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Naks.batr:a ·Cllin·tamani 1

CH_l,~N»RAI<.AN7r l. BHAT'T
a. ~·.

-, .;.·_-. .; -.-.- -
~~;1Q5 · ·T RUS~
•1 - : ~ .
Further Lights
N,akshatra Chintamalli
Further Llgh.11 ~ ,i

o .n "

-N aksb.alt ;·r a Ch,i nti ~ 1 1

With ·Ex1
am1pfe -H~


B, A,.1 LL. I)~

Shr:i; ·v1Y,ek id,u,cfati011 Tir,us:t,


Cl\ .,.,.
e ll
i .I
l J=i ·)£.

u ""

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.1 8
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Membetl ·of mp Famil,i ' -

w-h,os:e:, se· rofi bevotio

~ . -

and_~ .:A.ffett1,o,n

BJtss_ed' ile with ·Haopy Home..

I. 'Nakshatra (IJintaman
Price R$. 30/- 1

2.. Haros.copes And Di,sease·

Price R,S1, 20/-

3·.. ftir:thet .Lights

-·· Chintaman
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P.r ice Rs. 40/-


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:For orders plea,se write tQ.

The M1(1iglng- Tr1ustee

SHk'I-J'IV'EK ,EDUC·AT).10.N 'fR:USt


€/o --~hri Sardar Patel aQ.d: Sw-a~j~ Y,i-~ek.anan,d ff j·gb Scb,o o

Manina1at1 .Al)inedabad,. ·,380008,


Sh-ri . ~ha_ndrakarrt
- •
8.Ar, b~L~8-~ -i s an .eminent L -' 0

Ast ro lot!er ,of G:u_ia·rat~ :He h,as sevt{:!t1 books in Gujarati :~~:msuage
o n As trol~;y to his credii. .',· p·,~_ fa~·nq· jo,igb.~·: ~~tp iqLet-
pre(u.ti_o,n ,o f ~ho·r9scopes : both -in. Sa,an and: Nir.a:~i(an -~Charts is 1

~ea·I Iv. a 1i1azitrg.
ln order lo, C(J'nrrH,u:te 't_o the spr_ea~~c;r,f 1knowledge gf lndia
Astro,lb,g ;·,"' ib~J'~ ·jn_, .i_
u~J-- 3nd A:broad=~we ,ha \te ~Jready publisb~d
bi~ two ·lia-oks wr1it t~:a·i~ =:{:oglish viz;- l,•. Naksbat·r a QbJ,ntaman·t.

2. Hotoscopes 1& Diieas«sr. These ·'lWQ.- books: ba1fe : bc~n vet:,• 1

wa,rndy. rece ivtd ~nd a_ppreciated by t-he. studcntJ of A,strpJpgf


otli :tn Y.ndia an·d .:h btoad.

- - - . - - -

'Fu,,r.1her .Li,g bts oo· Naksh~.t~, ,Qb·1ntamani'· is the ~bird

boa]c .w.r,ifttn. by Shr~t' 1
Bbna If f~t English, 'This. bp.~:dt, by_ Sh.ri
l11batt- lbro,vs m.o re flgbt on.1 1he .p -rinciple~ of p:t~dictins, eounc~
h1ted in· his first book Naksh:iti{t3 .,Cbintamani1T:aod is profi1 ~e;1y

iUu_str_ated · with. ,e*ain~le_horoscop;r,$. Moreover,, 'be bas ,o.urli,oed.

t·he· priocjp]1o;s 6f' pred_{~tj:~g ju si~ple, ,precise and penetrati'ng
words· to enable tbe ,$:tudent.s or ~ 's lrol6j)'· 1Q -master -t hem in
nt) · ·t·ime aua ~arrive· at a gyick and straight·· ~~nalysir or lb·e
0$1C Ope~ and ·corr,[ect ' ,conclusiodS..

Shr:1 Bhatt· being, a ma&,te1; of tioi'b, ·-w ~~tcro . ~nd l :acl:iao

Sv:atems of Astrology, ba.s added'. an interesting and: ooligbt.e.ning
• I ir- :·t

chanter oo_, ·, h·c:,w -to an~a~yse .~n,d :in.,er:i,riet Niray,,;i_ ·~oroSCQ.-s,es·

i10 18 ;Slf8n wa.r v. itb. a~pr~p_r.i~.te. tf;l·b·J~~~~of· «~~~·g ~~,poets

oreo~er·~ be1 nas illscus·~ed tr•~~i:1.! of sl~ i:\t ~

DJ9y·ing ,plan:ets 1

ID a stp!lr:l'te Cbtlp'h:r .a nd·· ,throw\, ia Vt:f:Y usef~J' .Jjgtil :Dq·J~r~d i'Cting

' . - :, . . . L •..

