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Submitted to:
Ma’am Bushra
Submitted by:
Name: Zia ur Rehman
Roll No: BMEF17E036

Department Of Mechanical Engineering

University Of Sargodha
PEC Introduction
PEC Introduction

Its main statutory functions include registration of engineers, consulting engineers,

constructors/operators and accreditation of engineering programmes offered by
universities/institutions, ensuring and managing of continuing professional development,
assisting the Federal Government as Think Tank, establishing standards for
engineering products and services besides safeguarding the interest of its members.
The council shall encourage, facilitate and regulate working of professional engineering
bodies for creativity and as custodians of engineering under the umbrella of the Council.

PEC interacts with the Government, both at the Federal and Provincial level by
participating in Commissions, Committees and Advisory Bodies. PEC is a fully
representative body of the engineering community in the country.

PEC has also been providing support to the Government in conducting technical
enquiries and recommending remedial measures on the subjects referred. Over the
years, the Pakistan Engineering Council has become an influential voice, which speaks
for the engineering profession as a whole in the country. It forms an effective bridge
between Government, industry and education.

Role Of PEC in Pakistani Society

Roles and Responsibilities
The main functions of the Pakistan Engineering Council are:

 Promotion of engineering education and review of courses of studies in

consultation with the Universities.
 Maintenance of a Register of persons qualified to practice as professional
engineers and consulting engineers.
 Recognition of engineering qualifications for the purpose of registration of
professional engineers and consulting engineers.
 Removal of names from the Register and restoration to the Register of names,
which have been removed
 Levy and Collection of Fees from applicants for registration or temporary licenses
and members.
 Laying down of standards of Conduct for the members.
 Safeguarding the interests of the members.
 Promotion of Reforms in the engineering profession.
 Management of the funds and properties of the Council. Exercise of such
disciplinary powers over the members and servants of the council as may be
 Formation of such committees as may be prescribed; and
 Performance of all other functions connected with, or ancillary or incidental to,
the aforesaid functions.

Regulations for Engineering Education

The Council, under the PEC Act, has notified regulations for engineering education in
Pakistan to ensure improvement in the engineering education. These regulations cover
the following aspects:

 Minimum standard of courses of study and practical training for obtaining

graduate and post graduate engineering qualifications to be included in the First
and Second Schedules.
 Minimum requirement for the content and duration of courses of study as
 Minimum qualification for admission to engineering institutions offering course of
study and laying down minimum standard for holding admission examinations.
 Qualifications and experience required of teachers for appointment in
engineering universities, college, and institutions.
 Minimum standards of examinations and duration and standard of practical
training, for securing recognition of engineering qualifications under PEC Act,
 Qualifications and experience required of examiners for professional
examinations of recognized engineering qualifications.

The council has introduced annual system of examinations in all engineering

universities/ colleges. However, some universities are following semester system. The
regulations have defined the conducting of examination by panel of external examiners;
the duration of courses and the annual marks have been proposed so that the merit is
fixed on four years examinations. A minimum period of 4 academic years of studies has
been fixed for a candidate to obtain Bachelors degree in any recognized branch of
engineering university. The qualifications of engineering teachers have also been

Recognition of Engineering Qualifications

Recognized engineering qualifications granted by engineering universities, colleges and
institutions in Pakistan have been included in the first schedule of the Act. The Council
has been empowered to recognize new engineering qualifications granted by
engineering universities, colleges and institutions in Pakistan, which are included in the
first schedule of the Act by notification in the Gazette of Pakistan Recognized foreign
engineering qualifications are included in the second schedules of the Act. The Council
may recognize engineering qualifications granted by any foreign engineering institutions
not included in the second schedule by notification in the Gazette of Pakistan.
Inspections of Examinations

The Council appoints inspectors to attend the examinations held by the engineering
universities/colleges for the purpose of granting engineering qualifications which are
recognized engineering qualifications or in respect of which recognition has been
sought The inspectors report to the Council on sufficiency of the examination which they
attend and on the course of study and facilities of the teaching provided by the
universities / colleges or on any other matter in regard to which the council may require
them to report.

