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Byth€ Inqlirer Staff against the law and that those resolutior; it was unclear among those arrested in Cet
@lg3ll_qqqreL. caught red-handed should face whether vote-buying actually on Sunday, police said.
charges. happeled and that there was ,,no
Vote-buying will "If they. are caught, they will
In Pangasinan province,
showing of a clear offer to pur- disqualification case wi
be part of Philip- be prosecuted to the fullest [ex- chase a vote or accept fthe offer].,,
pine elections as brought against Bugallon Mal
tentl ofthe law," he said. "The police accused me that I
long as the country
orjumel Espino on Monday fo
5 remains poor, Pres-
Vote-buying, rather than vi-
olence at the polls, proved to be
hurt them, but I'm already 71 lowing the arrest ofhis stippor
years old They didn't even recov- ers, including village officia
ident Duterte said on Monday. the biggest problem for the er any paraphernalia that show and their companions, {br a
"[B]uying votes has been an Philippine National Police dur- that vote-buying took place. This leged vofe-buying on Sunday.
integral part of an election in ing the election season, is an abuse ofpower and abuse of Espino i$ running for the sei
the Philippines. There's nobody Police GerL Oscar Albayalde, authorifi " Crisoldgo said. of Pangasinan's second district i
ho doesn't buy vot€s. Point to the PNP chief, said officers had MARKED A schoolteacher applies indelige ink to the right "l am sure there is a com- the House of Representatiw
ime someone who doesn't buy dificulty keeping up with reports index finger of a voter after he cast his vote at Manuel L. pelling reason for our police to ar- against Provincial Board Membi
votes," Mr. Duterte told re- of vote-buying especially in the Quezon Elementary School in Tondo, Manila, on Monday. rest lcrisologoJ. There must have Raul Sison, who filed the disqual
porters after voting in his run-up to the vote on Monday.
-JOAN AO DgC been something wrong. But if he ification case in the Comelec's ol
hometown of Davao City. "Sometimes. [a report could sees irregularities or abuse by dur fice in the province.
The President said giving notl be responded to immediate-
money to voters should not be ly because our police [were] still away money [doesn't
police, we will gladly entenain his In Abra, a resolution al
mean Crisologo's supporters when he complaint " Albayalde said. legedly issued by t}Ie Comele
immediately construed as vote- responding to lother reports] of you're buying votesl . . . It de- intervene4 questioning the ab- Crisologo voted and re- disqualifying reelectionisr Re[
buying. vote-buying, and almost half of pends on who gives the money sence of a search warrant and the mained a.contender for euezon Joseph Sto. Nino Bernos circu
"You know, when you start to our persofinel lwere] deptoyed and to whom. . . IA candidate officers' not being in uniform. City's mayoralty. lated in the provincd on Sunda!
give monet and I told the Com- to different lelection] hubs," Al- could give money lto supporters] Crisologo's intervention led James Jimenez, spokesper- The resolution, dated Mal
mission on Elections (Comelec), bayalde told reporters at Que- for tleir expenses... A lot of peo- to a scuffle and to his arest and son for the Comelec, said Crisol- 10, referred to a 2012 complain
that's not because I'm buying the zon City Police District head- ple in a lcandidate's] house could the filing of charges against ogo's arrest would "not affect filed against Bernos by Dolordl
vote of the fellow. It's because quarters on Monday morning. iustbe family members," he said. him, including obstruction of his catdidacy in the shortterm." Mayor Roberto Seares, who ii
I'm giving him money to go to Albayalde ctarified ttnt he was From Jan. 13 to 1 p.m, on justice, unjust vexation, disobe- Obstruction ofjustice is not running for governor against th(
the precinct, cast his vote, and go not talking about massive vote- Monday, 3o2 people were ar-
home. Not all people have mon-
dience and resisting arrest r.e- an election offense, Jimenez incumbent Maria Joy Bernos
buying, but about so many reports rested in 12o incidents of vote- sutting in physical iniury. said, adding that the complaint
ey," Mr. Duterte said.
the lawmaker's sister-in-law.
of vote-buying that swamped the buying across the country Also arrested were Cdsologo's against Crisologo was still un- Bernos said on Monday thE
police during tlte election period" mostly in Metro Maiila. son Edrix .Crisologq campaign der investigation.
But vote-buying is itlegal no such resolution had been is.
One of them was Quezon City manager and 43 poll watdErs. sued by the Comelec, and assailec
"Or you send food to your Not always true mayoral catdidate Vincent 'Bing- Alleged vote-buyers arrested its circulation as "an eleventtl"
eaders who are here sacrificing "These allegations or re- bong" Crisologo, who was arreist- Ordered released At least 2r people were ar- hour tactic to discredit'' hirn
rnd waiting for food to eat so ports of vote-buying, when you ed on Sunday night in a police raid -rE.
The city prosecutor, howev- rested for alleged vote-buying PiOITS FROMJIIJE lvl AUREUO, JAYME
:hey can last until the last vote verify them, most of them aren't on Ns campaign headquarters in er, ordered their release on in Cebu, Negros Occidental and T. GAMlt, MAf,E O s. RAMO6, TrNA q
s counted," he added. true. The reports of some candi- Barangay Bahay Toro where vote- Monday while the case was un- Northern Samar on Sunday and saNToq YoI"ANDA SqTHO, KARrsrc
Mr. Duterte, however, ac- datesjustgo too far," he said. buying was alegedly going on der investigation. on Election Day.
nowledged that vote-blrying is lAFNlrErgNE rrE siElMlttA, DAIE tsRA&
"Just because you're giving Policemen were anesting According to the prosecuto!'s A barangay captain was JoEycABrEtaaND nacxElaRriAtz [\e

'\ e^lqa -Agu

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