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Demi-offical letter from the Hon’ble Mr. R. Burn, Chief Secretary

to the United Provinces, to the Hon’ble Mr. H. Wheeler, C.S.I.,
C.I.E., Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department,
Sachindra Nath Sanyal dated Camp Bareilly, the 29th February 1916.
I am desired to forward, for the information of the Government
of India, two copies of the Judgment of the Special Tribunal in
the Benares conspiracy case.


Jatinder Nath Sanyal

In the present trial under the Defence of India Act fifteen accused
are before the court charged under sections 121, 121A, 122 and 131 of
the Indian Penal Code, and two of them, accused nos. 4 and 8, the ex-
sepoys Dharam Singh and Jadu Nath Singh, are also charged under sec.
123, I.P.C. We have not thought it necessary to frame a charge under
section 124A, because the objects of the conspiracy went far beyond
merely exciting hatred and disaffection. They aimed at nothing less than
the subversion of the Government by armed force, and the literature
which they were engaged in propagating (Swadhin Bharat and Liberty
leaflets) was frankly revolutionary in character and openly advocated
murder and rebellion. The orders of Government constituting the Special
Rao Gopal Singh
Tribunal and sanctioning the prosecution of the accused, and the
Kharwa – Rajasthan complaints filed in accordance with that sanction by the Superintendent
356 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 357
of Police, Benares, are on the record. Of the twenty-four persons in Bibhuti’s evidence that Sachindra described to him in detail how Nalini
respect of whom a prosecution was sanctioned fifteen were originally and others’ distributed leaflets at the Central Hindu College and elsewhere
before the court and the other nine were shown as absconding. As against (p.3, line 35). If this statement is not relevant as evidence that Nalini
accused no, 6, Rao Gopal Singh of Kharwa, the prosecution was distributed leaflets as alleged it is difficult to see in what sense it can be
subsequently withdrawn by Government and he was discharged, (Details evidence to prove his connection with the conspiracy. Yet sec. 10
in the Postscript, at the end — Ed.) but as in the meantime accused no. distinctly lays down that such a statement is relevant for the purpose of
18, Nagendra Nath Datta alias Girja Babu, had been arrested and brought proving Nalini’s connection with the conspiracy. What its evidential value
before the court the number of accused to be tried still remained fifteen. might be is another matter, and we may say at once that the only use we
In referring to the accused throughout the proceedings we have preferred have made of second-hand evidence of this kind is to corroborate more
for the sake of convenience to adhere to the original numbering as shown direct evidence of the same matter.
on the title page of the case. In regard to seven of the eight remaining The objection to the validity of the rules made by the Local
accused evidence was placed before us at the outset of the trial to prove Government, and the contention that the statement of one approver could
the fact that they were absconding and an order was passed under sec. under no circumstances be used to corroborate that of another, which
512, C. P. C., rendering the evidence subsequently recorded available appear to have been so strongly pressed in the Lahore Conspiracy Case,
against them under that section in the event of their arrest. In regard to have not been raised before us. With regard to the latter question our
accused no. 17, Ganeshdan Chandar Rai, no proceeding under sec. 512 position, which has been accepted by both prosecution and defence, has
was recorded, as the prosecution was not at that time, prepared with been practically that set out in the second proviso to illustration (b) of
evidence to prove that search had been made for him. sec. 114 of the Evidence Act. Where the statements of two approvers
The only point of law, which has been seriously pressed before us, were recorded at difference places and under circumstances which show
is as to the effect of sec. 10 of the Evidence Act. Mr. Chatterji for the that they were made independently of each other, it is merely common
defence has contended that sec. 10’ in no way modifies the ordinary rule sense to say that the fact of their being in substantial agreement as to a
against hearsay and that where, for instance, the approver Bibhuti tells number of details which are common to both must necessarily greatly
us of details which he learnt from the accused Sachindra of the distribution strengthen the court’s belief in their truth. Where on the other hand they
of seditious leaflets by Nalini and other accused there is no evidence are shown not to have been made independently or where there is reasonable
whatever that the accused referred to did the acts which are attributed to ground for thinking that one approver may have been coached as to the
them. His contention is that under the definition of direct evidence given statement made by the other, the inference that might otherwise be derived
in sec. 60 the only evidence admissible to prove that certain acts were from their agreement naturally disappears.
done by members of the conspiracy is that of persons who saw them do Keeping before our minds the fact that it is necessary to be especially
those acts, and that there is nothing to warrant sec. 10 being construed as cautious in dealing with this class of evidence we have examined the
an exception to this rule. He admits that he can produce no authority in statements of the approvers —
support of his contention, and it seems to us that the answer to it is to be (a) from the point of view of their intrinsic credibility,
found in the language of sec. 10 itself. Sec. 10 lays down categorically (b) in their relation to each other, and
that when once it is established that two or more persons have entered (c) in the light of the large amount of independent evidence
into a conspiracy, anything said by any one of them in reference to their available,
common intention is a relevant fact not only against the person making in order to see whether the approvers have in fact made that full and true
the statement but against any one of the conspirators to whom the statement disclosure, which was a condition of the pardon granted to them . Where
relates, not only for showing the existence of the conspiracy but also for we find that they have done so we are entitled to make use of their
showing that the person referred to was a party to it, Take for example evidence, provided that we are satisfied of its truth, even on points on
358 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 359
which corroboration is wanting. of our reasons for finding the case as a whole established. The third and
The present trial in spite of its length, we have examined some 200 concluding portion will deal with the case of individual accused. The
witnesses and the printed record of evidence extends to 390 pages-differs fact that we have been unanimous on every important question of fact
from the previous conspiracy trials at Delhi and Lahore with which it is and law which has arisen during the trial enables us to curtail considerably
connected, in that the evidence before us covers no instance of any actual the two concluding portions of the judgment the more so as we have
deed of violence, whether in the form of murder, dacoity, or bomb- during the course of the trial minutely analysed the effect and value of
throwing. The activities of the Benares branch of the conspiracy were every important piece of evidence adduced on either side.
confined to —
(1) distribution of seditious literature;
(2) tampering with the fidelity of the troops; PART II
(3) Acting as a depot for the supply of bombs and ammunition 1– NARRATIVE: AN OUTLINE OF THE EVIDENCE
from Bengal and elsewhere to Meerut, Delhi, and the Punjab.
The conspiracies at Lahore, Delhi and Benares were all parts of Although the police had been aware for some years past of the
one big movement, but the centre of the movement was in the Punjab existence of a seditious movement in Benares, chiefly in connection with
where there was very different material to deal with form the Bengali the Sewak Samiti, the Young Men’s Association, and kindred societies,
striplings who form the bulk of the accused before us. The discovery at their first real intimation of an organized movement forming a branch of
Meerut of ten loaded bombs, which undoubtedly came from Benares, is the Delhi and Lahore conspiracies was derived from the statement of
sufficient to show to what deadly results the movement even here was Mani Lal. Mani Lal’s name was not known to the Delhi approvers Ram
capable of leading, but as no act of violence had in fact been committed Nath and Shankar Lal, who were arrested respectively on the 31st March
when the police were able to effect the arrest of the leading accused the and the 14th April and both of whom had made statements prior to his
Crown has not pressed for a conviction under sec. 121, the only one out arrest on April 21. Their statements led to enquiries at Rewa Shankar’s
of the offences charged against the accused which is punishable with eating house where Mani Lal stayed on one of his visits to Delhi, and it
death. Sec. 121 is one of the few offences for which a minimum penalty was the discovery at this eating-house of a number of Mani Lal’s business
is prescribed. A court convicting under that section must, if it does not advertisements giving his name and his Benares address which enabled
award the death penalty, pass sentence of transportation for life plus the police to lay their hands on him. He is by occupation a commission
forfeiture of property, a punishment which would obviously be utterly agent for the sale of Benares wares. Mani Lal’s statement enabled the
inappropriate in the case of most of the accused before us. The decision police to get hold of the third Benares approver Babu Ram in the early
of the Crown not to press this charge even if technically the evidence part of June, and on June 26th, on information supplied by one of the
might be sufficient to constitute abetment of waging war leaves us free accused they arrested at the same house Bibhuti Bhushan Haldar and the
to deal with the case under sec. 121A, which allows of a complete range principal accused Sachindra Nath Sanyal. When Bibhuti consented to
of punishments from transportation for life downwards. We therefore make a statement at the beginning of August the whole case was complete
propose dealing with those accused, whose guilt we find combined where and it only remained to verify the details. The statements of Bibhuti and
necessary with sec 122 or sec. 131 and allowing the other charges to of Mani Lal are the foundation of the whole case. Babu Ram and the two
drop under sec. 240, C. P. C. Where therefore any particular charge is Delhi approvers, though the latter supplied valuable information that
not mentioned in the order affecting any individual accused, it is to be was unknown to Mani Lal, are of subordinate importance. The remaining
understood that sec. 240 has been applied to it. approver Dilla Singh and the Lahore witnesses are concerned mainly
After these preliminary observations we proceed in the second part with the case against the two ex-sepoys Dharam Singh and Jadu Nath
of this Judgement to give an outline of the evidence and a short statement Singh which forms a distinct branch of the case and will be reserved for

360 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 361
separate treatment. Babu Ram was less in the secret of the conspirators The connection of both Bibhuti and Mani Lal with the revolutionary
than either of the others and knows very few of their names. His movement arose out of their membership of a society known as the Young
importance is that his house was made use of by the conspiracy as a place Men’s Association. To this society all the Benares accused except one at
of deposit for bombs and ammunition. one time or another belonged, and the one exception Surendra Nath was
Putting aside Dilla Singh Shankar Lal is the least reliable of the a member of a kindred organization, the Students’ Union League. The
five approvers. His statement was the first to be recorded and form this society was founded by the accused Sachindra Nath in 1908 under the
point of view is of value, but there are indications that in at least two title of Anushilan Samiti. Later on when the Anushilan Samiti of Dacca,
instances he has tried to extenuate his own share in the conspiracy. On from which the title was borrowed became the subject of criminal
the other hand the notion that either of these men has been merely put up proceedings, the name was changed to the Young Men’s Association.
to repeat a story put into his mouth by the police may be at once dismissed. The ostensible objects of the society were the physical, moral and
The Dy. S.P. Mr. Paghey; arranged a consultation between Mani intellectual improvement of its members. But beneath these were other
Lal and Babu Ram before recording the statement of Babu Ram. The objects of a political character, and there is no doubt that Sachindra
value of Babu Ram’s testimony as supporting the evidence of Mani Lal aimed at making the society an instrument for the spread of sedition. As
is therefore considerably reduced. Stress may, however, be laid on the Deb Narayan Mukherji, himself a former member, has told us, the
remarkable coincidence in details in the statements of Bibhuti and Babu members used to express themselves vehemently against the actions of
Ram recorded at different places at different times and by different the Government. According to Bibhuti the society contained an inner
officers. The defence, which was well posted up in all facts which may circle consisting of those who were fully initiated into its real objects,
cause the slightest suspicion of tutoring, never alleged that any of the and the teaching of sedition was mainly affected through a so-called
Delhi officers who were instrumental in obtaining the statement of Babu moral class at which the Bhagwad Gita was so interpreted as to furnish a
Ram, ever took Bibhuti in hand. Babu Ram is not definite about his justification even for assassination. At the performance of the annual
dates, but when his account of the different arrivals and removals of Kali Puja the sacrifice of a white pumpkin, a usual accompaniment of
explosives and arms is carefully analysed; it fits in with the account the ceremony which has in itself no sinister significance, was made to
given by Bibhuti. According to Babu Ram; Narendra brought ten bombs, symbolize the white race, for whose expulsion a special prayer was
etc, to Babu Ram’s house, then Bibhuti bought two bombs and took offered.
them away, then Bibhuti brought a bomb, a cap and a revolver, then the At the close of 1912 or early in 1913 two successive splits occurred
ten bombs, etc, brought by Narendra were taken away finally Bibhuti in the club. On the first occasion those members seceded who followed
took away a bomb, a revolver, a cap and a bottle. This statement bears the doctrines of one Khoka who taught that progress was to be made by
out the fuller details of these doings given by Bibhuti. It was Manmatha loving one’s fellow-men. These members objected to the political
who brought the ten bombs, etc, from Calcutta, Pashupati brought two activities of the society and to the tone of hostility to the Government
bombs from Calcutta, these two bombs were sent to Sachin by Bibhuti which characterized it. The second split was of a precisely opposite nature.
through Preonath but Preonath brought one back the ten bombs brought The seceders consisted of the most violent members of the association
by Manmatha were taken away by Pingley, and the one bomb, etc, were headed by Sachindra. Their objection was that the society merely talked
taken away by Nalini to Calcutta. Though Babu Ram has no memory for but did nothing. After the split Sachindra formed a new party the object
definite dates, his recollection of the different occasions when bombs, of which was to get in touch with the Bengal anarchists and to carry on a
etc. were brought or taken away is very clear. Considering the widely similar work in the United Provinces. The obtaining of arms and
different circumstances in which the statements of these two approvers ammunition, the manufacture of bombs, the distribution of seditious
were taken the conformity in details is deserving of notice and justifies literature, and tampering with the loyalty of the troops were among the
the reliance placed by this court on the testimony of Bibhuti. means to be employed. From this time the activities of Sachindra and his
362 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 363
friends became definitely criminal in character. According to Bibhuti Immediately after the explosion the party except Manmatha Nath
Sachindra did in fact get in touch with the Bengal anarchists through one left the house and Rash Behari was removed to another house at Kedar
Makhan Babu who introduced him to Sasanka Mohan Hajra and Sachindra Ghat belonging to one Ganesh Chandra Bapuli. To appease the curiosity
used to visit Bengal from time to time and obtain both funds and bombs of the women living in the house who were alarmed by the explosion, it
from that source. In the autumn of 1913 seditious literature was distributed was given out that it was due to the bursting of a soda-water bottle. Next
by hand to a number of schools and colleges in Benares, while some day Bibhuti purchased various drugs such as iodine, permanganate, boric
members pasted seditious leaflets on walls, and other copies of leaflets cotton and hydrogen peroxide, for the treatment of Rash Behari’s hurts.
were distributed through the post. Shortly after this Bibhuti had to leave Benares for a time in connexion
About the beginning of 1914 the notorious Rash Behari Bose appears with the illness and death of his father. On his return, when visiting Rash
in Benares and the leadership of the movement, hitherto held by Sachin, Behari at the Kedar Ghat house, he met another notorious anarchist,
falls naturally and immediately into his hands. It is a remarkable fact Vishnu Ganesh Pingley, who has since been tried and executed in the
that Rash Behari, though a reward was offered for his arrest and his Lahore Conspiracy Case. Bibhuti was subsequently taken to Lahore by
photograph had been widely circulated should have succeeded in living Mr. Richardson, Deputy Inspector-General, and was able immediately
in Benares during nearly the whole of the year 1914 without the police to identify Pingley among the twenty-four condemned prisoners in the
being aware of his presence. He seems to have taken the precaution of Lahore Jail (vide p. 164, p. w. 37). On his return from his father’s
going out chiefly at night, but in the early part of his stay interviews are funeral in Jan. 1915, he had been away twice, once during his father’s
described as taking place in the day time out of doors either in the Victoria illness and again on hearing of his death, Bibhuti found Rash Behari
Park or some other garden, Bibhuti describes his introduction to him as established in a third house near Harish Chandra Ghat. In that house an
taking place in a garden near Rath Tola not far from the Central Hindu important meeting was held, attended by Sachin, Damodar, Pingley,
College in presence of Sachindra, Nalini and Kalipado accused, and Narendra Nath, Vinayak Rao, Jamna Das, Bibhuti at which Rash Behari
Narendra Nath Banerji and Preonath Bhattacharji who are among the announced that a rebellion was to take place all over the country and that
absconders. A house was taken for Rash Behari in Misri Pokhra behind the time had come when they must prepare to die for their country.
the Jageshwar Press, and there he is said to have lived from February to Damodar was to be the leader at Allahabad; Rash Behari himself was
November 1914. He was frequently visited by the different members of going to Lahore with Sachin and Pingley. Two men were assigned to
the conspiracy and on one occasion he gave a demonstration of the use of bring bombs and arms from Bengal, and two others, one of whom was
bombs and revolvers. Among the accused who are not Benares residents Vinayak Rao, to take them to the Punjab. Bibhuti and Preonath were to
he was visited by Bankim Chandra, Damodar, Partab Singh and Lachhmi seduce the troops at Benares, while Nalini was to go to Jubbulpore for
Narain. Any bombs, arms and ammunition in the possession of the the same purpose. Bibhuti did subsequently have several interviews with
conspirators were kept at the house of the approver Babu Ram. Babu the sepoys of the 7th Rajputs at Benares, and in company with Preonath
Ram was nevertheless quite a subordinate member of the conspiracy and he made an unsuccessful attempt to approach the troops of His Highness
was far less in the secrets of the party than either Bibhuti or Mani Lal. the Maharaja. Apart from Bibhuti there is evidence on the record which
At this house in Misri Pokhra on the night of 18th November, 1914 leaves no possible doubt that an attempt was made to corrupt the fidelity
(Bibhuti parts the time at 7 P. m.) an incident occurred which is of of the 7th Rajputs. One of the members who listened to these overtures,
considerable importance in connexion with the case. Two bomb caps Lance-Naik Dilla Singh, reservist, has been examined as a witness, and
which Rash Behari was examining exploded injuring him severely and even if we regard his evidence as insufficient for the conviction of the
Sachindra Nath slightly. The persons present on the occasion were Rash two ex-sepoys amongst the accused, Dharam Singh and Jadu Nath Singh,
Behari and his cook Manmatha Nath, Sachindra accused, Narendra Nath there is no possible doubt as to Dilla Singh himself having been implicated.
Banerji, Jamna Das, and the approver Bibhuti. Two of the Lahore conspirators, Sucha Singh and Kartar Singh, came
364 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 365
down to Benares for the purpose and Sucha Singh was subsequently able Benares
Bindhachal Witness goes back to bring
to identify Dilla Singh at a parade of 700 men of the regiment. L.N. who is unacquainted
From this time events moved rapidly. Rash Behari and Sachin both with Benares.
left Benares, and the centre of interest is shifted to Delhi and Lahore. (3 ) Delhi Jan. 22, 1915 P. 43, line 50 To press L.N. to answer
letters to the address of
Bibhuti has little to record of his personal activities during the important Ram Nath.
month of February, beyond interviews with Benares sepoys and an Jan. 24, 1915 Goes to station and meets
unsuccessful visit to Dinapur at which he had an interview with a Havildar Jan. 25-26 Returns to Benares.
of the 89th Punjabis named Kaku Singh (vide evidence of Capt, Stuart, (4 ) Lahore Feb. 14-15 P. 44 and 45, With Vinayak Rao and 18
p. 230). Kaku Singh listened sympathetically but said that he was unable line 8. bombs
Excess fare to Lucknow
to do anything as the magazine was guarded by British soldiers. and Moradabad.
Our principal source of information for the events of this important Bharat hotel.
month is Mani Lal supplemented by the Delhi approvers Ram Nath and Parcel taken to R.B.
Journey Feb. 16 or 17 P. 45-45 Told to go to Delhi,
Shankar Lal. Seeing that both Mani Lal and Bibhuti were active members P. 40-34 then Multan, to announce
of the conspiracy in Benares during the same period it is remarkable that change in date and give
messages to L.N. and G.L.
how few points their narratives coincide. Indeed they barely knew each Delhi Feb. 17 Sees G.L. and Ram Nath.
other and Mani Lal was unacquainted with Bibhuti’s name. A certain Pt. Balkishan persuades
reticence in the matter of names was characteristic of the conspiracy. him to Kharwa.
Kharwa Feb. 17, 10 p.m. P. 47
The two narratives supplement and in many ways corroborate each other to 18, 8 a.m.
but the parts played by the two men were widely different and the two Journey Feb.18 Sees Raja.
narratives are obviously quite independent. Bibhuti worked chiefly at Journey Feb. 19 to 20
Lahore Feb. 20 P. 48-10 Reports to R.B. and shows
Benares and the only journeys he took were in the direction of Bengal, leaflet. Hears of arroats.
once to Dinapur and once to Chandernagore and Calcutta, Mani Lal, Gets four messages for
who is a native of Kapadwanj in Western India, never on any occasion Journey Feb. 20 to 21 Sees G.L.
travelled east of Benares. On the other hand he visited Delhi repeatedly Delhi Feb. 21 P. 48-27 Asks Pt Balkishan to take
and Lahore twice and his most important mission was to Kharwa near messages to Raja.
Speaks to R.N. re
Marwar. A tabular statement of his journeys is given below and will be duplicator.
of assistance in understanding his evidence. Benares Feb. 21-22 P.48-44 With Partab.
Mani Lal’s movements (5 ) Delhi March 13 P. 49-16 With Partab.
Hardwar mela
(1 ) Delhi May, 1914 (he says P. 43, At the request of Sachin Delhi March 16 P.49-26 M. ji and Pingley arrive
June or July but it lines 24-44. to meet L.N. and tell him Kharwa P.49-45 With M. ji.
must have been that R.B. wants him Marwar P. 51-1 Meets the tall Charan
earlier) in Benares. and Partab.
(2 ) Bindraban To meet Sachin at the Kapadwanj 3rd April P. 51-9 Gets letter from R.B.
request of R.B. Benares April 12 P. 51-16
Muttra With Sachin.
Delhi To meet L.N.
Nizam-ud-din June 5 or 6, 1914 Where they meet L.N.
He took part in the distribution of seditious literature in November,
who has escaped from the 1913. (Bibhuti, who was ill at the time, did not), but apart from this his
Qazi. first important commission was to introduce Sachin to the accused Partab
Cawnpore Sachin a lights.
Bindhachal L.N. alights. Singh is a Charan from Rajputana and had a relative named Durga Dan

366 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 367
in Benares with whom Mani Lal was acquainted. As Partab Singh’s father messenger or to answer Sachin’s letters. Nor can one fail to be struck by
Kesri Singh had been sentenced to death in the Kotah murder case and the extreme improbability of Mani Lal, who though a very intelligent
his estate confiscated and as Partab himself had come under suspicion in man, is by no means a genius, remembering a story so full of details,
the Arrah temple murder case (vide Mr. Paghey, p. 83; accused himself unless that story is true, without committing himself at some points to
says that he was actually arrested) he was doubtless considered a likely some glaring absurdity. In fact, little points of corroboration meet one
recruit. Ultimately Partab Singh came to Benares and enquired for Mani almost at every step of the narrative.
Lal and Mani Lal introduced him to Sachin. Next day Mani Lal met It was also true that Ganeshi Lal had suffered through his connexion
Rash Behari who asked him to allow Partab and a tall Charan who had with the conspiracy. He had been prosecuted for two seditious poems in
come with him (and who from other evidence appears to have been the 1908 and was only discharged on making an abject apology and a promise
absconder Ganesh Dan) to make use of his house. to amend his ways for the future. He had also been subsequently under
Mani Lal’s first journey to Delhi was undertaken at the request of surveillance, and as he himself asserts very irksome surveillance, for a
Sachindra in order to induce the accused Lachhmi Narain to come to considerable period before Mani Lal met him.
Benares to see Rash Behari, Lachhmi Narain however was either One Feb. 14, Mani Lal by Sachindra’s order left Benares for Lahore
suspicious of Mani Lal’s good faith or unwilling to take any further part in company with Vinayak Rao and did not return till Feb. 22. They
in the conspiracy, and refused to know him. Sachin then proceded to carried with them a parcel said by Vinayak to contain materials for
Delhi himself witness joining him at Bindraban and when Lachhmi Narain eighteen bombs. In order to protect the parcel from accidental contact as
saw Sachin he came down and had a private conversation with him. On the train was crowded they travelled intermediate from Lucknow and
the way back to Benares Lachhmi Narain, who was then under surveillance paid excess fare both at Lucknow and Moradabad. They had originally
as a political suspect, joined them at Nizam-ud-din one or two stations taken third class tickets. Here again there is definite corroboration. The
out from Delhi having evaded his watcher at Shahdara station. That books of the railway prove that excess fare was paid on 14th and 15th
Lachhmi Narain did evade his watchers at Shahdara station on June 5th, February on the same two third class tickets from Benares to Lahore,
1914, is proved by independent evidence and admitted by Lachhmi Narain first at Lucknow and again at Saharanpur (the witness has made a mistake
himself. in saying Moradabad) and one of the excess fare memos is actually signed
On 22nd Jany, 1915, Mani Lal was again sent to Delhi with a “Vinayak Ram”.
message to Lachhmi Narain who had failed to reply to letters from The period of Mani Lal’s absence from Benares on this occasion is
Sachindra addressed to him under cover of Ram Nath. Apparently the the most important in the whole history of the conspiracy, since if the
heads of the party were afraid of Lachmi Narain’s defection and not plans of the conspirators had worked out as they hoped and intended, an
without reason as Lachhmi Narain told Mani Lal in plain terms that he armed rebellion was to have broken out simultaneously on Feb. 21st,
wished to sever his connexion with the party as his Guru forbade him to 1915, at nearly every important centre of Northern India, Mani Lal was
join them. Ganeshi Lal, accused, whom Mani Lal met about the same first informed of the date by Rash Behari on Feb. 16 at Lahore, but
time also said that he had severed his connexion having suffered much. almost immediately afterwards it was hurriedly changed to the 19th on
One cannot help remarking here how very unlike this is to a fabricated account of some suspicious circumstances observed in the demeanour of
story. On the theory which has been pressed on us by the defence that one of the men who was in the secret. There is reason to believe that
Mani had been coached up by the police with a false story the object of their suspicious were well founded. Mani Lal was sent back to inform
which was to secure the punishment of the accused, it would be most the members of the party at Delhi of the change. The conspirators at
inconsistent for them to represent two men whom they wished to implicate Benares as we know from Bibhuti, never learnt of the change of date at
as being tired of the whole business and desirous to have nothing more to all and actually waited on the maidan on the evening of the 21st in the
do with it, and Lachhmi Narain as refusing to recognize Rash Behari’s hope of a rising taking place.
368 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 369
Mani Lal’s original orders had been to go on from Delhi to Multan is mentioned in different ways both by Mani Lal and Babu Ram and
but while at Delhi he was persuaded by another conspirator, one Pandit which assumes a prominent place in the narrative of the latter, the receipt
Balkishan, to go instead to Kharwa to interview the Rao Sahib, Thakur of a parcel said by Sachindra to contain two hundred cartridges. This
Gopal Singh, who was said to be ready to rebel. The full account of incident is of special importance because of the exceptionally large amount
Mani Lal’s journey to Kharwa and his interview with the Rao will be of corroborative evidence which is forthcoming with regard to it.
found on page 47 of the printed evidence, and it is unnecessary to reproduce Perhaps the most dramatic incident in Bibhuti’s narrative is his
it here. Briefly he was admitted by means of a passport and the Raja final interview with Rash Rehari at Calcutta in a room above the
expressed his willingness to provide 5,000 men for a rising provided he Dhurumtollah post office. After Mani Lal’s arrest (Bibhuti’s though his
could procure money and arms to equip them. He also spoke of the memory for incidents is excellent is not very good at fixing dates and
Maharaja of Bikaner as being an obstacle to their plans and asked for cannot give the exact date) Nalini, accused, showed Bibhuti a letter from
men to teach bomb making. Mani Lal spent the fateful 19th February in Rash Behari expressing a wish to see Bibhuti and Damodar at Calcutta.
the train and reached Lahore on the morning of the 20th. He learnt from They accordingly set out, the absconder Pashupati Nath accompanying
Rash Behari that many arrests had taken place and was advised to go into them as far as Chandernagore. There they put at the house of one Suresh
hiding for a time. He was however first to tell the Delhi people that in Babu at Futtuk (or Photok) Gora. Next day then went on to Calcutta
consequence of what had taken place the rising was postponed but that where they were met by Pashupati who had preceded them and by one
they were to be ready for a fresh rising in two months’ time. In March Amar Nath to whose house they went. They were then taken to
Mani Lal went home to his native place at Kapadwanj but on the way he Dhurumtollah to a shop where Pashupati again met them.
paid a second visit to Kharwa. This visit was made under the instructions
of Rash Behari in order to introduce to the Rao the accused Damodar
Sarup (whom Mani Lal only knew under the title of Masterji given him PART II
in allusion to the fact that he was a master in the High school at Rae 2 – THE STAMENTS OF THE APPOVERS EXAMINED
Bareli) and thus provide an alternative channel of communication. Mani IN THE LIGHT OF THE INDEPENDENT EVIDENCE.
Lal was introduced to Damodar by Bibhuti and Preonath (p. 49, 1, 11)
this being one of the few occasions on which Mani Lal and Bibhuti met The mass of corroborative evidence substantiating the narratives
(see also Bibhuti’s evidence p. 12, lines 13 to 20). Of this second visit of Bibhuti and Mani Lal is so great that we can only deal with it under a
also witness has given a full and detailed account (pp. 49 and 50.) The few main incidents and heads as detailed below. We shall then discuss
Raja expatiated on his grievances against the Political Agent and said the principal grounds on which their evidence has been attacked, and
that he wanted Partab Singh to testify in his favour, but he promised to shall conclude with a brief statement of our conclusions regarding them.
supply the party with two revolvers which he had without a licence and List of heads under which corroborative is discussed.
could therefore dispose of without danger of enquiry. As one of these I. Explosion.
revolvers was out of repair Damodar remained behind to bring them II. Receipt of parcel Feb.29th, 1915.
away. This part of case has lost some of its importance by the withdrawal III. Despatch of ten bombs to Meerut March, 1915.
of the prosecution against Rao Gopal Singh, a withdrawal made for special IV. Tampering with troops.
reasons and in no way implying any doubt of his complicity on the part V. Mani Lal’s visit to Delhi, Lahore and Kharwa.
of the Crown-but it is still of high significance as throwing into strong VI. Distribution of seditious leaflets.
relief the real object of the conspiracy viz. to wage war against the king VII. Bibhuti’s visit to Chandernagore and Calcutta in May, 1915.
and to subvert by armed force the Government of British India. VIII. Houses occupied by conspirators in Benares.
Just before Mani Lal’s return to Benares an incident occurred this IX. The Young Men’s Association.

