The Problem and Its Background

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Chapter 1



One of the objectives of Science education is to develop students’ interest towards

Science and Technology because development of any nation today depends on its

technological and scientific advancement. Hence, teachers are expected to device ways of

motivating their students to develop positive attitudes towards Science and Science related

disciplines (Sola & Ojo, 2007).

The inquiry method is a style or method of teaching where the learner is seeking to

discover and create answers to recognize problems through procedure of making a diligent

search, sometimes with minimum guidance from the teacher (Callahan, Clark &

Kelloough, 2005). Inquiry teaching method is also a term used in Science teaching that

refers to questioning, seeking knowledge or information or finding out about phenomena.

It involves investigating data and arriving at a conclusion (Sola & Ojo, 2007). In inquiry

situation, students learn concept but also self-direction, responsibility and social

communication. It also permits students to assimilate and accommodate information.

According to Sola and Ojo (2007), inquiry is a way people learn when they are left alone.

From a Science perspective, inquiry-based Science teaching engages students in the

investigative nature of Science. Inquiry involves activity and skills, but the focus is on the

active search for knowledge or understanding to satisfy a curiosity. According to

Ketpichainarong et al (2009) inquiry teaching and learning methods affect student


performances, in solving problems, reflecting on their work, drawing conclusions, and

generating prediction. These qualities are necessary for a high-achieving graduate.

Teaching-learning process is considered appropriate only if it addresses all the

objectives of Science education that are spread over knowledge, affective and psychomotor

domains. Teaching Science provides many opportunities and activities for the students.

Students involved in these activities can develop different scientific skills.

In the Philippines, teachers in Science use different teaching methods to develop

students’ scientific skills and attitudes. Though at times, they tend to stick on the traditional

way of teaching rather than experiment on using the laboratory method. The question is:

can an inquiry-based learning approach help in any way? The focus here will be on the

development and skills in secondary school teaching using the inquiry laboratory teaching


Less work has been carried out to look at scientific skills. There are many desirable

skills like noting the importance of observing, measuring, estimating correctly, predicting,

analyzing, as well as asking questions, establishing relationships, identifying differences

and similarities, inferring patterns, interpreting text, diagrams, graphs, models, tables, and

maps (Shami 2006).

In inquiry based approach learning, learners should be able to ask questions, use

their questions to plan and conduct a scientific investigation. They should to able to use

appropriate science tools and scientific techniques, evaluate evidence and use it logically

to construct several alternative explanations, and communicate their conclusions

scientifically. if skills like observing, classifying, measuring, conducting experiments,

recording, analyzing, interpreting, making inferences, communication and manipulating


are important, as Shami (2001) suggest, then, of course, the students need opportunities to

undertake these for themselves.

Dyasi (2006) asserts that the teaching process must provide children with the

opportunity to make first-hand decisions: they can decide which questions to raise at

various points, which ones to follow indepth and why, what Science tools to use for various

tasks, how to organize data, how to portray the patterns created by the data, and what

conclusions to accept or reject. In addition, how can such an approach be assessed with a

degree of fairness.

Inquiry-based is used to describe approaches to learning that are driven by a process

of enquiry (Khan and O’Rourke, 2005). The learning actively involves students in

discussion, questioning, and investigation. The approach is student-centered not teacher -

centered. At university level, Adams and Hamm (2001) argue that this general type of

learning offers many advantages for the student. In most of the advance countries many

curriculum authorities proposed and included students inquiry approaches in Science

syllabi: In the United States, the Science as an inquiry strand has been adopted as one of

the seven content standard areas in the National Science Education standards (NRC, 2000).

Inquiry-based learning has been considered as a method for promoting motivation among

students to create interest in acquiring knowledge and skills (St. Omer, 2002).

One of the key features is that the role of the teacher changes from that of a

knowledge source (directly or indirectly) to that of a facilitator of learning. Often students

sit passively in class and are told what is important for tests and difficult points are

explained. In inquiry based learning, the teacher lays down the task and facilitates the

process. However, the students follow their own lines of inquiry, drawing upon their

existing subject knowledge, and identifying their own learning requirements (Khan and

O’Rourke, 2005). The inquiry process encourages students to identify what they already

know, so that they can identify their own learning requirements.

Inquiry-based allows students to make mistakes and at times they may fail to reach

the desired outcome of learning. Such mistakes are part of the learning process. The process

makes assessment very difficult, Hutchings (2006) holds the opinion that the exploratory

nature of inquiry-based learning allows students to look at ideas in different ways and

promote creative thinking concerning problems.

It is possible to argue that students should learn Science by doing things in the same

ways that scientists do them. This leads to the suggestion that the students should be in the

position to discover. Any study of the long, painstaking and convoluted way that scientific

discoveries have often been made would reject this notion immediately. It is simply not

realistic to allow school students to experience this. There is no way that they can discover

in an afternoon what took the best brains in the world, decades to uncover. In fact, it is not

the matter of pure scientists but simple way to the world of how scientists think and work.

