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Question 1: How have you developed problem-solving strategies in your professional or academic

career? What is your process for solving a problem?

Problem-solving is one of the most crucial skills in the modern world. After two year of studying and
working at the School of Business of Portland State University, my problem-solving strategies are being
sharpened day by day. I have met many humans-interaction problems and workload problems during my
time working and studying at Portland State University. In term of my process for solving a problem, my
first step is to create many possible solutions which are based on the information related to the issues. The
next step is to ask someone who has experience for his/her helps to find the best solution among those
possible solutions.
Question 2: If you were staring a company tomorrow, what would be its top three values?
If I were starting a company tomorrow, my company’s top three values would be profitability,
sustainability, and social responsibility. I always believe that if a company can bring value to its
community as well as the environment through its services and products, that company can create a
massive profit in long-term.
Question 3: Describe your specific career aspiration and explain how the PSU MS in Finance
degree will contribute to those aspirations.
My lifetime career goal is to become a money manager. As a money manager, I can help many people
who don’t have knowledge about finance and want to make extra money to cover their expense or to
reach their big goals. To be a good money manager, experience in the financial world is a requirement.
All the classes in the MS Finance program of Portland State University can give an in-depth and
comprehensive knowledge about finance which is extremely useful for me to use for my job. Moreover,
the MS in Finance also gives me a chance to get my CFA exam which I plan to take on Summer 2020 as
well as an opportunity to utilize my finance knowledge in valuating through a CFA Research Challenge.

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