370 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 371
X. Miscellaneous. as Manmatha had already been mentioned by Bibhuti as one of the persons
who cooked for Rash Behari at the Misri Pokhra house.
I. The explosion Dr. Bose impressed us strongly as an absolutely truthful and reliable
The explosion is one of the most important incidents in the whole witness. He is a man who has held important positions, having been at
history of the trial, and its importance has been fully realized by the one time health officer to the Chhapra municipality and at another medical
defence, which has made every endeavour to attack the evidence on which officer to a large colliery station. He retired from practice some years
it rests. Its importance is heightened by the fact that it is an incident with ago and is now, at the age of 73, spending a quiet old age at Calcutta and
which Bibhuti could not possibly have been tutored. Benares. He appears to be a man of a somewhat timid disposition and
No previous approver had mentioned it and the police had not a was evidently nervous of the risk involved in coming forward to give
hint of its having taken place till they heard Bibhuti’s story. This has evidence for the prosecution, and we do not think that any bribe the
been explicitly stated by Mr. Sands. The theory urged by the defence police could have offered him would have been sufficient to induce him
has been that Bibhuti’s evidence is the result of coaching by some police to come forward to give false evidence in this case.
officer who was well up in the facts elicited from earlier approvers specially Dr. Bose was not in the house when the explosion occurred. On his
Jamna Das. Here is a test case in face of which the theory breaks down. return he was told of it by the ladies of the house and went up to see what
The only thing known to the police was that in one of the later portraits had happened. He found only Manmatha there (this is in accordance
of Rash Behari, Ex. 45, which were circulated, he was said to have an with Bibhuti’s statement that Manmatha alone remained behind) and
injury to the hand due to the explosion of a soda-water bottle. This, so Manmatha declared that a soda-water bottle had burst had showed him
far from damaging the prosecution case strongly confirms it. This the broken bottle to confirm with the fact. The ladies who had heard the
according to Bibhuti, was the explanation given out by Rash Behari and explosion were not altogether satisfied with the explanation and spoke of
his companions in answer to enquirers and is therefore just the story that a “boma”, meaning one of those harmless bombs, called in these provinces
the police might have got hold of from persons who had come in contact golas, which are such a favourite feature of Indian fireworks displays.
with Rash Behari but had not been present at the time. Dr. Bose’s mother-in-law, aged 93, who was in the house at the time of
Of the explosion itself we have direct corroboration in the evidence the explosion, has also been called (p. 140). She does not recollect using
of Dr. D. N. Bose a retired medical practitioner, whose mother-in-law the word “boma” but she says the explosion was so loud that it shook the
owns the house where Rash Behari was living and where the explosion whole building. This witness is a very old woman, nearly blind, and so
occurred. Dr. Bose was staying in the house at the time. He was able to feeble that she had to give her evidence sitting on the ground, and her
recognize Rash Behari from a portrait shown to him, but he had been so memory is to some extent impaired. Where her recollection differs from
much impressed by Rash Behari’s learning and manner that when doing that of Dr. Bose we should have no hesitation in preferring the statement
so he said he could hardly even now believe that this was the man who of the latter. The old lady Musammat Rai Moni Dasi thinks that the
had been his tenant. He had even submitted to Rash Behari’s judgment a explosion took place in Kuar (September or October) whereas the date is
paper he had written on the test of Vedic authority. Witness was also definitely fixed by other evidence as November, 18. When therefore she
enabled to identify Sachindra Nath as a man who had visited the house. gives it as her opinion that the supposed Narendra Nath Bose (this was
He further proved that Rash Behari was accompanied by one Manmatha the alias under which Rash Behari was passing) only began to occupy the
who used to cook for him and that he treated Manmatha on two occasions house in Jeth we do not think that her recollection, unsupported as it is
during his stay once for dysentery and once for fever. The prosecution any memorandum is sufficiently reliable to cast any serious doubt on
has been able to produce two original prescriptions written by Dr. Bose Bibhuti’s statement that Rash Behari had been living there since February.
for Manmatha (dated the 5th and 7th September, 1914). from Messrs. Dr. Bose only came up from Calcutta in August so that he could not
Mukerji and Co’s dispensary where they were made up. This is important speak as to the commencement of the tenancy. One interesting detail is
372 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 373
added by the old lady which further confirms Bibhuti She says that prior do. Bapuli does not, it is true, admit that the entry was ante-dated but, as
to Manmatha’s coming one Ashu used to cook for the supposed Noren. one of our number who has a large small cause court experience points
Now the absconder Ashutosh Raj, accused no. 16, of which name Ashu out, a man who is liable to have to produce his books to support a suit for
is a common abbreviation, is the second of the three persons who used at rent in the S.C.C. would never admit having entered a false date or he
different times to cook for Rash Behari, vide Bibhuti page 5 and Hiranmoy would be liable to have the fact brought up against him in every subsequent
page 120. Another very important detail is supplied by Dr. Bose himself. suit he had occasion to file. Bapuli did not identify Rash Behari from the
He says that on examining the room after the tenants had left he found in photograph shown to him indeed he says he does not think he has seen
an earthen pot some white powder which on examination he took to be the original of the photo, but he admits identifying in the Lahore case
carbonate of lime. Both Bibhuti and Babu Ram in their account of the the man who cooked for Rash Behari, Jamna Das. This man is the third
story of bombs have mentioned that the bombs used to be kept along of the trio who at various times cooked for Rash Behari. He was convicted
with a white powder the object of which was to protect them from damp. in the Lahore case and he at one time pointed out Bapuli’s houses to the
It has been urged against Dr. Bose that the explosion and at any police as a house where he had stayed with his master. It has been
rate the finding of the powder should have been mentioned in his diary. suggested that the police got Bibhuti to point out the house by making
We have examined this diary, which he very readily produced when it use of this knowledge but the suggestion falls to the ground in view of
was asked for, and have satisfied our selves that the entries in it are of a the fact that Jamna Das had said not a word as to the Misri Pokhra house
purely personal kind and that an incident of the kind described would not and the police had no information regarding this house prior to Bibhuti’s
have been at all likely to find a place in it. Apart from this detached statement.
observation the defence counsel has not ventured to contend that Dr. The last item of corroboration is furnished by the books of the
Bose is not a true witness and indeed in the portion of the argument Durga Medical Hall where Bibhuti says he purchased certain remedies
specifically dealing with the explosion his name was never once mentioned. for Rash Behari on the morning after the explosion. The books show that
Another important point in which Dr. Bose and his mother-in-law the precise articles mentioned by Bibhuti were sold on 19th November
both corroborate Bibhuti is that the supposed Narendra Nath Bose left and with the exception of the boric cotton which comes under another
the house on the night of the explosion and never came back, and that head the entries are consecutive entries thus suggesting that they were
Manmatha paid the rent and settled up next morning. It is inconceivable sold at the same time. The books also show the sale of hydrogen peroxide
that the bursting of a soda-water bottle should have induced the supposed on the 20th . It will be remembered that Bibhuti says he purchased
Narendra Nath to leave in such frantic haste a lodging where even according hydrogen-peroxide one day later. Bibhuti has also stated that on the day
to Raj Moni Dasi he had been staying some months, but if it was in truth after the explosion he purchased a pair of scissors at Ohdedar’s shop and
a bomb cap which exploded one can understand that the party might the books of the shop show that a pair of scissors was sold for 15 annas
consider it desirable to lose no time in securing fresh quarters. The house on 19th November. Finally we have the fact proved from the school register
to which Rash Behari was moved next day (he spent the night with Narendra that Bibhuti was absent from school on 18th and 19th November 1914 and
Nath Banerji) was the house of Ganesh Chandra Bapuli at Kedar Ghat subsequent dates.
and was subsequently pointed out by Bibhuti to the police. Bapuli has We have dealt on this incident at perhaps disproportionate length
been called as a witness and his evidence confirms that of Bibhuti alike partly because of its intrinsic importance and because it was placed in the
in its agreement and in its divergence. Bibhuti has stated that the house forefront of the attack by accused’s counsel on the prosecution case, but
was really taken on the day after the explosion i.e., the 19th November mainly because it enables us better than any other to test the truth of the
but that the written memorandum was dated one day earlier in case of a defence theory according to which Bibhuti’s evidence is a purely concocted
possible police inquiry. Now Bapuli’s books show the 18th November as story put into his mouth by Inspr: Mukerji. The result of our examination
the date of the taking of the house, as according to Bibhuti they should is decisive against that theory. The evidence placed before us is such as
374 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 375
to leave no doubt in our minds as to the truth of this part of Bibhuti’s that the parcel was consigned to in the name of Budh Mal. He was given
evidence and it is a story the details of which could not possibly have Rs. 6 to pay the freight. When he asked Sachindra what was in the parcel
been supplied to him by any officer either in Benares or elsewhere. The he was told that it was food for a gun. He went down and took delivery
defence theory has been that Bibhuti never had anything to do with any of the box and the octroi examination was dodged by placing it in a tikka
conspiracy but has been coached by Inspr. Mukerji with information gharry and telling the driver to drive furiously to the city as if he was
obtained from the Punjab approvers, but mainly from Jamna Das, and carrying a fare from the station.
from the police records of the Y.M.A., with of course the necessary Of this incident we have the following corroborative evidence
colour added. This one incident of the explosion is sufficient to refute elicited through enquires made in consequences of the statement of the
that theory. As Mr. Sands said in re-examination (p. 297) “There was approvers:–
no officer working under me in Benares with sufficient knowledge of (1) The registers of the city post-office and the evidence of the
matters political to have coached Bibhuti with the statement he made.” post master (page 255) show that on February 3, Mani Lal
“I my-self,” says Mr. Sands, “could not have done so,” and Mr. Sands sent written instructions to the post master to deliver letters to
knows more regarding political offenders than any other officer in the Ishwar Lal during his absence.
provinces. The incident, being established further rebuts the suggestion (2) Badri Prasad the then station master of Asaranada and Babu
which has been made more than once in argument that the whole talk of Lal the booking clerk prove (pp. 236 and 250) that Ganesh
bombs in connexion with the prosecution evidence is nothing more than Dan Charan and another man arrived at Asaranada station by
a figment of the imagination. the night train, stayed at the station till morning, and then
booked as a parcel a box weighing 20 seers to Benares
II. Receipt of the parcel of the cartridges on Feb. 20, 1915. Cantonment on February 17, Ganesh Dan gave his companion’s
Mani Lal told us that before he left Benares he had received a visit name as Budh Mal and consigned the parcel to Suraj Mal.
from the Charan previously mentioned, Ganesh Dan, and that Sachindra The books of the station prove its dispatch. The witness could
had asked the latter to procure some cartridges from Marwar. Some have no difficulty in recalling the incident as Asaranada is a
discussion took place as to how they were to be brought but finally it was station in the jungle about twelve miles from Jodhpur with no
decided that they should be sent as a parcel addressed to Mani Lal. Before village nearer than five or six miles, and this was not only the
Mani Lal left he arranged with the post office that all letters received for only parcel booked that day but the only parcel booked to a
him in his absence should be handed over to one Ishwar Lal who was station on another line of railway since the station was opened.
living at the same address, and when the letter came enclosing a rail (3) The books of the Benares Cantonment show that delivery was
receipt Ishwar Lal was to hand it ti Babu Ram. On his return from Lahore obtained of the parcel, which weighed 20 seers, and Rs. 4-2-
and Kharwa Mani Lal learnt that the parcel had been duly received and 0 paid as freight on February 20. The parcel, by the way, was
was told of the means adopted to evade its examination at the octroi described as containing sweets.
barrier. He was also told by Sachindra that the parcel had contained two We have thus every possible corroboration of the story short of
hundred cartridges. The full story is given by Babu Ram on p. 66. Babu obtaining the evidence of the gharrywala who drove Babu Ram from the
Ram states that he had received instructions from Mani Lal before the station and the corroboration obtained furnishes independent evidence of
latter’s departure that Ishwar Lal would bring him a rail receipt and that the suspicious nature of the parcel. The only possible motive for taking
he was to obtain delivery and give the parcel either to Sachindra or to the parcel to Asaranada to be booked is that this is a small station which
Narendra Nath. When the rail receipt arrived and was handed him by would prima facie be a most unlikely place for illicit ammunition to be
Ishwar Lal he took it to Narendra Nath and was informed by Narendra booked from and where, therefore, enquiries were not likely to be made.
and Sachindra that he was to take delivery in the name of Suraj Mal and The only point on which the evidence does not corroborate Mani
376 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 377
Lal is that he had been led to understand that the parcel would be sent by pour the solution. The trunk was taken at night to a ghat on the Ganges
registered post and still thinks it was so sent, whereas it appears that no where Pingley met the Afgan Dafadar. The party then came back to the
registered letter was delivered to Ishwar Lal. We note however that while chauk where Pingley and the dafadar chartered an ekka and drove off
the letter sent by Mani Lal to the post master mentioned registered articles with the trunk of bombs to Kashi station. Babu Ram has also described
and money orders the instructions entered in the post office register. Ex, his part in this incident on page 67. He has told us how these bombs had
140 were to deliver all articles to Ishwar Lal. been kept in the house he had taken at Lalta Ghat and how they were
taken away in the latter half of Chait (March) by Bibhuti Preonath and,
III. Despatch of ten bombs to Meerut March, 1915 as he remembers it, two other men. Babu Ram has described the purchase
The next piece of corroboration to be considered consists of the of the trunk in the previous aghan and stated where he bought it and
evidence of Mr. Wilkinson, A. S. P. of Meerut, proving the finding of what he paid for it. The description of the shop is a peculiar one as it as
ten loaded bombs in the barracks of the 12th Cavalry at Meerut on 23rd a shop inside the shop of the Bengal Paper Co. Its books have been
March, 1915. The discovery led to a court-material and the hanging of examined and prove the sale of a tin trunk at the price stated by Babu
four men. This evidence is important in two aspects. In the first place it Ram on 8th November. The last detail is no doubt a small one but an
forms a keystone uniting and giving coherence to a number of separate examination of other entries shows that sales of this particular pattern or
pieces of evidence on the part of the approvers and enabling them to trunk at this particular price were not at all frequent. Both Babu Ram
support the weight of a very serious conclusion. From another point of and Bibhuti have given a description of the bombs which were made by
view it shows that the conspiracy was capable of producing very deadly filling with explosive ordinary cigarette or tobacco tins and placing round
results. Much of the evidence to which we have listened deals with secret the outside large nails wrapped round with wire. For the sake of safety
conferences, mysterious flitting, correspondence sent and received under the bombs and caps were kept separate until the time for their use. We
feigned names, and the usual stuff of conspiracies but it is impossible to have thus evidence of two witnesses given in a perfectly natural way
treat these things as trivialities when we find that they lead to the showing the taking away by Pingley and the Afgan sepoy of ten bombs
accumulation of an amount of explosive sufficient to annihilate half a to Meerut a few days after the 18th of March. We have it also that the
regiment and which no doubt but for the discovery would have been used bombs were of a peculiar type. We have evidence from an entirely different
to deadly purpose. It also corroborates the statements of Bibhuti and the source showing that a few days earlier Pingley had been in communication
other approvers as to the attempts which were made to tamper with the with a Pathan sepoy named Nadir Khan at the barracks in Meerut. We
troops. find that on 23rd March when the raid was made Pingley was actually
Pingley, as we know from the evidence of Shankar Lal coupled discovered inside the barracks along with this very man Nadir Khan and
with the subsequent identification proceedings and other evidence, visited that in the room were ten bombs of the particular pattern described as
Meerut between 16th and 18th March and saw at the native cavalry barracks stored in Benares with caps and essence bottles and that the bombs were
there a man described as a sirdar whose name turned out to be Nadir loaded. Not only so, but Pingley had hanging up behind up his seat a
Khan. Bibhuti has told us (p. 13 from line 11) that after this visit he met coat which, though Mr. Wilkinson cannot swear to it, is exactly like the
Pingley in Benares and the latter informed him that a revolution had one which Pingley had previously taken away from Ram Nath’s when he
been fixed to take place at Meerut, that some cavalry men were ready to left his own to be washed. The importance of this evidence, both as
rebel and that he had an Afghan dafadar with him in Benares for the corroboration and as exposing the dangerous nature of the conspiracy,
purpose of taking back some bombs. Witness with another conspirator can hardly be overstated.
Preonath took Pingley to Babu Ram’s house where there was then a store This part of the case has been attacked on two grounds; first that
of ten bombs and delivered these bombs to him in a tin trunk along with Bibhuti’s accounts of the time when the bombs were taken from Benares
their caps, a bottle of solution and some essence bottles into which to do not tally, and secondly that Nadir Khan has given in the Lahore case
378 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 379
a different account of the same incident. There is no provision of the where he was shown a bomb is such an obvious detail that it is almost first
Evidence Act under which a statement of Nadir Khan, who is not a thing with which anyone dictating the story to Bibhuti would have coached
witness in this case, given in another trial to when the present accused him, and the last he would be likely to forget.
were not parties, could possibly be relevant, but as Mr. Rose Alston, in The first ground of attack has this much truth in it that Bibhuti has
his desire to be perfectly fair to the accused stated that he was willing to unquestionably made a mistake in describing the time at which the bombs
admit that Nadir Khan did give at Lahore trial the evidence attributed to were taken away. He says that it was after Rash Behari’s final departure
him in the judgement in that case, we have felt bound to look into the from Benares. Elsewhere he says that this departure took place after the
matter to see whether there is anything in it which could affect our opinion Matriculation Examination and that Rash Behari was accompanied by
of Bibhuti’s reliability. The difficulty of estimating the value of statements the accused Nalini whom witness saw him again four days afterwards.
made by a witness whom we have not seen in a trial between different Combining these statements we should get a date subsequent to March
parties in which his attention was never directed to the point now raised 24 to the taking away of the bombs, whereas they were actually discovered
before us inclines us to doubt the wisdom of departing from the strict at Meerut on March 23, and must have been taken from Benares on
law of evidence in the matter, but on an examination of the passage March, 21 or 22. We have, however constantly had occasion to notice in
referred to we find that there is nothing which directly contradicts Bibhuti’s the course of Bibhuti’s vidence that while his memory for events is
testimony. All that Nadir Khan is reported to have said, the passage will excellent, his memory for times and dates is not nearly so good. Except
be found at the top of page 3of the portion of judgement referring to for the important date, 21st February, which he could not possibly forget,
Pingley, accused No, 59, is that on arrival at Benares on March 21 he and events occurring within a few days of this, there is hardly a date to
changed into Bengali costume, was given dark glasses to wear, and was be found in his whole narrative; whereas there are several mistakes as to
taken to the house of a Bengali who showed him a bomb. He reached time which could not possibly be due to anything but pure mistake. Thus
Meerut on the night of March 22 with Pingley and a trunk containing ten on the very same page in which the incident of the ten bombs is described
bombs and 10 phials. The fact that he was taken to a house and shown a (p. 10-34) he said that he afterwards on 27th or 28th April saw at the
bomb certainly does not prove that he was present at Babu Ram’s house Carmichaol library Pioneer containing the account of Pingley’s arrest.
when the ten bombs and the trunk were taken away. Probably if Nadir The Pioneer in question was produced by the prosecution and was found
Khan did visit Babu Ram’s house he was sent back to the ghat in advance to be the issue of March, 29. Then again he stated on page 1 of his
of the bombs. evidence that his statement to the Joint Magistrate was recorded some
But assuming that there is a discrepancy between the two stories we fifteen days after he first expressed to Mr. Richardson his willingness to
see no reason for thinking that Bibhuti’s evidence is false. There is in make a statement. The time was in fact exactly a week. In both these
particular one little touch in his story which is absolutely natural and cases there can be no question that the error is due to anything but defective
appropriate when all the circumstances are taken into account but so little memory. Similarly he was two months out in his first recollection of the
obvious that it would require a remarkably subtle mind to invent it. Bibhuti date of the explosion which he at first put in his statement to the Joint
says that on arrival at the ghat with the bombs they found the dafadar Magistrate as taking place in September and even in this court he could
waiting and that he seemed very glad to see Pingley. Considering that get no nearer than that it was some time after the Durga Puja. Where
Nadir Khan had already revealed the plot to the authorities and stood in therefore we find Bibhuti stating incorrectly the time of an event as to
hourly peril of his life if any suspicion should be aroused one can understand which his evidence is in other respects corroborated, it is more reasonable
that he was very glad to see Pingley. On the other hand the very diversity to attribute the error to a mistake than to a deliberate falsehood.
between the two accounts reduces to absurdity the theory that Bibhuti was
primed with this incident on the basis of the Lahore evidence. Nadir Khan IV. Tampering with troops.
being made to wear dark goggles and in this disguise being to visit a house The evidence on this head is fragmentary but it is none the less

380 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 381
convincing. Direct evidence is obviously most difficult to obtain. No Singh. This suggestion, so far as the Benares lines in the earlier months
sepoy is likely to come forward voluntarily to say that he listened to of 1915 are concerned, is disposed of by the evidence of Major Hume. It
overtures of this kind when by doing so he renders himself liable to be is also difficult to get over the fact that in spite of all regulations Pingley
tried by court-material on a capital charge. Even by being cognizant of was actually arrested on March 23 inside the barracks of the 12th Cavalry
such overtures without any active participation he commits, unless he at at Meerut. As the regards the attempt on the Maharaja’s troops Mr. Roe
once informs the authorities, an offence under section 123, I.P.C, the proves (p. 168) that Bibhuti was able to identify one sepoy Bishunath
very offences with which the two ex-sepoys in this case are specially Pande, whom he had mentioned in his statement at a parade of seventy-
charged. There is also the fact that several regiments alleged to have five men and also pointed out Bishunath’s quarters in the lines. This man
been approached are now on active service. The only corroboration that Bishunath was called as a witness and though he was evidently anxious to
can reasonably be looked for is the ability of the approver to identify the avoid saying anything that might incriminate himself he admitted that
men with whom he had dealings and the places where he saw them. two Bengalis did on one occasion come to the lines and speak to him and
Where no innocent explanation can be given of his knowing them, this is that one of the two afterwards identified him at the parade spoken of by
however sufficient. Mr. Roe.
In this case we have the evidence of — Bibhuti says in cross-examination that his visit to Dinapore must
1. Attempts by conspirators to tamper with the 7th Rajputs at have been on February 17 or 18. The school registers show that it could
Benares. not have been before the 19th. Dates, we know , are not Bibhuti’s strong
2. Similar attempts by Bibhuti and Preonath with the troops of point, but his subsequent identification of Kaku Singh at a Parade held
the Maharaja in February, 1915. by Capt. Stuart (page 280) and his ability to take Mr. Richardson to the
3. Visit of Bibhuti to Dinapore about Feb., 19. lines and point out the room where the interview was held (page 164) are
In the case of the 7th Rajputs one of the men approached, Lance strong evidence of his having been there. Bibhuti had prior to the
Naik Dilla Singh reservist has been made an approver. His evidence as to identification proceedings given the name of the man he saw at Dinapore
interviews with the conspirators is as will be shown later, not altogether as Kaku Singh. No explanation has been suggested how, unless his story
consistent with Bibhuti’s but there can be no doubt that he himself had is true, Bibhuti could have identified this man or why he should have
been tampered with. He was picked out by Sucha Singh one of the Lahore been to the lines at Dinapore at all. It has indeed been argued that it
conspirators, from among a parade of seven hundred men. This fact is would be a futile and absurd proceeding to send a man to try and tamper
not challenged by the defense, but they dispute Dilla Singh’s acquaintance with a regiment within three days of the date fixed for the rising. If
with either Bibhuti or any of the accused. Dilla Singh was however able Bibhuti’s was the first and the only attempt made to approach this regiment
to identify Sachindra at the Central Jail (though like several witnesses he there might be some force in the suggestion, but the probabilities are that
hesitated at first between Rabindra and Sachindra who are very much a good deal had gone on in the way of tampering with regiments of
alike) in spite of the fact that Sachindra professes never to have seen him which Bibhuti himself was unaware and of which no evidence has been
in his life. He was also recognized at first sight by Bibhuti when paraded procurable.
with a number of armed police in plain clothes at the Magistrate’s It may also be pointed out, both in regard to this and to Nalini’s
bungalow. Bibhuti was also to identify at Delhi another man of the same similar expedition to Jubbulpore at about the same time, that the rising
regiment named Jaleshwar Singh who was detained there pending trial on which the heads of the conspiracy built their hopes was that which
by court-material. Three pensioned sepoys also proved interviews between was to take place in the Punjab, and that it would be highly valuable to
Dilla Singh and Bengalis at the barracks. It was suggested that as there them to let other regiments know what was intended so that in case the
are rules forbidding outsiders to enter the lines it would have been first outbreak was successful any discontented regiments elsewhere might
impossible for any Bengali to come to the barracks as described by Dilla be prepared to follow their example.
382 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 383
Dilla Singh, approver:— Though the statements of Bibhuti and fact that Mani Lal was first traced through the finding of one of his
Dilla Singh differ in the details regarding the different meetings between advertisements at Rewa Shankar’s eating house is particularly strong.
Dilla Singh and the Bengalis, with a view to seduce the troops here, Owing to the fact that Mani Lal went to Hardwar to bathe at the new
there can be little doubt as to those meetings taking place. Bibhuti moon in March, the prosecution was able to corroborate even the exact
mentioned Dilla Singh’s name in his statement before the Magistrate time of his visit. Mani Lal was identified in presence of Mr. Hadow and
(page 7, 1, 43), and he identified Dilla Singh in the presence of Mr. the District Magistrate of Delhi by seven witnesses who had seen him at
Lambert (page 281, 1, 3). Dilla Singh has stated that the identification Delhi, including Rewa Shankar and the approver Ram Nath. Two
took place on the very day of his return from Simla (page 132, 1, 55), respectable witnesses, Ghanshyam Das and Bisheshar Nath (p. 193) prove
where he was taken prior to Bibhuti’s arrest. Sucha Singh visited the that while at Delhi during the February visit Mani Lal was taken for a
lines with Pingley, Kartar Singh, and a Bengali, about the 8 th of drive in the carriage of the former at the instance of Ram Nath. This is
February, and met Dilla Singh at a little distance from the barracks an incident which Ram Nath forgot to mention though he had mentioned
(page 156, 1, 11). He picked Dilla Singh out a parade of men of the 7th it to the Magistrate and it supports the association between Mani Lal and
and 11th Rajputs as the sepoy whom he had met in Benares (page 265, Ram Nath. The prosecution has proved by independent evidence not
1, 33). In this court he insisted that Dharam Singh accused was the only Mani Lal’s own presence at Delhi in the middle of March, but also
sepoy whom he met and whom he identified on 2nd April. This was an the fact that he was accompanied by the accused Partab Singh. Ram
obvious misstatement and on a par with the conduct of another Lahore Nath, Shankar Lal and three other witnesses, including Rewa Shankar,
approver Mula Singh, who after identifying Sachindra at Lahore on 7th identified Partab Singh in presence of the Additional District Magistrate
July, (page 153, line 4), deposed in this court that the identification and of Mr. Hadow, and the genuineness of these identifications is beyond
was a mistake (page 154, 1, 18). The Lahore approvers have gone back question. As we have already remarked, Mani Lal’s account of his dealings
on their statements either through fear of the Bengali anarchists or with the conspirators at Delhi is utterly unlike the kind of thing we might
through sympathy with a cause which they have only nominally expect from witnesses giving evidence to please the police. A striking
renounced. They know that the pardon which was granted them at Lahore instance in addition to those already given is his statement that when
is not likely to be forfeited because of any falsehood they may tell here Rash Behari commissioned him to go to Mooltan in readiness for the
where their evidence is merely subsidiary, and they are taking advantage expected rebellion he specially charged him to take care of the women
of the fact. Dilla Singh is not clever and could not have invented the and children. What police officer would have dreamt of attributing to
story which he has deposed to, or remembered it if he had been tutored Rash Behari such a speech as this?
to repeat it. Very likely he has not revealed all the facts and his capacity In support of the Lahore visit we have the evidence of Inspector
to identify the Bengalis whom he met may be doubted on account of Khan Ahmad Khan (p. 247) who proves the identification by Mani Lal
the deficiency of his intelligence. For these reasons, he may not be of the Lahore approver Amar Singh and his pointing out the Bharat hotel
considered a reliable witness, on whose evidence a conviction may be where he stayed and a house at Gwalmandi where he met Rash Behari.
based, but his complicity with the conspirators is amply proved and This house was raided by the police within a week after Mani Lal’s visit
Bibhuti’s testimony regarding Dilla Singh’s part in the conspiracy is and tri-coloured flags, non-conducting pliers, revolutionary pamphlets
satisfactorily supported. and other incriminating articles were found there.
That Mani Lal visited Kharwa and that he must have been inside
V. Mani Lal’s visit to Delhi, Lahore and Kharwa. the Rao Sahib’s palace there is placed beyond doubt by the evidence of
Some of the facts corroborating Mani Lal’s accounts of these visits Mr. Hollins (p. 259). Mani Lal was not only able to point out in a
have been referred to in the narrative portion of the judgment. As regards manner absolutely convincing the places which he had visited and in
Delhi the evidence of Rewa Shankar and his brother combined with the some instances to describe them before taking Mr. Hollins to show them
384 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 385
to him, but also both identified and was identified by some of the Raja’s School, P. W. 50 and 47.
servants including in particular a boy servant who is specially referred to (3) The honorary joint secretary of the Central Hindu College, P.
in his narrative. The identification was so managed as to preclude any W. 112.
possible doubt of its genuineness. Mani Lal was left at Beawar 12 miles These leaflets, e.g., Ex. 9, are of a frankly revolutionary character
from Kharwa and Mr. Hollins arrived there from Kharwa in advance of and advocate open war for the extermination of Europeans.
the witnesses. There is also ample evidence to prove the distribution of leaflets
The defence finally decided not to dispute the fact of Mani Lal by post which was a constant feature of the revolutionary propaganda
visiting Kharwa but contended that there was nothing beyond Mani Lal carried on by the accused. A number of envelopes addressed by Bibhuti
own testimony to prove the object of this visit and that it was quite and sent to other stations to be posted (Ex. 19) have been put in by the
possible he might have come there simply on a business errand to sell police and identified by him. The evidence of Mr. Scott O’Connor who
Benares wares. Stress is laid on the fact that he says he made the Raja a arrested Bibhuti and Sachindra leaves little doubt that they were engaged
present of a silk handkerchief on the occasion of his second visit. Even if in preparing such leaflets for the post at the time of their arrest. Writing
it were true that the corroborative evidence only to the fact of the visit materials, Liberty and Swadhin leaflets and a list of names and addresses
we might find it difficult to believe that Mani Lal’s vivid narrative was were spread out in front of them at the time. The concluding portion of
not that of an eye-witness. But it is only true to this extent that there is no the list of names found on this occasion is stated by Bibhuti to be in the
direct corroboration by persons unconnected with the conspiracy. The handwriting of the accused Damodar and except as to two of the names
only persons who could furnish such corroboration would be the servants this was admitted by Damodar’s brother-in-law who was called as a defence
of the Raja employed in the palace and seeing that the Rao Sahib was witness (p. 382). Another list of names, Ex. 34, was found at the arrest
himself in the dock during the earlier portion of the proceedings it is of Jitendra and Kalipado (evidence of Mr. Scott O’Connor, p. 267).
hardly likely that his own servants would come forward to incriminate This list bore the heading Muradpur P. Q., Bankipur, where the accused
him. It is however going too far to say that there is no corroboration. An Bankim was employed, and Bankim’s brother when shown the heading
account of the second visit, in which Mani Lal was accompanied by and the first two lines of the list in cross examination (the rest of the list
Damodar Sarup, is given by the latter in his confession which is certainly being covered up) admitted the handwriting (p. 353 of the record).
genuine so far as it goes. The arrangements made beforehand for this
visit are mentioned in the narrative of Bibhuti (page 12, from line 12) VII. Bibbuti’s visit to Chundernagore and Calcutta in May, 1915
which is admitted by the defence to have been made without access, Bibhuti’s visit to Chundarnagore and Calcutta in May, 1915, in
except for any stray details gathered though Babu Ram before his arrest, company with Damodar Sarup is strikingly confirmed by the other
to what Mani Lal had said, while Mani Lal’s departure for and return evidence adduced by the prosecution. The portion of the evidence dealing
from Kharwa on the first occasion are mentioned by Ram Nath. with Calcutta and with the interview with Rash Behari there will be
reviewed in the portion of the judgement dealing with Sachindra and
VI. Distribution of seditious leaflets. Girja Babu whom it specially concerns. The corroboration proving his
The account given by Bibhuti (p.3) and Mani Lal (p. 42) of the stopping at Chandernagore on the way down is even more striking. Bibhuti
distribution of Liberty and Swadhin Bharat leaflets by hand on 29th has stated both here and before the Magistrate that he and his companions
November, 1913, at various schools and institutions is corroborated by stopped at the house of one Suresh Babu in the quarter of Chandernagore
the following witness who recovered copies of the leaflets and recognizing known as Futtuk Gore (Photok Gora) and that this Suresh Babu was a
their seditious character sent them to the District Magistrate:- member of the conspiracy. After his statement to the Magistrate Bibhuti
(1) The Secretary of the Arya Sumaj, P. W. 46. was taken to Chandernagore and asked to point out the house. He was
(2) The chaukidar and the headmaster of the Harish Chandra High driven down the street which he pointed out as that where the house was

