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What Every New Employee

Needs to Know

U.S. Department of State

Bureau of Human Resources
Office of Civil Service Human Resource Management (HR/CSHRM)
June 2011
The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
Ask Admin, Ask RNet, & Ask HR escorts. During the briefing, the trainer will be
Ask Admin (Administrative database), Ask RNet responsible for the attendees.
(Retirement database), and Ask HR (Human
Resource database) are knowledge-bases Security briefings are held at various dates,
where you can search for answers to your times and locations. A schedule is published
questions on a variety of administrative periodically in Department Notices. Please
,retirement, or HR topics respectively or post address questions by email to: DS_ISP_APB,
new queries and receive answers from the Training (TrainingDSE@state.gov).
experts. To access visit:
http://askadmin.a.state.gov/display/2/index.aspx For more information see:
?c=&cpc=&cid=&cat=&catURL=&r=0.781244754 https://intranet.ds.state.sbu/DS/default.aspx
Badges are to be displayed above the
Badges waist at all times while on DOS property.
All employees are required to get a building
pass identification card as soon as possible Building Access
upon beginning employment. To obtain, renew, To enter any State Department building, you will
or replace a State Department building pass, be required to show your building pass
complete Form DS-1838, and take it to HST identification card, swipe it through a scanner or
(Main State), Room B266. You may wish to insert it into a reader and enter your code. You
enter the building via the “Joggers Entrance” on will also need to show your pass to use any of
21 St near C Street, which brings you directly the State Department's shuttle buses. It is
to B266. recommended that you remove or conceal your
pass when not in State Department facilities-for
Contractors should hand carry the DS-1838 to safety and security reasons.
DS/IS, located at 520 Columbia Plaza.
Tel: 202-663-3093. After Hours Access
Check with your building security for procedures
Your DS-1838 must be signed by a bureau on after-hours access.
sponsor. This is usually someone in HR for new
hires or supervisors for all other employees and Access Control for Main State (HST)
contractors. On August 23, 1999, the Department
implemented a "New Escort Policy for Main
Before new State Department employees
(including PSC, WAE and new hire contract State Visitors". The policy requires that all
employees) can be issued a building pass non-USG visitors in Main State be escorted
indicating they hold a security clearance, they AT ALL TIMES. After business hours, USG
are required to attend a security briefing that visitors must also be escorted.
reviews Department of State procedures for
handling classified information. After the Please take note of the following general
briefing, attendees will be issued a procedural security reminders:
memorandum confirming their attendance,
which they must provide to the badge office in Never leave your reception area unattended.
order to receive a building pass. Challenge all non-office personnel who enter
your office before allowing access into your
Briefings start promptly; individuals arriving after office space. This includes all visitors, delivery,
the briefing has started will not be admitted and repair, maintenance, movers and vendors
must return for the next scheduled briefing. servicing your equipment.

New employees/contractors who do not have a Cleaning (Char force) personnel must be
building pass must be escorted to and from the escorted at all times while in your work area.
briefings. Offices responsible for the new Employees are reminded that with few
employees/contractors must provide appropriate exceptions, these personnel do not have
security clearances. Cleaning personnel and

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
visitors should NEVER be granted unescorted application for ordering business cards will allow
access to areas containing classified materials. you to design, proof, and track your order from
Establish lock up procedures for the end of the your desk.
day. Make sure everyone has logged off his/her
computer. Remove and secure all STU III keys Once you complete your online request, all
and classified hard drives. Ensure all classified DOS-funded requests must be submitted on
materials (to include burn bags and lap top Form DS-5, with funding data, to MMS. The
computers) have been placed into authorized DS-5 must have authorization signed by your
security containers and secured. Ensure all bureau budget officer. Submit the completed
office doors and windows are locked and, if form to the Office of Multi-Media Services in
applicable, that security alarms have been Room B-934 or fax it to 202-736-7472. If you
activated. Problems with containers or door are not seeking government reimbursement, you
locks should be reported to A/OPR/GS at (202) may pay by credit card or personal check by
736-7772 during business hours or after hours presenting the card or check (payable to U.S.
to DS/DO/SCC at (202) 647-0822. Department of State) to MMS in Room B-934.

Never loan or allow anyone use of your building Policies on funding business cards are made by
pass - this is strictly prohibited. Building passes each bureau. Individual employees should
must be worn at all times while inside DoS request further information from their
facilities. Never allow anyone to follow you supervisors or executive office.
through (piggyback/tailgate) a controlled access
door or turnstile. Visit
Immediately report any lost or stolen building to place an order.
passes to DS/DO Systems Operations at (202)
647-4418. Career Development Resource Center
The Career Development Division is in the
Building Pass Recognition. Persons with a Office of Civil Service Human Resource
blue border building pass or a gray border Management, which is part of the Bureau of
building pass with a diagonal red stripe have Human Resources (HR/CSHRM/CD). Their staff
both a security clearance and escort authority. members are the Department's expert advisors
Red and green border badges identify persons and program managers for career development
who do not have security clearances. Persons for Civil Service employees. They manage the
with red border, blue photo background and a Career Development Resource Center (CDRC),
diagonal red stripe have been granted No which provides career counseling to the
Objection escort authority to take visitors into Department's Civil Service employees and
non-classified (public) areas. Foreign Service spouses. They are located at:
Room L321, SA-1, Columbia Plaza, Phone: 202-
All questions relating to access and visitor 663-3042.
controls should be directed to the Bureau of
Diplomatic Security's Office of Domestic Cashier
Operations at (202) 663-1347. The Main State cashier is located in Room 1258
and is available Monday thru Friday from
Building Maintenance 8:30 am to 12:15 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Facilities Management Services (FMS) provides
operations and maintenance services for a Cell Phones
number of buildings used by the State Government and personally owned cellular
Department. Follow the link below for a list of telephones are permitted for use inside DOS
building managers: facilities only where classified information is not
http://a.m.state.sbu/sites/opr/fms/Lists/Buildings/ discussed or processed.
Introduction of government and personally
Business Cards owned cellular telephones in locations where
Business cards can be ordered online through classified information is discussed or processed
the Office of Multi-Media Services. Their is allowed providing the cellular telephone: (1)

