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Pediatr Nephrol (2014) 29:1349–1358

DOI 10.1007/s00467-013-2612-7


Assessment of nutritional status in children with chronic

kidney disease and on dialysis
Antonio Mastrangelo & Fabio Paglialonga &
Alberto Edefonti

Received: 23 April 2012 / Revised: 6 August 2013 / Accepted: 7 August 2013 / Published online: 5 September 2013
# IPNA 2013

Abstract Protein-energy wasting (PEW) is defined as a state of Introduction

decreased body protein mass and fuel reserves (body protein and
fat mass) and is a common complication of chronic kidney According to an expert panel of the International Society of
disease (CKD). It is multifactorial: the main causative factors Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM), protein-energy
are hormonal imbalances and a low nutrient intake, but low wasting (PEW) in adults is defined as a state of decreased body
residual renal function, inadequate dialysis dose, chronic inflam- protein mass and fuel reserves (body protein and fat mass) [1].
mation and metabolic acidosis are other important contributory PEW is a well-known complication of chronic kidney
factors. Adult PEW has been defined, but there is no accepted disease (CKD) in adults and children, but its prevalence is
definition of pediatric PEW and consequently no precise diag- difficult to ascertain [2–4]. Studies of children with CKD that
nostic criteria. Assessing nutritional status in children is also have been published to date contain conflicting data, mainly
complicated by the absence of a gold standard, specific abnor- due to the use of different definitions and diagnostic criteria;
malities in body composition, and the slowly progressive course consequently, the published prevalence rates range from 6 to
of the disease. The evaluation of PEW should take into account 65 % [3, 5–7].
all of its pathogenetic aspects, which include dietary assessment, One problem underlying the definition of PEW is the fact
clinical and anthropometric assessment (based on weight, height, that it is a multifactorial disease and thus very different from
and body mass index), a panel of biochemical parameters, and a true malnutrition caused by a low nutritional intake alone [4,
normalized protein catabolic rate (in the case of adolescents on 8, 9]. In the past, the word “malnutrition” was used as a
hemodialysis). Bioimpedance indices can be used in individual synonym of “protein-energy wasting” and “cachexia” in chil-
patients on a regular basis in centers with expertise. The longitu- dren with CKD, but recent evidence indicates that it should be
dinal follow-up data relating to the above parameters are valuable reserved for the condition caused by inadequate nutritional
for comparing patient and normative data. Given the complex intake alone. In CKD, many factors other than inadequate
nature of PEW, only a multidisciplinary approach can provide an nutrient intake (such as hormonal imbalance) contribute to
accurate assessment of nutritional status and its derangements in PEW, which is ultimately characterized by maladaptive re-
children with CKD and on dialysis. sponses, such as an increased metabolic rate, low serum
albumin levels, and the loss of body weight. This scenario
conflicts with the definition of true “malnutrition” which, as it
Keywords Protein-energy wasting . Chronic kidney disease . is only caused by inadequate food intake, is generally easily
Nutritional status . Malnutrition . Nutritional assessment reversed by altering the composition of the diet. However,
merely increasing dietary intake would not cure PEW in
patients with CKD. Finally, the word “cachexia” should be
used to define the severe form of PEW that, in adults, is
characterized by serious physiological, metabolic, psycholog-
ical, and immunological complications [1].
A. Mastrangelo : F. Paglialonga (*) : A. Edefonti
Consequently, the nutritional assessment of children with
Pediatric Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’
Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy CKD should take into account all of the pathogenetic aspects
e-mail: fabiopaglialonga@alice.it of PEW—and not just dietary intake [4, 10–12]. Panels of
1350 Pediatr Nephrol (2014) 29:1349–1358