386 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 387
situated inside a closed gharry with a police officer, and from inside the (5) Tripura Bhairavi house owned by Mt. Biswa Mohini (P.W.
closed shutters he pointed out a house which was then occupied by Naresh 26).
Chandra Sen (Naresh Babu) the brother of Sirish Chandra Sen (Suresh (6) Lalta Ghat house owned by Narsingh Das (P.W. 21).
Babu, deceased). The house was then raided and a perfect armoury of (7) Another house close to No. 6 belonging to the same owner.
weapons was found inside it (vide the search list. Ex.173). Among the (8) Harar Bagh house under the control of Madho Chandra (P.W.
articles found were a 450 six chambered revolver and a tin of cartridges 43).
for the same, a breach loading rifle, a double barreled 500 Express rifle, (9) Pande Hauli house owned by Nibaran Chandra (P. W. 16).
a double barreled gun, seventeen daggers, a number of cartridges and a (10) Pande Hauli house belonging to Mt. Pramoda Mai (P.W. 29).
packet of gunpowder and several Swadhin Bharat and Liberty leaflets. The evidence as to the first two need not be discussed as it has
The fact that there is an Arms Act in force in Chandernagore has been already been considered in connection with the explosion incident. The
proved by the production of a copy of the Act certified under the seal of following table will indicate the details on which the witness as specified
the Governor. The important point is that the four officers who have support the approvers testimony under this head.
been called in connexion with this identification and search all swear that H. No. Name of Period of Witness and his References to
to the best of their knowledge this particular house had never been on the tenant or occupation connection with page of the
list. occupant. the house printed record.
previously suspected, and as two of them had been specially employed in or occupant.
watching house of political suspects in Chandernagore, they are in a 3 Rash Behari Portions of P.W. 28 landlady P. 7-28
position to know. The odds against Bibhuti, if he were pointing out a Dec., 1914, P. 8-11 and 12.
house at random to try and support a story which was not true happening and Jan., 1915. P. 151.
3 Rashupati and Portions of March Ditto P. 10-7 and 8.
to hit on a house containing this very remarkable collection of weapons Damodar. and April, 1916. P. 151.
and leaflets are beyond calculation, and we regard this discovery as one 4 Rash Behari as First week of 1 P.W. 17 owner’s P. 11-4.
Bibhuti’s guest. March, 1915. servant. P. 145.
of the most powerful pieces of corroboration in the whole course of the
2 P.W. 18 shaved P. 11-23 and 24.
proceedings. If the house had been already under suspicion is might be Rash Behari. P.140, paragraph 1.
argued that one of the police officers had contrived to inform Bibhuti of 5 Rash Behari allas 2nd and 3rd week 1. P.W. 26 landlady. P. 11-30 and
52 .
the fact but the evidence before us makes it practically certain that this Surendro (rented March, 1915. 2. P.W.27 cotenant. P. 150, paragraph 1.
house was not known to the police till Bibhuti pointed it out. by Bibhuti alias P. 150 last two
Haripado). paragraphs.
6 Babu Ram 12th February to 1. P.W. 21 owner. P. 11-24 and 25.
VIII. Houses occupied by conspirators in Benares
The eighth material point on which Bibhuti’s evidence stands 21st or 22nd April, 2. P.W.23 cotenant. P. 148-3 to 14.
corroborated by independent testimony, relates to the renting or 191 5. P. 149, paragraph 1.
7 Vinayak Rao 25th February to P.W. 21 owner. P. 11-24 and 25.
occupation of different houses by himself, or his fellow conspirators.
The following list gives the houses arranged in the chronological order 11th March, 1915. P. 148-15 to 22.
of their occupation:— 8 Vinayak Rao 10th March, 1915. P.W. 43 owner’s P. 11-47 to 49.
(rented by manager. P. 11-54 and 55.
(1) Misri Pokhra house owned by Rai Mani Dasi (P.W. 12). Damodar) P. 168, paragraph 1.
(2) Kedar Ghat house owned by Ganesh Chandra Bapuli (P.W. P. 300-8 to 11.
9 Damodar Portions of Chait P.W. 16 owner. P. 14-36 to 41.
and Baisakh last. P. 146.
(3) Harish Chandra Ghat house owned by Mt. Manmohini (P.W. 10 Sachin and June, 1915 P.W. 29 landlady. P. 16-1 to 5.
28) Bibhuti P. 152.
(4) Munshi Ghat house. The approver pointed out each of these houses, after his arrest to Inspr. Mukerji.

388 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 389
IX. The Young Men’s Association but Hiranmoy (p. 123-35) does say that at these classes the Gita teaching
There is less evidence to support Bibhuti’s statement regarding the was followed by seditious lectures inciting them to follow the example
nature and aims of the Y. M. A. than of any other part of his evidence of the Bengal anarchists. It seems probable that these seditious lectures
and indeed in some cases such evidence as is available tends rather to and Bibhuti’s account of the interpretation of the Gita in a seditious
contradict than to corroborate him. But it is to be remembered in this sense are two different ways of describing the same thing. For reasons
connexion that it is very difficult for the prosecution to get evidence as which will sufficiently appear from a perusal of their cross-examination
to what went on in the society such as this. No member of it is likely to (p. 358-26 and p. 377 footnote) we are unable to attach any value to the
admit unless compelled to do that it was of a seditious character during statements of Chunni Lal Karmakar and Jagdish Prasanno Mukerji who
the time that he belonged to it. Assuming that the prosecution case were called by the defence to prove that the Y. M. A. was a purely non-
regarding the character of the association is correct we may expect to political society devoted solely to the moral and physical training of its
find that those members who are induced to come forward to give evidence members. Deb Narain in re-examination stated that there was nothing
regarding it will do so with a certain amount of reserve. Indeed as to one objectionable in the rules of the association but he had to admit that his
of the very points on which the want of corroboration is most strongly father sent him away to Calcutta in order to remove him its influence (p.
insisted upon, the fact that at the annual Kali Puja ceremony the sacrifice 116-38). Except in its bearing on the reliability of Bibhuti’s evidence
of a white pumpkin (a usual feature of the Puja) was accompanied by a this question of the Y. M. A. is however of but little importance for the
special vow for the extermination of the white race, we notice that the purposes of the present trial. Sachindra, Bibhuti, and most of the members
two witnesses called by the prosecution, Debbi Narain Mukerji and of the conspiracy seceded from it at the close of 1912 and were not members
Hiranmoy, are careful to say that they never attended the actual Puja of it during the period to which the evidence before us specially relates.
ceremony, and give reasons, correct or otherwise, for not having done
so. The fact of the principal of the Central Hindu College having been X. Miscellaneous.
invited on two occasions to attend the ceremony (though he never actually Besides the points mentioned above there is a mass of miscellaneous
went) is no doubt a strong argument against there having been anything corroboration, identification of persons and places, incidents too small
improper in it, but as the evidence is that on the occasion of the Puja a for special mention, and so on. Parts of this corroboration we must pass
public meeting was held in a hall downstairs while the actual ceremony over in silence. One point deserves to be noticed in this connexion. Bibhuti
took place in an upper room, it is possible the it was to the former only and at least two of the accused were students in schools and one of the
that outside visitors were admitted. At any rate we have no witness called accused was a teacher, but in no instance do the attendance registers
for the defence whose evidence we could implicitly accept to prove that show them to have been at school at a time when the evidence requires
Bibhuti’s account of what took place is a false one. On two other matters their presence elsewhere. This is a very severe test of the truth of the
as to which the evidence of Bibhuti has been called in question, namely, evidence. As regards Bibhuti himself the register furnishes remarkable
the existence of an inner circle and the perverted teaching of the Gita at corroboration of his account of his movements after the explosion. His
the moral class, we think that he is right. It has been suggested that the evidence is that shortly after the explosion he got a telegram that his
latter feature was copied from previous sedition cases in which the Gita father was ill and went away to his village in Bengal where he remained
has been made use of to give support to anarchical doctrines, but when about twenty days and that five or six days after his return to Benares he
Bibhuti described the lectures which he attended and proceeded when heard that his father was dead and went away again to perform the funeral
challenged to quote slokas and to give his own translation of them, we ceremonies. The date of his father’s death was 30th Aghan (Bengali
could not help feeling that he was describing an actual experience. Deb calendar) corresponding to 16th December, 1914. Now the register shows
Narain (p. 117) having been at one time moral instructor, would of that he was absent from school on the important 18th November and was
course not likely to say that any seditious teaching was given in his time, continuously absent from that date till 7th December inclusive. This would

390 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 391
cover his visit to his father during the illness of the latter. He was again at which he could have reached Benares was 9.51 p.m. which is
absent from 16th December, only a week after his return, until after the inconsistent with Bibhuti’s statement that Nalini accompanied him to the
Christmas holidays. He was also absent from school on 20th and 21st maidan on the evening of Feb., 21 in anticipation of the proposed rising.
Feb., 1915, the latter date being a Sunday. His absence on the 20th Bibhuti’s account is that they gave up hope and returned home about 10
corresponds to the time of his visit to Dinapore, for which he may have p.m.
left on the night of the 19th. If we accepted this evidence at its face value it does not necessarily
It transpired in evidence that Mani Lal was employed to write out discredit Bibhuti’s accounts of the rising. The fact that amongst six or
the accounts of a Nepalese firm in Benares. As however the rough account seven persons present he included one who really did not return till later
which was prepared at the time of each transaction was written by the would merely show that his memory is not in this instance as good as in
heads of the firm themselves and the formal bahi in Mani Lal’s hand other respects we have found it. In our opinion however there are
might not be written up till many days afterwards, the dates of his presence substantial grounds for suspecting the genuineness of the Munsarim’s
in and absence from Benares could not be checked by this means. A very story. We felt this strongly when his evidence was first given and
important post-card has however been put in written by one of the heads subsequent reflection has done nothing to remove the impression. His
of the firm to his brother at Calcutta, dated she 14th February, 1915, and account is that when he returned from tour about 11p.m. on 20th February,
bearing a postmark of that date stating that Mani Lal had absented himself he found Nalini sleeping in the outside room of the house and was given
and sent a note to say that his father was ill and that he had not completed to understand that he had come there having quarreled with his parents
the accounts of two months earlier. This is most important as February and was going on to Bombay. He had no bedding and practically no
14 was the very date on which Mani Lal left Benares for Lahore in luggage. He had been admitted on a representation that he was a friend
company with Vinayak Rao and the eighteen bombs. The same witness of witness’s son-in-law, a student at Benares, which witness subsequently
who puts in the post-card, Mani Lal’s employer, Ram Shankar Lal, discovered not to be the truth. Witness advised him to return home and
deposes that Mani Lal returned to his work some time before the Holi he left Jubbulpore by the 8-30 a.m. train on the 21st.
(the Holi was on 1st March) and that he again took a month’s leave Three things specially strike us with regard to this witness—
before the middle of March and at the end of that time returned to work (1) The eagerness he showed to produce his travelling allowance
for one day only and then left for good. Compare this evidence with the bill, which the prosecution had never asked for, in support of
time table of Mani Lal’s movements given in the narrative portion of the his story. This was unnatural if he was merely relating an
judgement and it will be seen that it is consistent with every statement incident which occurred at his house and which happened to
which Mani Lal has made. be material to the prosecution but in which he himself was in
There is one incident as to which the corroborative evidence might no way concerned. On the other hand one can understand his
seem rather to rebut than to support Bibhuti’s evidence and this is with anxiety, if his story is a crooked one to put in documentary
reference to the presence of the accused Nalini at Benares on the night of evidence in support of the one point in it which is absolutely
21st February, 1915. Bibhuti has deposed that to Nalini had been assigned “pakka.”
the duty of stirring up the troops at Jubbulpore, that he did visit Jubbulpore (2) It does not seem to us very probable that in the Munsarim’s
for the purpose, and that he saw him after his return on the afternoon or absence the members of his family would have taken into the
evening of 21st February. That Bibhuti did go to Jubbulpore and was house a total stranger arriving with nothing but a dhoti, an
there on Feb. 20 is an admitted fact. According, however, to the evidence angochha and a lota, and telling a cock and bull story about a
of the witness S. B. Banerji, P. W. 68, the Munsarim of the Judge’s student friendship between him and Manmatha.
Court of Jubbulpore, Nalini could not have left Jubbulpore for Benares (3) The story told by Nalini to explain his going to Jubbulpore is
earlier than the 8.30 a.m. train on the 21st. In that case the earliest time on the face of it a lie. If he had run away after quarrelling
392 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 393
with his mother he would be likely to go either to his brother contradicted his evidence on oath was at first inclined to weaken and say
at Lucknow, where he was actually found at the time of his that he might have made a mistake, but when afterwards pressed to say
arrest or to his native country, Bengal. It is most unlikely that whether he himself in his own mind still believed that Nalini was present,
he would have been away to Bombay where he does not profess replied that he did. “If you ask what is my mind”, was his exact expression
to have any friend and where he would be out of his element, which has been shortened down in the memorandum of evidence (p.
nor is it likely that he would have run off without any luggage 300-21), “it is that he was there”.
or any money. The fact that the Munsarim goes out of his way Putting aside the question of the date of Nalini’s return the very
to support this story goes far to show that he is a false witness. fact of Nalini making this hurried visit to Jubbulpore just before the date
The prosecution felt some difficulty in asking the court to discredit of the rising is itself a strong corroboration of Bibhuti’s testimony. If we
this witness because they had previously called him to Allahabad to reject as a lie, as we can have no hesitation in doing, Nalini’s own account
identify Nalini and he had done so, but though the explanation of this of the reason for his visit, the natural inference is that the true reason is
can only be conjectural, we do not think that it present any serious that which Bibhuti has given.
difficulty. The connexion between the Banerji family and Nalini may be Mani Lal’s evidence has been attacked chiefly on the ground that
much closer than the witness has admitted. Indeed accused himself gives he gives the date on which the proposed date of the rising was changed as
the lie to the witness’s statement that accused was not acquainted with February 16th whereas Amar Singh one of the Lahore approvers has stated
the Munsarim’s son-in-law, Manmatha. It may be that some member of in the Lahore case that the change was made on the 18th (vide Amar
the Munsarim’s family was Nalini’s accomplice, and this is the Singh’s cross-examination page 158). The point is undoubtedly important
Munsarim’s motive for trying to prove that the object of Nalini’s visit since Mani Lal has been very precise as to date and if the change of date
was an innocent one. There is also a strong Sanyal interest at Jubbulpore was not made till 18th he must according to his own account have been at
as we know from the defence evidence produced by Jitendra. We are Kharwa when it took place. It is at the same time true that even if Mani
convinced that the Munsarim’s story is not a straightforward one and we Lal were proved to have made a false statement as to when he heard of
therefore think it highly probable that Nalini left Jubbulpore by the 10.30 the change of date there would still remain ample evidence to prove the
p.m. train on the night of the 20th, in which case it is quite possible that fact of his visit to Lahore, Delhi and Kharwa. Mani Lal was not cross-
he may have left the Munsarim at Jubbulpore station. If he travelled by examined at all as to the discrepancy, nor was Amar Singh confronted
this train he would reach Allahabad in plenty of time to have been present with his Lahore evidence although Mani Lal had been examined a full
on the maidan on the evening of the 21st. month before Amar Singh was called. But at a late stage of the case just
Accused says that his ticket was taken to Benares Cantonment at before the final arguments commenced we were pressed to bring Amar
the Jubbulpore city booking office but that he changed to the Oudh and Singh’s statement on the record. This under the provisions of the Evidence
Rohilkhand Railway at Allahabad and did not give up his ticket on Act we could not do without recalling Amar Singh from the Punjab, so
completing his journey. We have of course no guarantee that these at the request of both the prosecution and the defence we have examined
statements are correct, but we have obtained evidence as to the issue of a copy of Amar Singh’s evidence in the Lahore case to see whether there
tickets at the Jubbulpore city booking office and we find that one ticket was anything in it to make it necessary for us to adjourn the trial in order
was issued to Benares Cantonment on 20th February and one on 21st to recall him. We find that there is no such necessity and that there is
February. The evidence is therefore consistent with his having travelled nothing in this evidence even if it was formally brought on the record
on either date. It is perhaps rather less likely that the ticket should have which would induce us to discredit Mani Lal. The only meeting on Feb.
been taken at the city office instead of at railway station if accused was 16 which Amar Singh is said to have attended was one at which the
going by as early a train as 8.30 a.m. than if he intended to travel by the police spy was present and at which therefore nothing could be said
night train. Bibhuti when confronted with the fact that the Munsarim had about the change of date, while he appears by his own account to have
394 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 395
been absent from Lahore on Feb. 17; so that it is quite possible that he Almost the only other point on which Mani Lal’s evidence has
may not have heard about the change of date till the 18th. There are two been seriously criticized is his omission to mention Bibhuti by name in
considerations which strongly support Mani Lal’s version. The first is his statement to the Magistrate, and the fact that the description given of
that the meeting of the spy with the police officer at the railway station him was inaccurate. We have come across too many instances of inaccurate
which led to the change of plan being affected undoubtedly took place description in our experience, and even in present proceedings to attach
on the 16th and must have been reported to Rash Behari on the same date, much importance to minor errors. The description of Bibhuti given by
as Mani Lal says it was. The second point is that if the change had not Mani Lal to the Magistrate was as follows:—
been made till the 18th there would have been no time to let even the “The Bengali had large eyes, was very stout and was
places in the Punjab know of the change and the whole plan must have short; he was fair complexioned, he lives near Panda
been doomed to failure from the start. Ghat but I do not know where his house is”.
We have not overlooked the fact that the change of the date was not Elsewhere he refers to him as ‘fat Bengali’. The only two items in
mentioned in Mani Lal’s first statement to the police. There are in fact the above description which do not tally are the shortness and the fair
two important omissions in that statement, but in each case there is so complexion. Bibhuti is above the average height and is rather dark than
strong a reason for the omission being made that they rather strengthen fair. The other items agree, Bibhuti is still very stout and was probably
than weaken Mani Lal’s evidence. Until he was granted a pardon Mani still stouter before his arrest, which might have made him seem shorter
Lal said not a word about Babu Ram nor did he mention the change in than he was and he has a way of opening his eyes very wide when surprised
the date of the rising. The reason for the first omission has been made or when he suddenly comprehends something which has been puzzling
clear by the evidence of Mr. Paghey. Babu Ram was a friend of Mani him, which is one of his most striking characteristics. The fair complexion
Lal and it was Mani Lal who had induced him to join the movement. is certainly a difficulty but one of the witnesses said that Bibhuti seemed
When Mani Lal was promised a pardon and asked if there was anything fairer than he was now while curiously enough one of the defence witnesses
he had omitted to disclose he said that there was a poor boy whom he had has made a similar statement regarding Sachin. It is at least a commonly
introduced to the society and who had acted as store-keeper, but he would held belief the just as anxiety and worry makes Europeans pale it tends to
only reveal his name if he was given an assurance that the boy would not give the Indian complexion a darker tint than is natural to it. In any case
be prosecuted. Such an assurance was given and forms the reason why it is futile to urge that Mani Lal did not know Bibhuti in view of the fact
Babu Ram has been placed in the witness-box instead of in the dock. The that he recognized him in the group photograph, Ex 8, before he could
reason for the other omission is self-evident. The whole tenor of Mani possibly have seen Bibhuti after the latter’s arrest.
Lal’s evidence shows him to be a coward at heart. He had already declined The result of our analysis has been to establish Bibhuti and Mani
a commission to shoot Mr. Petrie because he was too timid to undertake Lal as honest and truthful witnesses whose testimony we ought not to
it. The task of going to Mooltan and taking part in the expected discredit merely on the ground of their being approvers. The more we
insurrection of the regiment there was one very little to his liking, and have tested their evidence the more trustworthy we have found it. We
accounts for the readiness with which he grasped at the opportunity of have not even a single instance in Mani Lal’s evidence in which he can
going to Kharwa instead. His action in taking refuge in a railway train be shown to have lied. There may be in Bibhuti’s evidence some instance
out of reach of danger during the critical date of the revolution was of exaggeration in regard to the Y. M. A., with he ceased to be directly
conduct of which he could hardly help being ashamed. By saying nothing connected at the close of 1912, and some of his answers in cross-
of the change of date he avoided betraying his own cowardice. When examination (p. 27) as to how he knew who the members of the inner
however he was given a pardon on condition of disclosing the whole circle were can hardly be accepted. But apart from this it would be hard
truth his very facts would urge him not to keeps back so important a fact, to point out any statement of fact made by him as to which it can be
the concealment of which might lead to his pardon being withdrawn. fairly said “This must be a lie”. There are, as we have pointed out, some
396 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 397
erroneous statements, especially as to the time of particular events, but however that Sachindra and Partab were the men really referred
they are such as are more reasonably explained by defect of memory to. The description of the supposed Hiranmoy could not possibly
than by deliberate falsehood, and the number of such statements in a apply to the real Hiranmoy, who moreover, had never visited
deposition covering 40 printed pages is remarkably small and justifies Delhi, and there is also the mention of his wearing spectacles
the reliance placed by the prosecution on his evidence. which Partab does and Hiranmoy does not. Witnesses have been
We may note also that Bibhuti is far from being the despicable called who have identified Sachindra and Partab as occupying
character that one is accustomed to associate with the term approver. He the house where Ram Nath says they were lodged.
is even now only about twenty years of age and he seems to have joined Both Ram Nath and Shankar Lal independently point out to Mr.
the revolutionary movement with a sincere conviction that he was Hadow the places mentioned in their statements (p. 217) and their
promoting the welfare of his country by so doing. He maintained this agreement in describing the course they took in distributing leaflets shows
opinion for a time even after his arrest, and, as Inspector Mukerji has the genuineness of their story. Ram Nath was practicing as a vaid in
deposed when approached by the latter he turned round on the police Delhi and there can be no doubt that his dispensary was used as a meeting
officers and asked them what they were doing for the good of their place by the conspirators. The visit of Damodar to this dispensary is
country. It was probably in part at least the influence of his mother and established by his having on one occasion helped to address labels for
grandmother which induced him to change sides and disclose what he Ram Nath, and some of the bottles with labels in his handwriting have
knew. Having however decided to do this he did it with characteristic been produced in court. The evidence before us is amply sufficient to
thoroughness, and his evidence is by far the best and completest account establish the general truthfulness of Ram Nath’s story. Even Shankar
we have of the organization and aims of the conspirators at Benares. Lal, though as we have stated is the least reliable of the approvers, is by
Ram Nath’s evidence deals chiefly with the Delhi accused, Lachhmi no means to be considered a false witness. He agrees in many points with
Narain and Ganeshi Lal, and with Sachin, Partab and Damodar. It agrees the other approvers and his account of his visit to Meerut with Pingley,
with Mani Lal’s in numerous details in a way which can hardly be due to which is the most distinctive feature of his evidence, is entirely genuine.
collusion and there is a general though not complete agreement between We have not however felt able to rely on his evidence where it is
it and the evidence of Shankar Lal. Shankar Lal was the earliest of the uncorroborated both because his recollection is often very confused and
approvers to be examined and it was enquires-based on his statement because he showed in one or two instances a disposition to extenuate his
which led to the discovery of Mani Lal’s advertisements at Rewa Shankar’s own share in the conspiracy. We cannot for instance accept his statement
eating-house and thus furnished the clue which led to Mani Lal’s arrest. that he had no knowledge of the conspiracy until February, 1915.
There is also independent corroboration of several incidents in Ram Nath’s In concluding this portion of the Judgment we desire to express our
statement, e.g.— sense of the thoroughness and care with which the case has been worked
1. His taking to the Dayal Washing Factory on March 28th, a out by Mr. Sands. The labour involved must have been enormous, but
coat of Pingley’s and three articles of clothing belonging to no detail has been neglected. As Inspector Mukerji has been specially
Sachindra and Partab which had been left with Ram Nath to singled out as an object of attack it is only due to him to say that he
be washed. In consequence of Ram Nath’s statement the books comes out of the case with absolutely clean hands. He appears to have
of the factory were examined and an entry of the clothes was been Mr. Sand’s right man throughout the enquiry and is entitled to a
found with Ram Nath as the name of the person who brought share in the credit for the successful working out of the case. An excellent
them. (Vide p. w. 55, p. 188). foundation was laid for the case by Mr. Scott ‘O’ Connor’s action in
2. The visit of Sachindra and Partab to Delhi on March 26th, 1915. recording Bibhuti’s first statement himself instead of leaving this work
Witness did not know their names and was under the impression to a subordinate, thus eliminating the possibility of tutoring. The
that they were N. N. Banerji and Hiranmoy. There is no doubt suggestion that Inspector Mukerji obtained private access to Bibhuti while
398 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 399
his statement was being recorded broke down on the discovery that the an address at Murat, in the Faridpur district. The money was sent in a
supposed special permit alleged to have been obtained by Inspector Mukerji registered cover to the address of Prashanto Kumar Sen; the letter was
was in fact an order to the Superintendent of the Jail for the transfer of despatched from Bengali Tola post office on 14th May, and a postcard,
Bibhuti to the District Jail and his being lodged in a separate cell there Ex. 139, written by Annada from Calcutta to Prashanto at Murat and
(Ex. 183). found on search of Prashanto’s house proved the receipt of the money by
We desire also to convey our thanks to the Superintendent, Annada. This postcard was posted at Calcutta on 22nd May, a date on
Government Press, for the promptness and efficiency with which the which Sachin was in Calcutta. After this evidence, the futility of a denial
printing of the record has been carried out. of the receipt of the money was appreciated by Annada and he put forward
the explanation that the money was sent to him in payment of a debt. His
brother Uma Charan deposed that he gave a loan of Rs. 15 to Bibhuti.
PART III The explanation is very unconvincing when the attendant circumstances
ACCUSED are considered. Uma Charan stated that Annada had gone to Murat to
recover interest on a loan from Prashanto. If so, his requesting Bibhuti
ANNADA to address his letter to Prashanto and his expecting part payment of a
loan, while he was on a casual visit at Murat, appear very strange. The
This accused was arrested in the Faridpur district on 29th September natural course would have been to make payments to his brother Uma
last and brought here via Calcutta on 4th October. His confession was Charan, at whose house the loan is alleged to have been made. Annada
recorded by the Joint Magistrate here on 5th and 6th October. Bibhuti, opening the envelope addressed to Prashanto and leaving Murat without
Mani Lal and Hiranmoy depose to his leaving the Y.M.A. with Sachin waiting for Prashanto’s return from a village lend weight to the
and there is their additional testimony to connect him with the subsequent supposition that Annada was wanted by Sachin at Calcutta and left Murat
activities of the extremist party here. When leaflets were distributed and as soon as he received money for his expenses from the Benares
pasted at the end of 1913, Bibhuti was ill and heard of Annada’s part in organization. It may be noted that the postcard was found on 7th Sept.
the proceedings from Sachin at a meeting of the conspirators. Hiranmoy and that, therefore, there can be no suspicion of Bibhuti’s statement of
has deposed that Annada actually accompanied him when leaflets were 6th August being fashioned on the basis thereof. Annada belonged to the
pasted on walls at ghats and temples. Mani Lal states that Sachin, Annada Chatra Hitaishini Society but it has not been proved to be a seditious
and he wrote several addresses of professors and students of various body. Ex. 70, Chatra Sakha, a magazine, was produced by S. I. Banerji
colleges on envelopes in order to distribute leaflets to them. Both Bibhuti to indicate the character of the society. The contents of this magazine
and Hiranmoy speak of Annada’s visits to Rash Behari at the Misri Pokhra remain unproved because the testimony of Girish Chandra Bhattacharji
house and his complicity in the conspiracy is directly proved by his on the subject is very vague. As regards the magazine Ex. 64, Deb Narain
presence at a meeting, where Rash Behari showed bombs and arms to the recognized it as a magazine of this society, while S. I. Banerji’s
conspirators and explained their use and how to fit the bombs and caps information was that the original, of which Ex. 64 is a copy, was issued
together. A description of this meeting is given by Bibhuti at page 5 of by the Y.M.A. The evidence regarding Annada’s complicity in the
the printed record. Annada was not present at the meeting of January, conspiracy is very clear and we need not inquire into the preparations he
1915, at the Harish Chandra Ghat house, where Rash Behari gave out had received prior to the spread of seditious literature and the arrival of
the dispositions preparatory to a revolution. Bibhuti, however, has deposed Rash Behari in Benares.
that Rash Behari assigned a part to Annada and proposed to keep him and The prosecution evidence noted so far is confirmed by the confession
Kalipado as reserves in Benares. After the departure of Rash Behari, of Annada recorded by the Joint Magistrate of Benares on 5th and 6th
Bibhuti sent Annada a ten-rupee note out of the organization money to October. Mr. Sands has stated that Annada’s statement was recorded by
400 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 401
the police as soon as Annada arrived in Benares on 4th Oct. Inspr. Mukerji the distribution of seditious literature.
was deputed to record the statement at the house of the local S.P., where
Mr. Sands was staying, and Annada was brought. Inspr Mukerji recorded
three-fourths of the statement at once and the rest next morning at the 2. — BANKIM CHANDRA MITRA
cantonment police station. There cannot be any truth in the accused’s
indictment that the statement was tutored to him by the Inspector because This accused was arrested in Patna on the 6th September, 1915, in
there was little time in which Annada could be taught a long story to the house of Prof. Jadunath Sirkar. On 13th November, 1914, his lodgings
such perfection as would enable him to repeat it before the Magistrate as in the same house were searched in connection with the Raja Bazar bomb
he did. Mr. Chatterji’s insinuations based on Mr. Corbett’s account of case by S.I. Abdul Karim and a book “The life of Mazzini,” Ex 62, and
his meeting Annada at Calcutta may be brushed aside. Mr. Corbett a notebook, Ex. 163, were found there. Bibhuti met him at the house of
deposed to taking notes of Annada statement at Calcutta, where Annada Rash Behari at Misri Pokhra and he has further stated that when Bankim
stopped on his way to Benares but Annada himself does not allege that he left Benares he took with him Liberty and Swadhin Bharat leaflets given
was coached up at Calcutta. Apparently he is clever enough to understand to him by Rash Behari for distribution. When Bibhuti returned from
that a story of tutoring by Bengal police men of a subject, peculiar to Calcutta after his interview with Rash Behari he got down at Bankipore
Benares and of which they were not likely to have any knowledge, would by previous instructions from Sachin to visit Bankim there, ask him how
not be credited by any court of law. The confession of Annada is so full far he was going on with the work and goad him to work more vigorously.
of details and complete on the matters with which it deals that the only Bibhuti went to Prof. Sirkar’s house but Bankim was not there and the
argument possible to avoid its damaging effect on the defence was the persons in the house told him on inquiry that they did not know where he
one advanced by Mr. Roy, pleader for the defence. He urged the was. Both Bibhuti and Hiranmoy have deposed that Bankim used to write
provisions of sec. 24, Evidence Act, and asked the Court to hold that the letters to Sachindra and enclose them in covers addressed to these
confession was obtained under an inducement of pardon. To support approvers. Ex. 06 is a letter addressed to Hiranmoy and intercepted by
such an argument, a proposition to the effect that no accused person the police after Hiranmoy’s arrest in the Raja Bazar bomb case. Ex. 34 is
would confess unless he was promised a pardon is too vague and sweeping. a list of names found in a room inside a house at Ramapura in which
A guilty person may make admissions in hopes of a pardon or of Jitendra and Kalipado accused were arrested by Mr. Scott O’Connor on
consideration being shown to him by the prosecution in the matter of 16th July. It is stated that the names are in the handwriting of Bankim.
charges brought against him. This is not sufficient to bring the confession When this evidence is examined in detail it affords convincing proof
within the provisions of sec. 24, Evidence Act. There is not one single of Bankim’s complicity in the conspiracy. As he is not a resident of this
circumstance that can lead the Court to suspect that inducement was province there is no evidence forthcoming of his acts in Bankipore in
offered to Annada before his confession was obtained. The testimony of furtherance of the objects of the conspiracy. In his statement Bankim
the approvers Bibhuti and Mani Lal and of Hiranmoy, who has not a alleged that he had never met Bibhuti before this case was started; he was
higher status than that of an approver, is corroborated by Annada’s however identified by Bibhuti on 23rd September last in the presence of
confession and by the independent evidence in support of Bibhuti’s Mr. Hamilton. At that identification the accused persons were put in a
statement that he sent organization money to Annada to go to Calcutta line with twenty others and there can be doubt as to the genuineness of
from Murat. The charge under sec. 121A, I.P.C., is established: the the identification. It was objected that Bankim happened to be the only
prisoner was a member of the conspiracy, whose object he knew was to Bengali unknown to Bibhuti at the time, but we do not believe that a
deprive the king of the sovereignty of British India. We convict him of Bengali could be picked out by his appearance when all the men who
that offence and sentence him to rigorous imprisonment for three years. were strangers to Bibhuti at the parade were similarly attired. It will be
So far as the evidence before us goes his direct activities were confined to seen from Mr. Hamilton’s evidence that Bibhuti picked men out by name

