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Chapter 13 AXIALLY LOADED PILES 13.1 Single Incompressible Floating Pile ‘This problem has been considered by Poulos and Davis (1968). The distribution of shear stress along the pile shaft is shown in Fig.13.1 for various /d values while the proportion of applied load transferred to ‘the base is shown in Fig.13.2. o-2s| % os] ons] FIG.13:1 Distribution of shear stress along incompressible pile. Influence factors for the vertical displacement are shown in Figs.13.3 to 15.6 for a pile in a finite layer and for four values of Vs (Poisson's ratio of mass). ‘The effect of having an enlarged base, dianeter dp, _on the pile is shown in Fig.13.7 for base load, and Fig.13.8 for displacenent. 269 109 i i i S \ 7 2 a ° n FIG.13.2 Proportion of applied load transferred to ‘base of incompressible pile. 270 AXIALLY LoADED Prizs 8 3 2 Displacement nuance Factor Tp ry % o4 03 02 oF 0 Ua FIG13.3 Displacenent of incospressible pile in finite layer. v, = 0. & nce Factor Tp & 3 z : i a Te a ee % 2, 04 03 02 of 0 Ys FIG.13.4 Displacement of incompressible pile in finite layer. v, = 0.2. ai mn = TT, art Bo lp eat 9 fey 7 TE = wae ~ re “ ree | Ae zo —— || + eat_| doe | 7] PCPS] sear in SS eee = i | 2s i = Bo 7 ee i a be = i Ace 4 PMH [errr +t | Er =| 7 a2 de 04 03 02 01 0 % 710.13,5 Displacenent of incoapressibie pile in finite layer. v= M vm F1G.13.6 Displacement of incompressible pile in finite layer. v, = 0.5. SINGLE COMPRESSIBLE PILE 2m aes 8 8 8 Percentage Load Carried by fase 8 FIG.13.7 Effect of enlarged base on proportion of oad transferred to pile base. # +0 = B os a 1 4 ‘a8 \ SBoe| + 33 | \ alg 0-7] . 2 yros | Hios : \\ 2 oy = 3 % ¥10.13.0 Effect of enlazged base on pile dlsplace- ene. The behaviour of piles of non-uniform cross~ section is considered by Poulos (1969) while the behaviour of piles having a rigid cap resting on the surface is examined by Poulos. (1968b).. 13.2 Single Compressible Floating Pile ‘The compressibility of the pile in relation to the soil is expressed by a pile stiffness factor x x= 2% se 5:3) vheze Ep = Young's sodulus of pile Eq = Young's nodulus of soil,nass a= area of pile section/@E The influence of XK on the shear stress distrib- tution along the pile is show in Fig.13.9 while the proportion of load transferred to the base is shown in Fig.15.10. The difference between the top and tip Gisplacenent of a pile having L/d=25 is shown in Fig.13.11. Influence factors for displacenent of the pile top are shown in Fig.13.12. In all the above cases, the layer is of infinite depth. The influence of finite layer depth is shown in Fig.13.15. Influence factors for the vertical displacenent of a point within 2 semi-infinite mass, at depth 7 below the surface and radial distance 'r from the axis, due to a pile are shown in Figs.13.14 to 13.27 for various values of I/d and X. “These factors have betn obtained by Poulos and Mattes (19718). 9 o2 on os — o| Jess0. os] 10) ¥EG.13.9 Effect of pile compressibility on shear Stress distribution (wattes. and Poulos, 1969).

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