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Participant Profile
Go to navigator click on Plan Configuration (under Benefits Administration)

Eligibility Profile: Avalon_New_Eligibility_Profile

Click on Eligibility Profile

Click on create and then click on Participant profile

Click on personal and then click on personal type and then click on create (+)
Click on create and enter details (select person type as employee) then click on save

Click on employment and then click on legal entities then click on create
Select Legal employer then click on save

Life Event: Avalon_New_Hire Life_Event

Go to task then click on Manage Benefit Life Event (under Manage Life Event)
Click on Life event then click on create

Enter details and then click on add in additional information

Then select person changes as new hire then click on save

Click on Legal Entity and then Click on select and add

Select Legal Entity then click on ok

Click on save and close

Plan Type: Avalon_New_Medical_PlanType

Go to task then click on manage plan type

Click on create
Enter required details then click on save and close

Options: Avalon_New_NewHire_Option

Go to task click on mange benefit options

Click on create

Enter required details then click on select and add (under Plan type for option )
Select Plan type name then click on ok

Then click on save and close

Plan: Avalon_New_MedicalPlan
Go to navigator click on Plan Configuration (under Benefits Administration) then click on programs
and plans then click on Plan then click on create

Basic Details:
Enter Basic Details in Create Plan Basic Details window and click on save
Then click on Year periods in Availability (In Create Plan Basic Details window) then click on
select and add

A pop window will display then select required years and click on ok then click on save
Click on legal entities in availability

Click on select and add then a pop window will display then select Legal Employer then click
on ok
Click on save

Click on select and add in option then a pop box will display enter required details then click
on ok
Click on save
Additional Configurations:

Click on additional configuration then click on save and click on next

Click on Eligibility

Click on participation (In Avalon_New_MedicalPlan: Further Details ) then click on Action then
select create
Enter required details in participation Eligibility then click on save
Click on select and add in Eligibility Profile

A pop window will display then enter details (select Eligibility Profile name which is create in
previous steps )and click on ok
Click on save

Click on Life Event (In Avalon_New_MedicalPlan: Further Details) then click on Add Life Event
Enter details
click on save

Click on Avalon_New_NewHire_Option (it is plan or option type name) in Plan and Option Eligibulity
Click on Add Life Event (In Avalon_New_NewHire_ Option : Further details)

A pop window will display then select life event Which is created in previous steps
Enter required details

click on save and close

Click on enrollement or next.then select Avalon_New__Medical_Plan (It is plan) in Plan and Option
Enrollement Configuration.
Then click on life event ( In Avalon_New_MedicalPlan : Further Details ) . then click on add life event

Select Life event which is created in previous steps

Enter details and click on save

Click on Add Life event in Restrictions (In Edit Plan Enrollement window)

Select Life Event and click on ok

Enter details then click on save
Select Avalon_New_NewHire_Option(it is option) in Plan and Option Enrollement Configuration.
Then select Life Event and click on Add Life Event

Select Life Event which is created already

Enter details then click on save

Click on certifications
Select Avalon_New_MedicalPlan (In Plan and option configuration) in Certifications window then
click on Enrollement certifications then click on Life events then click on Add Life Event

Select Life Event then click on ok

Enter details then click on select and add

A pop up window will display enter details click on ok.

Click on save
Select option (Avalon_New_NewHire_Option) then click on Enrollement Certification then click on
Life Event then click on add Life Event

Select Life event then click on ok

Enter details then click on select and add

A pop window will display then enter details and then click on ok
Click on save

Programs: Avalon_New_Program

Go to Navigator -> click on plan configuration (under Benefits Administration )

Overview window will display then select programs and then click on create

Basic Details:
Enter details in general and click on save
Then select Year periods in availability (In Basic details window) and click on select and add

Select years and click on ok then click on save

Then select Legal Entities in availability (In Basic details window) and click on select and add

