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A C O N C E P T O F O P E R AT I O N S 2 0 0 2


NOAA Coastal Services Center



Dear Employees of the NOAA Coastal Services Center:

Recent technological advances are improving the relevancy of remote

sensing for coastal resource managers. It is only a matter of time before
this technology becomes a more commonly used tool when addressing
coastal issues.

This document, a concept of operations, relays the philosophy behind the

NOAA Coastal Service Center’s remote sensing efforts. This philosophy
was developed over time through contact with the nation’s coastal
managers, and with help from a blue ribbon panel convened to determine
the appropriate role the Center should play in this growing field. This
document is a companion piece to the Center’s strategic plan, as the
contents are used to direct the Center’s remote sensing program.

The ultimate goal of the remote sensing program is to further the Center’s
mission, which is to become the most useful federal organization possible
by linking the nation’s coastal resource managers with the people,
information, and technology they need to protect coastal resources.

In the field of remote sensing, the Center accomplishes this goal by

buying down the cost, in terms of time and money, of getting the relevant
applications of this technology into the hands of coastal managers.
This is being accomplished as the Center’s coastal remote sensing
program bridges the lingering gaps between coastal resource
managers, data providers, and researchers.

I look forward to working with you to achieve this goal.


Margaret A. Davidson



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Summary Concept and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Working Terms and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Strategic Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
The Vision: A Fully Enabled Coastal Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Implementing the Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
External Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Internal Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Operations Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Our Constituency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The People of Coastal Remote Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Roles and Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Working within the Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Promoting the Customer Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Providing Technology Assessment and Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Applied Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Working with the Private Sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
CRS Project Selection and Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1 – Products and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2 – 1999 Customer Survey (Sample Results) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3 – NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) . . . . . . . . . 25
4 – Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5 – Sources and References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27



The National Oceanic and Atmospheric The primary audience for the concept
Administration (NOAA) Coastal Services of operations includes the following:
Center (Center) helps support the • Center employees;
management of a valuable geographic • The Center’s primary customers (the
region—the coastal zone. This relatively nation’s coastal resource managers)
fragile area is host to an increasing and partners;
resident and tourist population, a large • Private sector data and service
and stable contributor to the nation’s providers.
economy, a unique supplier of outdoor
recreation opportunities, and home to This document is written in accordance
many irreplaceable natural assets. As the with the Center’s overall strategic plan. It
demands on the coastal zone increase, is a “living document” that will be modified
so do the challenges before the nation’s and strengthened as the Center and
coastal resource managers. Geospatial its external audiences alter their course
technology, such as geographic to meet the demands and opportunities
information systems (GIS), is playing before them. The primary Center program
an increasingly vital role in the coastal entrusted with carrying out this concept
management process. of operations is the Center’s Coastal
Remote Sensing (CRS) program.
Remote sensing is another geospatial tool
that holds tremendous promise for coastal
resource managers. Technological
advances and a new and growing
understanding of the benefits of this
powerful tool and data source are causing
coastal managers to look to remote
sensing for help in ways that would not
have been possible in the past. This
document, Remote Sensing at the NOAA
Coastal Services Center: A Concept
of Operations, describes the Center’s
philosophy and action plan for addressing
the remote sensing needs of the nation’s
coastal resource managers.

This concept of operations seeks to

accomplish three objectives:
• Provide a solid conceptual framework for
the Center’s remote sensing efforts;
• Document and align remote sensing
activities with the Center’s
strategic plan;
• Document the Center’s commitment
to addressing emerging remote sensing
opportunities for the Center’s customers.




The NOAA Coastal Services Center’s applied knowledge of coastal processes,
Coastal Remote Sensing (CRS) program and remote sensing-based applications
is a service-oriented enterprise driven development. To maintain its
by the needs of its customers—primarily competencies, CRS sponsors or conducts
state, local, and federal entities involved applied research that is customer
with managing coastal resources. CRS centered and problem defined. CRS
serves this community through a portfolio conducts structured assessments of the
of projects that produce, support, and status of remote sensing technologies
transfer remote sensing-based data and relevant coastal knowledge. CRS
products, technology tools, and also encourages and supports both
applications to coastal managers. CRS professional and technical interaction
assumes a “service” role toward its and educational opportunities for the
customers, or one that enables others to continuing professional development of
effectively carry out their missions. This its staff.
enabling role helps the Center achieve its
strategic goals, as well as those of the The foundation of CRS is its people. To
nation’s coastal resource management provide lasting benefits to its customers,
community. Ultimately, CRS’ success is CRS’ people bridge, integrate, and
defined by the success of its customers. simplify the often-separated domains of
science, technology, and management.
CRS assesses, tests, and validates CRS then finds the best ways to deliver
remotely sensed data for its customers ongoing results.
and for more general national use.
CRS supports the coastal aspects of
the National Spatial Data Infrastructure
(NSDI) by contributing to remote sensing
data product validation, protocols,
metadata, and standards. The data
acquired through the Center’s private-
sector outsourcing will serve its
customers and help populate the
coastal NSDI.

CRS develops two types of management

applications: issue or thematic-based and
software-based decision support tools.
Applications and data products include
research and development, testing, and
delivery mechanisms tailored to meet
the needs of the Center’s customers.
Training seminars and technical support
complement CRS applications and
products, which help increase the use
of remote sensing-based solutions by the
nation’s coastal resource management

In order to provide continuing value to

its customers and partners, CRS updates
and maintains its distinctive competencies
in geospatial data and technologies,



