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Name Jaleel Hart

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

To ensure a career of higher education in the Early Childhood Education field you must

complete the Praxis Exam. If you choose to do that in the state of Nevada, attending schools that

offer bachelor degree programs you must pass the Praxis Exam before moving on to your

coursework. The passing score for Math is 150, Reading is 156, and Writing is 162.

Exam Preparation

I really didn’t prepare to take the exam. I did the syllabus exam and began to familiarize myself

with the exam. I didn’t offer enough preparation to allow true success.

Exam Results

I didn’t finish taking the exam. I didn’t allow enough time to complete all the parts. I

thought I would be able to finish it in a day and that wasn’t the best mindset. I should’ve taken

alternate measures to finish.

Future Exam Preparation

I need to study. I need to get a Praxis exam book or study using practice tests. Giving

myself enough time for errors and retakes on my own before engaging in the real thing. I’m not

sure if Ed Ready helps, maybe yes, other than that no. I’ll have to engage more. I think a book is

the way to go or online courses. I think working with a tutor is a great idea and I should exhaust

the option.

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