nutritional markers are required to diagnose PEW, and there is The peptide cholecystokinin (CCK) is a widespread gut
no ideal marker that is accurate, widely applicable, easy to hormone that has a number of physiological effects, including
interpret, and inexpensive. A group of markers, with their cut- the stimulation of gallbladder contraction and pancreatic and
off values, have been identified as tools for diagnosing PEW gastric acid secretion, the slowing of gastric emptying, and the
in adult patients with CKD, but there are no such precise suppression of energy intake [27]. CCK is released in re-
criteria for children and no accepted definition of PEW suit- sponse to food intake and induces satiety through the CCK-
able for the pediatric population. A receptors on vagal afferents [27].
What makes diagnosis even more difficult is that PEW is All of these hormones are mainly degraded by the kidneys
usually a slowly progressive process that starts with the activa- [23]. CKD patients have high serum levels of desacyl ghrelin,
tion of a number of catabolic pathways in an apparently well- leptin, and obestatin due to reduced renal clearance, whereas
nourished child and then progresses to the mild depletion of their serum acyl ghrelin levels are low [18, 28]. As it has been
body protein and stores. It is only towards the end of the disease demonstrated that there is no increase in the production of
process that clinical signs and symptoms appear, nutritional total ghrelin, the higher serum levels are considered to be
markers are significantly modified, and there is a significant mainly caused by the reduced renal degradation [29].
increase in morbidity and mortality [10]. In 2010, Büscher et al. [18] found higher levels of total
The assessment of nutritional status in children is also ghrelin in pediatric CKD and dialysis patients than in controls
complicated by the specific characteristics of pediatric patients and transplant recipients. There was no between-group differ-
with CKD and their specific body composition abnormalities ence in acyl ghrelin, but the levels of obestatin and desacyl
because a decrease in muscle mass could be hidden by an ghrelin were higher, leading the authors to suggest that re-
increase in fat mass and/or body water with stable or even duced anabolism may be part of a protective strategy of the
increased body weight [13, 14]. uremic organism, which tries to reduce metabolic processes in
The aims of this article are: (1) to review both the main order to inhibit the accumulation of toxic metabolites normal-
factors responsible for PEW/cachexia and the relevant ly cleared through the kidneys [18].
markers of nutritional status and (2) to assess the value of High plasma CCK levels have been negatively associated
these factors/markers as tools for diagnosing PEW in children with nutritional status in CKD/dialysis patients. The chronic
with CKD and on dialysis. administration of CCK reduces meal size, but does not affect
any overall change in daily caloric intake or body weight because
of a compensatory increase in the number of meals [27].
Factors causing PEW The imbalance between orexigenic and anorexigenic sub-
stances is probably responsible for anorexia and PEW in chil-
Hormonal factors dren with CKD [4, 30]. However, as these indices are currently
available only for research purposes, we can only rely on their
Recent studies have clearly shown that uremic hormonal effects on nutrient intake.
imbalances are the main cause of poor appetite in patients
with CKD. In particular, uremia leads to a reduction in Decreased nutrient intake
orexigenic hormones, such as acyl ghrelin, neuropeptide Y
(NPY) and agouti-related peptide (AgRP), and the accumula- A number of (mainly crossover) studies of adults and children
tion of anorexigenic substances, such as desacyl ghrelin, with CKD have found a significant correlation between glo-
obestatin, adiponectin, leptin, peptide YY, and visfatin merular filtration rate (GFR) and dietary energy and protein
[15–20]. intake [31, 32] and concluded that reduced energy intake for
In healthy people, ghrelin is a hormone produced in the age appears even in the early stages of CKD [31]. However,
gastrointestinal tract that circulates in three different forms: acyl other studies have found that children with CKD have a
ghrelin, desacyl ghrelin, and obestatin. Acyl ghrelin has normal energy intake in relation to their body size [33], and
orexigenic activity: it increases food intake in humans and it has been repeatedly demonstrated that protein intake is
animals [21, 22] and promotes adiposity in rats and mice [22]. normal or high even in patients with severe CKD [34].
Acyl ghrelin promotes the secretion of NPY and AgRP, which The parents of children with CKD sometimes report altered
are active appetite-stimulating neuropeptides in the hypothala- taste, a furrowed tongue, yellowish teeth, pale/bronze skin,
mus [23]. Ghrelin also has some cardiovascular and anti- nausea, vomiting, and food refusal which, particularly in
inflammatory effects and reduces oxidative stress [24–26]. infants, may easily lead to a reduction in dietary intake [35].
The other two circulating forms of ghrelin, together with the An underlying and treatable cause can be identified in some
hormone leptin, are anorexigenic and antagonize the central cases, including gastroesophageal reflux and unpalatable
effects of acyl ghrelin; leptin additionally has a pro- medications. Infancy and early childhood are the most
inflammatory effect and reduces food intake [23]. nutrition-sensitive phases of growth, when dietary intake is
Pediatr Nephrol (2014) 29:1349–1358 1351

