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Practice Test Part 1

Part 1 of the IELTS speaking exam consists of a short Q & A about familiar Topics
(3-4 minutes): There is always either a set of questions about where you live or
where you work/study; or two additional sets of questions about familiar topics
such as hobbies, holidays, sports, entertainment.

Requirement Strategy

PART 1: Answer questions about 3 1. Full response – not just

topics yes/no
questions Try to speak for about 3-4 2. Linking words to extend
sentences for each question. answers
4-5 Minutes
3. Focus on language not

Which of the 3 answers below is best and why?

QUESTION: Do you like riding bicycles?

1. Yes

2. Yes, because it’s fun, good for health, and doesn’t cost a lot.

3. Well, I like to ride bikes for a few reasons. The main reason I like riding bikes
is that I think it is a really fun and it is a good way to go sightseeing. I’d also
like to point-out that riding a bike is very good for my health because it
can help me to lose weight. I would also like to add that recently I have
not been able to ride my bike much, as I am quite busy at work.

Of course the answer is number 3! In the example below notice that the topic
based words are underlined, and that the non-topic based words are about
half of the content. So, learn lots of phrases that can apply to any topic!

Well, I like to ride bikes for a few reasons. The main reason I like riding bikes is that
I think it is a really fun and it is a good way to go sightseeing. I’d also like to point-
out that riding a bike is very good for my health because it can help me to lose
weight. I would also like to add that recently I have not been able to ride my
bike much, as I am quite bu sy at work.
You can practice with the following topic:

Do you like watching movies?

Well, I like to _____________ for a few reasons. The main reason I like _____________

is that I think it is a _____________ . I’d also like to point-out that _____________

because _____________


1. Let’s talk about where you live.

· Do you live in a small town or a city? Low population density, not overcrowded,
agriculture based economy, low pollution levels, historic buildings structure.

· What do you like most about your home town? Not overcrowded and easy to
move around, beautiful landscape and fantastic greenery, low pollution levels, presence
of historic building.

· What would you like to change about your home town? Improve water supply
and sanitation situation, establish heavy industries to create jobs, more modern
buildings, increase power supply.
2. Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?


· What’s your job? I am the Team Lead, Trade Sales & Products with responsibility
for championing the growth of the bank’s international trade business. To achieve this I
carry out market intelligence report, competition watch, introduce new trade products
to provide be-spoke trade solutions, knowledge & capacity building.
· Why did you choose that kind of work? Opportunities for foreign travel and
international exposure, highly challenging schedules, great potential for career
advancement, fantastic remuneration package.
· Did you have to do any training or study for this job? Took a course in
Accounting at undergraduate level to aid understanding of financials, trained as a
Certified Documentary Credit Specialist with the International Chamber of Commerce
to grasp the mechanism of trade flows and documentation.
· Are there things you don’t like about it? Massive probability of incurring loss due
to exchange rate fluctuation, over supervision and micromanagement by superiors,
travel risk & accidents, potential health risk due to constant pressure to deliver on


· What are you studying? I am presently undertaking a postgraduate course in

Finance at Cambridge University in London. I started the programme 12 months ago
and I will be through in another 12 months time. Finance is the science of money
management and it can be broken into three different sub-categories: public finance,
corporate finance and personal finance.
· Why did you choose to study that? I decided to study Finance because I felt it will
improve my chances of getting employed. Additionally, I opted for this course of study
because I hope to make some contacts with people engaged in international finance who
will also be attending this programme.
· Are there many job opportunities for you? Certainly the prospect of securing a
well paying job is relatively high. The economy is expanding rapidly with the influx of
foreign investment and new jobs are being created especially in the finance industry.
Besides financial institutions, there are abundant opportunities for finance personnel in
the health, educational, manufacturing & industrial sector.
· What is the best thing about studying? Studying is important in our day to day
activities as it helps us deal effectively with life's challenges. Studying helps us gain
information which widens our capabilities. It also helps us pass our exams in schools
and any learning institutions. Studying helps us grow mentally and can help a country
to be more progressive.

3. Now let’s talk about reading.

· How often do you read a book or magazine? I read an average of one magazine
a week and one book every six months. I used to be an avid reader before I started
working because I had plenty of spare time on my hands.
· What types of books or magazines do you like to read? I love reading non-
fiction books, scholarly books, and textbooks, scientific, medical, professional and
educational books.
· Are there any types of books or magazines that you don’t like to read?
Of course. I do not enjoy reading fiction & children books, crime and investigative
journals or any book that borders on war and violence.
· What types of books or magazines do you like to read when you were a
child? As a child I loved to read comics and any book containing cartoons, jokes,
fascinating picture stories, songs and poems that educate, instruct, and entertain me.
4. Now let’s talk about health.