Inquired based approach do not make students discover new knowledge rather,

rediscover already discovered phenomena – using their sensory apparatus, properly

observing, classifying and communicating. It also familiarizes students with ways of the


Santos (2001) argued that inquiry also promotes observing, asking and identifying

questions and problems; identifying independent and dependent variables, formulating

hypothesis, designing and conducting experiments, manipulating independent variables,

collecting variables, organizing data so that inferences can be made.


Discovery-based approaches to Science education in primary and secondary

schools are now widespread across the globe. It is now possible to assess the impact of

these programs on learning outcomes. Such exercise may not provide crystal clear cause-

effect relationships since proper controls are not present, but a good statistical analysis of

current data may still furnish useful correlations. Although discovery-based learning may

seem a precise philosophy of education, it is in fact a spectrum of approaches and

techniques. There is a range of how much support a student receives in a discovery-based

classroom (De Dios, 2012). Considering the importance of inquiry in developing teaching

method to develop scientific process and attitude skills among the students especially the

secondary students enrolled in Tibag High School, this study was conducted. The

researcher would like to find out the effectiveness of the inquiry-based method on the

development of scientific process skills and attitudes among the third year students enrolled

for the school year 2013-2014.

Statement of the Problem

The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of inquiry-based approach

in some selected Chemistry topics to the development of scientific process skills, attitude

and performance among third year students of Tibag High School for the school year 2013-


Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. How is the inquiry-based approach used in Chemistry?


2. How are the students described before the use of the inquiry based approach on


2.1 Science process skills;

2.2 attitudes towards Chemistry; and

2.3 performance in Chemistry?

3. How effective is the inquiry based approach on the students in improving

Science process skills, attitudes towards Chemistry, and performance in


4. What are the implications of the study to science teaching?

Null Hypotheses

To determine the effectiveness of the inquiry based approach, the following null

hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance.

1. There is no significant difference between the pretests of students in the experimental

and control groups on science process skills.

2. There is no significant difference between the posttests of students in the experimental

and control groups on science process skills.

3. There is no significant difference between pretest and posttest of the experimental

group on science process skills.

4. There is no significant difference between pretest and posttest of the control group on

science process skills.

5. There is no significant difference between the pretests of students in the experimental

and control groups on attitude towards chemistry.


6. There is no significant difference between the posttests of students in the experimental

and control groups on attitude towards chemistry.

7. There is no significant difference between pretest and posttest of the experimental

group on attitude towards chemistry.

8. There is no significant difference between pretest and posttest of the control group on

attitude towards chemistry.

9. There is no significant difference between the pretests of students in the experimental

and control groups on performance in chemistry.

10. There is no significant difference between the posttests of students in the experimental

and control groups on performance in chemistry.

11. There is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest of the experimental

group on performance in chemistry.

12. There is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest of the control group

on performance in chemistry.

Significance of the Study

Science teaching involves a lot of effort, hard work and long preparation by the

teachers especially for those who intend to use the latest teaching methods. The researcher

decided to pursue this study as a way of investigating the effects of using the inquiry based

Science teaching for the students’ development of their scientific process skills and

attitudes. The study might help and benefit the following.


Through the result of the study Curriculum Developers would be helped to design

a more comprehensive Science curriculum to develop students’ scientific skills and


Teachers may adapt the inquiry method in teaching their students. On the other

hand, School Administrators would not be motivated to exhaust necessary funds for the

purchase of instructional materials if this method would be applied.

Science teaching among the Science teachers would be enhanced and developed.

Moreover, the organizations of Teacher training to better equip them if this contemporary

method would be applied and implemented. Construction of valid test and comprehensive

practical examination for assessing the scientific attitudes and skills among the students

would be possible as a way of providing quality Science instruction among the students in

the secondary level.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is on the effectiveness of inquiry-based approach in Chemistry teaching

as well; it aims to answer how the inquiry-based approach improves the scientific skills,

attitudes and performance of students towards chemistry. Also it describes the students

before the use of the inquiry-based approach.

The subjects of this study were the sixty third year students of Tibag High School

(formerly Maliwalo High School-Annex), during the school year 2013-2014. In this study,

the sample consisted of thirty (30) students each for the control and experimental groups.

They were paired based on their grades.


Definition of Terms

To facilitate the understanding of the study, certain terms are hereby operationally


Attitude towards Chemistry. In this study, it refers to a predisposition to respond

in a favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given attitude object (Oskamp &

Schultz, 2005). The students’ attitude towards Chemistry was measured using the Attitude

Scale developed by Cheung (2009).

Chemistry. A branch of science that deals with matter, its composition, structure,

behavior, the changes it undergoes and laws that govern such changes.

Comparing and Classifying. The terms refer to the systematic grouping of

organisms into categories on the basis of evolutionary or structural relationships between

them (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Defining Operationally. It is being able to identify variables (recognizing the

characteristics of objects or factors in events) that are constant or change under different

conditions, and can affect an experimental outcome keeping most constant while

manipulating only one (the independent) variable (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Effectiveness. It is the significant difference between the posttest of the

experimental and control group in science process skills, attitude towards chemistry, and

performance in chemistry in favor of the experimental group.