rromi ~-b: .c.ran·sfti of I tJ1s~- ·p11ap,ets indepe,ndently. cf Dasba~Bhuk·ti

,s ,ystem of JJ,ri.tHGl iJ18·

~~~~~~--,,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

n:e princip1cs of prcdi~I mg enu n·c1a ltd •n 1b {t Nie 1ne

on 111~ •uis or Nakshatrm and tbeit EH1b-di"fs1ioas and th.'C:
plaDeimisi and mei cu1 p, of dlo :bo1isc 1hrrcim. Thj mulled 11
Mry ilnt hook N14u.batra· Cmetam•ni1' wa1 p11bJi1bcd m
or p1iedicdo1 ii an aa-e oJd method . ready p1omu1g le.d my ou, i'111 l I 1St It w&1 mueh baild hl' r;e&dan. BllCDJ1t11pd apo;tht!r.
&age . ecu its. meth od1 of approa.cb ii t pre !ltot is in a coo eto¥e r1i a1 putlreacion 'Bo,~Qtt and Oiscun1 ~ br-oaght o•u dwiug
ahsll, pari~y b~uu· it i cmpbulically coined a 11-tw iDvention Dw.JDJber 1971. Bath thcae boob dlc:al wkb boJ'OIC'opa ~
.bich 1n1 f!Ct {A .no, IIDd ad·vQC8lC1d 15- Lbe ~UJI)' Bllld pcrf«t t~ Cb~ S1Jb CQllllrelliition thec,ry qf ~liedict·i on. Tb11 weR ._idtly
method o r pr,;ed:cthis~ el•cuJa11e,d both .in Indja anl A hroad Li::f·trc1 of app1rd&1 bm
Our· inlfrett in publis1dcg !hi, booll: Js pur1ely. sm ~.esdrmir: wcr,e 1eaivea, m nltva1u Qlraera r11am Jbc lcn,u·~ a:r a r~w
one ud v. ~ aba~ I he ~a:1i Oed if' 1he 1it u,ck m I a:nd sr;liolarrJ ar
A,serofQ,gy stUdy thi! book io a e,ompa:atrv W&j' ~ i1h 1Jieit ow111
1~r0-1~84rll ar;r publish d i11 th.ii
fot it1fomi1tion to the
and wilh 11111'hrr, meeU1inds- or pudid-ing and barmoniJe .and
f m vl _w of Uuz apprccfati v-e atdtudi= 1nvs '.by llii sfpd-Q
;o e-!i1e. lh,m in abe b r b11er~ t of AsuoJo, y whicll r 01u
htrhag= aud w.bk .h is !n ardmity [Pf! ,~,l<
d 12nd pri:aehe-d by
Qf A111tro!;mgy lnJ' friend Shri Shsmbhu,pra:Jad M.. P I emooo.m~d
me to wti~e a third btlu.t wwt'.h f;tlltber li1ats ea 1 &bllr}tra
thllo IK" izards liic faie ihu Sbrfatr1ar~ an Rao., rhe fquodr:r of tbic
Chhuamani' ~ttd e, QD acbr&Jf of tile Bo,ard of Trustees or
•AHro o j~ J Mega~:inc" a-ad i~ p~nl J:.:U11or Sh1i B. V,. Ramam
Shti Viivt k Ed1ucation TrUJ1, u D,dettook , her 111JJbUcation of 11Ms
bo Jui~ papsfarized Indian A tialo,gy both in Iodh1. am! Abrc,ad
1'ao.Jc. I am t&ererg~ fflQlm .indebted to tha 8Mtd ot Tr111~11U1
:llJ:ld bas ere led ~ ·t ottvinc-iDg stags fair 1flc 1ccog_nirron1cf ludi n
aod mf friand Shd Pate1..
A! 1rplogy ·iJ..S El s:c0lenc.e ancl have its place uJ our Um ver&ide
as a b1a:ncb o.f l.1t1owhulge. Tha pdndfllfSi of tk= sub theory are at. I ~ la ned in
Wt are 1rc2tly indebted 10 Jllri Got.dh'ankla• ankak..h a ~Nactsbat1a Chinbunani. &re io this book t hue suu:nm.atisecl
Cho 1,; Puh1ic ·C bairuahls Tm e:- ·al,l ' Shri · 3'mdi1Jal Qp,NJbarnJu tbc-m JrucirlH}I iro a tabmu form · w rdCmsb l1ie mm.ory CJf lli~
Owb.i hblic C~~ri.11b r: Tn,1t, .Abpicdabad and Jheir Tru1tee read~r. HerOffllJlJ:! of p ~ " ia d1fte:ent w,Jb ,of JU'e aud "3!
Shd Nal\(atoillal.11 Oo1dbartd~ C&'ok,si 1 a ptominc:nt -~a& imowt1 to me.have mceu discllSWI in .simprt and lucid I o~g_e.
of Abn.e4i!bad ~ff-known far b~ hom,toitarian and educational Odiua--ation.s ~rie COQ!ii1ttJ11t.; log=catJI mcl:lwdical andl prtt~~
1aiv~li~ aed c a.r ilim.
The re a c f owr poupJ in die • "Ibe bt lfOUP cont RU
Slmti Vnr!k EdumUta Trut\
49 Eu.11~pes o:n llibjo:ts· Pbi• .infant modaUtyt Jiisrt life :fomg
CJ'r,., Sflri latraar Pa,t~J and J.A.. ..Ed~ '"fei, urum.t111al or vrol-a11E di:atb 1 ini:.1.11"1bl e ddiea'56, opeu.rions~

Swan,;i Vjvtk a1nd H1gb &Ho .1

1 Manqi, I'll Trb1fec education, fiomigo tJaRls. iati!f-eatte. matriage!1 Jo,.,c-aff4irs.
M1aina.Pf, Allmedabad 380 008.. divomea, p~tio11 ia married life c:htli-bit1,. st1Jilicy. 1n1-
7- ~IHO
ma~zied pe110us_. Jaaded propstia1 owniDJ or ¥eflicks, diffe:rcnt

iycjeftliomi .etc,: ii bo11u-:y ,11aps in

ibe 21ild grompi fou.r boro~aopi;&
co'3cemfng, the eftcc1:;; of · trim1Uing _Jiag;et-& &I'll in the JrtJ J_rnu.p.
! n tlie roartb allld i be lan g,011 p lhe :salient n,_s l1f thi: Sob '1 'ftre ~ ;
,~·e"Jtr:er.n s,y. tem .of Ai Lro logy at,e rn1 r. rated m brief :a.~ ,ti ,i
CQnt. fned Qha1rts, ror a1rn.lysi• of Ore: birlh-nJ]\~ p,1.cpare.d.
S'Ltb tlllS'le ljt~[IOfJSi
T.n:c:s~ ch~rts" ""~u ,nD,bla B bt!iidner ~n Ast-rolog)' 1p forp
judgment of th,e. if!i~r~bmDlDJI with groitt C:l\5e, Tl\ty mar b;·
apJU!!!i c;yen ro N~ra1ama bfrtb hQ~c~oop!9.
.Slrt:niU1 of P.111ncts g
[o m1r h ~u-n blJe "'1icw.. tl~rc. "'c ~w pu bl itatmoti of th j5.,
t~·pe~ I wrrn cbe rcfe~ 1ur11 tb t my boOkfil will b; of SM \ htlp A p1J11mct Conntcred wJtb.
t·c lb:BY radw.! r w:bo is CQ&V.U',!UlUt with 11111 b1n,io p,rlr1olp-loe -or
S1igo,ift(:1Hor nnd it,s, sub lord
Hi rid u A1.t rolQJY i
Olsp Sub lord
3--6-119.iO Jnhu Pe, iad Runcu
164 Jay1:1nog11~ Sooiaty C'handrakant ll~ Bhatt 16
Ahm'ed ub~d- 1R001l 17
E • mple N•• i wJtles •~
I. Saint
2.. R•voJ ul iona r:r TII inker
3• lnf:Ant MorraJiiy
4. Jnfaut MortaUll'

S. Loa t Mo, Lcr .i !l l,mfa ncy 31·
'· Air rash !4
? • D1:1r11i11g
8. Drowlliag
9· Ga:IJorWI' Uo11at
- . ura Di:tlh, l~risonmcnr~ CtiDlinal 43-
P1ocecding1 • Mana[ Quar•t1e,.
. PoU1•e
. I Carter. Cl1'.amilic~..

12 SJ. Allan.Ill Ills\ lata-c.m\'o

PoroiJa Tran). M.I.B.9.
... 1d'~ Si
34. Mauiap Abro•d. Motor Ychide, Piofessimn.. ADINP. Dir
SI PiecuJiui1tim, Eduauaa, &rcian TRYcl,. Cbwken,
56 Bt1ild1_ng.
62 JS;t Marriage A.bro~ PMfn1ion1 Finn~ Bdaa~o.
1 1~ neer 66 Fore11n Tnp1.el Cb1]d_rc~ Bufldiug.
i 1

IS~ Canctt 69 36~ Dl¥otcc~ Pn~r~ron aa Pinanq,. Motor-V~. !t,

16 Cana,· 17. Divorce R.D!li-ns PLacu and Affinrity· 152·
17.. K,idn;~J
75 31• .AJwuJ m-eQJt of Mcarriap, Pmfe-11ioA. D•'h. s.s
E8 Ca~ ~rc:a-D
18 a,. A]l:ttta.lm Ol al Murla,1c JS
19~ Ca.CSiBJfe& m

81 ·40,~ Sepualio.o i o Marrim Li& 168

10. For1i1v Tca,;el
4 41. S'C-PQ'atiou fu Ma_niq LUe l&
lt. p 61 .:ign Travel ,. 42 . .Src-rility, Gpewi~u1t1 M1µ-iqe:, Por~.P 1D•e1 )~
22~ Ethl c:artig1n• Ft11 re,ign r,a v.e1s
j 9,Z 43. SrcriJity., ct.• r~u. Marriqe. Po.r,dgn Trtn.el 16Y
2'.J. Edu~tian, Policlgn T,a ,.,,
9.!i 44. SteriJi y, M•.u:1,ap,, Snvicti 17'2
24. Servi~
98 · .. StcdHtylli Mijtti1,eLI lceviec 17S
2$: !od111~rriaUn Pt.c11lja ril~t&
102 '41. UamudlUI 17&
261! JlU!JQ!
IOS 47. Unma,ried 110-
27 Tnhupor( , Mo tor VrtticJ~

]08 •. u,mardtd 112

28,, A rlii:1t
1Ll 49. Unmarl'icd 114

121 M,ooo, amd ~rut•-a Mindi

PuJl'Film&nt 10 1 a query-Plane d1 r11c t Of rettogf\ad~
C111pal 11ub iorcl. Si1nitlwor • T1an1i1. .
0 ,eip Travel.
.. R~nrcb
• 192 P.age Ll:111-
"l. Green a,d
], DcisirHI \Ost 108 l
"4 , Tia ms fer i n Ser"¥ ice
24! ll J I .]
S. Marris.lei
204 IJ Sa= 21
6. Desired job
!IS Ill llltt,atioa1 nfer to tu hal'QtCOl)e
011 -pap 111

2. Death 111
3~ Dc;atll or the Hu.11ba11~ 214
~, Senieo1 Jonrn1, Ma rrta11- ·l'

"Niniya1a HorNCctpe & PriBCiptn of . e5te,a Awp:flc& 2J ·

S•b S,ab iu eteb S.b !37
Aysmmsa ( · .. D,i ,e.azs l,Pl- 2000) !'9
0:phtom i!JQ
Ai•t,d111 IR
,, II s,,.,, Si Anlll
M D s
120 x SOD .......... 0 44i 40
+ 120 x 800 - 2 13 2.0

Sun 6 + 120 x 100 -- 8 40 ao

1iloou 10 + 1~ ., = l G6 40

Mau 1 + 120 .. - 0 .f6 40

Reba II + 120 x == - 00

16 + 120 )C 46 40

121 x - QI
In Nuksba.tra sys Mm , ,ak'sbiJ't ra or Co.nsttlmti~D Of T.e,Je .&
Star { fl area of ll 20' 01 800' ) js sub-dt\lidcsd, ntina
~1m area m Aiiu or Leo D. S,.Uittat,os·
·ran rt~. Tbh sub. d m ,,trion m!· calJ~ cS'ubt. [ l. is based on t!la
forwule os .11howm f11 the 't1:1blc on pa1:11! I.
flcto o• tf {Q' 1r· 20•
V.en111 l] 20 10 "26' 40
he plumet ruj ~lllg the longih1clo 01r e~,lenl or Qte,ai pf Ehc Swa 2,- 40 to 30 0
~sub' in BD)' .akshntro or con1tcJhnion r S11r is· called dm
Stor 'Loril &$ f...ord Co~ing Pofirim
tl b- · okshu trm tortl or .. ub~ons t~Un tiQll lord 10 r Sub ' tar: lord
or ub.ill1rd or Sub~ D M s
I h.:i SU 1p...JU'G.Ll (Ir ch pl lJ 1 \n the Qt.ftrt-a rc:o Qr 11ny .Ketll 0 10 0
pl Del I eom i ns1 Ct"tll st :ru a · . l'Dt~cej bov1t •. A _ocb Na Ii batrai 01 1111 Vem .. 0 41 «l·
1uucUacio·n o tu_r cQni ju nine. Sub, _7 aJulHllraJ or t '1 Sun 3 0 IC}

Co:ns.1:l'Jla1~01is or · Jar~ hM1c bcr.=m ,ub-d~vic.h.1 d h1 to 24.! Subs. .., Moon 3 40 Qi

,, Mtus- 4 4G 40
c,tder 0f Sdbs h1 each Sto.r, i!; shown in th nccomp-
~ci 1

., Rahu 5 33 20
ut1yin~ tnb~,s A., '.B~ C nn,d D on poges- l, 4t 5 a,nd 6. J up. 7 33 20

l! cb tabi .snows the Stflr £0,d and 1be S 1tb 1

for ~ ii Sa(. 91 20 0
d cir.~ of ·t ht Zodiac~ Tb ta·r Loni is s;m.iJat to Che Da,Ao ., M,r~ ll 26 4tl
(i,ctfod ) ruJcr,, wllltc tll1 S11b Lord cor:respo;cds w tile Sul, Venus Ven. 13 2"° '(J

pariod ruler. Ill Sun is 33 lO

Im sbort we {J1 1~ -use the tern, •s rar1 inatca'tJ or "Star Io.rd"' in; Moon l6, 13 20
Ol" '"CqnshUatioti lord'' or ~atslr:aba Jordi~· and tb . ~erm ' Suh'
I II! MaTs 1, 2D ,u
io plaee or 'Sub tord-"' or 'Sub--Star- Jord~ or •sl!l.l)..ConsteUatian IJ ltahu l! 6. 40
)ortf o·r iSub -NaJq;kotra lfJrd' t.trroug!unu the; ogok. ,1
21 '
S13 20

Mc~. 24 0 D
&etu 25- 53 21
.Sun Sum Ui 40 Qr
MQOD. 27 10 0
'"' Man 18 lfi 4~

,,. Rallu 29 13 20
!O D I)

SM illO. Gemini Q'r' Libra Of Aqu"rms

Mars M O' to 6• -40'
Moon 10 01 tQ 13 JO Rahu 6 40 le 10 0

:Mars s lfl1 to JO 0 Jup" 20 0 to 30 a

Sub Lo,4 Cammowng Paaititm Srd, !A:Jr,I Golllffl8Ming PtJsill~n
s,01 u,J Sltu Lord
D M s D M s
Mrs Mer. 0 0 0
Sun Ra.bu 0 0 0
Xcru l 53 20
Jup.., I 11 iO .o
""' ] 0
,, Vurn. 2 40
Sat.. 0
ti Sb.n A 53 20
,. Mer.. 5 R 40
MooJI J '33 iii
Ratiu 6 40 0
t:11 Ven. 1 ~ 40 Jap. I 40 01
M~·.n Moon l{J 0 0 HJ 26 40
M.lU1t· u 6 al)-
Mc 12 l3 a
.,, E.-aho tl S3 20

Kem 14 26 40
,, Jup.. l) ~3 20 V&m~ 15 13 20
u Sat., JS 40 .0 Sun 17 26 40
.Mer.- 17 4fi 40 MoD,n 11 6 4U
n ltct'U l9 40 Q
MaJs 19 l .3 21
:1, '1:~o. 2Q 26 -46 .lupitct Jup. 20 0 0
~ S:UD iJ 40· &
n · Sat9! 21 4'.6 40
Mars Mars 23 io 0 ... Mer • ~l 53 20
:t Rahu 74 f 40 ~tu .2S 4G 40
~-- Iup, 2li 6 4Q ¥m1. l{i 3i ~
t Saf~ 27
5~ ~ . Sun
Cl 0. 'llli

30 0 D
•hfo p

• ,~s
~ .
L\ plalntd -;
JJD a er r CX,!
• tlf,
t ,blia A ilil ltllDl or Ari~$; L 11nd S Qin ri~~ hv
,... , h

• O' talblc, 8 01 T.~unts., Vt1~ o 1u1d rt · ,r,m lite rttbl c: C ror Ge~
r t- ~l i,d, Lihm ad Aqu riu and 1ho tat> D f r Guter. Seorplo Piscn,.
.. tc:r.. ll 0
bllmf!I~ lo the tablt:
in dj·~ St f atCII ., d'IUI ·a recs,
C:ommotcing l'o.rilion
or. eo QT illJ&iUa, i,U.S the: :.f &etu b!gi ,. Ff m o· O' o''
D S and ends I o· ' 40". So Che u'b of \ CID'US arts at o· 46'
0 0 40'' . add t" I ' 20·' ' ·u te .;t of en u~ and you Fl ~ sta
0 J 20 rting position ,o f Sua S ' uh at 3• O' M'\. a;dll Q.. 40 '' ( u
R u J 20 0 uea of Sun . then Hu: u of Moon O" in
3 20 f) or Leo r Saantarius. Rcrpeart this JU dUliC and the mmem::,.
... er. 26 40 iqg _position for a iubs in eacli ~ u1. ea. ,ssgo
era 20
.. en. 8

Dll~ffialORi •
, r Sun 10 20
_Joon ll 0 1. A plaael gen atl} gins · e results o,f di bouse ich
it oa:•cs~ owns aod aspects: a 110 of die Jmosc a.nil thi matter
12 6 '1(>
Gf which it is a ara)ca it tS termed U the S 1gni:£1cator 1

Rabu 12 53 :20 of: th8 l house or ma(ter. .


Jup. 14 S3 20
14m-" 16 40 0 • In ftie horoscop.e the siga {s on tll£ cusp o each hous .
Kctu rs 33 20
A planet always ,occupi g thr: igo aad i screng$h · d:ccrmmed
Vc,n. J9 20 0 acoording II it 9CCU1P.ie4j hs '1WD SlgD e»all fed
11 Slgll Gf de:bilic attd
Sun '.21 sign So th octu paat is stronger than t fl~
ner of the s igtt.
33 20
ioon 22 13 20 Simiturly tbe sign is th 1'-s tll part f the mdEac., whde-
,, Mars 23 20 00 tha Coos.teUa,tion or Star is to ~ 1
,u1 part ot ttlu Zodiac. So
Rabu 24 6 40 the Constellation or Star is sno gcr rbao th~ 11:ga.
Ju.p. 26 fj 40 H..mre in t/Je Ntlksl1atra sy.s,eni a planet g}res 11,e re-sults-
Sat 27 S3 20 lndjcil.l~d i,~· ,u star lor.d and it fs 1alJffl the sipifieJJtar of the
30 0 0 hmtses lgnljied by ;,s, s1ar lord in tlae trier sens · a/ the term.,
3. ne 0 1& r or ,,r~rmce retQM ~ th~ fiiilD ific tqr1 of eada
fro ~ iJ ll 11tra:IJ)· drtfflllised as un e :
way. R. u-Ki h1 an no! ro Beawi 2 r ~~ pl.a.a
A '.¢311ct in lli.r tar of tbc ooc pamf is s lrongu -baa 1

liJec:;iu. e ch oiveWC11 m ~ opo5i ta d r.m

. m"'&
iUJ'c it"OJp3Dt.
Su gift I Plaums :
('bJ Jf. di.ere fJ~ no r,J~ne t jitl th n,ecup aa t,.a ~t·a r consider
Streng./11 bJ!. Httuse : A pl .. Qf:t mosil gi ~i Eli ia:ul of
tb!E ~ ttll pa D t,
tht h Uk occ1,1Ricd l\y. i't and i c -goJ'll nc io 1:1ridt!r.
{cJ H the. am,~. j;s ~acaol1t co&J!der die plaaat 10 tlie mar
or rtbe houses the 3flgJ~§; tand ls.t in ftftllg1.b 1 nm - .
.. 1t>l rbe ownc: r of tba t nous£ .. · u~t::rU amd rben the cadern •
(dJ JI the nousie 1,e vac;-,nt and if 1here he no p~anct in TFi t own ~r of t be bnu or l 2 ( n counted from HJ
6., shu of ttie ,owner -of that .house, wnti<fer tle owotr of ·p1i,n{cular htn,1~e to b~ judgedJ ~cmn" ~k. C\flJ or malefic
that boo c. iln e.ffiec~.
(e) A pJanof .hi coojuucUon or assoou1do1
fl WJ t h or as.pcc,ted
1Bmngth lt.,. Sign ~·
t\ pl1ne1 if $lto11g whea it is in its ,owu
~y ·mhe UronJ i;iv~ ~lie ,es.ahs ,o f lhe h~ute er .o r fl;{a~ [ed siglll l l is WtaK J) r qfflic tm ill i is _id ~tr i men l Of ran

houses· deno t.e-d by that;ator. {debcJf~ati;.t1J 11i1a,~

ffl1A p1aoct iu .rf1e s,tar ol tbe p1an~t a pectins rb.e house Th~ !]~tum oif tho si,.gn (~~g·, i::ari!ioa1 or mm-wbl~ fi~m.
e.~ .. st1p~s.e 8;21tun1 ia Ifie · s'tt -e ~ct1 tbit 7t,11. 11 anrcl 2m1. •i1
or ~ommon or mutablt: fire, earth, ·air ,or ate:r; fruitfu~ or
So dre pJerne, im the star of 5Elt111r:n will g1. e lb.1 re..suitt o.f tha barren; ~stio.l; mute 01· voice" masculine or feminine
1'011ia11 Pr
h.~usr.~ 2, 7J a,d J ]~ ett-.} on lhc cusp and rbat oceupi,e,et by a. pht.ncl infhK11ce& the
a]fair~ cf the hou am'd Llie ·.pla1uit.,
Ket u r~or~ots any. iigoffica tor,
RQhu & Ketu : If Ria Hu o.r
·n p1lac1: .ot that sigpiin11trr, b;ecama
com,sidcr Rab u or Ke;tu m ·n _ ojuJO! nan or as..~iation
Stirength lip ArSpec, : A glena
Rah 11 .Qr ~J!UJ ts ,Stro D,Jpr tb~n un-y pl aa~t ~ 1
switn or nspet ted by a me.lefiQ (te, rha owacr af 6 S or 12 tae house lo be jodgg;d) bec:1;1mes weak or "fiotlcct
Rahu or Ket:u gi ,es lkt 1-eiµl ~:s r IHe s i~m lficetar in oon-

J 1mciJ&a with ot io a peer to it 0r of the awner ··f t be (•igqifi. . ult of tij . ho

catai't.} slDn o~u.pie!'d ~ i1. -matters a:coo~di.1q 11.s it iJj B nauiral ben?-lit ot
-or jnimieal
SURJ).S)t~ Anes js on the 1J 11i ctmtp, ~re· is no pla1l'et in
e l l t11 rm. mn.sid·w \e orb• siig,n Scorpio owned by Man. ln f bis ysrem Pniy HjlJJdu a p.. , al'.CI 10- be ooaisid\fffll ..

lf iher, be R~hn ot .Ketu in ac.orpio, i iJJ Jive the rnwts Nak.sba1,a Sysn nr :
of the J I"' f'he pJauer in the star of R.ahu . or .Ketu ill ~ is strong b. • b.0rus.t igo 1
it \ti l b - Hl a po'$1 lion
°'~ he str,®-g s~rer to 1i" tho sesults or rho l~tli. to gi c 111 rc.sll1ts 1nd.ic.a ,cd ,. i ,~ .t ar l ~d to a ci~i red ·txcn1.·
10 II

A pJa111ct beconie5i ..1;t:-ak if its suu lord is weak: by hous.~" 2 .. T m'e ·s igmifica tor &!ves- rhe· 11:'&1.111 s of i1s star Jord. ~ 'thrc ~t~r
sigm and o:spact; and it wd I noi: ~ to .a pos.jtJon lCQ _give tbe lorH bJc.bmea rht i mdicat·a~ a(' tbe. mat1en c,J Ur~ h0;usc
ul!sso~is :iindicoh:d D)' i! · star lord to u desired e~(eot. Da:l!.lpied and ·a ne:d b?,1 it am.ti :aJJ8o ot th~ :bo:u!.e aspqitt
by 1L
A ·Co-od~ctcd WUif::;
3, (a) The siub ~.rd -ef tlie .s ~pifjcat,0r i.s t111 dccijljng ra_ctot·
J" (al Sllp~'ie J11pilil!r ooaupi~s Caprkoro or Aqner.ius: ot
tqardthg Ole ma.tiers of the: star lotd .
(b) ir is in lne· stLtr-
1 Oi 51:1:b' or Saturn; or
~b)f t:h1t: sub loird is barmon1ou:s to die l11tattee, indicald
(e) U is ia cof!j.. wi1h pr·d b}' Satur-0·.. then i'l ma;, ·
by the star lor-di rhe i1 ificator g~~~ fave,umble 01" a~ited
&e ~aid Umt- Jupiter i~' rotule'Ctffl wit!b Sotpro. ot axpectc d r s!'iul t$ ..

2! (a) Soppoi~ Jupiter i! tbe c,wnt:e ~ smr lord or sub· (cJ If the sub ford is detrimental Jo rh! matters imdicated
lord of ths a.soe ndi~g d.egr~ ( the G11$p et tbt ~st honse or t\fe); or ~ lllm star lofid1 thJe"Signuiea~,0r ,~ not g}ve favourable' or dcsvelJ
or cx:PIC'ltil results.
(b) ft tJccupnes I he: £Sit DOU~, or
(0) it &SJreC ~s :r-he Is r Jtcuse~ Gr 11.otJSf!if far dlffetHt &hjec.t m.ait't!rs
(d} ml is E,rJ the s,rar or .sttb oft~ -pt:CUfl1Hll of the 1

• lJottH; ot· A B1
(e} it is in rhe· star or sul,, of tih.c o,wner oi tile Jst ho1::1se; or Su.bJe:et
(f) it fs JJll conj~ wi{h qr· caspec;ted by tlile owo1u· of ttlie }st Longt\'U,y I,2,., 1 ~ '2 1 Badb aka-
ho.1;15,c1_ llJ;e.n ·r m·ay tiB said 1ha1 lupirer· i.s COil!nru:dJeti with tlffl ]in ousc.. Hr!aJth· l Siekness 6. Sil! 1-
:t St1pRQm S~u1 i jg the uar Jupilc ownin1 3. 12 arui' Cure S· m II ei aeas1= ~" 8-~ 12
«c1.1:pJm:g 10: and it fs JO 1be sub Sa1urn Dwn~mg J, l and Rd 11C!ation 11 Bn Ji .edGC8 tion 3~ s... S
oo,;upJjng 4._ Bu, hou~ 41 l l. 12 Sale house · 10. 5, S
To fseiJit,ate disti°'ttion l\'\feCll tlrn m:an.a,rs of (ht ,,u M1rriage 7, '2. 11 Di voice 6~ 1~ Lil
lord ud tlitos~ of 1 e ~ub 101d1 it m.ay ~ sa[il that Smtt ~
Cb I ldr-Birth s, 2. I1 Slier iUrv.
- .

lie. sfgnilicut0:r ~r JO, 3· aimd I ~: and connected with [ and

4. Tb is pi.optdUrrt 'ha~ t~oa adopied l !rrpu1~o ~, thee bout.
OJeceu 12, 11. l HomeJ nd It 8'1

Occ-u paib on 6 I 2 h ·n ,. S1
SJpif'rca t ~r aad Hs · Uil0rd ~
Mone:: • 2, 11 ~ 6 LOH
h -s~u ~ of
C-&Mimr the h1ttw:t'"S1 . r tbJ
I WD in th~ b e 1 bl~.
H rhli subject ai-aucr of t·be boU-$=s i:,hoW. fu the ColU!D.11 2.. U' lhe Cllii:ptiiJ sub lom of lb~ hn~ en,- ncc! ia
A. is 1:a be jlld~d., tbeo Uu..~ubjec:l :mauer o.f me houses. ~ow:n col11-111 n } be the Si1n,iricacor {1n Ebe nar -of le DCCU~n
in [he C.Olunm B wiJJ bc,Gomi: detriw~111a}; and 11iao W[!a • owner)i of the 'ho ec o~ hcust&. (mentioned
I m Ult a:,lumn 1 , t-

Su.ppose Suo i-'S rhe sigllliliea10l" Qn the star of th~ eccupraot en Oiillj O'Uring l he joi D t - pcrioo Ii) f Ul~ ~igniitm CO of the
hous.~ or ho:usc:s (men 1i.omfd m ffie:. oo1uo:rn, m) he 'rieisults or tbt
m o n~:.r} gJ 4~ 11 -:tod lZ, and (ht sub Janl of Sun \s. uo1
r:sxpeetcd matter {sliuN,ilil jJJll the column aric t;t:pct:icmced. The
00111])'cc:Eed with 4 l J or 121 but it is ®nau:?ed with lo. ., utl

l 1hcn SUD wilJ not bt lD a p sinora U> giV~ the dm;i,rcd Ol'
d ettnled table i.s g;t\ltn below ;

~Fc°lcd reswJs of 4:.. 1 J and 12. lf ·,he b~ i'1 ,h~ ,n she fa1m an ~'"el1t
4. The s(gniffoa.lor g~vcs during ilS p~riod, ~b-,eriod o Cwpal Siar / the ,~.riod of the h~wms
intti,-pt.'!t'i® !he wsnl ts of i Ui llUtt lfita.~ o::r ,uh lll1fd· mx.upq"' $igni]icdror8 :r~gmdhzK.
ho r~s:u Its of ll!le. -star Lo1t1 are expcriem:td nurimg tile of lw.use owner
t'J'f of btJ~
jo!o1: prriod {l.e, dudDg th~ ~riod,. s11b..period a,ud i1uer -pe ri d) ~f haw~
..or the .sigmiridHor i j[S SUll loria anti i~S 6 UO lord~ I D Ill IV
:ii The signff•ca.tot deiotres tb.ce time ,.,;heJi it wJU give tho I Health 1, ll .. Dt,1rn1a1 health
resu~ ts of its -s,l tord,, Tbe ~u b 'l ord of tfit.c rgdi ~ica-t.o · om 6I ! I 12 &._gl12 discas;e:
,~Jaetb.e;r d~ircd -results or othorwisc will 6;t obtained~ s.12, b@dhaka ~~12. badhda- daaget to Ufa
6.. Tba .;igd itiea EQr beoomes we}k Jt its· sta lord tl we.u~ me.1ata
mor1e so if its sub lord ·n1~ he wa-k. atcidieot

· Cuspid Sub 10l'il : l wealth ~Ith

L The cus.pal sl.!lb lord 'rJi • koH'ffl, indfc1des wb:etner the 1 o wei:lth
mijt s/1oiffetl b,1 thQ ! ~WO is P,(CMDi~d QI d,!L ired ,
ef tba.t _bops~ is tlt ~ri911ificarox 01
J·F'· tho ctrfpal sub ior
in service
tha .hou5e or any of tile hous lind~r roasidr:rat:iO'U. the.
~121 ~adkalu• 8, ·1. b~dbab- da~JJr lo nre
..nHJUer 1$igflfficd. by that Dou~ #iJf be promisett.
As ~ae~ h~se- deno1es ~veral ~rtjcolar attors. tJu: cb;fef
sovernor or tb: ma-U r te ia.q jud,g1.tl1 ro~y ~e takeQ i111t-0 con ..
1 4 lill'ue!Ut ion 4 911
'I • academic educeuiODr
sith1',tiDn. If it l>e co oecreEI with be ho11i;e or a11y onoi oE tbe
Jlpuse5 nn.cla, t:oos~deration., ts~jall)' w1th 1he s(ar lnrd of the B.iildiog css-es J nd r
ca1pal sa lord., ii is dai,ablc. buUc1m1i
j,: Ike j~tm· an event ../,/ Ille br in rhe tn lire, j ~
.I.I ,he, be fn lire
di'] ~Jtl
s1(IF of the pert(}tl_o.f ,the ·CusP'};l Star 9/ 1he P4rlod of l'h:e h(y,pell$
Sig11Jficator~ r~ga1Jiu11 .sub f(JN/ ,otXi;fJpan r or 8lg11iflr:a1,or~
sub lonl octupanr (Jf r.:ta.flmg
o~ner Of latJU5e& of II~~ own,r f IWU3f&
.af house
ol ho11se of ha;m

lll lV J ] 111 v
10 'lo~tion 'ldii,2 JOJ,.1? ~oea,ioa. earning
10!7.2 10.7.2 11:ldcptm.du·t vacad:on
4JJQ,. no cbUd~ birlli 3,12 3, l,,~ 10 lf ·osfer
of pl~f1iicti
.2.s., 11 Jove affail 91 Stl 9i5,,J cuoge or vutatio:n
2.1,.11 marries the loved one 9,~,l,12 9,S, 1~ l J.q:,, ef ervite
111 l

6:18, r2 ·ir.sease
S .e·ot bi1Bdi;ng 10,S.3 10,s~, salc <llf land or Qm.ililihg
6,·8,J 2,1
Jnfauiy 7,&, 12 7!1illl2 erimi al prGC«dings
l ~5.,1 I !,5, ll CDl:\C of diSQ'flSC
21~,ltJ, .sci_,l)
!! ~!CC. Jt CJIN 1,6,11 1.5,l l cum of di~snse
clianp- in ~=rri~ qain. l,6 J]J ;.,61~J gain of ·mo,ncy
pin in auy mamit:r tJ6.W~1t 2'1f6,l01] 1 p~ogress in St' rvrr:.c or
2·,6, I~
t •~s, dtild bvtll
i ' Marriage 7~11)2 1J1,,2 marriage
l·0.21, I u-o child bir lb
6,10,J o.. lo"1 absc~ pf marri d lme
1,-]0,iJ 2_1o, 11 ~mmc5s or iod~~tfY ll Overseas ]~~,3 12 9,l foreip uavel
812 I, l ~ las - in. u ••• I l 18,.2
~· stay in morbcrland
5;,.t 1 ~ -t -omhip l2~8i IJadiak l 2,.~. bndb .k a- danger to I ii,
6,ll break in partpelJlip . mirata

l 211 ace Went, infinnity
6..,8~12,l 6, ,r;:1t
D 11 oanser ffl bc:alth 3,., l 2.l O I ransfc r o p!a~scrvim
l 1 Stl l 1~s.•1 safety m lite
8~12 ti8 11 accident. imfll'mity It ffl happcms tb I the ~u5pitl su Jnrd {of lhm: prinej.p al
1?II! baclJJaka s.12, badJud:a- dim~or to life house un6er ,conah~etahon is 1101 found in die- star or ~c
ma,a~ occupant o ~ orf the owQcr of lhe: hou,s:c. or bo~s tt:view.
·om t imcs Rahu or· Kc tP ~e®·me:s t bll ~uspal sub lord of the
iru:ipal house uo ~r coasidtration aad ii occ1,Lpics neither of S _ If the planet " nd i't&.. sl-al' lord are in 6, 8 or 12 ii&n fmm
II each• ~!her J lh~ na.Uve wn I not p!IJ;e.t "ti'l!I Iii., ~..... a d-es.Jre
· . d e~•m
die boos.c or houses und~r tie\liew. ... ,~ .JI ""

duriag un,ir joint pe.t.i o,

Bu I lb·c ~spal ! -V,b lord. i rs atar lo rd and i ls :sub lord-; atso.j

R. ,bu r Kt tu are f01:.1 nd to be oonDct 1ed wHh tlle: p riacip.111

6+ u·the star lord oir· Lbc .pctiod o·r sub
. . ·il!i\er
r. 1oAi - ~ rUJ l~r L-..

atro,11a.dCii, tbe ~tive •ill ~x:pricieoec rups and dowo,s in ~neral.
ou · ot hous-es. under revi in any man ner.
7 The jdiat' peri d rulers ,~: ramty
I ii,.., rtht multi of the
ln u~h cas~ we ba - c to L -. olLU' discretion i n deu:nnining ho1111se or h.;ru8'6 ownea by 1fle iJ star lords, So their su~o lh wilt
Ille bappninl of ,n 1ve1u. So an over all v1tw of th houl _ Pf" dopetm:W on tho strengUi ol Ute~ r star lords-
moold . la ~ai. . 8. If 'Lil~ joint ,e,r~-d. wel~cs ~t ia cp1ion. (ln ~ch- other:·i
uin1 &i•1d ,ule:rs ~
s:•BD').. hi conj., ar UjXCl with !acli 0lther~ the:j in.flu - tic
I • Tilt . f)C-riod or sub affairs or eaq other. This ·s bM-t on 1h prie-cig:Jc 1ba- pla.llct
at r.Ult: · · ip O\-e,.(' CC[ a.ffa~ .:,f lirr:! e. ·l!nus is

n ooaj. \ifJtb or a ~ l d by a · ignifica:tot gives -,c nsu[- df

..e f" jO~inD O~ ~ 0 ba:rmo ~" D.l.&fT!9 '.Ct chicle or.
th, house- or h1Hism denoted by. sipifi tori
_.,,..._,:SS c .... 9.. If tb 101at rutcm of lb~ p or any ho
'.2. r · onmb c or anf:i ·oun.tb : icsuh of il UH; lord
sigpific-awr~ the utttfter sjgn:ifi,cd by hotie
lb ·,Su;> nfd -- ble f ~UfarbJt:~,
P9Tioo of di c j:)int iu1!:rs HUU ,C gi cs Ii]:
-:r1od iul~t eir tba: i1D1 , ~ri - ,natter or dunng the peri of .an. otbe:f inr of
,crs o ... diff'-eri:nl honst.J i.e. diffan: t baIJR and in th ub tli W -µ gJ _ ta f 'Ill. I "'

Libl d b~. So during llollilt l.b 1esnl ts of tb~ same matter arc
ffi(!: common. Trausits:
the .. ,;;,
ma,· An_e Viii ~ne :an. nappen-s dminu: : J t -~~
-"'-"'~"-", .0 tti:111
• · Ill:'...... ~.!!!'
1.11e SJgo1~tOfS h n th~ Ka.D.~ll a ~
r or l. - or 11
t dle lmle of an 11: 01 oo, oon OJ'D
• tufers ~ generalh fouod 10 be tT , 1 g in ;
r merit ~,j 1J1: 'DO

h (a) lhll star or sub of' the same jrun( -riol. ........_. . M ~
- ,"! d- irlh · · an · child alr=dy. i ·pcarstion ,om th-e
.;...~. i:n 111= -s~-r or su.h nf tb~ -:rioi, iub ~ int t ~ ..
I et,... aad durJng th~ .sub ~rirni of tbe sigoffi.cato of
ar/ d mokshma period tule1) or
or JI , birtb f a child wiJI 1ak1: place.
(b) .Dre stat of the igoifie.ator. of · hat t I other bn
4~ lr die S! l-01d fof t1le period rulet et,;.. occ1i1pies 4 1 8
the jojnt pt:riod it1!ersJ in tlte ihumsti)pc.
or 12 as ooEUJiilid fr m Us own sign h~sc) ij1eo rbc period or
For dctait~ of the sub Q@.Stellation th~rs refer 'to tht
sub per.ira er wUL aot gi•e £avaurarblie rcsultt< of this house. l&Utbo~i I Na hhatnL Cb.u:ttama DJ .1
(~ed b1 its siar forid}f 2.
f xample Nativities '4egrta oif rb-e 6ttt boll51 aad it m J he coiuiflOI.O u pos~t,ed
Jlorom,pe.. JJtog,,,Jm &plained: In. thls _ boo~ ror the SUG illJ rbe Stb. hau.~ J.aiplter wiU eJt.crt ih1. inriu.nce. oq th.e 5tal
.. . fiotin" th~ boro&oope 1s wtutcn in t forlll or bo~~-
.or facllir~
. i:..
mp ~- '
Air w1na QS~ vortica! Uoe fn the mid,eHe aad l\11 !f n p_!An~t 1.S Wi't)ij_n 5• of tl}e c-ti!ipll ,d cgrcc of a. hm1~
.a !adder u)' ~ · · o, . •
.·. • ":iii ~ i.nterseodng the ,rier~1ca] ]nu~~ Tho ends of t:te it ex,e[t'S-: its io.Mu.e.Dce on both th~ b.1~sts. Ia tbi1 m.-ap MetclUJ
f2.orimD"" . 110 in Tnru:uS: i"~ 2•, wbUe tbe cus n dttr• of the 3~ hou!i: JlAgi aa
v.utiole lio~ irnd the e.BdS of toe h~riJont&I lh1,es Mrvc ~ thd
withl T~u1rn'! ·f j 42,. As th iongit.udei or Ma11cuey is less 1han
.cus~ {b_;gionio,g poi nu) of th 1Jio11 ses; and signs a.Bd drsgrgs
the cusp I. ~igrec1 ~t is plai;c.d be'hi m<J the c p~1 de;& e~ But
ha·ve b!@l1 marked [hereon ·in1-d. th.e pJ!aq~t, hava bee wdlth
as 0 rcu.ry is within s· o the easpal deg~cc it is id to be 01u
either hero,,, 0 ,r a.bovf.' the cusp·al sis as us rb,e .·a,1 riltty 6:c, u
t-he 01Hp of tile !rd o.11d it :wil1 ex.tut 1ulmt influe.n..ce or, on
.shown ·in die tiliasra.m on page 2·1•
th~ 2:w.l attd lrd house$ .,
Thp ·cm R! and plane·m, of · ,iray~na horos~opes arc · )Yrittc.n
in fn~ .mit1nnar of ~i W~lililfll .l w tOSCdpe a l!ld for tfie: p u ~ ~f
Tht.. ,eui~ Dftac ·Bth: house bcaias. with Litim 6:'42'. Tb.a
langt tl.ulio o F S t LI(ll io Li M. ji_g 13 ,~Sfi '~ ll is gren e r ha \111:1
tm, boo~ iio t]IC' irayama h~0scope the cusp of a . hpuy ba'.I
cuspa I degree. S it is pi~d jn f1oat r Libra 6 • _ ., '_ m.d it is,
1,ecn ron~idcred as tho comaitn~ing pidm tiii said l<> be in t ~ Sth .b1011se..
Ttie ascendant o ·~he -a~rnding degr ~ of tbm sign ia U t1te hOUSS"S ~ n Ute bmo~ go a ffJ RI) or _ 'l l l d hm s io :-
marked at the top ,o f f flt ~erli<ml JitJe. The 11 b~krw i on the fcft T.he honse rn1y be I s ~tr greuter th n omtl ,t, es
, otbe[ ·sigas and aeg-rees 10 wriUe:n at the ends of tlle
ooti ho LI~ ma:y :eoUita i a m re th:a 11 oori iga. a tigo is
horFWBIAI Iine. " amd tacb bot1S$ is Ji'vin a serial number in 1111 furm d a:5i · ~interrcepted"

· ti· loi:kwise d i:r:er-mom, In th s m p t,110 '4th h,ou c mm flG4i r,fflDf 6 mini 1•41'
1tiserting Sig!ts and P1a1ie1~ ; fn tltc give,n hocc,soope 011 pase 21. and e~1eod~ u.pto Gemi i l6b,~:f ~ S tk~ 4 ~b bou e is ·of 25• .
.i\;gusr.1n ig· It is pleced on the cusp- of tbe I house i. ii,.. as '1tmcmston.
t.h, As~. at i he' tpp. 1lbe1t bl tow Lr, e A~c. 011 tHe h: ft s ·(le Aries T.h~ 6th nous, 0Q.Jm~1.1c~ fl"om ncer 11•42.r t1 1e n&
fl" ~i' cH, tllc cusp 0r tbe 21lld Hc.n1se; auru& i- 421 on tha
at JJ..eo 29~,, . So the lib. bcn1se co11s1sts t 3'!i" -fl 11d s9 o
3rtl~ uem-Jnu IO! 42' on tb~ 41h; Gemini 26. 4...' on the Stt
M .ltll at her hous~Ji
Canwr 23° 42' on the 61.t. and so on In tbJs way the sipll lo tid.s m p th s~ .. bigins with . g_'U& iu • 19• , n ~nds
·and dtgrC1CS On 'lll t be 12 ausps ol he lwuse:s have been writtt(I at r res "6 42'. So th wl\ le i a _;$e i. conta;in,t.!d in t
dQ wa in an ant 1-r:l~ckwi ~e direct ion. lst tlOU!i aod f i ceg i~ l rmod nttrGCptcd'. Hcace tht lsat

,bpuse cQnt io.s ,moie. than nc sign and ii is f :r1• 3 ' dimension~
The cusp of the 6th ho HU bet.I g wi (h Cad~ 23 • 4:2'•
v~nLis in pj· .., is ,g''4-2'. s it is pl~ i-n, front or Pi as · iu
th! lougitUlf}c df Jupiter iu, Ca r Js E 4-8'. It is less than tfla
the rirtt bOlilse and it will o~er:t its ~11flue:nc. 0,11 t l · h911~
-edipe i d~'ree. of the 1J11!1:-1l;.
Ul b fU1AI!
..I ~l'l iif i nfo,....... rJ 1,,...11r1 intil r he cusnaI
. .. c the l!lld of 9'.cb horoscope for tfle sake at
. • 1 Saini
.AJJftfOIIJIJ{Jfur - n
~ d-
te y uvdm can mg,
• •
a. table howmg the sign anal liouse- OCCup'ied
Pe.mak- Dinh l - S-1196 riday; ~ A.. & ~ I M~ *'
• ,·he rsta r lord and sub lo,d of eve,ry plan t is. :23N4-S, 91 £30; Ayao~m:aai z2• 1 '
by eru:h IPJan,., ·
·"en in th~ abb1c:via1td rorm. Ase
- <'I,,, ..A
S• .::>1-J 0., l"'J,
Moon Ma. Mars,, Me. Mercury,
J. Supit,er I-
~q,uari.a 29·8
V.. vmu , .::,....
0-:1 s·~tu
n1~ R • Ra.bu aad K . Ket'll, Pi~~ MaA 11-t;t
CDUS 29.42 RD.bu
Ar.. Aiie1 Tr_, Taurm. Gm. Gemioi, CD. Cancer,
C'O, il"JO, I.:i. Libt ., Sc. Soorpjoj Sg. Sagittadus, p. A,k, 6·42 -
- - -•------,eaptltom 42 IJ
S 111 0 )8·45
Clflt,, Aq~ Aqu~rius a,nd P-t Pirocs.
Mer. 2-0
pJ,, PJa.n~r .. ,So. $jgn. H~., H,ou rc,1
t,, .1ar and Su. Sub.
Taum.r 6·42 - -...........- · ----Sagitlar.i 26·~ lL
aint PJu. 19·8

' Ncp~ 24-1

mind; Jupiter moral,.
JJlnts. J Sun d~11(1tts spirit· Moon
religion n~ pbUoaophy; nhir11 me1Utatio,n, ren'unc:iation, ~nee;
M,oon 2·S2
,4 Gmdnl I ·42 - ~iHariu1 l· 2 I
etu QJ1t!11.rnU11h111 111in lhoml.
s Oeminl 26~42 'Sutrplo
Hous~ ~,1 and 1.2, 1n:er,, co,1_pia a.nd Pisces show
spkituoi' mendcn,oies. Tha '9th boU5:e and Sag,~U rius demote morals,
Uran. '"

clcvo1 f n. pbilos bf, teii ,on~ huuitio,n, r~r.sfghtedness. '1e 5th

1 Jup., 8· B
btu1St dcnor,s ~pirituol prAclica~ ,h i I 21h hou ~, 1r-sacrificct,'. 6 Canter 3·42 I
c h• ~, n, rienuncraitio~, em 11cipotJon.
Ke Lu 7'9~0 'lirg
2 ( ) Jf the sub lorJ 1tlf 'l hr A~e. (out-loo- ) be the 111· I:. 'D 2 ·B
~ilJCillOJi (,1 lh lor, or
the oc mpnmt or ~ IJDr-) f 3 (mcntol 1
trend}. 10 ( i ma) n111d I :2 (,c,,u,u i- tion>; r co1, uected hh 31

Pl. Sn. HJ,, ·. t'. u. RI~ Hs.

10 nd 12: lao W'ilh SI turn u,a native ltnns own rd ren n· ., I "·

' .
UlfJon ,
S A.r. ·y R
M 10 ••
(ti) Jf 1·bc &Uh· lt>Jd of. Uic !1th eu p (rutf1ln1tnt ot dtsire1) Ma. g:, I J l I R R
be ~ sigo1drator (m the 1tar or the oacu~nl r ow11 ,r) of. S Tr. ".')
J " Lo. K: J
and IO~ or coaac te with S and JO the n ti a(!hi ves .spiri· J c. s 11.
lual •U -nmcn•.
_ - g t\ • 'Ju thi Ii ru -up U•c •lh I ,rd o ,. Rt •·ldt1t;lo11tn 11ill1k
( t/UIJJ' 1f~il
~ . , I - '

,1 nn (.
111,u,~ u· ~. In 1kl ,u · v 1\U fuut h1 Un, Mult! t1· th ! 1-11-HU I
.~ T h
u ' R P,d Id • tS11i .,
I~'Ii;! \I ' CIUJR tHN
1r •i, r 1.J
II' ' (~plrhu
h l \) tol\~ I
N (,()~ 7~ II 59~
; l gunUl ~,~ ic i. i,11 'tlu1 w Her ,i n (o -voU t;t) 1111~,c
('lflli n,, 1. , - , , i
• •. J 'Tlw ul1b loJrl Rahu - i;:upu; 12 ,ra1un~ml cnr),.
( ric n1un1, JO o ., ,1 , ~
il'l!J _
il is n conjuu tltnl with 1hc o,~u1:1r c'f 9 ( mo1 ul :I! n:li ,io11 t 1

LS-1 2- - - - .....- - -;-ifrf. u,. 12 12

bit oph~t) iJars .. Snn is in d:Ju rirt, &jAR - rie~ (!!ie:l1f rcmtra io();
it is ,e te:d by Saturn tha rcolus:e o~tuing J nod Jl. hu tha
. tJl,1 .ford of rho Ase. is councoLed with 3, 81 12 a11d ' -atum; IC~l2-- - ________.. Pf!cAf
al,.o the si.1,ns or s,p irilual qualit1i~;s;ll He,nce. lh~ aut.i,r,c bas· I L n 2!1 SOR
• R ahu
Ufa ~ 01Idl1 ti~s and ilUeres~.
J Jtl• cemp (Ssai11o.rias 1-01• 42') ; The sub lotd of the I 1la 4, Leo 1·11 A(Jl1tmu:5 1'·1Z 10