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
remains off and (2) is never placed within 10 feet FSI’s Child Care Center
from classified information processing The Center was established primarily to
equipment (CIPE). accommodate Foreign Service employees in
training at the FSI Campus. For that reason and
For more information regarding cellular phones because of the limited enrollment, priority
in other secure work areas, please see placement for enrollment will be given to:
Department Notice 2002-06-017 dated 6/12/02.
1. Children of DOS employees in transit in the
Government issued cell phones are for official area while at FSI in training;
business only. 2. Children of employees at FSI;
3. Children of Civil or Foreign Service
Chemical/Biological Escape Masks employees working at, or assigned to, the
Diplomatic Security periodically conducts the Department;
training necessary to issue the emergency 4. Children of Other Agency employees in
escape masks. Department notices are issued training at FSI.
announcing the training dates and locations.
Although the training is optional, the escape The Center, for ages 6 weeks to 5 years, is open
mask and trainer mask will not be issued unless from 7:30 am until 4:30 pm, Monday through
the training is received. As personnel Friday. They are closed government holidays,
(employees and contractors) are trained, they the Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas
will receive an escape mask that is the same week.
type as those provided to employees overseas.
It has an assigned barcode, and a separate Credit Union
signature card with barcode will be used for The Credit Union at Main State is located in
record-keeping purposes. Room B-641 (Foggy Bottom) Hours: 9:00 am -
3:30 pm, Monday – Friday.
Employees ending their service in the
Washington, DC, area either through retirement, One ATM is located outside of the branch and
resignation, or reassignment and who have another is located nearby the cafeteria.
been issued a chemical/biological emergency
escape mask, must return their mask to Room There is also a Bank of America, B833, Tel: 202-
L309, SA-1. If the individual is retiring or 624-4750.
resigning, both the “live” mask and the “blue”
training mask must be returned. It should be For more information on Credit Union locations,
noted that each employee is accountable for use the link, http://www.sdfcu.org/.
his/her emergency escape mask.
Defibrillators (AEDs)
Personnel being reassigned outside of the What are AEDs
Washington, DC, area should return only the Automated external defibrillators (AED) are
“live” mask. In this case, the employee should devices that can give a lifesaving pulse of
take the “blue” training mask to his/her new post. electricity for treating a victim of sudden cardiac
The RSO, PSO, or other responsible person at arrest. The lifesaving pulse of electricity –
the new post of assignment will provide the known as defibrillation – is needed to restore the
employee with a new “live” mask. heart’s normal rhythm.

Child Care When are they used?

Diplotots For the AED to be most effective, the defibrillator
Columbia Plaza (SA-1), Room L-108, should be used within three to five minutes of a
2401 E Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20520 person collapsing from sudden cardiac arrest.
Hours: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Mon - Fri Studies show that cardiac arrest survival rates
Open All Year: Closed federal holidays and one decrease 7% to 10% every minute the victim is
week in late August. For more information, call without defibrillation.
(202) 663-3555.

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
Where are they located? Sign language interpreting services are provided
Contact your HR Office for locations of AED’s in and coordinated through this office. A staff
your building. interpreter is available for individual and official
events. They also provide consultation services
Using an AED on accessibility for persons with disabilities.
The AED deployed in the Department were
selected to be easy to use. DS guards and the Disability Transportation
building’s trained first responders have learned At this time there are several methods of
to quickly use the AEDs in an emergency. The transportation available to disabled DOS
AEDs however, can be used by anyone employees to assist them in the conduct of
attempting to save a life. The classes offered by official business. The Fleet Management &
DESD and MED on CPR and AED allow a user Operations Division (A/OPR/GSM/FMO) has two
to become more proficient in administering the handicap accessible buses assigned to each of
device, thus reducing the “time to shock” and the two busiest shuttle services routes: FSI and
increasing survivability for the patient. SA-44. FMO recommends that individuals
contact the Dispatch Office at 202-647-1672 on
The AED was designed so that if a shockable the day service is desired to ensure the bus is
heart rhythm is not detected, it will not available.
administer the electrical pulse. It will also not
shock anyone treating the patient. Any State employee who uses a wheelchair,
walker, or other mobility aid, but who is not
Calling for help completely dependent on the device may obtain
When the AED is being retrieved, call the EMT. transportation directly from the Dispatch Office if
This is done by calling the building’s emergency the employee is able to enter and exit from
number which is 7-9111 or 9-647-9111. When motor vehicles with little or no assistance. While
the building’s emergency number is called, Department drivers will gladly stow and retrieve
uniformed guards would be notified of the wheel chairs and other manually manageable
emergency in the building. This allows them to devices in vehicle luggage compartments, they
direct some guards and MED personnel to the are not qualified to lend other than minimal
office directly to help with CPR. It also allows personal assistance entering and exiting
the guards to meet the EMT when they arrive vehicles.
and escort them directly to the victim. The
guards can commandeer the elevators ahead of Department employees who need significant
time to maximize the speed the EMT gets to the personal assistance for transport, or who must
victim. If you call 911 directly, the EMS that be transported while in an aid device to locations
arrives at the building will not have access to the not served by the lift-equipped shuttle buses or
building. It will take time to find the location of at times when the lift-equipped shuttle buses are
the victim and escort the EMS to the victim. By not in service, should call the A/OPR/GSM/FMO
calling the building emergency number at Dispatch Office (7-1672/1013) for information
7-9111, you avoid this. and assistance. In these cases, service is
secured from private transportation companies
Disability Services with specialized vehicles and trained personnel.
The Office of Employee Relations is responsible With sufficient prior notice, FMO can make
for the Disability Services program, which arrangements directly with the commercial
includes providing reasonable accommodation provider (including roundtrip service and
to qualified employees and applicants with payment) on behalf of the individual, with all
disabilities (modifications or adjustments that associated costs charged back to the
allow qualified employees or applicants with individual’s bureau. FMO normally needs notice
disabilities to participate in the application one business day before the needed service.
process or to perform the essential duties of the
position for which they were hired) and Alternately, the individual may make
reviewing Civil Service disability retirement arrangements directly with the commercial
packages before submission to OPM. provider; in these instances, the individual may
obtain a cash advance from his/her
administrative travel office to pay for services, or

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
pay for services out of pocket (by cash or credit take unscheduled leave. Emergency employees
card) and seek subsequent personal are expected to report for work on time.
reimbursement via submission of a local travel Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area
claim (SF-1164, “Claim for Reimbursement for are OPEN under a DELAYED ARRIVAL policy.
Expenditures on Official Business,” Employees should plan to arrive for work no
http://arpsdir.a.state.gov/). more than xx hours later than they would
normally arrive. This means that employees
Utilization of the scheduled shuttle buses is should plan their commutes so that they arrive
provided to DOS employees at no cost to the for work no more than xx hours later than they
employee’s bureau; non-DOS employee would normally arrive. Employees who arrive for
contractors may also ride the buses free of work more than xx hours later than their normal
charge, on a space available basis, upon arrival time will be charged annual leave or
presentation to the driver of proper DOS leave without pay for the additional period of
credentials. All other services described above absence from work. Telework employees are
are only available to DOS employees; it is the expected to report for work on time. Emergency
responsibility of contractor companies to provide employees are expected to report for work on
specialized transport for its employees in the time.
performance of contract requirements.
Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area
Dismissal or Closure Procedures are OPEN under a DELAYED
The following guidelines apply to situations that ARRIVAL/UNSCHEDULED LEAVE policy.
prevent significant numbers of Federal Employees should plan to arrive for work no
employees in the Washington, DC, area from more than xx hours later than they would
reporting for work on time or which require normally arrive, and employees who cannot
agencies to close all or part of their activities, report for work may take unscheduled leave.
including major disasters and other emergency Employees should plan their commutes so that
situations (e.g., terrorist attacks, exposure to they arrive for work no more than xx hours later
biohazards, and other severe hazardous than they would normally arrive. Employees who
conditions), adverse weather conditions (snow arrive for work more than xx hours later than
emergencies, severe icing conditions, floods, their normal arrival time will be charged annual
and hurricanes), natural disasters, and other leave or leave without pay for the additional
incidents causing disruptions of Government period of absence from work. Telework
operations (disruption of power and/or water, employees are expected to report for work on
interruption of public transportation, closing of time. Employees who cannot report for work
major transportation routes, etc.). When there may request unscheduled leave for their entire
are disruptions of Government operations, the scheduled workday. Emergency employees are
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will expected to report for work on time.
make announcements to the media as to
whether Federal agencies in the Washington, Federal agencies are CLOSED. This means that
DC, area are open or closed, or operating Federal agencies are closed. Emergency
under an unscheduled leave, delayed arrival, employees are expected to report for work on
or early dismissal policy. time. Non-emergency employees (including
employees on pre-approved leave) will be
The announcements are defined below: granted excused absence for the number of
hours they were scheduled to work. This
Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area does not apply to employees on leave without
are OPEN; employees are expected to report for pay, workers' compensation, suspension, or in
work on time. another non-pay status. Telework employees
may be expected to work from their telework
Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area sites, as specified in their telework agreements.
are OPEN under an UNSCHEDULED LEAVE Employees on alternative work schedules are
policy. This means that employees who cannot not entitled to another AWS day off in lieu of the
report for work may request unscheduled leave workday on which the agency is closed.
for their entire scheduled workday. Employees
must notify their supervisors of their intent to