402 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 403
promptly and that he had no time for deliberation and elimination of The next question to decide is whether Ex. 34 is in the
those who did not appear to him to be Bengalis. The accused has not handwriting of Bankim. The defence witness, Prof. Jadunath Sirkar, is
given any explanation of Bibhuti’s acquaintance with him and the denial of opinion that the handwriting is not that of Bankim but the testimony
of such acquaintance raises a presumption that the meeting between the of Bankim’s own brother Surendra Nath Mitra, is to the contrary. How
two was not for an honest purpose. Bankim alleged that he was a friend the statement came to be made in cross-examination may be quoted in
of Hiranmoy and wrote the letter, Ex. 66, to him as a friend. The letter detail.
does not contain the name of the person to whom it is written is not ‘I know this handwriting (being shown the words Muradpur, P. O.
signed but there are enigmatic words therein which indicate that more is Bankipore, on Ex. 34 the rest of the exhibit being covered up). It appears
desired to be conveyed than meets the eye. The letter declares that a like Bankim’s handwriting. The first line of the Exhibit Sj. Sarat Mitra
great golmal has taken place and that there is cause for fear and contains appears to be in the same handwriting as the address. The second line
a request that the addresses must not write or send anything to Bankim also appears to be in the same handwriting (the words shown are Trigura
for the time being. Knowing the relations between Bankim and Sachindra Charan Mitra. Being then shown the whole of the first page of the exhibit
the palpable meaning is that through some incident Bankim had been says) I do not think this is my brother’s hand-writing. (Witness adds):
frightened and did not desire to receive letters or seditious literature Taking the whole page into consideration I do not think that it is his
from Sachin just at that time. The explanation of these words given by handwriting.’
Bankim and by his brother Surendra Nath Mitra is unconvincing. It was It is clear that the witness really believed the handwriting to be that
stated that Hiranmoy wanted to send the return half of a ticket to Bankim of his brother and stopped when he discovered from the blank expression
in order to enable Bankim to visit Hiranmoy’s house that Bankim’s brother of his pleader and whispers among the other defence pleaders that he was
who is a ticket examiner on the E. I. Ry., read this letter and reprimanded saying something contrary to his brother’s interests. A comparison of
Bankim and that Bankim thereupon wrote this letter desiring Hiranmoy this handwriting with that of Bankim’s admitted handwriting in Exs A-
not to send the return half ticket. If the matter were so simple there 15 to A-17 will show that the list is in Bankim’s handwriting. In addition
would have been no necessity of using such cryptic words in the letter. to this there is internal evidence that the list must have been supplied by
Hiranmoy deposed that he was not acquainted with Bankim and Bankim for the distribution of seditious literature in Bihar. Most of the
considerable support is lent to this statement by the fact that Hiranmoy’s addresses are of Muradpur and Bankipore and likely to be known to
full name and address are entered by Bankim in the note-book, Ex. 162, Bankim and not to Jitendra and Kalipado. Bankim’s brother Surendra
found in his house. If Hiranmoy were really a great friend of Bankim, as Nath Mitra first stated when questioned by Mr. Chatterji who did not
is pretended, a record of his full name and address would not have been appear for Bankim that he did not know Tulshipado Moitra who was
necessary to help Bankim to remember them. Bankim’s friendship with arrested along with Jiten and Kalipado. The witness subsequently changed
Sachin is further evidenced by the fact that “The life of Mazzini” found his statement and said that Tulshipado’s father was a signaler at Moghal
in Bankim’s possession belonged to Sachindra whose name with the date Sarai, and that Bankim and Tulshipado were known to each other. This
June 1913 appears on the first page. Later on when dealing with Sachin evidence does not help the case of Bankim because the handwriting is not
the importance of this book will be discussed and the certainty that the alleged to be that of Tulshipado nor the contents to be such as would be
notes were made by Sachin. Bankim explained that the book was given within his knowledge. Thus Bankim’s connection with Sachin, Jiten and
to him by Hiranmoy and not by Sachin direct. As we believe, however, Kalipado is clearly proved as well as Bibhuti’s acquaintances with him.
that Bankim and Hiranmoy had not met it appears certain that the book So there is ample corroboration of Bibhuti’s statement that Bankim was
came into Bankim’s possession directly from Sachin. It may be noted one of the conspirators and helped in the distribution of seditious literature
here that the same book was lent by Sachin to Mani Lal to read as a in Bihar. We hold him guilty of an offence under sec. 121A and sentence
preparation for revolutionary acts. him to rigorous imprisonment for three years.
404 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 405
3. — DAMODAR SARUP ALIAS MASTERJI to purchase types from Allahabad and Rs. 100 for family expenses.
Bibhuti says that this money was paid to Damodar out of the organization
This accused was arrested by Mr. Scott O’Connor, S. P., at the funds by Jiten accused on the authority of a letter written by Bibhuti to
house of the Collector during the night preceding the 3rd of July last. Jiten and made over to Damodar at Bankipore. It will be remembered
Bibhuti mentions Damodar’s association with the conspirators first after that Bibhuti and Damodar travelled together from Calcutta and Bibhuti
Rash Behari arrived in Benares at the commencement of 1914. Damodar alighted at Bankipore to visit Bankim accused under Sachin’s order.
was one of those who frequented the Misri Pokhra house and was present How this accused spent the few days prior to his arrest will be known
at the meeting of January 1915, when Rash Behari told the conspirators from the statements of Bibhuti at page 16 of the printed record and Mr.
that the time for a revolution had arrived and that Damodar was to be the Scott O’Connor. On 25th June Damodar went o Bibhuti’s house and was
leader in Allahabad. Subsequently about 21st Feb. Damodar returned taken to the house at Pande Hauli where Sachin was in hiding. He asked
from Allahabad and reported to Sachin that the army men whom he had Sachin how to distribute the leaflets he was going to publish and obtained
previously visited at Allahabad had been transferred and that he could Rs. 15 for expenses from Sachin. Next day he went to Mr. Scott
not approach the new regiment which had taken their place. In March he O’Connor and on receipt of Rs. 100 and the promise of a further reward
was introduced by Bibhuti to Mani Lal under the orders of Rash Behari he took that officer to the Pande Hauli house and thereby secured the
and Mani Lal was ordered to take Damodar with him to Kharwa. On 16th arrest of Sachin and Bibhuti. After his arrest on 19th July, he made a
March the accused and Pingley joined Mani Lal and Partab Singh at confession before the Additional District Magistrate of Delhi.
Delhi and the same night Mani Lal and the accused started for Kharwa We may now examine how far this evidence which establishes the
which they reached next morning. Mani Lal has described the visit to complicity of the accused in the conspiracy is supported by independent
Kharwa and the object thereof on pp. 49&50 of the printed record. For testimony. First as to Bibhuti, that approver’s evidence regarding
the next move of this accused we must refer to the statements of the Damodar’s renting a house at Kedar Ghat to shelter Vinayak Rao is
approvers Ram Nath and Shankar Lal. He was back in Delhi on his supported by the testimony of Madho Chandra Banerji who deposed that
return from Kharwa on 20th March, and went to Aligarh. Ram Nath says house No. 187 at Harar Baghicha was let by him to one Damodar Sarup
that Damodar went to Aligarh on hearing that Pingley had returned on 10th March. He was not able to identify Damodar but produced the
disappointed from that place. The accused was back in Delhi on the 23rd slip Ex. 85 on which he had made a memorandum of the receipt of a
and had a conversation with Pingley at Ram Nath’s dispensary, when month’s rent in advance from Damodar. Another witness, Nibaran
Pingley asked him to bring the papers which he had promised to get Chandra, identified Damodar both before Mr. Hamilton and here as one
printed at Allahabad for distribution to the troops. We next hear of him of the men who frequented the house in Pande Hauli which according to
in Benares. Bibhuti says “I got from Damodar Seth the revolver which Bibhuti was rented on behalf of the conspiracy. In the sections of the
Preonath took away and brought back. Damodar gave it to me with 22 judgement dealing with Sachin and Girja Babu accused we shall refer to
cartridges on his return from Kharwa and said that the Rao Sahib of the independent evidence in support of Bibhuti’s account of the Calcutta
Kharwa had given it to him. He also said the Rao Sahib had promised to meeting with Rash Behari. As regards Bibhuti’s evidence concerning
give another revolver which was then under repair.” According to Bibhuti Damodar’s acts on the 25th of June, Mr. Scott O’Connor’s testimony
Damodar visited the Pande Hauli house which was rented by the affords convincing support. Coming to Mani Lal we have already shown
conspirators in April. In May he accompanied Bibhuti to Calcutta and in part II of the judgment above how satisfactorily the fact of Mani Lal’s
was present at the notable interview with Rash Behari over the post office visit to Kharwa is established by the careful identifications held personally
at Dhurumtollah. At that interview Damodar offered to got seditious by Mr. Hollins, S.P. The statements of Ram Nath and Shankar Lal find
literature published at a press at Aligarh to which he said that he had remarkable corroboration in the description which these approvers have
access. Thereupon Rash Behari ordered Bibhuti to pay Rs 60 to Damodar given of the accused in their confessions before the Magistrate in April
406 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 407
lat, when they were not aware of the accused’s name. The description he has denied all the incriminating evidence summed up above. A perusal
given by Shankar Lal appears at page 6 of the printed record of his of his statement would show that we have refrained in this judgment
confession. After describing Pingley he says: “The smaller of the two from referring to certain items of evidence which a court of law might
was of wheaten complexion, taller than I am, slight in figure; his chin with justice have relied upon to support a weaker case. The case against
was shaven but had a few days’ growth on it. His lower jaws were long him is so convincing that we have confined ourselves to the broadest
and somewhat broad. His face was a little sunken and his cheeks very facts and the plainest and most direct evidence. We do not believe the
hollow. When he spoke or listened he raised his eyebrows.” Shankar Lal accused’s allegations regarding the pressure put on him to confess and
explained later on at page 20 of that record “when he spoke or listened become an approver; his confession gives no fresh information regarding
one of his eyebrows, I do not know which, but not both, used to raise the conspiracy and the prosecution had nothing to gain by making him
itself.” The whole description is wonderfully accurate and we who have an approver. The concealment of important and well established facts in
watched the accused for over three months can vouch for its accuracy. the confession proves that it cannot have been tutored. It is sufficient to
Ram Nath described this accused at page 9 of his printed statement as quote his statement regarding his identification by the approvers to show
squint-eyed. The expression has given rise to considerable comment on how unreasonable it is. He stated “My idea is that a political suspect who
the part of the defence which urged that such a term cannot be applied to has been in lock-up for a week or two can be easily identified by a man
Damodar’s eyes. The medical officer in charge of the Central Jail certified of common sense. His appearance would tell that.” The witnesses
that the accused was not squint-eyed but the question here is not whether produced on behalf of the accused have stated nothing to the advantage
such an appearance of the eyes can or cannot be called squint-eyed of the prisoner. The three witnesses Satrahan Lal, Nand Kishor and Nand
according to medical opinion. It is undeniable that Damodar’s eyes are Kumar, do not prove any alibi because no attempt was made by the
peculiar and Ram Nath’s explanation of the phrase appears to us to be a defence to establish that on any particular date deposed to by any of the
reasonable one. He said “Before I knew Masterji’s name I described him approvers, Damodar was in Rae Bareli and could not have been elsewhere.
to the police as the squint-eyed man (bhenga), as one of the pupils of his His brother-in-law Uma Mahesh Mehra instead of deposing anything
eyes is larger than the other and when he looks attentively they both look favourable to him has testified to the writing of a certain exhibit which
a little inwards”. Mani Lal, Ram Nath and Shankar Lal whose acquaintance otherwise would have depended on the uncorroborated testimony of
the accused has denied identified him in July last at the 6th and 7th Bibhuti. At the time of the arrest of Sachin and Bibhuti on 26th July, Ex.
identifications deposed to by Mr. Hadow. Another man Ram Chandra 26 containing a list of names was found in the room occupied by them.
also identified him at the 7th identification. Ram Chandra is a friend of Bibhuti stated that the names at Nos. 24 to 30 (P. 16, 1. 33 and p. 37 1.
Ram Nath and described some of the meetings and discussions held at 13) on this list were in Damodar’s handwriting and that the list was
Ram Nath’s dispensary. He also bears out Ram Nath’s statement that prepared with a view to post seditious leaflets to those addresses. The
Damodar wrote the labels on the two bottles Ex. 59 used at the dispensary defence witness, Uma Mahesh, deposed that the names 24 to 28 were in
for putting up medicine. Even if we grant that this witness has no higher the handwriting of Damodar. This is a very important piece of evidence
status than that of an approver his identification of Damodar is of in support of Damodar’s connection with the conspirators and his help in
considerable importance in bearing out the testimony of the approvers one object of the conspiracy that of distributing seditious literature. The
Ram Nath and Shankar Lal. The confession of this accused before the prisoner has denied giving information to Mr. Scott O’Connor to secure
Delhi Magistrate is true so far as it goes, but as it avoids even the barest the arrest of Sachin and Bibhuti. It is of course false but we can understand
mention of Sachin’s name it may be taken as certain that it is not a full that his present situation as co-accused with other conspirators must compel
confession. Its support is not needed to convince us of the guilt of this him to enter such a denial.
accused. We can come to but one conclusion and that is that Damodar was a
The defence of this accused need not detain us long. In his statement member of the conspiracy and attempted to collect arms and ammunition
408 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 409
from Rao Gopal Singh of Kharwa for the purpose of waging war against Jadunath Singh. I twice saw the sepoys with him at Raja Ghat. On the
the king. We convict him of offences under sees. 121A and 122 read with first occasion all the three whom I have named were with him. On the
sec. 511, I. P. C. and pass concurrent sentences of rigorous imprisonment second day I only met Puran Singh and Jadunath Singh.” These statements
for seven and five years respectively. standing by themselves raise a suspicion of the prisoners’ knowledge of
the conspiracy but do not definitely prove it. The testimony of the sepoys
of the regiment Gaya Bakhsh, Bhagwan Bakhsh and Ausan Singh is not
4. — DHARAM SINGH of much value. These sepoys saw two Bengalis talking to the prisoners
among others once or twice. The talk took place in a big barrack and was
8. — JADUNATH SINGH not heard by the witnesses, so it will not be fair to presume from such
vague evidence that sedition was talked by the prisoners at the time.
These two prisoners are ex-sepoys of the 7th Rajputs stationed here Dharam Singh had gone on recruiting duty in February and March last
and are charged both for complicity in the revolutionary conspiracy and and was awarded Rs. 50 for his good work. Jadunath Singh has deposed
under sec. 123 for concealing the existence of a design to wage war of that when he returned to his village after his discharge he sent his brother
which they were aware. We would have held these prisoners guilty if we and cousin to serve in the regiment. Hony Capt. Adhar Singh of the 7th
had felt justified in relying on the testimony of the approver Dilla Singh. Rajputs has given Dharam Singh a good character.
We have already commented in part II of the judgment on the value we On a consideration of the entire evidence we feel inclined to give
attach to Dilla Singh’s testimony. He was certainly approached by the these prisoners the benefit of doubt and acquit them of the offences with
conspirators, knew their objects and was prepared to help them, but we which they are charged. We order their release.
do not believe that he has told us the whole truth and are therefore not
prepared to trust him where his evidence bears against individual accused
persons. On 23rd September, at the identification parade held by Mr. GANESM LAL : ACCUSED NO. 5
Hamilton at the Central Jail, Bibhuti did not point out these prisoners
when asked to pick out the conspirators. This fact discloses his belief He is a resident of Delhi and was arrested by the Delhi police on
that these prisoners were really not in the conspiracy and to judge by the 6th September, 1915. His trial with the Benares conspirators was
Bibhuti’s statement such belief appears to be correct. So far as Bibhuti’s decided upon as the Delhi authorities did not think it necessary to have a
knowledge goes he had seen these men in company with Dilla Singh and separate special court when the number of the accused at Delhi did not
Rash Behari in February and March last. His statement may be quoted in exceed two.
full. After describing meetings with Dilla Singh, Jaleshwar Singh and Though less in touch with Rash Behari and Sachindra than Lachhmi
Puran Singh at which these prisoners were not present, he goes on to say Narain Ganeshi Lal was more prominent and dangerous in his seditious
“We met other sepoys. Two of these sepoys are present in Court. They activities
are Dharam Singh and Jadunath Singh (points out accused No. 4 and 8). The points, which the prosecution evidence has been confined to as
I met Dharam Singh on the maidan with Dilla Singh on one occasion incriminating Ganeshi are —
only. I did not speak to him. He was present and could hear my (1) His seditious compositions.
conversation with Dilla Singh. I met Jadunath Singh accused twice, with (2) His contribution of seditious poems to proscribed newspapers.
Rash Behari at Raja Ghat. This was after the meetings with Dilla Singh (3) His talking part in consultation to shoot police officers.
and after Rash Behari returned from Lahore.” Then later on while (4) His position as an intermediary between Rash Behari and an
describing Rash Behari’s stay in Benares in March he says “Among the unnamed Maulvi of Delhi who was to incite Muhammadan
sepoys I saw with Rash Behari were Dilla Singh, Puran Singh and troops there to mutiny.