cu lP is SlllDij Hentt t.he spinuual aLtain_rot-u.t a,5 di,s1r:US:scd.
Ketu S-!4
Period : The oatlve \\las born dllrimg the period of C;tu with 5 Jrlr,so 9·] 2 CCJ[!t{Cl)nl l0· l2, 9·
llalancD of 51¥~ 3M! 210\ T.hctcafmr. theJ native has m .o ~uo th
S,at. 2B·t0
(Je'fio<;ls of Veott1J.. Su:q, Moon~ M ,i!U'S el~ AlJ ibc piands em:e Mo.P
t:hm sigll!ldicators of ~pirit11al aHafulment. flen~o the Mti'¥i:, ~s- v~. Ul l
eom h.e.r early s~ , ~vea u-p; worhlly tics and Jute.rests.. She· is 6. Libra 16~12 ~~git tonps 15•12 Bl
Mer. i3·35
a saint~ She is shri ADaJDd mayiji of Bem_pL Mars ~15
2. •~ oJotionary Think••
A ~ (T~ums .#J•511): I this bortasc6Pe tbc sub lmfl of I S1t0 2:S-41
8corp1fJ 10-S .
tn Ase, is I:DUS~ Jt is in its owa stu and in the su6 R$u. ~
Th~ star Jord V.enus own& t~e
Ase. (in~Jvidu I ity), it oecupies-
8 <m~e ~ in Sa1i1tarius (re.VQLuoonary, r,;u:lit-al, fa~ijliJlcaQ.,. Pl. Sn. II&~ s, Su. Pl .. n. Rs~ ll~ ~u..

·v ~ •Sa.

Jl.hilo~o[l1Der ~ .research ·schoJ ar). 1t is in conju tle.Ho,u wUh file s Sc11 7 S:g. ~ R
ownrr of l (mc1u~l qu-al~ti~s-) Moan (mlmd); the OI\Vm1u of 9 M ~ B Sa. Sg. 8
(hil)ler mmd) Sahuu the lllcaitalor~ die owner of Si (spiritual JMa. S& 7. K J R Pi. 10·11 -a. v
pmc,~) ie~cuiry (1111.soniaij and th.: owner of 12 (ps~chic ra... M1. 8& 7..g y: v IC V,g. ,~s s v
$C8 rcb) ;Jars. 1R (!If. 3 Mt. Sa. ,
~ HOROSOFT - osho ll/12!1931 17:13:00 - [K.P. System]
Vlmsottari nasa ~ File Edit Display Print Utilities Options Tools Sales Report Help
Balance ofDasha - Ven 6Year 5Month 26Day GeneralSignificators
Cus Planets on Star ... Occu ants Planets in Star Owner Owner Lord
Venus 20 Year Sun 6 Year ~oon 10 Year
1 Mon Mer Ven Ven Fort Fort
Ven OO,O(J.0000-00·'00'0000 Sun 06'0611938-23 0911938 Mon 06106.'1944 -061041194i 2 Mer
3 Jup Mon
Sun 00,00!0000 -00'00'0000 Mon 23 '09 1938-25103 11939 Mar 0610411945-05/llll945 4 Mar Ket Sat Ket Sun Rah
Mon 00100,0000-0010010000 Mar 2i '03 11939- 31:07'1939 Rah Oill 111945-0710i ll947 5 SunJup Mer Ase 12
up Ase 12 Ura
Mar oo•oo,0000-0010010000 Rah 31,07, 1939-2410611940 Jup 0710511947-05 09'1948 6 Mon Mer Ven Ven Ura
Rah 00100,0000-00 100 10000 Jup 24'0611940-12i0411941 Sat Oi/0911948-06,04119i0 7 Sat Ket Sun Jup Sun Mar Mer Mar
8 Mon Mer Ven R... Mon Ven Sat Jup
Jup oo ·oo 0000-00100 0000 Sat 12!041941-25'03/1942 Mer 0610411950 -05 0911951
9 Rah Sat
Sat lll121193 l -06106/1934 Mer 25 '0311942-29/01/1943 Ket OS/09'1951-OS ,04/1952 10 Rah Rah Sat Ket
Nep 5 11 5 11 Rah
Mer 0610611934-06'04'1937 Ket 29''0lll943 -06 0611943 \'en Qi/04 '1952 -OS/1211953 11 Jup
Ket 06 04/1937 -06'0611938 Ven 06'0611943 -06 0611944 Sun OS/12'19i3 -06,06il954 12 Mar 8 8

PrimeSignificators ~
Star Si nificator Of H. No. Sub Star Si nificator Of H. No. Sun
~ars 7 Year Rahu 18 Year Jupiter 16 Year
Sun 2,5,7 Rah 8,9,10 6 10 6 10
Sun Mar
Mar 06106il954-02111119S4 Rah 06 06'1961 - 1710211964 Jup 06 06 1979 -24,0711981
1 1 Mon 1,6,8,8 Sat 7
9 7 9
Mar 4,7,12 Jup 2,3,5,7,11 Mon Mer Mon
Rah 021111954-20111119Si Jup l7'0211964- 12'0711966 Sat 24'0711981-04!02/1984 Mer 1,6,8 Ven 1,6,8
Jup 20lllil9ii -26110!1956 Sat 1210711966- 1810ill969 Mer 04'0211984 - 12,0i 1986 Jup 2,3,5,7,11 Sat 7 Mar Ven
Sat 26110119i6-0i/l2119i7 Mer 18105 1969-0611211971 Ket 12105.11986- 18104/1987 Ven 1,6,8 Rah 8,9,10 Sat Mer Ven Sat
Mer 0511211957 -0211211958 Ket 0611211971-2311211972 Ven 18104/1987-17/1211989 Sat 7 Mar 4,7, 12
Rah 8,9,10 Ven 1,6,8
Ket 0211211958-01,'05'1959 Ven 23'1211972- 2411211975 Sun 17112!1989-05110/1990
Ket 7 Ven 1,6,8 Degree Sign Sub S.Sub Degree Sub S.Sub
Ven 01/05/1959 -30 06'1960 Sun 24'1211975 - 16'11'1976 Mon OS/1011990 -04/02,1992 Sun Seo 25: 34'48" Mar Mer Rah Ven Tau Ven Mon Ven Mer
1 22: 13' 28"
Sun 30:06il960-0ill 111960 Mon 16'1111976- lS'Oi/1978 Mar 04102/1992 - IO/Ol 1993 Aspect @ Mon Sag 22: 20' 37" Jup Ven Sat Mer 2 Gem 16: 49' 26" Mer Rah Ven Sat
Mon 05 llil960-06'06'1961 Mar 18'05,1978-06 106 11979 Rah 10'0111993 -0610611995 mllll_ Sun Mon _Mar_Mer _mDI Ju _
Ven _ Sat _Rah _Ket _Fort
Mar Sag 08: 07' 58" Jup Ket Jup Mer 3 Mon Sat Mon Rah
Can 11: 11' 37"
Mon BQIN CONJ --- OPPS Mer Sag 13: 29' 38" Jup Ven Ven Ven 4 Leo Sun Ket Jup Ven
08: 37' 39"
Mar SQ... --- Jup-R Can 29: 44' 12" Mon Mer Sat Jup
Saturn 19 Year Mercury 17 Year Ketu 7 Year Mer CONJ --- SQIN SQ... OPPS 5 Vir 11: 13' 17" Mer Mon Mar Rah
Ven Sag 19: 16' 15" Jup Ven Rah Mer
Jup BQIN 6 Lib 17: 26' 48" Ven Rah Sun Sun
Sat 06f061199i -09,0611998 Mer 06 06•2014-0lllll2016 Ket 06'06'2031-02111/2031 Ven CONJ OPPS Sat Sag 28: 33' 57" Jup Sun Mar Rah
7 Seo 22: 13'28" Mar Mer Mon Mon
Mer 09 0611998- 16'01'2001 Ket 0111112016-2911012017 \'en 0211112031-010112033 Sat QINC Rah-R Pis 08: 28'31 " Jup Sat Ven Ven
Sun OIIOll2033 -09,0512033 Rah SQUR SQUR QUIN -- OP... - Ket-R Vir Mer Sun Ven Mar 8 Sag 16: 49' 26" Jup Ven Mon Sat
Ket 16'02'2001 -28103 '2002 Ven 29110'2017 -29'0812020
08: 28'31 "
Ket 9 Cap 11: 11 ' 37" Sat Mon Mar Rah
Ven 280312002- 27/0512005 Sun 29108/2020-0610712021 Mon 09i05 '2033 -0811212033 Ura-R Pis 22: 37' 45" Jup Mer Mon Jup
Fort OP... --- OPPS OPPS --
Sun 27. 05/2005 -09105 '2006 Mon 06'07/2021-05,'1212022 Mar 08'12/2033 -06 0512034 Nep-R Leo 15: 05' 33" Sun Ven Ven Sat 10 Aqu 08: 37' 39" Sat Rah Rah Mar
Mon 09,0512006-09/12/2007 Mar 05 '12/2022-02/1212023 Rah 06 05'2034. 25 0512035 Pis Jup Sat Mon Rah
Plu-R Gem 28: 49' 07'' Mer Jup Sun Mon 11 11:13' 17"
Mar 09'1212007 - 16'0112009 Rah 02'1212023 - 21 '0612026 Jup 25105 2035- 30!0412036
Fort Gem 18: 59' 17" Mer Rah Mon Ven 12 Ari 17: 26' 48" Mar Ven Mar Rah
l>a~ 1.< '1\1 '11\/'\l\ 1'l f t 1 111\t I T, ,_ 11 tv; 11\1.< 1 .< 'M titnO -~" 1011Un01~ _OR1Mno11
,.,1 R (!bu (d inJoma t) is in Pi~ccs (ps,chic. rescafeh)
The sub ,o£u

:,a.i .11~- · ~itlefil, if lhi!i $1lb lord, ~ the sigo.ihator (h1 the m11
• ( t rnbidoos). II i.s aspootcd by the owac, Of of tbe occu1p ant :or oWDer) of t be, badlna.k · ud, lbe Wti!&la
n the UJlh 1um1~, .au . _

.s J . i'""'r (nbiloropher) and the ow.ller- of 12 (Mars ),i

(my!'i Ecry) · uPh'io' \!!;'" ·· b:o...sies_ ic 1s not a good a~p. rdr Loog 1i£e .
lbu ne sub lo1d or the Atc1 is oorinect«I·-with I~ B ·~d L1k:ew1set der the sub lords of the 3rd an;d ·the 8th
com~ m
io. Hen-ce rhe inHive ~e..1iruMousJy pr:c$ermb tlte plulosopby of lrfie cusps also.
in a radfeaJ and re.voEu t ionaJy w,y Ii
z. The l:louse1 l S and J arc far. lom1,eviey. Tib~ l'lth to

The, ronjoriry of plaDe't!; 11rc 111 fire signs.. So the idea or any pill!rth::~Jor bou!;e dena f,.1 n 00 -e:xi~rcttoe: of lbe maner slgni-
!eW.. re, na.Jm l as depict.r: cl by the u1u Ive i! unique~ T,lu~ reali~ti~ iied by t bat im;,tic-011a.r hpHse. So the hou~ 12 ( t 2,b t.c l},1• 1
5,bin Tauru 51 j, 09 tkr: As-<:. Venus is. the owmrt:ir of As:c,.,, iJ iA (12th to l ) ~n.d 2 ( llth to 3) urn k.nowd a~ 11lar ka (de.alb
olw ~me .0 b !onE of the As-=~ .Mot10 v~r ,. Venufl is m tts own
-de.a I icng) boM~1
.s1· Ji. V,enma Jtacds f'or the re li t.ia ,enjoy.m,of of lirt. Th111

The bouR J l ~s badbaka (ba.rnltfu1 to Ure) to th01e born

the n,ur~tt's o,f life is haszd an the tiAJi t'ic wn_y of in movable ,~1rns as thndr Arsp; 1ba tch for (bq,11 tmr,n in .rl~cd..
enjoying life~ t.igns a1uE tb,c 7th fQr these b,or.n im common signs.
/ l t!J QIMP i( ~~ 9• 1:2'}; Tbc q,ub lord of the l Hb 011111 The bAdln~ka hou&&· ltfr= more hHmfilf'.1 1b1n the nt1talc·1
i e~,..m. Heo~ n dis.:us!cd abo"e Cbt nat'ive 11ubrals the llcn1oos,~ So for cltalh consider fint tbe: baJibatl bousc amd thren
mas-, jnaludins U1s in e)ligtJil lt ia by lds convincing rgumentl tbc tt1JU'oka bousb. Sau1rn bi Nhm c.hlef aoverBOr or lcu~ge\'ity.
and reif1s,oorirn1i Thus be i . ,u~pssJa~ jn preaobimg bi• ,d ootrino
J. ;ftiu, ls to Hre drudns rho joint period of Oui
or philo;opJ1,y o.r life,.
nmnifican,rs :o f 1tte badhaScQ. e_nd maral<a ~ou:1as
Phi& j the. lloros_co,Pf or Dm: who. !11 d r.cvoluUouary tbinkc1:,
4. Suptp9Je Ure joint r'Lllers of tbe Ase.. or Bib or 12th
pJdtoBopner a ad· edti~
cusp be the signiticaJor111 of tie ·b adkak~ "e d mamka houus
cQnd tb1 DUI ive is born duri n.g tll~ jojo.1 per io.d of mes~ jpint

शििु मृत्यु दर
-ut J"i~ I.hen their jro~nl p.criQd UJ v.e:cy critical for t1fc.
H(mf ; t. I[ !he: sub lord of the As:t% (asRrnlia,; des-tee)
A.SC r(Arl'"'' l(t'1"(') : The- Ascti i1 jointly rultd b.J Mars
be tlle o-wur of fhe house :
(6tign lord}, Ketu (sta[ lotd), Saturn fsll!b to1dl' nd San (hb~. fo d).
{aj 6. 8 or 12 a dior.t life (upto 3.- years} .is indicated. They .all arc tbc aignffiQiaiora or tbc hadJ)aka .and marata

(&) I, .Sil 9 ~
"Or 10 a long ,]if~ ~yond .66 yea-rs)..
r) 61 8 oi: 12 am . I 5, ., 1

• or HJ a mtiddle life (ue.J:o 66 ,Btli mup (Seo, pio. 10'*St) ~ I l is jomtly goverm.:d by M"am
Jtan\ is denoted. ( i~ lord). Sahu;a (star lord)~ Suro (sub lor-0) and Ketu (sub

J fnfQJ!ll MartaJft:, t1b .lord),. f£bc&1: J{Hd m1t:H 0ir~ si.mi r twk ,tit tbi ~ -
M:JJie.. nirtb 6- 1-l9S5 Thund·ay: 1-20 $c0 they .a ·o are- 1be iJplfic_ator1 r ·11i~ badbka and co.ara
A,an msa 23 Q o '1 fl! ho~•~
J6it1t per Io:d : J Th ii. chi Id was bor:o during ti c: ReliiodJ of

Mo~n with ba:~alia, :of oY· 11MJ 3P~. I t was runnin1 lbe: jom
2 Taii/UJ
lO·Sl---"""" ----Pl5t~IS pcricd cf Mii:,ofl. enus:1 Sarum and Mooo,; a~ lthe,=.j_l)i Dlt periud
22-, 11 Mani of' M Oo~. Veu:us, Salum and. .h'hlfS w, [n,m 7-1-1~$,

Up'to 11-1 ... 19:jj.. Alli tfu~sc joUM. ~iod rulers al'e the 1ignifia101&
____...., ___.,............_ Cal!fl'cu.rn 27· S2 11 of the. badha:Jca and marakk houses.
l 6enlini '.5 1 Sl-
K-etu 12~0
l.i A~ the Clil1pal jQim .m]urt of the A!C. ~d Uie 8th 11$?
.4 Cancu O·.S2- ___ .:.......;;;;...-...- Copricort1 re the si;gmiJii.rn,thr of lhe ~badbal:a and ma.ran hou.RS, hc-
1Uran. 2·58R hild died illslantPnausly c.buiog. th~joint period of the badha~

1.lli.P, j.~R ond mar1k-a siinrfi atQr8; in foree at the: tinie nf birth, ,on
!rJer·I 29~13· 8-J-19.SS.
St1n 22.. s
Rabu 1~0 a. Th"t: p.enod rt1ler MQ;a,n. is i its ow:n star fo the. matabl
s Conur 27mJ.2 agfrtarlus S-52 house 2 a11d m tllo rub Venus QiWPias the maraR hDU!-CS '2 aad 7~ So 1t ilS the 1iJDifieator of the .mamka! and conoc.·

. . . . . . - . . . - j,,ii,,i,,,ii--- Sc61'pls LD,52

ettd witfl lh'C mart ta llaruse:s. The star Moon is -a-s-pcejetl i, I.he
ma.rat~ Venus. Ju: sub V1enus 1~ a11ecJted by t'tiJe maraka .l~p,hc.r
' Ptr o l·S.2'
V:en. l·SS owming I':I.

t. ·~41 The ob pc,rsod r1JJl•r Vnuli is in the .t u Saturn ownitgg

lbc badhab house JI am_i oceupy1pg tbe marai~ li'onse 1-, it 'ii·
Lfbra ICJ·l7 iq the ,uh Mer,cu11 owot1111 6.. SQ it is tbe badh.a ka-mar,aka
"l''I. Rs. St Su. Pl. s·nw, Hs.
~,. Su.,
sJgnUi~;Oor amd connrctrcd wuh . Tb.c , tar Saturn is -.peclea
b,y tho owner cl J Ma~. Th~ sub Mercury hr as.peered hy the
s: t v, Sa. v Se. Sa~ Mc. tiadbaka owne,r Sa;uurm~
j M
.R ,,, '
Mep The iltllM" period ruler Saturu is in tile &1ar J,u~~w the
IQ&ran ow11e;r of ll i!Ud it i'.s in t~, subr. Mercury owniQg 6~ So
s,~ s
~ J
K Gm~ j R Sa.
it is be maraka sig1ifiea1or .and ,eonoccitw:d wilh 6.
Thei period. n.1Jeir ~~a~s s i11 the 'S tat J Lipltef and ·
in the subr MoOJl. A~ d~s~ed:· abQvc U is Lhe maraka sign:iic:ato1
,4 ,. 'mfmtJ Mo~lolU,:
pd a,;n.nected wit• Lh~ 11'~ Ira hcn1se 2. The star Jupiuu ~i Mal". RrirtH 1.4=-2....1973 Wad,noq~,; ~
aspecli:d bf tbe bodhalca owner Saturn, The si1b Mooil i s - ~ 12• 3j; ,\yaoam511. '23•23' . '5 P.Md.S,T; ~,vt
;11y tho 11 araka own_;r. Vei1rua.

J 4.. I maul: .Motta.lity 7 Gemini 21,.37 12

1. J2t/f cu.sp (Gemini n· 37 1
In t.Jtis,-boroscopc Cancer 26°
K ·i :tu
, .,, ; OJ!I rtll~ Afc~ The 12th. lu)uie d~ notesc al \'at ion. U is Joi o l!J

11.dcd by MGrcury (:sig:•1 lord)ti Jupiter, (s1ar Jt.rd). Veou (.,Jib Plra. ! l·Ba
.3 Virgo 21-37 - - Ii.! •.
27 J7
laid) and Ra1lu (iu,f, sub lordJ. 'JJiey 11~1 Qrc the sipific:a!lors ~or 1he 11
Umoi 29·,J2R 2.a.1 s
ba.d ludc1.1: and mat~~a houses,~ II
, _,_
4 LlSrQ 24·37 •-
l. Joinl pieritJI: 'Ibfs t~mld WQs born durhBig th.a jo b1t
.peri~d Df lf1upit~r~ Me1tcu ry, V nus ~and lbh_th
Tbey all art simJJs- Nc:p..
w du.~ joJi}1 r U1[1t, i or tbe MUJ1 el..-sp. flon oe 1·1\e. pbild di,1d 5 !C"Orpio
du1in1 tneiir jo nt period lmm~ia(ACIY three: days after birth on.
Mani 81•,I2
17-~J97:t Rah'- 21 !! I
3. T-t0-,r11~, ; Co I i-2-.1!}?, Moo Lm s• 51~ was ia tha 6 Sag ll1tartr11 27.3:, .- I
- .·

AquDri11.1 n.37

SL'.lb RaJn1 ~tho sookihmf pcdod rul~r). J11ptfcirt ,Cap'ricorn s• Zl' er 1.5-w 5
Sun .. J
wasr in th~ &ab Ml.rcur)! (tl1<1 uh period ruler),. arcllr1 Aqua·
,11:1 , 20~ 12' wn~ Jn tho star Jltp~car (the p1rlod ruhirj, Vin u.1i Jup~ 4· 41 1

~pricorn 21 • Jl' w-~ in ils otvn QUb. Ven. 18 48


Caprle'Ort1 l6~J7
4. The µ,tied rulor. Jupiter i i a l he ator SQ t1d i a 1ha
· ub S:atltrfl. Time tda ,r S n own 9 Hie mat a ta h~u e 2 o d eceu -
pJ~ the mprak:a house 7·j The sub SmturJt ownf the mat~ house
Pl. Sn. HJ . $(. ,. 'Pl. Sn , .tis. Sr. SujJ
1 and 8. Sb Ju.piter is the si'g.nJ ft ca tor of lite mlfa ka houies, and
s Aq. '7 ,a, K Cll· 6 M Ma
Gn,. 11 J Sa.
tol\lTJ~Qfed whb U1c w.uulko bou~e. li shl,r Sun is in oonjan e"f tr. U) M K
Sg. 5 K J R
ffo.n wilb tha ow,er -of 12. _ (W,roury), gqd fl i! agpocted by lhe "!1~ 5 ¥ J
Ma~ Aq. g
()W ner r R{SBJtllrm )~ J €p. I' It
s ft,
K . a1. ]J J J
The :snb period Mercury is in the star llahu and m
5. Lo.a, lioJMr m fnj41U;P
the 11ib eto.. Tbe srar .Rahtll b!ing in e s1ar ,e:nl.15 the badhak
0iwnm- a~ooita the results 01f the badha.ka house. Th• sob Keru .ale. Birlh 29....J-193J Sunday; 1-S:3
sN 551 12B 54; Ayan~a 12•49 ,
s. •••
occupies tht badhaka house l J • ~ Mercuty is the badhaka •

The inter petiod Veaus is in the: star Moon in tbc st11b Metcfll'Y. The sfar Moon occupies the. hadbaka
house 1l. The .sub Msrcury .owm the mar.aka house 12., ocCUpics 12
t:be ma_rid(a houe 7. Thi, star Mooo is in .oonjuoctio,o witb Ven~ 25 ·13
Kctu end aspcctcd by the maJeffc ·Mars, 'Flle sab Mer.c.utJ is
in 'oonjonction with the ,owner of the maraka house. 2 (Snn)
.3 Sagiltarius 29 -t~
s~---- ~ -- - 1Y:irgo
Mer.. 8·41
and aspect-ed by the owner of 7, &(Satlll'n). So Venus is the Sat. 14,29
badhata significator aod connected with ·, he meraWa hmi,es. Sun 15.4r
The sookshma ~rk,d ruler Rahu is m the Jtar Ve us own·
iog the badbaka house 1 J and in tbe sub Japiter owolng 6. Venu Jup., 19 46R
i in coojunctfon with Jupiter.. So Rahu is the badhaloa si i· Ma,:.s 27·Sa
Nep. 16~47 II
iicator and connected w~th 6 and t'no badkaka house.
4 .4qu,ariu, K tu 1,_.37
5. Lost Mother in lnfancy; I· 11 .- - -- -1.- - --L(!;o
1-11 10
Rahu 16.~j 7
Jo tbi~ horoseope Libra 2?• 2.7 is on ffie: As.e. qrfie native Moon 22 .. s
is born dndng tbu period of Jupiter wi1h b"ala.nee or 3Y. 6M. oo.•
S Pisces <::a.ucer
Al rllit 11me of birUi he wa1 runnimg, the jpint pt:riod of lupiter 3· 11--- - ---·----- ---Gemini
Ura~ 27-2 29·11 Sa111rn. ,ve may now examin heir efrccts on the Joqgevi ty Pio. 29·8
of the n~t il'e "s mother 6 Aires
41}1 nap (Agi,arim J" Jl'J ! It becomes the Ase. r~ the 3.-11-s---.......-;1- . ,____i i li'T:auru.v
na,tjv ' mo I ct. As couated from 1b 4rih usp rhc p·eri(Jd ruler 29·22
Juprtet become the owner of rhc mother's maraka houses 12
trogradew It is in the star Sun aod io the sub ahu. Pl. Sri .. H.~. ,. u, ' Pl. .Sn.. Rs. 8t..
Th - ar. lord un is rh owner of 7 nd occ1i1pie L2 f the S Cp. 3 M Sa. ~ 2 v e.
oth r .. Ih smJb lord Rabu is in lh. J t or the mothc'r. Ag. 4 J Sa. Cp. I
he ·tar l<1rd B n rs ·a conjune1ion widi atur'D owniog ·l M a L4?. 10 R 4 R v
n a·rcury a, ni a and 8 of the mother. o it becomes e. p. 3 ,
JR Le.
le. 10 v. I
m lcfic aod ' ~lictcd. lO R
Tb~ sub lord Rahu is aspec1ed by ·the retrO,&rE\de malefic
Mars and tlie owner of tbe mother's maraka houses 12 11nd 2:. Th,c .sub Jord V~Dll& own
asp!Ct'3:d by the OWlflm,r of 2 and
f]upiEer). Soi il ~comes ma ~ef.ic and affl.iced.
Brn.:-e tbs; period .ruJer Jnei ~r is tlle trong tisnificator of the
mot.lets moraka houses 1 and 12 and conmeeted , itb tbe ->.sc.
of the mothe-r. u become more malefic: becae~~ i'ts.s1ar lo[d and
sub lord both a1e malefic and aff!ic(ed, So its period will pro"c
i ta.I to the: Hfie or rhc oati\'e,,-s mother.
J,Jolh r s 81h a1sp (Vif'go 3" 11 "):": Tbc mb period ruler.
ruin i we ~u:b lord or rhe moth r'i Stll cus,p,~ It is io the
st ·f.a;on and in the sub Jupi,ter. Saturn owns l and it is in
comjrudt(ion \1itk Suru o omg the mar , liovse 7 and 1 l~roury
ownin 6 and 8 io the 12th o the mother.
The- sta~ lord oon is, i1~ conjunction with Ra.bu ttiet
mai~fic 1!d th1: lst of the mother. :u is asp«cted by the malefic
ilrs and the owner of the moth r's maraka liouses 12 ud 2
Jupd,r (lht: su lord qf Saturo). .r hu bath Moon and Jupiter enus the inter P rjod ruler is ia its own
ar-e mah:fic in effc t to the mother. tiadJiaka house 9 uu in dle ub Mere
Heaet: rh cuspal .sub lord o,f. 8 bcco,mes alfli<;ted and malefic the mother.
tor the mother~ Sntarn denot~ Jingcrisg It is connected
'liitb 6 1 8, ~2 and al o {he maraka J.tout~ - and 1 of the
mor.hcr, So aft,er the birth of the nau,~ his mother wU] uffer Tra'!fs:its : Glo 27-1~193.>, Slltl IO
fro.m lingering di6etfs.¢. Jupi r lhe perio,J rulrr.~ Venus L O ·,n .1., ,.:;
L:J wn ;3Car
If.other e Ase. (Aq,uarius r• J 1'): ~be sub Jord of the motber.' s the in~r perion IuJer. Mcrcl!lr V3'r n
, • .. 11.,
lO t e stair Mar&
ASCi i s Mercury. It is in tae star Sun and jo .the- sub Venus.
1 lhe stromg mataka sinuificator.
:t-. .0 0'"' n
ti"br wa, •JQ the
As couot cd from the 4tb cusp (matber's Ase..) Mercury owns 6,
lign owned by Venus.
8 and ·occupjes 12.
The star ford Sun owns tb~ maraka hom 7 a11d occupies
the maraka bonst- ~ It is in co,njunction with Saturn owning:
l and Mcrcuty ownhrg 6 and B. 3
, . Air Crash H lnss; . Coo~id-=r th-c hous_es 8 and 12 fo •idc~t~ Marni. 1

_ _ 1899, Sunday; 3-12 A.M.L,M.Ti 21

N 411 1uuro 1, Rab u and etu cau'SC aecideots. me bou~os 1 (healt'3).
22·21'. (abSenoe of ~,ic~u~ b:ing [2!b to 6} and 11 (absence ()f
osp1italis.a tion br;, 12 tb to J 2) denote- s.afety from any danpr.
2., lf the sub lord of the Ase.• &th or 11th CUlfiPi or ~ the
Saglaor(t1s 13·41
~qjn1 rulers or lhi: Ase., 8th or llcb Gd.Sp be the sigoificatot11 _
[Jaho l 3.30
·ven. 2 l ·3'9 ~ i n 1be star of the oceupant or owner) of B or U the l'l~ti'\llt
Sat"' 29.55 ·s Jj Jce)J to mcc l with an KCld ent.

.2 Copri,corn
16·41 ·- -----= ...------Scor.pio
Uran .
19·41 12
tiesl' Gemiaj,
uci ve to, asaidents. ..
Libra. 1 agittarhu and Cap:ricora ·am

3, Jf the sub lord of the Alic., Sth. or 12th c11tp be tb.e

~-r. 1-3~.
igniticator (in the,r of the occ pant oir owac,) of 81 l~ or
Sun 7-45
22.41-~ - ~ ~ Lil,ra 24'-41 11 adhaka· liouse and connected with malc6es. ctrdtnal or \'iolent 1

3 Aq~arlns J11p. lr-7-49 igns viz.. tie , Tauru , Leo Scorpio, Sqittarius or Capncorn
10 e. native meets with a s:udden death.
25-41 Virgo 25·41
4 P1scl!s 4~ A:cc1deor& and unaa ural deaths are cau eel du iag the
Loo 22-4[ 9 int pedn of the 1igoilicators or. 8 and 12 T ot tht cu pal
5 ArRi· 2A··4L
oinl r.Ulurs of 8 and 12.
eanc~r 16·41 I
6 Taurus Ji).41
S. If th,c sub lord of. the th or. 12,h sp ba th sisn ficator
Plu, 21-20
:ZS· i 5 im the liHlf of I he OCCUpllQt o I , 5 or Il the
2 • 9N ativ.e urp e the dan1c~ 1 d joint period f the
'gnifit·ators or 11 S and 11 .
Kou 13,3Q Mars 27·l9R
BtA cu p (Cano~r. 1611 41 '): In i
13.. ~1
3 • ll ' A ~, I1 ·r,n ;J i vc c
of tile 8 h CLI p ii f h~
,t Pl /{ti. ,. Lhe ti., rcur "I tbo

.C.11.P I {J.' "· •

I\ I, 2 11 r v s. I V, 01c •

'I r~ (, n, R Sn. 12 M. c 'le to I it I

? .I ~ tl· I v ii
2 Mn. M. 1, 1 R h ut 7 I I the

' Thus E1H cuspal, $Ub lord -o f 8 b . tb.e ~.ignifiee1or a{ 1;, t &
tuu:Ehuka- - 1.,.... h .. ,['.'c~
IDUI~ Olla ,a
and. co·n:necrcd with th.em~ ·also m.ah:tic.s. .Jupittts .sub .i in conjuae!iom with Mc-mury. Moon·s sub Kah
1'lie .s.t a t Mus ud lhe sub M ercufy bo tb occupv .., air signs, t. in tht [2th _aqd ~speoted- by :Mats owuing 12.
Tranlft~r;;: r( )Jl 19-9--·4'6-S Stin Vugo Jlil' 4Q' Wil~ iai , c '"s' ub
He:nce an unnatural drath b)! Ull air accident.
.Jupi1er (the t81ler p!rjoli ll!llcr}•. .Mrooo. Glm\ioi 14• was iA tb.; solb
Mereu.Q ('1111:i ~rind ru l«). M'er r)' Leo 2,6• wai in t i::: sob
.PJaael ·n Oix:u_
p ant P!aae\ hi Owne r .KeUJ (rb.e 1cmk lfma puib.dl J"uler). J upi(ar Gemini 6• 35' was in.
ow.ner s lbe · u.b MouP (dn~ sub ptfiod rul 1r).
7.. Durrning
oa N e .d1 SC (Gemini 1 JJ' )' Tm: ulrl L}rd ef tbc Ase. i~ ltah~
f, N ;c.. ,a.,.
I! i, in the star Moon and in ~ !!Uh Q®rJ. R.ahu in
R , oru5, lccomcs Ifie OWDl.rof 1l and .Sas the· rl.presealativ& of
ler-cu . are ft denotes
CUDS:.1 SO middle lire
io thl! t'm- imld~ Bult
Rab u ls in- I!!. and atpCctat by us o"~a ,. s-o it: mm
,J · ur~ and .aff.liEted. The star lord MoQn G s l;bt ma - b
ir iis 85 "'-tffl bJ lhe owner of the bidh
th~ o r of lbe d1 _ ) and
sai,-atiQn hP1* J_ · ,,-en~. . s
ell . De su ard , le . the \_~ ~ in
~"'"""i . D with ctu
5i~~ r of the badba b UJ
NMDI maftfi sub I .· d {

& sub rd (R
i Slat IU

tc in he v· lent iigns e. Ta~ d

c r t : n I .... _
rpio1 ~VtLJ~ The IQ.rd~ lmos -nnected
19,. . , _ !65 during the joint ,er. or
p nr: cm
_acs~ ,Sltum.. R ahu and Ke u • t i . wnn a;lh . 4 1_ an
e · cl~ hoJl}' -.a, om to pie~.
the I> aka house. So th~ uativ,e will mNt with mi nnnatural
Tfie a
_cnt p,o
ill i tal, becaust the iub lords of th•• dt~h~
m1. 1tr-i rule-rs are cunn tee wi1 I:\ the ha ti haka- ralra 11ouse,s4 The ·.afBieoon is in be martial sigos (Aries · and Seorpio)1
,lkrcil.ry and Kdu are • tin: wb Merctiry tb1 IJadbaa owntttt. -with .Ma , a: d Ketu (acxam:nt by fir~). So tlier-e i ang«'
ffom fire.
HOROSOFT • 38-burning 06/12/194619:00:00 • [K.P. System]
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Vimsottari Dasa I I
Balance ofDasha · Ven 9Year 1OMonth l2Day General5ignificators 1

Sat Rah Sat Rah Venus20 Year Sun 6 Year :\t!oon 10 Year
l I
Cusp Planetson Star... Occupants IPlanetsin StarOwner IOwner Lord
1 SunMarKet Mer
Plu Ura Ura 2 Sat Sat Rah Mon
4 2 2
Ven 00 00 OOXl . 00 OOIOOX) Sun 18 '1011956. 04 '021195) Mon l&'IOll962-18108 1963
3 Rah Mon
Sun 00 OO'OOXI. 00100,oox, Mon 04102i19i7 -06''0Sll9il Mar 18108'1963 -18'0311964
Ase Mon Ase Mo 4 Sun
Mon 00 OO'OOXI . 00, 00 OOXl Mar 06 08119il. 12112!19il Rah 18'03/1964-IJ!09/196i 5 SunMarKet Me... MerJup Ven Mon Ven
Mar 00 00'00Xl. 00 00 OOXl Rah 12112/19il -Ollll/19i8 Jup IJ109il96i -IJ/0111967 6 SunMar Ket Mar
Rah 06112/1946 -1811211946 Jup 0511\i19i8. 24 '08 '19i9 Sat ff0\'1967 -18'0811968 7 MerJup Ven Jup
3 3
8 Sat Sat
Jup 18!111946-18.08/1949 Sat 24'0811959 -Ol.'08'1960 Mer 18'0811968 -17/01119)0
9 Sat Sat
6 12 5 11 Sat 18'0811949 -18110119i2 Mer 05/0811960 -121061\961 Ket IJ/Ol'\970-18'0811970 10 Sat Sat
Nep Nep
Mer 18/10'19i2 -19,08,'J9ii Ket 12'06:1961- IJIIOi\961 Ven 18'08i1970-18'04'1972 11 Rah Mon Mar
9 9
Ket 19108 '1955 -181011956 Ven IJ/10'1961- 18'10'1962 Sun 18 0411972-18'IOll9J2 12 Rah Mon Ven

Prime5ignificators @

~ars 7 Year Rahul8 Year Jupiter 16 Year Star ISionificatorOfH. No. ISub Star ISignificatorOf H.No. I
7 11 10 Sun 1,4,5,6 Ven 5,7
8 10 8 10 Mar 18110119)2 -16/03119)3 Rah 18110'19)9. 30/06/1982 Jup 181101199).06'111999 Mon 5 Rah 3,11,12
Sun Sun Mar 1,5,6 Sat 2,8,9,10
Rah 16 03 11973. 03104,19)4 Jup 30,06/1982. 23 '1111984 Sat 06112,1999-18 106.12002
Mar Mar
Mer 5,7 Mon 5
Jup 03 04 19)4 .10.03119)5 Sat 23/1111984. 30'09.'198) Mer 18106-'2002. 2310912004 Jup 5,7 Sat 2,8,9,10
Fort Mer Ket Ket Fort Sat to 03'19)5 -18104119)6 Mer 30109/198) -18'0411990 Ket 23 0912004 . 30108.1200i Ven 5,7 Mer 5,7
Mer 18'04119)6 -lil04'19JJ Ket 18 0411990. OJI051J991 Ven 3010812005 . 30'04,'2008 Sat 2,8,9,10 Jup 5,7
Rah 3,11,12 Mer 5,7
Sign Degree Sign
Nak. Sub S.Sub Degree Nak. Sub S.Sub Ket Ii 04'19JJ -11 09119JJ Ven OJIOil\991-06105/1994 Sun 30/04.12008. 16 0212009
Ket 1,5,6 Mer 5,7
Sun Seo 1 11
Mar Mer Ven Jup Ven ll/09119JJ -11 'lli19J8 Sun 06 Oi.11994.31103 '1995 Mon !610212009- 18 106.2010
20: 44 12 1 Gem 07: 37' 55 11
Mer Rah Rah Mer
Sun ll/11119)8-19103119)9 Mon 31'0311995-29'09 1996
1 Mar 1810612010. 25 105,2011 Aspect
Mon Ari 20: 05· 23 11
Mar Ven Rah Mar 2 Can 01: 32 521 11
Mon Jup Rah Rah Mon 19,03/19)9. JS.'10119)9 Mar 29109,1996-181101199) Rah 25 Oil20ll-18 10'2013
1 ISun IMon IMar IMer IJuo IVen ISat IRah IKet IFort
Mar Seo 1
28: 43 29 11
Mar Mer Sat Ven 3 Can 26: 57' 08 11
Mon Mer Jup Ket •••111-B1111D1mn1111•
Mer Seo 1
00: 20 12 11
Mar Jup Mon Ven 4 Leo 1 11
Sun Ven Ket Jup Mon ... ... ...
01... ... ...
26: 23 45 Mar ... ... ... SSEX ... ... SQIN ... ... ...
Jup Lib 22: 21· 1T' Ven Jup Sat Mer
5 Lib 00: 16' OT' Ven Mar Mer Ket Saturn 19 Year :\t!ercury 17 Year Ketu 7 Year Mer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Ven-R Lib 24: 05· 05 11
Ven Jup Mer 1ler
Jup ... OP... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ...
6 Seo 05: 16 031 11
Mar Sat Sat Jup ...
Sat-R Can 1
15: 33 12 11
Mon Sat Jup Mer Sat 18110 2013. 20/1012016
Mer 181J0(2032-16"03'203i Ket 18'10/2049-16.0Jl2050 Ven OP... ... ... CONJ ..
. ... ... ... ...
7 Sao-0 07: 37' 55 11
Jup Ket Jup Jup Mer 20il0'2016. 0110)12019 Ket 16'0312035 -12103'2036 Ven 16.03(2050 -16105/2051 Sat ... SO... ... ... ... ... ... SEXT ... ...
Rah·R Tau 1
18: 23 34 11
Ven Mon Mer Ven Rah 0... SS... ... ... ... ... ... ... OP... ...
Ket·R Seo 1 11
Mar Mer Mer Sat 8 Cap 01: 32 521 11
Sat Sun Jup Sat Ket OIIOJ/2019-08'0812020 Ven 12'0312036. !11012039 Sun 16'051205 J. 2\10912051
18: 23 34 Mon 2110912051. 21104!2052
Ket ... ... . .. ... ... ... TRIN OPPS ... ...

Cap 11
Sat Mar Jup Ket Ven 08,08.'2020-09.'1012023 Sun ll,0112039-18'11,'2039
Ura·R Tau 1
26: 54 50 11
Ven Mar Jup Ket 9 26: 57' 08 Fort ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Sun 09/10'2023. 20 0912024 Mon 18111/2039 -18 104,'2041 Mar 2110412052- IJ/09'2052
Nep Vir 1
17: 19 16 11
Mer Mon Sat Rah 10 Aqu 26: 23 451 11
Sat Jup Ket Sat Rah IJI09i'20i2 -06110'2053
Mon 20 09'2024. 21(04,2026 Mar 18%'2041-15'0412042
Plu-R Can 1
20: 09 45 11
Mon Mer Ven Rah 11 Ari 00: 16' 07" Mar Ket Ket Mon .......... ..... .... I I
Fort Seo 1
06: 59 06 11
Mar Sat Mer Jup 12 Tau 05: 16' 03 11
Ven Sun Mer Mer
ih cusp (Cap,r i on, , ~ J J•); T1\0 .ub lard,of, lbe 81h i.t ll
J u:pi u:r. J ~ ,is- Jn i.tSc ,()Wm stnr no in tba lUb Saturm. Tbu
atur lutd Jupju:r °''"'~ tli b11id.bu a house 1~ h as 10 c.o:nju1u1:uiom
with tlilr, O\\llC'r of,IJ. au.d !Spe~ICU by tb~ ~Wt'UU' or '.1, SQ 1t 1

wo.11,"J t1. ffliec _ll nad n atell . Tiu sub ~ord Sa turn own. $,
occupm . l: ~o1h J1.1pi(e1r ond Su.h1 l'D iue in cur ~inal . igns~ TI:u1
_ru~ '7· the cuieprJI sub ti,rd of B is mbe 1ignff)-Cs[Or of th badh k hou and

Ralut 18,30
,.....-.. . . . f lJtlrUG ·30 confltc1ed,_ w [th 8 ;nd 121 rso the n\tda e J'a d ~rdhuO s,mn1.
on r l-JO
21-14 So it deraot s an unuotura1 dtttlb,lj

J2llt r.:uso ( Tar,,u.s Jt:J') ~ The s~h lord of tbt 12th usp
t IS~J &JoOLl ..O·l2 is M0tc:1tc1 . It ts in the l~U J11pitar Imel in th~ sab Moo~ .
3, Cor,c r 27.,lO .
r1e.s ,0.3,0 11 Tbc.y au are dis~us~ied abo\l'o. Hence ill.e u1E1n.3:tural death from
Pi,~t Jor,u period ., The mB(iv.e wa~ born. duttng· the ptr"od· at·
4 Leo· ;;iiiiw Aq11ariws 26.JO 1,0
Vuw with baJa.ocJ: of r. wu. 12"·. 1her,e after the calive is 10
Nep~ 111-26 mu the ;eriod& or Son, Moon, Mars an,d l..nhu etc. re.cS.pect.iygJJJy.
~ the unnatuml death frOJm r,,e and also lhe mart life atef
5 Libra· 0-30- 9 indfcated I it is iP06i•hle that au e-vent may 10 ccur '9,lUlll.g th-e-
Jup. 21.21
Ven. 24.1:z· pn~ ~r, Man U8-'B-1971" o 18- 8-19.79)! Mar, i! in tile Sfal1!
Mc~ agd io the sub Sa1urn o.:w11ln1 & and. ®CUDY.•D,&
Mer.Ii Om24- 1 Th a, au o;rc discussed ftoPv,e~
6 Bcorpi-o 5~30 So M~r sipiliq the acciilom.t biJ Em ..and g.u tut~l ,cle!ath,
Ketu 18·30
Sum 20~so DIKimJs t'he joiat pe .iodJ or Marsm Mars~ jupite:1" (me cw;,p al aub
fars ~S~.5Qi 1&14 or 8) n~d (the. .spb lord of fbe·- Ast .) wm n, ~ng
down che hot wa pot~ th.a· nati v.c's pl'ment caught th~ flame·
84glitarl11s , . s, of the s.tova a·nd ber wlio1~ body was J,urut on ·6-10-t,t) iG·
1 die m.orniog and. she d!:ed at a. . o P,M . I.SIJT. OE th,e ~ IW,C da)''iii
1':t. S11~ Hs! s., S),. Pt Sn. Hs. 81. Su Tra1tslts : O,n 6-l0- l9 7l Moon Virg,:r 11'~ 4kl' was im lb,e

s SD. 6 Met v v Li, s J Me.. an b · ars (1be ptdQd aod StJb period ru tr). Jupirer S1Aitte1dus.
M Ar" 11 v J Sa. C11.. 2 Ss,. J 1'\47' was · ifs o: ,n fflb (lhie irater period rult!r). .R.abu
Ma.. So. 6 MP., s... B. ~r. 12 Mr. Sapt1adus 28 ~1 1 was 1111 ttile sub Man, M, rii Virg.,__o 10~ 13'
Me. Sc.. s J M K Se~ 6 .M. M wu in tb st«l' Monti t-b,e ~atalta-ba;dhek~ -Slgoilic·ator ~
J Li. 5 ,J S'll.
40 ~l

8~ Dr-ownmg J1 SC (~a; 3" SO) The sub lord .,of th~ Ase. ia Moom"" · t is
i:P rhEJ =itar Ve:,nw and ht the sub Mercury. M·oon owns 1~, it
Malt .. Birr,b J ; ~ 12-1953 ThursdaJ; l0-30· PM.. J.S.T.; 13N2J
is aspccte,.d bJ the p,_wosr pf th~ badhab bouse ! (Marn ·and I.he
"'7l 4 3S~ Ayl JUHl15a 23~6'~
.owner of the mauU::a h6UJe 1 (Sa'td'rO); ro it b-e~·me,s affUctcd
ASC and ma.lefi:G. 'ff•c sbi r ]ord e,1r1q.s ilnd the sob lord Mc;rcuty ,awBiog
ua 3~.50 the- rnaraka house 2 >1J rn in comjunction; lMy b bth ire aapected
b; the. own r of 8 (Jopitl5{~J? _o fbay tlecomc m~le~c. .Erus t1am
Piu.. 1.@
Ase.. ~ub toed heoe:me-s both badhaka add maraka-;. and denotes
2 lltrgo ,(k 'j4- -Cancer 4r1 12 111 short Hfe
Kcru 2.~5 The Aac sub J,o.r,d (Mo , ~ it s a, (Ycmusl aod its sub
(Merc-brf) a[{a ia tile viol~! ips e.g. rie-s. ~uul I® pi:o r·~ p~ t-
Uran. 19~0R jvel_y. T.he As:c... s uh. lord is , ¢0nn~ted with malefi ~ ·e,,.g~ us
s 0.,54 - ~ Gem'lnl 3.54 11
2-30 ao.d &tu ; ·alsn wi"th 81 l l tff oatlhaka hglfse . rhe
5§14 nati'1'it will .meet with a sudden nnaaturaf death.
~rd. 13.J J Water l>igns are cu th c(µsp's ,bf the ·4th (.:nd of life),, 8th

4 : S o&rpin 2..54_
) J11p.
2,s:¢· ]0 (d~lh) ttnd l2th (ea1~mity~vati~)f M0on owi,iog t ? is np-
Mori l 7·S 1eeted by Mars 0wning 4. The s tar VrEUS' and. the £ittb Ml!.rcu.ry
.. VtllL. 2J ·.S9 ~ in Sro:rpip; they ate asp~ct~ by Ju1h~ owi,a g S.. Thus the
As.o. 'SUD fm.d, i[ star lord· ana sub lord ar~ e.onnm::ted wltft
Sol!I 2-21 Monn 25-52
s · tit,ter sig:n aHd thit owners of these. water s1gat. So ~hey
S ogUtariu:s 3~S4 -Aries ltS4 9
cnote daageir by wate
Ra.ln.1 2·2:S a,1, d~f!(Ri!ea:s fJl' 5.4l}~ The sub lord of t'be 'Sfli e11t:p iJ
6 CaprfQJnJ 4~54- PiSt:,tS o,~54 8' M~. lt irS in its awst star· imd in ,t~ sub Sun. Tn't s·tatr laid
-Aquarlus l!SO Mars o\,iru the ba.dhaik,a bpuss "1, ·it is irD coajun,:.t foo witll t-ha
7 the ownor ~r tbt m:araka.. honie 7 (Sa:hua) ajnd aspec{ed by 'tbe
·OWD"!r of 12 (Moon), so_ ii bemmes afflieteicL;uid malcdio. Tk:e sub
.fJ. Sn. H:r St. Srt(lj Pl. Sn: tis,. 81. Su~ lqrd Su D o,w:o:s the Ase., bnt up~u«f.d b;i Sa.,l ti r.o s-o 'it s.tso becomes
s s,. 4-S If l'" ~... 4 Mc. s malefic. ThLL!t· the- -cuspal aub lord of ~s b c~mes b<n~ oodba.Ra
M .Ar. v
Ma. Ll '
3 iJ,4,i .
'R Qt
~ 3
5·6 s
au marakal it ··s conmected witb malefies e'~B'· a{~ and $a urn"
The ceJpa I sp& 1~rd its star M;ais and its .$ ~ b Sun re- in the
IS. &,. 4 Me. Mt~ )::: eni l·l~ 11 J R ·signrs denoting aceident ,.g.
Lib1:21 amd SagiHaril)J$.. So ao
1,, Tr. I~ M~ J ,unnatural _dc_aih jii in iCQt d , ue to n11 aacidenl.
42 43
r2ch cusp (Cant-l'r • ..S:-1' ): Tl:Ji; sulh lord of the 121h cusp,
9~ Gallows
is SatlJtU.. J1 is ia 1thc s.tar Rahu aod in t-11~ sub ~{etcury. aturn