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
For more information, visit OPM’s website: Outlook information is available, but you will not
www.opm.gov/oca/compmemo/dismissal.asp have access to Personal Folders (.pst files). For
most users, the following steps will work but
Closures and other policies are posted by OPM on its please check this website to verify:
home page: www.opm.gov. http://owa.irm.state.gov/owaupdate-
Dress Code
As the leading U.S. foreign affairs agency, the After you log in to the network, open Internet
Department of State is in the front line of Explorer, and follow these steps:
customer service to the public at home and
abroad. This mission requires that our  Go to the Intranet home page,
employees project competence and http://intranet.state.gov.
professionalism. Therefore, the appearance of  Scroll down and look on the left side of
employees should also be professional, in a way the page (midway down) for the yellow
that conveys respect for colleagues, customers, box labeled "Outlook Web Access."
and the work environment, and not pose a Click on the box.
safety or health hazard or distraction from work.  You will see six OWA boxes displayed.
Click on the box labeled "DCMETROC."
Management of individual offices or posts may  Enter your OpenNetPlus login id into the
require more specific business attire to support box labeled Log On, then hit Enter or
mission requirements. Some employees, select the click here link
depending on the nature of their jobs, may be  You will see another box requesting
required to meet special dress standards, such your user id and password. For your
as wearing uniforms, protective clothing or gear. user id, enter washdc/login id, e.g.
washdc/smithjd. Type in your regular
Employees who do not have special dress OpenNet password and hit Enter.
requirements should use common sense in
 After a few seconds, the OWA window
determining what is appropriate for their
will open.
particular situation at work. Employees should
follow basic requirements for safety and comfort
and be neat and businesslike in appearance. When you are done with your OWA session,
Dress should be suitable to the work setting (for click on the Log Out icon at the bottom left of the
example, casual wear, such as flip-flops and OWA screen.
halter tops/bare midriffs, are not acceptable).
Supervisors and managers also have the Emergencies
responsibility to counsel employees whose The Office of Emergency Management is
hygiene, grooming, or dress is inappropriate or providing the following information for use by
results in disruption in the workplace. State Department employees in the event of an
Earnings & Leave Statements
Earnings & Leave Statements can be accessed
via Employee Express: All Emergencies
Email - Remote Access
Outlook Web Access (OWA) offers employees
Non-Life Threatening Situations
the convenience of accessing e-mail, calendars
 Security 202-647-1814
and contacts wherever they have access to an
OpenNet Plus computer, such as: while taking  Facilities Management 202-647-6001
training at FSI, on travel to a post, or attending  HR Status Line 202-663-2345
meetings at State Department Annexes or  Office of Emergency Management 202-776-
elsewhere within the Department. OWA will not 8614
function from the Internet or elsewhere outside
the Department. Use of OWA does not require What to Report
any extra devices, such as a fob. Almost all  Your name, location and telephone number

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
 Building/Room/area of emergency For injury/illness:
 Nature of emergency  Keep the victim still
 HAZMAT involved, if known  Check breathing
 Equipment involved  Control bleeding
 Any actions already taken  Follow instructions from emergency
Actions to Report *If 911 dialed directly, follow this by
 Report the following to Security immediately: contacting DS at 202 647-9111
 Security or safety violations
 Suspicious vehicles, persons, packages or Fire and Smoke Emergencies
letters In Case of Fire:
 Abandoned brief cases, backpacks, spray  Remain calm.
devices, etc.  Activate fire alarm by pulling a nearby
 Unusual odors or an unusual number of manual station.
dead animals, birds or insects  Evacuate the area.
 Individuals or groups of people displaying  Once in a safe location, and if possible, call
unusual or strange behavior or the DS Security Control Center at 202-647-
signs/symptoms of 9111.
chemical/biological/radiological exposure
In Case of Smoke:
Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place  Remain calm.
Evacuation:  Immediately call the DS Security Control
 Proceed to nearest exit or stairwell. Center at 202-647-9111.
 Help those in need of assistance.
 Direct visitors to safe location and/or Bureau Do NOT attempt to be a hero. Your safety
assembly point. comes first. If you cannot safely put out the fire,
 Do not stand on sidewalk adjacent to or near evacuate quickly!
Chemical and Biological Emergencies
Shelter-in-Place:  Remain calm.
Proceed as directed by emergency personnel or  Cover your mouth and nose with an
as per instructions over public address system. approved mask/filter or with layers of fabric
that can filter air but still allow you to
Once in designated area, move away from breathe.
windows. To avoid impeding others from  Stay away: Get away from the attack site to
entering, keep the entryway area clear. avoid contamination.
 Clean up: Wash with soap and water to
If possible, contact supervisor to ensure decontaminate yourself and avoid spreading
accountability of all employees. the agent.
 Evacuate or Shelter-in-Place per instructions
Medical Emergencies by authorities.
Remain calm.  Listen to emergency personnel for further
guidance and instructions!
 Call 202-647-9111* immediately and report
the following: Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
 Your name  Remain calm.
 Type of incident  Do not look directly at the blast.
 Location of incident  Cover your mouth and nose with an
 Description of the incident approved mask/filter or layers of fabric that
 Victim information (gender, approximate can filter air but still allow you to breathe.
age, etc.)
Time, Distance and Shielding:
 Get as far away from the site as soon as
possible, putting as much space and

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
barriers between you and the contaminated (A/OPR/OEM), SA-4 East, 2 Floor (Navy Hill)
area as possible. or by calling 202-776-8699.
 Clean up: Wash with soap and water to
decontaminate yourself and avoid spreading Employee Consultation Service (ECS)
the agent. ECS deals with problems encountered by an
 Listen to emergency personnel for further employee or an employee’s family members
guidance and instructions! who might have an adverse impact on the
employee’s work performance, conduct, etc.
Emergency Notifications to Employees These problems include, but are not limited to,
The Department of State depends on various alcohol, drug, emotional, financial, legal, and
means to communicate information to marital problems.
employees about a full range of domestic
emergency situations that may affect normal The goal of ECS is to restore troubled
agency operations in the Washington employees to optimal job performance by
Metropolitan area. Such situations include the offering assistance in problem assessment,
status of and changes to the national threat crisis intervention, and referral to appropriate
level, weather related events, building systems community resources.
problems, civil unrest, or the range of terrorist
activities that could impact local or regional Employees with drug and alcohol problems are
conditions. Employees may receive guidance referred to another resource office within the
and pertinent instructions by the following Department, the Alcohol and Drug Awareness
means: Program (M/DGP/MED/ADAP).

