It8211/it8211 - 14.2

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APRIL / MAY 2018
Second Semester


(Regulations -2017)

Aim & Problem

Algorithm & Viva
Identification Procedure Observation Result Total
Flow chart Voce
10 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks 30 Marks 10 Marks 10 100 Marks

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks 100


1 Write and execute a PHP script that can be used to add, lend, return, search, view (60)
(a) all books in a library management system.

Write and execute a program to create a simple form to submit user input like his (40)
name (Text Box), age (TextBox-number), Gender (Radio Button), dob (calendar
control), address (text area) and favourite subject (check box), movie (Drop
Down List) and singer(Drop Down list).

2 Develop and run an online bus ticket reservation system using PHP and SQL (60)
Write and execute HTML document to create a given table structure using all the (40)
(b) table related tags

3 Design and execute a railway reservation system using PHP and SQL (60)
Write and execute a PHP program to find Fibonacci series for N numbers. (40)

4 (a) The airline ticket reservation system is built for user to directly access the (60)
system online to book tickets. The user can book, print, cancel tickets without
the help of a clerk. The user must able get the refund. The administrator has
control over the adding flights available for booking and has control over
deleting flights that are not necessary. The administrator and user can both enter
the system using their respective login details. Design and Implement the above
model using PHP and SQL.
Create a text file that stores state and capital of India. Print a summary that (40)
includes the number of words in the file

5 In Online CD catalog system the customer can browse the catalog. Allow the (60)
customer to search for a CD, add a CD to the order, view the order details and
(a) place the order. By collecting more needed requirements design and implement
the above specification using PHP script and SQL.

Write and execute an HTML form that allows the user to enter a value. In PHP, (40)
(b) write a script to determine whether a variable contain a number and whether the
number is even.

6 The employee payroll system is built for employee and manager. The employee (60)
can view his salary and the manager can add a new employee, update employee
details and calculate and credit the salary. The employee and manager can log
(a) into the system providing their respective user names at login, if the entered
input is incorrect an appropriate message is displayed. Design and implement the
above module using PHP and SQL

Write and execute an HTML form that allows the user to enter a value. In PHP, (40)
(b) write a script to determine whether a variable contain a number and whether the
number is even.

7 Develop an online result publishing system with the following facilities . (60)
Admin: Insert the student details, marks, results to the system.
Student: view the result by register number, user name, password (display
Design and implement the above using PHP and SQL.

Write and execute an HTML program to demonstrate marquee, ordered and un (40)
(b) ordered list.

8 (a) Consider a table consists of student marks as mark1, mark2 and average. Write (60)
and execute an HTML form to accept all the marks from the user. Write a PHP
program to read all the marks from the table and to calculate the average marks.
write the calculated average into the database table.

Write and execute a HTML program to demonstrate marquee, ordered and un (40)
(b) ordered list.

9 Write and execute a PHP program to find Fibonacci series for N numbers (40)
Design an html form to take the information of a customer visiting a (60)
departmental store such as name, contact phone no , preferred days of
purchasing , favourite item ( to be selected from a list of items), suggestions etc.
(b) One should provide button to Submit as well as Reset the form contents. Using
Javascript validate the contact phone no to accept minimum of 10 digits alone
characters should not be allowed.

10 Write and execute a PHP program to reverse a string without using string (40)
(a) functions

Create a web page of your college with following specifications Place your (60)
College name at the top of the page in large text followed by address in smaller
(b) size. Add names of courses offered each in a different color, style. Add scrolling
text with a message of your choice Add college image at the bottom

11 Write and execute an HTML program to demonstrate marquee, ordered and un (40)
(a) ordered list.

Design a form In HTML(Yahoo registration form).Create a Form which has text (60)
fields, text area, check box, radio button, submit button, reset button, drop down
(b) box. Validate necessary fields using javascript. Display the details of the
registered when the registration is successful

12 In Online CD catalog system the customer can browse the catalog. Allow the (60)
customer to search for a CD, add a CD to the order, view the order details and
(a) place the order. By collecting more needed requirements design and implement
the above specification using PHP script and SQL.

Write and execute a PHP program to read a text file character by character and (40)
display it on the screen and also display the size of the file. File Details:
‘sample.txt’ which has the text ‘All the Best for university practical exam'
13 Using PHP and MySQL, develop a program to accept book information viz. (60)
Accession number, title, authors, edition and publisher from a web page and
store the information in a database and to search for a book with the title
specified by the user and to display the search results with proper headings
Write and execute an HTML document to create a given table structure using all (40)
(b) the table related tags.

14 Write and execute a program using HTML form and java script, to calculate the (60)
simple interest (SI = PNR / 100). Use three text boxes and a button in the form.
Display the interest in a fourth text box when the button is clicked.

Write and execute an HTML program to demonstrate marquee, ordered and un (40)
(b) ordered list.

15 Write and execute an user defined function ‘CalculateInterest’ using PHP to find (50)
the simple interest to be paid for a loan amount. Read the loan amount, the
number of years and the rate of interest from a database table called
LOANDETAILS having three AMT,YEARS, and RATE and calculate the
interest using the user defined function

Accept the multiplication table number and number of terms to be printed (50)
through a HTML form. Write and execute a PHP code to display the
(b) multiplication table in a tabular form with header(table no.,term, product) and
multiple rows and columns.

16 Consider an associative array Food_Items with name of the food and cost of it. (50)
Write and execute a PHP program to read all the elements of this associative
array and to display the average price of the food items

Write and execute a PHP script for the following: Design a form to accept the (50)
details of 5 different items, such as item code, item name, units sold, rate.
Display the bill in the tabular format

17 (a) Write and execute a java script to validate the following fields in a registration (50)
page a. Name (should contains alphabets and the length should not be less than 8
characters) b. Password (should not be less than 6 characters). C. Confirm
Password (Password and Confirm Password should match. D. E-mail(should not
contain invalid addresses)
Create an associative array called cricket_score with player_name and (50)
runs_scored of 11 players. Write and execute a PHP program to display the
player_name based on the runs they scored in increasing order and also calculate
the Team score of this associative array.

18 Consider a database table PLAYER(ID, NAME, MEDALS_WON). Assume that (60)

already 20 records exist in the table. Write and execute a PHP program to
connect to the database and display all the records where MEDALS_WON > 10.

Write and execute a HTML program to demonstrate marquee, ordered and un (40)
ordered list.

19 Create an html page with following specifications (60)

a. Title should be about My Village

b. Put the image in the background
(a) c. Place your Village name at the top of the page in large text followed by
address in smaller size
d. Add names of yours friends in a different colour, style.
e. Add scrolling text with a message of your choice

Write and execute a PHP program which stores the name of month and no of (40)
days in the month in an array. Sort the array based on the month in descending
order. Output should be in the format as January has 31 days

20 Create an html page with red background with any image in large size when (50)
(a) mouse pointer is taken over the picture

Write and execute a PHP program to read the file and display the contents and (50)
(b) also count the number of occurrence of the word in a text file which contain
many sentences

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