· What do you do to keep in good health? I eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables,
some whole grains and fiber, a little bit of dairy, a little bit of meat, and very little sugar
and fat. Exercise regularly. To exercise you can run, do sit-ups, push-ups, lift weights,
or walk briskly around the neighbourhood. Establish regular sleep patterns.

· Do you have any unhealthy habits? Well, that’s an interesting question. I’ve never
really thought about that before, but I guess I would have to say that I can’t think of
any. For instance I don’t eat late at night, I don’t live a sedentary lifestyle and I don’t
smoke. I have also given up heavy drinking a long time ago.

· What could you do to be healthier? Eat a lot of fresh fruits of vegetables, some
whole grains and fibre, a little bit of dairy, a little bit of meat, and very little sugar and
fat. Exercise regularly. To exercise you can run, do sit-ups, push-ups, lift weights, or
walk briskly around the neighbourhood. Establish regular sleep patterns.

· Do you think you will be healthier in the future? I think so and I say this because the
health of humanity continues to improve; the incidence of infectious diseases is falling,
as is mortality from such diseases. And people are living longer. Over the past 20 years
there have been dramatic improvements in health and medical services. The
emergence and distribution of effective “test and treat” antiretroviral therapy (ART)
has markedly changed the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic. Climate change and the
damaging effect on biodiversity remains a major challenge. All human health
ultimately depends on the ecosystem services that are made possible by biodiversity
and the products and services derived from them. The loss of biodiversity counteracts
our efforts to improve human health.

Practice Test Part 2

Part 2 of the IELTS speaking exam consists of a prepared long answer (2 minutes
plus 1 minute for preparation): Candidates are given a topic card and then
given 1 minute to prepare a 2 minute answer. Topics include describing or
commenting on a person, place, or movie. The examiner may ask 1 or 2
rounding-off questions at the end of this turn.

Speaking Unit 2: the long Turn

Requirement Strategy
1~2 minute answer preparation
(1 minute preparation),
1. Identify key words in the question
followed by a couple of
questions 2. Think about the tense required
3. Write down some key points
The examiner will hand you a
card with a question and three 4. Write down some key vocabulary
sub questions on it. You have
one minute to read the
question and prepare your Speaking
1. Use strong adjectives (fantastic!)
2. Speak with rhythm if possible
3. Try to avoid long pauses

1. Read the question below and the then underline the key words.

Describe a place that you have visited that you particularly liked.

You should say:

a. When you visited there?
b. Who you went with?
c. What was most memorable?
And explain what you liked most about this place.

There are many possible ways of starting your answer, including:

I’d like to talk about a country called…
I’m going to talk about a city called…
A park that I found really interesting was…
2. Decide the place you will describe then write down some notes.

Place: San Francisco, USA

a. When you went there? For 6 months in1994

b. Who you went with? friend who is from Viet Nam
Vegetarian guy
Brother was an artist
c. What was memorable? There were many tourist attractions such as
Fisherman’s wharf and Alcatraz Island

d. What you liked most lots of different types people

Good weather
Lots of cool places to visit
Great restaurants
Relaxed lifestyle

3. Introduce your answer, paraphrasing the question, to show you clearly

understand the question.

I’d like to talk about San Francisco, because it’s a place I will never forget.

a. I went there in …..

b. I went there with ………

c. The thing I remember most is (PRESENT TENSE) …

d. Some of the things I enjoyed were

I’d like to talk about San Francisco, because it’s a place I will never forget. I
went there in 1994 for about six months. I went there with a friend of mine who is
from Viet Nam. He is a vegetarian, so we couldn’t use any meat when we
cooked. I also remember his brother who was a very talented artist. The thing I
remember most about San Francisco is that there were many tourist attractions
such as Fisherman’s wharf, which had lots of delicious seafood and sour dough
bread; and Alcatraz Island, which used to be a prison for murders and other
serious criminals. Some of the things I enjoyed most about San Francisco were
the different types of people, the good weather, the many different places and
neighborhoods to visit. There were also many great restaurants and overall it is a
very relaxed lifestyle there.
4. Read the question below and the then underline the key words.

Describe a historic place that you have visited that you particularly liked.

You should say:

a. When you visited there?
b. Who you went with?
c. What you saw there?
And explain what you liked most about this place.

5. Decide on a place and then write down some notes.

a. I went there in …..

b. I went there with ………

c. Some of the things I saw were …

d. The main thing that I enjoyed about this place is …..

Describe your favorite place for shopping

You should say:
a. When you go there
b. Where it is located
c. What you can buy there
And explain why you like the place

6. Adjectives:

Adjectives make things more interesting. There is a difference between eating a

nice dessert, and eating a bowl of the freshest, sweetest fruit, topped with a
delicious chocolate sauce!

