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Ram Vyas

Birth Date: 23 Jul 2013

Birth Place: Shajapur, India
Ram Vyas
Date of Birth 23 Jul 2013 Tuesday
Time of Birth 08:35:00 AM
Place of Birth Shajapur, India
Ayanmash NC Lahiri
Local Mean Time 08:11:00
Sidreal Time 4:15:3
LT Correction 24:0:0
Obliq 23.44

Avkahada Chakra Ghatak(Malefics)

Lagna Leo Rashi Singh
Lagna Lord Sun Months Baisakh
Rashi Capricorn Tithi 4, 9, 14
Rashi Lord Saturn Day Tuesday
Nakshatra Sravana Nakshatra Rohini
Nakshatra Lord Moon Prahar 4
Charan 1 Lagna Kumbha
Tithi Pratipad Krishna Yoga Ganda
Paya Gold Karan Shakuni
S.S. Yoga Priti
Favourable Points
Karan Balava

Varna Vaishya Lucky Numbers 5

Tatwa Vayu Good Numbers 1, 7, 9

Vashya Jalachar Evil Numbers 2, 8

Yoni Monkey(F) Good Years 14,23,32,41,50,

Gana Deva Lucky Days Tue, Sun, Thu

Nadi Anta Good Planets Mars, Sun, Jup

Nadi Pada Aadi Evil Planets Mercury, Saturn

Vihaga Pingala Friendly Signs Ari Sco Sag

First Letters Ju, Jay, Jo, Gha Good Lagna Sco, Aqu, Ari, Gem

Sun Sign Cancer Lucky Metal Copper

Decanate 1 Lucky Stone Ruby

Lucky Time Sunrise
Lucky Direction East

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Ram Vyas

Planetary Positions at Birth Time

Planets Dir Rashi Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Qtr Lord Karak ---
Ascendant Leo Sun 12:3:35 Magha-4 Ketu

Sun Direct Cancer Moon 6:23:49 Pushyami-1 Saturn Father Friendly House

Mercury Direct Gemini Mercury 19:34:44 Aridra-4 Rahu Intellect Neutral

Venus Direct Leo Sun 6:40:28 Magha-3 Ketu Spouse Enemy House

Mars Direct Gemini Mercury 12:23:55 Aridra-2 Rahu Courage

Jupiter Direct Gemini Mercury 12:1:55 Aridra-2 Rahu Wealth

Saturn Direct Libra Venus 10:57:17 Swati-2 Rahu Longevity Exalted

Moon Direct Capricorn Saturn 11:35:53 Sravana-1 Moon Mother

Rahu Retro Libra Venus 18:47:42 Swati-4 Rahu Desire Friendly House

Ketu Retro Aries Mars 18:47:42 Bharani-2 Venus EmancipationFriendly House

Uranus Retro Pisces Jupiter 18:27:52 Revati-1 Mercury

Neptune Retro Aquarius Saturn 10:48:15 Satabhisha-2 Rahu

Pluto Retro Sagittarius Jupiter 15:43:40 P.Sada-1 Venus

Lagna Kundali

6 4
5 Sun
Rahu Venus

Saturn Ascendant Mercury


7 3

8 2
9 1

Pluto Neptune Ketu

Moon Uranus
10 12

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Ram Vyas


Specific Characterstics
You are masterful and ambitious, but often your mind gets beclouded with doubts. You are not
very broad-minded because of being a strong sectarian and disposed to religious austerities.
You are a believer in the occult, even could be a fatalist. You have a high degree of self-
confidence and reasonably high ambition. Advantage-seeking relatives and friends may cause
you weep silently. You have a strong religious feeling and are capable of arousing a worthy

You keynotes are conquests after conquests. You will have the acme of forceful self-assertion,
intense ambition and glowing enthusiasm. You may achieve military honours easily. Your friends
will be numerous and your enemies will also not be very few. You are capable of extreme energy
which, if not controlled, may make you cruel and despotic; your rivals may then threaten your
rank and position. With moderation and prudence, you will secure high honours and widespread

Your disposition is proud, austere and somewhat lacking in warmth. Your spirit is melancholic
and you are disposed to be pessimistic unless you try to overcome these by exercising 'will-
force'. You should avoid risky investments and speculations altogether. As soon as you appear
'no-longer self-centred', you will gain wider sympathies, and you will find that almost everything is
taking a turn in the very desired direction.

Mental Qualities
You will be changeable, wilful and strong in purpose. You will be reserved, quite and reclusive.
You will be very ambitious, having a desire for governing. You are forcible in action, and you are
sure to reap the harvest of your invested endeavours and eagerly-awaited timely actions.