Experimenting. It is collecting bits of information about objects and events that

illustrate a specific situation; organizing and analyzing data that have been obtained and

drawing conclusions from it by determining apparent patterns or relationships in the data

(Encyclopedia Americana).

Formulating Hypothesis. It is stating or constructing a statement that is tentative

or testable, about what is thought to be the expected outcome of an experiment based on

reasoning (Wikipedia).

Hands-on Learning. It is learning through the manipulation of materials. It is also

referred to as kinesthetic learning. Is the process of learning by performing the behaviors

required of hands-on activities such as manipulating the equipment or directing the activity

(Oxford Dictionary).

Inferring. It is defined as the process of figuring something out through reasoning

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Inquiry. Is active learning based on students’ questions and investigations where

students discover knowledge and not just memorize facts (Thesaurus).

Inquiry-Based Science Teaching. It describes approaches to learning that are

based on the investigation of questions, scenarios or problems – often assisted by a

facilitator. Inquirers will identify and research issues and questions to develop their

knowledge or solutions. Inquiry-based learning includes problem-based learning, and is

generally used in small-scale investigations and projects (Olson & Louks-Horsley, 2000).

Making Decision. It is identifying alternatives and choosing a course of action

from among the alternatives after basing the judgment for the selection on justifiable

reasons (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Observing. The term refers to the process of analyzing, applying and learning,

alternatively. It can also be defined as the act of attentive watching, perceiving, or noticing

of a situation (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).


Performance. It is the carrying into execution or action; achievement,

accomplishment. In this study, this is determined by the students’ output score in the

Chemistry Achievement test.

Predicting. It refers to state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on

the basis of special knowledge, or to foretell something (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Science Process Skills. These are based on scientific inquiry and teaching science

by inquiry involves teaching students science process skills, critical thinking, scientific

reasoning skills used by scientists and inquiry is defined as an approach to teaching. The

acts scientists’ use in doing science and it can be a highly effective teaching method that

helps students to understanding of concepts and use of process skills. The basic science

process skills were determined as Observing, Comparing and Classifying, Inferring,

Predicting, Defining Operationally, Measuring, Recording and Interpreting, Formulating

Models, Constructing Tables of Data and Graphs, while the integrated process skills were

to be Formulating Hypotheses, Identifying and Controlling (Yager & Akcay, 2010).

Chapter 2


This chapter presents a review of reading materials related to the present study

that will provide background information, better insights and understanding about the

topics covered.

Related Literature

Learning theories are conceptual frameworks that describe how information is

absorbed, processed, and retained during learning. Cognitive, emotional, and

environmental influences, as well as prior experience, all play a part in how

understanding, or a worldview, is acquired or changed, and knowledge and skills

retained. Behaviorists look at learning as an aspect of conditioning and will advocate a

system of rewards and targets in education. Educators who embrace cognitive theory

believe that the definition of learning as a change in behavior is too narrow and prefer

to study the learner rather than the environment, and in particular the complexities of

human memory. Humanists emphasize the importance of self-knowledge and

relationships in the learning process. Those who advocate constructivism believe that

a learner's ability to learn relies to a large extent on what he already knows and

understands, and that the acquisition of knowledge should be an individually tailored

process of construction (Shepard, 2013).

According to Russel (2000), constructivism, or active learning involves the

students doing things by themselves and thinking about things they do. It enhances
learning, improves the retention level and this in turn produces meaningful learning

outcome and improve attitude towards learning of science.

The goal of the educator is to engage students in the learning process. However,

understanding what this looks like and how to engage effectively students can be

unclear. Lord and Orkwiszewski (2006) describe learning in two very different ways.

The traditional way of teaching is referred to as a “cookbook method”. This is a step-

by-step process in which the students follow the teacher’s directions and fill in a given

answer inquiry-based approach where students take learning in their own phase.

Lecture-demonstration method is a teaching technique that combines oral

presentation with doing to communicate process, concepts ideas and facts, observation.

It is particularly effective in teaching a skill that can be observed (Sola & Ojo, 2007).

According to Garba (2000), lecture method is a traditional method of transmission of

knowledge: It is characterized by a one-way flow of information from the teacher who

is always active to the learners who are always passive. According to him, lecture

method has the following characteristics: (i) It is appropriate for higher secondary

students and students of tertiary institutions with large class size from 25-100. (ii) May

be supported with visual aids, film or lecture handouts. (iii) Students are absolutely

passive listeners and passively assimilating information/facts being given to them. (iv)

Students are responsible for making their own notes. (v) Teacher or lecturer does the

major activities i.e. talking, illustration or presentation of the film or other aid.

Lecture method is noted for the following merits: (i) Knowledge, facts or

information are transmitted to students who gain some understanding of a subject. And

(ii) it is less expensive compared to the inquiry methods. However, lecture method has
its own shortcomings, which include the following: (i) Passive learning on the part of

the students and this makes them weak and disinterested. (ii) No immediate evaluation

is made of what has been learned. (iii) Soft-spoken teacher/instructor could create a

breakdown in the communication for some students may lose interest in his lecture.