A well-defined and consistently used and is the type of research supported
vocabulary of concepts and terms is at the Center. The National Science
necessary for a coherent and consistent Foundation defines applied research as
CRS effort within the Center, and also “research aimed at gaining the knowledge
to provide the basis to communicate or understanding necessary to meet a
effectively with CRS customers and specific, recognized need.” Research
partners. All too often, key concepts and that is supported by CRS must have a
terms used within an organization lack defined, specific constituency and a well-
definition. This section was positioned defined problem before it is undertaken.
early in the document, rather than as an Applied research is contrasted with
appendix, to better emphasize the need “basic” or theoretical research, which
for this common vocabulary. is aimed at illuminating or discovering
fundamental principles or advancing
Applications—this term is used in at knowledge without reference to specific
least two distinct but related ways with applications. CRS periodically assesses
respect to remote sensing at the Center. the status of, but does not necessarily
Thematic or issue-based applications invest in, advancing the frontiers of
refer to those areas of applied remote scientific coastal knowledge.
sensing that focus on coastal issues (e.g.,
smart growth), coastal features (e.g., Applied Technology—CRS conducts
land cover, topography, etc.), or specific “applied” technology development—
coastal phenomena (e.g., harmful algal meaning putting available remote sensing
blooms). “Software applications” is a and related technologies to practical use.
term taken from computer science, which Applied technology and innovation, which
means the process of creating or CRS undertakes, should be contrasted
adapting software tools for the specified with technology development that seeks
needs of end users. to create new technologies or to push
the state of the technical arts. CRS
Applications Development—at the tracks and assesses remote sensing-
Center, the definition of this term includes based technology developments at the
both the identification and validation of Departments of Defense and Energy,
specific uses of a technology, such as NASA, and academia, for example,
remote sensing, as well as the necessary but does not undertake technology
tools (e.g., software) for applying the development itself.
technology to coastal issues. Applications
development is broadly defined here, as Assessments—are structured and
opposed to many software development systematic evaluations of the state of
organizations where the term frequently remote sensing technology and the
only equates to the development of states of knowledge and understanding of
software programs. relevant coastal phenomena. When these
are combined with a grasp of customer
Applied—means put to practical use. problems and capabilities, CRS is able to
Through close coordination with Center offer a scarce resource to its customers—
customers and other Center groups, CRS in the form of skilled advisors, developers,
determines “practical use.” The discipline and innovators in applied remote sensing.
of maintaining focus on practical use
characterizes most Center functions and C-CAP—Coastal Change Analysis
guides all CRS activities. Program (C-CAP) refers to (1) a national
effort by CRS to produce and distribute
Applied Research—is investigation regional land cover and change data
conducted to achieve a practical purpose in the coastal zone, and (2) the digital


land cover (and “change analysis”) data This is noted here because the term
products that are developed according “development” has different connotations
to the standards and specifications of in different professional circles (see
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric “development” below).
Administration (NOAA). For more details,
see Appendix 3. Decision Support—most CRS and
Center outputs are designed to support
Constituents—are the intended management decisions and take several
beneficiaries of CRS investments, forms, including data products, technology
products, processes and services. The demonstrations, and software application
primary constituents of CRS are state, tools and CD-ROMs. Decision support
local, and federal coastal resource should be understood broadly to include
managers. Terms such as “client,” any routine, reliable way to support
“customer,” and “stakeholder” often are customer decision processes. More
used interchangeably with the term formally, decision-support tools can be
constituents. This can sometimes lead to defined as any computer-based,
confusion, for there are few if any true interactive system intended to help
customer transactions managed by CRS managers retrieve, summarize, and
wherein a product, process, or service analyze decision-relevant data.
is provided in exchange for payment.
There also are stakeholders (i.e., groups Development—(as in Research &
that have a stake in CRS) that are Development) is the systematic use
primarily congressional, NOAA, and CRS of knowledge or understanding in the
constituents, but the term “stakeholder” production of useful materials, devices,
is better applied to private-sector systems, or methods, including prototypes
corporate relationships among managers, and processes. CRS developments
owners, shareholders, and suppliers. often are combined with demonstrations
Nonetheless, at the Center, the term to test results in operational settings
“customer” often is used interchangeably with customers and potential operational
with the term “constituent.” suppliers.

Data Products—“data” are considered Geospatial Technologies—“geospatial”

the basic elements of information (e.g., means earth-located. Geospatial
level 1 or “unprocessed” image data). technologies include any technology and
Remote sensing data products in CRS associated methods that are used to
are defined as the elements of information acquire, process, analyze, use, or display
processed and organized in ways that geospatial data and data products.
support reasoning and analysis, that in
turn help to support customer decision National Spatial Data Infrastructure
making. The program’s data products (NSDI)—is defined as the technologies,
generally are geospatial (or “geo- policies, and people necessary to
referenced”) in nature and have been promote sharing of geospatial data
verified, characterized, and validated. throughout all levels of government, the
Whenever possible, CRS data products private and nonprofit sectors, and the
meet defined national standards. Note: academic community. NSDI is envisioned
the phrase “data development” is regularly as a way of enhancing the accessibility,
used at the Center to mean the process communication, and use of geospatial
of transforming raw, or unprocessed, data data to support a wide variety of
into a more usable, value-added form of decisions. The basic goals of the
data, such as the process of creating land NSDI are to reduce redundancy and
cover “data” from raw satellite imagery. costs in geospatial data creation and


maintenance, improve access to and analysis of data about objects

geospatial data, and improve the from sensing equipment from stations or
accuracy of geospatial data used by the platforms physically remote from such
broader community. objects.” CRS primarily employs data and
information derived from remote sensing
Outsource—means to contract outside of the Earth (including both land and
the organization for an item, in contrast water bodies) from all types of platforms
to producing it internally. “Outsource” with the aim of enabling improved coastal
has a particular meaning in CRS, namely decision support. The distinctive remote
the specification, negotiation of terms and sensing competencies of CRS include
conditions, quality assurance, and release the analysis and technical translation of
of data products produced by the private customer requirements, assessments and
sector for use by CRS customers, integration of the state of remote sensing
the NSDI, and the general public. practice, thematic coastal applications
Transitioning certain mature CRS development, and software applications to
products or processes to another entity achieve reliability, utility, and simplicity.
for routine delivery to customers also
falls under the broader definition of this Standards—are documented agreements
term. An example may be transitioning containing technical specifications or
or transferring the services associated other precise criteria to be used
with archiving and delivering very large consistently as rules, guidelines, or
amounts of LIDAR data (i.e., the Center’s definitions to ensure that materials,
LIDAR Data And Retrieval Tool—LDART) products, processes, or services are fit for
to another, more suitable organization. their intended purposes.

Partnership—is defined as a Validation—in the general sense,

documented relationship with one or involves laboratory or field methods and
more collaborators and/or customers that procedures to check remotely sensed
employs a mutual agreement and specific data and products for conformance with
commitments for action among these specifications or performance standards.
participants toward a defined purpose. Applications validation specifically refers
to the laboratory and/or field evaluation
Project—is the basic unit of budgeted to determine if a remote sensing method
work within the program, which range in meets the requirements of a specific
type from highly structured data product application.
activities with an established heritage
(e.g., land cover analysis) to thematic Verification—is the act of measuring
applications such as harmful algal bloom the results of an operation to determine
forecasting. whether it has been completed as
designed (as in the send-receive
Protocol—a formal method or widely verification of telecommunications).
accepted customary procedure that if Verification also refers to the process
followed yields consistent, reliable, and of proving quantitatively that a system’s
measurable results. outputs meet its formal requirements.
Sensor verification entails calibration,
Remote Sensing—is in the name of transformation, and other measurement
the program and thus is defined to disciplines.
reflect the roles and competencies of
CRS. A generic definition is drawn from
engineering and image analysis practice
where remote sensing is “the acquisition


