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October 13, 2015

At the outset, allow me to acknowledged the efforts of the proponents of this seminar , to Mr. Lloyd
Luna, our resource speaker and of course to you our dear mighty eagles, from my end. I take pride for
this opportunity given to me to formerly close the 2 day enrichment seminar we call as success plus.

Through the years, it is our customary practice here in our school to conduct similar activities as part of
the exit seminar program of the institution for all the graduating class of this twin institution. Your
activity that we are about to end signals the possibility that in a few months from today, it is certain to
many if not all, that graduation is indeed fast approaching, therefore, everyone is delighted that
somehow you are anticipating that your four year study in this school whether taken seriously or not is
about to end.

Let me take advantage of this chance given to me , to share my simple thoughts as we end this academic
Endeavor aimed to provide inputs and various inspirations as we look forward for a better if not the best
opportunities the world can provide for everyone in anticipation for your future work employment here
in the country or abroad.

Now you have to accept the fact that Your journey will not be easy but it is too early to tell what you are
meant to do, though based on what you have taken as course, it is clear to you somehow what you want
to become. Personally, I have taken less fulfilling jobs in my career in the past but I have looked at them
as the dots that connected me to where I am now .

Young professionals has the tendency to quit early in their job, they hop from one corporation to
another, in case you will be in the same dilemma , unhappy and stressed in your work, there is a better
way to cope with it. Sticking in your job for quite sometime is a good idea, it will test your ability to cope
with something you are not too happy doing, the sad reality is that you have to bear it because it is part
of the learning process, I will not encourage you to quit early in your job, because the next time you feel
the same discomfort, you will not learn but quit again.

I know of quite number of people who were good as you or who are even better than you, but did not
achieve their full potentials because they always wanted to be happy whit what they are doing, we
need not go very far.

As future professionals, do not be afraid to make decisions you think that best suit you, allow yourself to
explore the world and continue to find your own niche in order to find fulfillment and appreciation of
what you will become. Because unless, you will recognize the very essence of your purpose, you
eventually enjoy and find personal gratification of what you are doing and you be able to maximize your
potentials to the fullest.

I would like to end by sharing an adage that inspired me all these years, , don’t waste living your life in
some ones else life, don’t be trapped by dogma, , which is living with the results of the others people
thinking , don’t let the noise of others opinion drown out your inner voice , and most important , have
the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Believe that you will be successful, when you truly
believe with all your heart and mind that you will be successful, your mind will find ways to achieve it.

Next week will be final examination, and may the grades be ever in your favor. God bless and soar high
mighty eagles .

Because unless, you will recognize the very essence of your purpose, you eventually enjoy and find
personal gratification of what you are doing and you be able to maximize your potentials to the fullest.

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