey
conducted by IBC Infomedia & Media Research Group (MRG).
 SHOCH Smart Technology Award, 2015.
 Motivating Workplace Award 2015 (PSBs) established by Banking Frontiers in
partnership with m/s. Deloitte.
 Chanakya Award for Excellence in Business Leadership, 2016, by the Public Relations
Council of India (PRCI).
 Global Visa Service Quality Performance Award, 2014, for reliable and superior
operating performance.
 Dun & Bradstreet Banking Award 2015 for Best Bank under Priority Sector Lending and
Best Retail Growth Performer amongst the PSBs.

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 Golden Peacock Award 2016 under CSR activities.

 MSME Brilliance Award 2017 by Alliance of Industrial Trade and Services (FITS).
 ASSOCHAM Social Banking Excellence Award 2016.
 “SKOCH ORDER OF MERIT” and “SKOCH SILVER” Awards 2016 for Bancassurance
during 46th SKOCH summit.
 CSR Leadership Award 2016 for Best CSR practices by World CSR Congress.
 Commercial Vigilance Excellence Award 2016-17 in Banking Sector, successively for
the 4th year, instituted by M/s Institute of Public Enterprise.
 Indy Wood CSR Excellence Award ,2016, for outstanding achievement in Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) by Indy wood Film Carnival.
 SME Excellence Award for Best SME lending during 2015-16 by ASSOCHAM.
 FICCI CSR AWARD –Social Responsibility Bank under Women empowerment for
 “Star Performer Award 2016” in the 31st Depository Participant Conference.
 Award for excellence, 1st position in MSE lending for FY15 by Government of India.
 National Award for excellence in lending to Micro Enterprises, 1st position for FT14 and
2nd position for FY15 by Government of India.
 Best bank Award under PMEGP, South Zone in the field of Khadi and Village Industries
for FY14 and FY15 by Government of India.
 Received “MasterCard Innovation Award” for Canara International Travel Prepaid Card
under prepaid segment.
 RuPay Special Award for being the highest RuPay Card Issuing Bank by NPCI.

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There is a resolution happening in the banking industry, this has increased

the competition among the bankers, they have realized the fact that CRM is a powerful tool to
achieve success in their business. CRM is an operational tool for the bankers to attain new
customers and to retain the existing ones. In the banking field a exclusive ‘relationship’ happens
among the customers and the bank. But because of various reasons and apperhensions like
financial burdens, risk of failure, marketing inertia etc., the role of CRM is very vital in leading
the banks towards high level and volume of profits.


 To analysis the customer’s attitude and satisfaction level and to identify the customer
retention level improvement measures towards canara bank.
 To study the benefits of CRM context in banking sector.
 To identify dissatisfied customers before they leave through a customer retention
 To suggestion pertinent recommendations based on the findings of the study.
Bank merely on organisation it accepts deposits and lends money to the needy persons, but
banking is the process associated with the activities of bank. It comprises issuance of Cheque
and Cards, monthly statements, timely announcement of new services, helping the customers
to avail online and mobile banking etc. Retail bank customers tend to increase their holdings
of the other products from across the range of financial products/services available.

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The population for the present study has been mainly customers of canara bank,
employee of and also public, including those who have some interaction with this bank.

Sampling Method: Convenience sampling method

Sample Size: 100 customers

Sources of Data

It is very well known that achievement or letdown of the research depends upon the data.
Therefore, selection of appropriate methodology for collection of relevant data is important.

Primary source of data collection

 Observation
 Questionnaire
 Interview

Secondary Source of data collection

 Bank Reports
 Financial Statements
 Text Books
 Magazines

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Organisation and research studies have exposed that retaining current customers is much
less expensive than attracting new customers. The best way to attract customers is to keep them
satisfied, a number of studies have shown that customer satisfaction can lead brand loyalty,
repurchase intention and repeate sale, in short customer retention.

