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Single Phase Series AC Circuits

Single Phase Series AC Circuits
(Much of this material has come from Electrical & Electronic Principles & Technology by John Bird)
Purely Resistive Circuit

Diagram shows a purely resistive circuit together with current and voltage waveforms and the
phasor diagrams. Since the current and voltage are in phase it follows that we can continue to
use the familiar Ohms Law, ie V = IR.

Purely Inductive Circuit

With a purely inductive circuit we see IL lags VL by 90o.

In a purely inductive circuit the opposition to a.c. current flow is called Inductive Reactance
and denoted XL, it has units of ohms.

Not proved here, but the relationship between inductive reactance and current is

XL = = 2πfL

Where f is the frequency in Hz and L the inductance in henries.

Since f = 2π we can also have

XL = ωL

It should be noted that XL is proportional to frequency as shown below.


Worked Example
A coil has an inductance of 40mH and negligible resistance. Calculate its inductive reactance
and resulting current if connected to a) a 240v, 50Hz supply and b) a 100v, 1kHz supply.

a) The inductive reactance XL = 2πfL = 2π × 50 × 40 × 10−3 = 12.56Ω

VL V 240
Since XL = it follows that IL = XL = 12.56 = 19.1A

If you want, you can solve b)

Purely Capacitive Circuit

In a purely capacitive circuit we see that the current leads the voltage by 90o.

In a purely capacitive circuit the opposition to the flow of a.c. current is called Capacitive
Reactance and denoted XC and has units of ohms.

Again, not proved here but capacitive reactance is given by

𝑉𝐶 1 1
XC = = 2πfC = ωC

XC also varies with frequency as shown below.

Worked Example
Determine the capacitive reactance of a capacitor of 10µF when connected to a circuit of
frequency (a) 50Hz and (b) 20Hz.
1 1
(a) Capacitive reactance XC = 2πfC = 2𝜋×50×10×10−6 = 318.3Ω

You can solve (b) if you want to.

The relationship between voltage and current for inductive and capacitive circuits can be
remembered using CIVIL.

Which is – In a capacitor (C) the current (I) is ahead of the voltage (V) and the voltage (V) is
ahead of current (I) for an inductor (L).

R-L Series AC Circuits

The first thing to note is that the applied voltage (V) is not the arithmetic sum of the voltages
across the resistor and inductor but the phasor sum of VR and VL.

Secondly, we see the that the current I lags the applied voltage V by and angle ϕ somewhere
between 0 and 90o’

It follows that V = √VR 2 + VL 2 and that tan ϕ = VL

Next, in an a.c. circuit the ratio I is called Impedance and denoted Z so Z = I Ω so we can write
V = IZ
We also have XL = so can have VL = IXL

Similarly, VR = IR

Notice that these have been added to the voltage triangle. If we now divide each term on the
velocity triangle by I, we obtain an ImpedanceTriangle.

From the impedance triangle, we can obtain the following relationships:

Z = √R2 + XL 2
tan ϕ = R

sin ϕ = Z

cos ϕ = Z

Worked Example 1
A pure inductance of 1.273mH is connected in series with a pure resistance of 30Ω. If the
frequency of the sinusoidal supply is 5kHz and the p.d. across the 30Ω resistor is 6v, determine
the supply voltage and the voltage across the 1.273mH inductor. Draw the phase diagram.

We have:
L = 1.273mH
R = 30Ω
f = 5kHz
VR = 6v

We want:

Supply voltage V=IZ

VR 6
Current I = = 30 = 0.20A

Impedance Z = √R2 + XL 2

Where XL = 2πfL = 2π × 5 × 103 × 1.273 × 10−3 = 40Ω

So 𝑍 = √302 + 402 = 50Ω

Therefore, supply voltage V = 0.20 x 50 =10v

Now inductive reactance XL = so rearranging we have Vl = Xl Il = 40 × 0.2 = 8v

For the phase diagram see below.