410 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 411
(5) The use of his house by anarchists as a meeting place to discuss has been produced to establish the truth of this statement, nor is there
their plans. any legal evidence to prove that the paper has ceased to appear. It will
1. Ganeshi Lal’s house in Delhi was searched on the 10th March, therefore be reasonable to presume that the story about Hindu Akhbar is
1913, when his two note-books containing seditious poems were found a mere fiction and that the poems were actually contributed by Ganeshi
there (Ex. 106). Some of the verses that are decidedly seditious and Lal to the Ghadr. Mere admiration of Hardayal may be proof of a seditious
incite to bloodshed are translated below:- tendency but contribution to a notoriously proscribed paper is active
Ex. 106-I, page 31, couplet 3 participation in a culpable conspiracy.
The fragrance of the musk intoxicates the hunter only when The object of that conspiracy as is evident from the contents of the
the gazelle has first been put to death. paper is the complete overthrow of British sovereignty in India. The very
Ex. 106-I, p. 31, couple 4 poems that have appeared in the Ghadr are copied in Ex.106-2, which was
The tree of our liberties shall blossom and bear fruit only also found at the search. Ganeshi Lal could have no reason to copy them
when we shall water its bed with our own blood. unless it was to send the manuscript to some newspaper for publication.
Ex. 106-I, p. 31, couplet 6 3. Ram Nath mentions the consultation among Ganeshi Lal,
Why is it that some honour and fame remain to us until this Sachindra, Partab and himself on the 27th or 28th March, 1915, at which
day? Because some martyrs of the land have laid down their the murder of certain police officers was discussed. Bibhuti’s evidence
lives before shows that the object of Sachin’s visit to Delhi, in March last, was to
Ex. 106-I, p. 82, couplet 1 help the Delhi conspirators in a projected bomb outrage, and that a bomb
Who that has tasted patriotism, to him the one ambition of life together with a revolver and some cartridges was actually sent to Sachin
becomes to slay (his country’s foes). through Preonath, absconder. The probabilities thus support the truth of
The seditious element in these translated verses as too clear to need Ram Nath’s version.
any comment. Even the third among them is a veiled incitement to emulate 4. References to Ganeshi’s acquaintance with a Maulvi of Delhi
the bloody deeds of the heroes of the mutiny. occur in the evidence of three approvers, namely Mani Lal, Shankar Lal
The “Exhortation to the youth of India” at pages 79 and 80 is and Ram Nath. Of these the testimony of the first alone relates to the
distinctly seditious. We have not thought it fit to embody a translation of point under discussion. While Mani Lal was putting up at Ganeshi Lal’s
it in our judgment simply because of its length. on the 23rd Jan, 1915, the latter referred to the Maulvi as one who was
The concluding couplets of the poem last named and those from ready for the work desired by Rash Behari and his colleagues. On the
which our quotations have been taken contain Ganeshi Lal’s nom-de- day following Rash Behari especially entrusted a message to Mani, meant
plume khasta and prove his authorship of them. for Ganeshi Lal, to prepare the Maulvi for the work. On the 16th Feb,
One of the poems was composed in praise of the notorious Hardayal 1915, Rash Behari sent another message to Ganeshi Lal through Mani
who was helping the anarchist propaganda in this country from America. assigning special task to the Maulvi and informing him of the altered
Its composition by Ganeshi Lal is admitted. date of the proposed rising. The Maulvi was desired to distribute some
2. The “Exhortation” and two other poems admittedly composed seditious Urdu leaflets to the Muhammadan regiments at Delhi. Ganeshi
by Ganeshi Lal have appeared in the proscribed paper Ghadr (Ex. 169 Lal put up Mani on the 17th Feb, promised to be ready for the work and
and 170). One of them was written in praise of Hardayal, but was printed to induce the Maulvi to stir up the Muhammadans (p. 46). A similar
in Ghadr with appropriate omissions as a poem in praise of Arabindo message for the Maulvi was sent through the same channel and
Ghosh, the leader of anarchist movement in Bengal. Ganeshi Lal suggests communicated to Ganeshi Lal on the 20th of the same month (p. 48). The
that the poems in the Ghadr must have been copied from Hindu Akhbar reasons for accepting the truth of Mani’s version appear in part II of the
to which he had contributed in 1912 and 1913. But no issue of the paper judgment and need not be reiterated here. It will suffice to say that Mani’s
412 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 413
testimony as to those meetings is supported by Ram Nath. Dwarka Nath conversing in low tones. The denial of all knowledge of the approvers
too speaks of Mani’s visit of the 17th February. above mentioned is of no value coming as it does from a relation alone.
As to the identity or doings of the Maulvi we have no clear evidence It has also been urged for the defence that the strict police surveillance,
before us. Ram Nath describes him as a certain Abdul Hamid or Majid, to which Ganeshi Lal was subjected, would have made the use of his house
a teacher in Madrasa Numaniya (p. 111). Mr. Hadow also makes a for such meetings impossible. But we have the evidence of Mr. Orde to
reference to a Maulvi, but in his opinion the evidence available was not show that the surveillance ceased after the 4th September, 1914. The house
sufficient to warrant the Maulvi’s prosecution. Mani’s reference to the came to be used by the conspirators in the first quarter of 1915.
Maulvi could not have been inspired by the police, when the latter are The accused’s past record, prior to 1912, shows that he was in no
not in a position to prove him to be an anarchist. Nor is it likely that way ignorant of the character of his work or the danger to which it
Mani should out of his own imagination create a fictitious anarchist at exposed: In 1908 he escaped prosecution by tendering an abject apology
Delhi when he has no connection either with the town or its people. He wherein the seditious nature of his poems was distinctly acknowledged
is not suggested to have any enmity with Ganeshi. It therefore seems (Ex. 120). The influence of poetry on young and impressionable minds
natural to presume that Mani’s information about the Maulvi must have cannot be overated. Nevertheless we find him writing a seditions poem
come from no source but Rash Behari or Ganeshi Lal. Mere obscurity which appears in a proscribed newspaper in 1913. Ganeshi Lal was under
into which the Maulvi’s identity is shrouded does not dispose of the fact police surveillance in 1914 and yet early in 1915 we find him co-operating
that Ganeshi Lal’s assistance was sought for and promised to tamper with Rash Behari and other members of a dangerous conspiracy against
with the troops, though through a third person. the State. Such persistence in the path of error betrays a perverted and
5. We are led to an affirmative conclusion on point 5 on an criminal mind.
examination of the evidence of Mani Lal who is supported by Ram Nath. We find guilty of the charge under sec. 121-A I. P. C., and sentence
Mani Lal stayed with Ganeshi for two days in January and on the 17th him to seven years R. I.
February, 1915. On each occasion Ganeshi Lal knew that his guest’s
mission was connected with the anarchist movement, of which Rash Behari
was the leader. He also took part in conversations that took place at his 7. — JITENDRA NATH SANYAL
house, with a view to promote anarchist plots.
The defence like that of all the other accused is purely negative. It This accused was arrested along with Kalipado by Mr. Scott
consists in the wholesale denial of all the incriminating facts established O’Connor on 16th July at a house here at Ramapura. Bibhuti says that
by the prosecution. after the split in the Y.M.A. Jitendra Nath Sanyal joined the party of his
Of the two witnesses examined for the defence, Ganeshi’s cousin brother Sachindra, that he carried letters to Rash Bihari addressed to
Chiranji Lal alone has made any attempt to throw doubts on the Bibhuti while Bibhuti was prevented from leaving his house on account
prosecution theory, but that attempt, to say the least of it, is valueless. of his father’s death, that it was Jitendra who took him to Sachindra’s
All that he has suggested is that their house was two small and too near a house to see Rash Behari on the latter’s return to Benares from the Punjab
public thoroughfare to permit of such seditious consultation being held at the end of February or the beginning of March 1915, that he sent
there. He resides still in the same house and denies having ever seen Jitendra to tell Mani Lal to hide himself after Mani Lal’s return from
there Mani Lal, Shankar Lal or Ram Nath. According to his own statement Kapadwanj in April last, and that Jitendra acted as accountant for the
the house accommodates four permanent tenants with space enough to conspiracy and kept the organization money deposited by Rash Behari at
put up occasional guests. None has ever suggested that the conspirators the house of Sachindra. Bibhuti has further deposed that he obtained Rs.
who met at the house did so in much larger numbers. The danger of 10 from Jitendra to send to Annada for the latter’s journey from Rupiat
being overheard on account of its situation could easily be avoided by to Calcutta to met Sachindra and that it was to Jitendra he wrote for the

414 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 415
payment of Rs. 160 to Damodar as ordered by Rash Behari. Mani Lal him. He pointed out Jitendra and Kalipado as the persons who had come
bears out Bibhuti and says that Jitendra told him to hide himself after his to him to take the house. He produced from his pocket there and then a
return from Kapadwanj. When Bibhuti was recalled on 15th January, he small scrap which is Ex. 84-2. I signed it at that time and told him that
stated in cross-examination that in March last Jitendra and he took the he would have to produce it. Ex. 84-1 was found in the room where
Maharatta Hanurkar to the lodgings of Rash Behari from the theosophical Kalipado and Tulshi Prasad were found. Sita Ram pointed out the receipt
school boarding house. Bibhuti has also deposed to receiving informations to me on the floor of the room just after showing me the scrap Ex. 84-2
from Jitendra in connection with the conspiracy such as the circumstances “ It is evident that this accused and Kalipado with Tulshi Prasad were
attending the arrest of Surendra accused in the Arms Act case and the preparing covers to post seditious literature which was in their possession.
incident of Sachindra’s attempt to bring away a gun while he was a guest They were caught in the act of carrying out one object of the conspiracy,
of Moitra. After Bibhuti’s return to Benares from Calcutta, Jitendra told the distribution of seditious literature. The accused defence that he had
him of the payment of Rs. 160 to Damodar. All this evidence of the gone to the house to play a race game on the invitation of Tulshi Prasad
accused’s complicity in the conspiracy receives independent corroboration cannot be taken seriously. Sita Ram, the owner of the house, has deposed
from the manner of his arrest and the articles found in his and Kalipado’s that it was Jitendra who rented the house under the name of Sachindra
possession at the time. Mr. Scott O’Connor has described the arrest and Nath Datta. He saw both Jitendra and Kalipado at the time of their arrest,
the search and as they are of considerable importance in the case of this so his subsequent identification of these accused is not of much value,
accused and of Kalipado the words of the witness may be quoted here. but there is no reason why this witness should pick Jitendra out of the
He says “I knocked at the door and it was opened after some hesitation three as the person who actually rented the house unless this were the
by Jitendra accused. I asked him what he was doing there and if they fact. The receipt Ex. 84-1 granted by Sita Ram for a month’s rent in
were any other persons, in the house. He said he had merely come to the advance and found in the room where Kalipado was arrested contains the
house to read a book and that there were no other persons there. I think date in Hindi corresponding to 7th June. The defence called several
I had seen Jitendra before. When he opened the door I knew who he was. witnesses to prove that the accused was in a village in Jubbulpore on that
I thought that he was trying to delay me so I ran upstairs. On the upper date. His cousin Abhay Charan Sanyal, who is an overseer in the P. W.
storey I noticed two Bengalis on the floor in a room at the back which D. in the Jubbulpore district, deposed that Jitendra arrived in Jubbulpore
was very dark. I called up my police and I called the two Bengali boys to on 31st May, and left on 28th June. Duli Chand, contractor, and Bare
the door of the room and asked them their names. One of them gave his Lal, chaprasi, who are under the influence of Abhay Charan, have
name as Tulshi Prasad Moitra and the other refused to give any name. I supported his testimony. No reliance can be placed on such partisan
thereupon arrested them. The person who refused to give his name was evidence. In addition, the defence has produced two postcards and the
the accused Kalipado. I went into the room and brought out a Dari on register of a sarai at Jubbulpore in support of the alibi. The postcards
which I found small pieces of a Swadhin Bharat. Leaflet. I also found in Ex. A2 and A8 prove satisfactorily that Jitendra was staying with his
the corner a jar of water in which there were larger pieces of a Swadhin cousin in the Jubbulpore district from about the middle of June till the
Bharat leaflet and some torn pieces of paper. It still has the paper in it. 28th of June. On the other hand the evidence in support of Jitendra’s
I had seen the Swadhin Bharat just before and some of the pieces in the presence in Jubbulpore in May bears marks of fabrication. Darshan Singh,
jar were large enough to be read and were read at the time by Inspr constable, and Ismail Hasan, Sub-Inspr., have given oral testimony in
Mukerji. The pieces of paper I found in the jar were floating in the jar support of the entry regarding Jitendra in the Dharamshala register Ex.
and were not sodden. In the same room I found the list of names Ex. 34. A12. There are reasons, however, for believing that the entry was added
Ex. 101 is the search-list which I dictated to Inspr Mukerji at the time subsequently for the purposes of this case.
while the search was going on. I was informed that the owner of the The headings in the register require an entry of the name of the
house the witness Sita Ram had arrived. I went down and questioned leader of a party and not of the followers. The description of every
416 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 417
solitary traveler and only of the leader of a party has been given under considered in awarding sentence, but cannot affect the question of his
almost all the other entries. Of the entries concerning parties of two or guilt. We hold him guilty of an offence under section 121A, I. P. C.,
more which precede No 2462, none but Nos 2404 and 2460 gives a and sentence him in consideration of his youth and of the fact that he was
description of followers. It looks extraordinary that the self-same writer probably much under the influence of his elder brother to rigorous
who started to enter a description of each follower under No. 2460 should imprisonment for two years.
have considered none necessary under no 2461, and selected only Jiten
under No. 2462 as worthy of such treatment. If Abhay Charan’s official
position dispensed with the necessity of such an entry as regards himself 9. — KALIPADO MUKERJI
and his servant, surely his own nephew Jiten did not merit a differential
treatment. If Darshan Singh (D. W. 40) is to be believed, Abhay Charan This accused was arrested along with Jitendra by Mr. Scott
was an absolute stranger to him, and the omission as to his description O’Connor on 16th July last. We have discussed his arrest and the
was merely accidental (p. 380, lines 32&33). Abhay Charan speaks of circumstances attending it at length in the section dealing with Jitendra
his stay at the Dharamshala every week-end, thereby implying that the and the same observations will apply here. Both Bibhuti and Hiranmoy
omission of his description entry was due to the writer’s knowledge of have deposed that this accused joined the party of Sachindra after the
himself. But neither the official keeping the register (D. W. 40) nor the split in the Y.M.A and visited Rash Behari at the house in Misri Pokhra.
entries that cover a period of a month and a half support this version. Bibhuti says that the accused was present when a lecture was given by
There is no mention of Abhay Charan except under No. 2462. According Rash Behari at the house explaining the use of bombs and firearms, and
to Darshan Singh and Ismail Hassan no such omission could be made as that when Rash Behari settled the programme of the revolution at the
regards any person who happened to stay at the Dharamshala (p. Harish Chandra Ghat house in January 1915, he declared that Annada
380&381). Abhay Charan’s explanation about the absence of any other and Kalipado were to be kept as reserves in Benares. Kalipado was not
entry in his name thus looks a pure invention. Under entry No. 3250, present at the meeting of January 1915. Bibhuti adds that Sachindra gave
which is the last of the page, the description of the followers looks an out at a meeting of his party that Kalipado had joined in distributing
obvious interpolation. This lends additional force to the conclusion that seditious literature in 1913. When the conspirators took a house at Pande
Jiten’s description is a subsequent insertion. Even granting that Sita Ram Haveli in April, Kalipado visited that house. Neither the accused nor the
has made a mistake and that it was not Jitendra but either of his companions defence raised any points for consideration and the arguments in
who rented the room the significance of the arrest and of the articles connection with his arrest have already been considered. We think that
recovered does not diminish. The defence Counsel, Mr. Chatterji, threw the testimony of Bibhuti and Hiranmoy-supported as it is by the evidence
out the suggestion that Tulshi Prasad was a police spy who collected afforded at the time of his arrest-justify us in holding him to be guilty of
seditious material and entangled Jitendra and Kalipado who had incurred an offence under section 121A, I.P.C. we convict him of that offence
the suspicion of the police. This suggestion becomes grotesque when we and sentence him to rigorous imprisonment for three years.
remember that at the first alarm of police, means were taken for the
destruction of incriminating evidence. We have carefully considered the 11. — NALINI MOHAN MUKERJI
counsel’s argument that Jitendra may only be on the fringe of the
conspiracy without knowledge of its existence of its existence or of its
This accused was arrested in Lucknow by S.I. Banerji on 10th
objects, and we have rejected it after reviewing the evidence as a whole.
September last. The testimony of the approver Bibhuti and of Hiranmoy
A man found in a strange house under the circumstances in which Jitendra
indicates that he was an important member of the conspiracy. He admits
was found could not have been ignorant of the conspiracy or of its objects.
that he was a member of the Y.M.A. and states that he left it in May
The comparative unimportance of the part taken by him is a point to be
418 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 419
1912 and did not keep up any connection with Sachin. Bibhuti, Mani Master of the Harish Chandra High School, was in the handwriting of
Lal and Hiranmoy are all agreed that he joined Sachin’s party of extremists Nalini but in cross-examination he stated that he was doubtful about the
after Sachin seceded from the Y.M.A. According to both Hiranmoy matter. According to Bibhuti Rash Behari employed Nalini once in
and Bibhuti he was a frequent visitor of Rash Behari at the Misri Pokhra carrying a revolver, cartridges, bomb and capt to Calcutta.
house, and Bibhuti says that he attended the meeting at that house where No reason in assigned why Bibhuti, Mani Lal and Hiramony should
Rash Bihari explained the use of bombs and firearms. He was not present depose falsely against the accused. Their testimony is supported by the
at Harish Chandra Ghat house meeting in January 1915 when Rash Behari retracted confession of Annada, accused. In this confession Annada
allotted their respective duties to the conspirators at the time of the deposed from his personal knowledge that Nalini took part in the
proposed rising, but Rash Behari said at the meeting that Nalini was to distribution of seditious literature in 1913 and that he visited Rash Behari
go to Jubbulpore and seduce the troops there. It is admitted that Nalini when the latter took a house in Benares in 1914. During the trial and
did go to Jubbulpore about the 21st February which was the date fixed at arguments before us considerable stress was laid by the defence on the
first for the rising in the Punjab. What Bibhuti says about this visit is inaccuracy of Bibhuti regarding two dates, one Nalini’s return from
“Nalini did go to Jubbulpore. I saw him on his return. He told me that Jubbulpore in February 1915 and the other his journey with Rash Behari
he had met some men who were ready to join the rising. As no rising had in March. The prosecution desired to prove that Nalini did visit
taken place he had come back to Benares. It was on the afternoon of the Jubbulpore in February as alleged by Bibhuti and produced Shashi Bhushan
21st of February that I saw him and he told me this.” Bibhuti added that Banerji, Munsarim of the Judge’s Court, Jubbulpore, to depose to that
Nalini was one of those who waited on the maidan on the night of 21st visit. That witness did testify to the visit and deposed that Nalini left
February in anticipation of the rising. When Rash Behari returned from Jubbulpore by the 8.30 a.m. train on the 21st. Taking the time of Nalini’s
the Punjab in March and stayed at Bibhuti’s house for a week Nalini was departure from Jubbulpore as given by the witness to be correct Nalini,
one of those who visited him. According to Bibhuti when Rash Behari could not have arrived here before 10 p.m. on that date and Bibhuti’s
left Benares in March and went further east Nalini accompanied him and statement of having met him in the afternoon would be negatived. We
on his return said that he had left Rash Behari at Nadia. It was to Nalini have already dealth with this conflict of evidence in part II of the judgement
that Bibhuti conveyed information of Pingley taking away ten bombs and given our reasons for preferring to believe Bibhuti. In this controversy
from Benares and asked him to pass on the information to Rash Behari the defence overlooked the main fact that Bibhuti’s testimony regarding
with whom he was in correspondence. When the conspirators rented the Nalini’s visit to Jubbulpore just prior to the date fixed for the rising was
Pande hauli house in April, Nalini was one of those who visited that supported by testimony that is not impeached even by the defence.
house. At the end of April or beginning of May Rash Behari wrote to Nalini’s explanation that he went away after a quarrel with his mother
Nalini asking him to send Damodar and Bibhuti to Calcutta. After thinking of going to Bombay to seek employment is palpably false.
Bibhuti’s return from Calcutta Nalini met him and told him that he was According to the witness Shahshi Bhushan, Nalini’s luggage consisted
going away to his village Bhutani in the Dacca district. Bibhuti has of a dhoti, an angochha and a lota and with such provision not but a fool
deposed that he learnt from Sachindra at a meeting that seditious literature would expect to travel to Bombay and find employed there, and Nalini is
was distributed and that Nalini was one of those who had taken part in by no means a fool. On the second date also regarding Nalini’s departure
the distribution. This was in September 1913. Hiranmoy has given from Benares with Rash Behari certain observations have been made in
direct testimony of Nalini’s part in this distribution and stated that Nalini part II of this judgement. Bibhuti deposed thast Rash Behari left Benares
was among those with whom the witness pasted leaflets at ghats, at temples, before Pingley arrived here a fetch the bombs, i.e., prior to 21st March,
at post offices and various other public places. In examination-in-chief and that this date was after the Matriculation Examination which ended
Bibhuti deposed that the address on a wrapper, Ex. 15, in which the as proved before us on 24th March. Obviously Bibhuti has made a
Liberty leaflet, Ex. 9, was posted to witness Ram Narain Misra, Head mistake about dates here. Such a slip is very natural in recounting events
420 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 421
of some months ago, and as observed in Part II of the judgement Bibhuti nor incapacitate him subsequent to those months in such a way that he
is not strong on dates. Possibly what happened was that Rash Bihari was could not take part in any of the acts of the conspiracy.
temporarily absent at the time of Pingley’s visit to fetch the bombs and Nalini admits his friendship with Bibhuti, who was his class-fellow
Bibhuti has mixed up in his mind this temporary absence with Rash and his visits to Bibhuti’s house which is close to his at Munshi Ghat.
Behari’s final departure from Benares after 24th March. The large mass No suggestion was made of Bibhuti having a grudge against the accused
of independent evidence which we have already examined in part II of or of the police holding Nalini in such disfavour that they would induce
this judgement in support of Bibhuti’s testimony has satisfied us that he Bibhuti to bear false evidence against a friend. Bibhuti’s evidence,
has made a correct statement so far as his knowledge and impressions go supported as it is by that of Mani Lal and Hiranmoy and by the retracted
and that he has never attempted to tell lies of set purpose. As to one of confession of Annada, has conviced us of Nalini’s complicity in the
the two dates he is probably right and the other may be attributed to lapse conspiracy. We are further convinced that he did go to Jubbulpore to
of memory, so we refuse to entertain the defence plea that Bibhuti has seduce the troops there from their allegiance. We hold him guilty of
purposely perverted the facts in order to implicate this accused falsely. offences under sections 121-A and 131, I.P.C., and sentence him to
Another point argued by the defence was that Bibhuti has lied about rigorous imprisonment for five years under each count. The sentences
meeting Nalini in May on his return from Calcutta because it is urged shall run concurrently.
that Nalini left Benares soon after the end of the Matriculation Examination
on 24th March. The defence evidence in support of the allegation of
Nalini’s departure immediately after 24th March is not worthy of reliance. LACHHMI NARAIN, ACCUSED NO. 10
Kashi Chandra Chakravarti, owner of the house at 26, Kukur Gali, in
which Nalini, his brothers and mother resided, has deposed that the last Alike his townsman Ganeshi Lal, Lachhmi Narain was arrested at
rent paid by them was on 4th Baisakh, i.e., 17th April, 1915. The entry Delhi on the 6th September, 1915.
in his account-book is “Receipt of rent Ram Sham Mukerji on account As the elements of his guilt punishable under section 121A, I.P.C.,
of new house middle storey for two rooms on the eastern side of the the prosecution have sought to establish —
northern block for the month of Chait Re. 1-8” (Ex. A-7). We were told (a) his interviews with Rash Behari and Sachindra,
that Ram Sham meant Nalini and his brother. The account-book contains (b) his secret correspondence with Sachindra,
a number of loose leave strung together and any of these could easily be (c) Rash Behari’s messages to him for co-operation in anarchical
removed and a fresh one added. No reliance can be placed on such a plots,
book and it was not explained how after the tenants had occupied the (d) his possession of seditious leaftlets.
house for four days in Baisakh, no rent was recovered from them for any The evidence is confined to the following interviews:—
period after the close of the month of Chait. The witness Nishi Kant (1) With Sachindra at Delhi on the 5th June, 1914.
Bidyaratna has deposed vaguely the Nalini left the house immediately (2) With Rash Behari at Benares on the 7th or 8th June, 1914.
after his examination. An attempt was made to obtain from this witness (3) With Sachindra at Delhi some time between the 28th Sept.,
evidence to the effect that Nalini went to Jubbulpore in February in and 19th October, 1914.
consequence of a quarrel with his brother but the witness had no knowledge (4) A few others with Sachindra at Delhi between the 26th March
of Nalini’s visit to Jubbulpore. The other three witnesses examined on and 19th April, 1915.
behalf of this accused are Krishna Kant Chakravarti, Dr. Sircar and Raj Proof of an earlier acquaintance is traceable in an incident, which
Charan Biswas to prove that he suffered from rheumatism in July and Mani Lal was to mention as his credential from Sachindra, when deputed
Aguust 1913. This fact however would not render him incapable of by the latter in May 1914 to fetch Lachhmi Narain to Benares. Lachhmi
taking part in the distribution of seditious literature in September 1913, Narain’s docility towards Sachindra when the latter went on a similar

422 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 423
mission early in June 1914, supplements that proof. these approvers’ familiarity with his appearance to his photo, previously
The incident referred to further proves Sachin and Lachhmi Narain’s taken by the police. Mr. Orde’s evidence sufficiently refutes this theory.
association with Amir Chand, the anarchical leader condemned to death The photo, taken on the 12th May, 1915, never left Mr. Orde’s office,
in the Delhi conspiracy case. and the approvers had no access to it.
Lachhmi Narain was wanted by Rash Behari at Benares, Sachindra The watcher Abdul Hari proves the evasion at Shahdara. Mr. Orde
put Mani Lal on the errand. The mission proved abortive, and Sachindra confirms this official’s report of the incident.
started to try his hand. Mani Lal joined Sachindra at Bindraban, when Munshi, a Kahar boy, took from his master Panna Lal’s place some
specially so desired, and thence the two proceeded together to their meals to Sachin during his short stay at Delhi. The way in which he
destination. A short conversation with Sachindra induced Lachhmi Narain identified Lachhmi Narain in this Court gives his version the impress of
to visit Rash Behari at Benares. A detailed account of the two missions unquestionable veracity. While walking in front of the accused arranged
appears in Mani Lal’s evidence at pages 43 and 56 as well as at page 4 of in a row, to pick out Sachin, he stopped all at once as if arrested by the
his confession. presence of an unexpected though familiar face. He then pointed out
The motive for so urgent a summons and so prompt a response Lachhmi Narain as the person he had seen with Sachin, when he took in
could not have been innocent, especially when we consider that Lachhmi the latter’s midday meal.
Narain was at the time under close police surveillance. He escaped from Ram Nath has reproduced Lachhmi Narain and Sachin’s admissions
his watcher at Shahdara station, he travelled by river to join the party at about this incident of the 5th June, Such a communication by Lachhmi
Nizamuddin, he took a circuitous route via Muttra to Benares. This Narain, shortly after his return from Benares, fits in with the necessity
constant effort to conceal his movements from the police betrays no he then felt to utilize Ram Nath’s services, as post office for his letters
honest but culpable motive. addressed by Sachin. Communication by Sachin, four months later,
Throughout their argument it has been the boast of the defence may have been intended to win the confidence of a promising recruit.
thast revival of Hinduism was the sole and guiding aim of Sachindra and The earliest account of this admission we find in Shankar Lal’s confession
his party. But even a year’s residence at Kashi could not invest a Kayasth recorded at Delhi the very day that Mani Lal was arrested at Benares.
from Bengal with the sanctity of either the Ganges or Shiva. If the Ram Nath gives the details of the next interview, which he had
principles of the Hindu faith inspired all their actions, devotion to the special reasons to remember. Its object was to concert a plan for shooting
leader alone can explain Lachhmi Narain’s journey from Delhi to Benares. mr. petrie and the approver Dina Nath. Ram Nath was not only subjected
Perhaps in so doing he acted as a true disciple of the new cult, which, to the peculiar catechism always employed by Rash Behari, to test a new
according to the defence, inculcates unfailing obedience to the Guru (p. recruit’s courage and determination. Mr. Hadow’s evidence shows that
26). That Guru was Rash Behari, a man, whom after the judgements in Ram Nath had pointed out to him the scene of this interview, and that in
the Delhi and Lahore conspiracy cases, and in view of the evidence before our opinion is sufficient corroboration of the latter’s testimony.
us, we cannot but regard as the principal organizer of all the anarchist The object of Sachin’s visit to Delhi in March last and the help he
plots in Northern India. received from Benares in explosive arms and ammunition has been referred
Mani Lal’s version finds corroboration on material details in the to in the section dealing with Ganeshi Lal. Preonath, who took these
evidence of other approvers and also of independent witnesses. Bibhuti materials to Sachin, spoke of the meeting with the Delhi conspirators
and Hiranmoy personally observed Lachhmi Narain with Rash Behari at including Lachhmi Narain.
the Misri Pokhra house in Benares. Mani Lal and Bibhuti identified Sachin had put up at Delhi in a house rented from Habibuddin.
Lachhmi Narain before the Joint Magistrate on the 23rd September, The latter saw Lachhmi Narain with Sachin at the time of his departure
1915. Each was called separately, and picked Lachhmi out of a group of from Delhi. His identification of Lachhmi Narain before Mr. Hadow at
17 or 18, mentioning his name at the same time. The accused attributes Delhi on the 8th May, 1915, and later on in this Court stamp his evidence
424 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 425
with genuineness. An attempt has been made by the defence to discredit departure from Delhi on the 24th Jan., 1915. That was the date on
Habibuddin’s testimony, on the ground thaat he had failed at first to which Rash Behari passed Delhi on his way to the Punjab to plan a rising
identify Lachhmi Narain, and pointed out the wrong man. But the criticism on the 21st February, 1915. Probably Dwarka Nath’s services were
loses its value when we consider that the witness had received no external needed in this connection, and he was to accompany Rash Behari.
help to fix the identity of the person he was looking for. Mr. Hadow’s The message of the 24th informed Lachhmi Narain of the expected
evidence shows that there was some similarity in the personal appearance rising and conveyed a remonstrance against his lukewarmness in the
of Lachhmi Narain and the man picked out whom Habibuddin had first anarchist cause.
mistaken for the accused. Habibuddin was never informed of his mistake The third was similar to the first except as to date and Dwaka Nath’s
but was required to pick out the person wearing the coat and shoe of destination. It conveyed to all the Delhi conspirators the information as
which he had previously made a mention to Mr. Hadow. These articless to the altered date of the proposed rising.
he had seen on Lachhmi Narain’s person on the date the latter had seen The last was for putting Lachhmi Narain and Dwarka Nath under
Sachin off, and naturally they helped the witness in the identification. Sachin’s direct control at Benares.
Only the last two remained undelivered as Lachhmi Narain could
Point B not be found.
The reasons for accepting Mani Lal’s statement about each of these
Mutual exchange of letters bearing false addresses is borne out by trips in connection with these messages have been fully discussed under
the testimony of Ram Nath and Mani Lal. Sachin’s letters to Lachhmi part II of the judgement and need not be repeated here.
Narain came addressed to Ram Nath as prearranged among them. Those
from Lachhmi Narain to Sachin bore an equally fictitious address. Mani Point D
Lal came to know of this secret when deputed by Sachin on 22nd Jan.
1915, to press Lachhmi Narain for a reply to one of the letters thus Dwarka Nath has seen a leaflet like Exh. 9 with Lachhmi Narain
addressed through Ram Nath. About the identity of the writer and the whom he has known for a number of years. We have it from Ram Nath
addressee Ram Nath got information from these very sources personally. that such leaflets came to be distributed at Delhi on the 1st or 2nd January
The evidence in proof of this deputation has been fully discussed in the 1914, by Abad Behari, one of the anarchists condemned to death in the
narrative part of the judgement. The correspondence needed no such Delhi Conspiracy case. He also mentions Lachhmi Narain’s previous
secrecy had the points dealt with been legally unobjectionable. association with Abad Behari which would explain the former’s possession
of the leaflet.
Point C The defence has adopted the easiest expedient to assert Lachhmi
Narain’s innocence in denying all the facts thus proved, except the Shahdara
Mani Lal’s evidence refers only to the four following messages incident. The evidence already summed up is traced to police tutoring a
entrusted to him, either directly by Rash Behari or through Sachindra:— suggestion which would not bear even a superficial scrutiny. The accused
(1) Dated 22nd Jan., 1915, from Sachin to Lachhmi narain. has been under suspicion since the Delhi conspiracy case. He was under
(2) Dated 24th Jan., 1915, from Rash Behari to Lachhmi Narain. close surveillance from 22nd April to 4th September, 1914. His house
(3) Dated 16th Feb., 1915, from Rash Behari to Lachhmi Narain was searched twice in February 1914 and once on the 31st March 1915.
and Dwarka Nath. He was arrested on the latter date, then released on the 5th April for want
(4) Dated 20th Feb., 1915, from Rash Behari to Lachhmi Narain of identification, re-arrested before 8th May, released in June, but
and Dwarka Nath. interned up to his re-arrest on the 6th September 1915. If the police were
The first required Lachhmi Narain to arrange for Dwarka Nath’s in the least inclined to resort to unscrupulous methods to secure his

