International Security

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International security - Challenges and solutions for technology, environment and society

By: Shamail Arzu

(PhD Candidate)

ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................... 2
BACKGROUND AND STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM .................................................................................... 2
RESEARCH SCOPE: ......................................................................................................................................... 2
RESEARCH QUESTION: .................................................................................................................................. 3
HYPOTHESIS .................................................................................................................................................. 3
AIM AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................... 3
METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................ 4
STUDY DESIGN: ............................................................................................................................................. 4
DATA COLLECTION METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS ...................................................................................... 4
DATA ANALYSIS METHODS: .......................................................................................................................... 4
STUDY PERIOD............................................................................................................................................... 4
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................. 4
In the modern era there are a lot of benefits of internet but on the other hand it poses many
threats to national and international security. The risks are great. Now a days everybody is
talking about the security concern. Cyber warfare is a very important topic. The problem is that
examples are very few. Developed countries are continuously improving the cyber capabilities. If
we look at the cyber and physical worlds there is a great linkage between them. The cyber
capabilities are difficult to gauge. This paper would explain the current challenges posed to
international security and what could be possible solutions. How it would affect the development
of new technology. Would it be the beneficial for environment? How it would influence the


The cyber-attack impact is a hot topic. How it should be responded and what Global policy and
strategy should be adapted on cyber issues. What kind of infrastructure for cyber defense is
critical. How can the Cyberspace force should buildup? What are Ethical and legal aspects of
cyberspace. What new Cyberspace technologies should be introduced. Should Military use cyber
operations and warfare along with physical war. What is Military and cyber strategic thinking.
How safe is the Information sharing is. What methodologies should be used to analyze for
Cybersecurity threats.

The main objective of this research is to encourage political decision-makers (and others) to
create a guideline of safe ways to respond to different kinds of cyber threats. The war strategies
and tactics are well understood but this new era where the technology has overpowered the
world, the war strategies must be different. Through political warfare one can exploit and get the
required results. Cyber tools are very powerful. They influence masses and government and
institutions need to give strict guideline.

This research will enrich the current literature; will appeal to academics in cyber warfare/
warfare, cyberspace studies, policy makers, government institutions, private data sharing
companies and all those interested in knowing the usage and consequences.
1. What are the current challenges posed to international security and what could be
possible solutions?
2. How would cyber warfare affect the development of new technology?
3. Would increase development of cyber capabilities be the beneficial for environment?
4. How cyber warfare would influence the society.

H1: Cyber warfare has great impact on the development og new technology

H0: Cyber warfare has no impact on the development og new technology

H1: Increase development of cyber capabilities would be beneficial for environment

H0: Increase development of cyber capabilities would not be beneficial for environment

H1: Cyber war fare would have great impact on society

H0: Cyber war fare would not have great impact on society


This main objective of this research is as follow;

How cyber-attack should be responded and what Global policy and strategy should be adapted
on cyber issues?

What kind of infrastructure for cyber defense is critical?

How can the Cyberspace force should buildup?

What are Ethical and legal aspects of cyberspace?

What new Cyberspace technologies should be introduced?

Should Military use cyber operations and warfare along with physical war?

What is Military and cyber strategic thinking?

How safe is the Information sharing is?

The methodologies should be used to analyze for Cybersecurity threats?


The quantitative and qualitative approaches would be employed for data gathering. The
researcher will make use of a survey, in depth interview and already ready existing literature. A
survey gathers data at a point in time with the intention of describing the nature of existing
conditions can be compared or determining the relationship that exist between specific events.

Through surveys the data against below variables is collected;

Dependent variable: International security

Independent variable: 1. Technology 2. Environment 3. Society

Sample size: 250

Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Surveys and in-depth interview would be used to collect data. And data would be analyzed with
the help of SPSS, and R.


For data collected from survey questionnaire would be analyzed in SPSS. Cross tabulation,
regression analysis and hypothesis testing would be done.

The study would be complete in the span of three years.

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