VL =8v V

VR = 6v

Worked Example 2
A coil of inductance 159.2mH and resistance 20Ω is connected in series with a 60Ω resistor to
a 240v, 50Hz supply. Determine:
(a) The impedance of the circuit
(b) The current in the circuit
(c) The circuit phase angle
(d) The p.d. across the 60Ω resistor
(e) The p.d across the coil
Draw the phasor diagram

It should be noted that when impedances are connected in series the individual resistances may
be added to give a total resistance, hence included with the original circuit diagram is the
equivalent circuit diagram.

a) Impedance of the circuit

Z = √R2 + XL 2

R = 80Ω

XL = 2πfL = 2π × 50 × 159.2 × 10−3 = 50Ω

Therefore Z = √802 + 502 = 94.34Ω

b) Circuit current I

V 240
V = IZ therefore I = Z
= 94.3 = 2.54A

c) Phase angle ϕ

XL XL 50
tan ϕ = therefore ϕ= tan−1 = tan−1 80 = 32° lagging

d) P.d across 60Ω resistor

VR = IR = 2.54 × 60 = 152.4v

e) P.d across the coil

Vcoil = IZcoil

Where Zcoil = √R coil 2 + XL 2 = √202 + 502 = 53.85Ω

Therefore Vcoil = 2.54 x 53.85 = 136.78v say 137v

For the phasor diagram the supply voltage will be the vector sum of the voltage across the
resistor (VR) and the voltage across the coil (Vcoil), where the voltage across the coil (Vcoil) will
be the vector sum of the voltage across the inductor (VL) and the voltage across its ‘internal’
resistance (VRcoil). We do not have VL or VRcoil, therefore these need to be calculated before the
phasor can be drawn.

VL = IXL = 2.54 × 50 = 127v

VRcoil = IR coil = 2.54 × 20 = 50.8v

VL = 127v Vcoil = 137v V = 240

VRCoil = 50.8v VR = 152.4v I = 2.54A

R-C Series AC Circuit

In the above phasor diagram, we see VR in phase with the current I while VC lags VR by 90o.

V is the phasor sum of VR and VC, and the current I leads the applied voltage V by an angle α,
lying between 0o and 90o.

Also shown are the velocity triangle together with the impedance triangle.

The relevant equations developed from the two triangles are:

V = √VR 2 + VC 2

tan α = VC

Z = √R2 + XC 2

tan α = R

sin α = Z

cos α = Z

Worked Example
A capacitor C is connected in series with a 40Ω resistor across a supply of frequency 60 Hz. A
current of 3A flows in the circuit of impedance 50Ω. Calculate:
(a) The value of capacitance
(b) The supply voltage
(c) The phase angle between supply voltage and current
(d) The p.d. across the resistor

(e) The p.d across the capacitor
Draw the phasor diagram.

We have
R = 40Ω
f = 60Hz
I = 3A
Z = 50Ω

(a) The capacitance?

Z = √R2 + XC 2 so, re arranging we have XC = √Z 2 − R2 = √502 − 402 = 30Ω

1 1 1
XC = 2πfC which rearranged gives c = 2πfX = 2π×60×30 = 8.842 × 10−5 = 88.42µF

(b) V = IZ = 3 × 50 = 150v
XC XC 30
(c) tan α = therefore, 𝛼 = tan−1 = tan−1 40 = 36.86°

(d) VR = IR = 3 × 40 = 120v

(e) VC = IXC = 3 × 30=90v

The phasor diagram is:

VR = 120v I = 3A


VC = 90v V = 150v

R-L-C Series AC Circuit

The applied voltage V is the phasor sum of VR, VL and VC.

VL and VC are anti-phase (displaced by 180o) and there are 3 possible phasor diagrams
depending in the relative values of VL and VC.

It will be noticed in (d) above that when XL = XC, the applied voltage V and the current I
are in phase. When this is the case it is called series resonance.

The additional equations here are:

When XL > XC

Z = √R2 + (XL − XC )2

tan ϕ = R

When XC > XL

Z = √R2 + (XC − XL )2

tan α = R

Worked Example
A coil of resistance 5Ω and inductance 120mH in series with a 100µF capacitor is
connected to a 300v, 50Hz supply. Calculate:
(a) The current flowing
(b) The phase difference between supply voltage and current
(c) The voltage across the coil
(d) The voltage across the capacitor
Draw the phasor diagram

The circuit is:

We have:
R = 5Ω
L = 120mH
C = 100µF
V = 300v
f = 50Hz

(a) Current flowing?