associated with a greater risk of protein wasting and impaired Only a few studies have investigated inflammation in chil-
physical development. dren, and the results of these are less striking and more contra-
dictory [7, 41–44]. Sylvestre et al. studied 64 children with
CKD and found that the prevalence of inflammation [diagnosed
Factors contributing to the development of PEW on the basis of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels of >1 mg/L]
ranged from 22 % among patients on PD to 40 % among those
Low residual renal function and dialysis dose on HD [7]. Goldstein et al. measured serum cytokine concen-
trations in seven children on HD and seven on continuous
Residual renal function and an adequate dialysis dose have cycling PD and found that the serum concentrations of the
been found to have a positive effect on dietary intake and pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1beta (IL-1β), IL-6,
nutritional parameters in adults and children undergoing IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha were significantly high,
chronic dialysis [31, 36–38]. In terms of residual renal func- whereas those of anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IL-10
tion, Norman et al. found that children with severe CKD had were normal [42]. Foster et al. found that CRP levels were
lower anthropometric indices [weight, height, and body mass higher in patients with CKD stage 4 and 5 and during dialysis
index (BMI)] than those with a mild reduction in GFR and than in those with CKD stage 2 and 3. Similarly, IL-6 levels
that, similarly, mean total energy intake was higher in “nor- were higher in the patients on dialysis than in those with CKD
mal” children than in those with severe chronic renal insuffi- stage 2 and 3. However, there was no significant association
ciency [31]. In pediatric patients treated with hemodialysis between CRP and leg muscle deficits.
(HD), Guzzo et al. found a close correlation between residual It is worth remembering that the hypothalamus is sensitive
Kt/V and the normalized protein catabolic rate (nPCR, an to a series of hormonal stimuli, such as those cited in para-
index of protein intake), with significantly higher nPCR graph 1.1, but also to cytokines: high serum cytokine levels
values in patients with residual renal function than in those act through the hypothalamus to reduce appetite and increase
without [36]. the sense of satiety, presumably because hormonal receptors
In terms of the dialysis dose, a positive correlation between (e.g. leptin receptors) have some homology with cytokine
dialytic creatinine clearance and growth was first demonstrat- receptors (e.g. IL-6 receptors) [27, 45].
ed by Schaefer et al. [37] and then confirmed by Tom et al.
[39]. More recently, Fischbach et al. have shown that daily on- Metabolic acidosis
line hemodiafiltration has a beneficial effect on growth and
dietary protein intake (DPI) [38]. Metabolic acidosis is common in patients with CKD and is
Taken together, these findings could be due to better con- associated with a number of complications, including in-
trol over uremic toxicity or the positive effects on food intake creased muscle wasting and reduced albumin synthesis [8, 9,
of maintaining water excretion and a less protein-restricted 46, 47]. In particular, this condition can increase the transcrip-
diet. However, regardless of the biological mechanism, pa- tion of genes encoding proteins of the ATP-dependent
tients with no residual renal function and those receiving an ubiquitin–proteasome pathway, thus increasing the activity
inadequate dialysis dose are at greatest risk of low dietary of the ATP-dependent ubiquitin–proteasome system and lead-
intake, reduced growth, and impaired nutritional status, which ing to muscle protein degradation [47]. It has been shown that
is why the indices of residual renal function (such as creatinine correcting acidosis improves protein balance and muscle mass
clearance) and dialysis adequacy [such as Kt/V for urea and [46]. Similarly, the risk of hypoalbuminemia is significantly
total creatinine clearance in children on peritoneal dialysis higher in CKD patients with acidosis than in those with a
(PD)] should be regularly monitored. normal acid/base balance, which suggests that acidosis plays a
role in reducing albumin synthesis [46]. However, it should be
Inflammation remembered that acid/base status depends on many factors,
including primary renal disease, dietary intake, residual kid-
Many studies of adult CKD patients have found a high preva- ney function and dialysis modality and dose.
lence of inflammation and a close correlation between inflam-
mation, “malnutrition,” and cardiovascular complications, and Birth history
these findings have led to the identification of what is known as
the malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis syndrome [40]. It is well-known that birth history has a significant influence
Recent studies have clarified the mechanisms linking inflam- on adult height in the general population. In particular, the
mation and muscle wasting: among others, uncontrolled acti- childhood and adult height of children born small for their
vation of the ATP-dependent ubiquitin–proteasome system is gestational age (SGA) is >2 standard deviations (SD) below
the main cause of muscle protein degradation in the case of a the mean [48]. The effects of low birth weight (LBW), pre-
pro-inflammatory uremic milieu [8, 9]. maturity, SGA, and intensive care unit stay was studied by
1352 Pediatr Nephrol (2014) 29:1349–1358