A fully enabled coastal resource such things as water resources, coastal
management community is national in wetlands, and recreational uses. Historical
scope, yet has the tools and information databases of coastal resources and
needed to resolve coastal issues at the their uses provide meaningful information
local level. From a remote sensing that can be used to create baselines
perspective, an enabled community is against which change may be researched,
able to accurately characterize, measure, described, or computed.
understand, monitor, visualize, and
manage coastal resources and the Inventories were a major application of
man-made environment. By doing so, remote sensing early on and remain an
the nation’s coastal management issues important contribution of the technologies.
will be addressed. Inventories were based in part on what
remote sensing technically “could do.”
The coastal management community However, it sometimes was sold as a
includes customers from the natural solution to resource management and
resource management and environmental operations. The disappointing realities of
communities, elected officials, nonprofit what remote sensing-based technologies
organizations, and relevant sectors of actually delivered, together with their
private industry (insurance underwriters, costs and complexity, disappointed many
real estate developers, etc.). The coastal customers and may have set back
remote sensing program helps this the acceptance of remote sensing.
community gain access to and gain the Acceptance of the value of remote sensing
ability and confidence to employ remote baselines today, for example in disaster
sensing-based knowledge, information, preparedness, has come a long way
and technology. Consistent with the toward reinstating remote sensing as an
Center’s strategic plan, coastal remote important part of decision-
sensing efforts will help advance smart support systems.
growth principles, which include the
protection of a community’s economic, Remote sensing today—the ability to
historical, and natural resources. capture what is happening is a common
component in some aspects of remote
As the coastal remote sensing program sensing today. Remote sensing is used
helps its customers move toward an to monitor, characterize, measure, and
enabled coastal management community, respond to recent or current conditions
it is helpful to refer to a progression and events. This aspect focuses on
of support capabilities that roughly the timeliness of remote sensing-based
represent the past state of remote sensing acquisition and delivery and on the speed
applications, current conditions, and the of transformation from “raw” image to
visionary use of remote sensing in the decision-support information. In many
future. instances the utility of current information
is dependent on the availability of
Remote sensing yesterday—a basic inventories and baselines for determining
remote sensing characteristic is the ability changes or trends.
to capture what has happened. This
includes the ability to inventory, Considerable attention has been given
characterize, visualize, and measure the over the past decade to overcoming the
extent, nature, and uses of coastal limitations of satellite-based observations
resources. Typical outputs of retrospective for current management purposes. This
remote sensing applications include the in turn focuses attention on integrating
creation of annual or biennial data multi-platform and multi-source inputs into
products (digital), reports, or archives on decision support. Significant progress was


made during the 1990s in the speed and of what has happened, what is happening,
relative ease of transforming and linking and why something is happening, is a
remote sensing sources to other sources real possibility. Improving the capability
of management information. An example of projecting or forecasting outcomes is a
would be disaster readiness applications. long-term goal for CRS and the community
it serves. Customers will welcome any
As delivery and processing hurdles are sound improvement in this area. This is
reduced, customers exhibit greater interest the domain of modeling, estimation, and
in higher resolution baselines and the continuing research and development.
delivery of current products. Much of
this progress from data to decision CRS customers have made significant but
support is associated with progress in not uniform or nationwide progress in this
GIS and software applications. CRS arena. Much CRS effort is directed,
has contributed to this trend by training as it should be, toward refining and
the community; connecting customers with expanding data products (e.g., coastal
service providers that can effectively NSDI) and applications that support
produce timely, accurate data and nationwide understanding of the past and
information in a repeatable, standard way; present and detect the changes that may
and helping to find funding mechanisms constitute trends. These core functions of
to support customer adoption of remote CRS must be accompanied by significant
sensing-based applications. capacity building among its customers
if the effort is to be sustainable and
Remote sensing tomorrow—the use of successful.
remote sensing will eventually help give
coastal resource managers the ability to At the same time, the Center strategy
determine why events or impacts are sets an enterprise course toward the
happening, and the ability to associate, integration of coastal factors and issues
correlate, or measure cause and effect (i.e., causes and effects) that, for example,
among activities, resources, and are necessary to promote “smart” coastal
outcomes. This is a demanding area growth. The Center strategic plan also
of synthesis where scientific/engineering makes helping coastal managers cope
knowledge, remote sensing-based with natural and human-induced hazards
technology, and applications intersect. It a primary priority. Both of these Center
is an area where enabling practitioners, strategies imply that CRS must contribute
such as those at CRS, are asked to to pushing the applied state of the
balance the needs of their customers practice toward improved cause-effect
(where a step toward better correlation understanding and predictive approaches
is a breakthrough) with the ideal world and tools.
of scientific proof. This is an area
that benefits from the results of previous CRS should carefully identify opportunities
efforts, and may benefit from carefully to advance the state of customer decision
crafted CRS-sponsored applied research. support. This concept implies that CRS
Contributing to causal understanding and must set aside resources to expand its
measuring correlations appears to be relationships and potential partnerships
a step where scientific and technical with knowledge providers in applied
partnerships are especially suited to the research, with emerging technologists
CRS concept of operations. (public and private), and with
decision-support innovators (e.g., hazard
The foreseeable future—the ability to modelers). Expanded relationships among
predict or forecast with reliability what will these interests are needed to move toward
happen given a reasonable understanding a fully enabled coastal community.