CRM is financial service industry is a cyclical process which starts with definition of customer
action. CRM is fundamental to building a customer centric organisation. CRM is a key
component that permits a bank to develop its customer base and sales capacity. The following
literature review section offers a discussion and dispute for the service quality and CRM
practices. The experiment before the banks is not only to obtain informed information for each
customer, but also to use the information to determine the best time to offer the most relevant

CRM denotes to all corporate activities directed towards initiating, founding, maintaining and
developing successful long-term relational exchanges. CRM is the promotion of customer
loyalty, which is considered to be a relational phenomenon, Jacoby & Kyner. It is common
knowledge that a disappointed and unhappy customer will portion his unfortunate experience
more than a satisfied customer. It is also observed that a fraction of unhappy customers choose to
complain while others simply switch their loyalty to others service providers.

The fundamental reason for companies aspiring to build relationships with customers is
economic. For this happy business process and banking culture have to focus on the customer.
CRM software can be only a tool to implement a customer strategy to get an existing customer to
make a new purchase. It has been five years in development and has been piloted in a number of
business-to-business and business-to-customer strategy. The model is based on strong theoretical
principles and the practical requirements of business.

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Table 4.1: From how many years you are using services offered by canara bank

SL NO Years No. of respondents Percentage

1 0-2 years 22 22%
2 2-4 years 68 68%
3 more than 4 years 10 10%
Total 100 100%


Analysis of the table 3.1 shows that 22% of respondents are 0-2 years, 68% of respondents
are 2-4 years, and 10% of respondents are more than 4 years of service get from canara bank.

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Graph 4.1

No. of respondents
30 No. of respondents
0-2 years 2-4 years more than 4


From the above graph it is clear that majority of respondents are of 2-4 of service get from
canara bank.

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Table 4.2: Age distribution of customers in canara bank

SL NO Years No. of respondents percentage

1 Below 18 years 13 13%
2 18-28 years 30 30%
3 28-38 years 18 18%
4 38-48 years 20 20%
5 48-58 years 11 11%
6 more than 58 years 8 8%
Total 100 100%


Analysis of table shows that 13% of respondents are below 18 years age group, 30% of
respondents are 18-28 years age group, 18% of respondents are 28-38 years age group, 20% of
respondents are 38-48 years age group, 11% of respondents are 48-58 years age group, 8% of
respondents are more than 58 years age group.

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Graph 4.2:

No. of respondents



No. of respondents

Below 18-28 28-38 38-48 48-58 more
18 years years years years years than 58


From the above graph the majority of respondents are of 18-28 years age group.

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Table No 4.3: what is your Occupation

SL NO Occupation No. of respondents percentage

1 Business 20 20%
2 Student 30 30%
3 Agriculture 40 40%
4 Other 10 10%
Total 100 100%


From the above table shows 20% of respondents are business persons, 30% of respondents
are students, 40% of respondents are agricultural persons,10% of respondents are other

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Graph 4.3

No. of respondents
Business Student Agriculture Other




From the above graph it is interpreted that majority of respondents are agricultural

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Table No 4.4: Do you agree that the procedure to open an account with the canara bank is


SL NO Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 0 0%
2 Agree 1 1%
3 Neither agree Nor disagree 4 4%
4 Disagree 80 80%
5 Strongly Disagree 15 15%
Total 100 100%


Analysis of the above table 3.4 shows that 0% of respondents are strongly agree, 1% of
respondents are agree, 4% of respondents are neither agree nor disagree, 80% of respondents are
disagree, 15% of respondents are strongly disagree to open an account with canara bank is

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Graph 4.4

No of respondents

No of respondents
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree Nor disagree


From the above graph it is clear that 95% of respondents doesn’t face any problem in the
process of opening an account with canara bank.

