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Business Continuity

Eric Krell

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The material contained in the Management Accounting Guideline Business Continuity Management is designed to provide
illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred practices.
This material has not been considered or acted upon by any senior technical committees or the board of directors of either
the AICPA or the Society of Management Accountants of Canada and does not represent an official opinion or position of
either the AICPA or the Society of Management Accountants of Canada.




Business Continuity

Eric Krell

Published by The Society of Management Accountants of Canada

and The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Copyright © 2006 by the Society of Management Accountants of Canada (CMA-Canada).
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by arrangement with CMA-Canada.
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ISBN 0-87051-622-1


Ten months elapsed between the London’s subway system and Hurricane
conception of this Management Katrina’s and Hurricane Rita’s disastrous
Accounting Guideline (MAG) and its effects on large swaths of the U.S. Gulf
completion. During that time, the crucial Coast in August and September 2005
importance of business continuity offer proof that both public and private
management (BCM) capabilities has been BCM capabilities have a long way to go.
driven home, repeatedly and painfully, on
The frequency of man-made and natural
a global scale
disasters has increased in recent years.
The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, The nature of disasters has also changed:
served as a gruesome wakeup call to who could have imagined five years ago
North American corporate managers that civilian passenger airplanes would be
responsible for preparing their used as a weapon of war? More
organizations to respond to disasters.The important, the impacts of disasters on
December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, companies have greatly increased and
the July 7, 2005, terrorist attacks on intensified thanks to technological


INTRODUCTION 5 In the 21st Century, organizations that
DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF BUSINESS fail to define and implement effective
responses to disasters will be defined
MANAGEMENT 8 by their ineffective responses to disasters.
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 11 Among leading companies, an IT-centric
DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE BCM approach to disaster recovery is giving
CAPABILITIES 13 way to business continuity management
ORGANIZATIONS 16 organizations to restore their businesses
SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS CAN HELP to normal operations following business
SUPPORT BCM PROCESSES 21 interruptions, which range from a simple
BCM IN ACTION: EXAMPLES OF power outage to a Category 4 hurricane.
The finance and accounting managers —
along with the senior-level executives,
SUGGESTED READING 26 functional and operational managers and
APPENDIX 1: BCM-RELATED corporate directors — who read this
REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES 27 guideline will learn how to define BCM
APPENDIX 2: IT - HIGHLY DETAILED and its essentials and processes; identify
the BCM-related roles of corporate
USAGE SURVEY 29 managers and directors; work through a
APPENDIX 4: RESPONDING TO BCM framework for developing and
A BLACKOUT 30 maintaining effective business continuity
management processes; and see examples
of leading BCM capabilities in practice.


advances, progressing globalization and the • To present a step-by-step framework for
MEASUREMENT extension of the supply chain. Companies of all developing and maintaining effective business
sizes are “connected” to their suppliers and continuity management processes;
customers to a much greater degree today than • To provide an overview of the software
ever before.When a disaster occurs, its effects applications available to support BCM planning
quickly ripple up and down the supply chain. and execution processes;
As a result, management teams and corporate • To present examples of sound business
boards face much more pressure to make their continuity management capabilities in practice.
organizations more resilient when disasters, While the target audience of the guideline
ranging from simple power outages to Category 4 is finance and accounting managers, all senior-
hurricanes to synchronized suicide bombings,
level executives, functional and operational
strike.To date, however, the corporate BCM
managers and corporate directors will benefit
capabilities necessary to establish that resiliency
from its content.
generally have ranged from absent to insufficient.
This deficiency has a high cost: a University of
Minnesota study finds that 93 percent of DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF
companies that lose critical systems for more BUSINESS CONTINUITY
than 10 days quickly file for bankruptcy; another MANAGEMENT (BCM)
study finds that 90 percent of organizations that
Establishing and maintaining business continuity
experience a “catastrophic loss of data and
management processes begins with three steps:
equipment” without a business continuity plan in
place go out of business within 24 months of the 1. Defining business continuity management;
loss (Kahan, 2005). 2. Identifying and defining the key components of
The 9/11 Commission’s exhaustive investigative a viable BCM framework; and
research concludes that the Sept. 11, 2001, 3. Placing BCM in the context of organizational
terrorist attacks revealed failures in imagination, risk management
policy, capabilities and management.The purpose
of this guideline is to help organizations address BCM Defined
and prevent those failures while providing finance
and accounting managers with a foundation on This guideline agrees with the BCM definition
which to further develop their BCM thinking, put forth by the U.K.-based Business Continuity
strategy and processes. Institute (BCI):“Business Continuity
Management (BCM) is a holistic management
The purpose of this Management Accounting process that identifies potential impacts that
Guideline is not to fear monger (a tactic practiced threaten an organization, and provides a
by some BCM service providers that should be framework for building resilience and the
recognized and disregarded), but to help finance capability for an effective response that
and accounting professionals enable their safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders,
organizations to make the most effective and reputation, brand and value-creating activities.”
cost-efficient investment in the BCM capabilities This guideline defines stakeholders as
that best meet the needs of the business. employees, customers, suppliers, investors, and
The specific objectives of this guideline are as the community or communities in which an
follows: organization operates.
• To define business continuity management as a Business continuity planning is the process
corporate capability and to identify its essential through which organizations establish the
components and processes; capabilities necessary to protect their assets
• To identify the drivers that make BCM a vital and continue key business processes after a
corporate and management competency in the disaster — an unexpected business interruption
21st Century; caused by natural or man-made events — occurs.
• To establish and define the roles and The following framework (see Exhibit 1)
responsibilities that corporate managers and illustrates the components of business
boards fulfill in developing effective BCM practices; continuity planning:


Exhibit 1: Business Continuity Planning

Assessment and
Objective Setting

Critical Process
Identification 3rd Party Providers

• People
Business Impact • Facilities Value to
Analysis • Technology Business
• Data

Continuity Response
Preparation and Cost to
Crisis Management Sustain

Monitoring, Testing

Although the discipline still has a long way to go, continuity management” and “business resiliency”
organizational business continuity management have increased, emphasizing the proactive nature
has evolved significantly over the past two of current continuity efforts. A business continuity
decades. In the past,“disaster recovery” was plan, as the chart above illustrates, begins with
usually centered in data processing or information executive-level assessments of an organization’s
technology (IT) departments.These early efforts continuity objectives.That assessment is followed
primarily focused on getting hardware, software by the identification of the organization’s most
and data up and running again after a disruption. important business processes.Then, finance
These days, it is generally recognized that business managers and other business managers analyze the
continuity planning efforts require a cross- critical components of those processes: people,
company perspective and therefore should not be facilities, technology systems and the data the
limited to the IT department.That said, many systems contain.The analysis should also consider
effective continuity tactics have emerged from how an unexpected business interruption might
disaster recovery efforts that arose in the IT affect suppliers and customers.
function during the past decade. For example, The ensuing response processes ensure that all of
many of the same principles that apply to data and the components that enable a critical business
systems backup also apply to facilities process are restored within a prudent amount of
management and backup. time. Defining what is prudent demands input from
More recently, disaster recovery has expanded the finance and accounting function because it
into “business continuity planning,” a phrase that requires a comprehensive understanding of (a) each
process’ value to the business; and (b) the cost of
was primarily used to emphasize the need to
restoring the process within a given amount of time.
move continuity efforts beyond the IT department
and weave them throughout the organization. The resulting plan should then be monitored,
Most recently, the use of terms like “business tested and, when necessary, adjusted or improved.


BCM and Organizational Risk Management 3. The essential obligation to protect, preserve
MEASUREMENT and build value;
Business continuity management is a subset of
companywide or enterprise risk management (a 4. New regulations and guidelines pertaining to BCM;
Key Terms topic addressed in the Management Accounting 5. The business benefits of effective business
Guideline “Identifying, Measuring, and Managing continuity management; and
Business Continuity
Organizational Risks for Improved Performance.”) 6. The generally insufficient quality of existing
Management (BCM):
Management's capability to BCM’s rising importance and IT-based history have corporate BCM capabilities.
identify potential impacts that caused internal debates about who owns the
threaten an organization and to BCM function and how BCM relates to a Driver 1: A Rise in Business Interruptions
provide a framework for building company’s existing risk management efforts.
resilience and an effective The number of terrorist incidents worldwide has
Again, business continuity management is a escalated since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks ushered
response that safeguards the
interests of its key stakeholders,
subset of a larger risk management strategy. in a new age of man-made disasters. Bombings in
reputation, brand and value- The most significant difference between risk Africa, the Middle East, East Asia, London and
creating activities. Stakeholders management and business continuity management Madrid have killed thousands.There were 651
include employees, customers, relates to the output of each process. Risk “significant terrorist attacks” worldwide in 2004,
suppliers, investors, and the management strategies (either risk avoidance, risk according to the U.S. State Department.That
community or communities in acceptance, or risk mitigation — through risk figure is three times the number of attacks that
which an organization operates. reduction, risk sharing or transfer of the risk) are occurred in 2003 (Danner, 2005).
Business Continuity Planning “pre-event” responses to perceived risks. Most
(BCP): The process through BCM strategies and tactics focus on the processes
Driver 2:The Growing Impact of Business
which an organization establishes that need to take place after an event or disaster
and maintains business continuity occurs; the objectives of those processes are to
management capabilities.This restore the business to normal operations as Most companies now operate in a more
process includes assessments efficiently and effectively as possible. connected business climate. Numerous
and objective setting, critical organizations of all sizes are virtually tethered to a
process identification, business The Business Continuity Institute’s “Good Practice
growing number of customers, suppliers and
impact analysis, and continuity Guidelines (2005)” present a partial, but useful,
distributors through an extended web of
response strategies, as well as comparison of the two disciplines; a portion of
technology systems and processes.That
monitoring, testing and this comparison follows (see Exhibit 2).
improving these areas.
connectivity exacerbates the negative impact of a
prolonged business interruption. Not only did
Disaster Recovery Planning: DRIVERS OF BUSINESS large automobile companies lose millions of
Often used as a synonym for dollars to production delays when the U.S.-
BCP, but also a term associated
Canadian border was closed and just-in-time
more with IT-related responses The need for business continuity management inventories dried up in the wake of the Sept. 11,
to business interruptions. capabilities continues to increase due to the 2001 terrorist attacks, their suppliers and their
Business Impact Analysis: The following drivers: suppliers’ suppliers also suffered financial setbacks.
process of identifying how a
1. A rise in the number of natural and man-made Even “normal” disasters, such as hurricanes,
specific business process, or set of
business processes, would likely
business interruptions; power outages, earthquakes and climate change,
be affected by an unexpected 2. The growing impact of business interruptions now inflict abnormal consequences due to the
interruption. on organizations due to rising business ever-increasing interconnectedness of the global
Crisis Management: A term
interconnectivity; economy.Those consequences are virtually
that refers to the processes
enacted after a business
interruption has occurred to EXHIBIT 2: GOOD PRACTICE GUIDELINES
limit the negative effects of the
interruption while returning the
business to normal operating
mode as effectively and efficiently
as possible. Key Method Risk Analysis Business Impact Analysis