Physical Attributes
According to your Horoscope, you will have prominent features, oblong tip nose, firm lips and
narrow chin. You will have narrow neck, small ear lobes, dark and thin hair. You may sport a
small beard. There might be some afflictions involving your knees ( right side in case of male and
left side in case of female ).

General State of Health

Your zodiacal sign rules over the stomach ; So, to remain in shape you must take adequate
preventive and precautionary measures. Your highly-strung nature may raise your anxiety levels
and you tendency to brood over may lead to indigestion - even gastric disorders. If you are not
careful enough, it may even lead to stomach ulcer.

Your ribs and the sternum, breasts, alimentary canal, pancreas (and in case of women, the
womb) are the areas which may call for medical attention sometime during your life.

You must learn to stop worrying and start living. You should take less of water and liquid as

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Ram Vyas

your zodiacal sign has unusual water-retention capacity which would otherwise lead to
overweight. You should take more cabbage, turnips, milk-products and mushrooms.Since the
Ascendant is afflicted by Neptune in your chart, you may have to suffer from animal bites and
insect stings.

Since Saturn afflicts the Moon in your chart, you are likely to suffer from colds, contractions,
obstructions, constipation and weakness.

Since the Sun is bearing no affliction in your chart, you won't inherit any disease from your
parents. If you per chance have any ailments, those will only be short-lived. Your eye-sight will
also remain good.

Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Sagittarius in your chart, the part of body prone to
affections will be the thighs.

Education and Profession

You are fairly intelligent and can grasp things quickly. But you may not have that much of
patience and may not wish to waste your precious years. You may not complete your College
education and opt for leaving it like many other celebrities did. You will have a successful career
in a field where the prime criterion is not high education but certain special abilities are needed.

Certain planetary combinations present in your chart give rise to auspicious 'Budhaditya Yoga'.
This will make you highly intelligent and you will acquire a very good level of education. You will
secure a Bachelor's degree and may acquire some additional technical qualification like a
diploma. Your chosen fields could be Analytical and Physical sciences.

The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you an aptitude for application-oriented
sciences. You will pursue professional courses and learn specialised skills. In addition to a basic
degree you may persue a vocational course; Computers might be of great interest to you.

The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you the qualities of a born businessman.
You will be quick to learn the aspects of trade and commerce. You will make a fortune by trading
and/ or manufacturing activities. As usual in business you may have to pass through some slack
patches when you will need to excercise control although during the most part you will do brisk

Wealth and Inheritance

As regards family-wealth, this may not be a very desirable position for the lord of wealth. But you
will have gains and happiness through friends and socialising. You will have favours from
females, a fruitful marriage and life-long happy associations. As regards domestic environments,
it will normally be quiet and peaceful although occasionally liable to be rocked by typhoons of
intolerance among family-members. Since you will be an embodiment of patience and
perseverance, you will always steer clear and bring the boat safe back to the shore unfailingly.

In your chart the lord of earnings placed in it's own house is the most favourable and prized

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Ram Vyas

position. You will have realization of your ambitions and all your aspirations will be reasonably
fulfilled. Partnership may not be favourable for you. In married life you may have some problems
as one of your children could be a source of concern while your spouse may be habituated to
spend money lavishly.

In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the 11th house is not a favourable position. It
may create problems with friends and spoil the relationships. Your marriage-partner may also
create some problems from you. The health of your mother may not be good or she might be
somewhat disturbed. In late you may have good gains from your mother.

Marriage and Married Life

Your chart indicates that you will be married at normal age-period.

The planetary combinations in your chart favours a fairly happy married- life. You will have
considerations for each other and will be a loving pair. Occassionally arising minor differences
you will accept as to be only natural but those will vanish soon as you will adopt a compromising

Travel and Journeys

In your chart most of the planets are situated in moveable and/ or common signs. This will make
you a born wanderer who will have many changes in life. You will have many journeys in
connection with your profession; you will also have travels and tours for pleasure and profit.

In your chart most of the planets are in succedent houses and fixed signs. You may not like
travelling much. Your profession also may not command much of travelling.

Lucky Stone
Among auspicious gemstones RUBY (Manik or Chuni) will be favourable for you. You may take
3 to 5 Rattis of Ruby in a ring of Gold which should be worn on right hand ring finger on a

Cheaper substitute of Ruby is Surya-Kanta Mani or Lok Akeek which may be taken instead in a
ring of Gold or Copper.

While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:

Om Aasatyena Rajasaa Vartamano Niveshaayannamritam Mrityar cha Hiranyena Savita

Rathenadevo Yati Bhuvana Vipashyat.

The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the
weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced
to 1/2 to 1/3 part.

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