Unit 26 Proposal

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Proposal for

A new health and
fitness application


The GoFit app will be aimed mainly at digital technophobes as

those would be the people who would try to find out about health
and fitness applications on their phones, with a age range between
21-39. The main focus of the application will be helping people get
fitter in multiple ways mostly through recommendations of
workout’s from experts as well as dieting tips. The GoFit app will
include features that other health and fitness apps use as well as
adding more to it with features like daily challenges scaling with the
individuals performance in other sessions. I chose the name GoFit
because it’s simplicity and the meaning behind it of telling people
to try and get fitter which could inspire people. The GoFit app will
stand out from other health and fitness applications because it will
have a user friendly interface making each task simple, so that even
technophiles can use the app with ease.

Growing App Market

The reason why GoFit is an application primarily for phones is

because the app market contains a lot of gaps in it that could be
filled by my company, the app market is constantly growing with
thousands of new mobile phone users the number of people
using apps also increase on the daily. With there being 2.1 million
apps as of 2019 I would have a large number of competitors that’s
why I would have to unique selling points that would entice users
to pick my app over other fitness & health apps I could include
feature that would make my app more helpful and convenient
such as including a guidance from professionals as well as
including a easy and simple user interface. GoFit content will
mostly focus on the fitness so examples of different training
methods with video and illustrated examples this way everyone
can choose their preferred way of learning, GoFit will also have
varying difficulties that way both amateur and seasoned pros are
able to get something out of the daily challenges that are based
of the users statistics.

Style and production

The GoFit app will have a simple style to ensure it appeals to a

mass audience and so it looks professional to achieve this GoFit
will use a orange and white colour scheme throughout the app as
well as any social media GoFit would poses as this keeps up the
brand image and makes it look more refined. The typography
GoFit will use is Arial since it’s easy and clear to read as well as it’s
appealing aesthetic look, with a font size of 14 to ensure it’s big
enough so that everyone can see it easily. GoFit will include
include realistic photography for the examples as well as including
a fun silly alternative with cartoon like infographics and examples,
GoFit will also have videos that go more in depth on the exercises
to ensure the target audience is doing them correctly as well as to
offer extra advise. The layout would be programmed to
automatically adjust to different screen resolutions this means
when programming instead of including pixel measurements they
would have to use percentages this way the app would
automatically adjust the sizes of each feature.

Target Audience

The target audience of my application is 18-44 years old since

they consist of the largest percentage age group who works out.
My audience typically works out between 4-8 times a week so I
would want GoFit to be easy, fun and convenient to use as this
would appeal to my audience while helping them as they work
out. The members of my target audience often work out for fun
or to look better and are quite busy with daily jobs. There is no
stereotypical audience when it comes to working out since since
both genders work out equally as much but in different methods
therefore I will have to ensure my app appeals both to women
and men.


Creating applications can be very costly, and prices often vary

depending on the complexity of the app, a simple app like GoFit
still could have a starting cost of around $12,000 and this would
increase with the number of features you include, another
consideration is the time it takes to develop the app while hiring
people who can program the website for you. To gain all this
revenue I will have to find multiple ways of gaining money to
support my project one of these is advertising, I can include this
in my app by having a ad for every time you open the app as well
as including a purchasable ad-blocker for anyone who doesn’t
want ads but I would ensure my ads are related to the app in
some way or that they have a positive message. To start the
creation of the app I could use crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe
and patreon this would be a simple way to build the app as well
as start gathering potential clients for the app as if they think the
app is good they will donate as then they will get created faster. I
would aim to release my app for both IOS and android operating
systems as this would be maximising the number of people that
would see my product as well as maximising the income.


During marketing not only would I create content for my company

but also research the competition to see what type of service
they are offering and how I can improve my own product. I would
research into my target audience and what do they look for in a
app I could do this in a number of ways either through a survey or
a little bit more creative through viral marketing on the streets
and having actors start randomly working out then people would
join in then post it on social media. When marketing I would also
have to consider search engine optimisation so that GoFit website
would be in the top 5 google searches, and also in the app stores,
I can do this by creating a eye catching logo that way people
would be interested and they would click. I could also get the
word out there by partnering up with influencers who have
health and fitness based content on their platform as GoFit would
only be starting out and this way I can expand my audience and if
the people like the app then they could recommend it to friends
and family. I would want my app to be free since this way I could
have a larger consumer range and people would be more willing
to download my app however I would have to include a few ads in
the app since the product would be free.


When creating a app you also have to consider the skills you need
to make that app, such as product manager who would manage
the whole team while ensuring the deadlines are met the product
manager can do other things depending on their skill set. Another
role that is required is a designer they would be responsible for
designing the UI of the app as well as the logo and general
appearance of the app to make it easy to use while making it look
aesthetically pleasing, the designer could also be the writer who
makes sure all the wording is correct and makes sense. The
developer/ coder would have the bulk of the work as they would
be required to program the whole app this includes the UI, user
data management, security and more.

Social, Legal and Ethical
Some issues that would have to be considered when designing a
health and fitness app like GoFIt is the Confidentiality of user data
since my app would be storing data on the progress of each user,
and because of this it would be vital to have good security to
prevent hackers and other individuals from getting access to the
users data. Other legal issues could include things like who owns
the app/ the intellectual property behind the coding, design and
the rest since if I were to have someone outside my company
make the code I would have to have them sign a contract that
ensures any code they make belongs to the GoFit company or the
CEO. I would also have to consider the terms and conditions of
the app store I will be placing my product on as my app will have
to abide by these rules otherwise my app would be take down
from the app store.

An ethical issue that I would have to consider is any promotion

that would be visible in the app and whether it’s appropriate for
the users or will they find it offensive as if I didn’t consider this
users would be displeased as well as it possible leading to a court
case if I didn’t include a warning in the app or on the app
download page.


Over all GoFit is a small and ambitious app company with a clear
idea of what they want to create and how they will go about in
doing so with plenty of research to back it up.


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