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Results and Discussion

This chapter discusses the results of the research conducted, the tools

beings used by the researcher to determine and provide an answer to the

objectives of the study.

Based on the problems encountered, the researcher was able to develop the

needed features of the Decision Support System for Online Scholarship

Application through Classification using Decision Tree Algorithm for the

Bespren Scholarship Office, Santiago City, Isabela

Based on the Hierarchical Input Process Output (HIPO) of the developed

System the user can:

1. Determine qualified and not qualified applicants

Figure 1. Pre-application
The figure shows the pre-application module where the developed system

assesses the basic information like average monthly income, grade, and

ethnicity as the basis of qualified and not qualified scholarship applicants.

Figure 2. Cut-off Grade Manager

The figure shows the cut-off grade manager. This module is responsible of

managing the cut-off grade as basis of assessing applicant’s grade in the pre-

application module.

Figure 3. Ethnicity Master

The figure shows the ethnicity master in which will serve as the data repository

of all ethnicities information which will be the basis of determining qualified

ethnicity in the pre-application module.

Figure 4. Cut-off Monthly Income Manager

The figure shows the Cut-off Monthly Income Manager which is responsible in

managing the minimum average monthly income as basis of pre-application


2. Lessen the Work of Scholarship Application In-charge

Figure 5. Announcement Master

The figure shows the Announcement Master. This module will be used by the

scholarship application personnel or in-charge to post announcement

regarding Bespren scholarship updates. All announcements that will be added

by the in-charge will be displayed in the Bespren Website.

Figure 6. Scholarship Application Approval

The figure shows the scholarship application approval module where the in-

charge can view applicant’s information and uploaded requirements. Once

requirements are complete, the in-charge can click the approve button to

approve a scholarship application.

3. Secure record through database integration and access privileges

Figure 7. Manage System Users

The figure shows the Manage system users which is responsible of managing

system user access by providing a username and password to each user for

authorize system access.

Figure 8. Facilities Master

The figure shows the Facilities Master. This module is capable of managing

system facilities to be assigned on a particular system user.

Figure 9. Usertype Master

The figure shows the usertype master. This module is use to determine what

type of user is going to be assigned in a particular user. Each user type has

their own assigned facility to be able to access. Meaning not all navigation can

be access by both Administrator and Scholarship in-charge user.

4. Timely generation of report in scholarship grants

Figure 10. Usertype Master

The figure shows the scholarship report which includes scholarship

information like name, remarks and status. The user may filter the inclusive

school year and semester in generating scholarship report.

Users Acceptability of the System

A. Functionality

The degree to which the functionality of the Decision Support System for

online Scholarship Application through Classification using Decision

Tree has found out Highly Acceptable.

Range Qualitative
The system records applicants 3.72 Highly
Functionality information Acceptable
The system assess pre-application 3.58 Highly
requirements as basis of approval Acceptable
The system generates scholarship 3.82 Highly
grants dashboard Acceptable
3.85 Highly
The generates announcements Acceptable
The system secures data through 3.78 Highly
database management Acceptable
MEAN 3.75 Acceptable
B. Usability

The degree to which the usability of the Decision Support System for online

Scholarship Application through Classification using Decision Tree has

found out Highly Acceptable.

CHARACTERISTIC Range Qualitative

The system is equipped with 3.56 Highly
message box/notification boxes Acceptable
The system is operated with 3.61 Highly
minimal effort Acceptable
3.40 Very
The system's interface is appealing Acceptable
The system uses icons in every 3.53 Highly
menu Acceptable
Compared to other software, the 3.60 Highly
system is easy to learn Acceptable
MEAN 3.54 Acceptable

C. Reliability

The degree to which the Reliability of the Decision Support System for

online Scholarship Application through Classification using Decision Tree

has found out Highly Acceptable.

Range Qualitative
The system is equipped with 3.42 Very
trapping scripts to secure proper Acceptable
data is stored
The system is capable to restore 3.60 Highly
deleted data Acceptable
Reliability The system can tract creation and 3.60 Highly
modification of data Acceptable
MEAN 3.54 Acceptable
D. Efficiency

The degree to which the Efficiency of the Decision Support System for online

Scholarship Application through Classification using Decision Tree has

found out Highly Acceptable.

Range Qualitative
3.42 Very
The system responds easily Acceptable
The system accomplishes task 3.50 Highly
quickly Acceptable
Using the system enhances the 3.56 Highly
Efficiency effectiveness of scholarship Acceptable
The system obtain more current 3.67 Highly
and timely information Acceptable
The system have more concise and 3.43 Very
summarized information Acceptable
MEAN 3.51

E. Portability

The degree to which the portability of the Decision Support System for

online Scholarship Application through Classification using Decision

Tree has found out Highly Acceptable.

Range Qualitative
The system is capable of 3.52 Highly
changing/managing user roles Acceptable
3.61 Highly
Portability The system can be installed easily Acceptable
The system can be accessed 3.60 Highly
anywhere through internet Acceptable
MEAN 3.57 Highly
Parameter Total Mean Qualitative
Value Rating
Functionality 3.75 High Acceptable

Usability 3.54 High Acceptable

Reliability 3.54 High Acceptable

Efficiency 3.51 High Acceptable

Portability 3.57 High Acceptable

GRAND MEAN 3.582 High Acceptable



The Decision Support System for Online Scholarship Application trough

Classification using Decision Tree Algorithm is an online system that is able to

classify qualified and not qualified scholarship applicants through grade,

average monthly income and ethnicity. The system was made using PHP,

MySQL, Javascript, Jquery and bootstrap.

The system has 3 users namely, the administrator, scholarship in-charge and

the student applicant. The administrator is responsible of managing necessary

information like, system user and user roles, while the scholarship in-charge is

responsible of managing pre-application requirements like grade cut-off,

ethnicity and average monthly income cut-off. Lastly is the student applicant,

the role of the student applicant is to create his account, fill up necessary

information and fill-up pre-application requirement. The pre-application

module is equipped with Decision Tree algorithm that will classify if a

particular applicant is qualified or not. Once qualified the applicant can upload

secondary requirements which will be seen by the scholarship in-charge, once

the scholarship in-charge already scrutinize the applicants secondary

requirements he/she can approve a particular applicant’s application.

Moreover, a website is also published for announcement posting and to inform

the applicants and the community of the scholarship information.


It is found out that through the use of the system. The problems identified were

all addressed. The system can determine qualified and not qualified applicants

through pre-application. It is also found out that it lessens scholarship in-

charge through its automated functionalities. The cooperating agency can also

ensure of their data security through database integration and login privileges.

Lastly the system provides timely generation of scholarship reports.


The researcher recommends this study to be used in other municipalities that

caters manual process of scholarship application. Through the use of the

system, it would boost up transactions in scholarship application, lessen

human effort and generate timely reports.

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