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Installation Instructions

** Installing a solver patch for NX:

* Copy the patch to the nxcae_extras directory and extract the solver files

** Installing a solver patch for FEMAP:

* Copy the patch to the FEMAP installation directory and extract the solver

** Note: To preserve the original tmg solver files, rename the tmg directory before
installing the patch.

TMG Version 2019.1.3

** Bug
* [TF-4679] - Improve group to group reports efficiency
* [TF-5071] - NXTMG526 and NXTMG529 (multihost QA's) fail in working
* [TF-5156] - Include file issue at MEREL module on Windows
* [TF-5183] - NX2TMG - Recirculation loop with fan control type thermostat didn
t work
* [TF-5219] - Table of fields does not get written to INPF
* [TF-5250] - The RSLTPOST time for Refresh results is very high
* [TF-5287] - Ring model crashes at COND
* [TF-5315] - Incorrect nodal convective area factor in post
* [TF-5340] - IR 9345469 - mapping thermal loads to structural model gets
* [TF-5389] - Open a case number for IR 9345469 - mapping thermal loads to
structural model gets errors

TMG Version 2019.1.2

** Bug
* [TF-3331] - Solid Blockage error with NIECE
* [TF-4179] - IR_9147058
* [TF-4697] - Divergence with Parallel Solver
* [TF-4741] - TransientDriver::GetTimeStepInfo(): Invalid timeStep size! error
for a MP-TFS solution
* [TF-4848] - Activity: Model an exhaust system failed in NX2TMG
* [TF-4945] - Model with convecting surfaces fails in partitioner in SC12
* [TF-5004] - Static Pressure BC: Pressure measured at inlet in post-processing
differs from assigned value
* [TF-5056] - Relative Temperature extrapolated incorrectly at the ends of a
boundary condition
* [TF-5098] - IR8405622\\Orbital heating\\ enable periodic convergence issue
* [TF-5099] - Coupled Thermal-Flow problem has extremely long run-time when
running thermal solver in parallel
* [TF-5199] - Model with convecting surfaces fails in partitioner in SC12
** New Feature
* [TF-4572] - Upgrade Qt from 4.8 to 5.9 for tmgexec.qt4 and xcsmon.qt4
* [TF-4651] - Upgrade minor TMG modules from Qt 4.8 to 5.9
* [TF-4914] - Support C user-written subroutines
* [TF-5002] - Implement NIECE-like asserts in linear solver framework
* [TF-5158] - RSLTPOST results distribution and heat flux output performance
* [TF-5176] - Fortran IO performance issue in RSLTPOST dll

TMG Version 2019.1.1

** Bug
* [TF-3401] - Initial conditions not considered in thermal-flow coupled
solution with thermal off (Niece used)
* [TF-3661] - Preprocessor writes WALL_FUNCTION tag for Laminar Viscosity model
when wall treament is set to SLIP
* [TF-4122] - EPS, OMG and TKE values are zero in flow.fli, when automatic
initial fluid turbulence constraint is used.
* [TF-4130] - Wrong EPS values in flow.fli- local initial turbulence
characteristics with eddy=0.
* [TF-4362] - MP hangs (does not issue appropriate messaging) when NX2TMG
issues a fatal error
* [TF-4491] - Capturing NX2TMG errors in the err file for regular thermal/flow
* [TF-4549] - GTAC Escalation to MAYA IR9274696
* [TF-4574] - Look for more VUFAC optimization for thermal-flow coupled models.
* [TF-4627] - Reduce memory consumption in Vufac - phase 2
* [TF-4698] - NX solution with a porous blockage fails to converge
* [TF-4726] - Long time spent in Table interpolation and BC updates
* [TF-4738] - Orbit Visualizer: Spam clickling Ascending Node Button renders
Zoom functionality irrelevant
* [TF-4740] - SC13.318, 401--Thermal solver stops working
* [TF-4742] - The "Partitioning" is very slow
* [TF-4769] - Incorrect stream inlet fluid temperature
* [TF-4770] - Thermal load not activated in model with chained articulation
* [TF-4787] - Radiation request messaging in VUFAC is different between
tmgver12 and tmgver2019.1 for identical model
* [TF-4788] - Montecarlo is used in place of Deterministic for radiation
request applied to internal edges between axisymmetric and thin shell meshes
* [TF-4802] - GRAYB takes too long when using Gebhardt method
* [TF-4805] - NX2TMG: Convert FATAL ERROR 1884 to a WARNING instead
* [TF-4822] - Reduce memory consumption in Vufac - phase 3
* [TF-4852] - incorrect turbulent viscosity
* [TF-4872] - Incosistent Restart Messaging
* [TF-4878] - Restart does not work if there is a coupled thermal-flow solution
without flow mesh and BCs
* [TF-4885] - Large thermal flow structural multiphysics solution stalls in
* [TF-4887] - Error about vent BC vs time makes no sense
* [TF-4891] - Unexpected xTEMPF file is written out in periodic convergence
* [TF-4917] - Use hard-coded parameter for MpLaunch call for Nastran (in MP)
* [TF-4933] - Reducing expression evaluation for MP models
* [TF-4960] - Femap12: TMG Executive menu problem
* [TF-4963] - Monitor Viewer Crashing
* [TF-4971] - Temperatures at the end of Solution 1 and beginning of Solution 2
are different when initializing a transient Solution 2 from Solution 1
* [TF-4973] - TMG UI not working properly
* [TF-5033] - New flow surface algorithm issue in the muffler activity

** New Feature
* [TF-1326] - model condensation away from the walls
* [TF-3046] - Adding overcast condition and new solar heating variable
* [TF-4367] - Clean up femlib from NIECE and make it a separate library
* [TF-4388] - Verify finite elements formulation for axisym linear and
parabolic triangles and quads
* [TF-4525] - Output convective area factor
* [TF-4563] - Create a document summarizing FE formulation
* [TF-4593] - Transfer the fatal error from Thermal to MP log
* [TF-4681] - Put the NX2TMG error in .err file for MP environment
* [TF-4794] - NX2TMG: Add restart information to the log file
* [TF-4859] - Problems with cylindrical streams
* [TF-4970] - Improvements within the iterative calculations done in the
standard wall function

** Task
* [TF-4721] - Investigate where most of run time is consumed in NX2TMG

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