426 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 427
conviction, it should not have taken them so long since February 1914 to Subsequently on 4th September 1914, on the day of an eclipse of the
fabricate false evidence. They should have felt no difficulty in obtaining moon when Partab Singh came to the house of Durga Dan with Ganesh
sufficient material at Delhi, as importing men from Benares was both Dan, Durga Dan introduced Partab Singh and Ganesh Dan to Mani Lal.
unnecessary and risky. It is urged as a proof of innocence that nothing After this introduction Mani Lal took them both to the house of Narendra
incriminating was actually found at the different searches of Lachhmi Nath where Sachindra had arranged to meet them. After this meeting
Narain’s house, but it is ignored that Delhi arrests had made the local with Sachindra the two were introduced to Rash Behari Bose at Queen’s
conspirators more cautious. The defence make a virtue of Lachhmi Gardens and Rash Behari directed Mani Lal to put up these two Central
Narain’s inclination expressed in Janunary 1915, to sever his connection India men whenever they visited Benares. It was at this time that Bibhuti
with the conspirators. This would have been a powerful plea had the must have seen Partab Singh visiting the Misri Pokra house. Partab Ssingh
accused persisted in his attitude, but he did not, and we find him in close was in Benares again in March 1915, and stayed at the house of Mani
association with the other members of the party as late as Mani Lal’s Lal. Bibhuti gives corroborative evidence of this visit when he says that
visit to Delhi on March 16th, though, like Mani Lal himself, he seems he was him with Rash Behari and also at the house of Mani Lal. (P. 36
to have kept out of the way on the actual date of the rising. Ram Nath’s cross-examination). Partab Singh accompanied Mani Lal to Delhi on
evidence incriminating the accused is attributed to pique and professional 13th March and stopped at Rewea Shankar’s hotel where he was joined
jealousy, as to neither of which there is any proof. Evidence as to a by Masterji and Pingley. It appears that at that time he was not introduced
wrestling bout between Lachhmi Narain and Ram Nath does not mention by Mani Lal to any of the Delhi conspirators, except Lachhmi Narain.
any straining of personal relations between the two. He accompanied Mani Lal as far as Ajmere and went on to Marwar
The accused is by no means a raw youth. The attention paid to him juction with Mani Lal’s mother-in-law. He awaited Mani Lal’s return
by the police in 1914 has not made him wiser. The association with such from Kharwa at the junction. This was on the 18th of March. We next
conspirators as Rash Behari and Sachin proves his consciousness of their find reference made to this accused by the Delhi approvers who met him
objects which aimed at the subversion of the British rule in India. It is in the company of Sachindra on the 25th or 26th of March. Ram Nath
amply proved that he was a member of a conspiracy, the object of which met them at the house of Ganeshi Lal and took him to be Hiranmony
was to deprive the King of the sovereignty of British India and convicting Banerji for reasons which will be given in the section of the judgement
him under section 121-A we sentence him to five years’ R.I. dealing with Sachindra. Sachindra and Partab rented a house at Lal Kuan
where Sachin became ill and was taken by Partab to Calcutta. From
Calcutta he appears to have returned to Benares. The thread of the story
12. — PARTAB SINGH is then taken up by Bibhuti who has deposed “After Rash Behari’s final
departure I got a letter from him which was given my by Partab Singh.
This accused, who is a resident of Shahpura State in Central India Partab Singh told me that Sachin had fallen ill at Delhi, and that he had
was arrested at Asaranada railway station by the station master Badri taken him to Calcutta, that there he had met Rash Behari, and that Rash
Prasad on 30th July last. Asaranada is on the Jodhpur-Kotah line and has Behari had given him the letter. I destroyed the letter. In it Rash Behari
been referred to in part II of the judgment as the place from which the advised us to make a fresh organization. He also said in the letter that he
parcel of cartridges was dispatched by the absconding accused Ganesh was going to give us a large amount of ammunition and arms, and that
Dan. He is mentioned by Bibhuti as one of those who frequented the we must wait for that. The letter was addressed to Preonath who was
Misri Pokhra house of Rash Behari. Mani Lal gives details as to how with me when I read the letter.” At that time Partab gave Bibhuti the
Partab Singh was first introduced to Sachindra. Durga Dan, a cousin of address of Mangilalji Golecha, Jauhari Bazar, Jaipur city, for his letters
Partab Singh, resided in Benares, and under orders of Sachindra Mani and Bibhuti has stated in cross-examination that he had seen Rash Behari
Lal went to him about May 1914, to enquire about Partab Singh. many times writing to Partab at this address. Bibhuti’s account of Partab’s
428 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 429
return to Benares from the east in borne out by Mani Lal’s statement man came to see the room in March, and Habibuddin has stated that
regarding him meeting with Partab aboutthe same time. He says: “I Sachin and Partab occupied the room. The counterfoil in Habibuddin’s
afterwards met Partab Singh who came to Benares. Partab Singh told receiptbook shows that the tenancy must have commenced on the 25th or
me that at the time of the arrest of Ram Nath and Shankar Lal he was at 26th of March. Habibuddin has further stated that Sachin was ill when
Delhi with Sachindra Nath, accused, and at that time Sachindra was he and Partab left the room, and that on the day when they left Lachhmi
sick. He had taken him to a town in Eastern Bengal and handed him over Narain accused had come to the room. Nazir picked out Partab Singh in
to Babu Sahib meaning Rash Behari Bose. He told me that he had come August last at the tenth identification deposed to by Mr. Hadow and also
to Benares with instructions from Rash Behari to other people to destroy identified him in Court before us. The fact of Partab Singh’s renting a
bombs as they were now no longer useful. Partab stayed at my house.” room at Lal Kuan in Delhi along with Sachindra on his return from
This account of Partab Singh’s connection with the conspiracy will Marwar to Delhi is supported by the testimony of the witnesses Nazir
show that he was deeply in it. Mani Lal has deposed how the tall Charan and Habibuddin. The room was let by Habibuddin and during his absence
Ganesh Dan with whom Partab Singh came to Benares in September the keys were in the charge of Nazir. Nazir has deposed that Partab
1914, brought arms and ammunition concealed in pillow cases several Singh and another man came to see the room in March, and Habibuddin
times from Central India. The argument in the testimony of Mani Lal has stated that Sachin and Partab occupied the room. The counterfoil in
and Bibhuti as regards two of the visits of Partab Singh to Benares is of Habibuddin has stated that Sachin and Partab occupied the room. The
considerable importance considering that those statements agree in very counterfoil in Habibuddin’s receipt book shows that the tenancy must
few particulars and deal with different phases and acts of the conspiracy. have commenced on the 25th or 26th of March. Habibuddin has further
Even the defence admitted that the contents of Mani Lal’s statement stated that Sachin was ill when he and Partab left the room, and that on
made in Delhi were not known to the subordinate police officers here at the day when they left Lachhmi Narain accused had come to the room.
the time when Bibhuti’s confession was recorded and refrained from Nazir picked out Partab Singh in August last at the tenth identification
alleging thast Bibhuti was tutored on the Partab and the Charan Ganesh deposed to by Mr. Hadow and also here while Habibuddin identified the
Dan to Sachin. Durga Dan’s guardian Krishna Datta was also examined prisoner in this Court. Mani Lal, Ram Nath and Shankar Lal also
an a witness and his status in life and appearance left no doubt as to his recognised Partab Singh whom he took to be Hiranmoy in a statement
being a truthful witness. The defence counsel Mr. Chatterji admitted as before the Magistrate on page 12 of that statement. He said “Hiranmoy
much. This witness identified Sachin in Court, deposed to Sachin’s Banerji was about 16 years of age with a round face and hollow cheeks.
visits to Durga Dan and his objection to such visits and stated that Partab He was of medium colour. He wore spectacles and had a mark from
Singh and a Charan had come to stay in the house of Durga Dan on the them on the bridge of his nose. He was short-sighted. He was short and
day of the eclipse of the moon in the month of Bhadon 1914. Thus there thin and talked urdu well and Bengali as well.” It may be mentioned that
is clear corroborative evidence of Partab Singh’s introduction to Sachin. Hiranmony who gave evidence before us does not wear spectacles, is tall
Next as to Partab’s visit to Delhi with Mani Lal there is the evidence of and over 20 years of age. The description given by Ram Nath fits Partab
Rewa Shankar and Dalpat Ram who have deposed that Mani Lal came to Singh quite well. It is argued that the mark on Partab Singh’s nose is the
the hotel with Partap. These witnesses picked out Partab in August last result of a boil. However that may be the mark is there and Partab Singh
at the 10th identification deposed to by Mr. Hadow and also identified does wear spectacles, so the accuracy of the description is fully established.
him in Court before us. The fact of Partab Singh’s renting a room at Lal Shankar Lal at page 16 of his statement before the Magistrate described
Kuan in Delhi along with Sachindra on his return from Marwar to Delhi Partab Singh as “long in face, sawala rang, nose not pointed but
is supported by the testimony of the witnesses Nazir and Habibuddin. somewhat round, wearing spectacles with a gold frame, short, long hair,
The room was let by Habibuddin and during his absence the keys were in slight, and age 18 or 19 years.” It will be seen that Ram Nath and Shankar
the charge of Nazir. Nazir has deposed that Partab Singh and another Lal, though they may differ in describing the shape of his face, have
430 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 431
noticed and remembered Partab Singh’s appearance well before they of white metal at the identification. I believe we took possession of
identified him. Bibhuti identified Partab in the presence of Mr. Hamilton thiose spectacles. We put spectacles on to five other persons at the time
on 23rd September last in the central Jail here. of the identification. Theywere of similar pattern to the spectacles shown
On behalf of the defence Chhail Bihari Lal, a doctor of the Kotah me, Ex. 121. The spectacles which we put on other persons were got
City hospital, deposed to Partab Singh’s visiting the hospital from the from the bazar. They were new. We took care to take the labels off
4th to the 15th of February, 1915. He was the only witness produced on them. The identification note shows that one of the spectacles had similar
behalf of this accused and his evidence has no bearing on any of the rims to these. I think Partab had longer hair than any of the others. He
matters referred to above. The prisoner’s statement contains a number had a growth of hair under the chin. Nobody else had similar hair or
od denials six reasons to explain away his identifications by various similar growth under the chin. We put half the parade so as to correspond
witnesses and the allegation that he was brought into this case because he as far as possible with the Charan and half with Partab. The Charan was
refused to bear false testimony in the assumed position of an approver at a tall man and looked about 25 or 26.” As regards Partab Singh’s
the dictation of Mr. Paghey, Dty. S.P., who investigated the Arrah identification by Bibhuti his explanation was that all the other people
murder case in 1914. The reasons given by him for his identification at who were paraded were convicted and that Bibhuti seized the hands of
Delhi by persons whom he alleges to be entire strangers to him are — the Bengalis along the line. Mr. Hamilton has stated that the 20 other
“(1) The police have my photo, from the time when my house was men paraded with the accused at the time of the identification were dressed
searched in the Arrah murder case and Kotah murder case. either in their own or other people’s garments taken from the bundle in
(2) When I was brought to Delhi I was kept staying at the station which prisoners’ clothes are kept in the jail godown and that there was
for half an hour or three-quarters of an hour and a great crowd nothing in their dress to suggest that they were not prisoners awaiting
collected at the station to see me. trial. When Partab Singh was questioned by this Court how his
(3) When I stood up for identification all the other persons were explanation served him when he himself was not a Bengali he replied “I
tall as there was a tall Charan also to be identified at the same had nothing on my head” and then added “He took all those who were
time. I was the shortest of all the persons paraded. My hair not convicts.” This is certainly not true because Bibhuti did not point out
was very long and I had a short beard under the chin but none the accused Dharam Singh and Jadunath Singh at that identification. We
on the cheeks. The other persons who were made to wear are of opinion that the identifications both at Delhi and here can be
spectacles were all tall and none of them had beards. safely relied upon to establish the previous acquaintance with Partab
(4) Before the identification I was taken outside and told that the Singh of all those who picked him out.
Sahib had not come and I might go to relieve myself. It is clear that Partab Singh’s services were utilized by the
(5) I had been in lock-up eight or ten days and my clothes were conspirators to get into touch with disaffected people in Central India
dirty and my face showed that I had been in lock-up. and that he made every effort within his power to support the aims of the
(6) Those who identified were called by constables and they did conspiracy. We hold him guilty of an offence under section 121-A and
not give my name but only said ‘this was the man’.” sentence him to rigorous imprisonment for five years.
These reasons do not appeal to us. Naturally it would not be possible
to find men who would be exact replica of Partab Singh with the same
length of hair on the face and the same height. The answers given by 13. — RABINDRA NATH SANYAL
Mr. Hadow in cross-examination satisfied us that every possible care
was taken to make the identification at Delhi a genuine one. Mr. Hadow There is very little evidence against this accused to connect him
has stated “I do not think I ever saw a photograph of Partab Singh before with the conspiracy. Bibhuti mentioned him as a member of the inner
his arrest. So far as I remember Partab was wearing spectacles with rims circle of the Y.M.A., but has not stated that he joined his brother