As a customer-driven enterprise, all CRS Reliability and simplicity—remote
activities must trace back to customer sensing products and services still lag
needs and priorities. Therefore, it is fitting behind standard mapping and
for this section to begin with some of the engineering in regard to supply reliability,
generic challenges that stand between product standards, and use in decision-
remote sensing-based capabilities and a support systems. In the past, false
coastal community fully enabled with the expectations of what remote sensing
technology. could and could not provide, in addition
to the timeliness (or “currentness”) of
Awareness—Center conferences and products, may have contributed to a lack
surveys reveal that many coastal of confidence or perception of unreliability.
practitioners and, proportionately, many As a result, remote sensing products and
more policy makers remain unaware processes generally are not incorporated
of contemporary remote sensing into routine operational decision making
capabilities. CRS experience shows that (weather reporting and forecasting being
remote sensing technologies themselves a major exception). The reliability of
evoke little interest in customers unless remote sensing supply is in flux, but
they are intertwined with relevant coastal signs show that reliable supplies of higher
knowledge, practice, and priorities. resolution data products will increase.
Effective communication of germane Regardless of recent gains, insufficient
remote sensing capabilities (both public reliability, simplicity, and standards remain
and private sector), demonstrated major hurdles to widespread operational
relevance to important coastal resources adoption of remote sensing capabilities.
and issues, and information about
affordability are major aspects of remote Affordability, costs, and benefits—
sensing that must be addressed. affordability of remote sensing data
products and applications continues to
Understanding—remote sensing has its be a major hurdle. The potential of
roots in “high technology,” particularly competitive pricing to reduce costs has
national security, a use that constrained yet to be realized. The imbalance
the development of practical user between potential remote sensing uses
requirements and responses for the and customer remote sensing budgets is
coastal management community. This likely to remain significant until more and
genesis also resulted in many years better efforts are mounted to demonstrate
of restrictions on satellite observations, and measure remote sensing benefits
resulting in slow evolution of high- versus costs. This is an area of
resolution civil systems. For the coastal underinvestment that shows a need for
resource management community, remote innovation on the part of applications
sensing continues to be a relatively new development programs.
data resource. There is frequently little
time or budget available to commit to this
technology. An opportunity presents itself
in supporting the needs of this community
by developing understanding through
effectively and objectively straddling the
scientific and technical realms, the public
and private sectors, and the coastal
community. Private sector firms can also
benefit from CRS information and training
activities and should be included in plans
to further “community” understanding.



It is only through partnerships between
the end users, data providers in the public
and private sectors, and the research
community that the previously noted
challenges can be addressed. CRS is
working to become the linchpin in this
effort. In this role, the CRS challenge
is to relate, leverage, and channel the Coastal
research, technology, and information Resource
capabilities of agencies and other Sector
organizations to enable the coastal Management
community. Operating in this capacity Community
is challenging because CRS must
understand each community, the driving
forces behind them, and the changes
that are constantly occurring in each
community. The key ways by which such
energies and interests can be engaged
is through partnerships (both internal and and Academia
external to the Center) that truly share
accomplishments, as well as risks—and
“give” results to users.

CRS’ external partners can be
categorized generally into three separate Private Sector—the Providers
communities. It is important to note The private sector consists of companies
that these communities don’t necessarily and corporations that provide products
operate mutually exclusively from one and services. They develop (supply) and
another, but for the purposes of this market operational technologies, research
concept of operations, they will be capabilities, and technology innovation to
described separately. various market sectors. They look for
new markets to exploit products and
Coastal Resource Management services, and strive to reduce cost,
Community—the End-Users increase efficiency, and maintain quality.
The end-user community consists of
those individuals and agencies that are Research and Academic Community—
given the authority to decide how natural the Discoverers
resources are managed and maintained The research and academic community
within the coastal zone. This community largely consists of academic institutions
uses remote sensing to support the day- (i.e., universities, colleges, etc.), portions
to-day decisions that impact the natural of federal agencies (i.e., NASA, NOAA,
environment and quality of life along the U.S. Geological Survey, Environmental
coast. They have a need to implement Protection Agency, etc.), and
methods that work—methods that have nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
been tried and tested. They have limited This community explores data,
resources for research and development, technologies, and applications. They
and usually have limited time. They strive indirectly support natural resource
to make effective decisions in a timely decision making through basic and
fashion that maintain a well-managed applied research, but may not be aware
coastal zone. of coastal management needs. They


strive to understand or discover physical, • Many CRS applications are “local

chemical, and technological processes in approach, but national in scope”
and how they relate to each other. because the spatial ranges and
coverage of remote sensing
INTERNAL PARTNERSHIPS technology lend themselves to
The Center’s strategic plan (2001) common methods and digital products
provides the essential framework for the that support diverse local and
CRS concept of operations. The Center’s regional applications and, at the same
mission is “to support the environmental, time, are amenable to nationwide
social, and economic well being of the adoption.
coast by linking people, information, and
technology.” A CRS or remote sensing • CRS support services and training
strategy does not appear in the strategic provide states and localities the
plan. The important message CRS draws know-how and skills to realize the
from this is that remote sensing in and of benefits of remote sensing products
itself is not a strategy; the CRS strategy and applications—CRS designs its
is serving the Center’s mission through advisory and training delivery to these
remote sensing-based services. practical needs.

The Center’s driving concept of “linking • CRS applied research and

people, information, and technology” can technology allow it to provide
be thought of in the CRS context as objective and competent advisory
“linking coastal resource managers and services to its Center colleagues and
partners to relevant remote sensing tools, to its customers. As issues such as
data, and information.” homeland security, climate change,
and ocean observations emerge to
A good conceptual fit exists between the policy and practical importance,
Center mission and the CRS program. CRS’ applied research and
CRS provides the following specific technology expertise will increase in
contributions to the Center mission: importance, too.

• Data products, including validation The matrix on the next page links and
and demonstration compares the 2001 CRS project portfolio
• Applications development and and the five strategic themes of the
demonstration Center. CRS projects are assigned either
• Support services and training a primary (P) or secondary (S) link to the
• Applied research and technology Center’s strategic themes. In the case of
CRS projects currently being defined, an
Comparison of a few specific examples asterisk is assigned noting a provisional
of the Center’s operating principles and theme linkage. As a further aid to
themes with CRS’ four major areas of understanding this matrix of relationships,
Center contribution reveals the following a brief description of the Center themes is
complementary relationships: outlined on next page.

• CRS data products, especially

those that move from development
to validation and demonstration to
the coastal NSDI, provide “common
linkages” among the social, economic,
and environmental issues in the
nation’s coastal region.


I. II. III. IV. V.

Smart Coastal Habitat Hazards Coastal Organization
Growth NSDI and Culture

Benthic Mapping P S

Estuarine Habitat *S P

Harmful Algal S P

Impervious P *S

Land Cover S P

Outsourcing P *S

Remote Sensing P

Remote Sensing P *S
Outreach /

Topographic S P
Change Mapping

Visualizing P
Coastal Growth

Strategic Theme I: Strategic Theme IV: Coastal NSDI

Smart Coastal Growth The coastal NSDI theme supports the
Smart coastal growth focuses Center development and implementation of the
results on supporting an informed balance NSDI for coastal and marine
among coastal environmental, social, management, including especially
economic, and quality of life issues. national framework data/products.

Strategic Theme II: Habitat Strategic Theme V:

The habitat theme involves information Organization and Culture
and tools to characterize the coastal The organization and culture theme is
environments wherein plants, animals, inwardly focused on Center capabilities to
and other organisms live. serve the changing needs and priorities of
its customers and thus to advance coastal
Strategic Theme III: Hazards resource management nationwide, at
The hazards theme seeks to reduce the same time that it provides an
the adverse impacts of natural and innovative, challenging, and rewarding
man-made hazards that threaten the work environment for CRS people
health of coastal ecosystems and and partners.
safety of communities.