Greenbaum et al. in a large cohort of children and adolescents <10 years), which make it possible to calculate the daily intake
with mild or moderate CKD. These authors found that the of calories and macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat),
children born with a LBW or SGA were shorter than those vitamins, and minerals. However, one major drawback of
whose birth weight was >2,500 g or who had a birth weight of these methods is their dependence on the compliance of
>10th percentile for their gestational age, thus suggesting that parents and patients in compiling the diary, and the parents’
LBW and SGA should be considered as risk factors for short reliability [52].
stature in children with CKD [49]. The recently updated pediatric National Kidney Founda-
These findings may be explained by the negative effect of tion (NKF) KDOQI nutritional guidelines (Table 1) recom-
CKD on normal catch-up growth among children who are mend using dietary intake indices to evaluate the nutritional
SGA or LBW, and the fact that the more severe the congenital status of children with CKD [52].
CKD, the higher the incidence of SGA or LBW due to Given the importance and complexity of dietary assess-
underlying kidney disease. ment, every Pediatric Nephrology Unit caring for children
with CKD should have a full- or part-time specialized dieti-
cian on its staff.
Additional risk factors for PEW

The following additional risk factors cannot be considered to Clinical assessment

be at the same level of importance as the causative and
contributory factors, but they have been frequently associated Children with cachexia complain of a number of symptoms,
with a higher incidence of PEW. They include patient factors, particularly asthenia and difficulties in pursuing their daily
such as a young age, a young age at the onset of end-stage activities. Common gastrointestinal symptoms consist of an-
renal disease (ESRD), high dialysis vintage and poor compli- orexia, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Other clinical
ance due to psychosocial problems, medications (such as signs of cachexia include impaired teeth, hair, tongue, skin,
prolonged corticosteroid treatment), proteinuric primary kid- and nails, as well as muscle atrophy and decreased subcuta-
ney diseases, and the presence of co-morbidities, such as neous fat. At this stage, complications can occur, such as
congenital cardiac diseases, neurological disabilities, or mal- recurrent infections, an increased need for hospitalization,
formation syndromes [3, 50]. As these co-morbidities are and major alterations in all of the biochemical and anthropo-
quite different from those frequently observed in adult patients metric parameters.
(mainly tumors, diabetes mellitus, and acquired cardiovascu-
lar diseases), it is necessary to collect further data on the Anthropometric parameters
associations between them and the nutritional status of chil-
dren with CKD. In addition to dietary intake and nPCR (for adolescents on
Children on PD experience significant losses of amino HD), the recently updated pediatric NKF KDOQI nutritional
acids and proteins in the effluent dialysate. Protein losses are guidelines (Table 1) recommend anthropometric indices [52].
relatively higher in children than in adults, with infants These consist of the height (or length)-for-age percentile or
experiencing the greatest losses per kilogram of body weight SD score (SDS), the height (or length) velocity-for-age per-
[51]. As proof of this, the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality centile or SDS, estimated dry weight and the weight-for-age
Initiative (KDOQI) guidelines recommend a higher DPI for percentile or SDS, the BMI-for-height/age percentile or SDS,
pediatric PD patients than for those with CKD stages 4–5 and
those with CKD stage 5 on HD [52].
Table 1 Recommended parameters for the nutritional assessment of
children with chronic kidney disease according to the National Kidney
Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative guidelines
Evaluation of PEW
Dietary intake
Dietary assessment Height or length-for-age percentile or SDS
Height or length velocity-for-age percentile or SDS
Any comprehensive evaluation of a CKD patient must include Estimated dry weight and weight-for-age percentile or SDS
a quantitative estimate of dietary intake by means of a dietary BMI-for-height/age percentile or SDS
interview or a dietary diary, or the calculation of the nPCR in Head circumference-for-age percentile or SDS (for children aged
<3 years)
patients on HD [52].
nPCR (for adolescents on hemodialysis only)
The most widely used methods of evaluating dietary intake
in children with CKD are three 24-h dietary recalls in adoles- SDS, Standard deviation score; BMI, body mass index; nPCR, normal-
cents or 3-day dietary diaries (preferable in children aged ized protein catabolic rate
Pediatr Nephrol (2014) 29:1349–1358 1353