Select Legal Entity and click on ok

Click on save

Then click on Select and Add Plan Type in Plan and Plan Types (In Basic Details window)
Enter details and click on ok

Click on Select and Add Plan in Plan and Plan Types (In Basic details Window)
Enter details and click on ok

Click on save
Additional Configuration:

Click on Additional configuration. then click on save

Click on Eligibility
Select Avalon_New_Program (It is Program) in Program Eligibility (In Eligibility window).And then
select Life Event in Avalon_New_Program : Further Details (In Eligibility window).then click on Add
Life event

Select Life Event and click on ok

Enter details and click on save

Then Select Avalon_New_Medical_Plan Type(It is Plan type) in Program Eligibility (In Eiligibility
Select Life Event and click on Add Life Event in Avalon_New_Medical_PlanType : Further details (In
Eligibility window)

Select Life Event and click on ok

Enter details

Click on save
Select Avalon_New_MedicalPlan (It is Plan) in Program Eligibility (In Eligibility Window). Select Life
Event and click on Add Life Event
Select Life Event and click on ok

Enter details

Click on save
Click on Enrollement
Select Avalon_New_Program(It is program ) in Program Enrollement Requirements (In Enrollement
window). Select Life Event and click on Add Life Event

Select life event and click on ok

Enter details
Click on save

Click on Add Life Event in Restrictions (In Enrolment Window)

Select Life Event and click on ok

Enter details
Click on save

Select Avalon_New_Medical_PlanType (It is Plan type) in Program Enrollement Requirements (In

Enrollement window) . Select Life Event and click on Add Life Event
Select Life Event and click on ok

Enter details. Click on save

Select Avalon_New_Medical_Plan (It is plan) in Program enrollement requirements (In Enrollement
Window). Select Life Event and click on add Life Event
Select Life Event and click on ok

Enter details then click on save

Manage Element:
Go to navigator -> click on payroll calculation (under payroll )

Click on tasks -> click on Manage Elements ( under Earnings and Deductions)
Creating Element for Employer: Avalon_New_Employer_Element

Manage Elements window will display click on Actions and select create in Search Results

Enter details click on continue

Enter details click on next

Click on next then click on submit

Element Summary window will display then Select Element Eligibility. Click on Action then click on
create Element Eligibility. Enter details and click on save.
Select Input Values in Element Overview. Click on Action then click on create Input Values.Then
Enter details and click on save and then click on submit.Then click on done.
Creating Element for Employee: Avalon_New_Employee_New Element

Click on create
Enter details click on continue

Enter details and click on next .then click on submit

Select Element Eligibility in Element Summary window(Manage Elements window). Click on Action
and click on create Element Eligibility. Enter details and click on save.
Select Input values in Element Overview. Then click on Action and click on Create Input values. Enter
details and click on save and then click on submit. then click on done
Rates and Coverages:
Go to Navigator -> click on Plan Configuration (under Benefits Administration)
Then overview window will display then select Rates and Coverages

Creating Standard Rates for Employer: Avalon_New_Employer_Standard Rate

Then click on create and select create Standard Rates

Enter details and click on save
Creating Standard Rates for Employee: Avalon_New_Employee_Standard Rate

click on create and select create Standard Rates

Enter values and click on save
Coverages: Avalon_New_Coverage

Click on coverages in over view window

Click on create

Enter details and click on save

Hire an Employee:
[In this step we can hire new person (or) we can use person number which is
already created ]
I use already created person number i.e 3903
Go to navigator -> click on person management (under my work force)
Enter person number then click on search.Then click on person name

Person details will display

Go to Navigator -> click on Enrollement (under Benefits Administration)
Then enter person number and click on search. Then click on person name. Then Participant
Benefits Summary window will display.It contains person Life Event.
Then click on tasks then click on process life event.there a window will display it contains life
events then select one life event then click on evaluate life event.then close that window
and click on Benefits service center then click on refresh in that page we will get Life event
status (processed or not)

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