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Increasing demand in vehicular traffic is inevitable in any growing urban cities all over

the world. Traffic jams or Traffic Congestions exist everywhere and no matter where you go, you

will have to experience them at some point. It is bound “to get worse” as time passes by. Hence,

it has an immense effect in the social, economic, health, infrastructure, and environmental state

of the community.

Philippines is ranked as 5th among the countries with worst traffic on earth. One of the

primary causes of this is the lack of quality of current urban transportation infrastructures. These

unmanaged interactions make life in the cities more miserable and cause deterioration of health

and the quality of life.

Traffic Congestions result a traffic mess cost that is extremely high. According to Japan

International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 2018, the economic cost of transportation in the

Philippines has risen to 3.5 billion pesos a day, and the situation can get worse to 5.4 billion a

day if interventions will not be made. These problems cause billions of loses in man hours and

cause pollution, road rage, accidents, property damage, and deaths.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to seek answers for the following questions:

1. What are the current problems affecting Urban Design in Tarlac City in terms of

traffic, accessibility, economy, environment, and etc.?

2. Who will be affected with the proposed study?
3. What are the architectural solutions intended for the encountered problems?
4. What other building, amenities, or building features can be added to maximize its

usability and effectiveness?

5. How will the proposal affect the daily lives of every Tarlaquenos?

Objectves of the study

 To reduce traffic congestion in Romulo Boulevard,Barangay San Vicente Intersection in

Tarlac City

 To determine the causes and effects of traffic congestion in the specified area.

 To find possible solutions to traffic congestion within the vicinity.

Significance of the Study

Traffic congestion is one of the major problem in tarlac city , by providing terminal for
public utility jeepney and tricyle

This study will be beneficial to the following:

1. Drivers - This will help them provide fast and better earnings on their livelihood.

2. Passengers - This will enable them to have an accessible and safe transportation in going to
their destination.

3. Businessmen - This will help them to do their business easily within the area without
worrying the delay on business trips and travels.

4. Land Transportation Office/Traffic Enforcers - This will provide them a solution to easily
enforce their regulations.

5. City Government - This will help them increase the economic growth of the city.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This proposed study delimited to the following:

1. The traffic congestion observed is particularly in the area of Zamora Street and Romulo
Boulevard Intersection at Tarlac City

2. The data gathered is during the peak hour of the day between seven (7) to eight (8)
in the morning and four(4) to seven(6) in the afternoon.

3. The traffic count conducted is a 2-hour traffic observation with a 15-minute time

4. The traffic flow parameters concerned are traffic flow rate, traffic concentration and
vehicle speed.

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