and the head circumference-for-age percentile or SDS (up to normalization by height and age is necessary (at least for
36 months of age). BMI). In such cases, it is recommended that nutritional intake
The importance of anthropometric markers is underlined by height rather than by chronological age be recorded [52].
by their close association with mortality, which has also been Thirdly, abnormalities in the body composition of uremic
clearly demonstrated in pediatric CKD patients [53, 54]. A 7- patients (total body water, and lean and fat mass) are major
year survey of the US Renal Data System database of 1,949 confounding factors: Rashid et al. studied BMI in 50 children
children with ESRD showed that the adjusted risk of mortality with chronic renal failure and 50 pediatric kidney transplant
increased by 14 % for each 1 SDS decrease in height, and by recipients, and found that their BMI SDS (standardized for
12 % for each 1 SDS decrease in growth velocity—regardless height and age) was significantly lower than their fat mass
of the type of treatment (HD, PD, transplantation) [53]. Sim- SDS and higher than lean mass SDS as calculated by means of
ilarly, a study of 2,306 patients enrolled in the North American dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) [14]. These authors
Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study, who were aged concluded that children with CKD have a discordant body
<21 years at the time they started dialysis, demonstrated that composition characterized by a low lean mass and relatively
children with a height of ≤−3 SDS were at greater risk of death high fat mass that cannot be identified by BMI [14].
(risk ratio 2.9) than those whose height was normal [54]. Poor Other anthropometric parameters that are not recommend-
growth is therefore a marker of the severity of CKD and the ed by the KDOQI guidelines but may be useful in some cases
quality of care and has been identified as being central to the are tricipital skin-fold thickness and mid-arm circumference,
diagnosis of PEW [53, 54]. However, as height is also as well as their calculated derivatives, namely, mid-arm mus-
influenced by other aspects of CKD, such as metabolic bone cle circumference (MAMC), arm muscle area (AMA), and
disease and growth hormone abnormalities, height is not arm fat area [52].
entirely a nutritional marker. There are a number of reasons why mid-arm anthropome-
In adults, an unintentional weight loss or reduction in weight try is no longer recommended by the KDOQI guidelines.
of >5 % over a 3-month period or >10 % over a 6-month period First, reliable measurements are difficult to obtain because
is suggested as an indicator of PEW [1]. A U-shaped associa- they are extremely operator dependent and lack precision,
tion between BMI and mortality has been found in children with intra- and inter-observer coefficients of variation of 3–7
with CKD stage 5, with a 6 % greater risk of mortality for each and 8–20 %, respectively. Moreover, it is not clear whether
1 SD unit difference [53]: in other words, both under- and over- MAMC and AMA accurately reflect total muscle mass in
nutrition are associated with poor outcomes. children with CKD, and abnormalities in these parameters
However, there are some reservations concerning anthro- have never been convincingly described. Finally, only a few
pometric indices. First of all, the choice of the reference studies have investigated the relationship between mid-arm
population is often problematic because there are significant anthropometry and outcomes [52]. Despite this, the 2006
differences between one growth chart and another that can expert panel of the ISRNM included MAMC among the
sometimes make the diagnosis of delayed growth unclear. The criteria for diagnosing PEW in adults with CKD [1]. On the
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published basis of this recommendation, although the indices derived
revised North American growth reference charts for infants from skin-fold thickness and arm circumference are not rec-
and children up to 20 years of age in 2000, and the World ommended for the routine assessment of nutritional status by
Health Organization (WHO) released new growth standards the pediatric KDOQI guidelines, they can be used by centers
for children from birth to 5 years of age in 2006 [52]. Bonthuis with extensive experience of making such measurements,
et al. have recently studied 18 unique national height-for-age preferably by the same member of staff.
charts from 28 European countries via the ESPN/ERA-EDTA
registry and compared these with charts from the WHO, Euro- Biochemical parameters
Growth reference, and CDC [55]. These authors advocate
using recent national or European height-for-age charts when Various biochemical parameters have been proposed as
monitoring the growth of healthy and diseased European markers of nutritional status, including serum albumin and
children. For a world-wide perspective, WHO charts have total protein, pre-albumin, transferrin and creatinine levels,
long been used in most countries for children up to 5 years hemoglobin, total lymphocyte counts, cholesterol, triglycer-
of age, and the NKF/KDOQI guidelines recommend using ides, and retinol binding protein. However, although all of
them from birth to 2 years of age because they represent ideal these may contribute to a comprehensive nutritional assess-
growth [52]. However, whichever growth charts are used, the ment, none of them can be considered to be sensitive or
most important factor is regular surveillance and intervention specific enough to be used at diagnostic markers for PEW.
if growth falters. Nevertheless, serum albumin and serum creatinine (for
Secondly, according to the KDOQI guidelines, the severe patients on dialysis only) have historically received particular
growth deficit of some patients with CKD means that attention. Serum albumin has been extensively studied,
1354 Pediatr Nephrol (2014) 29:1349–1358