• • Mal,t:. Bltlb S- 1-1928 Thursday; S-J.2 P.ML.M. .; 27 ~-
owms tne maro.ka house 7~ i is in. ce, junction wHh the o,vner
68 5 15; A.ya.namsa it,451..
oI the badbaka h.o use 9 ·. (, Hnd aspected l)y the owner of
12 (MooP), f.O il becomes ·affiitted and ma}cfi.c. The -nar
4emlnl 20·2S
lonJ Rail1iu is n:spected by Mars ~nd Jupiter, so it is conn...
ecred with th~ badhaka house 9 and 8;, and it ~comes 1 Pl ~.. 23·25R
111a.l.efic11 Th~ sub 'loTd Mercur io wo:s U1~ maraka hous~ 2 and sp··
Moo11 28·1S
ee-t'ed by tl!ie ownell" of 8 (Jupiter)., aO it beton1cs malefic. Thus~ Rabu '24~40
the cUSJH!I sub lord cf l2 b~o,m"'s borh lbadhtka and marBJ(a, it is .2 Cancff. 1.1~ 15 -------TtlllNS I_8· l5 12
oo:nnrecte-d whh ma1edcs e.g. Mars, Saturn and R abui. Ihe cttspal
,llo lord, its ~tar and s uh are i Ill lb.e: signs deaot}og ac ·ide nts..
e..s~ !.rbra.1 Capr:itom oqd eorpJo :resp cti!Vcly, So an unn ntral
3_ J;,eo ,.,
......... -Ar.ies 14· 15 11

dealh is- indkatcd dnt to ao aeciclcnt. 4 Yirgo 9·15-- -Pl!a 9.wl5 ro

ran. 7i_3
JQt~r- Perfud ; The· ni:utv,l!I was horn d11rio1 the ~criQcl of Jup. 4~24
Veou'h balaace of l Y. 1fl, 1zD~. Thtrcafter rli, native i
s :Lib,a 14.. 1~ AqutUim 9.. 15 9
to nm the, period .o,f S11n 1 Moon cand Mari ett. u1pt'Cti e:ly.
Oul of tht'.m Ma, is the ptane( of a~idenl. lb~ U< ,ip". Vea, 9.. 1
fi~·- r 0f I e'ha~a hou e a,id tbe cmpal ub ford Q{ 81" So

dorinr tbe jojn pedod of .. Aa • at,..Jn ·and $a urn the tu pal

6 SciJrplo
J ·f s
- ·---Cap 'icorlf lJ -15

KitlU 24~40
ib lord or
12 on 2-3-JJ 13, L e r,;a ive- w ,u o a pi n·c wi1 Muf 27·'JJJ
b. fello · . udilt111 .,n th-: tir r barok. ,AH t, ~ tudtr t ad-.,, ed
rne fl a~ w.a nOL Mer. ,,.,2
pay ht rh ir advice . • rtrrarl

Pl. 'I. Pl. S',i;

ll . '· ~.
1'IQlll/ll (Jn ~ J9,1J • ,., 8 8i~ v v a V
Sa JJUtn mi uh an
. ln,~r ~,
~,., ,
f r1 ~! WI

In l'ht
M r. a. a. . . Mc. V
6 3·7'
' ~

' 11J rbe ea, Mafi ( Ch, ~ri r CfJ; 1n Vttf# WU Ma. 1
• J Tr. ,2
itJ lhf Me. tr 6-7 v K 9'!. (J
J P.l. 9. Sa.
~ HOROSOFT - gallows(fasi ki saja ) 05/01/192818:08:28 - [K.P. System)
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Mon Mon
Rah Rah
4 2 4 2
Ase Ase
5 1 5 1
Plu Plu

3 3
6 12 6 12
9 9

Sun Jup
7 11 7 11
en Sun
8 10 8 10 Ura
Mar Mar

Ven Mer

Fort Sat Ket Fort Sat Ket

Pla Sign . Degree
Sign - Na!<.
------ Sub S.Sub
Hs. Sign Degree
------L..Qr:..d ------
Sign Na1<. Sub S .Sub
Sun Sag 21 : 06' 27" Jup Ven Jup Ven 1 Gem 20: 25' 00" Mer Jup Jup Sat
Mon Tau 28:20' 13" Ven Mar Sat Mer 2 Can 113: 19' 03" Mon Sat Rah Jup
Mar Seo 27: 15' 41 " Mar Mer Jup Ven 3 Leo 08: 48' 29" Sun Ket Jup Sun
Mer Sao 18: 59' 05" Jup Ven Rah Sat Vir Mer Sun Ven Jup
0 4 09: 03' 28"
Jup Pis 04: 18' 50" Jup Sat Sat Ven
5 Lib 113: 39' 54" Ven Rah Mer Rah
Ven Seo 08: 57' 45" Ivfar Sat Ven Rah
6 Seo 11 8: 37' 20" Mar Mer Ket Ven Seo 21: 09' 23" Mar Mer Ven Mer
7 Sao 20: 25' 00" Jup Ven Jup Sat
Rah·R Tau 24: 34' 11 " Ven Mar Rah Jup 0

Ket-R 8 Cap 113: 19' 03" Sat Iv1on Rah Ven

Seo 24:34' 11 " Mar Mer Rah Jup
lJira Pis 06: 57' 45" Jup Sat Mer Jup 9 Aqu 08: 48' 29" Sat Rah Jup Jup
Nep-R Leo 06: 02' 04" Sun Ket Rah Jup 10 Pis 09: 03' 28" Jup Sat Ven Rah
Plu-R Gem 23: 17' 05" Mer Jup Sat Mar 11 Ari 113: 39' 54" Mar Ven Ven Ven
F,ort Seo 27:38' 46" Mar Mer Jup Rah 12 Tau 11 8: 37' 20" Ven Mon Mer Mon
44 (tnfamJ) OJ' ti (crimes) ;and cou~ed with mi1efi lhe native
wjO be ilJt,•ol\led id court ·proecccliQp relating to ahna, wiU
diueputcd -and will be ioflfcted wnh JIDll shment. dmtng tllc·
joint ~od of l'he jgn1fical0Ts o'f 7, ~ ·and 11

,0,11 ~11, fPJ$Citl

rpi •
~ cad...--..nrar~


b)' j I

I • b I rd of. 12 it hf K u •n ia IZ
12: lro w&tli malefkl. t I M ti aod ·
tba ,ub S1ru,o.
rlmjml P~~IJ :
Venus own-
Htwt8 : I he sub lord of thir JOtll cafp (•t tu,) be die 1j1aitlcator
1 •
(in Jhe 1tar of the oocuJfdt ot 0wner) of 1 (court proeeedfnp),
46 • • 47
oreovt::rJ Saturn U1e: diplomat ud M
a ts t_ln~ @ill"'
ra re·· su, an~ Mitrcury ate i II Stgittarius, tbe far&.i~lfed •
•D Soorpra.., dos. Egmn8 WI d trick;, ~
11 Jh .tusp (Jrtes 14• JJi} : Th~ ~u l~rd tlf- t:bc l JUi cus_p
PeHUa _1 Cmr~er~ -'i . Venus So he~ r;,ber isbed his a·mbi tlons b.y C4,t odai sup[[emo
Hin/ s : So tum denotes .diplomacy; S;u-n govc_.rnment, po.WU,
positton!i IJ~e and fame.j Japi~ dipity amd w ~ Mars € _lamitlne:
ro~cc.ion, ooauo]ling power and domj:11ane,; Rah.u pOlitict a"nd
J;0in·1 erlod :. TJui ~ native wa born dudq lie .ctiiod or.
Mars with uia11ce of 4'· , l 0 -. The bouaaa (1 1 & a.nd 12 a.p
Leo~ SaE'ittar:ias.,
for nrii~:e .~So calamhie:s !Jefa.lJ tbn 11at1\le dUJrim me j:13m.t
aniu~·ar houses-; bouse!i
period of the sJ111~ficatorJ, or 6. B nd 12.
~cis~ qf ~Ji£i6s and publie Mei
In this bc1osbopc 1b,1 occu.pan'ts of 6 Mars 1 Satu11J and
Asc·il denotes inc1 in.atioo; 1Otb CL1'$P ambition,S; 11 th cusp
l(etlll :a.~ JJl rJ 7 , ballhaka, ~aurJ. pmutdinzs)
5tl'tJiDS sigai&catw:s
:reab: tioo of ambitions and asp.i taH~ns1 sucms in, ~a~ al~ SD.
and l (Jeavj11g bowel ud comn.att-&i wU ~ 12 (er.imei. mis·forurae,
if the 'Sub lord of the Alie. 10th ausp ~~nd l l th qusp be thm
s£J()dg sJgqi& of 9,. to and 11 ta .native plung~ jn~ damntio,n1 lif~ in rolitudc). 7 arnd !i Th occupants af 11 Rahu
and Mooa are 1.bll! s~ong signiica toi:ta of 11, 6 1 nd cnnnect1:-d
the pu.bitq H~ or .h e shines out es a sru~aro or p-atitici,u.
u m.ay bo remembcr~d th at a pl ncf. owning botlf th~ TrJkoma!J 7 and i (milfertun:e, cijlamilt).
.~d Ke n·d ra give~ prosperity in 1,encral, The ~th e11is . tCaprjooro t f' 15'11 is jQfnlly ruJe-d by Sa1tum
ASC (Otmini 20· 2!'): 1'11te, s!!.b Jard o tbe :Ase.. i1 Jupit'U'.. (sign 101:d)t Moop. (star lord) and Raina (tub lord). The!e jaint
Jt b in the SUJ r· ~nd suh &a.turn ~ Jttpj ~er O'WDS H) ~,Dd O(le1.I WCS· r uieu ,am the sJ1\nffic11tors.or mishaps a d (~ussed a O\teli So r.heir
, in Pi,ces. Saturn ,w:ns.. 9 and -ooe.11·pies ti in Scorpio. !a the joiat J)eiriod may bo c,bicttrVru1, b~cause the: Btb cl!l&p t!e,notes
oativ1 wss ipcHae~- to politic~. .misTotr'.tu111, pmr~vaUon ., bJaon,. ill-rel)utet disappointment ~t~
J'{J1h cusp (P,is~es 9'a 15')! The
s tb IDrtl of lh! lOtb eusg Uar~ng' tlie ioiot p dad· 6f turn~ M®il d ita~ (29-7- 1

ls Venus.. It iis in the t-a, :S a~ ur.lll -aud iu us · Q;W.D sub.. Thim 1977 to 25--l P-1.977) ~rooeinHA1s wer.e s,~rted qaiqst f
tar lard Saturn pwns 9 in coJ1jl91(e);jg,Jl with. Mars ownii llg l'l,.
1 .native.., Ju: we~ k6pt ua<Icr detcn:lion i n Uu: priiQn and on 1 l .....
aspect d by Juphtr ow.ifog 10 airid it aspects Rah111~ it> is in 10-1977 he was. charged with ct.11spirac)' to m11rder one iOf h'is
thfll ~111 b tic :ilnd cratl1 ig:n SeorptQ. Thee sllib lard Ven ois is also politica! e:o,mres~
im aspeol to s~durn, Mars, ah11 and Jllpiter. The ouspal sllll Joti During the joint pr~od ,or ·aturut Moon and Satu n lI I .....
or 10 ie mbe ~JrQDg sisaifics·tor of l.\ H) and 11; aiso eonnectcd 1-197 to 11-4-!;27 ) the trial lUgb Cour L ftood him guHty
with J, 10 amd J l. So Use aaff~e was a very s!u,ewd ~iptoant
and on l 8-!-197S wa& ccnd. mn d to be hanged. lo1 politi®l
.and a polPdcian. He cxeerti!ed !H1prcme JY~wcrs~ crimes.
10. M,Jr4B
.Ot.nh•! tho j(,Jnl p,atiad t1r SuLutn~ Maf. M Jmi l11r b l1 7-!-lP20 Wedndd1y; 1~18 P. M, Lil Mi t'!
, b _ rd Q,f mh A r:,, ""1
fri-J - fl~79 aha ~upnno Co r~ 23N 3~ e.,~53; A11namia 2t'ltf.
Ill lflCJ!UClncc: P.' r, tJI toy lh,e HjJJh Co.1iu r und B mn Dfl A
'i conn it ir.,wn ve n.1 le,. S.,,pk, 4.51

Tht h~J1,r- pr:r1od ndcr Jup ( r ~ im ~he d tJr 1uul 'iUb t un. 1hu 2 I
Jup fct , , r ,:rH th~ j d~ ~ ii i:l~n . ,1~ ii:: . r1 r,t- D • -d,ngi • the, Mar, 1,.2,..,
owner ~J 1: ntace Iott j11d 1t:1t1£ erJ~n~. ·n1~ · r Ll.,tJ U • I l{Ul 2 Sqlt'fartu, 4~1 -&ti ~l.t 12
ind ~ t 1;Jfroca 1r:Jn, r1 •1 i ,n rha U cd Jan
han11ng oir: urrQe 1mn 11 II dJ~k.t~; (lj I ~ Vifl 8 1lh il: u, Ci•/ !JI,
J Cap,IPJrn '41 - Yl,ao II
Moan 2,,is:2
rtetJl1$rf~ f r tJ ;,,rJ bJ h , n51n.s,
H, unfruUJff" U!ly w~11 i:: c tt, o,n 4 HJ79 a .2,-JO A .· J.S.T.
l'eP. 6· 11 S t,
TraJP-1/f : On 4-4- J'J7'.J sun P.f ;..:, %,~t w~ . rn c iwu owned
;.J. Ji quarlo 9..21 - - - ---u.JJ:
Jby Ju;piL , dJi: j, _ ripd rulier,,. M ;~n~r. .s' ~ W, In Uian.. 10·26
dtt ar Sa 1rn (th~ prrioJ r1i1kr. Jupit~r IJ ees I!;! 9' w in
tlie 5tar iUUr.'U.
J0 1
, urder
. ,. 4·8
Jup,. t • ·56.,,
ASC (Scorpio 4•· Si';; iilc 5,ub J1i,rd of the Ase. i1 Saturn. 1 S PIJtre$ I J..2 J ----_,_,,;.~ --------- CaJJCl!r 6·l'l '
Jt i~ a mah:oc it is , ,e uogradr, il CM.lfll aor.l '1- (oll1 r them 1, s.
!1 or 6 8 o.r J 2). 1 i~ in 1bi: ar ·aod' Ci.Uh Ven u.s;
O 3od 1
flu. ll-S:9
Yr (illli own:§. n1e. mar.aka. fiaus~s 7 am l2~ V..en11s is in mutual
aspeer to ,S:1: urn1.. So i l de.mote!-i · mfd Je Ii f e (3 to 66 yea ts)~
6 }pies
- - Gemlitf A-21 i

811' .Q1s-p (Gt.r1ni~1i 4 21'): The st1b lord of lh~ Btl1 CLUJ>
7'IJW'flf. ~· 51
i5 Venas~ It i1 in eke ~~r Mar& itOd in ihe su~ Mou.n . , Vunu1 7
is. dliscn,;tm above. The sr-a r lord M ., i's ret,rogmdc, it r;,wns 11 P.7. Sn. Bs. St Su. Pl. Sn. tis. s,. Su-.
6 ana 0001;1pies- 12._ it js in coojunetien wi,b R.abu a qd ~specte-d

. bmms- 5adhab b"ou 9~ rt

by Saturn. TJ1~ S:'tib 'lord Mooe ~
M Cp.
:Pi. 4
Ma .
A" Le.
v v.
n :tsp~ ,~d by Mar5. So tliiis cruspai &nb loid 1s tbe .signi!ficat·o r lfa,lf Thi. 12 R LL 12 J- Me
6f tla- m-araka bot,~ J:2 (unma(urail de.ath) aad E:anneeted wiib pj, v Mc..
lfe.s ~ Sa~ 'V 1t Ar. li
die badQfl.!:A housei Tft i.s ooon~md wrth malellc& aud. cardi;nat g
Ill Cn. S&. J
~gn!S (Mars in Liora; M~ll jn Capricorn), Bence it d1ootes ~n,
diffl n -flli'"H li"Uil tt1a1 .. Ii
J2r/J (Ubra JQ,' 21 ' ~ The Sii · lord of tho 12th c 0i.11p ilf
11. Monier
J pi ter. h js im the Ut r Sgturn and i.o its own rnbi Jupi oot is
_Mslsi. Btrtb' 29'.-5-19.1 7 Tooday, 3-?2 P,.M.L~M.1'~ ~ P4!,
rau.osr de1a i1 is ilil tbt b dlhaka housi: 9 and iJ owns the maraka Asan~msa ..22·3d..
home 211i mt is ia mgiu1al asp!et to 1ho bQdbaka iord Moon., Tho ASc:
st.a: iard alorq, is t-c?trograd • it 'aspc ts U1e ll(b, also ltlars and P'irg,o 27! 5
Rabu in l"""I it is hl the violent s.ig11 Leo. The $tib lord Jupiter "V,r,:a

.2 Libra 24-U - - - -· 24 12
i dkcussid abovi,. ·so tbis cu Jp al ob lo.rd i~ me sJs\lHioator Ii
-ef 1 i r i! corirnec~ed wi'i b the be,<dha1.:a.-l)l11f1lkU hot1uis ma1 · cs

3 Sc.orpftJ 26~2~ - - i i i i i i -•
·-- 1, -
3-~4 11
nd the violent ·si_gn,; The 1'.:Hb Ju~m~ deno'6 muNlcr and tho Sagittarius
,native mlgifn b~me tlte victim, fueoou m: tbe: sta'f Saturn ~it.PCC- 19-S3
.a]s (wounds,) ow~ the AscitJ
Nop. 10..4
H ,e11Qe d u.ri-ng the: jai nt pedo d of the sjgni6cat~n of 8 and Sa~ &.33
12 ,o.r or the cttspaJ .s ub rords or 8 and ll calamUJl m~y befall. -4 O~'f"it:arn - - - - _1......___- _- _- -1Cane«
0·24-- 0.24 Ill

Joinl Period .: TJll

na:Uve w11s born du riog f]J~ period. of
11:1rs wtth balance of 3Y. 6·tt.. 2sP. Th.tti&a.fwrr1 he is to :rt.HI K~fU 1.9.53
the -... rio of Rahu,, Jupiter and Saturn 1e~ctivelJ. P1m. 10 38
Uran~ l•1R Gcm-uti
3·24-_-______ ,..,____
the horoi't!IJk" denatei a middle Jife, the period or Sa- i Jtt')JttUlw Taurm .26.24
larm (the sub lo rd of the A.H:.. aud the mamka signt~tor) Vea.
rommenaei .f'.rd;m l2-10-19S7.. In vie,v of. wJim i1 discmstd. alxrva;
Jupli 0~27
.dul'his 1'he job1t perie>d of 51turn1 J"upittr ('the sub ~ord of tbr:
l "lltb etMip) aid VanL1s (the ub lror,d of the Stb ;asp) the aatm., er. 21to,
w&i ~&01 dead hJ his enemy pn l:S-8- 197.5 Mars 25 ..50
2·24 tArl~g 24~4? 1
T1analtr t Om I s-s. . l 91:i Son Ca.nee, ~B • _is i lbc auli
r 2'1•.5
·Saturn (the perigd niJerJt Si.turn c~ncer 3! wu 10 c ·"8r
JIJJ.Pifcr (tht !Mb period ruler). Jupiter A'riq! 1• 171 W'JS i11 Uta
sub V,eous (the iuJer period r111let). Venus Leo 16" !1' wa.s ill
S.J, s,. s,,. SU. Pl. s,,. Bs. ,.. Su.,
Tr. 8 M J v Tr.. S·9 Ma. II
i1t own ,jtar. M Lt~ 11 v M1. Sa~
. Cail 0 S.a_. k
~a. 8 v Me~ Jl Sg. 9 v a
MaR ~. t s M Gut. g &, Ma.
::J Tr..
- a s B
52 53

Ilk c1u.11 (AritJ 211• 241) : The sub loid of die 8th ewp is TraMils •• On 22-,1 1-t 63 S a Sco~jQ s• 13', Japitor. Pi11ea
-'teb,Y. lit iJ iu tftc scac S:no ~d in die suti Moon. Mercury 6•· 36' and Mercory Soo,rpio 16• 1' w~rc in th= 1tar Saturn.
own.s 1 and 12., it is J.n conjunction with Man owning 8 iin me slfb (R!f iad ruftr.. Saturn C.rpdoor: 2 11
' wa1 iD ii& owa
and ;r!pceted by Saturn. it is in the violent sign Ario, So it igt1.
becomes a ffllctcd ud malefic..
olitlca C ee1 :
The s.tar Jezd Su.11 isassociation. with the owner or the--
A ,c (V.irg1> 27 • -511 : T c ub lord of the Ase-- is Japi ter.
badbaka house 7 (Jupiter) in the violest sign Taurus, in 8_. $o-
It is in the stat Sun i!Od in the ab Rabu. The star lord Sun
it becomes maftfic..
owns 11, it is in association with the owtm" of 9 (Ven~ aod
1lie sub Jord Moon is in lhe violcnl sigo Len. Jupiter.. The sub Jortf Raha is i1111 Sagittarius. Thu& e Ax.

Thus- the ctUipal "5:Ub lord of 8 is the stJo g si'gnifica.tor of g amd sub lord ,s coo111cted wjtla, 9, 11; S gitta,lus: Sun, J up'1ter and 1

connected with the badhaka r, BJ 12; maleits Mars an Rahu. Hence t&;e native was f lllclln.,:d to public life aod politics.
Sah11n; and riolcmt 1~.sns, H,em:t'l it denoles a sudden u:naalural death . 10th cusp (Cancer ~ 24') : The suti lord or the
to II cusp is
:it fa in c,onjunc-tron with Mar I the nrui\ia Dl'-1 be wounih:d. Moon. It ts in the star Venus and ill thie sub Mer Ltry. Moon.
1111' cusp ( 2• 2.f ; The 1uh Jord ol 1hc ]2th etlsp i in 11 owas 101 it is in Leo. The r lord Veoas owns 911 it i1
Jupirer. Tt {s ia flu:. star S'uo and in Lite sub )13Ju1,. Jupih:r ud in association with un owning 11 and Jupiter.. The sub 1 .td
San as disciUIRd aba~e. bave becQmc malftic.. :Rain1 i5 m fb Mercury ,wus l, it is i11 conjunction with an, it .. a.spectc.4
m1 r sig-n SapUa.fim as 'I 1c rcpRseniarwc ,or Jupirer it tiy Saturn which is .i the. 10th. TbtH th c spat sub lord IO is
!!t hcC<} de 1'Dn.nccred ith I. 9. (O. 11; r::m; Se, ars Suj)iW aail
HtJJcc llle native pl angcd into pplirics..
r ng tJptfica tor of
f• the llik a1tp (Lio 3• 1 '} · The -ub lotd of the
u.. It is in he .s ar . 11 aod in th r1.h J
I' a ct, are dilCusRCI a~. So • 01
~.. ving - t O b -
I Ill

)a I hn ~ - ! " V·
JZ. Ml1fo,rtune
ASC (Canc11r JCJ.Jl' )' :lha ~b lord ot th~ A1e. i ·Venw. H mJ
M le., Blr.m 1-9-1923 Tbt1riday; 2·S2 A.M.L. ·~T'~ '44N~~
2 . 32; AymiamBn 21•41'..

1ln lhc rt Qt eu U and in the £Ub Ra'"hu. n,

SW lord VC 8 Cl WfllS
4.,, 11 and ocs:u pies 2. The sub lord R~hlll ocee.pies Bo1b Vt;l!Wa
" c ,u d Rahu &N in cauju uol rou with tho0 own~r of l Sun a11d t-lffl
,Ctillcer 19·61 OWPII' or S and JO Mars. Thu& IM elU.b l@td or Ute ~ . 11
ffllD ,jpiiftcato_r of 4 ,m,tHitt I pl1'f!CftY), 1l {said. pmspcruy), l
2 b ~ g.,3 0- -

1..-- I ·Get1Ji11ii' 1913[) 12~

. ars 110129 1(woaltb)1 5-l!o· {prospe1ity) and c:aninc:eted w:hh t\ttst \:i_Quscs, Su&
Moon 18~9
Ven. 18~30 (KO'aJ p41apb1r aJia} 1u1d L.oo (tcpl 1i1u)~ Heace t'hc uti"",c{&
Rabu 1s . 31 .PrilkdY 1atu ftom birrb.
Sl!ln 19 4
J~Ji eurp (G~m1n; J.9<v SD'J : The: 12tb bo\lso di:notu m-is-
ro1tuDC1 coJi.HJulie,. iusllllt,s. C!X1le. and tu1 J.p!ekd trotm'1L . Tlla
Vlrft? ~3l)..... 111b lord of ~ 12th cusp is Mars, 1t i& mm the· s:lar l{,ef1.1 Add
· er. ! 1ti~2!)
Sa1t. in th sub Satclil " Tht &lat Ketl OCGl!l(JllS au . is- as~ I

2~· 2
•, M 11" Tu ub Saturn awns B 111\d js in ooajunc ioo with
die owner of 12 ( fCHtY)~ Sa the· cuspal Sllh lord ,oir J2 i the
4 Li&riP
J up.
- - 1t.of1)a siaoitleau,r af 8 lmisfcruun ) and co11iuceted with s. l'~ tun\
m1lefks M r 1 Ketu nd Satl!lr1:1.r l eoce the 1u'ddc c IGnltlilf

·· cvrpio -- ~
and n1i1t'oiu.1ru:.~
1, Ja1nt' ptr.lad ! lhe s born du, iDe tie pldod of
llahu WLlh b&ti 11,c of' 21\ S·"· '2941l\ 'fhr owners or ,
8 acd 1,1
Katu 18.!J dencnr: mi foru1 ' • 1J th.:, juiru pcniod of tbc plamcUt in tlloit
:il'4 'l'""'"y 9.30 1tu1 brln~ ca,1umitles aJiLd mi rorlune . 1o cbi howwop.c tlM:'.ro ~rit
CaprfclJrn 19~Sl DO pl nrt ~n tbu stars ot S turn ow:ning 8 McnHirf ow11i111
7, %.J1.1[Pitcr ownini 6 is jm iti own rat. Hem~e atwrn- Mem.ury and
Na. I ,.

" Pt, ~.j"• H"B, St. Sr,,.

Jupiter ,uc tbe atuu1g signHicators of 8, t2 uod 6 resp_icti'ttcily.
2 v 'R v le.. 2 v R .E>uring the: Johlt pe:ri ad or Saturn1 MGtcu r, 1u1 d J 1.1pj tit
M Gm.

JI. 2 It M tkc calamit)' bef,ll thic e~·liog P.e ·er- 1 of U1-0slavia. His
il,1 Vg,t J Ma. R
Me. "· g.
K Sa.
v R
po,sessiaas wiro confiscated l?Y ttie Comm,u1is1 awtborit-y and 'be,
Wal diVe.Jlld of ffll t:mlmensbi]) OD 1-3-1$~7.
J Lt
• J J
R Ml
Trat11iir : Om 8- l--194 Sun A1quariius 24" Yw"llS in tic sf r
Jupiter lhc: inter petiod iuler. Saturn cancer ,•13' W'IS, in i
0-Wll .s1ar lilt perriou
• ..I' ·.ere11·ry n'" .q UI ar •~tl5l 4~4• 5 ·9.1:.I -.n ~·~•If'
:t 11[ c,r. JD
3. i4mput111in :
the st r up.i ~r-! Ju.p ir,r S«1t.Pio 4." 29' wa in the ,tar ·t u,~
al . Bitth ll-1-19- S Wedncsda:y,; ll-],8 .P .M.ES.l" 18/' ,s.
13~ Ampotation 12-t:54· Aya1u1msa lJ'·.s 1 •
J.2t/J et1Jp (Leo 13'\IT} I Tflc iub locd of tbe 12th cqp it
Vcm.1 . lt ~s. in tbe sulr Saturn a:md in. the !H10 Mars. The. stat Virgo 11 · :54
lord Saturn as~r,5 t Ile 8th aod js asp«c1sd by Man, it is ia Nep;. 5 ..2 Meon 21~-26
Libra (oo·md t1cive to aceiden I Tlfle sub lord · ar-s DWJll 8 and
~p :J Libra 12~2-· -Ul'J ll-41
asp!Cb the Asc-i S,o lhc cuspid sob Jo rd of l 2 is 1he swgnUiea~o, 10 £ Sat 26-1 l Eiu. 3·fl
8 (ac.cidea and con1n,e,ctcd witb 1 1 8, maZeBcs · -ar,s- arnd Saiom
and .cardmal sign. Hence the possibility of an acoide11 l. Ven..,
=3 Scorpio -Cmrc~ 12-42 II
Bili· ~u~p (A.nes irh cusp is
12,,42'): TJio sub lord of the
Unto. 2--,2~
Mercnty1 It ii in tile tar Sun an.d niL tb~ ub V.cr1us. Metcury J1.1p .. ~ililOR
0¥i'ID~ lb~ Asci .Qspect.c. the l H.h It i~ in C&p,ricorn (leg). du l 1·40
T~1e ·:nor lor-d Sun iowns 12-J h is itt asrmci~tion w"lb llahu Sagittarius l 2·42- - - - - -

-G~n,ini il·41 10
(m.udl tioo) in S l ,FUa:rnJ (,,s} •od .a~p ctcd b, Suturn (bruises) Sun 2 · 1

Kita 11 .. 40
owa10 6 The sub l.01d ~ QtH ow1J1 tbo ma.raka bous - 2 d 11

it i rfae suone1 ingn~.U~ah,r of I 111s· discusfMtd abo·\. . So, the M_r. 9•S!

the ~isnifte.ator or. I O ,spitaHsa,tfonrt

sub ~orrd of 8 f1 :S t:upri,-orn 12·42

unu huio11) nnd cb11~~r1d \-Ylth d (1i m~s)· 2, 8 (d nprJ: I 11

(ri~m dy); l\du nnd SLtturn: iu1d sis,n:; li'-lVLlJ'JUna tba h,g, J1ci 1ee quarl11s 1 ·42 .. - ·- rlt
OtJo 11 th,, '$. loy j Ii 1)' to h~ m111ptUed.

Ji,d,u 1••·rJt1rl ~
ho um,th11c, wa hnir..H tlu1h 1 1h1 pcrh,d or. , r, 5·M
Vt'ltm w fh r,bun-t, h t' c~J.··~~''6l-'~~ An n Id I t h, ~ u d d ln1 n,.r~r, t,.. 4 11

n. ,art d nf' lh . .t t ,to, of H1 Hl~J I ' ln tit di J1 r rod of

' ,v,

rh1:1 "u~r,,111 ~111 I, rtl t>I ~ 2.

.. . ,.
"·• "k I 'I I It.
"·. II~
l.i " ·
in lhl bor,o · Pll U,~tm uu! M r r1r,o U1 ~Ir n Nl~n1fftc11 ara s. i I _-. ti ii I M1J,.
f 12 •md H P· Ii vll!y, b lll II IIi c nil l,n na 1 ~11 th11i r M la. ,_"' J
12 'ft/ ~I., .-
i{U • 'rh . p~, ch-Ht or M Ull prtn.'1HIJIJM I bu I 1( f M11r• '-1 d • I ,L 11,, i. K Mic,.
• • n L,r~n1, H ID ;'111, I]
1 6 Ut ~ It ·4
Julru ~r1ad l':lf hlnon lldd V1111111 (11111 du p •I ub lo,rtl . f 12) Ma~ p, 4 v K gi 1.0 R . n.
Jlo D lJvm, moi n11 I wUh 1n1 qc~jden(~
• o~ 10
71,II c!isp. (Pi.rices 12° 54') : ne .wb lord of lhe ?th ·cusp
. . . .. ·. · d er Mood V enus, .nd
1 00
In ti ct dur1n1 he JDJllt ptno ·- " _ Rabru .. -l is hl the star Ketu and ia the wb 1rcu.r,. Rahu
o n .. -!97 ,. the na ti\'i e was going on bis bicycl~ and the b1cwclc m 8agiuar£us as a rtpres-tntalivl! of Jurpi1es owns 7-. 'Iha •
collided .. th. a maie r bus. He was s,ev~rety hrjurcd bis lord Mercury s- asptttat h Lhe o~rn~r of 7 Jopiuu. Thus th~

right leg •as cut· off on 6-9-1975~ cuspsf sub lord of i frs oonncGttd witb 7 o u: prom:iPs .m.artiagc•.
r ,ansit9 : O a 5~-19 5 oon Gem hn 19 w~:s in .ilb own
Vc,nu (o n in.1 2.) and lhc 71.b ,c;usp bulb au: ~ t · by
ub.. e;noi Taurm is• was in U1e star loon (l:be JlCriod an -
JJ,pit r .. Bence t.h~c mWTias1 at tba p.mpe, qt.
mte:r period ruler).
1Qn 6-9-197 s Moon L~ J Se: wai' in its own sub. Sun Leo As the 1.rb cusp is eonuclieii itl Rabu and Ket~:. the
• marriage may tu~ pJace, with a pason beJonung to a-di£fereJ1l
20• w-aa i n the srar · 1nus {ti - sub ptr~Qd tu?er) .. V~nu& Leo 4
1castc, craH or pmvina=.
was in the sub · oon.
The suti lo,d of Ille 7th alsp Rahn rs aspcc'ted
hy libe
owner of 5 (SaJum) tmd it i's in 11ssoc:fa1mn with t~ owm r of
1 Bmt~ .~
R u tile SUb hnd 0 f me Sth CQSp u~\fC affair) be-
12 (Su111}. 'R.ah•':s sub lord Mertury tNIIJJ Cbc Ase. and u w th~
tht· signifim tori i(in the s,·ar o the oceuput or own :r) ~f - or- ~tb cuyp ·a11d in mutual asp:ct to the @ er of 7 Jnpiter. TbBH
11;, or ~er Pt tcd with 1 ot 11 it denotes a ,ve affair apd if tc t·b e cmspa! ub lord .of 7 i_1 connected. wil (native}, 5 ()Qve
be cculnccted with Rahu or K m the love affair ii th a })erso I
atfair)1 7- (marrjag ) and [2 (hc5pitat) &> th~ na1ive B, ~i ode er
bel ..mging to a different cas~f: CJ;-eed or proYme,f%
1 marria~e may be connectc'd wiftl lt1'11e affair andJ hospitat
11 th~ sub lord of the ,fh cusp (marriage) be the. -signific- 1:2-~42') : Th 1 suh lo~d of lh~ s·t h ousp
S1h tfl.SJI (Capricorn 1

ator (i n thl! .star of ll1e oceupa.11 t o_r own1r) of S o.r l J; Ott 1s Rahu, .So it ii con pRfeJI with 1• S,1 1 ana l i. H·eriee tha
aonn,ected with S or J t it d•notes marriag~ wj ~ thi person o ntil'e wiU h•,c ;. Jo'fU affair in the hos-P-jtal with a. girl
Jove affair ana if it be co11nected with lt~o or ketu m.arrittge belou1i I to a difffre:nt cas:1c, o ~ or p rovhl~ nnd' he wil

wilb thr: person belong1ing t-0 a di£fe:rent tote.. creed ot provi.Dce 1

mqey lier.
If VcouLS be eonoec:ted with. ~ u or Ket, it· 1118 tll~R (Cirnicer 1~·4~'): The sub ler . ,C?f th1· 11th cusp
mafflD.I• wUJI th.e pey.sott belo~at 10 a different ~te,, crud

is Mara lt is in the stair ud sub Sa1ura. Saturn o,wOJ S and

or pr·oriae;c.
ooc:upie, 1, it aspecti the 9wncr of 7 (Jupj r-er) and tbie ow n1r 1

If tbt 1ub ford of thi 7th cusp be Jhc Big o ificatQt (rn the- 1,2 (, un). s'"o1 th euspa~ suti IQrd ~r 11 (permanent miabom-
srar of fb1 m:ropa11t or, oiwt1er} of l, 7 or l l; or con neclcd sbip} 11, the s1mjficator of 2, S and mi:mectoo witb 2, S: 7 and
wilh -~ 7 or 11 tie olive marries during tlfl=. joint period o,f 11 H•nt:e the . native will surely mmr 'tho girl as disct1~p ,
th sipilca1Je n ol 2 (addition 1o t'1e family ), 7 (wife: ot hus. abou.
and.. legal tie) and 11 (permanent tie ·of friendsmJl)~

,Ja,nl p rind : ho!VG wn b · rn durin tho period of

1Jib °'''
p (Callt~r: I~· 42'): Ma, tile gUJpa ~ ,w b Jo-rd of ·
11 owl1 I anti O"Ppie, ,. iE IIJJOUII th, Ase_. 111 sitar n'd,
Ve u wUh bal nee of v·.4M', n.. Tho p1r1
r of · urs ( ba
ub Satura owns 61 j1 h11 11pcc1cd b:, Mar-s aud 11 1 pec.u the owner
ou p 1 u'b Jord ar ]I) commo1u..,ul fr,o 18-5-1977 _ncl th ore
of 12 ,sun). , So he Eupal auib fo d ot I ~ 1h, i&ni 6CB tor O
W1 ,1 lovo uff. ir uoin&i 01 b~twiacn du1 rrunt1,c nnd nuna
d nd con,ncclcd wt II 11f I and 12~ Hon<:e bewiidcrment in
in tlu, ho11r,it ~ dur~ns Uae Jol11t pe~rod o·

aod Rab
DI a.r11ed I re.
( ~ S- J0-J 977 10 3- ~ J- l 97i).
, llort Ir~ :
Durin1 uu, foint or lhu
i: nJrioa'tor or JJ ·r riep
.g., Mmr6i Jupl t1r {1h1 own1 or 1) ond R~bu (tliQ euspaJ aub
"' '4S'C (YlrgtJ ,~~ J4') : Tiie 100. ford of thd A&e. ia Rahu, J,1 is
lord or 7}. tbe naHvr., got morried with tbe nurse an 7,- 10-1979 1
• in tbci 1hu~ Ktt'u and in th, ub Mercury, tahu "s in acuoci1tioo
Trar1xll, ~· Q,11 7-10- f 97g Mooo Arte.a S• 4' was in th.: .r1u b with the own r of 12 (Sun) and nspectcd by ltie ownir ol ,6

Jupiter (tuei ub p~rJod ,t · h,r). M·a~& Cane , Il~ 39 1 w01 in tin, Satutn111 So h bccoma& artJicte-d a d malefic.
sub Rahu (the inter period ruler), Jupnr,r E10 7• 5gf was i11 Tbc star lord Keto is aap,cted bY the own1r' of: 12 (SUtnJ
it own ubl! 1St.111 v;rso u,• SO' wn1 in the star of Mao.Ill tl-1e and the owner of 8 ara. So, it IBcomes afflict1,d -and m le(ie,
II goirico1ot of ma rtqe.
he 1.,ub lord M ttury owns 1ha Asct and it s· asP'Cted
2, llt,us , r the srJb lord of the ?ifh CH&(l be Hu:i igmir(Cator by the o,vntu ef tbe badbaka house 7 (Jupiter)~
(in the EE 1 of th~ oooupatH or own~r} of J. 6 or 10: or ccut1oec-1ed Thus rbe Ase, snb lord is ;conueoted witlJ the badhaka---
with ! 6 at EO, h does not. prnmism c:onjlilgal Ilfe. eJ,u i di\.
mor-ata houses~ 61 8,. 1:2 a.nd • Henai tb ihor.t !~Fe:,
no,teS 1ib.s~nce qf .m,arried fffe 010 W J or ~ oth1r. be sub lord9

of 1he 1Jth and 2nd cusps may eliso be eonaidtercd !ik1wi10. The ~th r:1,sJ) (A rles 12: ./1' )': T_h c vu bi lord of the Bill _n&,p is
event ill tbis respect oc,o rs duTit1.g th~ jQint ·er-iod of ch, McNUrY,. lt is in the ita.r Sun am,d 'mt U1t sub Venus.. tn::cuy
rri' of I , 6 ftnd l O~ owna the i\sc. and it is aspe~t~d by lhc owoer o ~be hadb a 1 (Jup;itcr).
1:11 c:11~p (PlNt:U 12• JJJ') : lt.-abt1 tb, cuspal sutJ lord of 1 is
The stf\C to~d Sun awns 12, it is aspec1~d iby t e o'WQ if' of
a1~oc~a.tad W'ltb 1bte owner of 12 ("sep,aTatinn) Son aod &,:ipeetsd
fi Satum.
by thu owaer of 6 ( ace of married li fe) Satum. ts star lord
The sub lord Venus Ol\'DS [he m ,uk lio1t1~e 2 1n.d d i
K.e~u iE oo tile 1fklr cusa i(,bs~n.~ or -per.mamr 11r refatioinsh~p).
aspectee by the badbaka holHi,e owur (I upj ter).
I, 1s aspec'tcd by Sun aJJd M'r1rs ownin • . 8~ I~ su'b Lord or-
cury own I and to. Sa· tba cu.sp ]. sufJ bud of 7 is tile aig0ii· Th.UJ n1c cuspal sub ·Jard of J b. the sigoifioator of 1.... and
:ficatOr: of JO aud e.onn@ted wirb 1 6, to and 12. Htueffl b~
conucted wilh the badba a-maraka hm1~s 71i 2; 6 iu1d: 1 -
"'"W ildermeo L i D m nicd ~ ifc. '.Ef ence 1be shtJrt life..
se and·
. tirt
.d ffl ·m: ~P-
u.u:li·~·IU'li.. Ra u is similar
nnilar ~

cusp be
r or onect the -nati
. . .,. '-t!I.•·--· JI . ..
s~fiiom sickness ~ I i i : '.· or the diuase
piter ..
t bring ,. me permancn
~ Ir the .sub lord of the 6tl:i or . tli Of l_lli ~r i1 ~
nn~: cd b~ the (ia the star f the. occnpant or o lie )
. H t1 e snort Ji ~ . . -0f l. or 11 ~I t health. - h (s 12tli to 6 &bseace of di~,.
p riud ! The nath e was bot dining die period of Venns 1lth is to J 2 absence of bed ridd1cn si;kllffi or h it isatiou)
~th b!t a11c of fir. :i~v, 6 ·. t pre ~n~ the native runs the .disease,, is. cured or the native is saved from 8.D.}l danger 01 other-
peno-a of Mars. owniog since 1 -5--1977 and it continues up -wise, during the joint period of tbe si ai fiaawn; of 1,, S ·aad tl.
to lS:-5-1984.. So it is not fa.v.Jurabl~ for. longe.vhy~ Discretion has to be used in selecting the. sub lord tb or
14. Cancer , th. or 8th 1
or l ...t!i cusp i judging d..iseaso, aefect, deformity
Hinzs : l ]f the sub lord. of the Ase* i(hea.ltb) be in the star
Ill or bodtly inju y -ate.
of 'the o-eeu-canl
.. of the ha o&e 1 or tl, die mea1tb is normal. S. The p,arts ~,f ttip body denoted by :
2. If ta~ sub lord of the sc. I>!. flu: significator (in tbe ·star (a) ttic sign a d bouie occupied by th c:uspal - ub lord of
-0f tbe occupan l o owner) or the. houso 6 {sickncss) or 8 (danger 6 or 8 or 12;
6 8 12 ke up swami jis rasi v ghar me hoge

to Jifl) or 12 hospitalLSatioo), it is not ~od for heal • (b) the rign and ho use oet;upia.l by tile star lofd of the:
T.he native may suffci from 1ickness or dise.ase during .the 1 vc ouspal ub 1ord;
joint pe1iod of the iguUicators of l aiid 6, also d11ring the sbb (c) the cuspal sub lord of G or 8 or l ..;
perioi:ls of tbe siga i fi cators of 1 and 6 or l and S or 1 and 12 (d) the star Jor.d of this cuspa-1 ub lord·
i.n tbe period of the s ill!-i fie a to r of 6. (e) the malefics conneeted 6 or 8 or 1.2 are ikely, to
3. (a lif tbe sub lcrd of the 5·th cusp (disease) be ihe be afficled tiy disease.
or 8 1o r 'fJth Cfl5Jl tScor.pj~ 'f 5 ) : In 1his borosmpc GeuJ.roi g' 11'
significator (iA the star of occeµaut or owner) of 6 1

12 eosn~d with l the native may ,&Uft",e-r ftom disea e or -i on the A~c:. The s b lord of the 6th cusp is M~rcu -~ It q
:is1 cl r.i 1& the su'6 plmod of tlf s cuspal sob Joni of 6. in the sfar a.nd sub anus. ercur awns l and occupies IJ~
( ~ lht sllb lord of lhe tilb cusp be ea ectea witti -ni, star and the sub 1nus o ns U a d oec11.pies l l So it
""..,_.'"'"• di ., mes chronic; it w1tb ~ rs diseas,1 is aeute. ri.s the si.pificator or
12. 11 am.d eoonccwl 11tith 12~ 11 aad 1.
an ~r, and oauaes opt.rations; if witb_ ___.~_......'------- ......1..- - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ - - - ~ - -

14... CtJncer Mercury and Ve:aw l,o!h arc in c.o.ojunctfon with &e owur-
Male. Birth t-4-1911 Swida)'; JI0-58 A.M.1.S/f; 13~2'1. Di I Stlum ·aal Rahu; the-y am ~Ml by ~lie uwncr
121143; A.ya.namsa zi''3J;•. at the badlbatia- house 7 (Jupiteta) &nd thn o,w1cr of' 6 Ma.ff. .
ASC Thus the 1:11 pat tub lord or fi is eonqectid witn 1,IJ..&,.12;
Gemini 9· l·I
tbs badbal:a hou~~ 11; Mercury (~m_plinlion), Venus ~we:ting
N!!p.. ·26·17 P[u. 3·26 disease)_. ~a.turn (ehronjc). Rahu (cmonic and- di.wlst ~and

dia.gnmis ), J up:111 r ( muiJ:natmy >. Mars1 (sudden ,.acute and patuflll

2 1Can~er 3·'5- - - - Taurus 7.,5· 1.
So the Dative it Uk~Jy to _suffer from iuaumhl dis~.
Ven. 27'· ll Ith cusp· (Capricorn 1• 5') The sub lord Qf the Bth ci11p 1

Rabu 18-43 is sa1arn. 1r is in the star aa.d sub Venus. So dl1: piifton will
Sat, 14.2_7
Mc~ 134' w accordiug as a l,ovc. Hence the native- may die of ·
3 ·Cance,· Aiie-s. 2+5 l Ji' ble disease. The aftlict ions are in the oum] 1 igns. ~ tl.e parts.
tknofi:d b,r the oardioal sis mrs may he affec~d ~ tht dise3*._
Sun 25·44
3~38 P'.18CCS ASC tGemiai 9• 1 J''}: Tbe ,uh lord of ~re A,sei i1
2B·S _ . . . . . . ._ _ .t(tfruirl11a 28,S leb: It is in the: t.a:r lla:bu aud in rbc sub Mars~ Jupi1e,r owns the
4 ~ t
Virgo, angJet it 'Occupi'"s the: Slh,, a=r ecrs the Ase. ~he star fgrd Ra~u.
-~.· oacupic.s l L The ~ub lord Mara ow~ ·~. Sp 1. , no lor-d or· tbe-
i5 Libra 2+5 ~-----,----Capricorn. ~·19
Asc.. is the s ong 'tiguif&eatur Gf I l · d connected with ·6; 19:
Kctu l8·4l MaH· 26,!SS
Jap,i 19-491" -5 and LI. fJeuee the native wi11l mai nt~im ncumal health 111
I Jrt ~~l fur Jong.
Uran, o,34
1!f'S'-- 3.iis We maJ now v·ievt the ub lord of the Ase. in a dil t:trnt
6 '$ ci)rp.i'o. -<taprftorn 8
Sagitt-1Jtiru 9~ l l manner. Ji.,.pi~er l~ Uur ow-ocr of th badlha.ka h~ ~ 7. It 11
1 aspeeted by the awner of S S turn and rh ov,·nec of i 2 Veau,.
So it ~omefl malefic «n.d tdflict ct. l.lSi tar lcrd bb
a~. PJDJWfction own r of ·3 Salma and the a,vuer oE l~
l\'j lh. th
It Sn. SI. Su. Pl, Sn, Hs.• SI. flsr
Yeuus; and aspecLed b)' th.1 o.wner ef ti Mars: So R.ahu a:lso--
s .Pi. 10 Me ll v Ar. l & s
hecouies malefic and afflict d. Its sub lo,d Mars owns ·aud
M le. s ~ s s... Ar
- - - 91 Ji ¥ rv
upected b,y rhc o,woer of S · aturn i So Mars a:,so b,tGQJJl•~ma:
Ma. Cp, 8~9 M. J R Ar. 11 v R.
nfic and afflicted. Hence tbe Siull lord of· the Ase,. f~pher be-
Me. Ar. 11 v v K I ~
- I" s R M_,
JR Ljp j R Mai 6

It i c,on~tad IS. Ctmcfr

eqtD.lC. li~th 2.5-,5-1913 Su ndai; 1
,&-52 A;M,1.s}r: 2,~2.
houses~ .,,. ·8 and. 1 also.
12,B]S: Ayaaamsa 22 33' ..
Joint pi!t iod : he m1a liv was born d I] dug the ]J1eiriod o:r
cw wi w Jn no= or 51. 1.1u,. ]D. ib i· hur:o cope de11otea
.. f

O:DJ hfi' . So ~fte-F 66 }'ears o( ~go we hav~ f~ l8U1 aoogt

J:be d1sease in particular..
Sat. 1+.2~.
Th.e p.eriod of Jupittt commenc-es: from ll- S- fg,·77'., It is Sun. lll-40
