Guidelines For Club Administration

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As a director of the club you and your fellow board members are charged with
responsibility for the control and direction of your club as set forth in the bylaws. It
will be no easy job, but it will afford you a wealth of business and social experience,
plus a great deal of personal satisfaction; and on occasion your directorship will gain
you certain amount of recognition.

Your primary duty as a director will be to help set club policies. The manager is the
one who should carry out these policies because he or she is the professional
operating head of the club.

Your Relationship With Your Club

As a director you will have certain responsibilities in addition to attending board

meetings. One of the most important is helping build membership participation in
all club functions. Only through widespread membership participation in the dining
room and at club events can your club be financially successful. Attend every
possible club function and encourage others to be party-goers.

As a director make it a habit to patronize your club regularly. Try to eat at your club
at least once every week so you will be thoroughly familiar with the food and
service. Observe employees and their approach to their work in trying to please all
the members. If some facet of service appears to be out of place, notify the
manager. He or she is the person from whom to receive an explanation, and the
person who should take any corrective action.

Your Relationship With the Members

One of your less pleasant duties as a director will be to listen to complaints, so

prepare yourself. Some complaints may be well founded, others may stem from
imagined slights. Learn both sides of the story before committing yourself to an
answer. Do not make any rash promises that could prove embarrassing to you or
could put you in an untenable position. Listen to the member making the complaint
and assure him or her you will report it to the manager or to the proper committee.

Avoid the temptation to feel you should, in any effort to soothe the complaining
member, agree on the spot with his or her position. Avoid discussing, if at all
possible, the negative aspects of the club. Emphasize the positive, even if it means
hiding your own concerns about the certain club operations. You have, by agreeing
to run for the board, accepted the responsibility of dealing with the club’s problems,
and it is best to do so as quietly and efficiently as possible without stirring up

Your Relationship With the Board.

As a director keep in mind that you are representing all members of the club and
not just a select few. Your decisions as a board member should be based on what
you honestly believe is best for the members and the club as a whole. Disregard
your personal feelings and try to be completely objective and statesmanlike.

At board meetings remember that your fellow directors are as sincere in their beliefs
as you are in yours. If you don’t agree with an idea or a statement, analyze it

Just as in most corporations, the director in a club can act only through the majority
vote of the board. Unless delegated special authority or responsibility by the board
or bylaws, the director may act only in concert with fellow directors, not as an
individual. The individual director who short circuits the board, officers, and/or
manager is harming the club and undermining its constituted authority.

Board members must advance the credibility of the board and establish confidence
within the membership at large that its governing body operates openly, offers
opportunity to express dissent and operates with responsibility and awareness of its

Your Relationship With the Club Staf

In your relationship with club employees, don’t usurp the manager’s authority by
disciplining or asking special favors. Remember that disciplinary action should be
carried out through the club manager. Convey any complaints, to him or her
immediately. Any corrective action is only effective when initiated promptly.

The manager is usually responsible to one member of the executive committee, or

the board, for interpreting and applying policies, for controlling department
activities, and for conducting public relations. He or she is responsible for
supervising the overall club operation, and he or she has the authority to employ,
supervise, direct, train and dismiss all department heads and other employees
under him or her.

The manager supervises or works closely with other executive personnel of the club,
such as the Sports and Games Manager or Polo and Equestrian Manager. In some
clubs these specialists may be more directly responsible to a specific committee,
although many clubs find that for efficiency it is preferable that they report to the
club manager.

The manager should attend board meetings to assure communication and

continuity between the board, committees and managers.

The manager is responsible for the maintenance, care and cleanliness of the
clubhouse, and for general expenses and purchasing necessary in the operation of
the club. He or she sees that all decisions of the board are carried out.

The general manager form of operation has been adopted by many clubs. Under
this concept the basic flow of authority is from the board to the general manager to
all other employees. The general manager is completely responsible for all phases
of management and accountable to the board for the performance of the entire
management team. The club must have, in writing, the purpose, authority and
responsibility of every managers.


Objectives. The Manila Polo Club is a non-profit organization. It was formed primarily to
provide recreation, food and beverage to enhance the well-being of its proprietary and
associate members and secondarily, to cater to the member’s dependent’s and business

The club has a social conscience. It aims to contribute to nation-building by providing jobs not
only in terms of sports careers but also in the form of contractual jobs to young people who
otherwise would be idle and out in the streets.

The club goes one step further. It provides the more gifted and more determined of the
member’s dependent’s and the young opportunities to excel in the field of sports by allowing its
sports facilities to be utilized for national youth sports development programs. The club shall be
guided in all future activities by this policy.