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Table No 4.5: Do you agree that the process of depositing and withdrawing money from canara


SL NO Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 strongly agree 21 21%
2 Agree 59 59%
3 neither agree nor disagree 18 18%
4 disagree 1 1%
5 strongly disagree 1 1%
Total 100 100%


From this table shows 21% of respondents are strongly agree, 59% of respondents are
agree, 18% of respondents are neither agree nor disagree, 1% of respondents are disagree, 1% of
respondents are strongly disagree that the process of depositing and withdrawing money from

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Graph 4.5

45 45
20 No. of respondents
15 15
0 0
strongly agree neither disagree strongly
agree agree nor disagree


From the above graph clearly shows that the majority of respondents are agree to feel that
the process of depositing and withdrawing money from bank

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Table No 4.6: Do you agree that minimum account limit is not high and easy to maintain in the

Canara bank

SL NO No. of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly agree 20 20%
2 Agree 70 70%
3 Neither agree Nor disagree 8 8%
4 Disagree 1 1%
5 Strongly disagree 1 1%
Total 100 100%


From the above table shows 20% of respondents are strongly agree, 70% of respondents are
agree, 8% of respondents are neither agree nor disagree, 1% of respondents are disagree, 1% of
respondents are strongly disagree to maintain in the account with the canara bank.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Graph 4.6

No. of respondents
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree Nor disagree Disagree Strongly disgagree

1% 1%
8% 20%



From the above graph it is clear that 70% of respondents are satisfied with the minimum
account limit and easy to maintain in canara bank.

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canara bank

Table No 4.7: According to you which services provided by the canara bank

SL NO Services No. of respondents Percentage

1 Depositing and Withdrawing money 1 1%
2 Query handling 1 1%
3 New account process 4 4%
4 Friendliness of bank personnel 2 2%
5 Minimum account limit is not high 4 4%
6 Easy maintenance of account 3 3%
7 Parking facilities and accessibilities 0 0%
8 convenience of location 0 0%
9 Online services 85 85%
Total 100 100%


From this table shows respondents would feel that Depositing and Withdrawing money, Query
handling at 1%, New account process, Maintenance of account limit is not high at 4%, Friendly
of bank personnel at 2%, Easy maintenance of account at 3% and Online services at 85% would
be provided by canara bank.

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canara bank

Graph 4.7

No. of respondents
10 No. of respondents


From the above graph clearly shows that majority of respondents are feel that Online
services are the best services provided by the canara bank.

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Table No 4.8: Information about our customers are stored in the bank database for future case


SL NO particulars No of respondents Percentage

1 Agree 85 85%
2 Disagree 9 9%
3 Can’t say 6 6%
Total 100 100%


From the above table 3.8 it is analyzed that 85% of respondents are agree, 9% of
respondents are disagree, 6% of respondents are can’t say.

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canara bank

Graph 4.8

Agree Disagree Con't say




According to the graph 85% of respondents are agree to store in the bank database for
future case studies.

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canara bank

Table No 4.9: Are satisfied you with the way the queries of the customers have been resolved by

Canara bank

SL NO Particulars No of respondents Percentage

1 Strongly agree 50 50%
2 Agree 35 35%
3 Neither agree Nor disagree 14 14%
4 Disagree 1 1%
5 Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 100 100%


From the above table 50% of respondents are strongly agree, 35% of respondents are
agree, 14% of respondents are neither agree nor disagree, 1% of respondents are disagree.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Graph 4.9

1% No of respondents Strongly disagree
Neither agree Nor 0%

Strongly agree


From the above graph it is clear that 85% of respondents are feel that the canara bank has
been easily resolved by customers queries and conflict.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Table No 4.10: What do you prefer for Investment

SL NO Investment No. of respondents Percentage

1 Fixed deposits 18 18%
2 Insurance 79 79%
3 Mutual funds 2 2%
4 Shares 0 0%
5 Other 1 1%
Total 100 100%


From the above table shows that 18% of respondents prefer fixed deposits, 79% of
respondents prefer insurance, 2% of respondents prefer mutual funds, only 1% of respondents
prefer for other investments.

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canara bank

Graph 4.10

Fixed deposits Insurance Mutual funds Shares Other




From the above graph it is clear that majority (79%) of respondents prefer for insurance.

