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PoS Bulk File Generator - Instructions

Please read this document, before using PoS Bulk File Generator. You can access this document anytime, by clicking icon in the top
right corner

Adding New Customer

Select 'New Customer' from Sender Name.
Enter Sender Name.
Select booking and payment options from the drop downs.
Click 'Start Booking' to continue.

Data Entry
Use Tab key for form Navigation.
Enter PIN in the Destination field and press Tab key to auto fill the City, PO Name and Address fields.
If the PIN of the previous booked article was 400001 and the PIN of the current article is 400614, then enter 614 in the Destination
field and press Tab Key. It will be auto populated as 400614. It is a smart feature added for faster Data Entry.
If you don't know the PIN, Enter the PO Name in the Destination field and Press F8 to Search by PO Name. Once the results were
shown, you can select the PO Name from the list and press Tab key.
Press Up Arrow (↑) in Addressee and Add1 fields to auto populate the fields with values used for previously booked article.
If you click Enter key after entering all mandatory fields, it will be saved to the data base and will be visible in the tray shown in the
right side. You can also click 'Save' button for the same purpose.
If the booking was successful, you can see the article number appears on the tray on the right side of the booking form.
You can edit or delete the article by clicking on the or icons on the right side of the article number.
Click on icon to see the details of the booked articles.

Generate Files
Click on icon.
Select your preferences from the drop downs and click on 'Generate'.
Recommended file format is CSV.
Once the file got generated, it will open automatically. If it doesn't, check the minimized excel files, it will be there.
Once the file opened, save it as "Excel 97-2003 Workbook" to your preferred location. It is very important.
If you followed the steps given above, you won't face any problems while uploading the file to PoS.

Start New batch

Click on icon to book a new batch of articles after completing booking of the current batch.
The section for selecting Sender Details will be activated after this.
You can select the Sender Name.
Select booking and payment options from the drop downs.
Click 'Start Booking' to continue.

Upload from CSV

This feature only support the booking of Registered and Speed post articles.
Click on icon to upload the CSV file prepared by the Customer.
The file should be in the format mandated by TCS.
Then you can scan articles one by one for booking.
Data entered by the customer will be auto populated.
Using this way, avoid the need of cross checking of the articles with the list provided by the Customer.
If there is any discrepancy, you will know.
This feature will help Passport booking centers and other offices booking valueables as bulk.

Shrink Db
It is recommended to shrink your Db once in a year to save the space.
Click on icon, to view the settings.
Select the date and press 'Shrink' button.
This will delete all the booking data prior to the date you have selected. So use with caution.

Delete Customer
Click on icon, to view the settings.
Selet the name of the Customer, you want to delete.
Click 'Delete' button.

PIN Code Directory

Click on icon provided in the bottom left corner, to search by PIN or PO Names.

Exit the Application

Click on icon to Exit from the Application.


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