V = IZ

XL = 2πfL = 2π × 50 × 120 × 10−3 = 37.7Ω

1 1
XC = 2πfC = 2π×50×100×10−6 = 31.83Ω

Therefore XL > XC and Z = √R2 + (XL − XC )2 = √52 + (37.7 − 31.83)2 = 7.71Ω

V 300
Therefore I = = 7.71 = 38.91A

(b) Phase difference?

XL −XC XL −XC 37.7−31.83

tan ϕ = therefore 𝜙 = tan−1 = = 49.58°
R R 5

(c) Vcoil =?

Vcoil = IZcoil

Where Zcoil = √R2 + XL 2 = √52 + 37.72 = 38.03Ω

Vcoil = 38.91 × 38.03=1479.75v
XL 37.7
Phase angle of coil ϕ = tan−1 = tan−1 = 82.45° lagging
R 5

(d) VC = ?

Vc = IXC = 38.91 × 31.83 = 1238.5v

Phasor Diagram

Series Connected Impedances

For series-connected impedances the total circuit impedance can be represented as a single L-
C-R circuit by combining all values of resistance together, all values of inductance together
1 1 1 1
and all values of capacitance together. Not forgetting that 𝐶 = 𝐶 + 𝐶 + 𝐶 + ⋯. This is
1 2 3
illustrated in the diagram below.

Tutorial Problems
1. An alternating voltage given by v = 100sin240t volts is applied across a coil of
resistance 32Ω and inductance 100 mH. Determine (a) the circuit impedance, (b) the
current flowing, (c) the p.d. across the resistance and (d) the p.d. across the inductance.
(40Ω, 1.77A, 56.64v, 42.48v)

2. A coil of inductance 636.6mH and negligible resistance is connected in series with a

100Ω resistor to a 250v, 50Hz supply. Calculate (a) the inductive reactance of the coil,
(b) the impedance of the circuit, (c) the current in the circuit, (d) the p.d. across each
component, and (e) the circuit phase angle.
(200Ω, 223.6Ω, 1.118A, 111.8v, 223.6v, 63.43o lagging)

3. A 24.87µF capacitor and a 30Ω resistor are connected in series across a 150v supply.
If the current flowing is 3A, determine (a) the frequency of the supply, (b) the p.d.
across the resistor and (c) the p.d. across the capacitor.
(160Hz, 90v, 120v)

4. An alternating voltage v = 250sin800t volts is applied across a series circuit

containing a 30Ω resistor and 50µF capacitor. Calculate (a) the circuit impedance, (b)
the current flowing, (c) the p.d. across the resistor, (d) the p.d. across the capacitor and
(e) the phase angle between the voltage and current.
(39.05Ω, 4.526A, 135.78v, 113.15v, 39.8o leading)

5. A 40µF capacitor in series with a coil of resistance 8Ω and inductance 80mH is

connected to a 200v, 100Hz supply. Calculate (a) the circuit impedance, (b) the current
flowing, (c) the phase angle between voltage and current, (d) the voltage across the coil
and (e) the voltage across the capacitor.
(13.18Ω, 15.17A, 52.64 lagging, 772.19v, 603.6v)

6. Three impedances are connected in series across a 100v, 2kHz supply. The impedances

i. An inductance of 0.45mH and 2Ω resistance

ii. An inductance of 570µH and 5Ω resistance
iii. A capacitor of capacitance 10µF and resistance 3Ω

Assuming no mutual inductive effects between the two inductances, calculate (a) the
circuit impedance, (b) the circuit current, (c) the circuit phase angle and (d) the voltage
across each impedance.
(11.12Ω, 8.99A, 25.92o lagging, 53.92v,78.53v, 76.46v)

Series Resonance
In the section dealing with R-L-C circuits it was mentioned that when XC = XL we had a
situation where the applied voltage (V) and the current (I) were in phase and the effect is
called series resonance.

When resonance occurs:


Z = R, and is the minimum impedance possible in an R-L-C circuit.