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canara bank

Table No 4.11: Are you satisfied with the services provided by canara bank

SL NO Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 strongly agree 32 32%
2 Agree 45 45%
3 neither agree nor disagree 15 15%
4 Disagree 18 18%
5 strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 100 100%


The table showing 32% of respondents are strongly agree, 45% of respondents are agree,
15% of respondents are neither agree nor disagree, 8% of respondents are disagree with the
services provided by canara bank.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Graph 4.11

20 No. of respondents

strongly agree agree neither agree disagree strongly
nor disagree disagree


From the above graph it is clear that 77% of respondents are satisfied with the services
provided by canara bank.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Table No 4.12: Dose the banker inform you about the new services/changes in the service on


SL NO Particulars no. of respondents Percentage

1 Yes 93 93%
2 No 7 7%
Total 100 100%


From the above table shows that 93% of respondents says yes and just 7% of respondents
says no the banker informs about the new services on time.

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canara bank

Graph 4.12

yes no




From the above graph shows majority of respondents say yes.

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canara bank

Table No 4.13: Which type of account do you have in this bank

SL NO accounts no. of respondents Particulars

1 savings account 70 70%
2 fixed account 10 10%
3 loan account 15 15%
4 current account 5 5%
Total 100 100%


From the above table 3.13 shows 70% of respondents prefer for savings account, 10% of
respondents prefer for fixed account, 15% of respondents prefer for loan account, 5% of
respondents prefer for current account in canara bank.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Graph 4.13





no. of respondents



savings account fixed account loan account current account


From this graph shows 70% of the respondents prefer for savings account.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Table No 4.14: Table showing about the following features is important to customer from

Canara Bank

SL NO Particulars No of respondents Percentage

1 Interest rate 44 44%
2 Easy to operate 2 2%
3 Annual charges are less 50 50%
4 Value added services 4 4%
Total 100 100%


From the above table showing 44% respondents say that interest rate is very important
features in canara bank account, 50%respondents say that annual charges are less in case of
canara bank, 2% of respondents are say easy to operate, 4% of respondents say value added

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Graph 4.14

No of respondents




20 No of respondents


Interest rate Easy to Annual Value added
operate charges are services


Majority of respondents says that annual charges are less in case of canara bank.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Table No 4.15: Table showing about criteria’s that influence you to Canara Bank products and


SL NO Particulars No of respondents Percentage

1 Reliability 30 30%
2 Quality Customer Services 62 62%
3 Rate of Interest 4 4%
4 Operating efficiency 4 4%
Total 100 100%


From the table showing 30% of respondents are reliability to influence the canara bank
products and services, 62% of respondents are quality customer services, 4% of respondents are
rate of interest and operating of efficiency.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Graph 4.15

No of respondents
reliability Quality Customer Services Rate of Interest Operating efficiency





Majority of the respondents say that they are influenced by quality customer

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canara bank

Table No 4.16: If yes than which services you get from bank

SL NO Services No of respondents Percentage

1 Net banking 4 4%
2 Credit card 1 1%
3 Debit card 85 85%
4 Mobile banking 10 10%
Total 100 100%


From the above table shows that 4% of respondents are using net banking, 1% of
respondents are using credit card, 85% of respondents are using debit card, 10% of respondents
are using mobile banking.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Graph 4.16

No of respondents
40 No of respondents
Net banking Credit card Debit card Mobile banking


From this graph shows most of respondents are using debit cards.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Table No 4.17: What do feel about overall service quality of bank

SL NO quality no. of respondents Percentage

1 excellent 5 5%
2 very good 10 10%
3 good 85 85%
4 bad 0 0%
5 very bad 0 0%
Total 100 100%


From this table 5% of respondents are feel excellent, 10% of respondents are feel very
good, 85% of respondents are feel good about overall service quality of bank.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

Graph 4.17

very good
very bad



From this graph 3.15 shows majority of respondents feel the overall service quality of
bank is good.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank




 Majority of the respondent customers constituting 68% are in the bank from 2-4 years.

 Majority of the respondents taken for study constituting 25% are in the age of 18-28 years.

 It is found that 40% of respondents are doing agriculture.

 It is found that majority of the respondents (80%) don’t face any problem in the process of
opening a new account.

 Majority of the customers are agree to feel that the process of depositing and withdrawing
money from bank is easy.

