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> ~ Societas Republicae €a Al Maurikanos ~ Moorish Divine and ational Movement o€ the World Hortiwest Amexem / Morthtwest Arica / Porth America / The North Gate’ ‘& ~ Cemple of the Moon and Sun ~ e The True and Be Fuce Patural Peoples ~ Beies ot the Law Se ~ILAM, ~ om Moorish National Republic Federal Government Atkivavit of International Trust G€ the Moorish Divine and National Movenrent of the Wart MACN-3333333333 For the Public Record, Ou the Public Record and Let the Public Record Show ‘This Affidavit of the Worldwide Trust of the Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World is hereby | placed on the public record for all to witness on this 21" Day of January 2019. We. the Aboriginal, Indigenous Nations of the Earth are the descendants of the Pharaohs of Kemet. We are forever in Propria Persona Sui Juris, In Proprio Solo and In. Proptio Heredes at all points in time. The intention of this Proclamation of Trust is that We are exercising all of our sovereign divine rights at this time and at all points in ‘time, We are the sovereign heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, settlots, creditors, claimants, and beneficiaries of our vast estate, We hereby claim, proclaim, declare, nationalize and place in this living, divine, international, private Trust all that we are heirs to as aforementioned and including but not limited to: Allland All oil, water, gold, silver, minerals, crops and all other natural resources and portable land. All stateless persons branded as “nogro”, “black”, “colored” and “African American”, All Moorish subjects ipso jure. All gold, silver and portable land backed lawful coinage and tender, We affirm the following documents as part and parce! of this living natural trust document: Nes oct is Nie rip Noe bial None 0 AgR Any men cet we ois doce by 2 CORPORATION, hi PRINCIPALS, AGENTS sr ASSIGNS ry fe prot oprah ad i ee of al igh aa op of esc eager od he deed of Ac tal oo be Cee. Nong ‘nig tc ht eid as ane tytn dat ot a te ret fe ileal aed my ne ares toe Pees Pee ae etiws Amacai Non Af No Anne THe Menecan Ente Tenpleethe Mew and Sux Non Dames Nat Resaet, Now Sue, Now Crmeced Bete ‘ial aan Ie of Land ies S ® ‘The Holy Koran of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science by the Noble Prophet Drew Ali — 1926 Galactic law, Intergalactic law, Universal law, Netural law, Divine law, Supreme law of the land ‘The Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 The Declaration of Independence ‘The Articles of the Confederation ‘The Constitution for the united States 1791 ‘The Moorish National Republic Federal Government Trust ~ MACN-R999999999 ‘The Notice of Intent to Lien and Arrest Command 09/11/18 — Document number 7018 2290 0000 1227 4911 ionally, we declare, proclaim and enforce our sovereign rights to travel freely on our own land, to self-govern autonomously and to adjudicate judicially within our own nations and among our awn peers free of molestation, violation, and encumbrance by all foreigners, No one speaks for us, we speak for ourselves. No one represents us, ‘we present ourselves. We do now exercise our sovereign right to issue, distribute and exchange our own national lawful currencies, coinage and tender among the indigenous nations of the earth. Nove n Ato sai icin Nt hin is Nose wy Agent Ame, iron elt i of dom by ny CORDORATION, hr PRINCIDALS, AGENTS TAGS re evr et end ir fu he ns pry facets wn donnie Mae a tC eg iis tia sae epost sy jie hat oa he json fot a asl bce erate ny tine. Nr ao Lal Nab ‘ose Anes ios / No Anton The Mrcet Epic" Teple of the Morand Sin Nan Cees, Nm Rese, Nop Sed, Non ‘lal Hace and nes ofthe Lan. meres

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