1) The emergency status telephone line (202- The decision to participate in ECS and accept
663-2345) that employees may call to receive suggested counseling, treatment, rehabilitation,
information regarding the operating status of etc., is the employee’s. Regardless of the
buildings, including possible closure or delayed choice, it is the employee’s responsibility to
opening in the event of an emergency. Deaf and maintain performance and conduct at the level
hearing impaired employees may use relay required by the Department of State.
services to access this telephone line. Employees or supervisors wishing to speak to a
counselor may arrange to do so by telephoning
2) The Department’s Internet website: (202) 663-1815 for an appointment. They are
www.state.gov (Other Services/Employee located in Room L127, SA-1 (Columbia Plaza).
Services/Emergency Announcements). The Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program
(ADAP) is located in Room L113E, Columbia
3) Local radio and television stations such as Plaza, and may be reached on (202) 663-1904.
WTOP Radio: WMAL Radio: WRC-TV Channel
4, WTTG-TV Channel 5; WJLA-TV Channel 7; An employee’s participation in the program is
and WUSA-TV Channel 9. The U.S. Office of strictly confidential. An employee’s consent is
Personnel Management will be contacted to required to release information to the supervisor.
provide authorized information to the media.
ECS services are also available to family
4) Telephone contact tree and notification members of employees.
procedures maintained by the individual
Bureaus. Employee Express
Employee Express is an innovative automated
Employees are encouraged to access any of system that empowers Federal employees to
these sources for information and guidance in initiate the processing of their discretionary
the event of a building or area wide emergency. personnel-payroll transactions electronically. In
Messages will be regularly updated to provide a addition to viewing your Earnings & Leave
status of the situation and guidance to statements, you may update such items as:
employees. Questions related to information home address, TSP contributions, allotments
contained in this notice can be directed to the and other tax information, CFC, direct deposit
Office of Emergency Management and more.

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
For more information on the service and on and American contract personnel located
obtaining a PIN visit: throughout the world with access to the
https://www.employeeexpress.gov/ Department's networks) to acquire Microsoft
Office desktop applications that the employees
Employee Profile Plus (EP+) are licensed to use at work (MS Office, Project
Employee Profile Plus (EP+) is a self- and Visio Professional) as part of the DoS
assessment tool developed for employees to Enterprise Agreement and install them on their
enter their own evaluation of their expertise. The home computer.
areas of expertise are countries, languages,
occupations, organizations, and competencies. Employees will be charged $19.95 plus tax for
each software purchase of MS Office, Project
The information will be used to build a database and/or Visio Professional.
of expertise. Employees can use it to send
additional information to prospective Employees are limited to a single Home Use
Supervisors. Management can use it to locate Program license for any given software.
someone, whether active duty or retired, with a The Home Use Program may be used while
certain expertise or competency. employed at the Department of State. If the
software is purchased under this agreement and
It is accessible through HROnline: the employee departs from employment with
https://hrweb.hr.state.gov/hronline/index.cfm DoS, they must cease use of the software,
uninstall it from their computer, and destroy the
Employee Purchase/Home Use Programs software media.
Home Use Anti-Virus Software:
In accordance with the terms and conditions of The Home Use Program permits one order per
the State Department license, ID#12457802 customer. You may purchase only one copy of
LNC#390046, employees of the State any product available. You are allowed only one
Department are issued the HomeUse AntiVirus opportunity to log into the site and make all of
Software CD for their personal household use. your purchases.
Virus definitions are available as well from
Symantec’s website at no charge to Department
of State Employees. For more information on how to purchase, visit:
Authorized Users: All State Department Microsoft%20HUP%20%20EPP/Forms/AllItems.
employees, U.S.-based Federal Government aspx
employees and contractors to the extent they
are engaged in the performance of work for the Microsoft Employee Purchase Program:
Department of State or utilizing Department of The Employee Purchase Program allows DoS
State computer systems. This software is not employees (personnel in the Civil Service,
free. Giving copies to friends and relatives not Foreign Service, and American contract
living with the employee is illegal and may personnel located throughout the world with
subject the employee to legal consequences. access to the Department's networks) to
purchase some of Microsoft's most popular
The software is provided “AS IS” and without consumer software and hardware at discounted
technical support from Symantec or the prices. Microsoft Office XP Professional,
Department of State. Employees will use the Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Microsoft
software on their personal household computer Money 2003, and Xbox games are some of the
at their own risk. products available under this program.

IRM periodically announces the Anti-Virus Home The Employee Purchase Program may be used
Use CD giveaways or you may contact your while employed at the Department of State. If
systems administrator to obtain a copy. the software is purchased under this agreement
and the employee departs from employment
Microsoft Home Use Program: with DoS, they will not be required to return the
The Home Use Program allows DoS employees software. You may purchase up to three copies
(personnel in the Civil Service, Foreign Service, of any product available.

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
Employee Purchase Program (EPP). These
For more information on the program and how to programs are further described at the website
order, visit: located at the following URL:
http://irm.m.state.sbu/sites/BMP/grp/sm/ela/ms/ http://irm.m.state.sbu/sites/BMP/grp/sm/ela/ms/
Microsoft%20HUP%20%20EPP/Forms/AllItems. Microsoft%20HUP%20%20EPP/Forms/AllItems.
aspx aspx

Government Employee Purchase Programs: Disclaimers:

Many major IT vendors offer purchasing Offers under the above-mentioned programs are
programs for Federal employees. offered at the sole discretion of the vendors.
Employees understand that purchases are
Apple: between the employee and the vendor and that
All Federal Government employees can receive the Department of State is not liable for any
discounts and special offers on Apple products disputes between the employee and the vendor.
such as desktops, iPods, and accessories. Go to Discounts are not guaranteed to reflect the
the following URL to see what products are lowest possible price available for items. With
available at special prices for Federal exception of the programs offered by Microsoft,
employees: employees must contact the vendor directly for
http://www.apple.com/federal/howtobuy/epp.html questions or ordering assistance. For questions
Phone: 800-462-7753 or assistance with the Microsoft HUP or EPP
only, employees should contact ENMlicense at
Dell: enmlicense@state.gov. ENMlicense will not
Dell offers an Employee Purchase Program for respond to inquiries regarding the other
desktops, notebooks, printers and accessories. programs.
In addition, they have a special program for
overseas employee purchases. Under “Federal Employee Services Center (ESC)
Government,” click on either “Employee The Employee Services Center (ESC)
Purchases” or “Overseas Employee Purchases.” A/OPR/GSM/ESC is the primary check-in and
Use the following URL for more information: check-out point for all transferring and in transit
http://www1.us.dell.com/content/segmenter.aspx Foreign Service personnel and Civil Service
/pub?c=us&cs=2684&1=en&s=pub employees on excursion tours. The office also
Phone: 800-695-8133 provides a wide range of services to employees,
DoS Member ID: 25076729 including: Locator and Emergency Next of Kin
Information; Mail holding and forwarding,
IBM: Briefings and counseling of transiting Foreign
Use the URL below, then click on the link under Service personnel; Preparation and verification
“PCs for Home” for IBM’s Federal Employee of leave and departure data forms; facilities
Purchase Program site to see what products are providing access to telephones, fax, Internet,
available at special prices for Federal Intranet, copier, etc. It is located in Room 1252,
employees. URL: http://www- Main State; Tel: (202) 647-3432; Fax: (202) 647-
1.ibm.com/gold/portal/download/en_US9/54653/ 1429
federal_portal.html Email: EmployeeServicesCenter@state.gov
Phone: 877-222-6426, ext. 8105 http://aoprgsm.a.state.gov/esclounge.htm
Micron PC: Ergonomics
The MPC Employee Purchase Program for The Domestic Environmental and Safety
Federal employees offers discounts on any Division (A/OPR/FMS/DESD) serves as a
system in MPC’s Millennia desktop or TransPort technical resource to domestic organizations in
family lines. Phone: 888-323-1691 establishing and implementing comprehensive
occupational safety and health, fire protection,
Microsoft: and environmental management programs
As part of the Department of State’s Microsoft throughout the U.S.
Enterprise License Agreement, Microsoft offers DESD develops environmental health and safety
Department of State employees (including programs, performs workplace evaluations,
contractors), a Home Use Program (HUP) and provides employee training and information, and