Retention means storage of information over some period of time. This time

period is called retention interval (Bichi, 2002). If for some reasons, the subject is

unable to produce the response at the end of the retention interval forgetting has

occurred. The more active the learner is in the learning process the better he or she

retains what is taught (Paul, 2002).

Blair and Simons (2001) said that attitude is a propensity of an individual to

respond in a certain way to a stimulus. Flowers (2000) defines attitude as a particular

feeling about an object or thing and therefore involves a tendency to behave positively

or negatively in situations that involve the object or thing. He went further to assert that

attitudes are partially emotional and that they are acquired not innate. From the above

definition, it reveals that an attitude is directed toward object and this may be an

individual, school policy, subject or even ideas or any material object. An attitude can

either be a positive or negative predisposition towards a particular organization and it

also involves behavior.

Attitude can change from negative to positive or from positive to negative.

Teaching methods can influence the attitudes of the students towards learning

positively or negatively.

German (2009), in his own view concerning the competency of the teacher, said

that if the method is used by a competent teacher it has great deal to offer but if used
incompetently as fashion it is probably more disastrous to learning than exclusive

reliance of the former methods.

Inquiry teaching method is an activity-based teaching method, which involves

the students in the learning process, placing less emphasis on transmitting knowledge

and more on developing students’ Science process skills. Inquiry teaching method,

which is an activity-based method, will better aid learning, enhance retention level of

the students. Furthermore, it is hoped to change the attitude of the students towards

Science to be positive.

Teaching methods such as inquiry teaching, problem solving, problem based

learning and project based learning rely heavily on the effective use of the Science

process skills by students to complete an investigation (Colley, 2006). Inquiry Science

teaching is having students engage in more Science activities and exercises and

encourages them to learn Science and learn about Science (Olson & Louks-Horseley,


According to (Nation Research Council, 2001) all students should learn about

scientific inquiry. Adedoyin (2000) contended that most of scientific theory are based

on a large number of a very sophisticated experiments. He suggested that if lecture

topics are theorized, this should be done through the use of audio-visual aids or

demonstration. This critically illustrates the use of inquiry method and Science

laboratory teaching instruction. Several researches have shown that an inquiry-based

instruction method improves students’ Science process skills, concepts learning and

achievements. Flick (2000) stated that research on inquiry-base instruction has well

trained students to be capable of handling tools and science skills.

Cheval and Hart (2005) classify inquiry-teaching method in to three classes,

namely: structured inquiry, guided inquiry and open inquiry. Actually there is a debate

as to which type of inquiry is best. Nonetheless, any form of inquiry (structured, guided,

or open) can be useful to students when taught appropriately well. Structured inquiry

is the most teacher-centered of the three types of inquiry. This type is commonly seen

in Science classrooms in the form of laboratory exercises. The teacher provides fairly

structured procedures for the inquiry activity, and students carry out the investigations.

Structured inquiry could be described as the most traditional approach to inquiry

(Cheval & Hart, 2007).

The open inquiry requires the least amount of teacher intervention and is student

centered. Students often work in groups and plan all phases of their investigations. This

is the purest form of inquiry conducted in Science classrooms (Cheval & Hart, 2005).

Guided inquiry falls in the middle of the inquiry instructional spectrum. This

approach is commonly used when students are asked to make tools or develop a process

that results in a desired outcome. For example, a Science teacher gives his seventh

grade middle school students materials to create a rocket but no instructions for

designing the rocket or asks students to look but does not point which one to look at.

The students must use their own knowledge and creativity to design a rocket so that

will launch properly, fly a certain distance, and land without becoming disassembled.

The teacher provides the problem and materials and the lecture method is used

primarily to introduce students to a new subject. The lecture is used as a valuable

method for summarizing ideas, showing relationship between theory and practice and

re-emphasizing main points (Sola & Ojo, 2007).

Inquiry teaching method has been described as problem solving, critical

thinking, reflective inquiry and deductive thinking. It is a method of teaching that

involves probing, finding out investigating, analyzing, synthesizing, discovering,

evaluating, questioning and thinking (Muhammad, 2007).

In another development, inquiry method heavily depends upon the learner’s

involvement with the learning task. The method is based on the assumption that the

subject is to learn actively by fully participating in the learning task. It is a method that

leads to effective learning outcomes that will be meaningful to the learner. In this

method of teaching, students are encouraged to behave like scientists in the process of

their investigation. Therefore, for the students to engage meaningfully in inquiry, a

teacher needs to involve the students from the planning stage to the evaluating stage.

This could be achieved by the students and the teacher by locating and gathering

information from sources such as reading materials, specimens and community

resources. Inquiry teaching method is one way of making sense out of what one

experiences and therefore requires thinking (Blair and Simon 2002). This implies that

the method requires putting learners into situation in which they must be engaged in

intellectual operation that constitutes finding out.