Comparatives are used to compare

Cheap Cheaper Cheapest

Expensive More expensive Most expensive
7. Modifiers
To modify is to change. Modifiers can be weak or strong.

Weak A little, sort of

Strong Much, really, very, extremely

8. Useful language to use in your speech

Introductory phrases - when you start your talk:
I want to talk about…
I’d like to talk about…
I’m going to talk about…
I'm going to describe…
What I'm going to talk about is…

Developing phrases - when you want to expand your argument:

First of all…
Another thing…
Another reason why…

Background phrases - when you want to add some detail:

At that time…
It happened…
It took place…
It’s been going on for/since…
It's near…

Impression phrases - when you want to say something that made an impression
... influenced me.
… affected me
… disturbed me
… had an effect on me
… impressed me
… motivated me
… moved me
… touched me deeply

Things you like phrases - when you want to describe or talk about things you
I enjoy…
I like… most of all
I love doing...

9. Answering rounding-off questions.

You may be asked one or two questions at the end of your 2 minute speech.
You can use this technique to answer them.
1. Brief answer, repeating auxiliary verb
2. Use the same tense
3. If you are really stuck for an answer just say “Yes, I think so,” “No, I don’t think

Answering follow up questions:

You may be required to give a couple of short answers about your topic. Usually
the best way to do this is to repeat the auxiliary verb. YOU MUST USE THE SAME

EXAMPLE 1: “ Have you done this type of work before?”

“No, I haven’t.”

EXAMPLE 2: “Do you know anyone who has”

“Yes, I do.”

Sample Questions according to different topics

PEOPLE: Individuals: Appearance / Personality / Hobbies / Relationship / My own


Describe one of your neighbors

 What is your neighbor like?
 Do you like this neighbor?
 When do you usually meet this neighbor?
and say if this person is a good neighbor
I will like to talk about my neighbour whose name is Bright. He is quite tall, very light
skinned and he has a moustache. He is married and lives with his wife and five kids in the
3-bedroom apartment next to mine. I don’t like Bright as a neighbor because of his
frequent obnoxious behavior. He has a bad car parking etiquette and he is quite
inconsiderate. He seems to enjoy parking his vehicle to block access to my residence.
Sometimes he will park in front of my home, not his. When he comes in late at night he
always slams his doors and shines the headlights of his car into my windows. I hardly
ever meet him because he usually comes in late at night from Monday to Thursday and
apparently lives elsewhere from Friday to Sunday. In my opinion we don’t have a good
relationship and I would rather he was not my neighbor.

Describe a young person you admire.

You could say:
 who this person is
 how long you have known them
 what qualities they have
and say why you admire them

I will like to talk about my nephew named Light. He is quite tall, light skinned and he has
a moustache. He is 21 years old and I have known him for 11 years now. He is the son of
my wife’s sister. The impression I had of him when we first met was that this is a young
man destined for great things. As I got to know him I realised that he was not full of
sleaze like most youths his age. He came across to me as a youth who is very
straightforward and not mendacious. I was also struck by his high level of commitment
when assigned any task. He never complains. I noticed too that he was a very studious
person who does not shy away from hard work in order to achieve his set goal. I was not
surprised therefore when he ended up graduating with a first class in computer science
from the University of Cambridge, UK. I really admire his studiousness, work ethos and
trustworthiness and I will like him to mentor my kids in the future.

Describe someone you know who is a good teacher.

You could say:
 who this person is
 how you know them
 what kinds of subjects do they teach
and explain why this person is good at teaching

I will like to talk about my Mathematics teacher in High School named Mrs Maureen. She
is a tall and elegant lady, with light brown skin and a lovely voice. She taught me from
my 7th to 9th grade and she has a way of making even the most boring concept sound
interesting. She is very approachable and does not consider any question as stupid. She
is also adept at using illustrations and copious example to strengthen our understanding
of mathematics. Another reason why I feel Mrs Maureen is a good teacher is the fact
that she does not have favourites. She treats everyone equally and does not pick on
students. She is the best teacher I have ever had.

Describe an interesting person who you know.

You could say:
 who the person is
 how you know this person
 what sort of person this is
and explain why you think this person does that is interesting

I will like to talk about my Music teacher in Junior School named Miss Susan. She is a tall
and elegant lady, with light brown skin and a lovely voice. She taught me from my 3rd to
5th grade. She has a way of making people laugh with her varied and interesting stories.
She is so patient and accommodative and quite good in dealing with Children. She even
got a class of kindergarten interested in poetry. Now how do you do that?!!! We
enjoyed practicing and singing so many songs together and she made dance lessons an
integral part of our music class. She also took us on several trips to the wild and on each
of those trips she planned drama rehearsals which every student was eager to
participate in. She is one of the most interesting persons I have ever met.


