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Identification of Aspects & Impact Rating Methodology

1. Risk based
2. Criteria based


Likelihood of occurrence (A) Severity of Environmental Impact (B)

Criteria Rank Criteria Rank
Certain 5 Very High 10
Very likely 4 High 8
Likely 3 Moderate 6
Unlikely 2 Low 4
Very unlikely 1 Very Low 2
None 1
Significance = (A) X (B)
Figure between 1 & 50, >20 = Significant


Criteria Based Questions

1. Does any current legislation apply?
2. Do any contractual requirements apply?
3. Is it likely that any further legislative or contractual requirements will apply in the future?
4. Can the techniques and controls applied to the relevant activities, products, and services
be improved to reduce the impact on the environment?
5. Are large amounts of resources consumed on a regular basis?
6. Are large amounts of solid waste produced on a regular basis?
7. Is it likely to have a major negative impact on the environment or local community?
8. Can the organisation exert direct control over it?
9. Is it of major concern to key interested parties?
10. Are corporate values likely to be contradicted?

Aspects Question Numbers Notes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total (remarks)

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