particularly in adults with CKD, but there is indisputable maintenance HD [52], but it cannot replace dietary history
evidence against its use as a pure marker of nutritional status as it does not provide information on energy intake.
[56–58]: (1) not even severe protein and calorie restriction Prospective studies of urea and nitrogen output in adults
leads to a decrease in serum albumin levels; (2) most nutri- undergoing PD have led to the extrapolation of qualitative
tional interventions have no effect on serum albumin levels relationships that allow an assessment of DPI when only the
and, in particular, no improvement was observed in a study of appearance of urea is known [64]. The reasons for this are the
hemodialyzed adolescents undergoing intra-dialytic parenter- correlations between DPI with total nitrogen appearance
al nutrition [59]; (3) a study of 44 pediatric patients on HD (TNA), non-protein nitrogen appearance (nPNA), and urea
found no correlation between serum albumin and weight loss protein appearance (UNA), and the correlations between
[58]. However, a striking association has been found between UNA and TNA and nPNA. These clinically useful relation-
serum albumin levels and mortality in both adults and children ships have been studied in children on PD [65], and it has been
with CKD [56, 60]: Wong found a 54 % higher risk of death found that the relationship between UNA and TNA is age-
for each 1 g/dL decrease in serum albumin 45 days before the dependent and specific to pediatric PD patients.
start of dialysis [60], and studies of adult patients with CKD Finally, inflammatory indices cannot be considered clear
have found a close association between serum albumin levels markers of PEW in children with CKD and were not included
and factors other than nutrition, such as chronic inflammation among the diagnostic criteria in the NKF KDOQI guidelines.
[56] and an increase in fluid overload. However, given the high prevalence of inflammation in published
Taken together, these findings suggest that, although serum pediatric series and its negative impact on prognosis, periodic
albumin may be considered a poor marker of nutrition per se, monitoring of highly sensitive CRP is suggested for children on
it may be a very useful marker of disease severity [57]. It is for dialysis; other inflammatory markers (e.g. pro-inflammatory cyto-
this reason that the 2006 ISRNM panel indicated low serum kines) should only be used for research purposes.
albumin levels as one of the criteria required to diagnose the
complex clinical picture of PEW in adults [1]. The presence of Bioelectric impedance analysis and bioimpedance
low serum albumin levels should suggest a further evaluation spectroscopy
of nutritional status also in children with CKD or on dialysis,
unless it is caused by nephrotic proteinuria. Single- and multi-frequency bioelectric impedance analysis
Given its shorter half-life (2 vs. 20 days of albumin), serum (BIA) and bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) have both been