Buildings: Location / Exterior / Interior / Atmosphere / Service / My own feeling

Cities: Location / People / Food / Cityscape / Entertainment / My own feeling
Organization: History / Members / Location / Duty / Influence / My own feeling
Natural Beauty: Location / History / Visitors / Activities / My own feeling

Describe a house you have visited which you particularly liked.

You should say:
• what kind of house it is
• why you visited the house
• how it is different to other houses you have visited
and why you particularly liked it.


Well I want to talk about a house I saw 6 months ago in Ikoyi. The house belongs to the
uncle of my best friend Elvis who came around on a visit to Lagos. He had not seen his
uncle for a long time and he decided to use this opportunity to visit him. He asked me to
accompany him and when we arrived at his uncle’s residence I was highly impressed by
the elegance of the structure. It is so different from other houses I have visited in terms
of the exterior and interior design. It was just one of a score of houses inside an exclusive
housing estate. The surroundings have lots of green areas and the house is close to an
artificial lake. It has a simple and rectangular shape with huge windows and it is a
perfect example of modern architecture. The interior design is breathtaking! Each
bedroom follows the same style with strong colors and the same space composition. And
to complete this architectural masterpiece, water mirrors and a beautiful pool help make
pleasant every space in this house. I particularly like this house because it enabled me to
contemplate the emotions that a good architecture can transmit.
Describe a Cafe you know.
You could say:
• where this cafe is
• what type of drinks/food the cafe serves
• how often you go to this cafe
and explain why you would recommend this Cafe.


I’d like to talk about the Marco Polo Chinese Restaurant in Victoria Island, Lagos. The
Restaurant offers a menu of food and beverages with a distinctive taste such as Pick sea
food, Pork meat in Chilli Sauce, Beef Stomach in Soy Sauce, Barbecued Pork, Smoked
Fish, Deep Fried Wanton in Sweet and Sour Sauce, Shredded Chicken in Peanut Sauce,
Prawns with Mixed Fruit Salad, Marco Polo Cold Cuts, Chicken with Chinese Onions,
Sweet and Sour Cabbage and Chicken in Wine-Sauce. I go to this restaurant with my wife
and two kids at least twice each year as a form of family outing. There are several
reasons why I would recommend this restaurant to my friends. Firstly, the courteous staff
ensures that the customers get their orders in good time and the meals are presented in
an inviting manner. Secondly, the breathtaking scenery embraces the charm and warmth
of its host city, Lagos. Thirdly, the Restaurant provides Chinese cuisines of the highest
standard through innovative and imaginative dishes, accurately cooked and served by
technically skilled and motivated staff in a cozy ambience.
Describe a hotel you have stayed in.
You should say:
• where it is
• what facilities it has
• when you stayed there
and say whether you would recommend it to a friend

I’d like to talk about the Sheraton Hotel in Ikeja, Lagos, a popular international lodging
brand. I stayed there for a week when representatives from the trade services team of
various Financial Institutions attended a training programme organised by Citibank. The
hotel has a lot of facilities including air conditioning or climate control. Additional
features that can be found in the hotel rooms are a telephone, an alarm clock, a
television, a safe, a mini-bar with snack, foods and drinks, and facilities for making tea
and coffee. Luxury features include bathrobes and slippers, a pillow, twin-sink vanities,
and Jacuzzi bathtubs. Additional guest facilities provided include a swimming pool,
fitness center, business center, childcare, conference facilities and social function
services. I really enjoyed my stay there and I will recommend to all my friends should
they visit Lagos and seek a pleasant place to lodge.
Describe a shopping centre that you often go to.
 Where is the shopping centre?
 What do you buy there?
 How often do you go to it?
and explain why you choose to go that shopping centre

I’d like to talk about The Palms Shopping Mall, a popular international shopping brand
because it’s a place I really going to shop. I go there twice every month to purchase
groceries; toiletries and general provisions required to run my home. I usually go there
with my wife and two lovely kids who all enjoy shopping a great deal. The thing I
remember the most about The Palms is the amazing aesthetics of the place, the look and
feel of the architecture, the serene atmosphere and the abundant variety of items one
could purchase. Besides the fact that I can get quality products at affordable prices there,
my kids also love playing video games at their game centre and it is a good way to enjoy
a family outing once in a while.

Describe a country that you would like to travel to.