.<:OJI, ected wil.b 4f I l and t-ht? "baa ha ka- m1u·11ka .bDUS~c. So
Mer.. 1.. 13.
ils period is dangerous fo.r. lire. ~LS
ll 8, 3'1 -------·•- ~ ~":"""":.(t.tu 1i
\\'~ h. ~e. carli~r observ,e.d ibat tbl} cospal .sub lords of I Ven.
and S. are co~aecte-d wjtb the badhaka- araka houseir also 6.
I and 12. Hen.r e during the sub peri.ods of tbicse. ~ l auh 13.37 11
Jords 'liu~ native 111tl)' suffer fr-om dis~. 7.33
Soi d wiqg rtb1 t P-6Eiod of Jupiter (tbt cusp&I s,ub l ord
J4 L _. 10
-Of the As~ iu14 H2 badbakn. £10115,)11, Satium i\_llld Saturn (Ilic
c-u,spw $lib lord of SJ 10 JoJy U"79 it Wis dcw: 1 d lft~u th,e native 1.33 Utan.. 14·l~
was effected by cancer m oesopbqus!P 1.3~3 - - ~.-i!!~,- - ~.......,.iGtJRtllom 1l· l7 9
MOOD 8.•7
JS. C.anc:e r 1

ASC fEmrnis 'Uc.O'J; Th, sub Joni of the A'i C. Mars· occu· Jop. 24-4311
19·31 ~ - ~ -J ,....__,;;...........-SaglttaTiuS 18-31 8
l'~ 1 -1 s t.a:r Mert;o ry owirng S and ill Ute sul,
i1t is. in t.h1
· tow . owi Q8 1 ilna oecUJpy1~1 I l. Henrea it de mo lcs a Jona

J'i:fi ( · 11llice than fi6 )1Uff) 1

Btl-1 er,sp (Sagi'ttan~us 18 B:t } The &eh b~me ·and M•ai pf. Hs. .st. Sr1.
Pl. Sn .. Hs~ S,4 Su.., Sn:.
oparatioas aad sedous diseasc1.i The sub lord of th~ ltb
s Tr" 12 M v A;r. 1 a.
~p i Ra.bu. L is in the &hl.F Saturn and tu the .sob l(ct11.
s v J

Cp I Sa. "ff11 l-
R.wiu ·s HJ association with fa-rs th owner of tlt-c ma.ran
Pi. 11 l{ Pt 1'0 a. .
md J .... Tn~ s rar loi-d Satun owns lhc badtb•ka holisa s \lg. 4
'"" Mil Tr. 12 R. lC
g d oocopies 12. Ybe soblot-d ltietu is as-pet ted by Mua.
"J 8
""lbus this t\lspal sub lord is tbc: sigmilcE1tor .of the badhaka- ". g"'
inian . a ' it ls oonatcited witih ma.ral(a housos
tbe an1€1 69
ara,. So it d.e-notes the possibility 0:f a ~e:rious ·disease
a d be 1ub pcrioa ruler Rahu • star Saturn ii a namal

opemtH1n , atmefic1i it is placed in and aspects Soorpio.. 11 is faun,
Joint period : The- na rive was
. du t j ng the per jod of that affiiction in ny si1r1 aff'e,:fs tlic sig in oppos-itioa to it.
of un with balance of OY• JOilf ~ sD •• Pl aJJ ets in the !Ulr of tbc- So So. urn affects tbm rcetum a11d uten11 wbiolfl° an p ~
eQOupari t of 8 ar11 the stmug siguifroarors of 8. So during b0; b)' Scorpioli £anaer was developed during the sub period of
jpimt pei-jod of thitse sigoificators and the, cos.pal subford of ·8. Rahu ..
it is likeJy tha'l 1ha· native misht uffet from a seriou· diseas°' The inter period n:iter Jupiter is in the tar Vjn ·S acid ia
. nd she migf1t have to underso· operatious..

the sub M1ercury. Jupit r ,o wn, B, so lu,ous dieaie he ma

Jo this hocoscop. Jupiter ow:ns and occup i ~ 8. it is 1 th& ].ts star lo rd V•H11H own and oc:::\lpie t l .. lti
utrograde. There is no planet hi its star, o iL is the stron sublord "rcuriy owns 2 11 ~ and occupies I... S Jupit r. ls he
si~ H:ica or o S. Sa h1 rn is in the star Moon in 8 a nd in the signift,WLlor of 6 (dis mu:)• 1, t l (,~mcdy) aud ooooected with :2
.a.lib Jupircr owiung 8. So it j:; the stronger sjgnidetUor of
(,danger). 11 (hospitalisation) aod 5 (remedy). Th~ star lord enas
Uian Jupiter. being jm Aries is dee · ed to br, conacetqd ~ith. Mari • Henoc th
ope, atioo urvcd a the ~macr l mcaJure or the di~asc m
Th~· ptrfod cf ~aturn starts rtom 30~3-J965 a}ld cotniaues
upto 30- 3- l:9~4.. During tbe joint period of Saturrn and Rah
the inter. period or Jupiter. .

(12-11-.1978 to 18-9-.1981) fti0m Novembrr 19·?8, the native wa 16. aneer

getting weaker day by da}. Tacreafte:r1 during the joint period 6th CM3p (A.qup.rfu.s 2411 28'} 111 this horo!ico~o Virg · 22.• 28'
of Saturn, kabu and Jimpitet (29-3-19.79
l-a~I979) sl)s-, f iO i& OD tbe Ase-. The sub IDrd or tb fith co p is . eirt:L&ry. I is
W operated .on 9-5-1919 and ber - rec u111. and ut,r1.1s
. we.fl in the star Sa.turn and io &he sub Me[clU'y.. The sta.1 ord S turn
removed becaus@ of. ,cancer in lhes parts of the bodym, .owns 6. Tbe sub !o,rd , eroury owo!I f and. occupie.s 5-4 o this
Tr011sf,a: On 9- 5~19-79 sun Arjes 24• 19 , and Mao 1lirP. cn~.-p I sub lord i~ tbe ig1·i e11;1or or 6 and oo n-cctfd with l and
19° were io !he s-ub Mircury tho socksb,ma period ruler. Rahu fi; also With Satur-n (chronic dise ) and Mercury (complicated

Leo 20 ~9' 'as, in tho su Jup.iter the inter perfr>d ruler. Jupitei: disease).. Heucc the ativo is likely to suffer from I cbroaic
Can~ r 8~24' was in rh s ar aturn the penod ruler. disease or a comp!i. ted natur,e..
Eaocer- te,us Reictum : • itar lordatuarn cccup,ic fm.c ~ign
T tlie 4 wnw:h corn,sponds to Ca cer, i1 is acSp:etocl b the OWMT
. he pc-riod riuJe.r aruro~s s~ar Moon and sub Jupiter botlt
- h of the badbaka and m r lea hous 7 (J Ll 1terR, wtii ·b. is placed
are in .. t e Th Rtb house gov..crns the ,ectuni and utem~ 10 rbs-
fcmaJcr.. horo opre F t... jn lbi, an Illar house in Cancer.
. ' ur -.u er Moon and J upi tcr indicate disea •
1111· cam:1?· Henue - . The sub lord M.rc1tty is pl a - in t 6th. i tll" w.ei t0;r.
aan~r- 11t1 these part& of n~e body.- .
:_ Pisces (sasily susceptible te. dis P), it i iu conjuncti<tB w•ta
§ - .

,... _ _ _ __ ___.____5__,ign
7r0 '
aa.hM :~nd 'M oon and also a1Rtettd b·y the booflaka lord J npit,.cr
JI'} I imnr
&l!JP by the, owne1 of ,6 Satut . .llat.u deiuotca. the · disease wbieh
F. mal_e~ Bfr1h 9-3- 1932 cdJJ~day 8- -17; PJ,1~J-S'"Tiii 228 32
aay oc,t be dJapdset1~ I'u.pi.ter iodlgites tnmo.urs ant ab~csili
72-E46; A)'anamsa 12,• 49'
~gn 4ali oardm1a! !:i@ igwf)1 m1 ms~

,E Jo this cas" the v,atei: and cardinal sips1 Mo~ Jiu.pit •

Yiraa 22.·28 5a1um and· Rahu ore interreilatcd. SltbSte.qucnl):9 i was diqnQSed

:Keht 3·10 that th~ njltive: suffered fro t'-c maU1na11ir {c ceroti:O 11.1 11-0:ut 1

in tbc u terusi
2 :1Jr28 ....._
- Lep ~-28 ]2 R&bu t:a 6th bemg 111. the s·ti1r ana. IM suh Saturn
3 Scorpio 11·18 €am:;er 3-28 11 ow11jng 5 is thie sjgnific(ltor o.f tt~
lllp~ 21-llR Sun in tm e
6th own., 12~ it js in th·~· star Jupi tor. the- O'W{ller
\of m badh~ka JiOJLJSi= 7 and i& lh Kdh.1 i:n the ' J2tlL So it i&·
4 S ogi'ttarius 22.,28'
-- - Gen,111.t 22~78 ]()
ttit str9ng. i nifietuo:i of: lhie oardhaks honse 7 and oonncotid wi:t'lif.

s. 37
-- Taurus 21 -28 , l2t. lt is also io coojum~tion with fhe own'(fr oi S M~us~Rtne"e Sun
in the 6tl\ is th m()st malefic in tf.ft~t. Ftar-ther 1rt is the . uspat
sub lord of th;e bad baka hou~ 1. ·
· ,BIB 11.52
6 .Aguarius 24~ Joi11·1 pirlod = The DP tive wa-S born during tb~ period Q
·-Arlcs: 21·28 8:
26-2 V n. Me1eury witb b~anee of ·11 Y. c,M,- tcS'D • J:be p.c tiod of s,n started
' 49
~om 27-3,- 1970 and ~pntinued upfe· 27-3-l97Ci~ o ,orins this dmCc
Ral1u Jt\SO tltc na livc -5uffe ed much fi om lbe ai~ .

.Moon 2I·2Q I,f 1be period rulec is the s:igo i fi~tor of an s,,: p~A,ted eva~t,,.
the ne-ut ~u.r-s dut-ins thic; jo.i nt period of the per:ioa rulf!t iJJ
.Piscu 2~~21
&tar lord and its fiiUb Jo;rd.. So duri.lilig. lhe joio:t peii.od, ol Sun.

Pl. n. B~. s,. Su.

' 11!1" Sn~ Hs.. s,~ Sa
lulu lits sub lord) and Jopitier (ils star· lord) lb~ nsiirv , . 1,a
oF CQ.Qee,: on 4,- ~1975.
s Aq. 6 J x v Ar.. ·7
The su")J pr:1iod ruler Katu ls ill tbu star Sulll, owning 12:
.. & J
, occup~ mg. 6 a d io 1he sub Sa.turn ownin.s; 6t So it is the
M t. 6 Me. v lalJ Cp. 4 s v. q1nticator of ·11 and 1l a'Bd com 11c 1ed whtm 6.
Aq. 5 R ·s R Pi 6 Sa. s~
Lt. p~ Sa . 'T b inttr period ,oler Japite!f o~s. tb.f ba·d.htl°kJ, lloµs, 1,
;i,, Ca. JO ' Ne..
K Vg. 12 s Sa..

jt is in tbp stat Me.r~ry ow iog 1 ~.nd oce\ll}ying 6 .a.11..d in tba.

- ?3

In Stu SC
as in ·is 3agi,t,u1MJ 26· l 6

p ~l ·:t tht DOD die
K-era Tauru
., .,111
i the star oon.
:2 ~quariu.s 1-29
1. ·c1ne Jup.. S· IOa
1 (a .4SC (S,agirtar-lu.1 2 •· 16') : Ti1e sublord of the SC is
cu. It i io the: star Sun aind in the sub · acorn. Kahu 4.24 Mars 12·55
"3 Pisce-1 1~29 Scorpin 1-2.9 11
6.thusp (C~mini 1• 29') ~ The nb lord of tb - 6th COS];!
is: · ercury, 1t ts in the sitar un art d in the sub Rabu. !4 Aries 10·29 Libra 10·29 10

8th cu .. p (Leo 1 • 29') : The st1b Jord of th; 81b cusp is .· ep .. 23,48
Venus. Jr is ill the tar Sun ~nd iu th.e sun ICetu. Sun
1·29---- _.,_,,._____Vi18go
8 -29 9
12th cusp (Sagittarius 1• 29')~ T11e sub lord of the lltbJ
en. 1·5
cusp is: Venus. Kctu ~24
Among the abeve s.atd planets Su"m O\VlH 81) Mertary
the SaL 1·S4
ow11e.r _of 6, Ke-tu, S tum and Vaous an in the 8th. Sun, ~eous.,
I et.. 19.:44
Kctll aod Samrrm arc in assooiat~on rtti. one another. 6 Gemini 1·29"------ ------Leo 1·29 8
{b) Tbos the above cuspid su'b loTds Ke1u, Mercury and
Uran. 16·22 Pim 26-17
enn, arc the s_ign1fieators o·f 8. So. they deoote sel'iou disease. 000 17..44 Caoarr
(c) ne or
them is in the star . t tlie occupant or owner
Gemini ·16
eif 1, 5 or 1 I. So toe· dise-as~ might not be cur d.
(d} [11e· C;USp sub lord or. - (serious disca£!, nd operation) I. Sn. H. .. I, u. P.I. ..
H! I t,.
an J_ ( dei6c in th part O· the b ady an .ho p1 i s llOD) is g. 9 ""'
t us in • So i denotes lcidncy, · it I in eoojun tioo ith R "'
Um and etli (re m les
lars) t c: di e ill be chir ooic !a ll a. R


ir might n t be a iod tll nari _ y •
r.ation,. a
!'. as born during the ps.ricl of iu tbe suti Rahu. Saturn Eeo 1• l' w.:s io the MJib Rahu . Vtnu
JoitH ~ : The n rn,e . ill
'1h b la:D of . i-. o:.. 2.2"·· W«eaf er, the nab ~ w. ~rpio 29 - 7' was in the Sia, MeJc~ the soo shm;1 period
- d a10 ro ldl'ecti elf-' Jupl is ruter.. Ra.bu Jrgo 11• 39' 'Was in the s b atorn lb
the ptruxfs o, Jap1~e:c an , . is
• .1:..,. significator of. 8. o it
) . Sa tllrD IIS w,.. • • Marcury Saaftrarius s• 3'' was 1n the sub
· ~ t , m d: ease during e l ,mt aesareaa
t e oath,.~ 3.j' ui:; IL

prrl of Sa uni 1111d }i.len:1,1ty (tbc psi sub to1d of 6). 'Hints : If the sub lord of lb Sib cusp (fe _ale aod die ·
nm and e (the sub lord of e A i::} Sa . r111 11nd Venus cuJp male) ·s ttic significator (in Ille star o the ~ a n t
.s aJ s b Ji>rd of: K d 1-). or o"Wner) c,f 2 ( ia ~. S (concep,1io1;1,. c td or 11
. the c)i~ie&S •
In we join e ~od a S . um and rcun . ., (:Slb .fiom....7); oi connected '\'\oJlh 2. '5 or 11 hild b ·
oo d no be diawos" • B t later on iu . £ monl.h of" Fe~ruary lf it 1s th fiom ~
. • . ,, d f I rcu"-' aod Satum~ it ,as
91: urmg rbc JOUl :p!IlO D · a t ~ i .. J • S aocl ll) child birth i not promised~
b.ii:n ,ed th at chi! ma ri•c s utfe-fW ff om the twU bJe or ~d oey. 5lh t:¥3P (Yirgo t,• 121 : ln thi horoscope Tallrus 17•_ ' is
Oa 18-~1976 urm;i rh.: "om period or- alum, Ket on tbn A'.sc. The sub lord of me Sth cu p .. It is in-
Jupi1er- the d tjdac} was rcp!actd b)' a ew one.. t.lie star &nd io I.he sub atwll.
DuriDit tbe" joint pen d of Saturn, ~nus and lars i Mercury owns ~ S :and or,e:upies- s: it as~ts
the mqodJ -of Aups 1977 a newh· trarrsplaiited kidne~ whic .t i conoccteo with i, S a d 11r Bene~ r:biid ttrth is ptomi
was not prope.rl)" was. removed by operation~ Me1cuey is asso ciatcd wilb et ao.d asp~ctcd by at~ 1

T_be third operattou was undargon1: io the month of H e:nce delay in child birth.
· ovemb r 9.71 duriog the join period of Saturn,. Ven,05. !labll Tb£ star lord Mars owns 1 e maraka houses 7,. 12 a11d
cccvpics ,6; it aspects the 12th d A~c. The. sub lord Satura
and S turn.
CCCI.JPie 8; i1t aspec~s the 2Jld and ""th, also Ketu and l~reory
Dur-lng the joint period of Sattan, Venu·s, Rabo and u-
io S. So thi cuspsl sub lord ~s counected with Mars (operation),
c , anomc:r JJcw kidney wa traDsp1anted on ~12- 19,~7, by
Saturn {obstruction),1 Ketu {nanat?JraJ)1 the hnufes 1 (naive), 6 ·
· :;· of op _ratiom,,
(sickness), 8 (danger ope1ation)1 12 (httspdalisa<i-011); 2~ 5 {child .
r'Fransiis : On 8- 2-1976 Sun Aquarius s• 3' was in tho star
birth)- Hence. the pos ibffity of Caesarea:o
·a rs the dgniicator of 8. Mooin Virgo 7• 3' was in
the sol).,
er" tlle ip er perjod ruler. Saturn €am.cer s• 5'6'. was in its. ow· 11th CUSJJ (Pisc,s d•12'): he sub lotd of the Iltb cusp .

star tht pe·riod ruller .. Ketu Aries 23°19' was in the eub Saturn
q Mercury. Hence the- potiuoo. BS above.
Jupit,r Fiser 2.s• 39J v.ras in the sub Saturn.. 8fh MJsp (Sqittarivs 12• 121 }: 11 denote"S opc,ratJ"n~ So ita

On 22-I~ 971 Sun Sagi ~r ·~s. 6' 36' was in the sail R.ahu, nb lord may he conaidcred. I~ sublord is ,rcur)'.~ Bence th
11 posp11iility of caesarean.
tlle ioter ptriod rl!fler. Moon Aries 29,, 14' lo Taurus ...:I_~_:_..~.!11-~
1 WP ~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~---~.___.~
Sipljicators aI Ch tlil IJ'ir,t'li :.

18'" Caesa,e.Qlt 11 House ·:Planet in Planet io Ebnier

9~1 P.M.._I,S.,1; 23 l,
Friday; ~upani1 owncr

femal . Birth 16--10-1931

star St.Irr,
121135; AyaDamsa 22• 48'.
.2 None one Mc.
ASC s M K J c ..
TaJJr~.s 17.. 44 J ¥~
Arie$ 12-12 12 one s
Plu, 29·20 2.4 l l
Sa. v
Rahll 11-32
11 v R 1
1.Pi es , ..12 11
3 Cancer 7.r2 Juptlcr, Moon Su'a, SatW'& and Venus arc th strong
Jup. 2S·lg sipificators. Rabu represents the signiflcacor Jupiter, so R.ahu
.;Jquorws 4-12 10 may hp giv n proferonce. F11rthcr ua and Mercury arc in Ille
.. 4 Leo 4-12
14..21 sub Saturn the signiiicato,. Moon and e us are in .tbe siab
7· 2 ·~ Jupiter tb£ signiftcator:.. Mars is in the sub Venus the s1gnii:fiator.
5 Ytrgo 5·12 R.ahu is in the -sub Meon tHe ,igoHicator,. H ~ nus, Su
Keto 11 ·32 Moon, Mar • Rabu aoa. Met'-cu.ty may be cons,idercd as- imparta
ier. 2Sw4
sigttincators of chi Id birt'h.
Slln 29 12 1

Joitd pe:1iod : The native was.bura during the p ricd of Ke u

Sat. 24·11
Ven. 9*42 B with bat·anc1 of 2i'., 7M· 2°·.
'Ihc;eafter she w1 J IUll the pcr:iod· of
'6 Libra
12.. 1~ ..
- Sagitta,ius12· 1i
Moon 8-M \'!enus 1 Sun and oon r peotivcly. m this cas c ild b ·rth ,s
late. So daring the joint period of oon, Jopit,t aod onus,
Scorpio 17-44 tbc oatj v·B d Ii ered a female cbiJd on 2 - -1964. he deli cr.y
7 was effected by . Tb, inter period ruler Venus i1 in
auoc"stion wnh ars.
Hs. St Su,
Pl. S11l ,H , s,~ St,. Pl. Sn. Du~ing the. joint pe,iod of oon, cor~· (the sub Le r.d
v i. .s It J
s Vg. s Ma. S·ail
af th,e Stb and ] Hh cusps) and R1hu the na\i\lC' gav birrth to,.
Sa. Sg. & ~
M Sg_. 7 K J another female child on 18-2-1967,, T\t sub p~rio8 rtile1 Mer
rv It Pi. II Sa. M
Ms,. Lt (i J eory is in the tar ars and th~· birth was b)' ~s.esar,an.
Sa. K 1lg. 5 M Ma.
' £. Vg. 5 Ma.
,.,._ !'! 'D
r n Ult" ji: iot ri ""d o . . R.._. u n u a-_prcmAtura
i " U be · ·n C'rbil l! Nan 011 l - J • COP~dl»I,
l,il.&41,t\,ifU. th u 'tritit:aJ m ~ 5
~u.r,·• ·d. ,E .
- 7-. A~ a~msa
- - '4fi
Jil!'maJt. Bi,tJJ I S J .
.J)'. ednesday; !b.26
ri d ru r lacs o ,ns J.,. it is 1n th star Jupi t er
1 1 23
wuiny ud ~mw th , ub · cou owning • o it deoles
iti~X p , iod for 'ite. But I su a d inter treiiod rlller Rahn is
in he. sta turn in S {fa\'O~ 1e fo, loogcvit)') and io the oh
o00 (lo ge,ityJ. ence die native recovered from Urn. J!.
dangerous slcknt:ss. Rll111
Trans'J'ts.: On 28-~1964 un quadus 16• was in the suJ, ;2 G~fni
·Vc11us 1hc inter periQd ruler.. Moon Leo 27..37 1 was in its own t,. 26·30 - 1------Ariu
Jg., J2
sub the period ruler. J npiter P.isces 26•45t was io its own sub, Sua 11.10
1 Maoa ll l
tht: sub perjod rutor.. Veous Pisco 2t'32 was in the sp6.1upitcr. J0,47
On J,8---2-1967 Sun Aquarius 6• was in 1he sub Moon the 12·~--- _ er.
period ruler . Moan Taurus 15• was, in iu own tar..
16·26 ---·-----p,~ff 21 ..24
3-0 !i
Oa 18-10-1970 Sun Libta 1•21' was in the .star Mara tbe 10. .9.._______
ptriod ruler. Raho quartus 6•34' was in the star Mars. ~S li'irga ~--- ~ A9uarfu,1 l0..9
13·0- 10
The 1u1th~e is a DJ>Cr·or. ep.
13·23 Olprl'cs,n , 12 ~
1!1. Caesarean 27,JO
Jth cuap (Ylrgo '1-3" Ot): Jn thi!i J,orosope TaurDA 24• 51 ·-6 Ltora
. .is, OJ.l the ~~ The sub Jord of the Sth c\Jip is .Rahu. lt is
in the star M~rs · in the snb Mercury, 8
The s r lord Mars occupies 2 and it is in tbc fruitfdl si&Q
..cancer, Tbt s.ub lord MercMy own ~ 2,. S and oeeupies 11; it is
in the ffliitfw sign P'iscoa. bus this cnspal sub lord is co1llltf- H,. St,.
s r .. 11.12 v
Su• Pl Sn. fl ..
ted witb 2, 5, 11 and fruitfuJ ligo , Hence cbiJd birtk ii

At M St~
..,ptamiscd. Ar. II v T.r.. 12
Sa. s
Aa u the c11spal tub Ibid is in a5sociation with Saturn ia 2 Gm. 2
th 2nd, Heott cbild birth is laie.
n I r lord Mari owos: tbe.- ma:r.aka hollSU 7 1.1- 'Gd,
- .
'i'!li:ffiii~··u a th, 6th., Th~ sub loJd. McrcUry is asp~cted by a·~ur11. birth is late., So during the jojm t puiod ot Moon, llahu and

. ~ b I .:m -ici connoo tcd with an, ( J~n )~ upttet th delived')P was effec,ted by - dae:ilUC'a'o aid thi:= m• five
1us ~ euspal su o ru I;;) •

gave birtll ·fo a male cbUd iM1 6-12= 1974 ~

S rum and 'R. bu. (obstrucrio )" tbe boUS~ ti _( ~~bil ~. 7 (eetlw
owme:o) aod 1~~ ~""
'uu&pt"ta 1·- tioll1) ..- Hence·
JS:t.1 - .•
the possEb1hty of cacsa·
Mam.Al During the join.t l)eriod o Maon,1 Jqpiter and B~ahn
1110-rl:ier male child was born w,ith. the ald ot caea-1ii00.n on I =4-1971.
l-Jtl-J. t:u~p (P - JJ
_- rsceu .. -• O' ,.
. . snb !otd of the 11 tll eu1p
'Ii· Tb
Whis o.bnd succumb~d m j ls sm-s-e i rnmr: dia ~ely twclvd- bolllti
is R nu H,ence the positjon S'S ah(lVI.

Bllt cu!J} ( og,itiarius J8G.. 9 ~~ l t d 110 tes oipcr·ation. So its. s.u b·
DurHl.K tbe jori ! pt,,rkxl -ar
Mer:c;:~ry and Moon a.
lur;i may bs considtred. It it Ra.ha, Bence the ponibUity of c:aesareanllJ
f:runah: iehi~d was bort1 ~Y _ on 6-9-1919.
R:mu's sub lor'd M,e rcury uf aipected by Jupiter o·w ning l
Tli.: perlo raler Mqon's uar K.e u r-uambtes Mats ia '" ' ' •
and ~opyio 5. The Ase. aad Venus (owaio ~ l end 6) ,,..
while llabu and Jupate-r are io tbe star Mau. lionee t'hLl cao11HDn.
nspected b}' Ju piter. - tnce
1 JIO fiarm to life ..
Tr·tmsUs-: On 6--12-1974 at 5 -+1· P ~ M. I. S~ T., Moon 1A16'
S ig,tijictJlDrs of OJdld llirtlJ ; 20' 40" was io t,he sub Iupi'ler~ the iotet p1:riod nler~ llabu
Owner 8_cor io 1~ ll' w s i · t llei sub Jupiter. 1 pit c guarlus 16 2CI'"
House 1'1ane·t in Occupant PIBr11at
occupanit·s Lil ners
0'1 waA in th'e star Rabo~ tht sub periad r ubir ..
star star Oo B~-i977 at 10-0 P. M. 1. S. T., Moen Scorpio 27'' 18'
2 Sa.. le. Wft' in th sub Ju:pi't~r. tho sub pi,.ripd .m1,,. San Pisces -is• i 1'
Ma. was in the sub ltatru, the int~ p liod rwet\
s . a~ I . e ..
'€ln 6-,.g.,,.,tQ79 ~t. 10-40 l~\ M , J. S.~ T. Moon ~quarh.1.s. 23''
ll ~ - ei., Sa J 42 was io. the suar IL1pHer t.b.e ignillca.lor., Bu L:o Qi, 2' a~d

Non.c Mcircury lA0 13• 5~' wern in tht! star V1· us the sig-nilaator~.
i&. oreigg 1!-ra,el
Man1 Iueh r Rahru; Saturn· M0rc-ury, ,oe n and enus HitJts·: If the s_ub lord of' tle: 121t& cusp be the slgm iw11.loir

me the. signi6eatora. an llD..d R.ahu are bi ~ s b Mercury, a

.ia tJte !itar or 1ht .doe.ap~.n1 or owm::r·) bf Eiw'a)' f:tam hun1ne}.
th.c= si.gnfficmtor.. Jmp ~ Iler J in its C'WD sub.. Hcmcr: 10Isirder MoonJ 9 (foreign J~umey) or I 2 (h. e in an•u n~t1nw11 plaae ot Complatet,-
Ju;pjier and llano m important signUicators. nnfamiliar 8tmospbcrc}; Ol connected with l. '.P1 r l jt pc10mbts.
;Joinr period: The·-oativ~ wa.s qo(n dawri.og the .period of Kctu oreign. travel and stay duri og th joi u.t pet'iod of th,
ht ce of or. 1otu. J 2D,. Thereafter t.&1· gattve will run the :aign Uiea!ots of 3, 9 antt 11~
penods ur Venus, Sum and ocn respJcdvely. ln rhis ease child. 6
82 8-3
12th CUip (Gemi,ii 18• 4l1') ;. l. to thi horolmpe Ct1ee1
1.-3S P .M. l,S.T.; l3·112,
a• 27 is OD fh~ Arc ThiS aab lord of tbc l2th cu I' I& Moo11~
JI is in the t"'r M~ts ud in tlle 1oh MeJCDry. Moon own.
the A·sc. (ne dv-e). The star lord Mars ,occ11pics 3.. The 10b 1o:rd
COlfur 18· l 1 Mercury owm 3 and 12. Thus the cnspal sub lord of 12 i the

Jup. 2e6 1ign1fic-ator of 3 a.ndl eouc:cfcd wiU1 3 and l 2. &nee it p1amilm

fomign travel and stay abroad to the .tmli¥e~

Gemini ]8.42 12 2 (a) We may now comiiju - oon in 1it5plet or tbe nativc•a
2 Lt4 13· 2 ~ 1·12
con arenu. As QOuntsd frQm tlic. 4m cusp (Libra 1s• 42')i1 Mooa
Piv~ 25 R
12,D.. 27 f R · m the star Man m 12 aad in th" sob ercury 9wniJ1g 9
11·42 11 and 12.. So Mots.a. is the ~ igo.ilcator oi t 2 and co ,ed witll
- T~
i ugo 13-42 7~48 9 and 12 for the mother.,
b~ AS counted from the 9th eosp (Piscasi 13• 41')1 MoQ.n
_.34,R is jo tbt star Mars owning 9 and in tfi1 811lb Mercu.ry in 12..
fil 4-2' 151142 10
So oon is the ,ignificator of 9 and eonost d wi1b 12 for the
- An~s
L_fbra l .2.9 father. &> Moon p,o~ises foreign travel at1d stay abroad to the
Sun l 22
4 11a,emts after die birth of the nati e..
Jomt puioc/ : 1. native Wai born dmint the. perm~ of
tpi, 0-26a 9 MMS with bahrnce of 2,Y. 1~" 13a.. Thje period . ru1cr Man.
PfHu 13-41
'.'! Scorpio 18· i
Sat. l l·SI is in lh~ itac: ar a.nd in the sub Mercury'., As already dis-
Met.. 7.,47 cussed abov-1 1 it is tbt strong iiS!]ificato·r of' foreign !ravel both
for the native a;ud lti , pareDJ 4 So they went abtna,d in the
l ,.42- ,~ -_ -Aquari11s 13~42 8
6 agiuarius period of Mars.
2. During the joint period of Mau. Vco·u ~nd Rahu the
Ca.prip/lrn 18~27
ad've's fa hrrr started for LQru.loo on 7- 9- 1968.. All these thne
7 p)aaets arc tl11 sipwcato: of for-eign ttav~l f'or the native's father"'
l'I. ~ Ba. St., Su. Pl.. Sn.. Ns, Sat. s~. (a) Dunng the joi t period of an.
Venus and Ketu
B K v v Tt. 10 s ~

Gm, 11 ' Ma. ML}. Sa. Pt 8·9 Sa.
the native and his morlhe·r started Cor London on 14-3-Ul69
(Mars 1ha period ruler is in association with Keta ·and as~ta
a:.R Li :t ML Me. R Ar. 9.10 Ve.ow. So both Ectu enus become tlJ,e sip.Uicators of
:e. Pi. I Sai K K ti. 3'· :R: &
foRign tra vcl),.
.J CD. ll l R
• 85
( ) 11 r 21. ar Ip ri1,a •'~I
_n ,1t1e1 I •hll MuJo. hilb 11 , 19 74 S1unl!1y; i l - 2i P~M. 1,. , "11~ 2
73 30; Ay, 11unti11 23• '·

Pl s 21 ·28
2 Ari J A~rluN
,J Ta11r1,1t
- ,_

Coprlcom l I I IJ

K tu I T ·01er:
- tu1_ T~
_rt rufe is i.a c star ltallu and ia
hu i ,in ialion w·tb Sua
15· l
ub ror.d Kc1 is in asstciation w lb 4 G:,mllfl 17·1 I
Sagtttarlru 17· l IO
Sar. li1·ll

a lhc na -ve, h·s mother and r1 Sun R.aha 3~51

l , er. Retta diea joint ...."H'WI
.g.. one or riavell nw
s Canur -- ~

- - ,S«Jrpio.

Man '

er, tnon
as in the
6 ~ - - -
-LIJJra 2S·l I
Ura .. O·M
,a s io 1 o a
a,r Kttu Fbc ;,uer perio&I fu-. I I· I
. own u • Yirgo 21~21
2 •
- .
iO ffllJJ1 ravel Bl. Sn. H,. St. Su,. 'Dl.
28' i
l'21h (Af«4 rfr,, 14 1'); In
he~. 11JB
. hr,roscope Pi ta :2
1& ford or the 12th cu p i1 MercUJ')',
8 On. 4 a. ~ v

. ... M Le. 5 K R Sa~ Gm, 4 R. s
It ID Jk 11,t Rabu and in llle 11111; IUtu. Mcrcut}' ii in a· f;fi. l:.e, 5 x v R Sc. 9 Mc. Ma.
a.Jiu i1 io 9 and it1 sub Kotu is in 3. 1\1Ju tie CUJ' Mc, Om, 3.4 K
. Ille K Tr, 3 Ma,1 Ma.
Ub kud or 12 JI 1igoiftcator of 9 and eonaeeted la Aq, 12 I Me.
ib 3. Hence 11 promira fo eign jouraoy and stay abroad.
1olnl pa:ricd : l, Tl11 native was borJJ duri~g tho perjod or
L!iu with bwarncc. of ]"F'~ 3M.. 21 °·11 Kela fa in the I tar pd Dm DWDHII 11 nd 12. So, R~a is the sipi&cato,r of J1 9, 11 ..
.ub Mame!' ?-, iJ Hu: owae, of rh1 9Jb cusp (S rpie>. aod 12; also auw ctcd with. 1be~
2.2•i,') tbe A&c.. of tile naliv • ra1·~erj, As counlei.f from fbt Venus is in t b.c= 1t,:r •nd sub Ralu, in 9 ~ So It i1 Om·
'9th Mars ,ccc11,Fies 9 aad jt ia in to1Jjt1nctwn ~th ooa tbc- sigcffiaacor 0f 9 md oonmee«rd wl h D. H~nee th~ a.ativ1 had

owner' or Un: fafber ~ 9tm.. So 'k e tu indicatis that at the imc-

1 immed,~ely after il1i& birth, f~ U"mlcrto ltatl UID/tls. for p:an
of tbc natlv~'s bin:b his falber was in the foreign I d.
I port and vi'sa.

I. ln the joimt pa rioA or Jtct • Jup --~r -and Jup~t~r lkcr
2,, Ae, ccunt~d from the 4th cutp (Gtunjaj ~·1 ) Mar, nau,,, a,i<I hh motbc1 iartcd for C.bicago {u·.•A.) on 22-11-
wn 11 (auierimg U1e ki1t.h :and kia of Ute mo:thtr) o~- 1974.
pf 2 (family life ro.r lhe .m:oJflber). It i id caajuetio.n wjtli
Ju pi ler · in Uu: 1 tar Ju,r;i r and in tht oh Mcft!Dry. The
Moon cworng ~ wt iit aapected bJ' Jupiter cwnID1 1 (buabaa.4 aw Joi'd .Jupiter o~upit l :and Che ub !01d Mtroury ecca ..
of tbe morber) 11d 1 S1tum <HfDttD 9 (f'orejg_ journey far the pica 3, So ii i1 the 1p1ifica~or of l l a od 0011 nectcd with 3
mo !b tr). So Ke h1 deno teS tho t tbc mother orthe native \Vil for the :na,tive.
te ia I JKHIJtion fa mu Ju:.r bus·b-and a d to lead Ibo family
Rcguding the mother af the gativa. as m1tr1wd from tke
lf/1 oy goio1 to the furefp 1 od durlns iti t:,riod.
46 itdlp the ~or lord Jup~Ccr OCClJp!its 9 aad the rub lord
1~ As for tlte. naiive Keh.J is (be siigniru-ciuor of 9 ~nd 12 Mctetuy ocet1pios 1i. So it je 111, , ig.t1ifit=ator of 9 arnd cooa ..
and al~o coDDccted wirh 9 and 12; bcca11se its star and 101> ckd "'ilh Jl. fer tbe mottler .
1,fars OWJJS 9 and lipe~tt 9 and Ill Su he wiJ b al,lc to &O FraMit! ~ On 22- lJ - 197 ·us 4 • 1
im LP'
to tb~ ta.aisn J and dud m 1
a Us :PG riod; ~nib V, nu.a the sook2skma pe;iio_d r11Jer.. K.cru T-aurus 11• \RS'
4i HtnJ~ (o) If fhe it1b k>rd of lbe I l th tusp be the :Sign~ i the star Moon the si11dfit;.a toe of foreign j J upilcr
ficalot (i.n the star of· lhe occupant or ov; ner) of 3t 9 Qt I J Aguarius. 15 wu in the sub lfetu the: pc'rio.d ruler.
ad .~2; or ~ .nnee1·ed w,lh 31 9 ot 11 1 · the native ,pits
lli1i, passP.lJirt1 vhia and stays abroad,. .Jl. Elucatiou
llims: If the Stlb- 1onl of the 4th ClliP bQ. Metcu.rJ or
(h) The na·t itc was bQr:n daring the joi11t periQd of Ke~
Jupiter: or ir it be tbe 1Jgn ·&aal<l, (in tha sta&: of the nccupaat

-R ahu (lhc rmb lorid of U.e 11 t.b cg1p) asd V .. u&.

or o-wnr:r) o.f 4 (·u, priepai;atinns for e1aminalion1-" a.-
Ra;ou ooet1rpies ;, i rs in Ute star Mc:rcuey and in the demi~ .qualifications, reguJEU anc1,dJ11nce in :school 0.r c0Ue1~J. 9 (detP
silo M¥S.. The sta lord Merci11y occupies 3, j f 1s i Mnjnncf... &ludy and biahe1 r edueJtiiao) or lJ (:suCC9Ss, [uHihnmt~r d-=sim);
fen with Saturn owning J J and 12, also Venus ownin1 l. n, or counnttd with ·4tll I r 11 and Mor-eury aot1}ar Jupiter (np
b lord M ..s t aspeeta 9 umd 12 and aspaeted by Sat- ciaHJ· if i la- star lord be con11ec1td with II'C.-Y or Jiuptttr) th

ntive. Wf-lJ get a~emie l1ualiicatioa1 duriQlt t&e · jo-mt -l'-iod

7J ,:5; Ayainun~a 23.• J ". of Q!a sitpiflea:furs of 4, 9 anti tit.
The 6th &011.s shows _.l!f1pe(i1ive e,,_~inattQn~ (it it Jltli
flf1'gD .5.,40
from 1. iJ1:. loss.- to others and gain to the oatlve)..
Ncp l9 SB 1

oompletd or, PQSt-POned du · 1

Education will ·eith1'r 1

Kelti 26 .. 38
lhc j!Z)ifl t period of tlt-e s1mtifica:to1 f 31 ~ q;d 8 ( ~ 12th
Ven. 2S·4l
~a:t. 13·46 from 41 6 flnd 9 respooJivl!JJ).
Mer. 1Q·7 4'th C)l~ ~S.agit tub.ts 5• 4P'):· In. tbia, horose&P, Vugo ,·40'
-2 Libr-fJ - .......... Lw.. (j .. 4(1 1'.i is~on the Ase:. The !llh IonJ .o f the 4th e&'Q f:s Reh.uw lt ii ii
t1Jc st~ Mucury and io th& .wb Jupiter. hhu in Pisoo :a a
Sun s.s «Pl'Cte1ttati ,tt of' 1up,ifer owns 4. Its .!tar lord Mercury H ia
PJu. 13~1
4.40 - Cm,cer 6."4()
ooojunetmm w.illl Venus 1t'WAin1 !l rm'd atpeclt.d by th,
ef 11 (M9M). Jts: smb tom 1oplltr ·@Wffli and qcedpies 4~ TbuJ
Man. 19iJ,g the cuspal sub lord of 4 is c-0onoc.ted with Mereuq, .fupittl
Ur-an. 10~11 a~l1 lb haus~ 4, W an;d IJ ~ HeQCC1 llte n&ltive will pt
.4 Sagil tar ius - I
G'f!l1JifJi 5·44t 10 qllaUrioaliJ ns.
1 <Japnoorn -w - ! __ -
of 4, 91 11
SU in Plaet in Owne

6 .Aqua,tw _,

,Aries occupants own,cr-"S
Moon. ,tar 'StM

4 M J J
Ra!m v
N1'UO None

PIJea 5,.iMJ
II J s .M

Plor Sn~ H&. St. Moo ; Venus1, Saturn ana J:u_pltcr ue t;qe si~toru.. ~etu ii
Su,. PJ., Sn, Bs., SI, Su.
-s CL 11 8f~te4 by the sigoificator Jupiter, e it lll ouht be f& ib-
Mfj.r R v Le. 12 ¥ Me.
M Aq.,
a. Gm!P 10 • J J
Ma • . Sa. Le.
to account. Th:e 1ub lord ,o f tbe1e signi6eatnm is cidl r lnpi' er
Ma~ or the owner of 9..

Meli Le~ It K lij, Joint period: The ll'ati\lC was OOrD during, ·tha ~rioo or
~ Y1. Ma;. J
~ ·Cp. 4 I 1 Jupll4r with balance of 14r~ · OD\ ~ha natiia passed his
.B :_. •, minatiom dwins the joimc: pujod. or Satum , Kctu ul
matter, an. evmt rcge tding th1 esip:d marte-r ru::cun during th1:1
con,; :iD the momth of Jull.i, l 96J.
joiuJ period of the pmod rtlltir'11 ks. star loxd and. lts iub l~nt
T,ansit& ..~ Dud:ng this moo th Sa:tu1a A.ries 10• to 13° ••s
So in this C'S!C duriag tbe joi t period of Sa'blrm,. ~en an
.i the star .ec Ill th~ su.b ~ riod ruler. Ketu Vi~" 3• 16' 1

Venus tbc native stute for Amui.;a an 1-8-1970.

a· at wu in me sub Sstm-n tb& perio-d rider. Venus in Ariis. Tran:;its.. On S-1-1970 s~n ·Q ulcer 21· wns.-. in t~ ~&..
wai in i~ own stat' tbe i period r Eder·..
Vella& the: s·ub and mte.r [?Cfiod ruler. ®n irgo 22• wa, ••
F•reJp Tnick : tile sub Vppus. Sahtrn Aries »•
was. m the !ilb an lli&-
1211, cilcSP (Leo t$• 40."): 'The sub Jord of the l~th cusp Ral11 rook~ma ~iod rule:~
is in the usr Mercury ud iin tile sub Jupiter., The star lord 2. Dmln& e Joi:mt pc,rioo of Saturn, V,enus and Satur11 ·m
M -reury is i 11 J2~ :U is. in comjuactio,. with the owner of 9 (Va••~ 6cwbe1 iJ72 tbe, 1uu.iv, retl!Ll'ncd fr-o.m Amerlca.

The sub lord J'upjter aspcets rhe 9tbe9 Thus the ~pal sub Jor~ He ..-~tarted ~£ ;:\ipatiG.a duri:as; the joint pttiod o.f Satu.ra,
cf J2 is the si.geilicator of J2' and coM«c1ied with 9. . Renee the Venus alnd Men:uty in Ja.nuaQ 1973... e ~ia came back to
foreign Journey is promisid. Th11 sub 1o.piter owas atJJd occopics 1-nd ia m ebruary 1915.
4., but it j.s retrograde. So. Uta· 1i a ti ve ·wiU qo t be s te~dy at nne Thn"eafter, he WOljj/t to -i;p l dufing nu: joint period of
pmce.. SaJtorn, Maris a.11d V.i:nn-s h1 Om=mbcr J91'ti and ret1Jr d in
Bigm1imrors. of lit 9, J.2 :· Jannery 1977,
On lti-l...,1&77 ht stadtd fin me -ica ia _cpal durrag
PJaaet re Owupant Planer in Owner t e joint p, of ·· 1n:4 1 a d- S1.1n and ~tuFBM to·
occupaot:1s ownet''s
star SW Todia oo ll-U1- 1977 d~tiog tb~ joint Rer.od m B ;ur Rau I

and Jupiter,
.3 None k Ma~ Re weot t0., Dnb:a ~ ia Pobruu 1978 duri thC" j ' iJl,t
N{Jne v.. v
l2' S"' g 1
pe.uod 0f Saturn, Rahu and Satdfo and came bacll in o,c,mllcr
1978. duting tbs joint period of Saturn 1i llabu and fT ur, !

v~ Sa.
Saturn (t e sub lord of th 3,d and 9th cusps) ud ll*•
Nooe ~a
(tbe ~b 1ocd of the t2t 011sp) en , s toQI .s1gDlicaW-rs ~r ~
Etu · Vea us, Satoru; Sun and R.amt.a 111c fhe strong sjgnificators. (staJ abro_a.d),. The join period ·of Sa.wen and Rab u will la1
Joint pe,iod.· I.. Thp aati-ve waB born duriq the period of upw 29-1-1980.. The hous :s l, 9 d 12 tho dyaam·i.; )iJm,
1wp,U•r with ba!anoe of 14r.. oM· oP·. Therearmr, th pcrJod of wandm og from one to· a.noth aod changing 1u1•i" on·
larum (tho sub lonf ·oJ il;ie ,n1
Rnd 9tb Ct!l&ps) eomrneu1oes frGm n1e ts. So tbe naUve wiU not be steady at one place till

J J-,S.,..J NJ+ Jf period fl1er bo the 1ipilicator of ·the dttl;itGd

2,-,_ 1-198011
,,.,. • tc: ln ~h~
l!J ub lord f th ·
u i ttr and in i ·a ·sub.
11 and . - p1e~ 9 ·· it --- _~s te_
. tNI b I e
lord 4 I

Sun ..
:Irr u:ry J upjter. en- tti

fi~ 'l'llOll •

~ip1}iixz1ors of 4, . I 11 :
f3·17 ll
Hflm Plan«t ia 'O:c11.9ant Planet m Ower
RHu oOODpa:nt~s 9 'lilr.llC:I 'S.
3 Can.~t!r J -31 ----------Pis,:u SIU 5lar,
Pl .. 2l-3]
N9Ut S.a.
4 leo
7.,32, -· AtJlllrita 4-37 ]IJ
]dp. I 2R
..5 Virgo 16 ·37--~ -C!Jprlcpm 7.3 -Sa.tum.. Moon and Vemus are tfie ~ttong siput.ea.toi~
·. Cjl. 19·25R
ltetu 19,.58 Jofnr pfriDd : (l,e :n1Jl:li\i e was tio.rn dut_ing tHe pe'f i"od
o£ Jupitw with -bahme.c <,f 4Y· 6M 2s0 -. Thereafter!] tlle
t.i - ,a·
t3~[7 --
- pe1:iod. af Saturn starts f1,0m 4-- -J9S4 and -COJ1ti:1n1dt upto