United States Coastal Regions

This section of the concept of operations Although the geographic extent of where
moves from “concept” to “operations” and the Center works will remain flexible, it is
from Center-level matters to program-level important to outline the criteria used to
matters. The section shifts attention define the boundaries of Center efforts.
from the more abstract to the particular The inland extent is primarily based
and from what CRS is about to how it on three components: (1) the coastal
is expected to operate. The following zone as defined by the Coastal Zone
section seeks to clarify, communicate, and Management Act, as amended; (2) the
guide the more day-to-day life of the estuarine drainage areas as defined by
program and its employees. NOAA (and based on watersheds defined
by the U.S. Geological Survey—USGS);
The primary customers from which and (3) the inland boundaries of the
requirements have been drawn and coastal counties. The diagram on this
results should be focused include state page illustrates the synthesis of these
and local governments, federal three components. The seaward extent of
counterparts, and nongovernmental interest generally is defined by the 3-mile
organizations (NGOs) within the coastal jurisdictional boundaries, although some
zone of the United States and its Center and CRS projects have extended
territories. Typical examples of this into the nation’s maritime exclusive
constituency include the following: economic zone (EEZ). The CRS
geographic extent of interest and its
• Coastal management programs constituency mirrors the Center’s.
• Coastal natural resource agencies
• Regulatory agencies
• Protected area programs
• Emergency management agencies
• Sea Grant and related coastal
extension services




By design, CRS employees embody an interpreter. Many in the coastal

a diverse set of technical skills and management community do not have the
educational backgrounds, including expertise or the time to understand the
computer science, ecology, environmental underlying details associated with remote
studies, geography, GIS, marine biology, sensing. Filling in this gap is one of the
meteorology, oceanography, policy, most important roles of CRS. The staff
remote sensing, resource management, must not only be technically proficient,
and more. In addition to technical but also must be able to transfer this
proficiency, the employees must be well knowledge to the coastal management
versed in the needs of the coastal community. Remote sensing employees
management community, for these two must help coastal managers find effective
banks of knowledge are equally valued in uses of remote sensing data, and work to
this customer service organization. This ensure that the data and information are
blend of diverse backgrounds, all focused in a form that is readily accessible and
on customer needs and on the coastal useable for this community. Another part
applications of remote sensing, provides of the mission is the relationship between
a unique opportunity for effectively the remote sensing program, the private
implementing the vision of an enabled sector, and academia. Employees work
coastal community. with this community to help them
design and deliver the products coastal
One of the primary roles of the coastal managers need.
remote sensing program is that of



WORKING WITHIN THE CENTER • embracing change and the need to

One of the reoccurring themes at the adapt work. Adapting to change is
Center is the importance of partnerships, one of the few things that will remain
both externally and internally. Very rarely a constant.
is an issue resolved because of one
organization or one discipline. Most As the Center leaders in remote sensing
issues are too complex for that. The technology and remote sensing-based
Center values the team approach, and the applications, CRS employees
coastal remote sensing program is a team
member for many Center projects where • act as proactive, in-house remote
the lead is outside of the remote sensing sensing resources and advisors to
program and vice versa. Center projects by offering assistance
as a regular part of doing business
Some of the basic components of Center
teamwork include • provide expertise within the larger
NOAA community on coastal
• having an understanding of the resource applications, both thematic
Center strategy—know what the rest and software
of the Center does
• keep abreast of customer needs and
• performing all work according to opportunities to work with them
the Center’s goals and objectives, as
outlined in the Center’s strategic plan • keep abreast of commercial
technology and opportunities through
• organizing and planning projects the use of focus groups and other
by interacting closely with other means that explore technical and
members of the Center, including market needs
sharing of information on the broad
base of customer requirements • help bridge the gap between
terrestrial and oceanographic remote
• seeking to integrate CRS with other sensing (and their communities) by
Center projects and provide proactive identifying the synergies and
assistance challenges of both disciplines

• conducting business primarily • embrace emerging technologies and

through teamwork, using collaborative applications and transfer to others
approaches—this means that the those results that have achieved
members of a project team develop operational readiness
and accomplish project goals and
objectives together. Achieving the • participate in multiagency initiatives
goals and objectives of a particular to increase the effective use of
project will be the responsibility of resources and to help shape these
the team. initiatives to serve Center customers.
Examples of such initiatives are the
• communicating and sharing ideas National Spatial Data Infrastructure
within the program and throughout (NSDI), the USGS National Map, the
the Center Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics


consortium (MRLC), the National coastal management community, from

Digital Elevation Program (NDEP), the what may simply be interesting, unusual,
Gulf of Mexico Program’s Harmful or “glitzy.” This objective technical
Algal Blooms Observing System advisory role entails the ability to provide
(HABSOS), the Joint Agency Internet-distributed or direct consultation
Commercial Imagery Evaluation support to customers and to help connect
(JACIE) team, and NASA’s Program customers with private-sector data, tools,
Planning and Assessment activity. and services. This is accomplished as
CRS employees
CUSTOMER FOCUS • work with customers to identify,
CRS employees are customer centered, validate, document, trace, and
focused on results, and committed to manage the process of changing
partnerships. A key criterion of employee requirements
and program success is the usefulness
and adoption of results by customers. • seek solutions to customer issues
Program leadership will increase its and problems through a thorough
reliance on customer evaluations and understanding of what others are
eliciting of customer requirements in doing and through partnerships and
program planning and metrics. End-user linkages
relevance is the litmus test for all
program efforts. • provide technical remote sensing
expertise to the customers and to the
The ability to anticipate and accept Center
change is an important part of a
customer-focused organization. As CRS • provide technical assistance tailored
defines, develops, and delivers high- to specific needs, both internally
quality data products, applications, and and externally (e.g., recent efforts to
services in this environment, the definition help the National Estuarine Research
of project transition or completion points Reserves develop a nationwide plan
becomes more and more important. For for habitat mapping)
example, the Center is committed to
producing a national coastal land cover/ Another vital role and significant
change baseline in the next three years. challenge for CRS is making remote
Completing this nationwide baseline sensing more easily understandable to
without delay, while simultaneously the user community. As enablers
developing specific applications of these or facilitators, CRS contributes to the
data products, is a program and Center “link” articulated for the Center in the
commitment. While this effort is under organization’s mission statement, “linking
way, CRS employees must be prepared people, information, and technology.”
to respond to changing customer From the CRS program perspective,
demands, changes in government satellite linkage is achieved when the employees
policy, the potential for private-sector
partnerships, the coastal NSDI, and • understand the CRS constituency
potential technical challenges. (their needs and requirements, their
setting, their level of skill, limitations,
An important but often overlooked role and so on)
of CRS on behalf of its customers is
its ability to separate the remote sensing • enable the coastal resource
“chaff” from the “wheat.” CRS must management community to effectively
objectively and skillfully discern what is use remote sensing data, information,
technically relevant and useful for the and technology, through