You could say:
 where this country is?
 how you would travel there?
 who you would go with?
and explain what you like about this country.
I’d like to talk about Australia, a country I have always dreamt of travelling to. It is an
Island as well as a Continent and it is also known as the land under comprising the
mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller
islands. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. I, my wife and two kids will
take a Qatar Airways flight which will transit at two points. First in Doha, then at
Shanghai before proceeding to Sydney. What I like about Australia is the fact that is a
developed country and one of the wealthiest in the world, with the world's 12th-largest
economy. It has the second-highest human development index globally and ranks highly
in many international comparisons of national performance, such as quality of life,
health, education, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political
Describe a public building you know.
You could say:
 where this building is
 what you can do in this building
 how often you go to this building
and explain why you went to this building.

I want to talk about The National Arts Theatre. It is an architectural masterpiece and a
cultural landmark located at Iganmu, in the heart of Lagos. Its exterior is shaped like a
military hat. It has a 5000 seater Main Hall with a collapsible stage, and two 700-800
capacity cinema halls all of which are equipped with facilities for simultaneous
translation of 8 languages; among others. The building is the primary centre for the
preservation, presentation and promotion of Arts and Culture in Nigeria. It can host
international music concerts, dramas, film shows, symposia, exhibitions, conventions,
workshops and even sports at the National Arts Theatre. I usually go there once every
quarter to watch interesting films and live musical bands as a form of family recreational
activity. My wife and kids always accompany me so I have to make sure the content of the
programme we watch does not negate the moral values we are trying to instil in our kids.
Describe a park you remember visiting.
You could say:
 where it is
 what it looks like
 what activities people do there
and explain why you still remember it.


I want to talk about the Yankari National Park. It is large wildlife park located in the
south-central part of Bauchi State, in northeastern Nigeria. Yankari is actually one of the
few places in the world where tourists can visit such a huge variety of species in their
natural habitat. Despite heavy poaching the populations of some species have thrived
there. For instance, the African Bush Elephant population has even grown to
approximately 500, the largest number in West Africa. There are plenty of other wildlife
to see including a huge bird population, buffalos, hippopotamuses and baboons. One of
the greatest attractions in Yankari is the Wikki Warm Springs. Here you can swim 24
hours a day in the clear natural spring water which stays at a delightful 31°C all year
round. The tourist centre here also provides a great base camp from which to explore the
area, with 110 furnished chalets and twice daily tours with seasoned guides to ensure the
best possibility of witnessing the wildlife firsthand. I still remember the Yankari because
it was the place I proposed to my wife 10 years ago. To commemorate this significant
event I decided I would do my 10th year wedding anniversary there.


Objects : How I got it / Exterior / Function / Price / another related object / My

own feeling

Describe something expensive that you bought recently [not a computer]

 What was it?

 What does it look
 How much did it cost?

And explain why you bought it?

What readily comes to my mind is what transpired the last time i went to Ikeja City Mall,
as I went by a shop with this huge display of wristwatches. This particular wristwatch
caught my eye; it is a black chronograph with a red minute hand contrasting the black
color. It was indeed a spectacular timepiece. I approached the shop attendant who
informed me that the wristwatch will be mine for a whooping sum of =N=60,000. I felt it
was quite expensive, but I paid for it anyway because firstly, I needed a timepiece at that
point in time and secondly I liked the fact that it was unique. Now, looking back, I feel it
was a wise decision.
Describe an invention that is important in today’s society.
You could say:
 What is the invention?
 What is it used for?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the invention?
and explain why you think this invention is so important

Well, that’s an interesting question. I’ve never really thought about that before, but I
guess I would have to say that the invention of the global system for mobile
communication was an important one. The GSM has improved the speed and
effectiveness of modern communication. I remember the harrowing experience I went
through as an undergraduate many years ago when there was no GSM. Each time I need
to communicate with my parents, I would have to go down to the Nigerian
Telecommunication Office which was quite a distance from my school. There I will
purchase the phone card, stand on a very long queue and wait for my turn to use the land
line. Many times it takes several attempts to get thru and at times I may never get
through. With the introduction of the GSM, all that experience is now a thing of the past.
To make phone calls, you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home. With your mobile
phone in your hand you can even coordinate business transactions effectively.
Unfortunately, a disadvantage of the GSM is the ease with which mendacity can be
promoted as the user cannot tell from the facial expression of the person he is talking to
whether he is being lied to. Additionally, with the advent of internet enabled phones that
have the capacity to play videos, people can now access pornographic materials with
ease and send these to many people. These will most likely corrupt the moral fabric of
society both now and in the near future.

Describe a book you read that you think is interesting

You could say:
 how you knew about this book
 where you got this book from
 what is it abut
and explain why you think this book is interesting.