4- 1- 197~. 'lhe <SU? perlods of Venui and Moon p~~ im,. child..
Smr:Jio 18~20 hoo-d~ ]rhc~ ~rub periml of Jnp1~r the sJsaifi.-catoi bllgini fr-om
'? 12.-ifi..1970 and 001mtinllef 1!aPtO - 4-1-19·73.. So aurip& the joJat
.period of. Saturn, Jupi tcr. bd.QM, (the. s-ub Lor~ of tha 3rd
Pl~ -81111 TLs. Sttj ~.. Pl.. Bn, Hs. St-. Su. CUQli) aod Ve_us the native p-Asscd tb.e examinatiou of S~.

'6 J
.M~ R
M ~.
iY Gm.
(civil) .GD 14-6-1 '72~
7ramlt.s: On 1~-1972 Sat-um Taurus 1,·
21·' 11'as mthe

·~ e.
Tr,i 12
atar M~n ~he iomr :n.e-~od ruler. Jupi1et Sagittadu~ 11• ~
[( Pi. ll 1rlc. Sa.
...,. Tr. 12·1 M sa.. x V1·. s Mail Sa. eadi 6... vi
ftS in the sub Satur:Q the periad 1uJ'=i:. Moon · ~'CC,1 •
Cp. 9 s ¥
iD the ata-t Salum.
94 95
•re~ Tn~I: JO abroad du ri.q tba join.I period of :tbtoucy 34d Vonm for

171)! The sul:i lord of 'the 12th ~up

:I:.,,ft· f:ll6J' ( drle~ 13• im1,rovi0rg tils finucis] prospects-,
i! cmur)'. It is 10 ·the srar Meon and in the sub Saturn. TianJlts: On J0-5-1.97 on Taurus 14 ' wa! iu ilw
The s.t ar lor·d · oon owns ] 1 and 1he Slll.b Jord Sa.turo o,wns 9'i Moon the,. si1mfimtor of foreign journef~ Moon ACflBl!tiUS
Mercury oooupies 12, h is in as oci'a tion with tb owner of 12 24• was ia the suh Mercury tho pcru,d ruler. Venlli ~ i
(MarS) and aspoot~d bJ th;e owner of 9 (SaturD)~ Thus the 16• was in its ow.fl uh the sub period raler.. Saturn Lto 1•
1:uspal sub ]'ord of J2 is the sjgnificator ,o f 3 and oonncc(ed l~' was in the eHmb Venus.
with 9 aud 12, Hence the foreign jt)nmey is prot0ised to the 24. Seniee
-nsiive .
1lints : If the sub Jord of the 10tb: cusp (pr"Ofessioo. voca ion.
If the sub Jord of the 11 th cusp ba ttie si&niica tor (i oepu~tion) or 6tb cus.p· (scrv· e) be tho sigpfflcaror (io tlle star
-the star or tbe occupant or owoe:r) of 3, 9 or 12, the natl\lc or the occupant or owner) of 1o (pro~ien, -ci'itl1tr in indtpend. .
falrils b.ia desire to ,g-0 abroad. Inr 1his case McrcDJry is the cnt .ocatian or io s~rvicc}, 2 (bank balaimn:e, ~lt cquisitfon.) or

ub lord of the 11th cusp (Pisces 6 • 3?~. So th-,e nativrls desire d ('servicc.s rendered , d'l.!IY to rday at ten ance on duty, and there-
to So abroad wi 11 be tu tfiJJed. by caraing; being 12th Crom the 1th donates Joss bit othe and period.· J The native wtts born du.ring the period or
jj, pin lo a,eJf, h_eoce receiving moneiy fmm others); or conn~o~~d
Jupiter with balance or 4Y- 6,.,.· ZS •• :Eh;r-eaftcri the periods ~ith 10. 2 or G tho native rll cmr.n money b professton
()f Saturn and Mc:Tc u.ry wjU follow h• su~ioa. Met£u ry is or sen"ice du~i'og lbc joint period of the ~igroficators of 2,. 6
both tbc, cuspal sub ln1d of 11 · md 12 and 1t is the strong
and 10.
1ignificator of foreign travel~ So tie M .t i¥e will go abroad If the ub loid of lhc 2o cu p (moot_} or l lfh ousp
~oriog lie period of Mercury. (gain, sucess) be 1be signiftcator f o Uie star r th p~nt
2•. Jn fact dnrim3 the joiqt pariod of Mercur,y (ow.nJnrg oc owner,, w-~ 2• 6 or 1 r·t or oonr1ect , willl ...., 6 or 11 the natl c
'2), Venus (o,'fl\lll1iag 5) and · aturn (owning 9, IO) the aati'VO aains moo.ey during he joint period of the ignili
- tarl~d for Amerjca oin 3U-5-l97S.. Venus is in tbe star 6 and 11.
Rabu in 11 rand in the sub JruJpiter owaing 11 and OQCupyiog lOih ~p ( aprlcorn _o· l rtl~. In bi II .T uros 3
·9 So the nali \IC oould fulfH his desire by going abmad. S tum 27' is on the A~ lnlc sub 1 r , ar t e 0th ou P as u. t
is lhe sub lord of the porhid ruler ercuiy and it is also1 the is in ills own star
• th ·'i,b
d m c Q
-n"•-' Thr
suir [ord rn
o er of 9!1) Henoc~die foreign, joume.y. is in conjllllction witll t· l\11 r or 10 and 11 uttl)i . ,
. c u pal sul:J lotd of Ill is the
3., The main object of going 1
abms d is to arn monc.y and ub lorn Venm oceup• 10· '"' - . .
11 ad ocDflectN "''ii 10 Ha nab
improve finanbiaJ proapccr . Mtrcury is the cuspid su lord or~. ii
t_ignificator of 0,
ti ld l n and tui &110.
;.8lld 11. Venus u the cuspal su h J.ori) of O. So the natl c could will cam and ll
14« S.enJce llth CU8p (A4f1Mlt13 10" 16,'):- Th-e sub 1ord of tlle I It&.
Malt, Blrth 20 l 1940 Saturday,;, l-50 P,.Mi I.Si. T; 2.3 1t2i
,cu_p is Jupi 1er,. It is in the slat Saturn and iq dJ..,e ·n:J, Moom
J'n-piter' oo::upiea J.1. Its star lord Saturn 'OWi!I 10, and I l. lts;

1:11b .lord Mopn e~u-1iics I l o Taurus whicb copesponds to

Taurus 3·27·
2nd bou:se,.. Tibu:s the cuspal sub lord ,o f LJ is, th• J11nilicawr or
Moon S·SS 110. 11 and co~nctmd. whh 1. 11 aod 2. Hcnce t&e nati \Ut wm
J'-B11~ 28,$4 nm m 11ch and 6Js. esp~ratiOE G will be fulfflled.

Sat. 2·0
6th . t!wp. (fir:go 26. 16'): The sub loro .or lhe 6th OUSJ) is
Kew 1-35
A ies IURijtor~ ,So the. aativc wiH hold a. cowta.bfc positJon .in service..
Pis~~ 16!]6 12
Mars ILl.2
Iup.. 11 ·.J lhtdsc Ptlrlitt in Ocouput l'tanec· in
upant's- ownet'"s
.Aquarius 20· H'j tJ st&'t ·:sitm
Ven 9·16.
2. Nene Ma. '.Me.
Plu. 8-.53,R,
4 Clln'l 4r , - - - - - - - Capric.4m 2.l)il.ij
20.,16- 1
\0 ~ v Ma~
Sun 61ll9 10 .J
11 1
Mer. 2i~48
t up 20-16 - - - - - - Satf-t tarhts 24 ·16 g.
Mat$) Venni'S. Jbpite.r au:d bhu are tbs sjsnificatort. Xetu
Ncp. 2.2,ll in Arfes rnpr-e$cn~ Mar3.. &ilurn . d l(ctu are ip Hie ._ ~u;IJ.
~ 'F!irgo 2i.1a
V~tnn. So, X.eto nd Sa1u1:n shoufd b~ cOD.sidercd ..
ltahu li.36 J~ini pqf,.,d: L The matiw wa bo rn durinJ the permd oF
Scorpio :,~, 1

Slln with :abu1ce of 1Y· 10M- 2n~ .. His edu~f'oo. wa~ oomp1etc-~
7 dwiog the. · jojnl ~ribd of R~1fu- Rilhiu ana Mars in June 1961..
:Pl., Sn . Bs.,., s. Su. Pl• .s"~ . IJ.~,. s,. ~ . 2. F)Uring t_be jph1 t pedod 0f l.-ahu-.i Raho, and Maa He-
·S Cp. D s Me. v Aqim 10 R 1 &Pl i:s f irai serv tee on 17-1-196 t

M Tt., I M,e,11 s .., Ar,.. 12 v·

ML Pi. 1, Me. Me,i 3. Dori the joint }J-e'riod ol Reahu-11 Saturn add Rahu hc-
R Li .. fj Ma~ M-. 9)1 anothGt appwntmeat irl .the Mills on L4-2r19p,~t
~ Ba. 9 i M4. x i,. 12 ll ·y
J P.i. lJ ~ M 7
sub period ruler owns.. 1'1 and 11 • U ~s i~. tbc
&ii.n1 rn tbe 2. If- _e ,sub torcl ot lb.I IOl'b ,cu.,.P. (Juof.5siion 1 y,0ceatior1
,. it· 1•-~~ in tbe sub... Vcans
1. 'Iii
-,.rm KeUJ :ru 1" .chanse 1n envtr~om.e:ihs -Qooupatiou) be the si8fc)illtator (in Ole tar or the ~P3.Ql or
• • :... ( -!! • . -

own mg.. l
l ,chang~ · J· n 1ucomo
.. ' - -· t·a
)_.. K.""· md V•ou.s; are d~WJsed·i.-
-~ "'"' - _ own ~r) of 2, 1 or 11; ar oonncciefl with 1,, 7 or Ill the 11311
abovelJ So Saturn is the s.igoilicator or-f2! lOt l]. add connected pts s~ccus in atn indcp,=.ndeat proties~io11., -vocatjan or <>~upatio
. ~ --

with I and 10. Hen~ it 9enou,s. tt bcpelc1~d cfnni&" ia sctVIQC,. during thc jcinl pcrio-rl of !b.e 1igr1U1~tors l,1 7 and 11~

R ahu lbe iater perio a. r:uler is in t be star Mata i Iii 11 aad

~ (a) If Uie UJb lord of be 2ud or [ 1fti cu~ ti1 the
.in the sub M,rour~ ownj ag 2, 3 and occupying .9~ So Rahu is siigoillc:,alor (in the sc f ·Qf tb1 01;e:u,pa.nt or 01wnerJ af 2, 6 or 11;

the ~ignffioatoi of 11 ,{;gain) and oooq!Ct£'t!l with 2 mt10Dy), ·3 flr ootu1_1cteti w"f ch 2. i6 or l J tbc nati\'e piau w~ tb du.ring
{change ia. cvironments} and 9 (obaoge in job)~ H 1oee tbt .nat Vt 1
the joh1t ,edodl or the Bignific: to,r of l11 6 aod nL
got a jo~ in 'the · ills better Ula.a the forfl)e r oaf.
((?} lf i:1t lie lbe &lJDificator fin
tbc tar th& ooe:up.a-.m
A·.. Therw..-stter, dudug the jo·idt p'Cliod of Jup~ter, lhtpttct - or owru:r) onl,v. or a. fl or ' {ibsia11 2ndl .. 6th. and JIth rom
(tho sob Jord of th's ! Jth cu1p) a 111 d V OUfl the naUve was tbi 7:th I e. gain to {be op~H te. pu LY.) mo11ey 11 lost dMlQI
awarded a v.eri high s-alary wJth eft\-ct fram April lil9., th"!' joint period of 1
!be signiJicalors or 8 nd t2~ ( ate: Pap
-- -
1"rtm1its : Oa 17-1--196 l Sun t.11.ncer 1e I fl was in Lh-t sub 11, line 20. columoi lU read ij, 12 iJJstead or. 8, f.2,. 5.)
1 11
0011 Leo 19 33 wa in the Sd
Mffr; 1he i1ter period ru1 er. 1 '
4+ If the sub Iara of tme 1th cu!.p {bu.sin · J part er bi"'
&uhu the -period-sub pcriQd I uicf'. Rahu L~a 5si 40f was in ib ind1uu.v) bi: 1'hc 1gnificato.r in !be tar. or the
OW1J ub" atS [eo Jle, 44 1 \Vili in Jlg C"Wll SllD. iOwa~r:) of' 8 or 12 the na 1vc ytte fa, of ~ ia h~m 1_.
On 14-2---1965" Sun Aquarius; I 54" wa~ in lhc lat Mats Lnd ur:v or p~n1.ets.hip traJHUtr9A durimg the j&-at of
---be :ugnHicator of rinanee ~n•d cha ge. ~.a ' ~arpio 23• 41' rl}s J,oitlca,or.s f 1 and !l.

was 10 rne stat J\iJe r tJ rr t &c sig uiiicafc r or ~lam gc in job. Jhhll 1
S~ In judging the natuR of pmfi ·o IJ ..........
.: .............,..,

Taarus r, 0 J' w ,,s in the, srat Son he ;Q igaificator of uaorg¢ .in parion eomid~r E joint .rulers of tine
jOb. Saturn Aq-uari~.s 2! 38 1 wu in "t1, -o·wo sub Ebe. sub ycriod tat lords aad s,ltb kmts. No t1i~ !IJ
.niler., associatmn aod a;pe{: ~ fi~rmed
with the. 1cbaracteci tic f.:at111~ p n
25. Jadustrialist
;of voca.N0:m or occupatino,. Dcscre ion be
Bini& : J. if tfa mb lo rd o_f the 7th CO&p (busutcJS, indushT) .mioip.g the oaUlrie or ,~ _. ,lion ar _l:Vp 11 n"1
be the iignificawr in the star of the occugam.t or -OWDlt) of
o e thl
period ruin andJ lhe 'Sub ,tria<I rulir ~t th
10 or _1; or cemaect~d w1th 2" 10 or J1 the 1n1.Uve pins m
1im1 of jutlpenl!I tbe sub period rl1lc dtncte cfuu1ges
1,mmts& OT' mdutry d"dDllg the joint l):C:100 , f toe KipifiCltob veca tmns t ,~mes in maa )' case~
.. of ls, 10 and 11~-
. Jn4astria1b-t
I le. Birth S-J-[gl3 ridct.)'~ f 1-3-0 A.M. J. S.T~ 21NS, ·~qe4% .J.,. 7Jh CUSJJ (V-ir-go 1°Jr/'):. lu this horo:s~pe Pisces l 301 ll

Ja.Diitm53 22'4)'.. ,ou tho ·Ase. Tha snb lord of the ?'th eu,p i.s Jupiter. It i~ i11 its
ASC o,wn sin ana swb. It owns J { ative) J 10 (vocation. <f~,.
Piscu J.Jo eta1us) anct l I (s1toe:es~ falitnueot of aspirations and ambitions).

Ketu 1·26 Thos the eu p~J sub lord orl is lbc signrmcator or lt IO and
I l. Hence tbtt n11ti~e mll gain in buiMSS ot indUSU)' d~g
Mars 2s. 2s the joint p nod of the sigoiicators of 2. 10 and ti ..
111.0· 17·54
:Aquarru& 2'. 2nd CUJp (...fries 8 ]4'); The sdb loi,d of lhei lpd cusp ia
Copna,m 26·14 12: Jupi,"ri! S.o as disc111s,d. abov~ the uadvo wiH acquuc we 1
l•l .- --
· er.. 7.43
<l or1og. the joi.Q l perit1d of e -srgnifica.tors of 2" 6 an4 11.
S ,a gi1tarlw 28~J4 11 lltiJ ctl p (Saghtariur. M~ 14'): Tpc h lord of the lf-li
3 TmllU! cttsp ms M~on. lt ·s in the st-ar Mercury aGtl in the sub K1tu.
Sun 21-1i
ts star Jard ercttry o'i¥D!;; 4 .. 5, 71 and o;.cupics l I~ l5 sub
3*14 Sagi11arius- 31114 10 Joni Kelu b:iog in Plsca depotes the results of l, IO,, and l l
" Pin~ 7.23 '

Ven. 9.7
:as a repre5eatarivc of. Jnpib:r. , OOD OW'lltt 6. ThQ~ the cg pal
ftub lofd of 11 1s rhe s~gnificAt r of Ill (s11ccus:). S (e rerprise ~
Gemini 21·l4
-- Sgirpio ~'.14 9·
5 4 (immol'ahle e ·tatcs), 7 (partnership bu iaess or induncy) nd
· OD ll-3fi connected with I (sclf:..h!Jp) 1 6 1eftieicncy 1 labour), Ht (aotivitia5j
cp. U ,51R Iup.. 1r . 11 progre!s, ambHrooj) and 11 (fnlJilme tor desires)~ 1
nee Ule natm
Can~t, 26~14 --- - - - - -~ ~Libra 8-14 8
6 iU get succe s 111 tmdustriat acthriti e11, parlllt?l'5hip icnterp,1:ises,
Leo imma,vable estate and io hi:s mi1 ioiu, du.ting, the joint p uod
Rahn l,26 tat 26·54 f tbe- of 2.. 6 and I 1.
~Urg,o 1·30 J. 10th cus2 (Saglrtarius 3~14' ): 1. The sub 1orcl or the lOtb
7 casp i$ Sun. lt is in tho attr Venus saad ia tlm snb Jupiter.

Pl, So. Bs~ St, Su. Pl. Sn. Hs. SI. Su. Snn is in thee fira sip SagUJariuA. Tbe star lord Verms is
9 s. 10 v J v Sc. 9 Sa. v in. the water aigo Swrpio owned by ar&. The sub lord .Jupiter
Me, K Sa. Vg.. 7 Ma, j occu,pies 8 in Libra owned by Venus:.
,. ~.
Aq. '
R v~
K Pi.
11, l
l '

water signs and V,enus denote oil. .ifle 1igos and Mam
tiplf¥, chemicals. Venus aspected by Satum (minerals) indicata
Li. 8 J 1
mineral otls. Mars aspected by l'11ipi1~r supports chem~ ~-
Ol 10·3
·in- i _ , , th orrespou ds 10 Sc:orpio (chem i~al;i )1 i1 boin.1 in 24,. Busine;ss
_ - d , . ......11..: (oil) ThuiS . enus j D Scorpio and
LJbr U ' CS1 0 s ,O Cu1J14 Mai1c: Birrtb 2 S- I - lMS Sil ndO:J; 2- 5i A~M. 1. S.T~ 21N2.
Ju uci u, i.~
• .. 1. , • - • r ~1 note chemical oils. H.e-ni:1? the cuspal - .,,,,,., ,
~ 1n 1 Y' DP' 35; 'A 'i anamsa ~ 9 ,.
b lorrd of 1osignifi!S t hi imd l1J 1rJ)1 of · hcmical oils. The .m rd.i ve
0. m hi' f <:tory t.r· muuruclurio chemiooJ Ot[s.
a. SUJD ,~ pies 10~ I itar lord Venu~ owns 3 (abUit[0a} J'l,:gQ' 13· l
and (sudden ~ai:a~ cxc-11pies 9 {fortull!}. Its s,ub !or~ Jupiter
. J-i\II.I ~m.1 11" .BeEce the natl¥c· by .llis abiJitiecS wiU•• huUd Nep. 16·3
OWIJI ~ 11.1.W
Jup. 26·S
;5 fmlimre~ he .ill flrnnish im bis. md.ust1dal enterpr.r~c o
r:bcmi , J oilB, &e wUJ acquire a c~vetab~ _poliilian in the society.
2 Libra 12-lI -~ i , 14~1 l?
~n tJ hi ·u m1ct wiili success by suddco aias. Von. ~48
Moon 19·2;2
4 Peculiorifles:. ID this. no1,mrcop _ Ke1u in Pisces .represents.
Snn ff · ~ti' PllL. u~
Ju p ifel! o ...mng l 1 10 nd Ii Rahu iro Vir;o repre;5c nt~ Mereury ! Sc,rpw 12~1 (]mr:e,g l:4· l ll 4,1 5 and 1 ~ Mer" 29-31 9~35
Sat. 11'!6
n upiter. S m ad Jlahu are i'a lhi! sob J"upiletet.

K.1:tu llr28
.1ooa and c.roory ar.£ ui 1-fic .svh e.tu te. J tq,iter. 4 84eittar.lu3 J -.. J u·emmi 13·1
sul, .Ra.bu i e.. fll!'rculj. l-18 is ·a 1he sub Bahu Si..28
~ Th - J]a:nEK re Jin 'l ionbo!ltd by o - ers af
Uran~ 22~~R
_ ........... r - Tl ob. Fl rr (he: · ! h Jozds
, ere~ and Jupftc ·14~1- -TQ s ll-1 g
5 €aprimrn

o asi - ttd ::.. · au)· m · ne. Hence the combined c:.D"ect of.
Ur .P tI i ·~uy bf~tficmJ '!D _Ziil lJWt fi Aquarius l~I ~ries 12~1 8

5~ e ath e s horn during ll:11: perkd oE M-=n:urJ 14Y.i ..

.PlSdl 1 ·1
- • 1.: • 1ln~:00 , f Sun (rfi suli J rd O·f tie IOt Cll:S..P)
i fl<'D) JS.. 7-ltt4 to. l&-1-1910, ~bile tile pericd of;
c e sob lord er
tht l I th cu 5p) ,carrtcd fmm ] 8- 7-l 970 rl. Sn. 'Jh. Bi~. Su. Pl. Sn. lb. St. Su..
aud cornnn1es upro 18-7-19&0. This is !be p~ak ~rioa of Jifa s k. 2 Sa~ ¥ 1V ~i. 1 J Sa..
aobtdea ilh pnxJa•tt . M €n .. JI Me. v Sa Cu~ 10 1 ll
'R R
-°' 1:tlt cvq (Pv«.r ;:;• I?: Tihe sUf, lo:id of tbe 7th cusp •
26..B~ Ma~ Co.
Me~ k
.S,811 '
s ~ a
auu.. I& is QI its ewn &tar and snh V ,11ft-n i1111 n-: ... : -.-.--...-.. ~•a Vg, l Ma. ll
crcury owning 10. T.hmii the cu.spat sub Jo1d of Hl is the !t1Ton1
he aa.tive -eatlted or rnpNs, Mars ja in the 1ta.r Saturn
significator o f 10 and ro,n ne.cttd wilh 10 and M~reury (mor-
in 10 and io rh1 sub Ve.mus owni1ng and occupying 2~ ,p, •t ~s.
~and'is~J. Hence the· aatiwt! does an independent bu!iincss ia the s igoificator ,o f IO and ceinaec~d il!h ~ Rabm it the:
p cto r bjp. sub lord of 11 nd i t iS: tbe S(igoHieatar cf D a:,. already
JOrll c:up (Gtmini 1.r 1'): (a) he nb lord of the IO u, eup -ffi~coosed. 1e_pite r i i o. tbe stat au in 10 ud in the mb
ii .L ercury. It i jn rhe star . fcrcury and in the sub Saturn. R:ahu owning JO, so ii is the stroug sipificator of iG and
It tu Jol'.1 ercarry owns: lO I ts ub lot Sa.tmo owni 6 and CODrl"'ed with 10..

................-JI. PC'S D. Th tthl! wsp-al · b Jord of 10 is rh~ rang -sjgqi- 27. Tramport
tor r ID and coon ~ed :i th 6 and lD. Hence the native
Hin, ! The h use 3 (iofa d commD.Dicatio~s and tra1i-~n).
n_ a~acfeo roca io a.
eJCDfY (communica ·ons-) 1 Venn1 ( · icleJ,
.Iii ScorP,ill -
3 girves a JteB- ;venus (i,et-FoS oon- us-. s ( omr ve .. Ii}, - tiil

I ·jgh in - -.i laJ5 i I] ojnncti:oo iu 10 ATi~ Tanru~, Leo. 2nd half of S38i1 mus and ~
' -!:CO) . Caneer oorr~u ta lhe -wncekd \'chic:!~) shoal be ct111.$idere in i ~ of _
-' al ..
~ io&, im wmmo- for transport b1n·o. . 5.
in Cu~ · c hon • Hm£B 101h cusp Plces 29•J: To tbii ii roscopc ca·oect' 4• 4 is on
a dnliog io n neet. hard-
III he Ase.. The 10 th Jp is join ly ru1e.d b_ Jnpit:tr p rd
- -
JDgi Dffd I 1l furnbhiog
~ erctJf'J (star Joitl) -a111d alvn ~ b ord).
J pite:r i.s in tu r ars i 3 and ra Lile § u:b CD.-.
Join ~ iod : e na · e r,v s bm:n d111ing ' e period of. Mtrcury JJ iD th~ &tar Jupite:r in G mini (cor pon 3 1

M[a,m~· ot 13Y. ,;JV. 2JD·. He joined basjne1s •ince in tlJa sub Venus. SalW'TI 1n the an (Dea) - 3 and
of ICetu ana
Saturn 'the sub J in Ure sub Moon .. Moon is a, ~cb:d Mats anti VelllU tiotha
n s commenced rmm 16-6-JMI Thlll th~ joint ruJtts of lb~ Olli ~~ are n ~ d wi h lbe
i:1 con • Vemu owm 2 and OC-~pfa 2. .3rd, crcur~ :aod Mar -Yenu~Mooo:. Ju piUr aspects both Sa.cbun
Tl c i pJsnet ifl ; tar. So it i& the ro ng siignHica tor and M rcttry. m they th rec arc im~rrtil I.rd-. ec c nai·i,re
-of. 2 . ne :ah i GP"anded bi1 bu.sine to a ce.n iderQblc cxten will &c _:usociatcd wlth the bw,ioes.s of uansperl tiy 111010:r: uuct,.
d rirag · e period or V.1:nns. Vc.n 1~ i a. peetc.d by M r , Ma~ 1I, . CU.Jtp (Ttlt1'.'/S 2• }: 17ha s b lord of the 11th cu1sp lS
Y.enu, dtootc fa,,ey arUcles -and a·luodnium fiuinoo• ••!J--"'t
so Cbc• Jupiter. It j in the star Mer and 1n the sub Venus. 1upiUJr
natite tarted to deal ,n (hen ar-t·icJn. owns ~.. 10 and pccupiet1 11. he star lo,Jd Mars owm S, occupi"el
he joint ~riails ·Q:fi v;aou, and Mars Crom
l!>W'iDt .3.• it speets S and. 10, Tb soh lord Ve11u , 0wns 11. occupies, J.
Jo-l-J§,2 and onwaids; Vcaus and Ralw, Venus od. J.up1ter .. Man and Venus beth aspect Moo.m owning I and 2, 11uu :he
106 JQl
., Twmp;n ou.1pal sub lo1d of ll is the: ig:n1ilia~t of ·3 ·(ttmspor~" 5 ~:_ _t:cr~
Male. _]Jj_rth 21-10-lJSl \Wedaresday; 0-4 A ..M~l l.S.T- prise), IO (o«:upation) and eonmcf~t

th 5, 1.1 (su~)~ 2
A"" 41 73 E l ~ At ainamsa 23 .. 6'. '1norney), I (Ptnive}1 6 (e-t1c·eney). lttOGC the, 'nadve will tani
DltJfU::J aod b.e will be s,nccessful in the oceapat.iau of tr;insport
e,u~rpris ltY .his. aJbiHties.
Can'cer 4·4 Jami JJeriod : V.b, · na ti" was bor di ihlring the ~-iCld .of
etu 5..29 Sa.tum wilh baU'mcc or 11 Pi , 1' • 38 · .. He- sr:a.ntd th£ tramporl
Uran,. 29~S.lf -nterprisc durmr the ~omt ~ "'rie~ Qf MeJClRY., J~rcrr an.ell Saturn
2 Caneer ..:.9.0 - Gem'lid 4·0 12
Jnp~ 3~1011
(J'be, joint rulers or the I.0th cup) f·ram 8-7-,197-!t
P ht lTJfi Transit1 : On 12-7~ 19179 Sun Gemini 250'. ·f/ was in the -
3 ,UQ
ts 2,.
Tannu J.Q It ,Jupiter the il& period rolc.c.. M0on Carprieem was m lhe-
sub qpileJ~ Mcrcu.r y and Jepib.r Caneer I ~34' wcm i o. the
star M _r.cury the ge, •od rnlcr.
'en~ 9 ..33 Ades
irgo :3·0 Pias
5.. 79.0 JO M.olol' Vellicl~ :
Libra oo:m 8 53
Bmrs : If the sub lar:d of the 4th cusJl) (vehicle) be die s~i-
p. o~:w Jicatoc (in t:bc star of thi: occup~t 9~ owm1 er ,o i 4 and cennccrtd
San 3~.SS
Sa . fi..3y ith V ,eoU.S'" Or if eonnect~d wilm 4 \vehiela). 9 (lu.ak), 10 (pmst,er'-ity')
Mer. 17.,57 or l J (f'.mlfiltpent of 15pf.Hou) and Venus or oon (natural

$ .Soorpid 2~0 Ag_utUtu, 27!10

s"pilealor or 4) er Jupiter (ffoan ~) it promi~ v,eh.~le dwing _
the joint ~riorl or the sig~ifi.cator 'Of 4, 11 and 2 (pmciaut
6 Sagittariui ·4,LO - C_apric'Om 29-0 mevahfe articJc),
cu~ (Yfrio 29°): Th~ su1b 1ord of Uic 4t oosp is Satum.
Babu .5·29 11 is ·n the 5111 Mars and in the & :llb Mooo.. Sa urn is. in
ea~.1ir(QOffl 4-4 associafon with Mercury owning 4 ht Lihm so it is con~ot~d

7 with 4 -and Venus~ The star Jom Mns upec1Is th owm,r ef

l'l. Sn . B.f. S-1. $u. P./. Sn~ Hs~ Sf. s~. 2 (Moon). Th sub lord oo;n is im. mutual~t LIO ·e nus p,w11ing
S' Li 4 Mai v v Vg~ 3 s v I Thus the 10011nd "Sub lo d or 4 is ,c onneeted with .4,i 2 11,.
M Pi. 9 Sa. v. Sa; Lt 4 Ma. M also Mar.s-Venus-Moon rogct!Jie,r~ Hen the native wiU pu,chaa
Mt. Le. a s R R Cp. 7 S: Me-.. a motor veil icl e..
Me. .
);; 4 J ~ 1( en. Sa. ML 6rlr t:usp (S.agiuarius 4... ~ It _d~ootes monty by loan,. h.e"
1a Gn lJ Id~ v mh ]oro or 1.h~ 6(b cu,.,p )S, Mo90 .. It lS. in the .,111 latatn an
RB. Arll1,t
II tb~ ~ub e11u., o n owns 2. U , -, in1 1 Uhl \ a P ·t O ,m Jc~ B~rth 28-9- 29 h1 dny: 10-21 P~M, L~M,.T-,
~Mu ti , ,,·nin J 1. · ha ua.r· tur11 , n pooled b,y Jup Uor o,.,ning

22N44t 1S#JSO: Ayo.o msa 22,• 46 • "I

10, 6 ,h rrnb V nu1. WR 2 "nd A pa U~d ~ t'he QWI "' of 1

n)" Thu tho ~u P1cLI sub lord or 6 jg oonniected wUh 2. 6,1
Taurltl 2~·41
.10 I nd JI, · lcncc Ir I u ootl in1lo n i'o r ,stiin1 to 11.
Ju1p, 23·14
"llrlhor, U1c cu p11 u lord i oon .nd in pcct to
V nus. So Iho nat iv will gel 10411 q u iokl ly n d ~as iJy. 2 o~mlrd 24·14 A1Ja 2&14 12·
JnJ"t per1orl •• 0111e ~ts loan durina tbe joint period or fbe Plu. 26,42 Rahu 21,14
!ig11U1c lors or tbu 2, fi an 1 . The, jpint rulrau of the 10th 1Vj6
M,o cn
CIUp {Jupiter, Metcury nnd S· turn) arG coon~oted with 2, 6 nd 3 Cana,, 19~14 P/J,C,t S 20. 14 1
l !. Jupm ter own!i 6 and i~ in tire sub V: -nus owning 11. McrcurY, UraL 16-48,,
is b:i t be ,,tar Juphcr o-vnin1 6 nrd ,in rhe urb Ve us o,woing ap. 9.35
Ven. 10,52.
IL S turn i! in thil stt.b rivio,a l>Wn rllg. ~ ThtY atl three are UJ\14 10
4 Lto 17·14 Aquarius
iot~rreJa.ted by IJenoe Ebe 11,utvei obtaJncd a loan from
the bank! during the jo•nt p~riorl of Mercury, Jupiter' and Satmn Sun 12~18
(2B - ] ... J97:9 to 7...s-HJ79) ad he c, 1!11~ pLtrchas~ a motc0r tnmlf~
1 5 Virgo 2.0·1~ C4pric:Orn 19· 1~

281 A1ti C Mer. 0-4~

Hinta .' J , Con~jder the ho use, 5 (fin a ~t~ >. 6, ,(rservicea Mars 1.57
KBtU 2l-l4
_r nder,e:d. e5fticienc1}. and 10 (vocation); Mereurry~ Venus; air
Sag1Hll1i&h524i 14
and wa,er signB in jadg1gg f4~ arts e.g. artists· in g~ne al;
musfo~ iogiaJ:r a.ctimg, dr·an1J, film, dancing:,, painters. soulpton11
' Lil,ro 26·14
s t. l, '.5]

ms rru men ta Jists etc.~ Smrplo 29·41

Mcrcnry deJl.otcs rhy,tllm~ power of e~pres ion. peeeh 1,
action ~ nd' prese rilatio n. Ve:n n:s. i.tands for fine arts, ~stbl't ic Pl. Hs,, 'Su, Pl. H~ St. S11.
sense. ftcHng"'~ 1em ti us. JHV-0 tness. m:lodr., hiirmony and, grace.
Btl. &t.

IA. 3 Sa.
S Vg~ 4 M R
oon is emottonal and imaginative. 1,1 Cn ~ 2 Me. M~. Sa. s. 'l K V
Afr si8ns Gemini, Libra and Aquaria ar, artistic and Ma, ~i. S Ma. I{ Ar. 11. V, J
voice. sfgo, W~teir. si1e1 Caneer ,Sborpio aod Pisces ar1 cmoti· M~R bi. S a. Mc. K 1'i. s J
opal anid eipro tivc .of mBads aAd fc~l,ng-s .. They confer imag- J T'r~ t2 Ma;. is-.
mati,,e a~ultics.

Th.: 2md htm:s~ and Tlurus denote voice and 5P'l3Qb, · c -wi:rh M![rcm.r;i ownio1 l :nd 5, al1t0 Mau owning 7 (~emnactt)
'l h h1Juse :.1od Leo J.odrcat~ f(ne arts. .an l2 ,~ekgrow1d or playi,~ck), ll '°b lord a~urn . ow n's iO
2. If the sub Jord of the· 5d1 _c:tir!ij) he. ~iUBifieator (i o ,(v-o~tmon) and o~pies 7. Titrls ttto 01ll~paJ s.ubc l1trd of 10 is
the law or Jhe occupant or () n1:1r) or 5, 6 or 10~· or . :on'111~t1a ~an~ct~d with 2., 5, 7, 10, 12,; V nus!i .Me~'.!', Libra. a 0 a Leo.,
'th 5, 6 or l Qi· M~rc_utry, Vt>nus, ~oon; Air a11d wat,e-r· sjgos H~aoe the native. is a p11 ifessiooa pl.I_ back si~er in tb.e film
the :n 1t,1e is. incl i med rowa rd~ · rtist it purs llitst ~ortd on coottachi.a l basis ·a.nd minu ~ane:Y, thflreb:y~
11111 cu~ (Pi1ce4 ttt 14,) ~ Tbe sub lord of the l tdl ~usp i1l
St!t aup (VfrgQ
2()-wai 14' ); 111 tb' hnro_· oope Taurlll5 '29~41'
also Venus. Bence the aadve ach i~~e:s gr-eat s11ccess, and sh~
s OJI) Cb Ase The sub kutl ,of mbe 5th CIJS.Ji) is Kstu._ It b m fuD'ilS, .httr &spirations and i11ml)i't1(1ns ..
the itar MJd sub rupiter. i:Ja occu,pie~ S 1~ Lih'ra, il ls in
as~ci.a.lion wirn. Mlrca.ry ownilIJ 5 anrd l. fls sta: alld smb Pr:r.) ads : b.o mt.'ttve w~ , bo1:n during the ~ioi of
i'upiter occupu!-S l ) .w:us, it 1Vm 11 1.nd ai~cls: 5. hos the Me:reu.r,y, with F»ilance of ·161'\ 5iB • I 1°·. The psriod rnler Mercury
cuspa.l sub lord of 5 is cam.necttd w.ith S (fiac arts)_ 11 (~uecess). ii the cuspa1l sub Jorrli of 2 (f.ia,m~f aba Qire11mst~c8 tnuiie jler
2 (vofc.ej weaitb); ,C!NUfY'1 v;c_m1ll$ (Kern being in Li~ and ..cahl rro-m Vicy young a,J eli The ~od of enus (thci cu!pal
Jupiier in Tauras)i Libra and Taurus ,v~ic»~ Sp the n rt ive ii -sub lord of 10 ~ad 11) cnnnnen~d fl"om 9-l- f953 and slttl cam1
ao artist. She· is: lbo me t popu~ar playbBGki- sringQr fn , ; f il111 to Jight from ihi time onwarct Sb_e then car.11w w~ldwi: e
"10.rkt a~ ,~a po;pnlarity Sun '1 i,n 1he. nar Moon in the 2nd anft

2nd r:usp (G m~· 'Mfi 14') : l The. ub Jord of the 2 ~rusp i:a the . ub ~u m the 11 tli. ro it is strong sigoi& toir of 2
~-and oorm~tm w11tb 11. Mr0on is 'in .the star 4:lnd sub Mer-cur,
.i's M-,rcury ~ ft is ~m the s.tar 1',c-1ars aD d in rbe &uh Mercury~
owm iag a. S and o~upyiBi S, s_n i r. is tbe S1tl1M1g sigomca.~r of
,01h ,r.cur~ and Man a,~ in tbe :Sth t rioe art~} jn (4e voidt
.2, 5 and conocu:ied ith S {ar E).. Tbu-S the periods of Sun
a.l!ld adislic sign Libra. e,1;s { in
witll oujunction
Merc.uty (vpice) ow~s l (~01@) confers-- fnjroeful antl ap_pca.Hng (1113·} and Moon (1974 h~ 19:8~} ,ro pJQSperQus fot her. Shi
voice. n~11cie Ebe qati¥e~s vocal mmic. i, most enth1all~ ·s at ht'!r enlth to-da,y .

2. Its tar l01d ~fa~ ~upies S a.utl j~ snb J.ord Mcr-aury 29. Queen
O OS It 5 d QCCUrp,ias 5. ThD~ th• CtJ.~,al QJord Qf l4 is the A.SC (,(Japrloor1t 11)0 50'J= Caprimrm whi~k c·cn,~pcro.d1 to
si!J1ificator of 5 aop mnoeoted with .2 &Jlld s. Jienoe tJic nativG th• lOih h0-usc is oti the A.s .. Its 1'ob lord is V.a11i. h i~ im
mints money 'by 11,,
s}ngitg~ the star rand sub Jupiter .. Ve~us is· ta Aqna1ius whlch ccr.respopds
_ _ JtJ1lz c111~ ,(~qutUi' 11'1,4') ; ~he· ~111J, ]ora of ·.rw. 10"tii cop to the J.ltb house. Jmpile!r is iBI Caplleoro. Both in the l~t
ti" Venus,. Il J& rn. the sf~r Kctu aoEI · in the tub SQ.. - , u,.. e_nus
~larfn, {mg1JJh1r ho~c). Venp awDI 4. tm~tial pro.p,rty) a11d 9 (fortuue),11
-<K:tQpj~ 311:mental qlialra s) fm 1.:,eo 1(fin_ ·atui I ts. $tu laNl Iapiter owas= (we ltb) and l l (pin, prosperite); it is ~n
ICeUJ occupies S in Libra· (art is ti(; siagr\ itt ~~ J"' •· t... .qu1jm1.clio.JJ with the, owner 'Of 10 MaJ (1utlllorHy, s.ta1Qs), Thus
= 1w -U assoc1111.
'jliJ, 190..
Qi sub Jcm of tht: A~. is ttie sigoificator of 2 11 and e:onac--
cted wirh 2 1

• 91 10 and 111 also Capricorn aod

~ __-#i,.. BiTth .J-4-l9lli cdnesda . Besides, it is conttoHed b.) b-eae6.cs Jup11ter and !OlJS. Heocc
rCUHS"'.. •44,
S K30. O S ; Ayanam .... SC the priO<J'ClY stato and e_nvir-onmcnts fro bir1h., he nali e is
the queen of ti» laad~ El imbeth [t)

Caprieo1n 20-50
llJtll a,sp Scr:rrpio 11• 16" : ni-e b I rd of e 10th cusp
illf'S' 2.S.
is lercuo·~ is 10 the tar ~a uro and in the sub
lup. 2'~47
stal" lord turn ;0wn.s l and OCC-U pi-es .. T e uti 1ord
Aquarin 7 ud a&ptcts tlle owQict of IO ~ ll
VcD~ 2 .. 4
Thus the cu pal uo I rd of ZO d
~1 connected 1th 2, IO aud 11 . ~I( ..
I ma. Ketu 27-44
t-ter. 11~57 ·- --Sagirtariu.J 24.. 1,6 status, 1)0\Ver and prosper..t: .
PisUS 21 ··16
2 11 lh 'CIIJp { . . 5•
ag111a.r.,us _ 16' : The
7-JU 5-16 l is Marsi It is in thC' st M tl:u~ sub
Ar~S 25.16 - Sagi1tariuS
alffad) djscuss d, above, the cnspa.1 sob h1rd r l l · c ..

-Sra,rpio ]7·16 1,0 -

17-16 ficator of 1. IO and canncct,ed ith t., 2. 1
2nd 1 . He ;t'
4 T(JllnlJ SaL nativ4 will cherish lier asp·,ar;on b p ... n . ,a nd
15-16 9
5 Gemirtl s-i,---= - Libra power.
Joint _JJ_erlod: The native was born durin 1 ie < of
Ptri;. 20'10 _ ___..;;-Virgo 21-16 crcury (th• uspal rub lord of 10) witb bal nee of ,_;·. I · 5D _
Grmlnl ~ 16--- Slit was ¢tawned as queen on 1.--6- 9S daring riod
ff zgo
:Raho 21··« of V .o,us ( h~ sub lord of the Ase.), Rahn a
< Rahu. Ra u is in
oon 19·52 Nep~, 29 ~ lBR dte Jupiter a,ud i the sub V o, s. s, t nus and R..ahu
Con cu 2-0·SO are 1he signi,ficators of I 1 9 amd ll ~ Hew:e the nati\' could fulfil
1 hat desire by bcc-oming the queen of Eng d.
Pl. Sn. H~. St. 1
s,,. fls-. SI. Su . Trmrslts : On 2"--.-19S Sun Taurus 1&" w s in the siga
Pl, 1
Ar. 2 ·K R.,. v Aq. 1 awned bJ Venus the pe.dod ruler. Moon Ca.1dcorn 11•30' as
s v SaR Sc. g l
M CL 6·7 Me. in the 111b Rahu th sub aQd inter pe.rjotf tulcr:. Rabu Capri-
Sa. 1l Gm. 6 1 com 12•55' was in its ub.
Ma. Cp. 1 Ma. wa
Sa,. M K Sg. 12 B 8
Me. Pi. I
J Cp. l M Sa·
ll BbJJ$: Ir the sub lolid of tbe 4th usp ii tu 1lloiilicator;
30. Building (111 the: of the oocup
IA1' or owner) r buildiag, la d' • I ·
{gala} or 12 lm e uu t); or coaaectcd with · 1 I I or -2. aho
with 'i3 ls ~buitd · or Sa _ n (laud. the nUi
wil h ve ms o tiuiklin,1 d urlng b1 ~m per- _ of
'Sipijiea to of 4-t l 1 and 12.
4th cwp ( agiltariru 2'• 41' : , this ha.rmi;;upe , 1tlG
Yil'go 2-39
2• 39• · on ttie _ The sub lord of the c:mp
er.. ft is i c ~tar Jopiter and m w s;a

2 LffinJ
_ _.;......--.. Leo
Cancer. the oa ral sign of the 4th house, ·[ - in •>era
'261'51 with the owne or !1 (Sao and S tut'II.. The tar - lapita
far! 4-54
s 2S-40
toou Sat. 4 and aspcc · the 4th, tbc wa r o'f ll 11) arul
- cp_., 14r43
I - ars.. Tbe sub lord Mats i1 in. c:onj unction ·r ha owner af
CtmW' 11 (Moon)& Thus the c.upa1 sub ford of is the sicn.ifim.tQr or
t-41-----1 Ven.. 0-39
26~31 4, 1 a od coo-necud widt 4, 11, 2; also an and Sa.,tum.
Juvi 13-54 Hence i promisci the oat-ive his own building-..
Plu . 13-13
2·41 0 lgnificators of 4.,.11,12; :
4 SogltlatlUS' Honse PJanct in Occupa t Planet 1n
;Kelli 26-Jl oceu paot"s -0 ncr"s
1·11 g
.-rmaus star star
3 4l
s Capr.ieorfl

4 None one J
tJt-ao. 3•22R 1·41 11 ODO Sa. one
.0 Aquartu,s Non, s
Pi:cea 2·39 11 StR,So. Me. s
1 Venus, ~turn, Sun and llaliu arc the strong si)oitieators.

Su. i''l. :sn,, Bs. s-,. Moon and Ju_g,ite'r are io the s:tar of the sigeiticatoJ Rab.a. so
Sn. Ils. Sl.
11 Me.. J ¥ en. 10·11 J they m.ay be consider~.
€n'4 Me.
R: R Sa . en. 11 alive was born during the period of
Joint period : The
Ui 2
I.e. 1~
2 Ma.
Sc •
B.abu wjtb balance o ~ 17v. 8 23° Dunng the joint period of

Saturn, Sun and Jupiter,, the native purchued Jand oa 3-10-1%2.

,Gm. lb R Me"
D!l-rinl! lie joi1u period or Saturn, Moon and .lupher, in Octobi: 117
1963 rhe nati\ft: occupied th. building coo nuc:led by him.
0 cns the iorter period. rater.. Venu1 cancer 3
was m. icl

Transits.: On :,... 0-1%2 Sun Virgo Lfi 34' and Jupiter
,owned by OOD
Aquarius 10• 41' w.t!'ce in tl!B sub Satdt tbe pedod 1ol~r. Mooll.
o of Par.e ia Teemge :
in Soorpfo was pBS:iiog tbro11gk the s1ar J11piu1r amd Sa urn.
e. nati
1~ 9IM b rn during I c ~ or llati
ye-op I lion : ba] nee: ar 1 'JV.. .. 231,.... Wit m:iy o w examine we offcctj if:
12111 ,Olsp (la 3• 41 1) : The J2lh house dco~tes defect. R llu ~a r,eg~t of die iangcvity of hiJ. ~ •
The b Io,d or the C'U!p · oon tvitioa). Jt i in con-
9lh cwp (Taurus 1· 41' : ~ !Jib

ju11ction with :Man owning 8 (opera ion). So I denottB op ratiun

Ase. foz: the na.iivc'~ fatbar.. · 1 coonrid from I
for geU i a g visi'.on. ltahu i in Lha 1:tb~ It b in tile tu !Jry and in the !Uh
Joinl peritJtl :' The native was born uring the. period 9f Jupiter. The tar lord Mercary own the mii_ra~a ha 1. Tiie
of'' &ah~ with ha/lance of 17Y· gM- 2:i -.. Thereafter be will sub lord Jupi e owaa B. Rabu m Scorpio as .a r:epresen ·"18

}lave to rua lb periods of Jupiter, Saturn iUld Mercu[y res .. ~f Ma~s O'Wffli 7 and 12. R.allu i1 trha ~uspal b l.old af ,
pectively. Mercury is ,wunc:ciei:! with defccti'l'e 'VI ion. e~cause it {Scorpioi 1• 41 '). Tbu1 Rahu is the Uong mHAk& igniricacor aod
is ·i n Lht: tar Venus (vision) owniri1
g 2 (vu,ion); it is in th-c con11r:cted w1tb 8. Hoa~ irtis P.erio w.iH prov.c- f t.o tl:il
sub Saturn (ob,sructiom.) o·wDi:og ,6 (disease); the star enut nauve
• ti h
,5 rat . er: •
•l!Dd the ab Saturn both are, in association with Sun (vision)
4th cu8p (Sagitt'arilt:J .2• 41') : The 4ta cusp r pr ts the
OWlidng 12 (defect). The combined e!rccf of. 1 thMe planets.
~~~ for the native' mgthar As counted from