demonstrations, partnerships, and • develop strong working relationships

capacity building with citizens and industry, including
market development ideas that inform
• provide tailored technology training industry of coastal management
to customers (integrated with other needs and help link industry to the
Center program training areas such coastal community
as GIS, metadata, etc.)
• develop applications and ASSESSMENT AND VALIDATION
demonstrate the uses of remote An important role of CRS is to be alert
sensing, taking user needs directly and knowledgeable concerning emerging
into account technologies and to understand these
technologies as they unfold. Close
• develop software application tools to attention must be paid to technologies
better exploit data and information for that have reasonable promise of being
coastal applications adopted by the customers. As providers
of technology assessments and
• provide a “reality check” on the validation, it is expected that CRS
potentials and limitations of remote employees engage in assessments of
sensing and of the relationships of customer-relevant remote sensing
remote sensing to other enabling technologies, to include
detailed assessments of the promising
One of CRS’ greatest contributions applications of coastal data, rather than
to the coastal resource management in-depth studies of specific sensors
community is providing access to airborne and satellite sensors, especially
spatial data derived from remote for their potential to be used in operational
sensing technology. CRS will continue “mapping” applications
to meet this need by ensuring that rigorous evaluation of performance
these data products are easily characteristics, but this should be pursued
accessible and understandable. in partnership with organizations better
As data providers, the remote suited to analyze these aspects
sensing team must experimental sensors, only for the
purposes of gaining awareness. Little
• understand the ways in which time will be spent assessing those
customers currently use and sensors that have a known life expectancy
interpret spatial data and are planned for experimental
purposes only. Priorities will be based on
• understand the strengths and direct application to coastal management
limitations of selected current and on the feasibility of getting these
products, processes, and service sensors’ data and derived products into
offerings of government and the the hands of the coastal community.
remote sensing industry
• pursue the best value for the Primarily through partnerships, CRS will
government by outsourcing conduct limited applied research to
defined coastal data products determine which technologies have direct
to private industry application to coastal management. CRS’
role will be primarily supportive rather
than a lead role. Participation in


partnerships similar to the Joint Agency incorporated into the NSDI by working
Commercial Imagery Evaluation (JACIE) closely with the coastal community to
team will be pursued. Specific to applied access and effectively use these data
research (which goes hand in hand with products for decision support.
assessment and validation), CRS will
Consistent with Center guidance to
• develop understanding of the state continue beneficial private-sector
of knowledge in areas of high priority partnerships, new CRS roles will continue
customer interest; this understanding to be explored and developed. As
will be derived from both disciplinary partners with private industry, CRS will
expertise and by participating in follow these guidelines.
or conducting relevant science
assessments. Develop positive and mutually beneficial
relationships with private-sector suppliers
• Formulate and carry out, or and users:
contract with experts to conduct, • Invite dialogue on issues and
tightly focused research, the results of interests
which will make a positive practical • Clarify interests and issues
difference to customers • Identify and clarify Center needs
and expectations
• Identify specific customer advocacy • Respond quickly and consistently
prior to embarking on an applied to inquiries
research project, for example, a • Create an environment of trust
coastal resource management
organization with an identified issue Develop understanding of private-sector
and a reasonable likelihood of interests and practices:
adopting the results or outcomes of • Understand key products,
such applied research processes, and services
• Understand federal policies
WORKING WITH THE (e.g., licensing and contracting)
PRIVATE SECTOR • Conduct product and service
CRS works with the private sector validations (e.g., the work of the
to obtain data products and services Joint Agency Commercial Imagery
for customers. The role of CRS Evaluation (JACIE) team) when
in outsourcing is to define, acquire, appropriate
and demonstrate the technical and
performance characteristics of these data Develop constructive working
products (e.g., land cover, digital elevation relationships:
models). CRS specifications are used • Share customer needs,
as a basis to outsource data production requirements, and standards
through competitive solicitation of service • Increase efforts to inform and
and product providers. CRS then educate private firms about program
provides contractual, technical, and and Center plans and results
quality assurance oversight for the • Identify and communicate inherently
outsourced production on behalf of governmental functions
the coastal management community.
The resulting data are then ultimately


• Identify likely transfers of

government data products,
processes, and services
• Develop an outsourcing policy
and guide

The Center also contributes to public-

private partnerships by employing on-site
contractors who share the Center’s vision,
mission, and goals. The role of the
private sector at the Center is to support
project activities as full members of
the team. Through a very explicit
process, the on-site contractor team
develops project implementation plans
(PIPs) based on the documented needs
and objectives of NOAA. As projects
are carried out by the contractor team,
these plans are used by NOAA and the
contractor throughout the fiscal year to
track progress and deliverables. These
technical contributions of the private
sector are paramount to the success
of the Center, and this positive
relationship helps demonstrate how
effective government-private partnerships
can work. More than half of the CRS
program consists of on-site contractor



The concept of a “balanced portfolio” of The Center’s management information
projects reflects CRS’ response to the system (MIS), the on-site contractor’s
Center’s broadly charted mission. Some project implementation plans (PIPs), and
CRS projects focus directly on needs the Center’s annual operating plan are the
identified by state and local customers; mechanisms that track timelines and define
some projects help other NOAA offices specific goals, objectives, and outcomes. It
serve the coastal management community; is expected that these tools will continue to
and some projects explore emerging issues be used to articulate detailed aspects
and technologies expected to become and expected results of the project, but
important over the long term. As CRS also to logically constrain the project to
matures, this balance of projects will adjust deliberate and timely schedules. Delivering
to stay in alignment with the Center’s on commitments in a timely manner is a
strategic theme areas. fundamental aspect of the Center.