I = V/R and is the maximum current possible in an R-L-C circuit

Since XC = XL it is possible to calculate a resonance frequency fr

2πfL = 2πfC
Therefore f 2 = (2π)2 L2 C2

Or fr = 2π√LC

At resonance, if R is small compared with XL and XC, it is possible for VL and VC to be many
times greater than the applied voltage and this results in a term call Voltage Magnification.

voltage across L (or C)

Voltage Magnification at Resonance = supply voltage

The ratio is a measure of the quality of the circuit (as a resonator or tuning device) and is also
known as the Q-factor.

2𝜋𝑓𝑟 𝐿 1 𝐿 1 𝐿
Not proved here but Q-factor = = (𝑅) = 𝑅 √𝐶

Worked Example
A coil of negligible resistance and inductance 100mH is connected in series with a capacitance
of 2µF and a resistance of 10Ω across a 50v, variable frequency supply. Determine (a) the
resonant frequency, (b) the current at resonance, (c) the voltage across the coil and the capacitor
at resonance and (d) the Q-factor of the circuit.
1 1
1) fr = 2π√LC = = 355.9Hz
2π√100×10−3 ×2×10−6

V 50
2) I = R = 10 = 5A

3) VL = IXl = I × 2πfr L = 5 × 2π × 355.9 × 100 × 10−3 = 1118v

This also equals VC, which could have been calculated using VC = IXc

VL VC 1118
4) Q-factor = or = = 22.36
V V 50


The above diagram shows how I varies with frequency in an R-L-C series circuit. We see that
at resonance the current has a maximum denoted Ir. On the diagram the point A and B occur
where the current is 0.707 of the maximum. The frequencies that correspond to this are f1 and

Now the power delivered to the circuit will be I2 R

At I = 0.707Ir the power is (0.707Ir )2 R = 0.5Ir 2 R, in other words its half the power at fr.

The point corresponding to f1 and f2 are called the half-power pints and the distance between
them, (f2 – f1) is called the bandwidth.

Not proved here but it can be shown that:

fr fr
Q = (f or (f2 − f1 ) =
1 −f2 ) Q

Power in a.c. Circuits

Purely Resistive Circuit – the average power dissipated is given by P = IV = I2 R = V 2 ⁄R
watts, where V and I are the r.m.s values.

For purely inductive and purely capacitive a.c. circuits, the average power is zero.

For an R-L, R-C or R-L-C series a.c. circuit the average power is given by P = VIcosϕ or P =
I2 R watts, where V and I are r.m.s. values.

It is also possible to define an apparent power S = VI which has units of voltamperes.

true power P VIcosϕ Z

A power factor is also defined as Power factor = apparent power S = = cosϕ = R

Worked Example 1
A series circuit of resistance 60Ω and inductance 75mH is connected to a 110v, 60Hz supply.
Calculate the power dissipated.

P = I2 R

So, we need to determine I and we know V = IZ

Where Z = √R2 + XL 2

And XL = 2πfL = 2π × 60 × 75 × 10−3 = 28.27Ω

Therefore 𝑍 = √602 + 28.272 = 66.33Ω

V 110
Thus I = = 66.33 = 1.658A

And therefore P = 1.6582 × 60 = 165W

Alternatively use P = VIcosϕ where 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙 = 𝑍

Tutorial Problems

1) A coil of 0.5H inductance and 8Ω resistance is connected in series with a capacitor

across a 200v, 50Hz supply. If the current is in phase with the supply voltage, determine
the capacitance and the p.d. across its terminals.
(20.26µF, 3.927kv)

2) An 80Ω resistor and 6µF capacitor are connected in series across a 150v, 200Hz supply.
Calculate (a) the circuit impedance, (b) the current flowing and (c) the power dissipated
in the circuit.
(154.9Ω, 0.971A, 75.43W)

3) A coil of resistance 25Ω and inductance 100mH is connected in series with a capacitor
of 0.12µF across a 200v, variable frequency supply. Calculate (a) the resonant
frequency, (b) the current at resonance and (c) the factor by which the voltage across
the reactance is greater than the supply voltage.
(1.453kHz, 8A, 36.51)

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