Plate Tectonics

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Lesson Plan Template

Subject(s): _____________________________________ Date: _________________

Teacher: ____________________________________ School: _____________________

1. Objective (What is the topic of discussion and reason for learning?)

Plate Tectonics

2. Learning Target(s): (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this

Students will be able to

1. list and explain several lines of evidence that support the theory of plate tectonics
2. locate and describe the mid-ocean ridge system and deep-ocean trenches
3. describe the relationship between earthquakes and plate boundaries
4. determine the rate of seafloor spreading along a mid-ocean ridge, using
paleomagnetic evidence
5. use the rate of seafloor spreading to determine the age of an ocean basin
6. describe the three types of plate boundaries and the motion associated with each

3. Relavance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real
world? How will it benefit students to know this topic?)
It is important to learn about plate tectonics especially when we live so close to a fault.
(San Andreas) it is important to learn about this and why it happens because of how
relevant this to where we live.

4. Formative Assessment Criteria for success: (How will you & your students know
if they have successfully met the outcomes? By what criteria will they be

Students will be assessed in form of the same lab questions that were in the lab report.
They will be asked to use math and find the rates of seafloor spreading, etc. Students will
also be asked several vocabulary terms such as paleomagnetism in order to test the
knowledge of each student and whether or not they understood the material. Students
will also be assessed in the form of multiple choice questions.

5. Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in?)

Students will create their own model, map or diagram demonstrating how plate tectonics
work. The project will show the relationship between the earthquakes and plate tectonics.

6. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & Materials will be used in

this lesson?)
The materials used in this lesson are

- calculator, colored pencils, ruler, tracing paper, atlas, globe and world map.

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