(continued) Key Parameters Impact and Probability Impact and Time

Type of Incident All types of events, usually Events causing significant business
segmented interruption


guaranteed to continue.“Earth, by its very organization] to meet its existing obligations to

nature, is a prolific architect of mayhem and customers, and address the existing relationships
purveyor of calamity,” a recent Popular Science with other broker-dealers.” The plans must be
cover story reports.“The only thing we can do reviewed at least annually and “updated whenever
to protect ourselves is strive to learn where there is a material change in a firm’s operation,
and when such massive natural disasters will structure, business, or location that affects the
happen — because, rest assured, they will information set forth in the BCP.”
happen (Behar, 2005).”
The adjective “material” calls to mind the
The Swiss Reinsurance Company publishes an Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the sweeping law that
annual report detailing the human and financial affects all companies that are publicly listed on
tolls of natural catastrophes and man-made exchanges in the United States. Although the
disasters, and 2004 was a costly year on both Sarbanes-Oxley Act does not mandate public
counts, extending what the report describes as a companies to establish and maintain business
“discernable upward trend.” The catastrophes continuity plans, many of the law’s principal
recorded by Swiss RE caused more than 300,000 objectives point to the need for effective business
deaths worldwide and directly attributable continuity management capabilities.
financial losses of more than $123 billion. Property Indeed, some external auditors are reviewing their
insurers covered $49 billion of that amount. clients’ business continuity processes in the post-
Sarbanes era.These requests make sense,
Driver 3:The Essential Obligation to Protect, according to a leading risk management firm:
Preserve and Build Value
“… for SOA compliance, it is prudent to consider
Put simply, ensuring business continuity is one of business continuity issues as well. An important
the top priorities of any company’s senior aspect of managing a company’s overall risk,
executive team. Senior management is charged including its continuation as a going concern, is its
with the duty of building corporate value.To do ability to effectively address business continuity and
disaster recovery, particularly with respect to those
so, that value must be protected and preserved
business processes that are critical to the successful
during periods of uncertainty. Effective business achievement of the company’s business objectives.
continuity management capabilities allow a A company’s processes, systems, and controls must
company to return to the status quo as quickly make available all material information needed for fair
and as cost-effectively as possible. presentation and disclosure in its SEC reports,
including the update of accounting estimates with
Driver 4: New Rules and Regulations current and reliable information. On a more strategic
scale, an organization’s business continuity
The fact that insurance covered only 40 percent methodology and approach must be agreed to by
of catastrophe and disaster costs reflects another management as the foundation for mitigating financial
compelling driver of business continuity and reputation risk posed by business interruption.”
management, which is why the growing number (Benvenuto and Zawada, 2004).
of new industry guidelines, organizational rules In the United Kingdom, Publicly Available
and government regulations on business Specification (PAS) 56 provides a guide to
continuity management represents, in most cases, “Business Continuity Management.” The
a positive development. specification is sponsored by the Business
On April 7, 2004, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Continuity Institute, which offers the discipline’s
Commission (SEC) approved New York Stock most widely respected certification, the Fellow of
Exchange (NYSE) Rule 446,“Business Continuity Business Continuity Institute or FBCI. PAS 56 will
and Contingency Plans.” The new rule illustrates form the basis of a “British Standard for Business
the degree to which new laws, rules and guidelines Continuity Management.” Some experts note
are driving the need for stronger business that PAS 56 could eventually be adopted as an
continuity management capabilities at a growing ISO standard.
number of North American companies. There are many other regulations and industry
NYSE Rule 446 requires NYSE members and guidelines related to BCM, as outlined in Appendix
member organizations to establish and maintain 1,“BCM-Related Regulations and Guidelines.”
business continuity plans.Those plans must “be A recent survey conducted by Deloitte & Touche
reasonably designed to enable [the member and CPM Global Assurance found that regulatory


compliance was the second most commonly cited party dependencies and understand the recovery
MEASUREMENT driver (behind “management recognition of the capabilities of their key business partners.
problem”) of business continuity in corporations.
Researchers from META Group (which is now a
part of Gartner Inc.) also analyzed Deloitte’s
Key Terms (continued) Driver 5: Business Benefits annual BCP survey findings and had this to say:
Companies are not only implementing business “The real challenge, as the report notes, is the sad
Disaster: An unexpected
business interruption caused by continuity plans because they have to; some are doing fact that two-thirds of respondents don’t have a
natural or man-made forces.The so because there are business benefits. According to true BCM function, putting any BC plans and
interruption poses a threat to the BCI, these include, but are not limited to: planning in limbo. Equally troubling, as we have
some or all of the following: noted in our research and as this survey points
employees, the company’s • BCM can be used by companies to differentiate out, is that the lack of ongoing BC management
physical assets, the company’s their service-delivery or product-delivery and governance (very critical since BC is not a
financial position, and/or the resilience to potential customers; project but an ongoing process) is compounded by
company’s brand. • Thorough business impact analyses as well as the lack of executive involvement,” (Deloitte &
Maximum Tolerable Outage ongoing business continuity monitoring can Touche, LLP and CPM Global Assurance, 2004).
(MTO): The amount of time a expose business inefficiencies;
Nearly half of the respondents to a Fall 2004
business process or component • Retaining customers following a disaster is less survey of 2,000 global executives by executive
of that business process (usually expensive than acquiring new customers; and
a production facility or an
search firm Korn/Ferry International indicated that
information system) can be • Successful crisis management experiences can their companies do not have procedures in place
offline before the cost of that build morale among the workforce and help to respond to an act of terrorism or a
outage becomes too high for prevent employee turnover following a disaster. catastrophic event; moreover, 11 percent of the
the business. respondents said they did not even know if such
Driver 6: Existing BCM Capabilities procedures existed in their organization.Those
Recovery Point Objective
(RPO): The point in time at Are Insufficient figures are more alarming given the fact that
which a business process, or 48 percent of the same respondents reported
The most important motivator of BCM that terrorism continues to impact the economies
component of that business improvement may be lack of continuity
process, will be restored in which their companies operate.
preparedness at most organizations. Given the
following an interruption; the
importance of this driver, more space will be Part of the problem may be cost. Small to mid-
RPO occurs before the MTO
for a process or function occurs. dedicated to this discussion. sized companies typically spend $50,000 to
$100,000 to have an external consulting firm
One expert believes that some facets of corporate help conceive and implement a continuity plan.
BCM capabilities — including the ability to Although most large companies have some form
anticipate “business surprises” — are a century of business continuity plan in place, many of those
behind the times.“[W]hen comparing the state of plans are outdated or were ineffective to begin
real-time monitoring of weather patterns with with. A Fortune 500 company would likely spend
real-time monitoring in business,” writes Gartner $750,000 to $2 million to implement suitable
Inc.’s Kenneth McGee,“the business world has business continuity management capabilities.
roughly the same capability as hurricane
forecasters had in 1900,” (McGee, 2004). That instinctive resistance coupled with those
hefty price tags help explain why the disaster
Other sources are only slightly less pessimistic recovery and business continuity management
about the general state of corporate BCM discipline has burned brightly on strategic radar
capabilities. Deloitte & Touche LLP’s most recent screens at certain times in the past decade and
annual survey of business continuity professionals then faded quickly. BCM was foisted to the top of
found significant weaknesses in continuity training, executive teams’ priority lists leading up to Y2K
plan-testing frequency and other BCM areas and then again immediately following the 2001
within U.S. companies. terrorist attacks on the United States, but quickly
gave way to issues perceived to be more pressing
Two-thirds of those survey respondents indicated
(e.g., a recession) once the events passed.
they still do not have a process to ensure that an
appropriate BCM program is maintained. Almost The magnitude of the risk attached to insufficient
60 percent of the respondents do not provide any business continuity management capabilities will
training for their workforce to help employees grow significantly in coming years — not because
understand their roles and the required of a likely wave of terrorist attacks or a more
procedures following a disruptive event. Only cutthroat generation of computer hackers, but
28 percent indicated that they know their third- simply because disasters will inflict farther-reaching

