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Praxis Core Analysis

Ellise Peterson

EDU 299-1004

The Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam is an exam that education students

are required to pass. The Praxis Core exam must be passed before any student is able to be

accepted into a university for their bachelor’s degree. That means that no education courses are

able to be taken until the exam is passed. There are certain scores needed to pass each section.

For math the score needed to pass is 150, for reading the passing score is 156, and for writing it’s


I haven’t taken The Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam. However, I did

take the practice exams on Teachers Test Prep that were provided. Prior to the exam I did

research on it to know what is required and how I can prepare in order to receive the best scores.

Unfortunately, the exams on that website were a lot harder than I anticipated. They were

extremely intense, and detail orientated. I expected to do a lot better than I did; it was


There are three practice tests I took and here are my scores: in math I scored an eighty-

three percent which means, I’m likely to pass the mathematics section when I take the official

Praxis Core exam. In reading I scored a sixty-six percent which is borderline when it comes to

passing that section on the official exam. Lastly, in writing my score was a sixty percent which

means that there is improvement needed before I can pass that section of the exam.

In order to take the official Praxis Core exam, I have a lot of studying. I will do whatever

it takes to prepare myself to pass the exams. I plan to purchase study guides and practice exams,

visit every link possible for information, take Praxis Core review courses at CSN, work with a

tutor, basically use every tool available to me so I’m able to score what’s required to pass these

exams. The plan is to start my bachelor’s degree in the fall which means I will be taking The

Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam extremely soon. Let the studying begin!

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