f he 4t cusp Raltu
causes cataract in the yej' JB in t-ne 121h" ll i in lhc 1.tar MercUJ y. u in thi: 1.11b Jupiter*
- The l21h hous~ denotes lio pitalisption. The t1i lluuse aud- ~he tar lord Mer~nry 1 ow.01 the batlmt\c - marata hov 1 7. he
Man signify oper.ar1011B. So durJSJg be Joimt period of. the 5ub lord JuQiter. 1baka nc,usc 7. ~1hu ·s me cuspal
j - in the ba
sigaificatoJ of duease, -and the euspal .sub lor.ds of 8 1i sub lo.r:d or 12 CS orpin 1• 41 'J.. u Ra.bu i, e b liaka-mar k«
conoech!d with ars, the native I ndcrg es operation . s,ignifiea.tor. ,ence its _ptrjod win prove fatal to tm, native -
pcrjod of Mercury, Moon (the
1n tliit 1ca1c duri11g tile joi1d mo~er.
euspal slJb lord 0/ 12) and V·mnus (the star lord of tli~ period
2. We may aow ~amine the Ith cusps or ha pareots.
ruler, also tha cruspal sub ford o·f 8 eonnected with Mars as
'Pa1Mr' s 8th c.usp (Sagluari,ur 2• 41 ') : "Fbo ~ b Ir:, rd of the
Hi sub lorf1) the .dght eye of the· native was operat~d for
fatber's h cusp is Venus. It ig in the st J11J.pi,tet od in t e