damage as companies’ reliance on technology and — Support and communicate the importance of
an increasingly global population of vendors and BCM test exercises;
suppliers continues its onward march. — Integrate BCM responsibilities into
performance management process for
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES executives and managers with key BCM
The question of which corporate function should
take responsibility for BCM is frequently asked. It Other corporate functions and business units
is a good question that will be addressed below. A should:
more important issue, however, involves defining
— Have a sound working knowledge of BCM
the BCM roles and responsibilities of all corporate
practices and the risks to the business of
functions and of senior leadership. A sound BCM
insufficient BCM capabilities;
strategy demands broad involvement of the board
of directors, senior executive team, the corporate — Participate in critical process identification;
finance and accounting function, and other — Participate in business impact analyses of
corporate functions and business units. critical business processes within their areas
of responsibility;
The board of directors should:
— Help establish continuity response strategies
— Understand and actively communicate the within their areas of responsibility;
value of BCM and the risks of insufficient
— Integrate BCM responsibilities into
BCM capabilities;
performance management process for
— Request to review the company’s business executives and managers with key BCM
continuity plan at least once a year; responsibilities.
— Request updates (at least annually) from — Work with corporate finance to better
senior executives on the emergence of new understand the costs and recovery tradeoffs of
BCM-related rules and regulations; their response strategies;
— Approve of the strategic objectives of the — Support and communicate the importance of
organization’s BCM strategy; BCM test exercises;
— Direct its audit committee to determine if — Monitor and test the response strategies
external auditors require annual or quarterly within their areas of responsibility;
reviews of BCM-related documentation and
— Review and approve (annually) the continuity
processes; and
response strategies developed and maintained
— Offer advice with regard to how investors should within their areas (based in part on the results
be kept informed in the event of a disaster. and findings of test exercises).
The senior executive team should:
The corporate finance and accounting function
— Have a sound working knowledge of BCM should:
practices and the risks to the business of
— Guide the organization’s critical process
insufficient BCM capabilities;
identification and (subsequent) business
— Keep the board informed (annually, at impact analysis efforts to help the rest of the
least) of the company’s BCM strategy organization understand how to assess the
and any significant changes to business value of various business processes;
continuity plans;
— Help the senior executive team, other
— Take responsibility for setting their functional executives and, in some cases,
organization’s business continuity the board understand the tradeoffs
management objectives; between cost and recovery time objectives
— Review and approve (initially and then related to specific continuity response
annually) the critical processes identified in approaches;
BCM planning exercises; — When possible, enhance business impact
— Review and approve (initially and then analyses with risk analyses to help prioritize
annually) the business impact analyses; the likelihood of various business processes
— Review and approve (initially and then suffering downtime during disasters;
annually) the continuity response strategies — Provide additional analyses of how the timing
developed and maintained by corporate of disasters can intensify or lessen their impact
functions and business units; on certain processes (e.g., a hurricane that

closes down an oil refinery that is being • IT (28 percent);
MEASUREMENT restarted following a maintenance shutdown, • Risk management (13 percent);
reducing output for longer than expected; or a
• Facilities management (8 percent);
lengthy power outage that delays financial
Continuity Planning reporting processes near the close of a • Information security (5 percent);
Obstacles publicly listed company’s fourth quarter will • Physical security (3 percent); or
The appearance of Category 5 likely have more serious consequences to the • Another area (10 percent).
hurricanes and costly Internet company’s share prices (and value) than an
viruses and worms often Twenty-five percent of the same Deloitte survey
outage that occurs several weeks away from a
stimulate BCM questions: respondents, who were evenly distributed among
quarterly close); and
Who’s in charge of our continuity small, mid-sized and large organizations, reported
planning? Where is the actual — Glean what BCM-related documentation and that their companies had no budget in place for
plan? Yet, BCM commitment is processes external auditors want to review. business continuity management.
difficult to sustain over time due
to several obstacles that prevent Who Owns BCM?
companies from installing, Additional Contributions from Finance
maintaining, monitoring and What part of the organization should actually own
Strategic financial management professionals are
upgrading business continuity responsibility for BCM processes? Answers vary,
well schooled in the following areas:
capabilities, including: but there is growing sentiment that corporate
finance is the place to house BCM.There is also a • Cost-benefit analyses;
1. ‘Vividness Bias:’
growing disinclination to house BCM in IT. Doing • The alignment of investments with high-level
“Vividness Bias” (Bazerman
and Watkins, 2004) prevents so is often viewed as a symbol of the discipline’s business objectives; and
most individuals from past, in the days when disaster recovery was
• Identifying how organizational change affects
thinking about troubling concerned with backing up data and hardware —
large investments.
matters and major risks and little else.
unless those issues play out, Sound cost-benefit analyses should be one of the
“More progressive organizations have realized
intensely and repeatedly, in essential capabilities of a business continuity
front of their eyes. continuity planning must be a business issue,” says
management function, a point that the
Protiviti’s Brian Zawanda, a business continuity
2. Competing Priorities: “Interagency Paper on Sound Practices to
expert.“One option is championing business
Many areas of an organization Strengthen the Resilience of the U.S. Financial
can be resistant to the need continuity through the chief financial officer’s
System” by the U.S. Board of Governors of the
for continuity planning when organization.The CFO has a good macro view of
Federal Reserve System, the Office of the
more immediate and visible the organization and can translate downtime into
Comptroller of the Currency, and the SEC
demands — such as quarterly tangible financial impacts. In many organizations,
emphasizes:“The agencies recognize the
financial performance targets, risk management resides within finance, and the
importance of cost-effective business continuity
production quotas and quality risk manager is a strong possibility for business
objectives — bear down planning.The costs associated with implementing
continuity coordination given this person is
on them. the sound practices can vary substantially
constantly thinking in terms of risk mitigation,”
depending on the extent to which incremental
3. Lack of Standards: (Stanek, 2003).
BCM and disaster recovery improvements may be needed to address the risks
are relatively new disciplines The location of the “BCM function” sends a clear of a wide-scale disruption.”
that have undergone message to the organization about the importance
The cost of ensuring the resiliency of processes,
dramatic evolutions in recent of BCM.“Poor positioning in an organization can
technology and facilities can quickly spiral out of
years, but established have a dramatic influence on success,” writes
control if those investments are not made in a
standards are only beginning Andrew McCrackan.“It’s all about communicating
to emerge, thanks to BCI and disciplined manner that aligns with business needs.
a sense of importance and reflecting the correct
some industry organizations. For example, the cost of owning and maintaining
profile of the function in the organization.You will
For example, the Automotive redundant facilities in another geographical
never convince anyone you are running a
Industry Action Group location can far outweigh the benefits that the
comprehensive business continuity program from
(AIAG) recently published a backup facility provides in the event of a disaster.
within your property management department, for
guideline titled “Crisis A lease on a shared facility backup space might
Management for the example,” (McCrackan, 2005).
make more financial sense.
Automotive Supply Chain.” IT appears to be a less common owner of BCM
Strategic financial management professionals
today than in years past, according to the
understand how the business generates
Deloitte/CPM Global Assurance Survey, which
revenue, what makes cross-enterprise projects
found that the BCM function most often resides in:
succeed (or fail), and what type of support and
• Corporate management, including corporate understanding — from the business units and
finance (in 33 percent of respondents’ from the executive team — needs to be present
organizations); for BCM investments to meet their objectives.

Many finance departments have taken lead roles in continuity specialist, offers advice on how to
establishing processes that ensure that their overcome resistance to continuity planning.
organization’s regulatory compliance efforts are Without the proper planning and capabilities, Laye
sustainable over time.The key processes in notes,“a major disruptive event is likely to take on
sustaining compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley a life of its own, driving your company into
Act, for example, echo the processes necessary decisions that will negatively [affect] plans for a
to sustain BCM over time: bright future.Worse, it can lead to that graveyard
• The creation of an internal controls culture; spiral aviators know about. Event becomes crisis;
crisis becomes disaster; and on down. Over the
• The establishment of business-unit ownership
longer term, resources for expansion are
of internal controls; and
consumed, employees being groomed for
• The integration of internal controls promotion leave, and the confidence of investors,
considerations into IT system upgrades, regulators, potential partners, and customers is
mergers and acquisitions, corporate shaken (Laye, 2002).”
reorganizations and other major changes.
Developing business continuity management
Replace the phrase “internal controls” with
capabilities requires a five-step process.While the
“business continuity,” and the exact same
business impact analysis (BIA) is the lynchpin step,
approaches ring true for effective business
the BIA cannot be effectively conducted without
continuity management.
the first two steps. Each of the five steps contains
The corporate finance and accounting function sub-steps, as outlined below:
may or may not own the business continuity
management function, but it certainly possesses the Step 1: Initial Assessment and
strategic vision, risk management expertise, financial Objective Setting
management discipline, project-management skills
and macro perspective necessary to make BCM – Establish and communicate senior executive
frameworks effective and efficient. teams’ support of BCM
– Outline and communicate ensuing steps:
DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE • Critical process identification,
• Business impact analysis,
There is good news for corporate managers facing • Response approaches, and
the challenge of developing business continuity
management capabilities. • Monitoring, testing and improving the plans;
– Identify the team in charge of the project and
First, information about disaster recovery,
which function and which executive the team
business continuity planning and crisis
reports to;
management processes is readily available.The
high cost of ineffective business continuity – Review the company’s strategic plan;
management has spurred academics, consultants – Review existing plans related to disaster
and other experts in the field to share recovery, continuity planning, emergency
information much more freely than is usually the preparedness and crisis management;
case in other disciplines. See the “Suggested
– Identify existing external laws, regulations and
Reading” section at the end of this guideline for
requirements related to BCM; and
suggestions on information resources.
– Draft and approve a formal BCM policy
Second, the fundamentals of a sound BCM that outlines the objective of the business
strategy are relatively simple to grasp. Professional continuity plans.
disaster recovery and business continuity
managers and consultants frequently make the
Step 2: Critical Process Identification
point that most elements of their work “are not
rocket science.” The toughest part of a business – After reviewing the company’s strategic plan,
continuity manager’s role is overcoming identify the company’s most critical business
organizational resistance to fund and participate in functions;
business continuity planning activities. – Identify the business objectives executed by
John Laye, the former president of the California those functions and the processes through
Emergency Services Association and a business which the objectives are executed;