I came home one day feeling very sad and hurt due to a bad experience I had just gone
through. I was falsely accused of committing a crime and was detained for one week at
the police station. I received several beating from the Police Interrogators and co-
inmates. My heart was filled with the desire for revenge. A friend of mine named Elvis
tried to dissuade me from pursuing such a course. He then promised to give me a book
that he felt will convince me of the futility of revenge. Three days later he kept his
promise and handed over the book titled ‘Disaster at Dublin’. It was written in 1950 by
Morgan Evelyn. The book gave a vivid description of life in Northern Ireland back in
1916. It centered on the experience of an Irish Family during the Great Irish rebellion of
1916. The family lost their land and property to a British Land owner who obtained them
illegally and in the process of fighting to reclaim their rights an all-out rebellion broke
out. The family was joined by other Irish people who felt oppressed by the British
occupiers and in the end so many lives were lost in the wanton bloodletting that ensued.
What makes this book most interesting to me is how the writer helped me to see that my
actions may negatively affect others and that if I seek revenge for oppression, I may
simply be making an already bad situation worse.

Describe an important letter or email that you received.

You should say:
 who wrote it
 what the letter or email was about
 how you felt about it
and explain why it was important.


I want to talk about a very important email that I received from the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation about two years ago. It was an invitation to attend an interview
aimed at determining my suitability or otherwise for the position of a ‘Finance Analyst’. I
had earlier written an aptitude test and this invitation stated that I was successful in that
test. This was my dream job and I was ecstatic. I started having grandiose plans of
things I would buy for instance cars, clothing and electronics. I also envisaged the kind
of house I would live in and what the neighbourhood would be like. I was working in a
Financial Institution at the time and worked long hours ranging from 11 to 14 hours per
day and six to seven days a week. I felt working in a Petroleum company where I would
be paid 3 times what I was currently earning and work 9 hours per day for 5 days each
week will change the entire course of my life. Such a fantastic job will be the be all and
end all of my life. Unfortunately, I could not get the job and this failure spelt the death of
my dreams.

Describe your favorite electronic gadget.

You could say:
 what it is
 when you bought it
 why you bought it
and say why you like it so much.


My favourite electronic gadget will be my Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone. I usually refer
to it as my elegant machine. I bought it 12 months ago from the United States of America.
I saw it online while browsing the Amazon Shopping website and liked the features. The
Galaxy Nexus is a touch screen Android Smartphone co-developed by Google and
Samsung Electronics. It is the third Smartphone in the Google Nexus series, a family of
Android consumer devices built by an original equipment manufacturer. The phone is the
successor to Google's previous flagship phones, the Nexus One and Nexus S. The Galaxy
Nexus has a high-definition Super AMOLED display with a Dragon trail curved glass
surface, an improved camera, and was the first Android version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
device. The name is the result of co-branding between the Samsung Galaxy and Google
Nexus brands of Android Smart phones. I love the feel and the aesthetics of the phone.


Leisure activities: What / Who / When / Why / My own feeling

Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your free time.

You could say:
 who you do this with
 where you do it
 why you do it
and explain why you like to spend your free time this way.

That is a very good question. During my spare time I love watching Television with my
wife. We especially enjoy watching Mexican Soaps and similar programmes at home. I
like to spend my time this way because it is useful method of relaxing and sharing some
quality time with my wife. In the process we get to talk about deeply personal matters and
she fills me in on events that has been happening around our neighbourhood.

Describe a practical skill you have.

You could say:
 what the skill is
 how often you use it
 who taught it to you
and explain why the skill is so practical

I will like to talk about my skill as a plumber. Even though I trained as an Accountant at
the University and work in the Finance industry, periodically my skill as a plumber
comes in handy. I learnt to become a plumber two years before I entered the University.
That was a period in my life when I was uncertain as to what career to pursue. My father
who is an Engineer and has noticed my talent as a handy man suggested that I take a two
year vocational course in Plumbing. This skill as been quite useful to me and my friends.
I attend to my friends plumbing needs for a fee of course during my spare time. I also fix
all my home plumbing issues and this makes my wife very happy. I am often called upon
to use my skill every month and my wife considers me very useful around the house.

Describe an advertisement you think is interesting.

You could say:
 what this advertisement is about
 where you saw or heard this advertisement
 what the contents of the advertisement are
and explain why you think this advertisement is interesting

I will like to talk about an advertisement I heard on TV regarding the need for mothers to
breastfeed their babies for at least six months after birth. This was about two years ago
and the well researched argument put forward in support of this practice really
persuaded me. Initially I thought it was insane for a mother to spend six months of her
life breastfeeding a baby, however, now I have realised that such a practice will really
benefit the baby as it will help him or her develop an emotional bond to the mother and it
would also assist the baby maintain a good health and grow up properly.