pre-albumin has been proposed as an alternative marker of proposed as means of assessing body composition in various
PEW and is included in the list of parameters recommended populations, including children and adults with CKD [5, 66,
by the ISRNM [1]. However, it has a number of important 67]. There are various interpretative models (such as vectorial
limitations, such as its dependence on renal clearance and analysis), and many predictive equations have been designed
recent protein intake. Moreover, no pediatric data have yet to estimate body compartments (lean body mass and fat mass)
been published. quantitatively or semi-quantitatively, but there is still no clear
Pre-dialysis serum creatinine levels have been used as a evidence in favor of using BIA or BIS in clinical practice. One
surrogate marker of muscle mass in patients on chronic dial- of the main drawbacks of BIA is its inaccuracy in the presence
ysis and, although they may be affected by the dialysis dose, it of abnormalities in body fluid distribution: i.e., it shows a poor
has been shown that they closely correlate with some proxies sensitivity to changes in fluid volume in the trunk compared
of nutritional status [3]. However, a recent study of 81 patients with the limbs, where the measurements are made. BIA esti-
on maintenance HD showed that the inter-dialytic increase in mates of body compartments have been extensively used in
serum creatinine levels provided little additional information stable healthy populations, with results similar to those
about nutritional status or the risk of mortality [61]. obtained using hydrodensitometry and total body potassium;
The nPCR is derived from the inter-dialytic increase in however, in dialysis patients, the accuracy of these estimates is
blood urea nitrogen levels and can be calculated as the differ- contingent on stable hydration, which is difficult to obtain in
ence between the level at the end of one HD session and that at many cases. The few published data on the use of BIA in
the beginning of the next [52, 62, 63]. Some interesting children have far from demonstrated its real usefulness in
pediatric studies have shown that nPCR correlates well with identifying patients with PEW, and the recent major guidelines
DPI and residual renal function and that an increase in nPCR do not recommend it as an essential means of assessing
can be obtained by means of intra-dialytic parenteral nutrition nutritional status in CKD patients.
[36, 59]. More importantly, low nPCR levels predict weight However, in centers with extensive experience of the meth-
loss in adolescents on HD, with a fourfold higher risk in od, BIA can be useful when used on a regular and longitudinal
patients with an nPCR of <1 g/kg than in those with an nPCR basis [5, 68, 69] because the indices of resistance and reac-
of >1 g/kg [58]. According to the NKF KDOQI guidelines, tance are very sensitive in detecting changes in hydration in
nPCR should be measured monthly in adolescents on individual patients; however, comparing theses indices (and,
Pediatr Nephrol (2014) 29:1349–1358 1355