 It is found that 70% of respondents are satisfied with the maintenance of account with the
canara bank.

 According to the study it is clear that the customers are happy to receive all services from

 It is found that 85% of the representatives are agree to store the database in the bank for
future case studies.

Page 55
A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank

 Majority of the respondents are said that the banker solve all queries and conflicts of the

 It is found that 79% of customers prefer for insurance other than fixed deposits, mutual
funds, shares.

 Majority of respondent customers constituting 77% of respondents are happy with the
services provided by bank.

 It is found that majority of the respondents taken for the study constituting 93% said that
the banker inform about changes in the bank on time.

 It can be inferred from the analysis that 70% of customers prefer for savings account.

 Majority of customers constituting 85% are using debit card services other than online and
credit card services.

 It can be inferred from the analysis that almost all customers are happy with the overall
service quality of organisation.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank


 Majority of the respondents are feel that online services are the best services provided by
the canara bank to increase the customers.
 Implement Zero balance account more effectively in order to attract more customers.
 Increase the number of cash deposit machine to the bank.
 Minimum account balance is high so decrease the minimum balance and to attract the
more number of customers.
 Implement customer relationship management software in each and every branches of
canara bank.
 Increase the automatic teller machine for 24 hours transaction.
 Customer queries and conflicts must have been resolved quickly.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank


Today information technology has increasing appropriate for the skills of customers. As a result
the service sectors are growing. Society has realized that in the globe and highly competitive
market place and market space, success on the firm’s ability to attract safety and retain its
customers. This demands marketing efforts to be more informative, customer and service
oriented. Customer relationship management is an innovative approach undertaken by the
marketers in the process of developing lifetime customers and maximizing lifetime value of the

CRM is quite a new phenomenon is marketing industry. The philosophy of Information

Technology enabled Relationship Marketing forms the basis of customer relationship
management and accelerates its need into the current marketing world as it uses variety of tools
like MIS, data warehouses, Spreadsheet, MS access, telephones, E-mail, ATM’s, etc.

Relationship marketing was first defined as a form of marketing developed from direct response
marketing campaigns which emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction, rather than a
dominant focus on sales transactions.

In the present study I have analyzed the customer relationship management in canara bank. In the
present study I have analyzed the effectiveness customer relationship management in canara
bank. I found that canara bank has a customer centric approach for solving customer need.
Canara bank identify customer problems and solve the problems very quickly. Canara bank
maintain a good relationship with the customer. Bank provides all services to the customers and
easy to maintain account with the canara bank. Canara bank inform about the new changes in
service on time.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank


The project was entirely activity of learning for MBA graduation because what I have learned in
my previous year was just the theoretical knowledge of management. Am doing this project have
learned many things and practical knowledge of doing the application theories.


learned how to face the problem and how to solve that problem. The problems that the customers
face directly. How to attract the customers in bank and maintain a good relationship with
customers. Trust is a big factor in business and building relationship with the customers will long
way to gaining their trust. Customer related data can have a current, past or future perspective, it
might about individual customers, customer segments, regulated data or anything else pertinent
to development and maintenance of customer relationship.

Work environment balance is about creating and maintaining supportive and healthy working
environment, which will enable customers to have balance between work and persons
responsibility and to analyze the customer’s strengths, weakness, loyalty and behavior of

The project was helpful in these ways increasing knowledge, growth of problem solving skills,
self- esteem and improved attitude towards learning. It enabled me to take responsibility for my
own learning. It gave the opportunities to develop complex skills thinking in a critical way,
collaborating and communicating. It helps to access a broader range of learning opportunities
than the classrooms, providing strategy for engaging culturally diverse learners.

In other words project based learning is an instrumental learning model that involves student in
investigation of compelling problems that culminate in the authentic solution. It grows out of the
challenging questions that cannot be answered just learning. This project is very helpful to
learned many things, challenges and expected to maintain in a stipulated period of time.

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A study on customer relationship management at
canara bank




 Thakur’s publishers “customer relationship management”


 Business world
 Eagle Eye


 www.canara


 Bank reports
 Financial statements



Page 60

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