The process of determining which projects Since CRS is committed to timely delivery
to pursue within CRS employs the of products and services, there will be
concept of integrated approaches to project times when even the best conceived
planning and execution. Strong intra- projects fail to produce results—for a
Center coordination must take place early variety of reasons. In these cases,
in the process. To create balance, terminating a project and documenting the
consideration must be given to a reasons for its conclusion are truly in the
number of factors: program’s highest interest. There will
be no penalties associated with projects
• Customer goals and needs that are terminated for cause; in fact,
• Center goals and objectives there will be positive acknowledgements
• Strengths and limitations of the of management performance, and
Center and its employees documented feedback and learning that
• The balance between mature projects will reduce the risk for future endeavors.
and developmental projects
An important part of project delivery
During project planning, important includes the implementation plan, for it
questions must also be considered, such is in the Center and its customers’ best
as the following: interest for the product to receive as much
customer exposure as possible. Proper
• What is the status of work in this conclusion to a project, though, is as
region—are there other similar efforts important as its initiation. Finalizing
being conducted? and wrapping up projects must involve
documented metrics and “lessons learned.”
• Have interested and qualified people The reactions of partners and customers
been consulted and coordinated with must be captured as part of this
here at the Center? documentation. The elements of finishing
also include product evaluations,
• Does relevant expertise exist within packaging, metadata, partner meetings,
NOAA or elsewhere? and plans to sustain the results.
Frequently, the final ten percent of a project
• Will the results of this project be is given little to no attention, but within the
affordable? Center’s philosophy is considered a critical
part of the CRS “deliverable.” It is expected
• Who are the potential partners in that with every project these completion
this project? elements be considered, planned for,
and executed.


This section outlines three primary offices and federal, state, or local
initiatives to be developed and agencies. Candidates for such
implemented in the fiscal year (FY) transition include long-range trend
2002-2004 time frame. analyses associated with Coastal
Change Analysis Program (C-CAP)
1. The first initiative is to land cover data sets, the LDART
systematically identify and document topographic LIDAR database function,
the emerging remote sensing needs/ and certain aspects of the harmful
requirements, technologies, and algal bloom forecasting (HABF)
priorities that will best serve CRS function. Transition of the
customers. This initiative will involve responsibility for the product or
an assessment of the Center’s 2002 process is a fundamental “enabling”
Coastal Resource Management concept. However, CRS, as experts
Customer Survey and closer with these functions, must continue
alignment of the FY 2003 CRS to work (or stay at “the table”) with
program and projects to the Center’s these organizations as they transition
strategic theme areas, in particular to “maintainers” of such functions.
habitat, smart coastal growth,
hazards, and ocean observations. 3. The third initiative is to improve
It will involve conducting formal the understanding and measurement
assessments of emerging remote of the values and benefits of remote
sensing-based technologies and sensing-based applications in
selected areas of applications general, and CRS results specifically.
development. It will involve further CRS will also seek to improve its
clarification of options to strengthen project performance metrics and its
CRS relationships with the private means of eliciting customer feedback
sector for future project on CRS outputs. These evaluation
implementation. The preliminary challenges require CRS to link
results of this process will be effectively to outside sources that
presented and discussed at GeoTools specialize in outcome measurement,
2003. including benefit/cost analysis of
applied remote sensing. In particular,
2. The second initiative is to develop the private sector may provide unique
a plan and process for the effective contributions to this task. These
distribution of mature CRS products, investigations will push CRS to
processes, and services to sustaining adopt new concepts of operation,
providers, such as other NOAA relationships, and partnerships.



Appendix 1
Recent examples of remote sensing- • LIDAR Data Handler—for assessing
based products developed by the Center coastal beach topography changes
and its partners (ArcView extension)

Spatial Data Products Outreach

• Coastal land cover / change • Technical remote sensing support
• Coastal topography and guidance to all Center
• Benthic habitat / cover customers
• Web-based tools and information on
Demonstration CD-ROM Products remote sensing
• Using Remote Sensing to Address – Internet map accessibility to
Coastal Management Issue— spatial data
The Maine Project – Demonstration of coastal land
• Submerged Aquatic Vegetation— cover changes
Data Development and – Frequently asked questions
Applied Uses (FAQs)
• South Carolina’s Coast— – Appropriate uses of remote
A Remote Sensing Perspective sensing
• Topographic LIDAR: • One-pagers on coastal applications
An Emerging Beach Management of remote sensing
Tool—The Northwest Project • Image maps and posters
• Topographic LIDAR: Exploring the – The Main Hawaiian Islands—
Cape Hatteras National Seashore A View from Space
– A Satellite View of Hurricanes
Methods and Protocols
• NOAA’s Coastal Change Analysis Training Seminars and Courses
Program, Guidance for Regional • Introduction to Remote Sensing
Implementation (2 hour seminar)
• Benthic Habitat Mapping, An Aerial • Remote Sensing for Geospatial
Photographic Approach Analysts (2 day course)
• Supplemental training modules to
Decision Support Tools standard 3-Day ArcView course
• C-CAP Data Handler—for assessing – Coastwatch training module
coastal land cover changes – LIDAR training module
(ArcView extension) – C-CAP training module
• C-CAP Legend Handler—for viewing
coastal land cover changes Applied Research
(ArcView extension) Examples of current applied
• Chart Viewer—for viewing digital research projects
NOAA nautical charts • Forecasting of harmful algal bloom
(ArcGIS extension) events
• Dune Hazard Assessment Tool • Determining impervious surfaces
(DHAT)—for assessing the hazard from C-CAP land cover data
potential of beach property • Evaluation of airborne sensors
(ArcView extension) for use in estuarine water quality
• HAB Bulletin System—for tracking measurements
the extent and direction of harmful • Evaluation of airborne multispectral
algal blooms cameras (digital) for use in
• Impervious Surface Analysis Tool terrestrial and benthic mapping
(ISAT)—for estimating applications (e.g., mapping land
percent-impervious cover cover, oyster reefs, submerged
aquatic vegetation)