432 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 433
Sachindra’s pasrty of revolutionists. Two other facts mentioned by Bibhuti movements of the conspirators at Benares.
are that he with his borther Jitendra kept the accounts of the organization (5) That in August 1914 he obtained possession of a gun from
and that once in March 1915 informed Bibhuti of Pingley’s arrival in Panchu Gopal Moitra at Moradabad for the purposes of the
Benares. Mani Lal identified him in the presence of Mr. Hamilton but conspiracy.
did not allege that he had anything to do with the conspiracy. Annada in (6) That he paid two visits to Delhi in June and October 1914 in
his retracted statement deposed that this accused started with Preonath connection with the conspiracy, on the first occasion to bring
the Students Union League but we have no evidence before us to show Lachhmi Narain to see Rash Behari at Benares, and on the
that its members took part in the conspiracy. Annada’s reference to the second occasion, when he first met Ram Nath, apparently with
accused in connection with the distribution of Liberty leaflets is not the object of finding some one to shoot Mr. Petrie and the
positive; he said after mentioning Sachin “I think the other Sanyal brothers approver Dina Nath (vide Ram Nath’s evidence, p. 102).
were in it too.” It is probable that without knowledge of the conspiracy (7) That he visited the lines of the 7th Rajputs at Benares and
the accused carried messages and did other work innocent on the surface made repeated attempts in conjunction with the Lahore
at the request of his elder brother Sachindra Nath. conspirators Pingley and Sucha Singh and with the approver
We acquit him of all the offences with which he is charged and Bibhuti to seduce the troops from their allegiance.
order his release. (8) That he paid another visit to Delhi in March 1915 in company
with Partab Singh accused and held various conferences at
Ganeshi Lala’s house, his main object being again to secure
14. — SACHINDRA NATH SANYAL the killing of police officers and approvers (Ram Nath’s
evidence, pp. 104 and 105).
He is the principal man among the accused before the Court and if (9) That he was present at the final interview with Rash Behari in
his complicity in the conspiracy were examined in detail, it would fill a the room above the Dhurumtollah post office at Calcutta when
volume as large as that containing the record of the evidence in the case. plans for future action were discussed and Girja Babu was
His personality and influence are visible in almost all the acts of the named as leader in Rash Behari’s absence.
conspiracy disclosed before us. It is however be sufficient to give only (10) That accused was privy to the projected rebellion of Feb. 21,
the broad outlines to make out a connected case establishing his guilt. 1915, and went to the maidan with other conspirators in the
The following facts are defintely proved against him:— hope of its taking place.
(1) That he left the Y.M.A. at the close of 1912 because the views (11) That he got into touch with the Bengal anarchists through one
of that body were not sufficiently practical to satisfy him, and Makhan Lal.
became the leader of a party in sympathy with the Bengal (12) That he was instrumental in procuring bombs and ammunition
anarchists. from Calcutta for the purposes of the party and that he was
(2) That he took the chief part in the distribution of Liberty and cognisant of the traffic in bombs which went on between
Swadhin leaflets in the autumn of 1913. Benares and the north-west. (For this see also the evidence of
(3) That he was closely associated with Rash Behari during the Babu Ram).
latter’s stay in Benares in 1914, and was present on the occasion In support of most of the above facts there is corroboration of
of the explosion of a bomb cap in the Misri Pokhra house. an unimpeachable character. No. 10 rests on the evidence of
This definitely places him as a man who was prepared to resort Bibhuti but there are so many circumstances which go to
to the use of bombs to further the designs of his party. support it that we have no doubt of its truth.
(4) That in Rash Behari’s absence he had the chief direction of the (13) There is also strong reason to believe thast he paid a visit in
434 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 435
January 1915 to Amritsar, where he was paid Rs. 500 for the pencil note made by Sachin are a sufficient answer to the counsel’s
purposes of the conspiracy by the Lahore approver Sucha Singh. argument. The Indian anarchist’s idea that insufficiency of material and
1. To establish Sachin’s connexion with the anarchist movement men need not deter them from attaining their object of revolution is
it is not necessary to go beyond the articles found at the two searches of further evidenced by the underlining of a sentence on page 39 of the
his house and the life of Mazzini which is admittedly his property. A book “Here are we said jacopo Ruffini to his fellow conspirators at Genoa,
man who keeps in his house copies of the proscribed Jugantar newspaper 5 young, very young men, with but limited means, and we are called on
and photographs of political murderers like Khudi Ram Bose and Satyendra to do nothing less than overthrow an established Government.” On the
Nath Bose may safely be presumed to hold similar views. Mr. Scott same page is underlined a sentence pregnant with meaning in this case:
O’Connor’s account of Sachin’s arrest leaves no doubt that he and Bibhuti “The journal of young Italy was, as he described it, a collection of political
were preparing seditious leaflets for the post at the time of their arrest. pamphlets.” The sentences underlined on pages 61 and 164meet with
Seditious is indeed a mild name to apply to these publications (Exs. 23 the Indian anarchist’s approval as the justification of an insurrection.
and 25) which openly deplore the failure of the projected rising at Lahore, The notes are clearly in the handwriting of Sachin as may be seen by a
threaten severe reprisals against officers of the C.I.D. and assert their comparison of the handwriting with that of the essay Ex. 31. This essay
intention of committing robberies and decoities for the purpose of is in two handwritings and both Bibhuti and Hiranmoy have deposed that
obtaining funds, and declare that a colossal revolution is again in the writing of the portion after the words “live or furious” is in the
preparation. But by far the most valuable document throwing light on handwriting of Sachin. Hiranmoy stated that the pencil notes in the book
the methods of Sachin and his party is the marked and annotated life of are in the handwriting of Sachin. Sachin himself has admitted his
Mazzini (Ex. 62) bearing Sachin’s name on the title page, which was handwriting in Ex. 31. Apart from this there is internal evidence to
found at the search of the house of Bankim, accused. Sachin does not prove that the passages were underlined by Sachin because the views
indeed admit that the annotations are his but there is, as will be seen, expressed in some of them are in conformity with Sachin’s own action.
little room for doubt that in fact they are. On page 24 against the sentence Ram Nath has stated that Sachin’s idea was that those who were leading
“if the next revolution was to fare better, it must have these younger men among the conspirators should not get killed but if small men got
men to captain it” there is a note in pencil” younger men better than killed it was of no matter. In view of this it is interesting to find a
middle-aged.” The note was made with revolution in view because we marked passage on page 86 which runs — “Are there not things more
find a note on page 29. “But the programme may not include the form of important than my head?” he asked here ‘Certainly’ she replied, “but
Government after revolution” as modifying the remark in the book “It the man who has not sense enough to keep his head on his shoulders till
was this want of a positive programme, that was, he thought, largely something is to be gained by parting from it, has not sense enough to
responsible for the failure of the Carbonari”. On page 34 there are manage any important matter.” Sachin certainly acted on has not sense
underlined sentences with a pencil note on the margin “Education through enough to manage any important matter.” Sachin certainly acted on this
writings”. The underlined sentences are “Its writings, smuggled into view when instead of himself undertaking to shoot Mr. Petrie he tried to
every corner of the land, moved many a young thinker to a passionate induce Mani Lal and Ram Nath to do so. This detailed examination of
resolve, that bore its fruit in after time.” Time and again the defence Sachin’s political creed was necessary in order to expose the hollowness
counsel, Mr. Chaterji, poured ridicule on the idea that any one could of the charge that this case was a figment of police imagination and to
expect revolution to follow the distribution of a few seditious leaflets. show how natrually Sachin’s acts, in furtherance of a revolutionary
The matter seemed so absurd to him that he asked the Court to conclude conspiracy, followed him early opinions.
that this distribution must be the invention of the police because no sane 2. This has already been discussed under the head general
person could hope to achieve a revolutionary end by such insufficient corroboration.
means. The underlining of the sentence on page 34 of the book and the 3. When Rash Behari arrived in Benares early in January 1914 he
436 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 437
found the ground well prepared by Sachindra for the sowing of the seeds up in a carpet. Mr. James, Railway Sanitary Inspector, and Mr. Matthews
of active hostility to Government. Young men under the influence of bear out various incidents in the story with which they are connected.
Sachindra were introduced to Rash Behari at a public garden and put Kashipado failed to identify Sachindra in Court but considering the the
through a particular catechism by Rash Behari to discover their fitness time which has elapsed this was not strange. To our minds this is one
for the role of anarchists. It is interesting to observe how the master’s more instance of the bona fide manner in which the prosecution case has
method deposed to by Bibhuti was followed by Sachindra himself in been prepared by Mr. Sands and other officers working under his direction
testing the worth of the approver Ram Nath, who was introduced to him and falsifies vague charges of bogus identification made by the defence.
at Delhi about the end of 1914. Young men with their minds perverted If any embroidery were intended it would have been easy to show
by revolutionary doctrines used to collect at Rash Behari’s Misri Pokhar Sachindra to Kashipado a short time prior to the latter’s evidence. Panchu
house. Evidence of such meetings is given by Bibhuti and Hiranmoy and Gopal knew Saschindra beforehand and has identified him. A feeble
appears in the confession of Annada. Bibhuti has deposed to the leading attempt was made by the defence counsel to attribute this incident like
part taken by Sachindra, specially his presence at a lecture on arms and many others to the fertile brain of Inspector Mukerji, the only foundation
explosives given by Rash Behari and at the explosion of a bomb cap at for this belief being the fact that the Kashipado met the inspector in
this house in November 1914. This latter incident has already been dealt Benares in August 1915. It must be remembered however that this meeting
with under the first head of corroborative evidence. There is no incident was after Bibhuti had made hs statement to Mr. Scott O’Connor. The
in the whole case regarding which the evidence is more absolutely argument was so weak that the learned counsel, Mr. Chatterji, abandoned
convincing. Sachindra has tried to explain away his identification by it in the end and urged that the incident must be looked upon as
Dr. Basu on the ground that he was not called till after the other persons unconnected with the conspiracy. Knowing as we do what Sachindra’s
present and was then placed last in the line, but his statements are directly position in the conspiracy was in August 1914, we cannot entertain such
contradicted by the Deputy Magistrate who conducted the identification. an argument and consider it to be certain that Sachindra attempted to
4. The justification for this statement may be found on almost every obtain possession of this gun in pursuance of the objects of the conspiracy.
page of the evidence of all the three Benares approvers. 6. In June and October we find Sachindra active in Delhi. In June
5. One of the aims of the conspiracy was the collection of arms, Mani Lal met Sachindra at Brindaban and the two went together to Delhi.
and Sachindra’s attempt to obtain possession of a gun at Moradabad in The date of this visit is fixed by the incident of their bringing Lachhmi
August 1914 is in accordance with it. Bibhuti in his confession to the Narain with them to Benares. Constable Muhammad Abdul Hai has
Magistrate spoke of such an incident at Meerut and the police were able deposed how Lachhmi Narain escaped out of his surveillance on 5th
to obtain details of the occurrence, which really took place at Moradabad. June, 1914, at Sahadara railway station. This is described in detail by
Kashipado Moitra and his son Panchu Gopal have described what occurred; Mani Lal at page 43 of the printed record. There is the additional
as was to be expected the son has concealed the active help which he testimony of the boy Munshi in this connection who deposed that in the
probably gave in the matter. Sachindra and Panchu Gopal were friends hot weather he was in the service of Panna Lal and carried food for
and Sachindra went to his friend’s house at Moradabad, where Kashipado Sachindra to a dharamsala at Delhi and found Lachhmi Narain with
is employed as a sub-engineer on the railway. Sachindra discovered that him. The boy identified both the accused in court. Ram Nath was
one Mr. Matthews of the Loco department was negotiating to sell a gun introduced to Sachindra by the accused Lachhmi Narain in the month of
to Kashipado. Sachindra and Panchu Gopal sent for this gun through a October in the Augarwali Gali, and he tested Ram Nath to discover
servant under pretence that it was wanted by Kashipado, and Sachindra whether the latter was ready to kill Mr. Petrie and Dina Nath. We have
went off to the station with it. It appears that Panchu Gopal’s mother independent evidence of his visit to Delhi at that time. He put up at the
got wind of this trickery and promptly sent for her husband who followed time at Baijnath’s dharamsala as the guest of Panna Lal. Panna Lal’s
Sachindra to the railway station and recovered the gun which was wrapped servant Ram Sarup deposed to taking food to Sachindra. In this Court
438 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 439
he first picked out Rabindra, who has a strong similarity to his brother have acted in the most straightforward manner and have not given us the
Sachindra and stood next to him at the time of the identification, but on slightest reason to suspect their honesty. In a long enquiry of this nature
being asked to go down the line he after walking up and down the lane started under the direction of several police officers, mistakes may have
came back and stopped at Sachindra and pointed him out. This boy of been committed through excess of zeal and there may have been some
11 had identified Sachindra at Delhi on 15th July, 1915. Mr. Hadow omissions but of any attempt at perversion of truth there was none.
has described how the identification took place. He says “The first time 7. Sachin’s attempt at tampering with the Indian troops may be
the boy walked up the line he was evidently frightened and just glanced briefly described here and a very few words will be sufficient to show
at the faces and passed on. The District Magistrate told him to go down how satisfactorily the charge under section 131 has been proved against
the line and look again and then he stopped before Sachindra as if him. Bibhuti has stated how after the departure of Rash Behari from
fascinated. He took a step forward and then stepped back until finally Benares in January 1915 Preonath and he first went to the native infantry
after about two minutes he went forward and touched him.” The learned lines in Benares. They got in touch with one Jaleshwar Singh and
counsel for the defence was inclined to ridicule this fascination and fear subsequently took Sachin to Jaleshwar Singh. At that interview Sachin
exercised by Sachindra but we ourselves had before us an example thereof told Jaleshwar Singh that he had been to Meerut and Delhi to seduce
in a much older person Durgadan witness when he was asked to identify troops and requested Havildar to take leave and see the troops at those
Sachindra in Court. The note made by the Court at the time was “After places himself. Subsequently Bibhuti, Preonath and Sachin met Dilla
the witness had pointed out Sachindra it was noticed by the Court that he Singh, another Havildar of the 7th Rajputs, and also Puran Singh. Shortly
showed considerable hesitation before touching him when asked to do so before the 21st of February, Sachin sent Bibhuti to Dinapore to seduce
and appeared to be afraid”. As regards this identification Mr. Hadow the troops there. There cannot be the slightest doubt of attempts made to
was under the impression that some outside Bengalis were placed in a seduce the men of the 7th Rajputs here though we have not considered
line with Sachindra. He made such a statement on 21st December, 1914, Dilla Singh to be a witness of such reliability as would justify our
but corrected himself next day after learning from a Sub-Inspector that convicting the accused persons on his uncorroborated testimony. We
such was not the case. Much was made of this by the defence and it was have no doubt in our mind as to Dilla Singh’s complicity in the conspiracy.
argued by Mr. Chatterji that European officers were taken in by their One of the Lahore conspirtors Sucha Singh who subsequently became an
Indian subordinates. The counsel, however, overlooked the answer that approver was brought to Benares on 2nd April, and picked Dilla Singh
one of the subordinate Indian officers would not have corrected Mr. out at a parade of the troops of the 7th and 11th Rajputs. We have
Hadow’s mistake if in the intention of the subordinate officers was to elsewhere discussed how the Lahore approvers have gone back on their
deceive. During the arguments Mr. Chatterji mentioned more than once previous statements and Sucha Singh’s persistence in this Court that
that this was the first time he was permitted to look behind the scenes Dharam Singh accused and not Dilla Singh was the person whom he
into police manipulations. The fact is that under the stern directions of indentified at the parade has been commented upon. The truth of Bibhuti’s
Mr. Sands no attempt was made to conceal any incident whatsoever testimony about tampering with troops is borne out by his identifying
from this Court and what Mr. Chatterji termed workings behind the Dilla Singh before Mr. Lambert, Collector, Benares, on 14th September,
scenes were merely omissions and mistakes disclosed before us without Jaleshwar Singh and Puran Singh at the Fort in Delhi at the 11th
reservation with the laudable intention of putting before us every possible identification in December, deposed to by Mr. Hadow and Havildar
material whether favourable to the prosecution or not which may enable Kaku Singh of the 89th Punjabs at Dinapore at a parade of all the non-
this Court to arrive at a correct decision. Mr. Chatterji exempted European commissioned officers and drill instructors in the presence of Capt. Stuart
officers from his criticism but he had nothing good to say of the Indian on 13th October.
officers of the same force. We may take this opportunity to state 8. Ram Nath and Shankar Lal have deposed to the visit of Sachindra
embphatically that in our opinion all the police officers without distinctions and Partab accused to Delhi on the 25th or 26th of March. Ram Nath
440 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 441
has deposed how during that visit they consulted together at the house of previous to the search. The evidence is entirely unreliable and does not
Ganeshi Lal and proposed to murder some police officers. Ram Nath disprove the renting of the Lal Kuan room on the 26th or 27th or March.
and Shankar Lal did not know the names of Sachindra and Partab at the 9. Bibhuti has deposed to the visit to Calcutta to see Rash Behari
time and by mistake believed that their names were N.N. Banerji and and his account will be found on pages 14 and 15 of the printed record.
Hiranmoy. Ram Nath has explained how the mistake arose. Lachhmi When Bibhuti met Rash Behari in a room over the Dhurumtollah post
Narain had introduced Sachindra to Ram Nath in October 1914 and office, the accused Girja Bahu and Sachindra were two of the conspirators
subsequently Ram Nath had seen Lachhmi Narain addressing letters to present. The testimony of Natavar is an independent corroboration of
N.N. Banerji. This made Ram Nath jump to the conclusion that the Bibhuti’s evidence. This witness arrived from Calcutta and was brought
name of the stranger introduced to him in October 1914 was N.N. Banerji to court on 23rd November last and identified in our presence Sachindra
and when in March 1915 Lachhmi Narain told him that the stranger and and Girja Babu. He had known Girja Babu beforehand and picked out
Hiranmoy were coming to Delhi he thought that Sachindra and Partab Sachindra from his appearance. He identified Rash Behari’s photograph,
were N.N. Banerji and Hiranmoy. Both the approvers identified Ex. 45, and stated that he had seen the man in the picture Sachindra and
Sachindra and Partab in Delhi; Sachindra’s identification is the ninth of Gijra Babu together about May last at the office of the Northern Circars
15th July and Partab’s the tenth of 8th August deposed to by Mr. Hadow. Company at No. 27, Dhurumotollah Street on the ground-floor of which
There is no reason to suspect the genuineness of these identifications. there is a post office. There is further the testimony of Inspr. Mukerji
The independent evidence in support of this visit consists of the testimony to the effect that Bibhuti pointed out all the places mentioned by him in
of witnesses Habibuddin, Nazir and Mohammad Ismail. Habib picked his confession before the District Magistrate in connexion with this visit
out Sachindra at Delhi at the 9th identification deposed to by Mr. Hadow to Calcutta.
and he pointed out both Sachindra and Partab here. His evidence is that 10. That 21st February had been fixed for a rising and that Sachin
these two accused rented a room in a house at Lal Kuan for a month had been engaged in making preparations for this rising by trying to
ending on the 9th Jamadi-us-sani which falls on the 25th of April. The incite the troops at Benares to rebel are facts which have already been
room must, therefore, have been rented on the 26th or 27th of March. sufficiently established. That Sachin himself should have been present
Nazir was in charge of the room during Habibudin’s absence and deposes on the maidan on the evening of 21st February to await the result of his
to two men coming to see the room and pointed one of them out here to efforts is the conduct which under the circumstances we should naturally
be Partab. The defence has tried to prove that Sachindra could not have expect from him.
been in Delhi on the 26th of March but the attempt has not been successful. 11. Just as Sachindra was in touch with the Punjab anarchists he
The Serampur witnesses for the defence, Dr. Mukerji, Kunj Bihari was also in touch with those in Bengal, Bibhuti deposed to Sachindra’s
Ghoshain and Bhawani Shankar Roy give approximate dates; from what connection with Shashanka Mohan Harja through Makhan Babu. This
Bhawani Shankar says it appears that Sachindra must have left Serampur connection was mentioned in his very first statement to the police. Deb
within a day or two after the performance of his grandmother’s shraddh Narain has borne out this testimony by deposing thast it was he who
on the 22nd of March. On the 27th of March Mr. Scott. O’Connor introduced Sachindra to Makhan Babu, and Hiranmoy has deposed to
went to scarch Sachindra’s house on information received from a police Sachindra’s enquiry about Shashanka in February 1914. Hiramony and
constable Sheoratan Dube to the effect that Sachindra was seen in Benares Shashanka were jointly prosecuted in the Raja Bazar bomb case and
the day previously, Sheoratan’s report is marked Exhibit 153, and states Hiranmoy was discharged by the Magistrate. It was after his discharge
that he has received the inforrmation from the Abdul Rahman, who in February 1914 that Sachindra made enquiries from him. Annada in
resided in the street in which Sachindra’s house is situated. Abdul Rahman his retracted confession has referred to the meeting between Sachindra
has gone away and could not be found. The defence produced another and Shashanka through Makhan Babu. The defence examined Makhan
neighbour Taj Muhammad, who deposes to seeing Sachindra the day Babu in order to prove that his aims were purely spiritual for the uplifting
442 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 443
of his country and that he did not dabble in politics. The value of this this Court Sucha Singh insisted that the man pointed out by him was the
gentleman’s evidence is considerably discounted by the fact that since prisoner Dharam Singh, while Amar Singh made out that at the
August last he has been interned under the Defence of India Act. An identification by Mani Lal he was the only person without a turban and
attempt was made to get over this by suggesting that he might be a prefectly could be easily distinguished by a stranger in consquence. The fact that
innocent man whom no one would have ever thought of interning but for all the three Lahore approvers went back on their statements in order to
the fact that Bibhuti had mentioned his name. Unfortunately for the help the defence raises a presumption that they are not telling the truth
defence the witness himself disposed of this suggestion by stating in and are actuated by motives of fear or of sympathy with the accused or of
cross-examination that the police must have been anxious to implicate some dissatisfaction as regards the treatment received by them subsequently
him and therefore tutored Bibhuti to mention his name. The further to their confessions. We trust the first identification of Sachindra by
interesting fact emerged in the witness’s cross-examination that a school Mula Singh, and hold this accused’s connection with the Lahore
which he founded has had the misfortune to employ as teachers several conspirators is established.
persons who were implicated in the Dacca and Barisal conspiracy cases. Accused has chosen to take the line of denying everything. He
The facts which justify this statement fill so large a portion of this denies that he has ever been to Delhi, to Amritsar, to Lahore, or to
judgement that any detailed discussion here would be out place. Except Moradabad, that he ever met Dr. Bose and that he ever knew either
the despatch of bombs to Meerut on March 21 when Sachin was at Calcutta Mani Lal or the accused Partab Singh. His explanation of the
there is hardly an incident connected with bombs or ammunition in which identification by Dr. Bose we have already seen to be false. He has
Saschindra is not concerned. He and the absconder Narendra Nath are offered no explanation of the other identifications, though his counsel
the two persons from whom Babu Ram usually received his orders. He has done so; but these identifications, to which Mr. Hadow has deposed,
figures in connexion with the explosion, the receipt of the parcel of were conducted with every precaution and they contain circumstances
cartridges, and the despatch of bombs to Meerutt, all of which have been which stamp them unmistakeably as genuine. Accused himself never
discussed in detail. At Moradabad he executed a little enterprise of his made any objection to their fairness at the time.
own for the purpose of obtaining arms. We have dealt with at special length the case of Saschindra because
13. Mula Singh, an approver in the Lahore conspiracy case, we regard him as infinitely the most dangerous of the accused before us.
indentified Sachindra on 7th July last at the Anarkali police station, Lahore, He was Rash Behari’s chosen lieutenant in Benares and his activities
in the presence of Mr. Hare Scott, S.P., as the person to whom he paid have had both a wider and a more sinister character than those of the
Rs. 500 for the preparation of bombs. He had mentioned the name of other accused. We find him at one time in Calcutta; at another at Lahore
Sanyal in his examination before the Lahore Court. In this Court, while or Amritsar. There are elements in his character which might have made
adhering to his evidence as to the payment, he pretended for the first him a useful and even a noble member of society, as for instance his
time that he had made a mistake and that the man to whom he had paid joining the band of volunteer relief workers in the Damodar floods. The
the money was a Mahammadan. Standing by itself the court might have perverted elements have however gained the upper hand and he has become
believed that the witness had made a mistake and honestly deposed to it an anarchist of a peculiarly dangerous type, the type of man who incites
in this Court to prevent injustice. But this incident in connexion with others to deeds of violence while keeping in the background himself. No
the Lahore approvers is not a single one of its kind. Of the other two sentence short of transportation for life would be at all adequate in his
approvers Sucha Singh had picked out the approver Dilla Singh as the case. We confict him on the charges under section 121A and 131, I.P.C.;
person whom he met here when he attempted to seduce the sepoys of the under the former section of conspiring to wage war against the King and
7th Rajputs and Amar Singh was identified by the approver Mani Lal in to deprive the King of the sovereignty of British India, and under the
the presence of Inspr. Khan Ahmad Khan. Dilla Singh was picked out at latter of attempting to seduce the soldiers of the 7th Rajputs from their
a parade of all troops in the presence of military and police officers. In allegiance. We pass concurrent sentences of transportation for life under
444 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 445
each section. and in consequence refrained from deposing to the accused’s direct concern
We further convict him in view of the facts stated under heads 5 with the conspiracy. The case of this accused is on the border line and it
and 12 above of collecting arms and ammunition with the intention of is with some hesitation that we acquit him of the offences charged against
waging war against the King under section 122, I.P.C. and under that him and order his release. We trust that even now the youth’s parents of
section also we pass sentences of transportation for life to run concurrently guardians would bestir themselves, exercise effective control over him
with the sentence under the other charges, and further direct as required and save him from the dire influences which are otherwise sure to work
by section 122 that he do forfeit all his property. his ruin.


We have devoted anxious care to the consideration of the case against This accused belongs to Eastern Bengal and was arrested by S.I.
this accused. He says that he is 15 and does not look more, but the acts of Shah Abdul Rahman on 30th October at the Nattore railway station.
violence proved against him are such as contrast with his youth. On 27th There were in his possession at the time Rs. 520 mostly in ten-rupee
September, 1914, when the accused could have been barely 14 he was notes and a railway map of India. Bibhuti met him at the interview with
arrested on the Moghal Sarai railway platform with a revolver in his Rash Behari over the Dhurumtollah post office in Calcutta about May
possession and there is evidence on the record which assures us that two last. At that interview Rash Behari expressed his intention of going to
months later his hand was considerably injured by the explosion of a some hills for two years and said that Girija Babu was a leader of Eastern
bomb. The boy denies possessing the revolver, but apart from the fact of Bengal and would see to the conspriracy work during Rash Behari’s
his conviction by a competent Court, Sgt. Duggan’s statement has struck absence. At that interview Rash Behari gave Girja Babu a manuscript
us as genuine and quite consonant with the character we believe this leaflet to publish and Bibhuti has deposed that the contents of Ex. 23,
youth to possess. The evidence of Dr. Govind Charan Sircar has sastisfied which was seized at the time of his and Sachin’s arrest, were the same as
us that the wounds admittedly received by the accused were the result of those of the manuscript which Rash Behari gave to Girja Babu. This
a bomb explosion and not of the explosion of a cracker as is alleged by statement of Bibhuti, if believed, amply proves Girja Babu’s complicity
the defence. It is difficult to believe that these two acts of violence could in the conspiracy and the evidence though slight is very definite. Applying
be isolasted acts unconnected with the conspiracy of whose existence in the usual test to the testimony of an approver we find ample independent
Benares in September and November 1914, we are well assured. We corroboration of the testimony. Bibhuti identified Girja Babu at the District
think however thast there is no direct evidence of the accused being a Jail in the presence of Mr. Hamilton. The accused was placed among 11
member of the conspiracy. Bibhuti has nowhere directly stated that men who were Bengalis from the city and Bibhuti picked him out at
Surendra Nath was a member of the conspiracy. We gather this indirectly once. The accused denies acquiaintance with Bibhuti; but his explanation
from his reference to one Ramdeo about whom he has stated that he was regarding the identification is belated and inadequate. What he stated
enlisted by the accused Surendra Nath in the party. Jaimangal Pande of here was: “I was dressed in a dirty dress and there were marks of ropes
Dhakua deposed that he had seen the accused in village Dhakua where over my shirt and none of the persons who were made to stand with me
Ramdeo lives and such is also the testimony of Dwarka of Srikantpur. had beards”. As regards his appearance Mr. Hamilton stasted. “The
This evidence does not establish any connection between the accused and Bengalis from outside did not look better groomed than the accused. He
Ramdeo, and as Ramdeo is not in this trial and Bibhuti was unable to was much better groomed than he is now. I do not think that he could
identify him we cannot presume that he was one of the conspirators. It is have been identified through looking dishevelled.” Not one question
possible that Bibhuti has been influenced by the accused’s extreme youth was put to Mr. Hamilton regarding hair on the face of the other Bengalis

446 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 447
placed in a line with the accused, so that accused’s allegation in his There were all told twenty four accused in this case. Nine of these
statement that he was the only person with a beard cannot be accepted as absconded. One (accused no. 18) was subsequently arrested and placed
true. The accused’s counsel made a point based on the testimony of Shah on his trial with the others and the prosecution of accused no. 6, Rao
Abdul Rahman that the accused could easily be identified from his Gopal Singh of Karwa, was withdrawn by Government. The trail
descriptive roll known to the police. The S.I. in this Court tried to make therefore, proceeded against fifteen accused with the results shown
out that he was so clever that he at once recognised the accused out of a below:—
crowd of passengers and put his hand on him. First of all there is no 1. Annada 3 years’ rigrous imprisonment
2. Bankim Chandra Mitra Ditto
evidence that any descriptive roll of the accused was read over to Bibhuti 3. Damodar Sarup alias Masterji 7 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
before the identification, and secondly we are not prepared to believe 4. Dharam Singh Acquitted
that the S.I. is as clever as he has represented himself to be in this Court. 5. Ganeshi Lal 7 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
6. Rao Gopa Singh of Karwa Prosecution withdrawn.
Possibly he had with him some one who knew the accused by appearance 7. Jitendra Nath Sasnyal 2 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
or he must have made several inquiries among the passengers before 8. Jadunath Singh Acquitted.
9. Kalipado Mukerji 3 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
laying his hand on the prisoner. We feel certain that the identification 10 . Lachmi Narain 5 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
was genuine. The manner in which Bibhuti picked out in Court Hunurkar 11 . Nalini Mohan Mukerji Ditto
whom he had only seen twice out of a number of Mahrattas assured us of 12 . Partab Singh Ditto
13 . Rabindra Nath Sanyal Acquitted
his ability to remember faces of persons reen by him only occasionally a 14 . Sachindra Nath Sanyal Transportation for life and forfeiture
long time ago. The next piece of corroboration is the testimony of the of property.
witness Natavar who knew the accused before and deposed that he had 15 . Surendra Nath Mukerji Acquitted.
18 . Girja Babu alias Nagendra Nath Dutta 5 years’ rigorous imprisonment and a
seen the accused in the company of two other men in a room over the fine of Rs. 500. In default of payment
Dhurumtollah post office about May last. He identified Sachindra in our of the fine to undergo an additional 9
months’ imprisonment.
presence in Court as one of the two men and recognised the photograph, i.e. 1 to transportation for life and forfeiture of all his property.
Ex. 45, of Rash Behari as that of the other man seen by him in Girja 2 to 7 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
Bab’s company. Finally, the possession of such a large sum of money as 1 to 5 years’ rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 500.
3 to 5 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
the time of his arrest is suspicious and his inability to account for it raises 3 to 3 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
the presumption that it may be money belonging to the conspiracy 1 to 2 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
orgainzation. He explained that he had the money with him to start a and 4 were acquireed.
new business at Rajashahi, but when he admits that he did not know what plus 1 against whom prosecution was withdrawn.
kind of business he intended to start, it appears highly improbable that 2. A copy of the judgement may be sent to the India Office. Draft
he would carry with him such a large sum for such an indefinite purpose. submitted. After issue, Director, Criminal Intelligence, and His
We convict him of an offence under section 121A and sentence Excellency may see.
him to rigorous imprisonment for five years and a fine of Rs. 500 (five A.L., — 7.3.16
hundred) which may be recovered from the property found on him at the S.R. HIGNELL. — 8.3.16
time of his arrest. In the event of non-recovery of the fine he will Issue and then resubmit with two spare copies of the judgement.
undergo rigorous imprisonment for a further period of nine months. Send one spare copy to Director, Criminal Intelligence, meanwhile.
S.R. DANIELS, H. WHEELER, — 8.3.16
B.J. DALAL, Letter to the India Office, No. 932, dated the 9th March 1916. Pro
Issued and resubmitted. Two spare copies of the judgement are
448 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 449
placed below. One copy has been sent to Director, Criminal Intelligence.
A.L., — 14.3.16
S.R. HIGNELL, — 14.3.16.
I have kept one spare copy for perusal and submit the other. POSTSCRIPT:
H.WHEELER, — 14.3.16. (Source : File No : May, 1918, 36, Deposit)
R.H. C[RADDOCK], — 25.4.16
Rao Gopal Singh Tazimi Istim Radar of Kharva, is a Istim Radar
of Ajmer Distt. He was educated at Mayo College Ajmer, and became a
member of the Bharat Dharma Mohamandal of Banaras about 1898.
Just before the arrival of His Majesty the King in India he sent an
SUMMARY anonymous letter to the Maharana of Udaipur urging him not to attend
the Delhi Durbar. He reminded the Maharana that his ancestors had
An important prosecution — known as the Benares Conspiracy Case never bowed to Moghul Kings and that he would disgrace his race if he
— was recently concluded before a Special Tribunal (appointed under made obeisance to a Feringhi Monarch.
the Defence of India Act.) 2. It may be mentioned here that the Bharat Dharma Mohamandal
The results are summarised in the Home Department office note of institution founded in 1884, is, in itself, a purely religious one but for a
the 7th March. period of its existence the persons who were mainly responsible for its
The judgement is submitted for His Excellency’s perusal. management were tainted, and through their influence the society was
H. WHEELER, — 26.4.16. made use of by members of the revolutionary party to screen their actions.
C[HELMSFORD] — 29.4.16 When Gyananda Swami acted for some time as secretary to the society,
he obtained complete control over its working, and it was then for the
first time that there was any trace of suspicion againt the society on
Exd. by — E.A. account of its political leanings.
49 H.D. 3. In 1908 Gyananda Swami accompanied by four disciples made a
tour of the Princely States in Central India. It is believed that during this
time the Swami made proposals for a scheme of compulsory religious
education. There is reason to believe that this is the origin of the educational
schemes in accordance with which Arjan Lal Sethi and Kesri Singh (the
former impriosned by order of the Maharaja of Jaipur and the latter
convicted in the Kotah murder case) started schools in Rajputana based on
the Swami’s proposals. From the Swami’s tour dates the strong connection
that was found subsequently to exist between certain disaffected Rajputs in
Rajputana and persons connected with the Bharat Dharma Mohamandal
at Benares. The notorious Bishen Datt who was subsequently convicted in
the Arrah Temple murder case was in all probability one of the four disciples
who accompanied Gyananda. He was a preacher of the Bharat Dharma
Mohamandal and the Sanatan Dharma and it was he who was largely
responsible for the progress of the Revolutionary Movement in Rajputana.

450 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 451
Gyananda besides being a friend of Bishen Datt on one side, was also in the Thakur, made over the articles to the latter, wrote out a Hindi
close touch with the disaffected leaders in Benares. inflammatory leaflet at the Thakur’s dictation, and was promised help.
4. In 1907 Rao Gopal Singh, who was taking a keen interest in the From Kharwa Mani Lal proceeded to Lahore and reported to Rash Behari
educational schemes of Kesri Singh and Arjan Lal Sethi, paid for the what he had done. On the 13th March 1915, at Benares in accordance
education of six lads in the D. A. V. Schools in Ajmer. To Som Datt with directions from Rash Behari two of the conspirators introduced
alias Trebani alias Laheri, one of the six lads, he expressed regret that Damodar alias Masterji to Mani Lal and told the latter to take Damodar
there was no one to work in Rajputana on the Bengal lines and he asked to the Rao Sahib of Kharwa.
him to learn how to shoot. 10. They went via Delhi to Kharwa on the 18th March, 1915, and
5. In 1908 or 1909 through Madan Mohan Malaviya he employed at an interview with the Thakur at which he said he was dissatisfied with
Bishen Datt to work in connection with the educational movement in the state of affairs as they stood and expressed his willingness to provide
Jodhpur and the Ajmer District. Gopal Singh first met Kesri Singh at the 5,000 men for a rising provided he could procure money and arms to
house of Hari Singh of Bassi in Jaipur about 1900. equip them. He spoke of and showed a type-written letter which he said
6. After the death of Sardar Singh, the late Maharaja of Jodhpur, had been received by him from the Agent to the Governor General, and
Gopal Singh went to Jodhpur with Kesri Singh and tried to get the which was calling him to account for his connection with the Arrah Murder
Jagirdars to interest themselves in the so-called Rajput Charan Scheme. Case and Bishen Datt. Such a letter was sent to the Thakur by the
Previous to this he had deputed Bishen Datt and others to tour about Commissioner of Ajmer. There was also talk of the Thakur affording
Marwar on the same errand. shelter to some important man connected with the conspiracy and this he
7. Gopal Singh’s introduction to the Lahore and Delhi conspirators agreed to do.
was effected by Pandit Balkrishna, one of the most prominent members 11. The two men had a second interview with the Thakur the same
of the Delhi branch of the Lahore Conpiracy. Apparently they became day and then Mani Lal went away leaving Damodar behind. Damodar is
acquainted by both of them respecting the same spiritual preceptor, one said to have visited the Thakur alone and in response to a request made
Swami Brahma Nath of Etawah; it is as well to mention here that there is by the former for revolvers the Thakur had two brought but as one of
nothing to show that this Swami was in any way connected with the one them was out of repair it was kept back while the other was made
conspiracy. over to Damodar.
8. The statements made by Mani Lal, Ram Nath and B.B. Haldar 12. Kesri Singh, the man referred to in paragraphs 3 and 6, is the
approvers in the Benares Conspiracy Case and other disclosures at Delhi father of Partab Singh who was arrested on suspicion in the Arrah Temple
during the police investigation, brought to light a Rajputana branch of Murder Case and who was one of the conspirators convicted in the Benares
the Lahore-Delhi conspiracy. The first occasion of Gopal Singh being Conspiracy Case. There can be little doubt that Partab Singh was in
mentioned in connection with the conspiracy was on the 16th February, touch with the Thakur of Kharwa.
1915. Mani Lal had been sent by the notorious Rash Bihari Bose from 13. It will thus be seen that there was strong connection between
Lahore to advise the conspirators in Delhi that he had changed the date Rajputana and Delhi and that the Thakur was undoubtedly one of the
for the rising from the 21st to the 19th February. On hearing this Ram conspirators although through lack of opportunity he may not have played
Nath suggested to Mani Lal that he should go to Rajputana to see a chief a very important part. In consequence of what was brought to light
who was ready to join. Ram Nath took Mani Lal to Pundit Balkrishna of regarding his doings the Thakur was interned at Todgarh in the Ajmer
Delhi who told him of the Thakur of Kharwa, gave him a password and District under the Defence of India Rules in June 1915. A fortnight later
sent him off to the Thakur with a revolutionary flag, some wire cutters he absconded from Todgarh and was at large for some time before he was
and seditious leaflets. rearrested in August 1915 by Mr. Kaye and a party of police sent in persuit
9. Mani Lal proceeded to Kharwa where he had an interview with of him. He was at first prepared to offer a violent resistance, but was
452 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 453
eventually persuaded to surrender himself peacefully to the police. He was Ram Nath, Mani Lal and Bibhuti Bhushan Haldar, Roa Gopal Singh,
taken to Ajmer where he was tried for committing a breach of the order Thakur of Kharwa, was a member of the Benares conspiracy. Mani Lal
passed under the Defence of India Act and sentenced to two years’ simple was sent by Rash Bihari from Lahore to tell the conspirators in Delhi that
imprisonment. While in the Ajmer Jail he tried to instill seditious ideas he had changed the date for the revolution from 21st to 19th February,
into the minds of certain of his fellow prisoners. From this it would appear 1915. Mani Lal told Ram Nath, who suggested that instead of going on
that his confinement in jail, far from exercising a chastening influence, to Multan as directed he should go to Rajputana to see the chief who was
seems only to have embittered his mind against Government. ready to join. Ram Nath took Mani Lal to Pandit Balkrishan of Delhi,
14. In October 1915 Gopal Singh was sent up for trial in Benares who told him of the Thakur of Kharwa, gave him a password and sent
with 14 other accused charged with offence under sections 121, 121A, him to the Thakur with a revolutionary flag, some wire cutters and some
122 and 131 of the Indian Penal Code, but at an early stage of the seditious leaflets. Mani Lal went to Kharwa and interviewed the Thakur
proceedings in court the prosecution of the case against him was withdrawn and made over these articles to him. He also wrote out an inflammatory
by Government and he was discharged. The Commissioners who tried Hindi leaflet at the direction of the Thakur who promised to provide
the case recorded that the prosecution was withdrawn for special reasons 5,000 men for the rising provided that he could procure money to arm
and that the withdrawal in no way implied any doubt of his complicity and equip them.
on the part of the Crown. On March 13, in Benares, at the direction of Rash Bihari, Bibhuti
15. The Kharwa Estate was attached under Bengal Regulation III of Bhushan Haldar and Priya Nath introduced Damodar Sarup to Mani Lal
1818 and is now under the management of the Court of Wards. On the and told the latter to take Damodar to the Rao Sahib of Kharwa. They
expiry of the sentence of two years’ simple imprisonment passed on Gopal travelled via Delhi, arrived at Kharwa on March 18 and interviewed the
Singh a warrant was issued under Bengal Regulation III of 1818 directing Thakur that afternoon. The Thakur expressed dissatisfaction with the
him to reside at Tihur in the Shajahanpur District in the United Provinces. present state of things and promised to help the revolution. He showed
16. It would appear that the Thakur who is a very vain and weak them a type-written letter which he had received from the Agent to the
individual succumbed to flattery and allowed himself to be carried away Governor-General, calling him to account for his connection with the
and made use of by those who exercised an evil influence over him. Arrah Murder Case and with Bishan Datt. The Thakur agreed to give
H. G. RICHARDSON, shelter to some important men.
Inspector-General of Railway Police and The Government of India considered that the prosecution of the
Police Assistant to the Agent to the Governor-General, Thakar in the Banaras Case should be withdrawan because Mr. Kaye. (I.
Dated Abu, Rajputana. G. Police Rajputana) had said something which might be interpreted as
the 24th March 1918. in the nature of an assurance of immunity.
[Note : Vide internment order of July 1915, Thakur Gopal Singh of
Kharwa, Ajmer was absconding and has not yet been arrested
(Para ; 14 of Criminal Intelligence’s weekly report Dated 27th
July 1915)
Note on Rao Gopal Singh of Kharwa
and his connection with the Benares Conspiracy. Source : Bhai Nahar Singh: “Struggle For Free Hindustan” (Calendar
of Political Events 1907-1918), p. 245, Atlantic Publishers,
(Prepared from United Provinces records only.) New Delhi.]