Describe a sport you have enjoyed playing or watching

You should say
 where this sport is played
 how the sport is played
 what sort of people play this sport
and explain what you like about this sport

I will like to talk about football, a sport that ranks the highest in my estimation of what I
consider an interesting sport. I love watching this sport on TV and my favourite club in
England is Chelsea Football Club. The sport is played using a football on a standard
sized pitch. There are two opposing teams of 11 professional players and a referee who
officiates the match to ensure that the rules of the game is followed by all the players.
There a lot of things that endear me to this sport. Firstly, it a very active and exciting
game and the players are compelled to exercise their body and have fun. It is also
exciting to onlookers who can use football watching as a means of relaxation. Even
though it is a competitive sport, it is often said that football can unite nations and build
bridges connecting different races who would not ordinarily come together to share a
common interest.

Experiences/The past

What / Why / When / Where / Who / My own feeling

Describe a time when you had to be polite

 What was the place?

 What was the situation?
 Who were the people involved?

And explain why you had to be polite


Well I want to talk about an incident that occurred during one of my visits last year to
Umuahia in the eastern part of Nigeria. This was sometime in August. I had just spent 3
days with my parents in their home. On this fateful morning, my dad came to wake me
up informing me that I have a visitor. It turned out that the visitor was my paternal uncle
whom I have not seen for 11 years. We had a long discussion during which he told me
the several issues and travails he had gone through and his need for financial aid to
alleviate some of the difficulties that arose there from. When I in inquired how much he
would require I was completely unprepared for his next response. He told me he needed
N13 million and the money must be made available to him within 3 days. I found his
demand completely ridiculous especially given the fact that I barely earn up to N2m per
year and in all my work life I have not been able to save up to N1m. However, he is
someone I hold in great esteem so I had to be very polite in expressing my inability to
assist him with such a sum.

Describe an educational trip that you went on when you were in school.
You could say:
 who went with you
 where you went
 what you did there
and explain what you learned on this trip.

I remember a trip I made in 9th grade with 30 of my classmates to the Umuahia War
Museum. A week before the trip we had a history lesson on warfare. During the class my
history teacher Mr. Hassan promised to take us on a trip to the national war museum
located at Umuahia. We were all excited and enthusiastic about the trip and quickly
made financial commitments to cover both the transport cost and other ancillary cost. It
was a truly pleasant educational experience. The town had played a very important role
as the military headquarters of the defunct Biafran Republic. Perhaps in recognition of
this role as a former military headquarters, the town of Umuahia was given the honour
to host the National War Museum. The actual site were the museum is located was
chosen because that was where the bunker housing the famous Voice of Biafra was
located. The War Museum is an open-air complex where we saw relics of the 30-month
Nigerian civil war on display. We also saw the three major galleries: the traditional
warfare gallery, the Armed Forces gallery, and the civil war gallery. I learnt several
things from this trip. Firstly, the National War Museum stands as evidence to the
technological possibilities in Biafra in the face of necessity and in the absence of
alternatives. The Biafrans set up a research and development department made up of
local engineers, welders and railway workers who had no experience whatsoever in arms
building. These ingenious people assembled iron plates and tractor chassis which they
contrived into mini-tanks. They also converted a two-seater propeller sports plane armed
with rockets known as the Biafran Baby, which so much terrorized the Nigerian side.
Secondly, I learnt firsthand about the evils of warfare and why everything should be
done to avoid it.

Describe a place you have visited where you learnt something.

You could say:
 who went with you
 where you went
 what you did there
and explain what you learned at this place.

I remember a trip I made in 9th grade with 30 of my classmates to the Umuahia War
Museum. A week before the trip we had a history lesson on warfare. During the class my
history teacher Mr. Hassan promised to take us on a trip to the national war museum
located at Umuahia. We were all excited and enthusiastic about the trip and quickly
made financial commitments to cover both the transport cost and other ancillary cost. It
was a truly pleasant educational experience. The town had played a very important role
as the military headquarters of the defunct Biafran Republic. Perhaps in recognition of
this role as a former military headquarters, the town of Umuahia was given the honour
to host the National War Museum. The actual site were the museum is located was
chosen because that was where the bunker housing the famous Voice of Biafra was
located. The War Museum is an open-air complex where we saw relics of the 30-month
Nigerian civil war on display. We also saw the three major galleries: the traditional
warfare gallery, the Armed Forces gallery, and the civil war gallery. I learnt several
things from this trip. Firstly, the National War Museum stands as evidence to the
technological possibilities in Biafra in the face of necessity and absence of alternatives.
The Biafrans set up a research and development department made up of local engineers,
welders and railway workers who had no experience whatsoever in arms building. These
ingenious people assembled iron plates and tractor chassis which they contrived into
mini-tanks. They also converted a two-seater propeller sports plane armed with rockets
known as the Biafran Baby, which so much terrorized the Nigerian side. Secondly, I learnt
firsthand about the evils of warfare and why everything should be done to avoid it.

Describe a recent news story that you find interesting.