With-drawl of Recognition
The Council has been assigned the power to withdraw recognition of a qualification in
case it is proved that the qualification does not impart knowledge and skill requisite for
the efficient practice of engineering.

Being Engineer what is My Role in Society:

The Role of Engineering in Society Engineering is one of the key influences that
shapes our society. Engineers don't just work with machines, designs and electronics,
they use maths and science to provide innovation and inventions that shape
our society and improve the way we live and work

Professional Responsibility and Engineering Ethics:

The rationale for teaching ethics to engineers and computer scientists seems fairly
obvious. Their work (developing, designing and implementing technologies) has an
enormous impact on the world.

topics of professional responsibility (as compared to science, engineering sciences,

and engineering analysis) have received surprisingly little attention in engineering
education over the last several decades. The authors fear that professional
responsibility may also have been underemphasized in the practice of engineering.
This includes such topics as:
 Safety and Welfare of the Public and of Clients
 Professional Ethics
 Legal Liabilities of Engineers
 Environmental Responsibilities
 Quality
 Communications

Each of these topics relates to the interaction of an engineer to others: clients, society,
employers, employees, and to the engineering profession. Regarding engineering
ethics, Whitbeck argues that engineers should study engineering ethics from the
perspective of a moral agent as opposed to a moral judge. We fully subscribe to this
approach not only for teaching engineering ethics, but also for teaching (and
practicing) in other areas of professional responsibility. For engineers, engineering
ethics is not a topic separate from engineering, it is part of the essence of engineering
as it pertains to the professional responsibilities that the engineer has with society. The
results of an NSF sponsored workshop on engineering ethics in the classroom utilized
techniques from engineering design methodology to address ethical dimensions of
engineering problems, designs, and interaction. One may consider numerous
engineering design methodologies which will illustrate the point (e.g., Pugh, for
example, includes the following elements in the "engineering design core".

 Understanding the Market (problem definition: societal need)

 Design Specification (specifying the needs)
 Concept Design
 Detail Design
 Manufacture
 Sell

Computer use :

Design for our society :

As with all modern scientific and technological endeavors, computers and software play
an increasingly important role. As well as the typical business application software there
are a number of computer aided applications (Computer-aided technologies) specifically
for engineering. Computers can be used to generate models of fundamental physical
processes, which can be solved using numerical methods.

One of the most widely used tools in the profession is computer-aided design (CAD)
software which enables engineers to create 3D models, 2D drawings, and schematics of
their designs. CAD together with Digital mockup (DMU) and CAE software such as finite
element method analysis or analytic element method allows engineers to create models
of designs that can be analyzed without having to make expensive and time-consuming
physical prototypes.

These allow products and components to be checked for flaws; assess fit and assembly;
study ergonomics; and to analyze static and dynamic characteristics of systems such as
stresses, temperatures, electromagnetic emissions, electrical currents and voltages,
digital logic levels, fluid flows, and kinematics. Access and distribution of all this
information is generally organized with the use of Product Data Management software.

There are also many tools to support specific engineering tasks such as Computer-aided
manufacture (CAM) software to generate CNC machining instructions; Manufacturing
Process Management software for production engineering; EDA for printed circuit board
(PCB) and circuit schematics for electronic engineers; MRO applications for maintenance
management; and AEC software for civil engineering.

In recent years the use of computer software to aid the development of goods has
collectively come to be known as Product Lifecycle Management .

Conclusion :
Finally , Engineers contribute considerably to the quality of life in society and it is
important that they articulate their role clearly and firmly. We hope that a definition of
these principles will enhance this contribution, Without Engineers we cant even think
about getting so modernized world , where almost every person depends on
Technology . Engineers create new innovation stuff just by their different way of thinking
from the common man and by their skills , dedication and hardwork they create some
thing new or improve the products

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