– Process owners should identify key measures, Preparation
MEASUREMENT components and external requirements of the
The following preparations focus on human
process, such as:
resources, facilities, IT systems and data, and the
• Performance metrics (how the success of supply chain (suppliers and customers):
the process is measured and/or quantified
with specific measures), Human Resources
• Contracts with external parties, – Senior and business unit management
• Regulatory and/or legal requirements (such establishes the strategic importance of BCM
as SEC reporting requirements, supplier and continuity planning through
contracts, accounts payable terms, payment communications, disaster-response test
schedules with creditors) exercises and, where applicable, the inclusion
of BCM responsibilities in job descriptions and
– Pinpoint the key resources and tools that
performance management processes;
enable the process to be executed, such as:
– A succession plan — at the senior-
• People and skills,
management level and in each department and
• Equipment (including IT infrastructure, function — is maintained and updated;
telecommunications, manufacturing systems,
– Management considers adopting policies that
transportation vehicles),
prevent a set amount (e.g., more than two)
• Facilities (warehouses, factories, office executives, managers and/or other critical
space), personnel from traveling together on the same
• Software, and car, plane or helicopter at the same time;
• Information, which includes electronic data – Disaster-response communications
and hard-copy documents. protocols are established and communicated
to employees;
Step 3: Business Impact Analysis – Alternative communications (e.g.,Web sites
– Identify the following impacts to specific and/or telephone numbers) are maintained
business processes and corporate functions and provided to employees so that they and
when a disaster occurs: their family members can access updates if a
disaster prevents employees from working in
• Human resources,
their office or family members from reaching
• Financial positions, employees at their office;
• Reputation, – Crisis-management protocols and reporting
• Physical assets, relationships are clearly communicated and
• Supplier relationships, copies (electronic or hard) of those protocols
and reporting relationships can be accessed by
• Customer relationships, and
employees outside the office; and
• Investor relations;
– Contact lists are created and maintained for
– Identify, to the best extent possible, the each employee (and suitable backups, where
maximum tolerable outage (MTO) of each possible, if the disaster renders the employee
process; unavailable) who is required to restore a
– Identify a recovery point objective (RPO) for critical business process following a disaster.
each process based on the MTO
• Consider how the timing of a disaster (in
the year, within a fiscal quarter, etc.) might – Using the business impact analysis, identify the
influence the MTO and RPO costs and benefits of owning or leasing
alternative facilities (production facilities,
Step 4: Continuity Response Approaches warehouses, office space for employees);
Companies can proactively limit the impacts of a – Test company-owned backup facilities at least
disaster. And managers can speed the company’s once a year to ensure that they function as
return to normal operations with effective crisis intended;
management processes. Preparation and crisis – Work reviews of the following systems into
management represent the two areas of BCM testing: water-detection systems that
continuity response approaches. provide early warning of leaks; systems that


detect gases, smoke and other indicators of organization follows in the immediate wake of a
fire or potential fire; airborne-contamination- business interruption until damaged processes are
detection systems; fire-suppression systems; restored to full operation.
backup power capabilities; and physical
At a high level, crisis-management plans address
building security;
how the company will handle its people, critical
– Assess how long and to what extent backup business processes, relations and communication
facilities can host and help sustain critical with key suppliers, relations and communications
business processes; and with top customers, facility needs, technology (data
– Review agreements with providers of and systems) needs and other operating needs
backup facilities at least once a year to when an interruption strikes. Crisis management
ensure that capacity continues to meet plans also lay out how organizations will
the company’s needs; communicate with stakeholders during the disaster.

IT Systems and Data A crisis management plan should:

– Work with IT managers to ensure that system – Identify which executive or executives are
and data backup processes exist; responsible for initiating the crisis
management plan;
– Evaluate and prioritize the recovery time
needs of each critical IT system; – Identify which managers are responsible for
making specific HR, facilities, IT, and supply
– Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to better
chain continuity decisions during a disaster;
identify the proper balance between
recovery time objective and the cost of – Include a protocol for communicating with
recovering data and restoring systems employees’ family members when a business
within those time frames; interruption puts employee safety at risk;
– In conjunction with backup facility planning, – Include a protocol and decision trees that
evaluate the IT readiness of each backup indicate which executives make those
facility option; and decisions and the time frames within which
those decisions should be made;
– Ensure that telecommunications backup
consideration is included in these discussions. – In the protocol identified immediately above,
identify backups or alternative arrangements if
Suppliers and Customers any individual in the decision tree cannot be
contacted or is unable to act;
– Create and distribute contingency planning
questionnaires to key suppliers to raise – Provide a highly detailed account of how
awareness and to gauge their BCM capabilities; critical processes will be restored through:
– Encourage key suppliers to relay • Alternative work schedules,
questionnaires to their key customers; • Backup facilities or alternative power
– Identify alternate suppliers in the event a supplies at existing facilities,
disaster prevents one or more suppliers from • Backup IT systems,
operating beyond a maximum tolerable outage; • Backup telecommunications systems, and
– Consult with key customers and then create a • Alternative arrangements with suppliers and
contingency planning questionnaires that customers;
establishes each customer’s state of awareness
– Provide a detailed plan for notifying and
and BCM capabilities. Encourage both key
updating the following audiences about the
customers to do the same with their key
disaster’s impact on the business:
suppliers and customers.
• Employees (and family members),
– Assist key suppliers and key customers by
sharing knowledge of organizing for the • Suppliers and customers,
planning and development of BCM capabilities. • Investors,
– Identify emergent alternate sources of supply. • Regulators,
• The community(ies) in which the company
Crisis Management operates,
The second set of disaster-response processes • Local, state and federal emergency response
involve crisis management steps: the protocol an officials


• Banks and creditors, and However, when a real hurricane struck the
MEASUREMENT • The media. company weeks later, the result was disastrous.
Rather than report to their posts and fulfill
Step 5: Monitoring,Testing and Improving their responsibilities as they had been trained
to do, many members of the crisis response
– Evaluate how significant changes, such as team left the office to check on the safety of
reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions, and friends and family members, and to assess the
major system implementations, affect business damage the hurricane inflicted on their
continuity plans, and adjust plans as required; personal property.
– Adjust business impact analyses and business
A recent analysis by the National Institute of
continuity plans to ensure that they take into
Standards and Technology (NIST) concluded that
account significant organizational changes;
the evacuation of the World Trade Center towers
– Test business continuity plans at least once a following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks went
year (companies in sectors with BCM slower than current estimates of how quickly
regulations appear to be moving toward people travel down stairwells when evacuating a
quarterly testing schedules). building. However, those estimates are based on
– When conducting tests, involve operational time measurements during non-emergency
and functional employees and managers. exercises. Granted, there were terrible
– When conducting tests, strive to make the complicating factors that slowed the World Trade
exercises resemble a “real” response to the Center evacuations, but the point is a clear one:
greatest extent possible (e.g., include local, practice often differs from reality, particularly in
state and federal emergency response agencies crisis response situations.
in the exercises whenever possible); The subject of succession planning in the context
– Identify weaknesses and gaps uncovered during of disasters is an unpleasant one: If key managers
the test exercises, and adjust plans as required; or employees die in a disaster, who will step up
– Develop a timeline to eliminate weaknesses; and fulfill their responsibilities? But discomfort is
not the only reason succession planning is a
– Report on the outcome of the tests and ensuing
generally underserved area of continuity
remediation plans to keep senior executive
management. Succession planning tends to be a
teams and corporate boards informed.
neglected component of strategic planning in
general — even outside the context of BCM:
READERS TAILOR BCM TO THEIR • A study by RHR International found that
ORGANIZATIONS 75 percent of organizations are not confident
that their current talent pool will meet their
The above framework offers high-level, general future executive-staffing needs;
guidance.The more detailed insights that follow
• 50 percent of the same respondents anticipate
are intended to help readers tailor business
losing half of their senior management team
continuity processes to meet the unique needs of
within the next five years; and
their organizations.
• A different survey from CCH Inc., asked: If
your organization’s top four executives died
Human Resources
in a car accident on the way to the airport,
Managing human resources represents the most would your organization have a succession
crucial component of business continuity plan? Only 10 percent of respondents
management. Humans are the most valuable and most answered affirmatively and reported that their
unpredictable element of any business continuity plan. companies maintain a formal succession plan.
Consider the example of one business continuity The preceding question begs another: What were
consultant who recently conducted a nearly four executives doing in the same car at the same
flawless hurricane-response exercise with a time? Some companies, such as Teachers
Insurance and Annuity Association — College
Florida-based client.The crisis management team
Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF), limit the
executed the plan perfectly during the simulated
number of key managers who may travel together.
hurricane and responded smoothly to
unexpected situations that the continuity plan The psychology of crisis management usually
previously did not address. starts and ends with discussions of the qualities


that make an effective crisis manager or Information Technology

emergency response team leader.The
Protecting an organization’s critical IT systems
consensus is that crisis managers should
and business data in the event of a disaster can
possess the same qualities as senior managers
lead to highly technical discussions and terms like
and, perhaps even more important, find their
“asynchronous replication.” In practice, however,
work personally satisfying.
successful systems and data continuity is all about
Ian Mitroff, in his most recent book, greatly expands time and money: When do the systems and data
on that conclusion. His research on crises and how need to be back up and running, and what will it
organizations respond to them reaches a central cost to establish that capability?
conclusion that the emotional preparation for
The major technology issues in business
dealing with crises is the single most difficult and
continuity management include:
important factor in determining the success of
crisis management efforts. It also represents a • Assessing the value of systems and data to the
difficult concept to deal with: How can an intangible organization; and
like “emotional preparation” be nailed down and • Selecting storage/backup solutions and
woven into a documented procedure? He offers a processes that reflect that current value
straightforward answer: Hire advisors or counsellors
to prepare to work through the powerful emotions IT has generally performed well over the years
crises spark before a crisis occurs. in protecting companies’ IT assets, which have
changed and evolved dramatically over the past
That suggestion may be a bit too far out of the 15 years, during business interruptions and
box for organizations just venturing into BCM, but disasters. As continuity continues its transition
Mitroff’s suggestions nonetheless address an often from the IT function to the business as a whole,
overlooked, difficult to manage and inevitable finance and accounting professionals can smooth
outcome of disasters and crises in the workplace. and strengthen that transition by injecting
He also encourages managers to address and greater financial discipline into technology
mitigate organizational denial that can impede the continuity planning.
adoption of crisis management and continuity
capabilities. His description of common types of In a technology continuity context, time is
organizational resistance (see Exhibit 3) should measured as a “return to operations” (RTO)
help planners identify and diffuse the denial. metric.Traditional methods of data backup, in



Denial Crises only happen to others.We are invulnerable.

Disavowal Crises happen, but their impact on our organization is small.
Idealization Crises do not happen to good organizations in out-of-the-way places.
Grandiosity We are so big and powerful that we will be protected from crises
and we can handle anything that is thrown our way.
Projection If a crisis happens, then it must be because someone else is bad or
out to get us.
Intellectualization We don’t have to worry about crises since the probabilities of
their occurrence are too small. Before a crisis can be taken
seriously, one would have to precisely measure the odds of its
occurrence and its consequences.
Compartmentalization Crises cannot affect our whole organization since the parts are
independent of one another.