Board of Directors. The corporate powers of the club, the management of its operations and
control of its properties are vested in a board of nine directors. These directors are elected by
the members at the annual meeting of the club. Each director must own in his own right, at the
time of his election, and during his term of office, a proprietary membership certificate.
Directors receives no salaries or fees as such.

Officers. The board of directors elect from among themselves a President, a First and Second
Vice President, a Treasurer and Secretary, and may from time to time elect one or more
Assistant Secretaries, Assistant Treasurers and such other officers as it may deem proper.

Directorates/Committees. Various directorates/committees are formed annually from among

the club members to oversee certain specific areas of activities of the club. The Director-In-
Charge and members of these directorates/committees are appointed by the board. The
directorates/committees members’ task is recommendatory in nature. They are aware and
recognize that it is not their role to give direct orders and instructions to the line personnel.
Their findings and observations are submitted to their respective chairmen, who in turn endorse
the same to their Directors-in-Charge. The Director-In-Charge evaluates the Chairman’s
recommendation and decides whether or not a decision or action needs ratification by the
board. Once ratified by the board acted upon by the Director-In-Charge, the same is submitted
to the general manager, for implementation.

Staff. The day to day operations of the club are undertaken by a staff of employees headed by
the club manager, who reports to the board of directors, through the President.


As a director you may be chairman of one of the standing committees as outlined in

your club bylaws. Your club manager can be helpful to you. Don’t hesitate to ask
the manager’s advice or call upon his or her experience. Many committees will of
necessity work closely with the manager. All should look on the manager as a
retained consultant available to help solve operation problems, and as an ex-officio
member of all committees.

Committees are not policy-making bodies, but they can investigate and recommend
policies when they consider it necessary.

No committee should incur financial obligations beyond the funds appropriated by

the board, unless authorized by the board. Committees should coordinate activities
through the club manager.

In selecting committee members the president should carefully consider the

qualifications of each prospect. Among committee members of today are the
officers and directors of tomorrow. Each committee appointee should have both
interest and ability to do the job.

With the advice of the club manager, who comes in contact with more members
that an officer or director, the president can develop a list of those who have the
time to serve on committees, as well as the interest, optimism, knowledge of
certain subjects, flexibility, leadership characteristics, and a quality too often
overlooked – the ability to listen and be cooperative.

The club should have, in writing, the purpose and authority of every standing
committee. Otherwise, a committee might channel its efforts in the wrong
direction, or in no direction at all. Without written objectives, or a need to meet, a
committee might become a hindrance to the club operation. Committee members
with leadership potential might lose interest in serving the club.


Responsibilities and Authority. The Chairman is responsible for and has commensurate
authority to effect the fulfillment of his duties set forth below. In accordance with policy and
accepted procedure, the chairman may delegate appropriate portions of his responsibilities
together with the corresponding authority to the club manager, but he may not delegate nor
relinquish his overall responsibility for results or any portion of his accountability.

Functions and Activities:

1. Fiscal Matters Committee

The committee shall:

a. Regulate prices of items sold in the club other than those items directly under the
Food and Beverage Directorate, including prices of commodities sold in all club
b. Check expenses chargeable to the operations and maintenance of the club
including all purchases, their prices and quality.

2. Security Committee

The committee shall:

a. Ensure the safety and protection of all members, dependents, guests and
b. Restrict the entrance of uninvited guests to the club premises

3. Rules and Regulations Committee

The committee shall:

a. Propose to the board of directors any desirable changes in rules and regulations
covering the government and use of the club.
b. Enforce order and obedience to the rules and regulations pertaining to the
government and use of the club.

4. Upkeep and Maintenance

The committee shall:

a. Be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the property and equipment
of the club.
b. Institute immediate action on the maintenance and beautification of club
structures, facilities and surroundings.

5. Publications Committee

The committee shall:

a. Provide the membership with a periodic newsletter and source of updated
information with regards to club activities.

6. Library Committee

The committee shall:

a. Provide the members with adequate supply of reading materials such as
magazines, books, and other library materials.

7. International Inter-Club Relations Committee

The committee shall:

a. Establish reciprocal arrangements with other international clubs as a service to
b. Promote goodwill and friendship with the affiliated clubs.

8. Capital Improvements Committee

The committee shall:

a. Be responsible for all major construction, improvements and replacements
(including major repairs) of all club property and equipment.


Functions and Activities

The Directorate shall:

a. Propose to the board of directors through the House Directorate any desirable
changes in the rules and regulations pertaining to the government and use of the
club’s sports facilities.
b. Make recommendations to the board of directors through the House Directorate for
the purchase and/or construction of additional property and equipment for sports
and games.
c. Recommend necessary upkeep and maintenance work to be done at any sports
d. Review all expenses chargeable to the sports and games operations not exceeding
approved budget. All expenses of this must be approved by the board.
e. Be responsible for keeping the members informed by posting notices on bulletin
boards and in the club circulars events related to sports and games.
f. Be responsible for bringing to the attention of the club manager any member or his
dependents who violate club and athletic rules and regulations.