Kyle and Gadsden (2001), viewed inquiry teaching method as a strategy of

teaching where students examine ideas, existing issues, probe and question them freely,

and practice on their own or with little guidance from the teacher. The students seek

for information to answer or solve their problems. Therefore, inquiry teaching is

educative and experimental. It also produces a lot of fun and joy as students learn by

doing activities.
An ancient Japanese proverb says: “Give a man a fish and he will not be hungry

for a day, teach a man how to fish, he will not be hungry for life time”, (Matthias,

2003). By this proverb, it means that teaching people how to tackle and solve problems

by themselves, becomes an asset which is what the inquiry approach stands for, while

solving problems for people, which is what tradition method is known for, is temporary.

Although, the inquiry teaching method has been described by many educationalists as

effective approach, it is not without some shortcomings and many people have

expressed one thing or another against the inquiry reaching method.

One of such critiques is Bredderman (2002) who pointed out some

disadvantages of inquiry approach to include its time consuming nature. Time is needed

to plan inquiry activities. It may not be possible to use inquiry approach in all situations

and some authors like Agboola & Oloyede (2007) maintained that, inquiry approach is

more suitable for intuitive and creative children who are full of enthusiasm and active.

Science process skills (SPS) on the other hand, are transferable skills

applicable to many Sciences and that reflect the behaviors of scientists. These skills

facilitate learning in physical sciences, ensure active student participation, develop

students sense of responsibility in their own learning, increase the permanence of

learning. These skills also help students acquire research ways and methods, that make

them think and behave like a scientists. Hence, this method is important in teaching

Science. SPS are the building blocks of critical thinking and inquiry in Science

(Ostlund, 1992).

Learning Science lessons by apprehending requires using Science process skills

(SPS). Having Science process skills acquired, at the same time, means preparing future
scientists. Having scientific literacy acquired, enables students to use science

information in daily life personal, social and global (Harlen, 2001). Science process

skills are based on scientific inquiry and teaching science by inquiry involves teaching

students Science process skills, critical thinking, scientific reasoning skills (Pratt &

Hackett, 2001). Inquiry is defined as an approach to teaching, the acts scientists use in

doing Science. It can be a highly effective teaching method that helps students to

understanding methods and use of process skills (Yager & Akcay, 2010).

Science contents and Science processes are intertwined in the K to 12

curriculum. Without the content, learners will have difficulty utilizing Science process

skills since these processes are best learned in context. Organizing the curriculum on

situations and problems that challenge and arouse students’ curiosity motivates them

to learn and appreciate Science as relevant and useful. Rather than relying solely on

textbooks, scheme teachers can use, varied hands-on, minds-on, and hearts-on activities

to develop students’ interest and make them active learners.

As a whole, the K to 12 Science curriculum is learner-centered and inquiry –

based. It emphasizes the use of evidence in constructing explanations.

Concepts and skills in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

are presented with increasing levels of complexity from grade one level to another

(spiral progression), thus paving the way to deeper understanding of a few concepts.

These concepts and skills are integrated rather than discipline based, stressing the

connections across Science topics and other disciplines as well as applications of

concepts and life skills.

As progressive thinker of the early 1900s, educational reformer, John Dewey,

believed that learning occurs when students solve real world problems in the

community. Sarker and Frazier took the idea of hands-on learning to another level.

They claimed that place-based learning elevates hands-on activities to a meaningful

level when the questions investigated come from students (2008). Hands-on learning is

the process of acquiring knowledge through student engagement. Engaging students in

their own learning through hands-on activities, internet and computer activities and

simulations foster interest and encourages participation which ultimately results in the

increased retention of the material learned.

According to Keys and Kennedy (2000), inquiry education in Science

classrooms is once again becoming more popular; however, it is not always used

correctly or to its full potential due to lack of knowledge on the part of the teacher

regarding how best to implement this strategy, according to Keys and Kennedy (2000).

Even when mandated, inquiry education is not always implemented, or is done

differently depending on the teacher. Teachers have trouble teaching with this method

due to issues with supplies, behavior, and a fear that actual facts will not be learned. In

the Philippines similar issues are also encountered. The researcher then investigated

the effects of inquiry based Science teaching as a way of developing students’ scientific

process skills and attitudes for those who are enrolled at Tibag High School.

Furthermore, students were described based on the use of the inquiry-based approach

focusing on their scientific skills, attitudes and performance towards Chemistry. The

pre-test/post-test control group design was used to attain of a more effective strategy
on students’ retention of knowledge. This is the very reason why the researcher

conducted this kind of study.

Related Studies

A. Foreign

Pine, et al (2005) conducted a study on the advantages of an inquiry-based,

hands-on curriculum as opposed to textbook learning. They wanted to convince

educators that inquiry-based Science education is more stimulating for students’

learning and continued interest in the curriculum and subject as opposed as to textbook

learning. The study consisted of 1000 fifth grade students in nine different school

districts that spanned all socio-economic levels. The hypothesis of the study was the

majority of the students would find more success with hands-on, inquiry-based

learning. The belief was that the students would prove to have many shortcomings such

as performing the task and completely understanding the scientific process and the

topic taught after traditional textbook learning. In the end, assessment scores did not

show a significant difference between the learning acquired in the two types of

programs. The average score attained by the students involved in the study was 45%.