Source: (Mitroff, 2005)


which data is stored on a tape and moved to an systems or data requires a moderate effort to
MEASUREMENT offsite location, typically provided a minimum RTO restore, or the restoration process is
of 48 hours.That can be a long, long time in disruptive to the system.
today’s just-in-time business environment. Other • Minor: Network or application outage or
backup and recovery methods provide shorter destruction that would cause a minor
RTO, but at a premium. So, one of the key disruption to the business.The targeted
considerations that should inform storage and systems or network can be easily restored
backup decisions is the value, or estimated (Cisco, 2003).
business impact, of the systems and data. See
Appendix 2,“Highly Detailed Data Classification.” Trouble often crops up when organizations select
systems and data backup solutions.The default
Data asset classification must be an ongoing response tends to be that all of the systems and
process, preferably performed by the business data are important (why else would we use them
unit managers who use the data most frequently in the first place?), which leads to unnecessarily
and therefore have the most accurate expensive solutions in which all or most data are
understanding of its value to the business. A
stored in highly accessible formats and locations
simplified data classification scheme contains four
that can be restored immediately.
groupings (Toigo, 2003):
In truth, all systems and all data are not created
Similar prioritization categories apply to networks
equal. And the value of data and systems changes,
and applications:
sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Lower-value
• Mission Critical: Network or application data should be stored in less expensive formats
outage or destruction that would cause an and locations. High-value data should be stored in
extreme disruption to the business, cause highly accessible formats and at locations that
major legal or financial ramifications, or allow for immediate RTO — a combination of
threaten the health and safety of a person.The capabilities that adds significant but prudent
targeted systems or data requires significant expense to a technology continuity strategy.
effort to restore, or the restoration process is
disruptive to the business or other systems. Again, the assessment of systems and data value is
most accurate when conducted — and regularly
• Important: Network or application outage
revisited — by a combination of IT, finance and
or destruction that would cause a moderate
accounting and business-unit managers who
disruption to the business, cause minor legal or
actually rely on the data in their day-to-day
financial ramifications, or present problems
operations. Once that process is in place, it makes
with access to other systems.The targeted
sense to evaluate storage solutions, which, like the



Critical Data/documentation that must be retained for legal reasons, for use in key
business processes, or for restoration [of] minimum acceptable work levels in
the event of a disaster.
Vital Data/documentation that must be retained for use in normal business processes
and that represents a substantial investment of company resources that may be
difficult or impossible to recoup, but may not be required in a disaster recovery
situation. Information that requires special secrecy or discretion may also fall
under this category.
Sensitive Data/documentation that is needed in normal operations, but for which
alternative supplies are available in the event of a loss. Data that can be
reconstructed fairly readily but at some cost could also be classified as sensitive.
Non-critical Data/documentation that can be reconstructed readily at minimal cost, or
duplicates of critical, vital or sensitive data that have no prerequisite security

(Toigo, 2003)

rest of the IT world, have evolved significantly and relationships with vendors and customers can be
quickly in recent years and continue to pose affected by disasters, and how interruptions at
challenges for the IT function. large customer and vendor locations can affect
their own organization’s continuity.
A 2005 survey by IT trade association CompTIA
found that data protection and security is the One of the provisions of NYSE 446 requires
biggest challenge identified by IT professionals who each member company to disclose to customers
manage storage networks for their organizations. how its business continuity management
The Wall Street Journal confirmed as much when it program addresses the possibility of a future
ran a chart in May 2005 detailing eight costly significant business disruption, and how the
breaches of IT security that had taken place at large company plans to respond to events of varying
companies and institutions in the previous three scope: “Such disclosure must, at a minimum, be
months.When Bank of America’s computer backup made in writing to customers at account
tapes were lost, the Social Security numbers of up opening, be posted on the member’s or member
to 1.2 million customers were also swiped. organization’s Internet Website and be mailed to
In May 2005,Time Warner made headlines when it customers upon request.”
acknowledged that 40 backup tapes containing the The rule also calls for a fair amount of specificity in
Social Security numbers of roughly 600,000 the disclosure, recommending that the company
current and former employees disappeared while identify scenarios of varying severity (whether the
being transported to an offsite data-storage event affects the firm only or involves an entire
location by a records management company.Time office building, business district or region); state
Warner’s response to the loss illustrates the value whether the company plans to continue business
of data to organizations today as well as the steep during each scenario (and provide recovery-time
cost of mismanaging data storage: When an estimates if that’s the case); and highlight its
internal investigation did not locate the missing planned responses.
tapes,Time Warner immediately contacted the
U.S. Secret Service; it also offered to pay affected The Department of Marketing and Supply Chain
employees (which could translate to as many as Management at Michigan State University has
85,000 people) for one year of credit monitoring. developed a highly practical “Supply Chain
Business Continuity Planning Framework” that in
The key question facing continuity planners is not many ways parallels the overall BCM framework
whether to invest in a storage solution, but rather identified in this Guideline.The system includes
which storage solution to select. awareness, prevention (including risk
identification, risk assessment, treatment and
Supply Chain monitoring), remediation (planning how to
New York-based TIAA-CREF is one of the largest minimize the event’s impact and duration and
private retirement systems in the world. It serves identify the resources needed to do so) and
3 million members in the academic community knowledge management (i.e., how the
and roughly 15,000 institutional investors while organization learns from the experience and
managing some $300 billion in assets. Members strengthens its processes accordingly).
and customers want TIAA-CREF to answer a Questionnaires are commonly used to drive
simple but critical question in the event that a awareness of the need for BCM among suppliers,
terrorist attack, massive blackout or less dramatic and to equip in-house continuity planners with a
business interruption affects the firm: Are my more accurate assessment of supply-chain
retirement investments safe? continuity risks.The objective should be a simple
As a result, a process for communicating with one — to learn more about the continuity and
customers is an important component of TIAA- recovery capabilities of select vendors — that can
be easily communicated to vendors.
CREF’s business continuity management
program. Question-and-answer sessions These questionnaires range in length from one to
represent an increasingly common tool in six pages and typically are arranged into sections
business continuity management; planners that address different facets of continuity: overall
distribute questionnaires among top suppliers continuity strategy, crisis communications, backup
and, sometimes, in the business-to-business facilities (including data storage) and testing.The
space, to large customers.The purpose of these forms differ according to level of detail. For
inquiries is to gain a more accurate sense of how example, on the topic of mainframe and


distributed systems recovery, one questionnaire 5. Understand both probability and impact
MEASUREMENT may ask whether the vendor has a recovery of supply-chain disruptions.
process in place for those systems; another • Risk is a function of the dimensions of
questionnaire might continue that line of
probability and impact
questioning by asking the vendor to list the type
of recovery solution it uses (third party vs. in- • In practice, disastrous impact may
house); and yet another questionnaire may probe overwhelm low probability
the vendor on the extent to which the processing 6. Eliminate/reduce exposure where
capability in the back-up facility matches the feasible; buffer or mitigate where
processing capability of the primary facility during elimination is not feasible.
normal operating conditions.
• Eliminating or reducing exposure is the ideal
The framework is discussed in a lengthy paper solution, but not always feasible
that is the result of Michigan State University • If exposure cannot be reduced, buffering
research of companies with established and strategies can limit impact
effective supply-chain continuity processes.The
research project — one of five on business 7. Develop and monitor predictive BCP-
continuity management the AT&T Research specific indicators.
Foundation funded in 2003 — also establishes • Indicators are needed that will help identify
the 14 principles of effective supply-chain changing risk levels in advance of a
planning.The 14 principles, and select “key issues,” disruption
are as follows: 8. Use multiple information sources to
1. Create internal awareness from the monitor risk.
bottom up and from the top down. 9. Revisit these issues on a regular basis.
• Disruptions can have serious financial and • Supply chains are dynamic
competitive impact
• Sources and levels of risk will vary over time
• Operational personnel are closest to the
due to changes in supply-chain structure,
supply base and have better appreciation of
economic developments, environmental
risk sources
changes and political developments
• Top management controls the resources
needed and must endorse supply-chain 10. Plan for disruptions
continuity planning • It is impossible to totally eliminate the risk
2. Drive awareness into the supply base of supply-chain disruptions
through the supplier selection and • It is critical to have both a plan and
supplier management processes. processes in place to deal with disruptions
• Establish key processes for communicating when they occur
with the supply base 11. Manage the impact of disruptions.
• Motivate suppliers to recognize and manage • Consider both the cost and the duration of
risks the disruption
3. Prioritize suppliers and commodities to 12. Take a continuous improvement view of
focus attention. supply chain continuity planning.
• Resources are limited and must be properly
• Exposure to supply-chain disruption cannot
be fixed overnight
• Focus efforts on critical commodities and
• Protecting the supply chain requires ongoing
their suppliers
attention and effort
• Focus on high-risk commodities and suppliers
13. Conduct a post-event audit of supply-
4. Consider the full spectrum of resources chain disruptions as standard operating
and flows managed within the supply chain. procedure.
• Multiple resources (materials, information • Learn from mistakes
and services) flow in the supply chain and 14. Share knowledge of supply-chain
are critical to smooth operation continuity planning throughout the
• Must consider exposure related to all of organization (Zsidisin, Ragatz and
these flows Melnyk, 2003).

SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS CAN Additional information about the selection and use
HELP SUPPORT BCM PROCESSES of BCM software applications is included in
Appendix 3,“BCM Software Usage Survey.”
As demonstrated above, business continuity
management is nothing if not detail-oriented and
document-intensive. Business continuity software BCM IN ACTION: EXAMPLES OF
applications can help manage the information “GOOD” PRACTICES
more efficiently than filing cabinets. Implementing BCM software may one day
First-generation BCM software applications materialize as a legitimate best practice —
offered document management functionality and once best practices emerge. Even the highly
the ability to develop continuity plans, although the respected Business Continuity Institute shies
plans were usually limited to a generic, single- away from the phrase. Instead, it offers up “Good
scenario cause, such as a power failure.The Practice Guidelines.”
applications were difficult to use, targeted to users Leading business continuity management
in the IT function (documenting recovery plans for processes are more likely to exist in companies
systems and applications only), and demonstrated that operate in highly regulated industries and
little, if any, return on investment. sectors.Today, financial services leads the way,
Recently, a new generation of BCM software hit the followed (distantly, in most cases) by healthcare.
market. It is generally geared toward business users, A published interview with NASDAQ executive
and provides functionality that can automate all or vice president of operations and technology and
some of up to five important BCM processes: CIO Steve Randich illustrates the challenge of
1. Business impact analysis; identifying best practices in this emerging
discipline.The equity exchange had just completed
2. Documentation of an organization’s process and
a disaster recovery test with 50 of its member
systems relationships (mapping, for example,
companies. Despite the interviewer’s attempts to
which database hosts the customer records that
elicit information from Randich, the most he
call center employees access through the
offered was “this thing went very well.” Asked if
customer relationship management system);
the exercise produced any insights, Randich
3. Continuity and recovery planning; answered,“Not really.” (Mearian, 2004)
4. Situation management (which allows for the
Who could blame him? If the tests had exposed
tracking and managing of crisis management
shortcomings, NASDAQ would only rattle its
activities in real-time); and
customers’ nerves by publicly acknowledging its
5. Notification (which sets rules for the type and continuity vulnerabilities.The same holds true for
timing of communications with employees, other companies, especially those wary of alarming
suppliers, customers and other vital investors and analysts. As a result, practitioners
stakeholders during a crisis). have to hire consultants and scour book
Some BCM software applications contain the full appendices, academic white papers,Web sites
range of these capabilities. Stand-alone solutions (including,
also exist.A recent Gartner report projected that and,
75 percent of global 200 companies will have and published transcripts of DR and BCM
implemented emergency notification applications conferences to glean good practices.
(either as a hosted application or in-house) by During a 2004 roundtable discussion attended by
December 2007. the financial services industry’s top continuity
The report identifies seven advantages automated executives, the CEO of the Society for Worldwide
notifications hold over manual calling trees, including: Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
offered up this advice: “Whatever you do, make
• Quicker notification times (minutes vs. hours); sure it has the support from the very top of your
• Ability to guarantee delivery of a consistent organization, or it just won’t get implemented.
message; Business continuity can no longer be a staff
• Ability to use multiple forms of communication function buried low in the organization…it’s a line
(land line, cellular phone, pager, e-mail and of business now.” (SunGard, 2004)
instant messaging via a computer or handheld While that sentiment echoes the same point
device, or fax); and the ability to confirm the almost every BCM service provider hammers, it
message’s receipt (Noakes-Fry and Witty, 2005). carries a bit more weight coming from a CEO.

In 2002,AT&T invested some $250,000 to may propagate rapidly throughout an
MEASUREMENT identify examples of best practices in business organization in ways that may not be easily and
continuity management.The money funded quickly understood. Rather than asking business
extensive BCM research at five U.S. universities, units to handle BCP within their own silos, an
including Michigan State University, which integrated approach is needed.That doesn’t just
More Good Practices produced the supply-chain continuity research mean handing the job to the IT department —
A 2003 Deloitte & Touche study cited earlier in this Guideline.The research functions such as human resources and
examined the business produced five white papers that examine customer service need to be in the loop.
continuity management business continuity practices from different angles 5. Plans are tested and updated on a
progress leading financial and in different industries; together, that research regular basis. Companies with untested
services companies had pinpoints six practices that companies should plans may face as much risk as those with no
achieved since Sept. 11, then follow if their executives seek to implement
distilled that field research into
plans at all.Where testing was observed in the
advanced BCM capabilities (AT&T uses the term universities’ research, it was often limited to
five activities that characterize
“business continuity planning” (BCP)): the evaluation of system or data backup and
effective practices:
1. They do more than concentrate on restoration, and not the actual restoration of
1. Making the BCM effort a top business functions.The research identified
management priority led by tangible assets such as systems,
networks and physical assets. Effective cost concerns as the major impediment to
senior executives;
BCP isn’t simply a matter of keeping critical regular and comprehensive testing, but saving
2. Making continuous availability, data in more than one location or building money in this way is a false economy — an
rather than disaster recovery, outdated or ineffective BCP program has next
redundant systems. It addresses equally
the ultimate objective of to no value.
the program;
important aspects of organizational
discontinuity such as employee education, 6. Above all, BCP is perceived as more
3. Focusing on the business alternative work processes and than a cost. Despite their relatively advanced
impact of potentially communication with customers.Training is a BCP programs, even executives in the financial
disruptive events rather than critical element in any BCP plan. services industry see BCP primarily as merely
basing plans on the frequency
2. They learn from their mistakes. The a cost of doing business — a kind of insurance.
of past events;
Michigan [State] researchers observed that “BCP was not seen as value-added activity that
4. Broadening the scope of when supply-chain disruptions occurred, for might be used to garner competitive advantage
events beyond technology in any of our case studies,” says Amitava Dutta,
instance, the best firms learned from them.
system failures to include any professor of Management Information Services
failure that could affect the
“A serious disruption requires a post-incident
audit that identifies important lessons learned — in the School of Management at George
availability of employees,
things that went right and things that went Mason University (AT&T, 2004).
working facilities and
important records; and wrong,” says Dr. Zsidisin. But even within the Financial services companies tend to be clustered
company that was most advanced in the use of in large cities, like New York, where many of the
5. Extending BCM
audits, the process was managed by the buying top organizations in the industry experienced the
considerations to include
potential interruptions to
organization, not the supply-chain partner Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks firsthand.Yet, it
third-party providers of where the actual disruption occurred. Unless was the blackout that struck much of North
critical services, such as the suppliers take responsibility for the audit’s America in August 2003 that showed how well
telecommunications, execution, an audit has limited utility as a tool the harsh lessons of Sept. 11 along with business
security exchanges, public for self-improvement. continuity fundamentals have worked their way
transportation, and 3. They are open to using third-party into the procedural fabric of many financial
energy providers. providers. Outsourcing BCP functions to services companies.
third-party providers that store critical For example,TIAA-CREF treats its “resiliency
company data and make available alternative program” as an ongoing process that is woven
facilities to continue such operations in the into most aspects of business planning.The firm:
event of a disruption can provide significant
protection — particularly when IT processes • Opened operations centers in different regions
are not a firm’s core capability. Using managed of the United States that can assume greater
service providers can also enable companies to workloads in the event of an unexpected
keep pace with rapidly changing IT interruption at another office location;
environments and continuity needs. • Generally requires executive management and
4. BCP is integrated across firms. The business unit leaders to work from alternative
increase in complex interactions among locations as frequently as once a week;
applications across an organization and its • Constantly tracks the whereabouts of top
partners means that disruptions at one point executives; and

• Mandated that no more than 75 percent of respond to emergency incidents. Later, the
senior managers can be in one office location at program office integrated the separate functions
the same time. of business continuity, crisis management and
corporate security into a new organization:
The Bank of New York elevated its business
“continuity, insurance and security services.”
continuity group from a mid-level function within
the technology group to a spot on its organizational Today, Duke Energy’s business continuity director
chart beside the chief technology officer. reports that crisis management and business
continuity have become embedded in the
The bank’s customer communications task force company’s culture — another characteristic
treated the North American blackout of 2003 as a frequently identified in companies with strong
learning laboratory, emerging with insights that business continuity management practices.
continue to shape the continuity group’s strategy: (Bowman and Mobley, 2005).
1. The realization that telecommunications
continuity is paramount in financial services; CONCLUSION
2. A greater appreciation for the value of
Natural disasters and other unexpected business
geographic diversity as a continuity tool; and
interruptions occur more often and inflict greater
3. The understanding that responsibility for damage on companies than they have in the past.
business continuity must extend beyond IT,
throughout the business. Business continuity management enables
organizations to reduce the negative impacts of
The “process not a project” mantra resonates disasters and to return to normal operations
throughout organizations with the most effective sooner.To date, the general state of BCM
business continuity management processes in place. capabilities among North American companies has
Like many other enterprises, Charlotte, N.C.- been insufficient.
based Duke Energy established an internal group The gap between the financial toll of worldwide
to assess the global company’s existing disaster catastrophes and the amount of that toll covered
recovery and business continuity capabilities in the by insurance in 2004 was about $74 billion.The
wake of Sept. 11.The business continuity loss of life attributed to those catastrophes topped
management program that the assessment 300,000.Those figures seem like a compelling
launched is instructive. motivator for better business continuity
The cross-functional group’s six-month review management. But they are not the only drivers.
identified 42 recommendations for improvement. New regulations with specific BCM mandates are
Three months later, in June 2002, the company also emerging.
opened its business continuity and crisis The epidemic of business continuity plans suffering
management program office and expanded its from dust-inhalation on the shelf is being cured by
previous emergency-response policy to include an the growing number of regulations and industry
expansive definition of business continuity and to guidelines — along with more requests from
incorporate crisis management as a corporate external auditors to review the plans.
accountability. By the end of 2002, 35 of the 42
recommendations had been implemented, and The development of sufficient BCM capabilities
business units are now held accountable for requires:
weaving continuity considerations into process • An understanding of the roles and
implementation. responsibilities of corporate managers and
boards in implementing effective BCM practices;
Duke’s managing director of business continuity
and crisis management and its manager of crisis • Adherence to a framework for developing and
communications report that their new office maintaining effective business continuity
emphasized the “what” over the “how” to ensure management processes;
that the business units had the flexibility to • An understanding of the ways in which finance
introduce business-continuity elements into their and accounting managers can apply their unique
operations in a way that was most appropriate. skills and experience to the execution of BCM
The program office then developed an enterprise- practices;
wide, three-tiered approach that involved • An understanding of the tools that can help
participation from all levels of the organization to automate and support BCM processes; and


