Nanik Lestari Ningsih 20400116036 Pbi 2 Discourse Analysis Lessons One Why We Have To Learn Discourse Analysis?

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Discourse Analysis
Lessons one
There are several facts why we should concerning about ELTL (English Language Teaching and
Learning) in Indonesia:
1. Because English is the only foreign language which is taught as a required subject in
Indonesia both schools and universities.
2. Even though the learners take a long time to learning English, their English skill is still
far from good.
3. We can see their competence in two situations:
 Firstly, some students still can’t speak in English fluently
 Secondly, some students are able to speak in English but, their pronunciation
sounds unnatural and stiff
4. The second condition makes the students become unable to speak in English properly
especially when it comes to speak in English with native English speakers, because of the
students unnatural English.
 When we learn foreign language, we can not only mastering the grammatical form of its
language but also, we have to mastering grammatical form and the competence to
communicate by its language. Or we can say it, the authentic materials.
 From the video that we have seen, we can conclude that:
1. In Indonesia, a lot of English learners could speak grammatically correct but still fail
when it comes to speaking English with authentic materials (contains form and
function of a language)
2. The problem occurs because the English learners receive many inputs of English form
but less in the function of English itself.


1. Remember, when it comes to teaching English, we should not separate the form of
English and it’s function.
2. The teacher is expected to start thinking about thinking contextual and functional English
to accomplish teaching the textual-grammatical English. The assimilation between both
teaching orientations is expected to make the English learners succeed in mastering
communicative competence in English.
3. The teacher should study discourse
This subject appears to present us understanding on several important things about
discourse analysis for teaching purposes.
 The concept of discourse analysis
It is difficult to apply on something we think it is right when we do not have the knowledge of
what we are currently learned. As well, discourse analysis to be able to do the analysis discourse,
then at least we understand and are able to distinguish two important terms between discourse
and discourse analysis.
 The posisition of discourse analysis in linguistic theories
To understand discourse analysis, we need to know how discourse analysis appeared as a part of
linguistic studies. Since then, discourse analysis is capable to provide several understanding
clearly in the context of teaching despite of its connection with linguistics
 The scoupe of discourse analysis
When we already know the basic concept about discourse analysis, another thing we should
know is the scoupe of discourse analysis itself. This will help us understanding what part of the
discourse analysis will be analyzed.
 The discourse analysis methodology
After knowing about the scope of the discourse which will be analyzed, then we have to know
the methodology of the scope to be done as the procedure such as collecting discourse materials,
identifying the components that occur as well as describing how these components occur and are
used in the discourse.
 The contributions of discourse analysis is teaching language
In this part, we try to provide that in discourse analysis there are several contribution that made
by those who are specially teaching and learning English. The contributions explain the
important role of discourse analysis especially in the aspect of teaching grammar, vocabulary,
speaking and writing.
 All the parts described here can help us to make systematic analysis both on spoken and
written discourses that will result in the identification of the discourses internal functions
and structures.
 And then the result can be used as source to bring contextual and functional English into
the classroom.
 A lot of issues in this subject are described in short explanation or briefly described.
Therefore, what has been showed at least can be used to expand our knowledge and see
why we should learn this course. Because as we know, the purpose of this subject is to
bring the authenticity of materials into classroom so the learners can use them in real life
such as social conversations.

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