You could say:
 how you heard about this news story
 what the news was about
 is this news positive or negative
and explain why this news story was interesting to you.


While driving to work this morning I heard on the radio that about 40 students aged
between 11 and 18 were shot, stabbed and burned alive in a raid on a school dormitory
in Yobe state, Nigeria by attackers believed to be members of an Islamist extremist
group known as Boko Haram, which is opposed to "western-style" education. The school
is about 45 miles south of Damaturu, Yobe's capital. Communications in the area is
limited because extremists last year destroyed the local mobile-phone tower. Teachers
who fled through the bush said the assault began at around 2am on Tuesday. They also
said the attackers first set ablaze the school's administrative block, then moved to the
hostels, where they locked the students in and firebombed the buildings. Students who
were trying to climb out of the windows were slaughtered like sheep by the terrorists,
who slit their throats. Others who ran were gunned down. Those who could not escape
were burned alive. The attack is worrisome and very negative because it means many
Nigerians have lost their family members and the nation has lost promising youths who
could have become its leaders in the future. This attack is interesting because it
demonstrates the military is losing its war to halt the Islamist uprising in the north-east
of Nigeria.

Describe an important decision that you might have to make in the future
You could say:
 what the decision will be about
 how you will make your decision
 what the results of the decision are likely to be
and explain why it is important.

I have not really given thought to this but now that you have mentioned it I think an
important decision I will have to make in the future is that of getting married. I have
come to realise that this is probably the biggest choice any human will ever make. As a
man, I will have to approach the process of selecting a suitable mate carefully. I can't
build a relationship on the internet. I have to spend a lot of time together with the
intended mate. I can find out many things about this person by seeing for myself what
kind of relationship her parents have, how they treat my future spouse, and how she
treats them. Chances are that if they are abusive to each other, my spouse will be
abusive to you. I need to know in my heart that this is the person I want to spend the rest
of my life with. If there is any doubt, I will not go ahead. I also need to ask myself certain
questions such as; Is this person always there for me when I need her? Does she make
me feel like I am always the most special person in the room when alone or in a crowd?
Does she put me first over everything, such as jobs, friends, and even family? It is
important that I marry the right person because this person will significantly determine
my future happiness in life.

Practice Test Part 3

Part 3 of the IELTS speaking exam consists of a discussion (3-4 minutes): This is
roughly based on the topic area of the Part 2: Long Turn. Questions typically ask
the candidate to compare, analyse or speculate on the given topic. In this part
the examiner may push the candidate hard to see the boundaries of their

Speaking Unit 3: The Discussion

Part Requirement Strategy

PART 3: Discussion based 1. If necessary paraphrase the question for
4~5 on PART 2. clarity and to give you time to think.
Minutes 2. There is no right/wrong answer
This normal takes
3. Give extended replies by using linking words
the form of the
Tester asking a (because, and, but)
series of questions
4. Try to support your opinions, use examples
related to your
topic in Part 2.

1. Don’t waste time

In this section it is very very important that you don’t waste time trying to think
of your real opinion – that doesn’t matter – what is important is that you give
your opinion and then support it.

2. You can even give opinions both for and against the question

EXAMPLE: “Do you think it’s a good idea to work from home”

Yes, I think so, because its very convenient and you don’t have to waste time to
travel to work. But, maybe I have to be careful that I am not too distracted, and
that I don’t play online games or sleep all day.

3. Write both positive and negative answers to the following questions

a. Do you think it is good to live in a foreign country?

I think it’s fantastic because,

I think it’s terrible because,

b. Do you think it is good to retire early?

I think it’s wonderful because,

I think it’s a ‘fool’s paradise’ because,

4. Some questions will require you to compare two things

Which is better: living in the countryside or in the city?

I’d rather live in the city. City life offers modern living. There are many
opportunities in terms of work, entertainment, leisure and dining. However, the
countryside gives a very common and limited life style which is I guess preferred
by people in their old age.

Do you think children’s lives are very different nowadays?

Yes, of course! With modern life style, children are similarly affected as with
adults. Before, children were confined in their house. They were just limited to
some activities such as playing indoor games of simple nature. However
nowadays, they are faced with enormous challenges such as meeting
deadlines for a school project, waking up early to beat the traffic and do
homework using computers. These things are a few examples of the notable
changes in the lives of the children.

5. In Pairs practice asking and answering questions (Comparing).

Are cities nowadays different then they were in the past? (Transport, parks,

Do children have better lives nowadays than they did in the past?
(Entertainment, pressure, parents support)

6. Use redundant phrases to buy yourself time to think

1. Well, that’s an interesting question. I’ve never really thought about that
before, but I guess I would have to say that I agree.
2. I’m not really sure about that; however, if you are asking me for my honest
opinion, I would have to say that I agree.

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