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
serves as liaison to other Federal agencies with (13) Employees shall adhere to all laws and
environmental health and safety over-site regulations that provide equal opportunity for all
responsibility. Americans regardless of race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, age, or handicap.
DESD staff members are available to address a (14) Employees shall endeavor to avoid any
wide range of concerns, including fire safety, actions creating the appearance that they are
indoor air quality, and office ergonomics. You violating the law or the ethical standards set
can reach them at 202-647-6001. forth in this part. Whether particular
circumstances create an appearance that the
Ethics law or these standards have been violated shall
(1) Public service is a public trust, requiring be determined from the perspective of a
employees to place loyalty to the Constitution, reasonable person with knowledge of the
the laws and ethical principles above private relevant facts.
gain. http://ethics.state.gov
(2) Employees shall not hold financial interests
that conflict with the conscientious performance Ethics Training
of duty. NOTE: Mandatory Ethics training is required
(3) Employees shall not engage in financial each year for all employees who file a SF-278 or
transactions using nonpublic Government OGE-450 financial disclosure form.
information or allow the improper use of such
information to further any private interest. All new employees must complete an online
(4) An employee shall not, solicit or accept any Ethics training course within 90 days. Follow this
gift or other item of monetary value from any link to the online training:
person or entity seeking official action from, http://fsi.state.gov/fsi/spas/amt/default.asp?CAT
doing business with, or conducting activities =Ethics
regulated by the employee's agency, or whose
interests may be substantially affected by the Fare Cards
performance or nonperformance of the Fare Cards are available for official business.
employee's duties. Contact your HR Service Provider for guidance
(5) Employees shall put forth honest effort in the on obtaining fare cards.
performance of their duties.
(6) Employees shall not knowingly make Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM)
unauthorized commitments or promises of any The Foreign Affairs Manual and Handbooks are
kind purporting to bind the Government. the Department’s regulations and guidelines that
(7) Employees shall not use public office for govern all Department activities. It can be found
private gain. online at:
(8) Employees shall act impartially and not give http://arpsdir.a.state.gov/fam/fam.html
treatment to any private organization or Foreign Affairs Recreation Association
individual. (FARA)
(9) Employees shall protect and conserve The Foreign Affairs Recreation Association
Federal property and shall not use it for other (FARA) is a private nonprofit organization
than authorized activities. governed by a Board of Directors elected by
(10) Employees shall not engage in outside active members. Any State Dept employee can
employment or activities, including seeking or join and enjoy the benefits of membership,
negotiating for employment that conflict with which include their fitness center, florist,
official Government duties and responsibilities. business cards, concessionaires, etc. While
(11) Employees shall disclose waste, fraud, non-members can shop in the FARA gift shop,
abuse, and corruption to appropriate authorities. they will not receive the FARA discount.
(12) Employees shall satisfy in good faith their
obligations as citizens, including all just financial FARA Main Office (Main State Rm B-612)
obligations, especially those-- Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
such as Federal, State, or local taxes--that are Gift Shop: 202-530-5748
imposed by law.

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
FARA Service Center (Main State Rm B-640A- give allergy shots nor dispense prescription
across from Credit Union) Tel: 202-530-5735 medication.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
http://www.recgov.org/state/webstate.html The following locations have Health Units. The
Columbia Plaza facility is the largest, containing
Active Membership Fees: the Office of Medical Services central staff.
1 year - $13.50; 2 years - $22.00; 3 years -
$30.00 Harry S Truman Building (Main State) Health
Associate Membership Fees: 2201 C St NW, Room B 846
1 year - $15.00; 2 years - $25.00; 3 years - Washington, DC
$35.00 M-T-W-F 8:30-12:30 1:00-4:00
Thursday 9:30-12:30 1:00-4:00
Gym Phone: 202-647-2546
FARA Fitness Center
The FARA Fitness Center is located in “The Columbia Plaza, SA-1
Foggy Bottom” at Main State and is open 24/7. Room L206F in suite 201 (Exam Clinic)
Contact FARA for more information: 2401 E St. NW, SA-1
http://www.recgov.org/state/webstate.html Washington, DC 20522
Hours: M-T-W-F 8:30-12:30 1:30-4:00
Gold’s Gym Thursday 9:30-12:30 1:30-4:00
The Dept has a corporate membership with Phone: 202-663-1705
Gold’s Gym. The 12-month membership gives
you full access to any Gold’s Gym facility, FSI George Shultz Center
unlimited classes and an orientation with a SA-42 Building E, Room E1110
certified trainer. There is an application Arlington, VA.
processing fee and a monthly charge subject to Hours: M-T-W-F 8:15-12:30 1:30-4:00
change. Thursday 10:00-12:30 1:30-4:00
Phone: 703-302-7450
For information on Fitness Club Memberships, Fax: 703-302-7430
please go to:
http://mmsweb.a.state.gov/asp/notices/dn_temp. SA-44
asp?Notice_Id=9082 301 4th St, SW, Room M-18
Washington, DC
Health Promotion Hours: M-T-W-F 8:15-12:30 1:30-4:00
The State Department’s Office of Medical Thursday 10:00-12:30 1:30-4:00
Services (MED) offers programs and information Phone: 202-203-7823
to safeguard and promote the health and well- Fax: 202-203-7822
being of America’s global diplomatic community.
http://med.state.gov/medservices_healthpromoti Help Desks
on.htm Computers IT Service Center 202-647-2000

Health Promotion Newsletters: CFMS (Central Financial Management System)

http://med.state.gov/medservices_healthpromoti 703-875-4364
Ariba ILMS (Contracts/Acquisitions)
Health Unit 703-875-4600
Occupational Health Units are staffed by a nurse
and intended for on-the-job illness and injury. Web-TATEL (Timekeepers)
They are available to Foreign Service and Civil 301-985-8700
Service employees. The HU provides
immunizations for official travel only; provides Payroll Customer Support Center 1-800-521-
blood pressure checks when needed; and 2553
dispenses a limited amount of over-the-counter
medication as required. The Health Unit cannot

