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The Corelation between husband social support with post

partum blues in RSUD dr R Soedarsono Pasuruan 2019

Baby Blues Syndrome, or often called Maternity Blues understood

as a mild affective disorder syndrome that is often seen in the first week after
delivery and peaked on day three to five, and attacked in the span of 14 days
after delivery. Baby Blues Symptoms of the reaction characterized by
depression or sadness, crying, irritability, anxiety, feeling unstable, tend to
blame themselves, sleep disorders and appetite disorders. The incidence of
baby blues or postpartum blues in Asia is quite high and varies between 26-
85%, while in Indonesia the incidence of postpartum blues Baby Blues is
between 50-70% of women after childbirth. Postpartum blues or postpartum
mental disorders are many found and not treated properly.

The purpose of this study was to analyse the relationship between

husband social support with post partum blues. This study designed by cross-
sectional design. Samples taken by accidental sampling. Samples of this study
as many as 30 respondents who given birth at RSUD DR R Soedarsono
Pasuruan. By using structured interviews, research was held on April 1 to 30

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