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1. To rededicate the lives of youth to the ideals of freedom and nationalism, for which our heroes lived and died
2. To pay tribute to our national hero for devoting his life and works in shaping the Filipino character
3. To gain an inspiring source of patriotism through the study of Rizal’s life, works, and writings.
1. I agree about implementing the Rizal subject in the years of Elementary and High School, but end this subject
after graduating in High School, and let the college students focus on their own courses and specialties.



- According to Hernan Abaya, 1984, the nationalist reawakening began on the UP campus, sparked by the teaching of Rizal’s life
and his writings made compulsory by the Noli-Fili law, co-authored by Recto and Laurel. This is a statement from a person who was
able to witness the condition of the country before and after the Rizal law was implemented. He saw the change and the positive
effect of the law to our country back then.
- the youth was made aware of the contributions and the principled life of Jose Rizal who was an emblem of substantial nationalism
and unconditional love for the country. He embodies brilliance coupled with humility and prestige that goes along with service. This
Republic Act has pushed for Rizal to be a role model for the youth of this country.
- Through this republic act the essence of freedom and independence was emphasized to the youth. Also, it has been implied
through this act that national identity is a very important legacy that our heroes have achieved through sacrificing their own lives.
They have passed it on to us, and it is our role to nurture and protect it.


- The faith of the people is being compromised. This law is endangering the Christian growth of the students who are still in their
formative years. This can drive the youth to question the credibility of the church and its teachings and traditions.
- According to a survey that we have conducted in our university, the Rizal course is not actually significant for the students. It has
just been a laborious subject that adds unnecessary work load to students, and it sometimes drives the students to lose focus on
their majors.

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