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
HR Online Monday - Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM EST
HR Online is your online resource for accessing x3-5539 (Internal)
your Official Personnel File (eOPF). Through 1-866-300-7419 (Toll Free)
this program you can view Administrative 1-843-308-5539 (Outside the U.S.)
documents (i.e., designations of Beneficiaries, 1-843-202-3807 (Fax)
Health Benefits selection, etc.); SF-50s HRSC@state.gov
(Personnel Actions); Performance Appraisals
and Awards, as well as retirement information. Information on the HR Shared Services initiative
In addition, the site has other tools such as can be found at
eTelework, eTransit, ePerformance, FS Bid, http://intranet.hr.state.sbu/offices/hrss/Pages/def
Employee Profile, Resume Building, Student ault.aspx.
Loan Repayment Program (SLRP), and a link to
Employee Express. To access, visit: IQ: Information Quest
https://hrweb.hr.state.gov/hronline/index.cfm All permanent Department employees, Family
Member Associate employees overseas, and
HR Self-Service their family members can use the service,
HR Self-Service empowers employees to update provided by the Department, to get counseling,
their own personal information; make requests education and referrals to help better manage
that require approval; participate in and track work and life activities. Log on to the IQ:
their performance evaluation report. INFORMATION QUEST website,
http://www.worklife4you.com/, to read articles on
HR Self-Service provides supervisors the ability a wide variety of topics.
to approve employee-initiated requests;
participate in, and track their employee's You will have to log in first. If you have not yet
performance evaluation report. registered on the WorkLife4You site, please
click "New User? Click Here to Register" and
HR Self-Service can be accessed through HR follow the on-screen instructions. When
Online or the HR Portal. This web site provides prompted for a registration code, please enter:
a one-stop shop for information, including statedepartment. Member ID is First Name +
communications and training materials, on the Middle Initial + Last Name + MMDD (month and
latest HR Self-Service tools, including date of employee's birth date, i.e.,
ePerformance and My Itinerary. JANECSTRIDER0524).

HR Service Center (HRSC) Leave

HR Shared Services (HR/SS) oversees and All leave must be approved in advance by your
manages the HR Service Center (HRSC), supervisor except as allowed for in OPM
located in Charleston, South Carolina. The HR closure/dismissal procedures. For further
Service Center is staffed with Customer Service information regarding leave, Federal employees
Representatives who are standing by to assist should access the official policies of the Bureau
you with your HR inquiries. The HRSC receives of Human Resources. Absence because of
and logs all HR service requests. The HRSC illness or injury must be reported immediately to
processes transactions in service areas as the official authorized to grant sick leave. Failure
defined by functional processes or appropriately to give such notice may result in a charge to
routes requests to other Service Partners (HR annual leave, leave without pay (LWOP), or
Service Providers or Corporate HR). absence without official leave, as appropriate.

Monthly newsletters featuring performance Library

metrics from the HR Service Center, customer The Bunche Electronic Library is a global
comments, Charleston highlights, and the latest initiative to bring the 21st Century resources of
news from the Office of Shared Services. To the First Federal Library to the desktops of all
view these newsletters, click here. Department of State employees worldwide at:
For a list of processes that the HRSC are
currently performing, click here. These resources include expert information
HR Service Center professionals who can provide you with a wide

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
range of information and research services. To national organization that exists primarily to
contact an expert or send a message, click on advocate on behalf of Federal employees in the
Ask a Librarian on any page of the Bunche workplace. BIG functions as an employee
Electronic Library Website or send a message to support group, professional development
library@state.gov. organization, community resource, and
networking mechanism.
Ralph J. Bunche Library (A/RPS/IPS/LIBR)
Room 3239 Harry S Truman Building Carl T. Rowan Chapter Members consist of
Phone 202-647-1099: Fax 202-647-2971 employees from all over the Department as well
Hours: 8:15 am to 5 pm (M thru F) as IBB employees. Meetings are held the third
Thursday of each month in SA-44 Room 800A
Lunch from 12:00-1:00.
Lunch is 45 minutes. It may not be taken at the Foreign Affairs Blacks in Government (FACBIG)
end of the workday. Members consist of DOS employees mainly in
Main State and SA- 1 & 2. Meetings are held in
Metro & VRE the Harry S Truman Building the third
The closest Metro station to Main State is Wednesday of each month from 12:00-1:00 in
Foggy Bottom- Orange and Blue Lines Room 1207.
NW corner 23rd & I Sts. NW. Turn right from the
Metro exit and walk down 23 Street.
Disabled in Foreign Affairs Agencies (DIFAA)
Ombudsman DIFAA's responsibility is to promote the
The mission of the organizational ombudsman is employment of people with disabilities. They
to provide a confidential, neutral and informal also serve in an advisory or counseling capacity
process, which facilitates fair and equitable to all prospective candidates seeking
resolutions to concerns that arise in the government employment.
organization. In performing this mission, the
ombudsman serves as an information and Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs
communication resource, upward feedback Agencies (GLIFAA)
channel, advisor, dispute resolution expert and GLIFAA represents the concerns of gay and
change agent. Please see lesbian personnel and their families in the
http://mmsweb.a.state.gov/asp/notices/dn_temp. Department of State and other foreign affairs.
asp?Notice_ID=13849 for more information.
GLIFAA works to secure full parity for gay and
Organizations lesbian personnel and their families, and serves
as a support network and resource of
American Legion, Dept of State, Post 68
information for gay and lesbian employees. They
seek to break down the continued barriers that
Asian Pacific American Federal Foreign
gay and lesbian Foreign Service, Civil Service,
Affairs Council (APAFFAC)
and contract employees -- and their partners
The Asian Pacific American Federal Foreign
and children -- encounter as a result of
Affairs Council is an interagency association of
prejudice, misunderstanding, and apathy within
employees of Federal departments and
our institutions
agencies with the mission of active involvement
in United States foreign affairs. APAFFAC was
Hispanic Employees Council of Foreign
founded in 1981 to support the EEO mission of
the foreign affairs agencies, particularly in
The mission of the Hispanic Employee Council
improving recruitment, outreach, and
of Foreign Affairs Agencies (HECFAA) is to
professional development of Asian Pacific
enhance awareness of the contributions of
American officers.
Hispanic employees to U.S. foreign affairs
agencies; to assist in the recruitment, retention
Blacks in Government (BIG)
and promotion of Hispanics; and to develop the
BIG is committed to promoting equity,
leadership abilities of Hispanics at U.S. foreign
excellence, opportunity, and a workplace free of
affairs agencies. HECFAA welcomes the
discriminatory practices. BIG serves as the