On the assessment questions that required 13 higher-level thinking skills, the students

only achieved an average score of 32%. In addition to the poor assessment scores, the

study showed that there was not a significant difference in achievement in the hands-

on learning compared to the textbook learning. The results of the various experiments

were disappointing and involved many variables. One of the findings showed that the

achievement scores of all students were at the same level, despite their socioeconomic
status. Overall, only nine of the sixty-eight students who completed the program

performed better on the three-lecture assessment than on the laboratory assessment.

Brackett affirms that he realized that one type of learning style was not superior to

another. Students have a variety of strengths and various ways of showing their abilities

academically. Teachers must be aware in order to tailor lessons and activities to the

learning styles and needs of the students. If students are engaged, encouraged, invested

in the learning, and given the opportunity to apply their understanding, the learning will

be balanced and the students will be more likely to succeed. Evident hands-on activities

should be conducted in science classes to improve their scientific process and attitude.

Stipect (2002) examined the effects of the inquiry teaching method on Geology

achievement and students attitudes towards Science. He indicated an improvement in

academic achievement and enhancement of the students’ attitudes towards Sciences. In

this study, the effects of inquiry teaching method on the attitudes of the students

towards Chemistry were investigated.

In a study done in Texas by Douglas (2003) he compared the traditional

program and inquiry oriented Science program report that in favor of those following

inquiry oriented Science programs, and he found a 75% difference in terms of the

students’ attitudes towards Science. Furthermore, inquiry-based instruction produced

positive outcomes on the student’s concept learning.

On the other hand, Donald (2000) conducted an experiment on the effect of

traditional lecture method in teaching two sections of an undergraduate Chemistry

course. On the retention he discovered that those students taught using inquiry method

had better retention level than those taught with traditional lecture method. There were
similarities in terms of the present study conducted since inquiry- based learning was

also used to determine its effects to student’s development.

Schafer, et. al. (2004) conducted a study by comparing if meaningful learning

is a distinct variable, independent of aptitude and achievement motivation that is related

to students’ understanding of meiosis, genetics, and the relationships between these

topics. In their study, the researchers investigated the relationships and the possible

predictive influence of meaningful learning orientation, relevant prior knowledge,

instructional treatment and all interactions of the variables on students’ meaningful

understanding of Biology topics. The sample consisted of 140 tenth grade students

attending a public, suburban high school in Central New York State. A 24-item

Learning Approach Questionnaire was used in order to categorize the students as more

meaningful learners, less meaningful learners, less rote learners and more rote learners.

Teachers of the students also rated their students according to perception of each

students’ general approach to learning after participating training sessions. When

students’ self-ratings and teachers’ observation based ratings were analyzed for

matches and mismatches, 94 matches were found. As a result, 94 students out of 140

students were analyzed during the study. This shows that improvements can be possible

with the use of inquiry-based learning. Differential Aptitude Test scores were obtained

from the school guidance counselor in order to have information about students’

abilities in a variety of areas of mental activity. A 30-item subscale of Likert

Achievement Motivation was used in order to measure the students’ motivation

towards performance goals such as high grades, praise and favorable judgements of

their work. Mental Model Assessment was used in order to assess the students’
understanding about the meiosis, the use of Punnett-square diagrams and the

relationships between the biological topics of meiosis. Students’ responses were

categorized as conceptual knowledge, process knowledge and procedural knowledge.

Pretest mental models were used in order to assess the students’ prior knowledge of

meiosis, then the students were given instruction on meiosis and later on two types of

typewritten self-tutorial instructional packets were randomly assigned to the students.

One of the packets consisted of highlighted questions and problems about the

relationships between meiosis and the Punnett-square method with the answers to the

questions and the other packet consisted of the same questions and problems. Students

were wanted to generate the answers to the questions themselves. About 53 students

had the perception form of instruction and 41 students had generative form of

instruction. After the administration of the instructional packets, the students were

given mental model post-test on meiosis, the Punnett-square method and the

relationship between them. Results indicated that meaningful learning orientation was

a factor that contributed to students’ meaningful understandings independent of

aptitude and motivation.

Yemilnez (2006) investigated the relative predictive influences of prior

knowledge, meaningful learning orientation, formal reasoning ability and mode of

instruction on understanding in photosynthesis and respiration in plants concepts.

Photosynthesis and Respiration in Plants Concept Test, Test of Logical Thinking and

Learning Approach Questionnaire was applied to 233 eight-grade students. The results

of the study showed that students hold several misconceptions about photosynthesis

and respiration in plant concepts and had a low level of conceptual understanding. The
achievements of the students in the experimental group were found to be higher than

the ones in the control group. Prior knowledge was the most important determinant of

the students’ ability to learn photosynthesis and respiration in plants than in formal

reasoning ability in conceptual change classroom. Moreover, meaningful learning

orientation accounted for a small amount of variance in conceptual change classrooms.