• Knowledge of emerging “good practices”
MEASUREMENT among companies with more sophisticated
BCM capabilities.
Much of that knowledge has arisen from insight
into insufficient responses to disasters and
business interruptions. Just as the 9/11
Commission “looked backward in order to look
forward,” so, too, should companies learn from
lessons of the past to ensure that they will not
suffer through the same mistakes — or absorb
similar costs — when future disasters strike.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Kean,Thomas H. (chair), and Hamilton, Lee H. (vice

chair). 2004. The 9/11 Commission Report: Final
AT&T. 2004. Achieving Resilience — Best
Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Practices in Business Continuity. AT&T, April.
Upon the United States. New York: W.W. Norton &
Barnes, James C. 2001. A Guide to Business Company.
Continuity Planning. Chichester: John Wiley
Laye, John. 2002. Avoiding Disaster: How to Keep Your
& Sons Ltd.
Business Going When Catastrophe Strikes. Hoboken:
Bazerman, Max H., and Watkins, Michael D. 2004. John Wiley & Sons.
Predictable Surprises:The Disasters You Should Have
McCrackan, Andrew. 2004. A Practical Guide to
Seen Coming and How to Prevent Them. Boston:
Business Continuity Assurance. Boston: Artech
Harvard Business School Press.
Behar, Michael. 2005.When Earth Attacks! Popular
McCrackan, Andrew. 2005. Is Business Continuity
Science, May.
a Subset of Risk Management? Continuity Central,
Benvenuto, Nicholas and Zawada, Brian. 2004. The February. Portal Publishing Ltd.
Relationship Between Business Continuity and
McGee, Kenneth G. 2004 Heads Up: How to
Sarbanes-Oxley. Protiviti.
Anticipate Business Surprises and Seize Opportunities
Bowman,Tom and Mobley, Michael. 2005. Case First. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Study: Duke Energy Recognizes the Value of
Mearian, Lucas. 2004. Nasdaq’s Tests Showed No
Convergence, April. CPM Global Assurance.
Weaknesses, CIO Says. ComputerWorld, May.
Business Continuity Institute. 2005. Business
Mitroff, Ian I. 2005.Why Some Companies Emerge
Continuity Research, February.
Stronger and Better from a Crisis. New York:
“Business Continuity Software Survey Results,” Amacom.
2005. Continuity Central, March. Portal
Mitroff, Ian I., and Alpaslan, Murat C. 2003.
Publishing Ltd.
“Preparing for Evil.” Harvard Business Review, April.
Childs, Donna R. and Dietrich, Stefan. 2002.
Noakes-Fry, Kristen and Witty, Roberta J. 2005.
Contingency Planning and Disaster Recovery: A Small
Automated Emergency Notification Will Speed
Business Guide. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
Disaster Recovery. February. Gartner Inc.
Cisco Systems. 2003. Disaster Recovery: Best
Ramsey, Scott. 2004.The Evolution of Business
Practices White Paper. 1992–2003 Cisco
Continuity Management:The Process of Ensuring
Systems Inc.
Continuous Operations of Mission Critical
Croy, Michael. 2004.The Business Value of Data. Business Functions. CTG, 2004.
Disaster Recovery Journal, Summer.
Schmerken, Ivy. 2003. Wall Street Goes Dark:
Danner, Mark. 2005.Taking Stock of the Forever Blackout 2003. Wall Street & Technology, October.
War. New York Times Magazine, September.
Stanek, Steve. 2003.Who Owns Business
Deloitte & Touche, LLP and CPM Global Continuity Management?
Assurance. 2004. Entering the Mainstream Protiviti, 2003.
Business Continuity 2004.
SunGard. 2004. Industry Roundtable: Models of
Goff, John. 2005.Who’ll Stop the Rain? CFO, April. Resilience. Dialogue, First Quarter.
Goggins, Kelley. 1999. Contingency Planning 101. Swiss Reinsurance Company. 2005. Sigma: Natural
Contingency Planning & Management Magazine, Catastrophes and Man-Made Disasters in 2004.
Thomas, Glyn. 2005.The Changing Role of
Honour, David. 2003. U.S. Regulators Hit the Right Business Continuity Software. Continuity Central,
Note. Continuity Central, April. Portal April. Portal Publishing Ltd.
Publishing Ltd.
Toigo, Jon William. 2003. Disaster Recovery Planning:
Kahan, Stuart. 2005. Disaster Recovery is a Preparing for the Unthinkable; third edition. Upper
Numbers Game. WebCPA, April. Saddle River: Prentice Hall.


United States Government Accounting Office. to other BCM resources:
MEASUREMENT 2004. Report to the Committee on Energy and
Commerce, House of Representatives: Financial
The information clearinghouse Continuity Central,
Market Preparedness. GAO-04-984., also provides a
Wallace, Michael and Webber, Lawrence. 2004.The comprehensive collection of links to other BCM
Disaster Recovery Handbook: A Step-by-Step Plan to articles, sites and resources:
Ensure Business Continuity and Protect Vital
Operations, Facilities, and Assets. New York: Amacom.
DRI International,, offers education
Zsidisin, George A., Ragatz, Gary L., and Melnyk, and certifications in business continuity
Steven A. 2003. Effective Practices in Business management; its site also provides (for free) one of
Continuity Planning for Purchasing and Supply the best BCM glossaries available:
Management. Michigan State University, June 2003.
A hard copy of the Disaster Resource Guide
(currently, in its 10th edition) is available ($20) at
Publishers of books, magazines and Web sites are contains dozens of articles on most facets of BCM
responding quickly to the growing demand for as well as a lengthy products and services
business continuity management information. directory.The Web site contains links to free
Organizations devoted to BCM, such as The articles and other resources.
Business Continuity Institute, have generously Philip Jan Rothstein is an influential voice in
shared useful information about the emerging disaster recovery issues. His firm’s Web site,
discipline. John Wiley & Sons, Prentice Hall,, contains links to hundreds
Harvard Business School Press, Amacom and of books (for sale) and articles (free) related to
other leading business-trade book publishers are BCM topics. Rothstein also provides brief reviews
releasing new titles on BCM and its components of books available through his firm.
each year. And publications, such as the Disaster
Recovery Journal, have played strong roles in
Book Recommendations
stimulating and furthering discussions and debates
on how organizations can establish better business If you buy one guidebook to assist with your
continuity management capabilities. organization’s BCM efforts, Jon William Toigo’s
Disaster Recovery Planning: Preparing for the
What follows is a supplement to this guide’s
Unthinkable (Prentice Hall, 2003) is a sound
bibliography.This section is intended to
investment.Toigo has written for numerous
provide more details on specific resources
publications, including ComputerWorld and
that will sharpen readers’ searches for
Scientific American. His past experience as an
additional information.
executive in financial services companies is clearly
evident in his detailed advice on building
Online Recommendations management consensus for BCM.The rest of the
The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) book’s nearly 500 pages delve into every facet of is one of the world’s foremost business continuity management. It concludes with a
authorities on BCM issues.The BCI’s current discussion of the testing and maintenance of plans.
(2005) version of its “good practice guidelines,” is If Toigo’s book is the definitive BCM text book,
required reading for any manager involved with James C. Barnes’ A Guide to Business Continuity
BCM.The guidelines are available for free via Planning (John Wiley & Sons, 2001) qualifies as the
download at the site: best set of Cliff Notes on BCM.The relatively slim
The Disaster Recovery Journal Web site, book contains more than 150 pages of checklists, provides several free samples of and forms, with a few paragraphs of analyses
thrown in for good measure.
continuity and recovery plans (most are from
universities and non-profit organizations) along The Disaster Recovery Handbook:A Step-by-Step Plan
with an example of a questionnaire companies can to Ensure Business Continuity and Protect Vital
provide to vendors to assist with the process of Operations, Facilities, and Assets (Amacom, 2004) by
gauging the BCM capabilities of supply chains.The Michael Wallace and Lawrence Webber is a good
site also contains a page with a lengthy list of links second or third choice for overarching BCM

guidance.The book comes with a CD-ROM that performance management to business

includes a PowerPoint presentation with an continuity management.
overview of the business continuity planning
processes and more than 45 forms and checklists A Book for Small Businesses
to assist with various components of BCM. Contingency Planning and Disaster Recovery:A Small
Avoiding Disaster: How to Keep Your Business Going Business Guide (John Wiley & Sons, 2002) is aimed
When Catastrophe Strikes (John Wiley & Sons, 2002) at owners and managers of small companies
offers fewer checklists and a greater emphasis on (generally, those with annual revenues below
BCM principles.The fourth chapter offers advice $10 million).
and observations specifically targeted to senior Small companies crafting contingency plans for
managers responsible for BCM. their IT assets typically do not need to delve into
This final set of book recommendations focuses such complex areas. Continuity and recovery
on three titles that provide more targeted solutions are simpler for small business owners,
information about specific components of BCM. although not all vendors who target that market
Each of the following books would be better recognize the need for simplicity. “Do not be
suited to readers who are seeking to elevate persuaded by the colourful marketing brochures
the sophistication of existing BCM strategies and impressive brand names with tantalizing
and processes: promises of corporate-calibre disaster protection,”
note co-authors Donna Childs and Stefan
• Ian I. Mitroff, who has overseen two decades of Dietrich.“You need to establish a good balance for
research at the University of Southern your business between your particular needs and
California’s Center for Crisis Management, the scale and cost of your solution.”
would likely dispute a categorization of his
book, Why Some Companies Emerge Stronger and The co-authors advise small business managers to
Better from a Crisis (Amacom, 2005), as “more group their needs into “basic” and “robust”
targeted.” Mitroff views risk management, categories.The former is designed to address the
business continuity planning and “crisis most frequent business interruptions: human error,
communications” as ultimately incomplete equipment failure and third-party failures. Robust
approaches to guiding companies through contingency covers those three business
disasters. He prefers the term “crisis interruptions and provides more protection against
management” as a more encompassing weather-related disasters, terrorism and sabotage.A
description. His approach to crisis management rough equipment cost estimate for each brand of
is grounded in technical risk-management small-business contingency approach is also
approaches but also addresses the provided. Basic contingency capabilities roughly
psychological and spiritual effects, in the translate to $5,000 in initial equipment costs plus
context of employees and the collective about $1,000 annually in replacements and
organization, that abnormal disaster sparks. upgrades. Robust contingency capabilities cost about
• Predictable Surprises:The Disasters You Should $10,000 in initial equipment costs and roughly
Have Seen Coming and How to Prevent Them $5,000 annually in replacements and upgrades.
(Harvard Business School Press, 2004)
examines how vividness bias — why humans APPENDIX 1: BCM-RELATED
often do not act on knowledge — hampers REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES
organizational BCM efforts.The book identifies
how companies can identify emerging threats Although there has been no “Sarbanes-Oxley
(future disasters) earlier in their development. equivalent” for business continuity management,
The book also contains an excellent 10-point the number of new continuity rules, regulations
crisis-response plan in its second appendix. and guidelines that have accumulated in different
industries, countries and government
• In a similar vein, Heads Up: How to Anticipate
organizations in recent years, and particularly since
Business Surprises and Seize Opportunities First
Sept. 11, 2001, is large and constantly growing, as
(Harvard Business School Press) makes the
the following (partial) list illustrates:
case that disasters and other “business
surprises” can be anticipated and responded to • The Foreign Corrupt Services Act in 1977
in ways that reduce their negative impacts.The required U.S. publicly held companies to
book, authored by a Gartner Group vice provide “reasonable protection for information
president, applies many of the concepts services,” and holds corporate management
involved in business intelligence and business accountable for doing so.