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
participation and support of all U.S. foreign administration on issues that concern its
affairs agency employees. members, and link its members with other
organizations both inside and outside the
Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF) Department. For more information, visit:
Advisory Council http://www.intelink.gov/communities/state/YPro/
The Presidential Management Fellowship
Advisory Council (PMF Advisory Council) is a Payroll Customer Support Center
professional association that supports the PMF The Payroll Customer Support Center (PCSC) is
program within the Department of State and the point-of-contact for domestic and overseas
USAID, promotes opportunities for current and American employees that have questions
former Fellows, and enhances the professional regarding salary payments, withholdings, or time
network of its members. The Council has two and attendance. You can contact the PCSC via
distinct but related purposes: first, to research email at PayHelp@state.gov. You can also find
and implement administrative and program it in the Global Address listing as Payroll
management best practices in the context of the Customer Support.
Department of State; second, to provide an
opportunity for continual development and Please include the following information in your
networking for current and past Presidential e-mail transmission:
Management Fellows. For additional
information on the PMF Program, please visit: Your Full Name
http://diplopedia.state.gov/index.php?title=Presid Social Security Number
ential_Management_Fellow Current Day Telephone Number
The Thursday Luncheon Group (TLG) Briefly Stated Problem or Question
The purpose of the Thursday Luncheon Group is
the effective formulation and implementation of The PCSC phone lines are open business days
foreign policy through the development and between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm (EST)
participation of all interested and qualified Call toll free 1-800-521-2553 or
individuals consonant with the Department's 1-877-865-0760
Diplomatic Readiness Initiative. TLG is
celebrating its 30th anniversary and is Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
emphasizing the mentoring of young officers and Government-owned and personally owned
policy makers through public programs offering PDAs are permitted for use inside DOS facilities
the opportunity to benefit from Foreign Affairs only where classified information is not
agency leaders and to prepare them for service discussed or processed. Personally owned
in a rapidly changing world. PDAs may not be connected in any way to any
DOS computer network or equipment.
Toastmasters The introduction and use of PDAs, USG and/or
Talking Heads of State personal, in locations where classified
Develop your public speaking skills. information is discussed or processed is allowed
Toastmasters meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday under the following provisions:
of each month from 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm in SA-  PDAs may not be connected in any way to
44, Room 800A any DOS computer.
 PDAs with built-in audio or video recording
Young Professionals Society (YPro) is an or transmitting capabilities are prohibited.
innovative professional and social organization  PDAs with embedded wireless
for entry and mid-level employees new to the communications devices are prohibited
Department of State. Established in 2003, YPro except those with infrared data association
aims to form a sense of continuity in a dynamic (IrDA) ports.
workforce by establishing a long-term network of  PDAs with inserted removable
tomorrow's foreign affairs leaders. The group’s peripheral/expansion devices are
objectives are to facilitate the sharing of prohibited.
information about the work and activities of the
Department of State, provide a cohesive and
representative voice to the Department's

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
For more information regarding PDAs in other Reproduction & Printing
secure work areas please see Department The Office of Multi-Media Publishing Services
Notice 2002-06-017 dated 6/12/02. (MMS) is the Department's central printing and
publications management organization. MMS
Policies provides centralized editorial, graphic,
Alternative Work Schedules and Work Options reproduction, offset printing (domestically and
overseas); CD-ROM replication, distribution
Discriminatory Harassment Policy services, and prescribes standards for editorial,
printing, and photocopier activities throughout
Email Usage Policy the Department. Room B934 Main State, Tel:
Personal Use of DOS Telephones For more information visit:
Random Drug Testing
Security Clearance
Reminder on Computer Prohibitions and A security clearance is a determination that a
Activities person is able and willing to safeguard classified
national security information. In order to make
Sexual Harassment Policy this determination, a personnel security
background investigation is conducted. This
Workplace Violence Policy investigation is non-criminal in nature and
covers a defined period of normally no more
Post Office than the past 10 years. The information
The post office at Main State is located in “The collected must be sufficient to allow an
Foggy Bottom” B528 affirmative or negative determination of a
Tel: 202-523-2574 person's eligibility for access to classified
information and suitability for employment.
Warranted Contracting Officers possessing a The Bureau of Human Resources decides if a
designation of authority from the Office of the Department of State position requires a security
Procurement Executive (A/OPE) are the only clearance based on the duties and
persons authorized to conduct procurement responsibilities of the position. If the position
actions. requires access to classified information, the
position will be given an appropriate security
Publications classification and candidates applying to the
Published bimonthly by the Office of Emergency position must submit to a personnel security
Management background investigation.
For more information on security clearances,
State Magazine visit:
Published by the Bureau of Human Resources https://intranet.ds.state.sbu/DS/SI/PSS/Clearanc
Employee Relations Division eProcess/ClearanceProcessMainPage.aspx

Synergy Shuttles
Published by the Bureau of Information The State Department provides shuttle bus
Resource Management service between many of its annexes.

Waste & Wealth For a complete shuttle schedule visit:

Published by the Office of Facilities http://aoprgsm.a.state.gov/Content/shuttlesched
Management Services ules.asp?menu_id=38

Reimbursements For information on DOS transportation for the

The cashier located at Main State, Rm 1258 is disabled:
available Monday thru Friday from 8:30am to http://mmsweb.a.state.gov/asp/notices/dn_temp.
12:15 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. asp?Notice_ID=5792 .

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
Smoking congestion and pollution, as well as to
Smoking is not permitted in any U.S. encourage federal employees to use public
Government facility. There are designated transportation on a regular basis. This non-
smoking areas outside the building. taxable subsidy provides encouragement by
reducing the cost of your daily work commute.
Telegrams Depending on where you live, the transit subsidy
ALDAC (All Diplomatic and Consular Posts) may or may not cover the entire monthly amount
telegrams and certain other collectives can be of your commuting costs. Eligible employees will
viewed at: receive funding only for actual commute costs.
http://telegrams.state.gov/aldac/tgramframe.cfm The transit subsidy does not include the costs of
parking at metro stations or commuter lots. In
Telework addition, you are not eligible for the Program if
Telework (also known as Telecommuting or you have been issued a DoS parking pass.
Flexiplace) - is an arrangement in which the
employee works at a place other than the Those employees eligible to apply to the
traditional work site. Please check with your Program using eTransit include:
Bureau for its Telework policies.
 DoS direct-hire employees assigned to
For further information on the Telework Program positions domestically for 16 weeks or more.
please visit:
 Full-time, part-time, or While Actually
Employed (WAE) employees.
 Employees not claiming any other form of
Training payment (such as per diem), that is
The majority of training classes are conducted authorized to be used towards transit
by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) held at the subsidy costs.
National Foreign Affairs Training Center  Paid interns, new or returning (unpaid
(NAFTC), located at the junction of Arlington interns use non-eTransit process)
Boulevard (Route 50) and South George Mason  Presidential Management Fellows (PMF)
Drive in Arlington, Virginia. For more information and Stay-in-School (SiS) Program
on parking and shuttle service, visit: participants.
n%20and%20Parking Unpaid Interns. Unpaid Interns cannot use
eTransit to apply to the Program. Unpaid
While FSI can provide training to contractors on Interns must use the special DS-3028 (8-
a space available and reimbursable basis, it is 2009) for unpaid interns to apply for the
FSI’s schools that determine which courses may Program.
be open to contractors. Contact the Registrar to
determine course eligibility. To participate in the Transit Benefits Program,
employees must complete the online electronic
FSI also maintains classrooms in SA-44 in Suite application eTransit and certify that they will
650. comply with the rules and procedures of the
program. You may apply for the benefits at any
All requests for training must be approved by time. You will be placed into a database to
your supervisor on a DS-755 (for internal receive monthly or quarterly transit passes.
training) or a SF-182 (for external training) and
submitted to your Bureau Training Officer for You are responsible for ensuring that actual
approval. expenditures for qualifying transportation
expenses match the amount claimed on the
Transit Subsidy Program application. If you stop using mass transit on a
The Transit Subsidy Program is a Federal regular basis or if commuting expenses change
employee assistance program available to all to less than the amount previously claimed or
eligible U.S. Department of State (DoS) your commuting expenses increase, you must
employees. It was created to help reduce traffic use eTransit to make changes to your subsidy

