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INFT 6500

Accounting Information Systems – Assessment item 2

Semester 2 2018
Due Date 5pm Friday, 19th October, 2018
Evaluation and Selection of Options
(20% of final assessment)

Following on from your previous work you have been asked to further explore the
options you presented and produce the following deliverables:

· Develop a list of requirements for the new system – User Requirements List

· Create a logical data flow diagram of the current business system. Sufficient
detail should be included to clearly show all current processes.

· Create a logical data flow diagram for the new business system. The dataflow
diagram should clearly show the new processes to sufficient detail to identify
all processes.

· Create an E-R Diagram of the system entities for the proposed new payroll
and revenue systems, clearly showing the relationships between the entities

· Develop a selection criteria checklist for the evaluation of the solution you
identify for the revenue and payroll system for your client.

· Use your selection criteria to compare at least two products and write a 1 – 2
page evaluation report that will include a recommendation of the preferred
option. NOTE: this will be a purely group exercise.

Feasibility Report Marking Guidelines

User Requirements List …/3
Current Data flow diagrams …/3
New System Data flow diagrams …/3
ER Diagram …/3
Selection criteria and evaluation …/3
Evaluation report …/3
Clarity and Presentation .../2
Total Mark …/20

INFT 6500 1/1

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