• The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 86-19 robust BCM capabilities that “provide useful
MEASUREMENT contains legal requirements for the backup guidance to business continuity planners in all
and recovery of computer records containing types of companies, not just those in the
tax information. financial sector” (Honour, 2003).These include:
• The Computer Securities Act of 1987 required (1) Determine appropriate recovery and
U.S. federal agencies that rely on electronic resumption objectives for clearing and
support, and the private-sector companies settlement activities in support of critical
with which the agencies conduct business, to markets; (2) Maintain sufficient geographically
establish and maintain recovery plans. dispersed resources to meet recovery and
resumption objectives; (3) Routinely use or
• Presidential Decision Directive 63 (PDD 63)
test recovery and resumption arrangements.
was signed by President Clinton in 1998, and
contains language and guidance that now • The “Contingency Planning Guide for Information
sounds eerily prescient, as the inter-agency and Technology Systems” contains
public-private cooperation the directive calls “recommendations” from the National Institute
for resembles what is now the U.S. of Standards and Technology (NIST), which
Department of Homeland Security. “Because provides instructions and considerations for
of our military strength, future enemies, government IT contingency planning in the United
whether nations, groups or individuals, may States.The document outlines a seven-step
seek to harm us in non-traditional ways contingency planning process, which, while geared
including attacks within the United States,” the toward IT continuity, echoes most of the same
directive reads.“Because our economy is processes put forth as leading practices by
increasingly reliant upon interdependent and business continuity management experts: (1)
cyber-supported infrastructures, non- develop the contingency planning policy
traditional attacks on our infrastructure and statement; (2) conduct the business impact
information systems may be capable of analysis; (3) identify preventative controls; (4)
significantly harming both our military power develop recovery strategies; (5) develop an IT
and our economy.” PDD 63 called on contingency plan; (6) plan testing, training and
companies in certain industries (information exercises; and (7) maintain the plan, which “should
and communications, banking and finance, be a living document that is updated regularly to
energy, transportation and vital human remain current with system enhancements.”
services) to establish, monitor and upgrade • NFPA 1600, a standard of the National Fire
disaster recovery and business continuity plans. Protection Association (, has
• The Comptroller of the Currency and the been made an American National Standard,
Office of Thrift Supervision have issued several which is a national subset of the International
regulations for the financial services industry, Organization for Standardization (ISO).
including BC-177, a 1980s-era requirement Although critics have questioned the
that banks develop and maintain business standard’s teeth, its most recent iteration
recovery plans. contains a robust BCM component, which
includes 10 key competencies mentioned by
• The “Interagency Paper on Sound Practices to
several other guidelines.
Strengthen the Resilience of the U.S. Financial
System” was finalized by the U.S. Board of • The American Society for Industrial Security
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the (ASIS) has developed a comprehensive
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and business continuity guideline,“A Practical
the SEC in April 2003 after a contentious Approach for Emergency Preparedness, Crisis
drafting process, which at one point contained Management, and Disaster Recovery,” which is
language dismissed as “draconian” by critics. accompanied by step-by-step implementation
The final paper, which addresses companies instructions in a 48-page document available
that are involved with clearance and on the Web site of the international
settlement activities for the wholesale financial organization for security professionals:
system, contains several “sound practices”
intended to ensure that the targeted financial • Section 1910.38 of Part 29, Code of Federal
institutions implement and maintain sufficiently Regulations, Occupational Safety and Health


Administration (OSHA) requires companies to APPENDIX 3: BCM SOFTWARE

establish emergency action plans that address USAGE SURVEY
employee safety.The plans should address
emergencies “that employers may reasonably A recent survey of global business continuity
expect in the workplace,” such as fire, toxic professionals conducted by Web site Continuity
chemical releases, hurricanes, tornadoes, Central found that nearly 60 percent of
blizzards, floods and others. respondents use BCM software.The most
frequently cited reasons for using BCM software
• The Detroit-based Automotive Industry Action
are, in order of priority:
Group (AIAG) recently released a guideline,
“Crisis Management for the Automotive Supply 1. To manage and update business continuity plans;
Chain,” which its executive director said was
2. To manage and coordinate crisis management
necessary because “as recent crises suggest, the
supply chain is vulnerable. A domino effect in
the supply chain may be created when 3. To train personnel; and
disruptions occur at any single point.” 4. To evaluate the adequacy of existing
This list of regulatory and guideline drivers is not
complete; rather it is intended to illustrate the The most frequently cited continuity management
wide range of organizations, government agencies, processes respondents use BCM software to
industries and business processes (i.e., supply-chain automate were the following:
management) in which business continuity
management’s profile is rising. • Call lists (75 percent)
• Business impact analysis (59 percent)
APPENDIX 2: IT: HIGHLY DETAILED • Testing and exercising (55 percent)
DATA CLASSIFICATION • Crisis team development (47 percent)
Some IT disaster recovery experts present highly • Crisis management (42 percent)
detailed data-classification frameworks.These • Risk assessment (42 percent)
frameworks can help organizations make more
cost-effective decisions about how and where they • Project management (40 percent)
back up and store their business data: • Online access (40 percent)


Mission Critical Frequently used, immediate availability, significant and immediate

financial impact
Business Critical Regularly used, reasonably available, significant long-term financial impact,
significant operational impact over time, eventual compliance impact
Essential Periodically used, available within defined time frame, potential long-term
financial impact, probable operational impact over time, probable
compliance issues
Consequential Occasionally used, available within extended time frame, possible but not
likely financial impact, possible operational impact over time, probable
compliance issues
Non-Critical Rarely used, limited availability, unlikely financial impact, doubtful operational
impact over time, potential compliance impact
Inconsequential Used only on request, limited availability, no financial impact, doubtful
operational impact over time, potential compliance impact
Disposable Never used, no need for availability, no financial impact, no operational
impact, no expected compliance impact

Source: Croy, 2004


• Dependency modeling (37 percent) lessons are evident in the real-life BCM case
MEASUREMENT • Linking to standard databases (32 percent) studies that Schmerken’s reporting uncovers:
• Training (29 percent) • The American Stock Exchange’s offsite backup
• Gap analysis (27 percent) generators were delivered hours after the
blackout struck Thursday at 4:10 p.m., and the
• Automated crisis communications (16 percent) exchange’s trading systems were back online
• Strategy selection (9 percent) by the open of business Friday morning;
The most important criteria and components that however, the operation of the exchange’s
will guide future BCM software purchases are, in trading floor air-conditioning and heating
order of priority: system requires steam, which was unavailable
until the New York City Office of Emergency
• The ability to import and link existing Management located a portable boiler shortly
information (people, resources, etc.) into the before close of business Friday.
software application;
• The NYSE’s business continuity plan worked
• The ability to customize the tool to reflect the well — almost too well.The exchange
purchaser’s organizational structure and standards; converted to a generator hours after the
• ease of use (including an in-application blackout struck and opened for business as
coaching module); usual the next day; however, security protocol
• The ability to create plans in universal sealed off entrance to the exchange’s building.
document formats, such as PDF; management When one trader stepped outside to inform
reporting capabilities; his ride home that he would be staying late to
fulfill his BCM-related responsibilities, he was
• a database controlled by plan owners;
almost denied re-entry into the building.
• the ability to produce a full audit trail for
• One of Lehman Brothers’ post-Sept. 11
reporting purposes;
continuity initiatives, calling trees, were used to
• The ability to link to external databases; inform employees who worked in the one
• Robust security; office tower that did not successfully transfer
• Web-based capabilities; and to backup power (the firm’s main trading
floors and data centers in Lower Manhattan
• The ability to dynamically build process and
and New Jersey were up and running within
systems relationships and interdependencies.
hours) via diesel generators that they should
work from home on Friday. On the other
APPENDIX 4: RESPONDING hand, office space that Lehman Brothers does
TO A BLACKOUT not own in another part of the city did not
The response of financial services companies to maintain backup generators and was closed
the North American blackout of 2003 is detailed the following day.
vividly in a “Wall Street Technology” article • NASDAQ’s primary data center in
(Schmerken, 2003).The story reflects several Connecticut only experienced a brief power
realities: smaller firms face larger cost and disruption before its diesel generator fired
resources obstacles when establishing basic up.The electronic exchange also contacted
business continuity management capabilities; most of the 300 firms it provides services to,
no amount of planning can ever cover all of the the “vast majority” of which were able to
challenges live events deliver; and business connect with NASDAQ thanks to a fully
continuity management programs require redundant telecommunications network
constant updating and adjustments.These (Schmerken, 2003).


This Management Accounting Guideline was prepared with the advice and counsel of:

Barry Baptie, MBA, CMA, FCMA Melanie Woodard McGee, MS, CPA, CFE
Board Director and Business Consultant Manager of Accounting Joint
Venture Controller
Kenneth Biggs, MBA, CMA, FCMA
American Airlines/Texas Aero Engine
Board Director and Business Consultant
Services, LLC
Dennis C. Daly, CMA
John F. Morrow, CPA
Professor of Accounting
Vice President,The New Finance
Metropolitan State University
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Alphonse M. Galluccio, CMA, FCMA, CFE
Robert C. Sweeting, BSc, PhD, FCA
Vice President Internal Audit
The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Ltd.
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
William Langdon, CMA, FCMA
David L.Tousley
Vice President, Knowledge Management
Chief Financial Officer
CMA Canada
PediaMed — The Pediatrics Company
Kenneth W.Witt, CPA
Technical Manager,The New Finance
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Eric Krell, author

Mr. Krell, who is based in Austin Texas, is the author of hundreds of articles and
columns on corporate finance, corporate governance, human capital management, risk
management and other topics for magazines and media outlets. He writes for Business
Finance, where he is also a columnist; Consulting Magazine; HR Magazine; 1 to 1 Magazine
and several business school reviews. His writing has also appeared in consumer outlets,
including National Public Radio affiliate KUNC in Colorado and Rolling Stone. Krell holds
a B.A. from the College of William and Mary.

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