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
allotment or withdraw from the Program. For NFFE
example, from $40 to $60, you may submit a The National Federation of Federal Employees
change not to exceed the actual or maximum (NFFE) Local 1998. For additional information,
expense, whichever is less. visit: http://www.nffe.org/

Anyone making a false, fictitious, or fraudulent Labor Management FAQs:

certification may be subject to criminal http://intranet.hr.state.sbu/EmployeeRelations/L
prosecution under Title 18, United States Code, aborManagement/Pages/LaborManagementFA
Section 1001, or agency disciplinary actions up Q's.aspx
to and including dismissal from the Federal
service. Vacancy Announcements
The U.S. Department of State’s on-line
For an overview of the Transit Subsidy Program, application system, Gateway to State, was
please visit: integrated with the Office of Personnel
http://hrprdws51.hr.state.gov/hrweb/ER/employ Management’s (OPM) application system,
ment/TB/Transit_Subsidy_Program_Overview.cf USAJOBS. Applicants applying for any Federal
m Government position, including those at the U.S.
Department of State, must apply through
Additional information about eTransit and the USAJOBS: http://www.usajobs.gov/
Transit Subsidy Program:
http://intranet.hr.state.sbu/Benefits_Compensati Visitor Escort
on/Benefits/Pages/eTransitEssentials.aspx Main State (HST)
Who Can Escort Visitors:
Questions may be directed to HR Shared  Employees with a blue border building
Service Center at: hrsc@state.gov pass;
 Employees with a gray border building pass
Unions with the red diagonal stripe;
Employees of the Department of State, unless  Employees with the combination of a red
excluded by statute (i.e. a supervisor, manager, border building pass with a blue photo
or HR specialist) are covered by a union. If an background and a red diagonal stripe;
employee is covered by a union, his/her  Employees with an E on their Smart ID.
personnel action (Standard Form 50) will have
the appropriate union code in item 37. Visitor Procedures:
Visitors will identify themselves to the
AFGE receptionist or Uniformed Protection Officer
The American Federation of Government (UPO), provide photo identification, and identify
Employees (AFGE) is the largest and one of the the person or office they wish to visit. The
most influential federal and D.C. employee receptionist or UPO will notify the person/office
unions. http://www.afge.org/ to inform them of the visitor's identity. Once
authorized access by a cleared DOS or contract
AFSA employee, the visitor shall be signed in and
The American Foreign Service Association issued a visitor building pass.
(AFSA), is the professional association of the
United States Foreign Service. AFSA's principal Visitors displaying current USG identification
missions are to enhance the effectiveness of the and retired DOS employees will be issued a
Foreign Service, to protect the professional visitor pass and allowed unescorted access.
interests of its members, to ensure the Retirees from other USC agencies may use their
maintenance of high professional standards for official retirement credential for identification, but
both career diplomats and political appointees, will require escort.
and to promote understanding of the critical role
of the Foreign Service in promoting America's Visitor pre-admittance authorization forms (DS-
national security and economic prosperity. For 1867) may be completed in advance and are
more information, visit: http://www.afsa.org/ available from the C Street entrance

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
Escort Responsibilities: Voice Mail
Escort personnel are responsible for meeting Your telephone desk set will have your new
visitors and ensuring visitors have been issued telephone number on the faceplate of the phone.
the "Escort Required" building pass. Cleared
escorts are also responsible to ensure that If you have a new voice mailbox, your default
visitor(s) are under escort at all times and are password will be “#”. Upon your first login, the
granted access to authorized areas only while in system will step you through changing your
the building. password. If you have an existing mailbox, and
Escorts will identify themselves to the your password has been reset, your new
receptionist or UPO who shall identify the password will be your five-digit extension
visitor(s). If a visitor is escorted to a second followed by a “0”. For example, if your telephone
office, the succeeding office is then responsible number is 202-203-7985, your five-digit
for visitor escort. The office of the visitor's final extension would be 3-7985 and your password
appointment is responsible for escorting the would be 3-79850.
visitor to the exit and returning the visitor's pass
to the UPO. After logging in with this password, you should
immediately change it. To login, press the
Escorts may accompany no more than 10 “Audix” button on your set, or dial “37985” (202-
visitors at a time. Additional escorts are required 203-7985). When prompted, enter your
for groups exceeding 10. Large group access extension (for example, 37985. If you are at your
should be coordinated with DS' Office of own phone, you can simply press # as a
Domestic Operations (DS/CIS/DO) at 647-5925 shortcut) and press the “#” key. Then enter your
or 647-5305. password, and the “#” key. You can usually do a
quick logout by pressing the “*” (star) key twice,
Vendors, delivery, construction, and repair and then “9.”
personnel require escort. Custodial personnel
require escort while inside office space. Work Hours
Employees are reminded that with few The regular basic workweek in the metropolitan
exceptions, these personnel ARE NOT area of Washington, DC, is eight hours a day,
CLEARED. Monday through Friday, beginning at 8:15 a.m.
and ending at 5:00 p.m., with 45 minutes for
If you have any questions on access control, lunch.
contact DS/CIS/DO at (202) 647-5925 or 647-
5305. Alternate Work Schedules
Alternate work schedules (AWS) allow work
Please see the following Dept Notices regarding hours outside of the normal 8:15 a.m. to
Visitor Escort: 5:00 p.m. pattern. Executive Directors determine
which schedules are available to
Access Control for Main State 8/6/99 employees assigned to their bureau.
asp?Notice_ID=244 Compressed work schedules are always fixed
work schedules. CWS is arranged to
Visitor Escort Policy 11/22/99
http://mmsweb.a.state.gov/asp/notices/dn_temp. enable a full-time employee to complete the
asp?Notice_ID=58 basic 80-hour biweekly work requirement in
less than 10 workdays.
Access Control for Main State 5/10/2000
http://mmsweb.a.state.gov/asp/notices/dn_temp. Flexible work schedules consist of workdays
asp?Notice_ID=901 with designated core hours and flexible
hours. Core hours are the designated period of
Security Reminder of Employees Escort the day when all employees must be
Responsibilities present at work. The Department of State core
http://mmsweb.a.state.gov/asp/notices/dn_temp. hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Flexible hours
asp?Notice_ID=941 are the part of the workday when employees
may (within the limits or “bands”) choose their
time of arrival and departure. Within limits, FWS

The ABCs: What Every New Employee Needs to Know
can enable employees to select and alter their
work schedules to help balance work, personal
and family needs and responsibilities. The
Department of State offers the following FWS

With a flexitour arrangement, an employee is
allowed to select starting and stopping times
within the flexible hours. Once selected, the
hours are fixed until the agency provides an
opportunity to select different starting and
stopping times.

Gliding Schedule
With a gliding schedule, a full-time employee
has a basic work requirement of 8 hours in each
day and 40 hours in each week, may select a
starting and stopping time each day, and may
change starting and stopping times daily with the
established flexible hours.

Variable Day Schedule

A variable day schedule contains core hours on
each workday in the week and in which a full-
time employee has a basic work requirement of
40 hours in each week of the biweekly pay
period, but in which an employee may vary the
number of hours worked in a given workday
within the week within the limits established for
the organization.

Variable Week Schedule

A variable week schedule contains core hours
on each workday in the biweekly pay period and
in which a full-time employee has a basic work
requirement of 80 hours for the biweekly pay
period, but in which an employee may vary the
number of hours worked on a given workday or
the number of hours each week within the limits
established for the organization.


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