Primary Function. The Chairman is charged with the responsibility of promulgating (subject to
the approval of the board) policies relative to the continuous improvement of the food and
beverage service and ensuring that club standards of food and beverage preparation and
service are maintained at reasonable cost.

Functions and Activities

The Directorate shall:
a. Propose to the board of directors any desirable changes in the rules and regulations
pertaining to the government and use of food and beverage facilities.
b. Bring to the attention of the club manager any matter corresponding variances to the
rules and regulations as well as new implementing policies concerning food and
beverage operations.
c. Recommend to the board of directors through the House Directorate the necessary
improvements and repairs and maintenance to be undertaken in the food and
beverage area of responsibility.
d. Regulate the prices of food and beverage items and allied services and rental rates
of function rooms.
e. Review withdrawals and use of provisions, stores, wines and liquors for consumption
outside the club.


Functions and Activities

The Directorate shall:

a. Control applications for membership to the club by maintaining a master ledger
sheet on which will be listed, among other related information, the following:
 Name of applicant
 Name of sponsor
 Date sponsor
b. Maintain sufficient stock of all forms and printed materials necessary for the
processing of applications.
c. Advise in writing each sponsor as to the progress of the application of his nominee,
where applicable, to enclose the forms necessary for the processing of applicants for
d. Conduct the initial interview of all applicants. The main purpose of this interview is to
appraise the applicants’ character, interests in club activities, background, sociability,

e. Recommended to the board those applicants who, in the opinion of the Directorate
members, possess the qualifications, background, social standing, etc. to become
members of the club.
f. Make arrangements for a meeting between the board of directors and the applicants
recommended by the directorate, each applicant being accompanied by the sponsor.
g. Advise those applicants who have been elected to membership, depending on the
results of the regular membership meeting.
h. Furnish each new member a copy of the Article of Incorporation and Rules and
Regulations of the club.


Functions and Activities

The Directorate shall:

a. Propose to the board of directors program to promote the game of polo and riding
b. Be responsible for polo, stables and riding school activities.
c. Propose to the board of directors any desirable changes in the rules and regulations
for the use of polo, stables and riding school facilities
d. Be responsible for the cleanliness, upkeep and maintenance of the polo, stables and
riding school facilities.
e. Recommend to the House Directorate major improvements, repairs and
replacements to be undertaken in his area of responsibility.
f. Analyze the financial operations of polo, stables and riding school.
g. Be responsible for the proper feeding, training and care of Club-owned horses.


Functions and Activities:

The Directorate shall:

a. Recommend any desired changes and recording format of financial statements.
b. Advise the board of directors where financial matters are concerned.
c. Ascertain that adequate measures are maintained for the protection of funds and
property of the club.
d. Prepare year-end financial report.
e. Prepare the Operations and Capital Improvements Budget for approval by the Board
of Directors.


Functions and Activities

The Directorate shall:

a. Propose to the board of directors any desirable changes to the rules and regulations
concerning use of club funds.
b. Advise the board of directors where monetary matters are concerned.
c. Prepare year-end treasury report.
d. Screen all disbursements recommended by club manager.
e. Approve proper disposition of funds held in trust by the club.
f. Ascertain that adequate safeguards are maintained for the protection of funds and
property of the club.
g. Course through the club manager a budget for interest income and other matters
related to treasury.


Functions and Activities

The Directorate shall:

a. Propose to the board of directors desirable social events for club members.

b. Recommend to the board of directors contracts for entertainment.
c. Ensure that all expenses for social activities are within the approved budget.
d. Coordinate with the FB Directorate Chairman all the necessary F&B requirements
concerning social activities.


Functions and Activities

The Directorate shall:

a. Propose to the board of directors any desirable changes in labor related matters.
b. Make recommendations to the board of directors salary or wage increases of club
c. Accept from labor union representatives complaints in writing and make
recommendations concerning same to the board of directors for action by the club
d. Make sure that a Grievance Committee is formed representing labor and
management to review complaints of the employees.
e. Negotiate new contract on or before the expiration date of all union contract.
f. Make recommendations concerning those areas which would improve the working
conditions of the employees.

In general, these committees are responsible for programs, rules, activities and
maintenance in their respective areas. Such committees are charged with
stimulating interest, informing members of the various activities under their
jurisdiction, administering prizes and trophies, and, in some cases, establishing
necessary rules of etiquette. They also are expected to keep well informed about
club activities and work closely with the managers.

These are the “GUIDELINES FOR CLUB ADMINISTRATION.” They are the principles
under which many successful clubs throughout the world operate.

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