According to evidence given in the Benares Conspiracy Case by

454 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case – I / 455

Judgement of the Special Tribunal in the Supplemenary Benares

Conspiracy Case,

No. 1723, dated Simla, the Ist September, 1918.

From – The HON’BLE MR. S. R. IRPINEL, C.I. E., I.C.S.,

Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department.


His Majesty’s Secretary of State for India.

With reference to the Home Department letter no. 1215, dated the
12th June 1918, I am directed to forward for the information of the
Secretary of State a copy of the judgement of the Special Tribunal in the
Supplementary Benares Conspiracy Case.


1. Mr. C. E. W, Sands, C.I.D., Special Branch.

2. Bibhuti Bhusan Haldar.
3. Mr. Scott O’Conor, Superintendent of Police, Benares.
4. Babu Ram.
5. Mani Lal.
6. Bhagwan Singh.
7. Chandrika Prasad.
8. Mr. A. R. Gill.
9. Hiranmoy Banarji.
10. Mr. J.K. Mukharji, Deputy Superintendent, Police C.I.D.

458 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case (Supplementary) / 459
11. Jugendra Chandra Gupta, Sub-Inspector, Police, I.B., C.I.D.
12. Mr. C.E.W, Sands, C.I.D., Special Branch.
13. J.N. Banarji, Inspector of Police, C.I.D.
14. Satya Passanna Chatterji JUDGMENT
15. Dilla Singh.
16. Aklo Ram Kasari, Head Constable, Kamrup, Assam.
16-5-1918. President.
At this supplementary trial to accused persons –
(1) Narendra Nath Banerji,
(2) Preonath Bhattacharji,
have been tried on charges under Sections 121A, 121, 122, and 131,
Indian Penal Code. Mr. Alston on behalf of the prosecution has not
pressed for a conviction under Section 121, so the charges to be considered
will be three in number. The prisoners were absconding at the time of
the last trial when eleven members of the conspiracy were convicted on
14th February, 1916, principally under Section 121A, and sentenced to
various terms of imprisonment by a Special Tribunal, of which two of
the present Commissioners were members. In view of the findings of
that Tribunal the learned pleaders for the defence conceded the fact of
the existence of a conspiracy to overawe by means of criminal force or
the show of criminal force the Government of India. The only question
at issue in this trial therefore is whether the accused were members of the
conspiracy or not. For this reason the trial was considerably shortened.
Charges were framed on the 9th of May, and on the 11th the accused’s
learned pleaders declared that no defence evidence would be produced.
Subsequently on the 14th, after their statements were recorded, the
prisoners were called upon to enter on their defence and they declined to
produce any evidence.
The fifteen witnesses examined at this trial on behalf of the
prosecution fall into three groups :—
(1) Approvers,
(2) Police Officers,
(3) Independent witnesses to connect the prisoners with certain
houses used by the conspirators.
Besides the statements of these witnesses there is the evidence of
the identification of the prisoners by the approvers and other witnesses
460 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case (Supplementary) / 461
before the Deputy Magistrate Mr. Gill (P. W.8) and before the Tribunal. (1) Discussion of revolutionary methods for the overturning of
The approvers are :- the British Government in secret meetings of the society which
Bibhute Bhusan Haldar (P. W.2). seceded from the Young Men’s Association under the
Babu Ram (P. W.4). leadership of Sachindra Nath Sanyal.
Mani Lal (P. W.5). (2) Distribution of seditious literature.
Hiranmoy Banerji (P. W.9). (3) Attempt at seduction of troops here, at Ramnagar, and in
Dila Singh (P. W. 15). Dinapur.
Hiramony Banerji is not an approver in the sense of an implicated (4) Receipt from Bengal storage here, and dispatch to the Punjab
person making a statement on grant of a pardon. He was one of the of bombs, pistols, and ammunition.
persons discharged by the Tribunal at the original trial and was The Young Men’s Association started in 1912 and to which students
examined as a witness at that trial subsequently. The evidentiary value of of various local schools belonged, appears to be the foundation for the
his statement however is on a level with that of a statement by an approver spread of revolutionary ideas among boys. There was an inner circle
because he was one of the members of the Young Men’s Association and consisting of selected members among whom moral classes were held;
joined the inner circle which advocated revolutionary methods. He grew seditious matters were discussed at these classes and moral sayings in the
faint-hearted and left at an early date the society of young conspirators. Gita were perverted by lecturers to inculcate sedition in young minds.
At the previous trial it was proved that the two accused persons on their This mental debasement alone did not suit the purposes of the founder of
trial here at present were absconding, and there was no immediate prospect the Association Sachindra Nath Sanyal. The prisoners and others seceded
at the time of arresting them. Evidence of witnesses was recorded at the from the Young Men’s Association with Sachindra whose objection to
previous trial after such proof and a finding by the Tribunal in accordance the society was that it merely talked and did nothing. The object of
therewith. The provisions of Section 512, Criminal Procedure Code, Sachindra was to carry out in these provinces work similar to that of the
are therefore applicable, and any deposition made at the former trial anarchists in Bengal. Hiramony says that the object which this new society
may be given in evidence against the two prisoners if the deponent cannot held in view was to foment rebellion to India. According to Bibhuti the
be produced at this trial without an amount of delay, expense or new party wanted to join the Bengal anarchists and with their help get
inconvenience which, under the circumstances, would be unreasonable. explosives and arms. The means adopted for the fomenting of rebellion
On a statement made by Mr. Sands of the C.I.D., Special branch, we are the distribution of seditious literature, the seduction of troops, and
were of opinion that to send for Bibhuti Bhusan Haldar from one of the the collection of arms and ammunition. The approvers have described in
war areas where he is doing useful war work would be unreasonable and detail how seditious leaflets were left at various local schools and
admitted his statement of the previous trial against the present accused. institutions and pasted on walls, what attempts were made to seduce
The statement was read over in court by us and formally brought on the troops in Benares, Ramnagar and Dinapur, and how bombs, pistols, and
record of this case. Though Bibhuti was not present, it is admitted by the ammunition were brought by conspirators from Bengal and Central India,
defence that the Narendra and Preonath mentioned by him in his statement stored at Babu Ram’s house and dispatched to the Punjab by the hands of
at the former trial were the accused now before the court. other conspirators.
The conspiracy at Benares was part of a large movement having
ramifications in Bengal and in the Punjab, Bibhuti deposes to connection
with Makhan Babu and Sasanka Mohan Hajra, anarchists of Bengal and APPROVERS.
Mani Lal with a dangerous movement in the Punjab and with an attempt
to seduce persons in Central India from their allegiance. The activities The statements of Bibhuti, Mani Lal, Babu Ram, and Hiranmoy
of the conspirators in Benares were confined to — disclose the strong influence of Rash Behari over the entire local

462 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case (Supplementary) / 463
movement. This notorious conspirator arrived here about the beginning Association and distribution of seditious literature in September and
of 1914 and lived here from February to November. Mani Lal and Babu October, 1913. They both depose to the occupation of Misri Pokhra
Ram made their first statements to the police at about the same time at house by Rash Behari and to the visit of conspirators there.
Delhi and probably had opportunities of consulting together. The Dilla Singh has deposed to eight meetings with the Bengalis and
statements of Bibhui, Dilla Singh, and Hiranmoy were recorded quite identified at the previous trial Sachindra Nath Sanyal and Bibhuti, and at
independently in Benares and in Simla. In this case therefore the statements this trial the two accused before the court. Narendra he saw only once
of approvers are of great value because the statements made independently when he was taken to Narendra’s house by the Bengalis, and it appears
and without collaboration agree in important details. A few points of that the Bengalis with whom he had direct dealings were Sachindra,
agreement may be examined here. A house was rented for Rash Behari at Bibhuti, and Preomath. Dilla Singh is an ordinary villager who could
Misri Pokhra behind the Jageshwar Press, and there on the night of 18th not possibly remember the details of meetings deposed to by him unless
November, 1914 two bomb caps which Rash Behari was examining he had actually taken part in them. Bibhuti mentioned Dilla Singh’s
exploded injuring him severely and Sachindra Nath slightly. The approver name in his statement before the Magistrate and identified Dilla Singh in
Bibhuti was present at the time and describes the incident at page 6, line the presence of Mr. Lamberi. The details given by him as to his meetings
35 of the previous trial. According to Bibhuti Narendra was present. with the Bengalis are borne out in the main by the evidence of Bibhuti.
This description may be compared with Babu Ram’s account of his hearing He says that he, Puran Singh and Jadu Nath Singh met a dark Bengali
a very loud report while he waited outside the house of Narendra. (meaning Preonath) at the Benares Cantonment station, and Bibhuti
Narendra’s residential house and the house rented for Rash Behari where deposes to this at page 8, line 37. According to Dilla Singh Bibhuti and
the explosion took place are in the same quarter of the city, Misri Pokhra, Preonath fetched him from the Barrack to the maidan where Jaleshwar
and close to one another. The caps were deposited at Babu Ram’s house Singh and Sachindra were waiting; a reference to this will be found in
and on the day of the explosion he took them to Narendra’s. Babu Ram’s Bibhuti’s statement at page 8, line 40. Dilla Singh deposes to meeting
narration of the event goes on: “After making over the caps to Narendra Rash Behari at a ghat to which he was taken along with Jadunath Singh
I remained outside his house walking up and down for a little time; then and Puran Singh by Preomath, in a carriage. This meeting was at Raja
I heard a very loud report. Thereupon I proceeded towards my house. I Ghat as described by Bibhuti at page 11, line 37. As to Dilla Singh’s
met Narendra on the way near his house. Narendra carried in his hand visit to Narendra’s house with Sachindra and Preomath, Bibhuti stated at
my dhoti with some things in it. I asked him was anyone injured, and his page 35, line 32, that he heard of it from Sachindra and Preomath. Both
reply was Babuji had been injured. By Babuji I understood him to mean the approvers depose to the meeting of Dilla Singh with Pingley and
Rash Behari.” Another important detail deposed to by both Bibhuti and Kartar Singh near a tank close to the Military lines.
Babu Ram is the taking away from Babu Ram’s store-house the ten bombs Instances of the agreement of the statements of the approvers in
which were afterwards found in the possession of a conspirator, Pingley, details relating to the actions of the conspirators need not be multiplied.
in the Cavalary lines at Meerut. An examination of their statements has satisfied us as to their genuineness
Bibhuti and Mani Lal depose to different activities of the and the complicity of these approvers. We think that we may safely rely
conspirators, yet wherever their narratives touch on common incidents on these statements and are prepared without corroboration to convict of
they agree. Mani Lal has described how a conspirator, Damodar Sarup complicity any person implicated by the majority of the approvers. In
alias Masterji, was introduced to him by Bibhuti, and a confirmation of the present case however we are not required to go so far because there is
this statement is found in Bibhuti’s statement at page 12, line 13 of the a considerable amount of independent corroboration to connect the
printed record of the former trial. prisoners with the conspiracy.
If the statements of Bibhuti and Hiranmoy are compared they will Evidence of police officer.– Sub-Inspector Jugendra Chandra Gupta
be found to agree completely as to the teachings at the Young Men’s (P. W. 11) and head constable Aklo Ram Kasari (P. W. 16) have deposed
464 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case (Supplementary) / 465
to the circumstances under which the prisoners were arrested, Narendra early in March last and have not left his possession since. We are of
Nath on 11th January and Preomath on 4th February of this year. Narendra opinion that the identifications were perfectly genuine.
was carrying arms and assaulted the police at the time while Preomath The evidence connecting individual prisoners with the conspiracy
had assumed the name of Bihari Das. Narendra was arrested in Assam will be examined in Part II of the judgment, where it will be decided
and Preonath at Bankipur. what offence each is guilty of.
Mr. Sauds (P. W.12) has deposed to the distribution of seditios After the first day of the trial the evidence was typed by one of the
literature in these provinces at the end of 1913 and to the receipt in Commissioners, Mr. Johnston; this ensured of both accuracy and speed.
March 1915, of envelopes (Ex. 29) alleged to contain addresses in the
handwriting of Narendra. Inspector Banerji (P. W. 13 deposes to the
finding of seditious leaflets pasted up in the Benares city at the end of
1913). Mr. Mukharji, Deputy Superintendent, and Inspector Banerji
have stated that the approver Dilla Singh pointed out to the Narendra’s PART II.
residential house to which he was taken by Sachindra and Preonath ACCUSED
Independent evidence – The Independent witnesses are Bhagwan
Singh (P. W.6) and Chandrika Prasad (P. W. 7) Bhagwan Singh is 1. NARENDRA NATH BANERJI.
servant of the owner of a house in the city in a portion of which Bibhuti
lived; he was produced by the prosecution to prove that Preonath visited He is a native of Benares, but has been absconding since he 11th
Bibhuti’s house while Rash Behari was staying there (page 11, lines 4 to March, 1915. He managed to elude the vigilance of the police for nearly
14 of Bibhuti’s statement). The testimony of the newspaper boy Chandrika three years, and latterly shifted to Assam for his exploits, where he was
Prasad will show that Narendra arranged for the delivery of a copy of the arrested at Gauhati on the 11th January, 1918, after some armed resistance.
Leader at the house near Jageshwar Press while Rash Behari was living The following facts are definitely established against him by
there. evidence:—
Identification – Narendra admits acquaintance with all the approvers 1. That he was one of the extremist party formed by Sachindra
except Dilla Singh, while Preonath deposed that he did not know either Nath Sanyal in 1913 to work on the lines of the Bengal
Dilla Singh or Babu Ram. Both the prisoners disclaimed having ever anarchists.
met Bhagwan Singh or Chandrika Prasad. The defence was that the 2. That in the prosecution of that object (a) he distributed seditious
witnesses who did not know the prisoners recognized them because of leaflets in the autumn of 1913 and March, 1915, and (b) carried
photos shown to the witnesses previously. We do not think that Dilla arms, ammunition, and bombs to and from the place that served
Singh, Bhagwan Singh, and Chandrika Prasad are of sufficient as depot therefor at Benares; and
intelligence to identify a man after looking at his picture. It is true that 3. That he frequently associated with the notorious anarchist Rash
Preonath was photographed after his arrest in February last and that a Behari during his stay here in 1914-15 and helped the latter in
print of Narendra’s likeness taken out of a group of students of 1914 was his propaganda to foment rebellion.
distributed with a number of the Police Gazette. There is no reason to Bibhuti and Hiranmoy place Narendra among the prominent
suspect however that any of the identifying witnesses saw the photographs members of the Young Men’s Association, after it had degenerated,
or the print. Moreover, the print of Narendra does not resemble his under Sachindra’s influence, into a society for the dissemination of
present features. Two copies of Preonath’s photographs in different sedition. Bibhuti further mentions him, as a member of the “inner circle”.
positions were sent from Bihar to the C.I.D. of these provinces, and The accused admits his attendance at the Kali Puja, annually held at the
Mr. Sands has deposed that those photographs came to him with a file club premises, in course whereof, according to Bibhuti, special prayers

466 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case (Supplementary) / 467
used to be offered for the explusion of the white race from India. (1) secured for Rash Behari the house in Misri Pokhra, not far off
Both Bibhuti and Hiranmoy speak of Narendra as one of those from his own (old record, page 4, line 28);
most violent members who felt dissatisfied at the political inactivity of (2) became a frequent visitor at his place (p. 4, lines 43 and 53,
the association and seceded from it in 1913 to be in touch with the Bengal and p. 11 line 12);
anarchists and to work on their lines. Mani Lal knows nothing of the (3) copied for the press Rash Behari’s article on Arjun Lal Sethi
split, but supports the version as to the formation of this new party, its (p. 5, line 42);
revolutionary aims, and Narendra’s joining that party. (4) attended the demonstration given by Rash Behari of the use of
The first step towards execution of this anarchist programme was bombs and revolvers (page 5, lines 3-13);
the distribution of Liberty and Swadhin Bharat leaflets, which openly (5) was present with Rash behari when a bomb cap exploded on
incited rebellion (Exs. 9, 11 to 14 and 28). The prosecution have proved being handled by him one night, on November 14 (page 5);
Narendra’s participation in such distributions, twice towards the close of (6) attended the meeting at which Rash Behari made an
1913 and once in March, 1915. announcement about the rising that was to come off on the 21st
Hiranmoy and Bibhuti speak of his pasting of these leaflets (Exs. February, 1915 (p. 7, lines 39-40);
9, 11 to 14) n the walls in different mohallas of Benares. Hiranmoy (7) was assigned by Rash Behari at the same meeting the task of
mentions another distribution by this accused in 1913, of which Bibhuti bringing arms, ammunition and bombs, etc., from Bengal (p.
had no direct knowledge, he being ill at the time (page 21 old record). 7, lines 42 and 43);
Mani Lal speaks of Narendra’s custody of Liberty leaflets (Ex. 9) before (8) went to Chanderagore in January, 1915 under Rash Behari’s
December, 1913. orders to learn bomb makinig (p. 16, lines 43:17); and
It was in March, 1915 that Bibhuti noticed another Swadhin Bharat (9) under Rash Behari’s instructions fled from Beanres to Calcutta
leaflet (Ex. 28) with Narendra. In the same month Mr. Sands received with another anarchist, Vinayak Rao, the day the latter’s house
from the superintendent of police, Dehra Dun, four covers addressed to was searched (11th March, 1915), p.11, line 54, and Mr. Scott
different persons of this district, each containing a copy of the leaflet. O’ Connor’s evidence.
The covers were posted on the 10th March, 1915, and bear addresses Hiranmoy (P. W. 9) supports Bibhuti’s version about Narendra’s
from Narendra’s pen. The evidence of Bibhuti and the comparison of visits to Rash Behari in 1914, and the latter’s inculcation of revolutionary
the writing with the contents of the accused’s examination answer book principles among the Benares conspirators. The witness seceded from
(Ex. F) leave no room for any reasonable doubt as to the identity of the the revolutionary camp and returned to his native place in Bengal about
handwriting. In the absence of any explanation by the defence it would July, 1915. When Rash Behari’s letters failed to stir up Hiranmoy to
be fair to presume that the accused had dispatched the leaflet (Ex. 28) fresh activities, Narendra, according to the latter visited him at his native
under these covers. place in Bengal about July, 1915, took him to Calcutta towards the middle
Rash Behari’s appearance on the scene, towards the beginning of of 1915, and here, in conjunction with his three accomplices, Vinayak
1914, stimulated further the revolutionary activities of this new party. Rao, Sachindra and Ashu, tried to win back Hiranmoy to the anarchist’s
He converted it into a connecting like between the Bengal and Punjab cause. Bibhuti found Rash Behari at Calcutta about that time (p. 14, last
anarchists. The local depot for arms, ammunition and bombs came into paragraph); and it would not be unreasonable to presume that finding his
existence after his arrival. The attempts at seduction of troops were started personal efforts unavailing, Rash Behari deputed Narendra on this task
under his advice. of securing him Hiranmoy’s services.
It was through Narendra that Bibhuti and Babu Ram came to be Of all the Benares consirators none but Sachindra and Narendra
introduced to Rash Behari in 1914. We have it from Bibhuti that handled the arms, ammunition and bombs for transmission to and back
Narendra:— from the local depot. Babu Ram, who played the role of a mere storekeeper
468 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case (Supplementary) / 469
in this conspiracy, sums up Narendra’s part thus in this connection:— name or address.
(1) He brought two bombs and two caps which, after addition of To explain his sudden disappearance from Benares and journey to
some solution by Sachindra, were returned to the former a Calcutta the accused suggests a quarrel with his mother over his indifferent
few days later, on the night of 18th November, 1914, shortly preparation for the examination. If true, the fact could be easily proved,
before the explosion. but no attempt was made in this behalf. Such maternal admonitions do
(2) took back the revolver that had been deposited by Sachindra. met result in banishment for years.
(3) brought a couple of pistols and then took them back in company This absconding for about three years, in spite of the knowledge of
with Sachindra; and the house search and the arrest of co-conspirators, and the circumstances
(4) brought ten bombs with caps in February, 1915, which were attending Narendra’s own arrest greatly supplement the other proof of
made over to Pingley towards the end of March following. his guilt under sections 121A and 122, Indian Penal Code. It was in a
Bibhuti supports Babu Ram’s testimony as to the last deposit and field at Gauhati that the police found Narendra with four others, on the
its subsequent disposal. He adds that Pashupati had brought these ten 11th January, 1918. he and at least one other of the party (Nalini Ghosh)
bombs from Bengal (p. 10). were armed with revolvers. To rescue the latter from the constables,
These transactions undoubtedly constitute, “Collection of arms, with whom he was then struggling, Narendra hammered one with the
etc.” and “Preparation for waging war” within the meaning of section muzzle of his weapon, but was ultimately overpowered and arrested. At
122, I.P.C. the same time we take into consideration that he has already been sentenced
Bibhuti’s evidence shows that Narendra went with other Benares to three years’ rigorous imprisonment. Such a desperate character, whose
conspirators to the Maidan in Benares cantonment on the evening of the part in the conspiracy was next only to Sachindra’s in importance, merits
21st Februry, 1915, in expectation of a mutiny among the troops. no light punishment.
Dilla Singh proves Narendra’s presence in the house at the time a We convict Narendra Nath Banerji under section 121A and 122,
bomb was shown to him by Preonath before March, 1915. This house, Indian Penal Code, and sentence him to seven years’ imprisonment on
which he subsequently pointed to the police officers, turns out to be each count; the sentences to run concurrently, but to start after the expiry
Narendra’s. of the one he is now undergoing. We further direct, as required by section
His presence at the Maidan or inside the house would not, however, 122, Indian Penal Code, that he do forfeit all his property.
constitute an attempt to tamper with the allegiance of the troops or an
abetment of mutiny.
The defence contented itself with a mere denial of the incriminating ACCUSED NO. 2, PREONATH BHATTACHARJI.
facts thus proved, but made not the least attempt to rebut them. They
failed to suggest any motive which could have possibly influenced the This man is named by all the five approvers as having been a member
witnesses to implicate Naredra. of the conspiracy. Bibhuti in his statement mentioned him in connection
To disprove the trip to Chandernagore in January, 1915 the accused with a large number of incidents, but it is not necessary to detail them
suggested his attendance at a local school throughout that month. The all, for in many cases though there may be such corroboration of Bibhuti’s
studied omission to produce the school attendance register falsifies the statement as to leave no doubt that the incident occurred, there is no
defence. evidence corroborative of the fact that Preonath played the part ascribed
To discredit Chandrika’s supply of “Leader” at the house behind to him by Bibhuti.
Jageshwar Press, then in Rash Behari’s occupation, Narendra sets up his There are four points, however, which are worthy of special
regular purchase of that paper at his own place from a third person, but mention. Bibhuti deposed that Preonath was with him when he took
no attempt has been made either to examine that person or to supply his away ten bombs from the house of Babu Ram in company with Pingley.

470 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case (Supplementary) / 471
These bombs were afterwards found in the possession of Pingley in the endeavoured to show that the accused did not take a leading part in any
Cavalry Lines at Meerut. Babu Ram in his evidence states that Bibhuti, serious act committed in consequence of the conspiracy.
Preonath and two other men took away these bombs. Secondly, Bibhuti It was argued that the interviews between the accused and sepoys
stated that Preonath had distributed leaflets containing seditious matter of the regiment only began a few weeks before the date which had been
at the Bengalitola High school, and this is corroborated by the evidence fixed for the commencement of the rising, and that either the work of
of Hiranmoy, who says that Preonath took part in the second distribution seducing the troops must have been accomplished already by some more
of leaflets, which took place in October, 1913. Thirdly, Bibhuti stated prominent member of the society, or the attempt to seduce the troops
that Preonath accompanied him and Sachindra, the chief of the Benares was not really serious. It was also argued that the occasion when Rash
conspirators, to the lines of the 7th Rajputs at Beanres, and there had Bihari gave a lecture on the method of using bombs was the same as the
interviews with Jaleshwar Singh, Dilla Singh and other sepoys. This is occasion when bomb caps exploded and injured him, on which occasion
corroborated by the evidence of Dilla Singh, who states that Preonath Preonath is not alleged to have been present. It is thus argued that the
was one of the persons who used to frequent the house at Misri Pokhra, allegation that Preonath was present at the lecture is an exaggeration.
where Rash Bihari Bose was hiding in Benares, and that he was present This argument appears to us to be far-fetched, for there is nothing to
when Rash Bihari gave a lecture showing how bombs were managed. connect the two occasions.
The witness Bhagwan Singh has identified Preonath as one of the Bengalis With regard to the evidence that Preonath was with Bibhuti and
who used to visit the house of Bibhuti. Mani Lal and Hiranmoy both say Pingley when the ten bombs were removed from the house of Babu Ram
that Preonath was one of the members of the secret society headed by it has been argued that Babu Ram may have made a mistake of identity,
Sachindra. for he was doubtful of the identity of Preonath when he gave his evidence.
It is not contended that the witnesses in their evidence referred to But Babu Ram had named Preonath as having taken part in this at the
any person other than the present accused, nor is it suggested that there is former trial, and though in court he had expressed doubts as to the identity
any other man of the same name who was a member of the Young Men’s of the accused, we have the fact that he did pick out Preonath in the jail
Association. The fact that the witnesses mentioned Preonath and ascribed when called upon to identify him.
to him a considerable part in the conspiracy, at a time when he could not We are therefore of opinion that it has been clearly established that
be found, greatly strengthens the evidence. The evidence of accomplices Preonath was a member of a conspiracy to wage war against the King,
is always suspect, and one has to regard the possibility that an accomplice and that in pursuance of the objects of the conspiracy he distributed
has been induced to name an accused person falsely in order to secure a seditious literature, took part in the collection of bombs, and attempted
conviction. But though police officers are sometimes over anxious to to seduce from their allegiance soldiers of His Majesty’s Indian Army.
procure the conviction of persons who have been apprehended, our We thus find him guilty of offences punishable under sections 121A,
experience does not lead us to consider it in any way probable that 122 and 131 of the Indian Penal Code. In determining the sentence we
evidence against persons who were absconding would be accumulated in take into consideration the facts that his attempts upon the loyalty of the
this way. troops do not appear to have been made until very shortly before the date
When examined by the court Preonath denied all connection with fixed for the rising, that in the only incident connected with the collection
the conspiracy and suggested that his identification had been procured by of bombs which is corroborated, he appears to have taken a subordinate
the aid of the photographs which were taken after his arrest. He did not, part; and that he does not appear to have given trouble at the time of his
however, suggest that the witness implicating him had any personal grudge arrest. We find, however, that of the Benares conspirators he was one of
against him. But though Preonath did not plead guilty, he evidently the principal men subordinate to Sachindra Nath Sanyal, and though his
realised that the evidence proving his connection with the conspiracy part in the conspiracy was altogether inferior to that taken by Sachindra,
was too clear to be rejected, and his pleader in arguing his case merely it was more prominent than that of most of the other accused who were
472 / Ghadr Movement Original Documents — Judgements Benares Conspiracy Case (Supplementary) / 473
tried in the original case. We sentence him to rigorous imprisonment for
six years under each section, the sentences to run concurrently, and further
under section 122 of the Indian Penal Code we direct that he do forfeit
all his property.

22-5-1918. D.J. DALAL.

22-5-1818. T.K. JOHNSTON.

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