In traditional classrooms, reasoning ability was the main predictor of achievement

scores of the students in the traditional classrooms.

More recently, Baser (2007) investigated the contributors of learning

motivation, reasoning ability, learning orientation and gender to International

Baccalaureate and National Program students’ mitosis and meiosis achievement. A

total of 472 ninth-grade students in Ankara participated the study. Data were collected

by using Students’ Motivation toward Biology Learning Questionnaire, Test of Logical

Thinking Ability, Learning Approach Questionnaire and Mitosis and Meiosis

Achievement Test. Multiple regression analyses showed that achievement was

explained in positive direction by formal reasoning ability and in negative direction by

active learning strategies and rote learning in National Program classes. Self-efficacy

and formal reasoning ability had significant contributions to achievement for

International Baccalaureate students. The main predictor of achievement was formal

reasoning ability for both International Baccalaureate and National Program students,

explaining 4.7% and 10.9% variance respectively. All the students were found to use

active strategies like finding relevant sources, discussing with other students, trying to

form connection between new and previous knowledge. Moreover, the students also

thought that the materials learned in biology lessons were relevant to their daily lives
and beneficial for developing problem solving and inquiry skills while satisfying their


The studies of Pine, et al (2005) and Stipect (2002) were on the inquiry

approach. They differed from the present study on the subject matter. The former study

dealt with general education while the latter on geology. The present study was in


While, Douglas (2003) and Webster (2002) focused on inquiry based Science

teaching being favorable to Science education, which the present study tried to establish

in some Chemistry topics, and both dealt with students’ attitudes.

Also, AktamOu & Ergin (2008) was similar to the present study because it also

measured the scientific process and attitudes of the learners. Likewise, Donald (2000)

was similar with the present study as it dealt with the same subject: Chemistry but

differed its approach.

The studies of Schafer, et al (2004), Yemilnez (2006) and Baser (2007) all dealt

with general education and its meaningful learning orientation making these different

from the present study. The current study was focused on the effects of inquiry

approach to students’ development of scientific process skills and attitudes.

B. Local

Tolentino and Ramos (2004) found in their study that the activity-based

methods had some effects on achievement in SPS but they did not find any changes in

attitudes towards Science courses, and they concluded that teacher behaviors are more
influential on attitudes. The study emphasized the importance of teachers’ attitude in

teaching that could affect the students’ achievement. The present study however

concentrated on the development of scientific process skills and attitudes of students

using the inquiry based learning by the teachers.

Walter & Soyibo (2001) found in their study that the change in the Science

programs was mainly based on hands-on and minds-on activities done in laboratories,

and such programs are based on BSPS and ISPS. Their study suggested that the first,

second, and third year students in the schools following the new program were more

successful than those who were in schools adopting traditional methods. This shows

the advantages of using the contemporary strategies to enhance teaching similar to the

present study. Burgos (2006) found that when hands-on learning activities were used

together with cooperative learning approach, second year students were more

successful in SPS and had more positive attitudes towards Science than the control

group students following the traditional methods.

Butts et al. (2000) in the study they conducted found out that students needed

more practice to be done in laboratories to improve their problem solving skills and

SPS. The researchers sought an answer to the question “Why the scientific skills are

not familiar to pupils?” What they suggested as answer was that teachers do not teach

about Science process skills first and do not encourage students to search. They offered

some solutions for it, and some well-defined research problems, completed questions,

obvious hypotheses, receipt-like methods. Teachers should offer students the

possibility to plan their own investigations, where they make their own questions and

hypotheses, choose methods and necessary equipment, discuss about the means for
ensuring reliability and the ways of scientific reporting. In that way, the students can

adopt a scientific skill, which means learning some fundamental features of the nature

of Science. Consequently students can deepen their conceptual understanding of

natural phenomena.

Yasay (2010) concluded in his study that students’ use an understanding of

Science skills and concepts in the inquiry sections increased significantly more than

they did for students enrolled in a typical section in terms of process skills, creativity

skills, ability to apply Science concepts, and the development of more positive


The study of Johnson and Johnson (2004) found out that the effectiveness of

inquiry teaching method or retention ability of the students. This method could aid

learning to improve the scientific process skills and attitudes of students.

Lastly, as to the studies conducted by Tolentino and Ramos (2004) activity-

based methods had some effects on achievement in SPS but did not have any

relationships as to the students’ attitude in the Science subject. Burgos (2006) in his

study explained that hands-on learning activities were used together with cooperative

learning approach. The high schools students in SPS had improved more in terms of

their attitudes towards Science as compared to the control group who were under the

traditional methods.