even more, the data coming from the predictive equations) Table 2 Nutritional approach to children with chronic kidney disease
with the available reference values could be misleading. 1. Assessment and monitoring by a multidisciplinary team of the factors
contributory to PEW
Other markers -Low dietary intake (protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals)
-Decreasing residual renal function
It has been shown that DXA reliably predicts fat and lean -Low dialysis dose
mass in children and adults. In a recent study, Foster et al. -Chronic inflammation
used DXA to determine whole body and regional lean and fat -Acidosis
mass in 143 children with CKD and 958 controls; the results 2. Assessment and monitoring of additional risk factors for PEW
clearly showed that CKD is associated with leg lean mass -Young age
deficit, greater trunk lean mass and fat mass, variable whole -Primary proteinuric renal disease
body lean mass, and normal leg fat mass [44]. Unfortunately, -Associated comorbidities
DXA is expensive and difficult to repeat in the follow-up of -High dialysis vintage
children with CKD. -Psychosocial factors (low adherence)
Combined scores such as the “Subjective Global Assess- 3. Consistent and frequent assessment of the nutritional status
ment” (SGA) and the “Malnutrition Inflammation Score” -Clinical assessment
have been used to assess nutritional status in adults with -Anthropometric parameters
CKD, but there is still no pediatric equivalent to these scores
-Biochemical markers (including nPCR)
[70, 71]. The Anthropometry-BIA Nutrition score [72] has
-Bioimpedance analysis and spectroscopya (longitudinal measures)
been proposed in the pediatric setting, but its accuracy has not
4. If any progressive alteration of a nutritional parameter is detected:
been clearly demonstrated.
-Reassess the factors listed in points 1 and 2 for possible changes
-Increase frequency of nutritional assessments

Nutritional approach to children with CKD PEW, Protein energy wasting; nPCR, normalized protein catabolic rate
and on dialysis a
At centers with extensive experience of such measurements

The parameters recommended by the NKF KDOQI guide-

lines for the assessment of nutritional status in children with
CKD [52] are the indices of dietary intake, anthropometric
indices, and nPCR (only for adolescents on HD), and the are based on adult studies, but adult and pediatric patients are
frequency of nutritional assessment depends mainly on the very different in terms of pathophysiology, contributory and
age of the child (small children need more frequent monitor- additional risk factors, and morbidity. Large, well-designed
ing) [52]. These parameters are included in our own nutrition- studies are urgently needed to define the real usefulness of the
al approach to children with CKD and on dialysis, which is available diagnostic methods and determine the optimal diag-
summarized in Table 2 and includes some key concepts. First nostic criteria for PEW in pediatric patients with CKD.
of all, the complex and multidisciplinary assessment of nutri-
tional status requires not only clinicians, but also skilled
dieticians, specialized nurses, and (in order to provide insight
and support where needed), psychologists, and social workers. Questions (answers are provided after the reference list)
Secondly, both the sensitivity and specificity of these nutri-
tional parameters are greatly influenced by the particular 1. Which of the following factors is not a risk factor for PEW
characteristics of children with CKD and abnormalities in in children with CKD?
their body composition, which should be carefully considered
a. Young age at onset of end-stage renal disease
when the data are interpreted. Thirdly, consistent and frequent
b. Polyuria
assessment of nutritional status is needed, particularly in small
c. Proteinuric kidney disease
children. Longitudinal follow-up data add value to the neces-
d. Poor compliance
sary comparison of patient and normative data: progressive
2. Which of the following hormones does not cause anorexia
alterations in one or more parameters should lead to a review
in CKD?
of the factors contributing to PEW and the additional risk
factors for PEW in order to identify possible changes, as well a. Desacyl ghrelin
as to the closer monitoring of nutritional parameters. b. Obestatin
The many uncertainties that remain are due to the lack of c. Neuropeptide Y
specific pediatric data. Most of the current recommendations d. Acyl ghrelin
1356 Pediatr Nephrol (2014) 29:1349–1358

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