Appendix 2
Sample results 3-5 = 12%
The Center’s triennial Coastal Resource 6-10 =0
Management Customer Survey serves as a Over 10 =1
mechanism for determining whether the Center’s
products and services are meeting the needs of 6. Number of staff who use remote
the Center’s constituency. Examples of the 1999 sensing regularly
survey results are provided here to help illustrate 0 = 59%
information that CRS uses to plan projects that meet 1-2 = 27%
the needs of the coastal resource management 2-5 = 9%
community. This survey had a 70% response 6-10 = 1%
rate (270 surveys were distributed). For more Over 10 = 0%
information on the Center’s triennial survey, see 7. External sources of GIS / remote
sensing expertise
1. Special purpose software used by survey No access = 13%
respondents’ office State remote sensing / GIS coord. council = 9%
GIS = 91% Partnership with other agency = 18%
Database management systems = 65% Academic institutions = 22%
Remote Sensing* = 42% Private sector = 9%
Visualization = 36% Non-government = 3%
Environmental process modeling = 33%
Computer-aided design = 26% 8. Top coastal application priorities
Decision support / decision analysis = 10% Habitat mapping = 48%
Habitat status and health = 39%
*19 % of respondents use ERDAS IMAGINE, 10 % use Watershed management planning = 38%
ESRI’s Image Analysis for remote sensing purposes. Protected area management = 37%
Habitat restoration = 30%
2. Level of expertise in GIS in the Protected or endangered species = 29%
coastal community Surface waters = 26%
None = 14% Fish and shellfish stocks = 26%
Beginning = 42% Land use or changes in land use = 25%
Intermediate = 44% Coastal erosion or accretion = 23%
Advanced = 33%
9. Top coastal data layer priorities (data sets
3. Level of expertise in remote sensing considered very useful)
in the coastal community High resolution aerial photography = 61%
None = 47% Nearshore bathymetry (0–3 miles) = 59%
Beginning = 24% Fish distributions = 57%
Intermediate = 22% Estuarine and bay bathymetry = 56%
Advanced = 9% Wetland function = 56%
Coastal land cover change maps = 54%
4. Nearly 40% of the offices surveyed have one Shoreline erosion or accretion rates = 53%
to two staff trained in remote sensing software Habitat suitability indices = 53%
use. Nearly 30% of the respondents have staff Coastal topography = 52%
members who regularly use remote sensing Shoreline = 51%
software. Shellfish bed distribution maps = 50%

5. Current number of staff members

(respondents) with formal remote sensing
0 = 47%
1-2 = 34%


Appendix 3
The NOAA Coastal Change Analysis production of this national baseline, CRS
Program (C-CAP) evolved over the last will emphasize the applications of these
15 years and most recently operated as products to coastal management issues.
an independent program of the Center. In tandem, documented methodologies/
In 2000, the C-CAP function was merged procedures will be made available to
with the other remote sensing activities anyone interested in adding additional
at the Center. This merger created land cover dates. This will then provide
a stronger, more comprehensive remote a means for others to track regional
sensing program that is better suited trends over time. It is also envisioned
for addressing both the land and water that methodologies for introducing more
aspects of the coast. detailed (higher spatial resolution) land
cover, for those coastal areas that are
C-CAP now refers to both a national effort changing rapidly, will be developed.
to develop and distribute regional land
cover and “change” data in the coastal Benthic mapping, originally envisioned
zone, and to the digital data products that as part of the C-CAP function, will be
are developed according to the specific pursued separately and according to
standards and methods developed by new standards. The original vision
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric of linking changes in land cover to
Administration (NOAA). As part of the the changes occurring in the estuarine
NOAA Coastal Services Center’s Coastal aquatic environment, to better observe
Remote Sensing (CRS) program, C-CAP causal relationships, remains an interest
products have been produced for most of to the program, and perhaps presents
the east coast, Hawaii, and portions of the itself as a partnership opportunity.
west coast and Alaska. The majority
of these data products illustrate land
cover for one date, a 5-year retrospective
land cover product, and a product that
illustrates the changes between the two
dates. In fiscal year 2001, baseline land
cover (circa 2000) data products were
produced for the main eight islands of
Hawaii, and a contract has been awarded
for the production of land cover and
“change” data products for the Great
Lakes region. Contracting for the
production of C-CAP data products in
other regions of the country is on
schedule for fiscal year 2002.

The basic vision for the C-CAP land cover

“product-line” is to complete the national
baseline as soon as possible through
contracts with the private sector. These
contracts will include land cover for the
most current date available, a 5-year
retrospective land cover product, and
a product that illustrates the changes
between the two dates. During the


Appendix 4
C-CAP Coastal Change Analysis Program (NOAA)
CRS Coastal Remote Sensing (Center program)
DHAT Dune Hazard Assessment Tool
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee
GIS geographic information system
GPS Global Positioning System
HAB harmful algal bloom
HABSOS Harmful Algal Blooms Observing System
JACIE Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation team
LCA Land Cover Analysis (CRS project)
LDART LIDAR Data Retrieval Tool
LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging
MRLC Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics consortium
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NDEP National Digital Elevation Program
NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NSDI National Spatial Data Infrastructure
PIP project implementation plan
PP&A Program Planning and Assessment (NASA)
SAV Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
USGS United States Geological Survey


Appendix 5
• Dictionary of Science and Technology (together with NIMA and USGS), “High
• National Academy for Public Spatial Resolution Commercial Imagery
Administration Workshop,” Greenbelt Marriott Hotel,
• National Institute for Science March 19-21, 2001.
and Technology
• Office of Management and Budget National Council for Science and the
U.S. Geological Survey Environment, “First National Conference
on Science, Policy and the Environment,”
Christensen, Claude J., Information December 2000.
Sciences Program Manager, Department
of the Interior, “A Recommended National Research Council, Committee
Framework for Defining and Implementing to Assess the Portfolio of the Division
a Decision Support System,” November of Science Resources Studies of NSF,
21, 1997. Measuring the Science and Engineering
Enterprise: Priorities for the Division of
D.J. Power, “Decision Support Systems Science Resources Studies, 2000.
Glossary,” <>,
1999. National Research Council, Committee
on Global Change Research, Science
Executive Office of the President, Office of Regional and Global Change: Putting
of Management and Budget, “Revised Knowledge to Work, 2001.
OMB Circular A-16: Coordination of
Geographic Information and Related National Science Board, “Environmental
Spatial Data Activities,” (Draft), June 20, Science and Engineering for the 21st
2001. Century: The Role of the National Science
Foundation,” 2000.
Independent Commission on the National
Imagery and Mapping Agency, The National Science Foundation, National
Information Edge: Imagery Intelligence Science Board, Science and Engineering
and Geospatial Information in an Evolving Indicators—1998, 1999.
National Security Environment, Final
Report, December 2000. NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program
Effectiveness Review—Summary Report,
National Academy of Science, Space June 27, 2000.
Studies Board, Committee on Space
Applications and Commercialization, NOAA Coastal Services Center, NOAA
“Remote Sensing Data: The Changing Coastal Change Analysis Program—
Environment for Earth Science Research: Guidance for Regional Implementation,
Workshop,” March 27-28, 2001. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 123,
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1995
National Aeronautics and Space <>.
Administration, Earth Science Enterprise:
Research Strategy, December 2000. NOAA Coastal Services Center, 1999
Coastal Resource Management Customer
National Aeronautics and Space Survey <>.
Administration, Earth Science Enterprise:
Technology Strategy, June 1999. NOAA Coastal Services Center, Strategic
Plan 2001 – 2006 <
National Aeronautics and Space strategic_plan.pdf>.
Administration, Applications Program,
Stennis Lead Center for Applications


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(843) 740-1200


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