The studies of Tolentino and Ramos (2004), Walter and Soyibo (2001), Burgos

(2006) and Butts et al (2000) dealt on activity-based methods to develop on students

Science process skills and attitudes. The present study tried the same through the

inquiry approach.
However, Johnson and Johnson (2004) and Mabie (2003) had similarities with

the present study as they sought to explain the effects of inquiry teaching on retention

ability of students. The current study used inquiry approach to establish its

effectiveness on students’ development of science process skills and attitudes. And as

for the latter, it investigated the advantages of inquiry method in teaching Science that

made it different from the present study.

Finally, Yasay (2010) dealt with understanding of Science skills and concepts

in the inquiry sections. It then becomes similar to the present study because both studies

developed positive attitude towards learning.

Indeed the reviewed studies above strongly support the framework of the

present study. All the studies cited have relevance to the present study because they all

dealt with the inquiry approach and looked into strategies that could improve the

students’ performance in Chemistry. They differ on the subject content.

Conceptual Framework

The study investigated the effectiveness of the inquiry based Science teaching

as a way of developing students’ scientific process skills and attitudes for those who

were enrolled at Tibag High School. Effectiveness was established by the experimental

design, by comparing the experimental and control group on their scientific skills,

attitudes towards Science and performance in Chemistry. The experimental group was

taught using the inquiry-based approach while the control group was taught using the

traditional approach. Figure 1 shows the paradigm of the study.



 Science Process Implications to

Skills Effectiveness of Chemistry Teaching
 Attitude towards Inquiry-based
Chemistry Approach
 Performance in

Figure 1. The Paradigm of the Study

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods of research and data collection processes.

The researcher used appropriate research method and procedure in the treatment and

interpretation of the data that were utilized in this study.

Methods of Research

To determine the effectiveness of the inquiry based approach in developing

scientific skills, the pretest, post-test control group experimental design was used. The

control and experimental groups were pre-tested to determine their equivalence.

Experimental and control groups were administered with Chemistry achievement test

(performance), Chemistry process skills test and Chemistry attitude scale. This was to

determine the characteristics of experimental and control groups before the treatment.

There were two sections which were randomly assigned to either experimental or

control group through a toss coin. Before the experiment, both groups were given

pretest to determine their initial level of performance in Science process skills and

Chemistry and they were also given an Attitude towards Chemistry Scale. The control

group was taught the same Science concepts using the traditional teaching strategy,

while experimental group was taught using the inquiry approach. After the experiment,

both groups were administered the posttest to measure the change in the students’

performance in Science process skills and in Chemistry as well as in their attitude

towards Chemistry.

Subjects of the Study

The subjects of this study were the sixty third year students of Tibag High

School (formerly Maliwalo High School – Annex), during the school year 2013 – 2014.

In this study, the sample consisted of thirty (30) students each for the control and

experimental groups. They were paired based on their grades.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study had three phases: 1) pre-experimental phase; 2) experimental phase;

and 3) post-experimental phase.

Phase 1. Pre-Experimental Phase

A Chemistry achievement test together with the table of specification was

prepared. Lesson plans for both the experimental and control groups were also

prepared. After the thorough evaluation of the achievement test, the final copy of this

test was used as pretest and posttest for the study. The Science Process Skills (SPS) test

and the Attitude towards Chemistry Scale were adopted from Padilla (1990) and

Cheung (2009), respectively.

Phase 2. Experimental Phase

The researcher administered the Chemistry Achievement Test, Science Process

Skills (SPS) test and the Attitude towards Chemistry Scale a day after the class

orientation. The students in the control group were taught in the traditional method.

The students in the experimental group were taught using inquiry-based approach.

During the experiment, the researcher following the same content coverage handled

both groups.

Phase 3. Post-Experimental Period

The posttest, which comprised Chemistry Achievement Test, SPS test and the

Attitude towards Chemistry Scale, was administered to both groups the day after the

sessions. The results of the pretest and posttest were analyzed to evaluate the

effectiveness of the inquiry-based approach on the Science process skills, attitude

towards Chemistry, and performance of the students.

Data Gathering Instruments

The instruments used for the data collection were the Chemistry Achievement

Test, Science Process Skills Test, and Chemistry Attitude Scale.

A thirty-item teacher-made test was used for the pretest and posttest for the

Chemistry Achievement Test. To ensure the content validity of the test, a Table of

Specification was prepared (Appendix B). The test was presented to the thesis adviser

and statistician, and to three experienced high school Chemistry teachers to judge the

face validity of the test. Their corrections and suggestions were considered. The test

covered topics on gas laws, namely: Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, Gay-Lussac’s law,

Avogadro’s law, and Ideal gas law.

The Chemistry Attitude Scale was adopted from Cheung (2009), which

consisted of 12 statements. Students responded to each item on a five-point rating scale:

strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), not sure (3), agree (4), or strongly agree (5). The

possible score range on each of the five 5-item scales is 12-60.

The Science Process Skills test is an assessment tool adopted from Padilla

(1990). It is a thirty-item multiple-choice test that measures skills in observing,


comparing and classifying, inferring, predicting, defining operationally, measuring,

recording and interpreting, formulating models, constructing tables of data and graphs,

while the integrated process skills were to be formulating hypotheses, identifying and


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