c taract on 28-7--1979... tub Mars. Jupiter ow s , Mars owns 1 and 12. 'fhus the
Transir, :, On 28-7-1919 Sin ¢1ncer 11' was in tbe sob cuspal sub lord of 8 is tbu st{oo significator or and con ted
. on the sub period ru!er. Moon co 2~ a was ia the star wim tli1 marab homos. ence the oati e's lfath r win siud.d nly

- - - - ~ - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - -- away io hort sic nc s.~-~~~-~~__;_--~~--~~

P (learoios)~ J S18Jtr 1-.1t'Di ng) · in ~ O ia
r J~ 41 i'\ 'T'l!,,c ub Jonl gf 'lbe-;
othtr''s Bth i!.U P ( 1...orru r }~ J 11
GPJ.iioi(~dueation).. n ~ ima ioal m t •
luCJ' :S
J I· t111I., cusp J.S
.. S·, .aia 'i.ui111
h LP1'11
It is in tbc tar Mel'iE:Ycy4 and in me

• aiad act'Dpies 2 fn tih i' 11eUectua1 · ign L~bra .....! i

b w. Saturn Js in ,Cancer m thi, 8 h•. it denotes long "'th the QWatr of J (gain) Moan Thue tu cos~_

·c rn~, mid clisrucj ..Me~ry owns tllu, badliaka-mar or 10 d.rootea edaeatio11al acd iti,£.~ aQ,d ( mam ~al p ~ I .qcby..
7... :Rahl.I is ~n t.oc mama oU&e [J.... t.b c CU _ al s;ub lo.rd
(b) 2nd c"sp (lfb.ta 1° 411): The sub lord c:lf U1e lod
of H is both badhata and mara):a. Bmce tbe naliv ''s other
rCIJ&,p js . e£cury. It is iu the staF V 1e:nus and i.u the suit. Sa-
~n di.:: after sutietinig loll& sic mess.
tutn., Menrucy owns 10" Its sta.r lord Veous own . JJJd QCCupt
J·~ H1nl.r : 1:f the tiQsp 31 s u Jo1ds of I 8 and 12 be 'th~ 10~ Its ,s ub lvrd Sa tur.n owns 6 and oce;upies 11. Tons lfte
b d1Jeka-m~1,a la d1,a1h occuis during weir ioin eu1pal sub lord o.f 2 is the sipificator of l. to and oonneeted
period .. with ,6. J0 and l I~ Hence the native - will bav hi... own
The natJ ·,e fJrber dLd oo 16-i-1930 drai'og the joint period
inckptn.dent earni &
of Rahu (tb.e cwpaJ sub lprd. of the maraka Jlpuse 7), Voun
(Um Cl!Uipai $Dh lord of 8 &nd1 12) and . OLJ!il (r.he marau 2 (~ ) Joi'nl Period: The nat[ve wa born d img the period of'
Kehu wi't'h balance of l'i f\, giU.. 23n '. He ohtajntd firs,t d grE?t
sjg:oific3 ror of die fedt r)..
Th~ :metiWt: 1 ffl01tb r 1dicd OB 30-L-1932 du:( Qg ffill; ioiat in M,ay 1940 d'Urin1 the jaitlt period of Jupiter~ Saturn and .R.i!hu.
ptTiod of Rah (rile cn~aJ sub ]om of I ~,. eaut (the tuspal Thtse john peded rulOEs are aiso the sigg1icaJors or
10. So fie--
Sijb l rd of th badhek:a house &ml A~c.) Sartur11 {the ,cuspal got his first I plo)lm.ell!lltt in service o,n 1-6- 1.940 dm111g lh ·
join.t p=rio·~
sub lwd or 9~of Lb . otlierll)
4.. T-ransft.s : On 16-i -ft3C Moo11 Ari! l 5° was in tbc· The ~riod ru1er Jupiler is in t~c sub Mtrcury o niag lO

s r tile· .sub period 1ul1r.. nus irgo ! ' \-var ju the (the cuspa~ ub .le r.d of 2.),i Tru! sub p@cflil d ruler S_B rn(the
E J't o e inl c period ruler~ Ra hu Aries 4" 11 as in the O'Wlltr of 6 and !he: cu~al sub lord or
11) and the wnler riod
-iu ler K · hu b ti. are i Q the sta.r ·. ercu rJ i,


0n 30-1-1932 S n C-aprioo a 11• was i.n tti. s.ub · a,urn Transit'J ~ 0 1-6-1~40 StlH 'Taurus 17° SD' alld Jupi ~
the inter eri&d rul1r. Moon Libra 1:1• a in the tar: Rnhu Mle..s 10• 41" ,er1 ln die au1J - &tu.tll be sub pCl'iod ruler..
~.riad ndrr., cnus Aquarius 19• S1' s ·a the star Rabu. 1
Jlahu i sa ...::4g 3 " was iA i own ob die w
er pir d zul r.
Ku11 1'is s• 551 was m the star Saturn. Saturn A.ri1$ 16• was in the stal' '.\ ·ous the igntfica r of 10.
Mbo11 Pisces 22• v..•as 10 lf(e star }.kr~ur th signifies.tor of JO
(b) JpJn1 Perir1d I Dur· g the jgin1t period of Jupi.ter, •
l a l01b iu.t.p( emini of the-
G 41, : The sub lord nus (the cu pii1 s-ub ford of 10) au . Kem the . igmfic r,,:r f
Oth cm is Vtnu . It is in the stat Jupiter and in the sub the na t i'VI as appoio.~td as. a pm€e5:sor in a oolle,ge on 11--11- l
~ enus is in ttic l00i(,--ceation)1 it owns 2(finance) 8J1cl
r,M r1 nd i a ~ l1l1C· ub up1i cr:I b11 mr lard
Uon) u,nd occ.upim 2 (f~nance:) 11 h, 11!11b ford 1

ooo tnrad i11 ,~ituc11 r 1JW1 wie h I hat the· tJ rod ru l1.r111

p l T. m bit I01h ( · - ti; ). -efret1c _ ~ cbans, For ha bet tcr l G O ti Grf ii, I al
T11J1U i'I' : ·( _n 11- lJ- 1946 un L11b a 2 s• wa w:1 1he 1,1a, -, e cu pai iubk,rd of J2 leha11pJ,
Ju u r 1at p ,fiod ruJc:r"w o P Tau1ru 20 2J '. Jupiter Li1bra

Mer u1y (ibte ownu f 10 as the co~t 1JJb lord of I)_.
I 7j 71 nd ru Soor_p io J9• SO' wer in Elie sul, Vc,nu 1
r1tc B,c ;BP-ifacaror 0( :2.j JO and 0000-=crcd with ·6, ta ctnd u u

ub ricu1 ru1ler. 4i ciJS!ied earlier. So H ga.'tlc bim a peuna11eat liettor position

{cJ Dur.uu11 ~he joimr. periicd or iU.Ur'Di Sacurn and
I olu wHh monetary gah1i
the native officiated us the P1i11c1pal jo tbe coUtgc from 11-4-1953 111 Dot1heH ,he period ruler Sauun is title ct1.spal aab 1onl
UJI le ~ 0-4-1 PS4. of 11 (fuUilllllellt 0 f,1 the sub period ruler Moon is dla

S1uvrn is Ihm e1npzll sub lord of l l. 11 i~ j s1a1: Ma~ euspe1 sub-1o.rd of .f2 (cbaag"e of environment) and tu
lnrtcr period
~ury and i ibe sub Rahn+ ft:. stat Jorn Mercm~Y owns 10 1

rMler Mercury .is the- c11spaJ su:b Jord of 2 (finanae)~

posirfon).I l(ch1.H11g~ in srn·ice bcio 12f'h from 2) end occu:pils Tran-Sfts : On J.-5-1984- Sllll Arm cs l '1° wu in the sub -Moon
12(ch toge. of en viro omen t ). l rs sub lord Ra)lu oceopies. 3 11
the aub pmiricd ruler.. Me,rcury Arie& 11 was in the 1·111b Sat11t11
(ebang.: of cn.¥konment). Satur ow~ G (:Service) and o(cbange 10
b.e gel'i d ruler. Satmr,.n Aqruariu 10 c, r~' was in its own Hip.
! rv:ite b!'ing 12th f_rom ~~ S-o the cba nge j o aetvice bcoomes
Jlejkem D1 fJQfll Serriee :
the source o'f the forth!Do.ming event (i.e. change iu position),
£tu br ia rhe uar ars and iin1 rbe su.b Jupjtcr~ Ke, u Hi"t:s .: The native ge1urraHy retit:e &om er"'ieo druio; ~
jp,jnt pc.r.iod of the '!igniicatOr! (jo tlre ltar of nbe: oec·upant or
oocupl~s· 9{ch-ao3e- 111 unsiticn bciq Jllh rrom 10)'" The s1ar
awmer) of l, 5., 9 (beiog 12-lh from 2. 6 -a·o d LO) and tl.
!ord M r ow11s l (chan1_:e) and occupies 2(fi11ance) The sub ,

J<Jrd 1upitrr owns 4{t e same lo,:ation) and 7( taet with 'The muive retired from ser')-i00 ,on l-9~!97t :d111r~og the
et her ) ud owi~pies. 1O(position}. Hean it effected I bctteJ'
1 jqinl period, eir Mei-cury (~WJliJig J). obn {cu~! sub )ord of l~
change at t·liLe same placm, ehDJlge p'f eo.vrronm o~) and Rahv1 (cusp ~l sub lord of 3-cbanp of

er1vironni.-ents) These· planers are . Lh:e significa;tor.s; of l,1S, 9 nd i2.

fd} Duri11g the jmot pedod of Saturo 1 Salul\n and Mara
he rever1ed to hif oriignial post of th proressor on J-'>-l.954. ;1b r ti:riog ago in servica .[s normallJ S&. In thi~ caie
Mars i in its own star and in tie .sui ma. As tbn sub _a.rd the period of M1trou1y started ftom 12~1971. Mereuq, is m

Sun owns 12 (fo:,s),, ·the native was now on }lit permancrnt pqst. tlic star V~:n n and Jo the sub SaQU'JJ, The lorH Venus

(e) £1,uriog Cbe joint period ar Saturn (ownh1g t;.)1 oon ow-n·s 9, 1!lite· su}) to7d Saturn ewns :t Thus Mcroury is the
sipifiootor oJ 9 (absence of pqsilion beipg 10 a_nd 1

nwnJ1g 11) and e1c11ry (o,waiag 1-0) ttie native wa:s pmmomd

eqm ted with 5 ('@bsence ot se~·ce- ·t,cJng l2't.b from o), '.Heaea
to tlle post or
rbe viee-princi9al of' th'r: coU~at with effect from
i-S-1964~ ·rotiremtnt fr{Jm service,.
I Moon is jn the star aud sub Rabu in 3 (cban89 of"
GDViironme-dts), It is the sigilii-cator or l and auo the ,cuspaJ sub Odldren:
,! ord of 12~ . Mo-0n~s influence is to bu interp1eted in concurr--ence On 13- 7.-1948 dudng 1be joint ~1iod of Jupiter_, Mooll and'
witb tlla t of tbt pe-rio d ruler- Mcrcm)· ~ !o there wi U be a ·change Ketu lht birth of e, d augbil!er. ~,
or environments jn ic-e i.e. reti ment from service. Trtmslt4 i Sun Gemini 27'1. .1 oon ViJgo 21° ~ Jupiter Sc-0,pio
Rahu is io the star Mercury owning 1 and occupying Ii. 27•44'.,
So it is tbe s iJ11ificato[ ro f l and 12.; also the c~spa l su h lord of On 15-11-1950. during tbc joiol p~!tiod of lnpiler, R.ahu
3. Hence retiremenc f.1om ,ervfoe. A11d ~atum th birth of a son.
Transits: On 1-9-197'8 Moon was io its own sign Cancer. Tra11$i't s: Sun Libra 19 26'. Mooa Capricorn 16,4 551 .. Jupiter,

Merctiry Cancer 21• 16' W8s in its own star rhe ruler. llahu A~arins 5•21'~
irgq 4a[41 was iJJ. the .tar Sun, the sJgnificator of l and 12..
On l5;-""3-19S9 during tht joint peried f arnn) 11 nus and
EdUCQtlon : VeDus the birth of a dJogh1er.•
The native pa sed bis B. Com. xamination an 28-S-li~O Transits : "Venus Pis:e~s 29°41 '. Moon Tauras 2•12.'.
d,ndog th-e joint p:riod of Jupiter, Sauun and R.ah~. On 4-4-15166 duting tbe joint period o Saturo_, llahu and
TnmJit.s : Sun Taurus 13°]0'-.. Jt1Riter Ariis 2•49'. Moon Raha the birth of a daugibterr
Aquanus l l0 1 • Satoro Aries l S'-'40'.
Tran3lls : Saturn Aqrusrius 2~i"35'~ Rah Taurru; 4 2.5'.,
· "' Com.. cxamiruuion in Jone 19.46 dur1og the Joint period
31. BuUd"bg
of J~p,iter, Venus and ?\.ier"'ury.
41/1 cusp (Scorpio Z9 ~6 ' ) i In tbis horoscope Leo ~7
..,a" ,. .1s 011
TrQMlls : Sun GemJni 13·. - onus Cancer 1 •. Mer~nry Cander
1be .ru-c., The $U b lord of the 4th cu~ is. a.tut n. It ts in the

1•. Jupiter Vilrgo 24 •43 '.

5 ~r Jupiter end in the sub ercory~ S-a rn j 111 ooojuution
fie was Ph D: in Jun 1959 during the joint perioa of with the owner ol: 12 (Sun) and tipec t5 We ownir o[ 4 Mus.

Sacurn. Venus amd Ve us The star lord :Ju_pitttr is the part ruler:'. of i it a peets the 4th1
Transit.s, : Sun Gemini 1~·. a u.rn Sagittarius 11 ~. Vcuo& 12r bill alt 0 the l\'llf'f of 4 Mats- '))}le, sub lord . -Cflillll')' ppects

Cance, 2i·. Oi.C!I 4th. 'J'hus th~ cuepal sublord of i5 th siguificiuor or 4

Marriage: and connected with 4, l~ Ma:r and Satmn. He ce the nativt
will have hi own l:ioose to dwell i.D.
The natjvc got mardcd pn 21-1-1_942 durin_g the joint petiodi
at Jnpiter (owner of 7), Mercury, (cuspaJ ,t ub lord of ), ~oon
Joint p~riaa ! Y.-hc nati· e "'a~ born during the perjod f
S"tu,n with bahmoe of 17r- 5 I, 2.. 0 •. TbeIU.ft '•r Jh periods of
(<tw11 er ef I 11 and Satl!I r11 (cos pill su ti lor'1 sf' 11 ).
M1rcury" Ketu and - eous wer · t9 rollow, Among them Venrus
Trtlllslts : MoQm Pisces 6" 37'. Jupiter Taurus 11•49'.
js in the star. Jupiror and in thi sub Moreur1.. So as dJseusse.d
124· -abotc, it "becomes the signiRcator pf' .4 and 'coo~ec1td wid1 11....
Jl 1 n.ts, and Satnrn, .H1n~ thm niUve wiU h1rt¥e hif own h-ooSp
31. B ildi,r,g
du ti mg ihc petirid Qf' Vcn111..
~ It\ Birlb __.;1'"'t -l9] rfi, nursda:t; l~-3 P~M· I.S·.T~ 23 112
1- S; _y.t msa L 5".
111 - Dur-iJlg tb~ joiat ~riod of V~nus and Mais- in 1'9 ~
AC lhcrc were mll>\1cment~ For land and llni comltuctioo ,o'f' the hoiB1.
Lw 2.i 4 ·1 "' o, ms 4 urnd etiupics 12 them irs: n o pluct in the i at

of M ,M s, so tc 11 tha UJJOng aigoifi.cato, of 12 (inviS't mtnt) and

f;ir.s 19·50
Q,-6 4 (land or lloo~.
UtiJ 12

epll -38 Druimg the joint peTiod l!)r Ven"'3 ~shu,, - CBUS Qll 1

Ec;fu :-;:.59 M rcur~ the us tivc oeoupi · m ho11St? oa S-6--1967. Rlmu is, m
• WJ-CH 0·6 ll the st. on, ·n d in the Sllh V1u1u~~ lts star I~ Son o, s, l:!1
.it o:spc;ct~· th 4-lh, it is :in tbnjunctioD i h Samm(Utni!) and
VcDl" 2'· 114
Sa·t. 24-55 ", cinus the s11nifieator of .• So Itahu 1~ the _i gmfi_ca:t;or (ff 4.,
• -Ii IOc15 12 a d COJlD~ttcrl. it'h Satudl. IS m the star Mooa
Son 7,54 and in l s own siwh~ l J.$ ~;t.qr lord Moon owns l 1, it i-s. ~ted
Gemini' by th&· owRpT of 4 ars" n~ tu1b lord Me[cury ppects 4. So
c-orplo 29 .. r; -Tau,us 29~(, ID
. ii
_e,. J ,.. - Mercury is the sjpi:licatpr. nf 4 and OO,:llm£e1cd with 4 ·~ d M.a;rs.
lie ct b c dtutd. ceu ~ .fbe ho~ an.d beg:ln fo stay the r-.

0·6 'i4.rie·s ~6
· 1~59 Jup. 6·-49 TrUMits1 On 5-6-1%7 Vcons ·Cancer S-fl 30' and ftahu -A___rjes
!fi·l'82 11° 47' wer:; j D l be 5 ob M,ercu &y th sookshm a dM rol~r.
Mem:nrr Gemini ia• 40" Wii' in be s1lu' &ahu the )lb. -gccr:iod
6 il!J ~
__ uar1r1.s o. fi - - - - aaiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimii-Pi· ces 8 rtiler. Moon Aries 16• was in Hu; sta1 enDs til~ period ruler.
hm ~BUrtlS 20 31~ W,O, j D the SU b ·. ~·us.
·AfuariJ16 29,4
lmater~ L~e-1q1rt"taze.·
1'1, $q. H1. $t.. -Sr1 . Pl.

In. Hs. "Sf. Su . 7th msp (Alquariuif 29· 4 1}~ The s)Jh loul nr the 7tti ll5p
s ,om" 10 R I'{
YR Mn 10 Ji Mc. JS Sun. It j s. in the start -a u
sub Rall i S'.. So i.t is t!ie sb_O PI
M Pi; 1 Sa. Sa., Sa4 Gm. 10. J ,~ siani{iGatol[ or S (love-affair) and conn~ w itll 5. Rahu iD
Ma,. :LC, 12 v R. R Cp. s v Capfico:m $ "Prcse:ntatrv,e or Sa.fQrl ~ m - t'he ' awiier af , -
Me, Tr.. 9 M Me~ K €n~ 11 ' Sa.
jJ At., I IC I
(m • ~~ Thus tu cru al w:i, lord of 1' is oonnected with s.
, llabu. ~n - ,be nlativt bad n m1trcaite lovei-lJlarriagc.. d em t p,'Ofi~ tSion. He was tbE Principal or 3. second acy scboot
IJtt i~ 1o day the Director of the school~
2nJ t11.5R ( Vf_rgo 13• O'): The snb 1omr 0-f t11a 2nd mst is
SarurD~ Hence -as discu sed ·a hote the ech:1cati0Mf e.eti.wty is tlle
Pla1 r· ~n Oocu._ pot iil
(K'tUpanl-,S o.wne:r· so1.u-ce of b 'iS inc-om e.
-star Per1la.,eb. 'Th,e native wa.s born during; the period of Sablrrn

r(lmo. ,' one itb balana: of 171'. iM~ n°·~ Durjng the p~1iod of clu Che
uatiw became tbt'l Ptineipal of the secondary schoo~ 011 L-J-.:ltSl:
7 c. I .K
Keto is in tbe star- . arurn io 10 and :in the nb 11 ill 11.
l li J K e. .
n is lhc ip.ifi~tor of 10 an.d conoected with 11.
oo,n;, Kttu tmd Iepiter a-re th , sigrriBmtor1. Duri11g the period of Venus the native started bis own
Joi- period : The oative was born ·duri Ill the ptriod of -nco1nd1µy schooW siom June 1958.. Vcna is i. me la1: Jupitor
Sablm - Uh of l 71'fl! iza,. 23 8 •~ He got narried do.ring the .au i o. the sl!IJb Mercury As alc·eady di&e~s"11 abo~-c i.t suppor'5

join! period of: Me~~u.ry, M'oonJ _ ~tu and Jupm·ter oo 11~1~42. tb.e edueational g,ctivi ty s•arted .and conltiau~d by the nadve.l!
Ttansi,s: On lJ-2 t!'}-42 00,D Sagntmriu& ,a W,U , m the . titer's Death :
The nati,~c11 father dtiea on 1-1 l-l936 do11ng the joint
stit .1ta the jg1~_c r p~riod ruler.Ii tu quarius 21 • 42' was in
Uie star Jup1:te.r tha saohhma period m1ar. Jupiter TmH11& 18 .JD'
prJdod of ,e roury, Kct,m and Bab~
was m ~he star MQOo the sub period .mler. T ra11sits ,: SQu Liibm lft. Rahn Sagittarills. 3-• 52' i; . etu
Gcd&-1 i 3•fll.
Profi ·ion:
otbel''s,, Death :
10th .cusp' (Taurus 29• The 1ntib lord or the jOtli cusp u
61)' : Th~ m1tiv.e1 s molbe.r died on 25--3-1977 during the join:t
Sat11rrn. '.f't is in. the star Jup,iter - nd' in the sub - -eienry~ ~turn
ofi V.enns I Ketu au.d Mm.
'[)er iod
owns. ?,, 6 and rit 1~ in tbe 10th in Geminj{edacatbil~ wrltinp1, Transit& : Sun PiJCC& 11 ° 14'. Mean Taurus_ 14• 22,'.. V~s
s ntdilSt teaching): rt !s ilii ·cot1,junclion with. VeJ'IU thrc. owner P~f 29 121• Ketu 11.ibra '2g 2'. Mars Aq&ti'r1os 10 471• 1

of JO ( oooup atioo, &ta uis,, a11.th0rityJ and 3 (edPtation ~rud8, 1 Smfillty ~

sttuli'es, writing$) aad Sun. The star lord Jupiter is t.hc nahllral Tbe c~J{81 s -b lords of l l (Moon) end S (llahu) am the
sigrrl.ieamr ~f Jffll rolng aa.d know ledlge~ The sub lor,d. Merouq. 'Significators (in the s1a·r o:f the QC£Up~n(s of l P) of I\) Uld

·owns, 2 (inanoe1 s~h); i is the JWa;tD.Ia.1 signilicator of' ed ucat- csnm:cted with the ba:[ltn sip. So the native hn no child.
ion:t tea.chm& atudics, writmgs, speet;;.b aqd .xa mineidgns 11 tc Thus EdUe&'tiOD :
t h ~ ~ 1ub lotd of 10 is oonuected wjfh J '1 and 10; alsp Tifc .m.ative passed h~s B. A. examination in Jmm 1941
~th mmcy .and Jupil~. Hence' the native was in an inde,ea.- du,iu_g, the; ioint p iiod ,0 t M"Croui::,1 Moo D add J pltet~
JOtJt cusp ,v4:quar·Jus 29• 11) : I. ln !Jliis ber~p Gtm.ini
Ht l' is on tho As,:. Tbe sub lord of the H)tb Cb.@ £S Sum~ It
is jm th e ~tar Kctm and in the Bllb Sawm.. SW11·11 ao the 7lh

R,ahu 5.54.
Sat. 29~~7 R cuspJI Tbe sfa.r 1otd b.efQg im,·sa,giltadus b~m="' the tQ,rescntatiw
2 Jr43J< of Jupircr: so it is (he,owtter of- the 7th and is.. O!] !he 7ffi CIJ&:jl..
...- Ta111rus s~1 12 The sub lord Saturn owns th.e 1on1.. Thu& the oospal sub lord
2 Cmrcer 4. t
Mars 7·iJl37~ of 10 ~s 1tbc trnng signiilicator or 1 a,tirl cor:mecfe.d wrtb 10.
Phl-;i 1Ei'26 Hen~ the nat~vc wHI o an ·indep:en{lent v-0cait:i.oo dwirag the
joint period or tile ,:ai»uifi~tors of 2,. 7 aqa 10~
3 1C-anceer 29··1. ~ Aries 3·1 11·
2 (a} oJ s.1u1 an Jup' ter d~rtc.t, m.cdical He~ ·or- bow·
¥oon 1'8i42 Pi~. ~edge. Scorpio and Mars ch·em i~ms. and dn1~.. Virgo co"cspoa •
uo 29~1 -Aq1m.rius 22~1 IO
4 to the fi tfl an..d· Jteno le nu i'siag· med iC'81

tmmt to the sick..

VirrgO .Pi~(:(!s co,rn~.sponds IQ tha lltb house end iitgnilics bns,1tats o-
I ep. JS-l4
clin ie& _o [ nur.,J ing J1bmes~ Sagittatri·"9 p~m1,aceut_ical koowlcdg •

Jup. 0-d\3- (b) Th~. ~pal ·sn'& l·OrQ of to S-un is Lil the star Ketn and
s Lfbra 3· l - --
- - - - ,.
~ --- Capricorn 29·1 9 i.m tbs snb Sarn,ro,, Sw, dMoi·es trbe ·med·icaJ line. lbe. ;st r lord
Ke,lU rcp~co,!s ~; both Sum and Ketu 8 r t in S,q ittad~
8 l---- - -- - --Capriaprn 4 1
r(j Jeor.plo 1

(P,harmaceulical R:oowJooge c• lh:ey aie la the 6th whrcb deno_w mt\djC;al

er.. r7,26
treatme;ot t~ the siei:; they .0,re ·n conjt1n1eti0n wittr tbt owner
Ven. 0 2 1 of 12 (hospitals cJinics) Venus'" Th'e s11b lo{d SattUti (owwng U>
Keto 6·S4 1occt1,patioq 1 o oin~ '9 lucki is in aspect£ to Sun1 Ketu,1 lht owner
Sun 9!122 or 12 (Vonus) and Jup1tcr (m•di~al knowledge). Hrcore Jhc nativit
SqgiltariHS 10·1
.IS 8 dootor. As Sc:n is. co1.rn1ected witbr the maleticis RalU!J !Qtu.

l''li., Sn. Hi~ S~, Su~

.n. Rs . St. Salfr
ap4 Spturn m~ning a (opciratioBS) th~ ~
Znd CllSp (f:anc:er tiff,,11) . ~Ju: :sub h,ua
live i~ a w.igec11.
the: 2nd cusp J~
~s Sg•. 6,7 K Sa. Sg. 6 K
Sa.turn., It is in ·t·be- sta, Jupit~r and 10 the c&u"h Moon. Saturn
M Le. ! v. R 'Sa.R Gm.., 1 1 M
MaR Cn. 2 Sa, K R Gm~, 12·1 BJ R - .
owns Q The star. tatd Jupiter' owns '1 .. The .sub Lord Moon
. 2. Sg tir: c11ap I sub ]ord , is the signi6c . U)r of 7 and
M , :St,;. ~ Me~ Me. K $g. 5.7 I{ &.
wUb 2 nd JU.
J: Li_. 4..S Ma. Me.
tO and in \ht rsub Kc. u owning 7. ~md on che 7th "C\1,p.. ff9 . I hi
orcow:r, the srrar tord Jopit~l' is pecfed by the owner t:he sigoifica10r of 10 and eonoeet:ed with 7 and tt; h~irce- it
of 6 amd J l (b,:1ars); ·the sub lord Moo:n i a.spected by the is fa\'ourabl~ for tode~:dent prtacricc. urtrhcr iljl sub Jorrd Ketu
ncr of JO~ Tbc cuspa! uh ~ord S11tuto is aspected by Jupiter is in coaju111ctio11 witll 'Sun (m~dfeal prof~ioD. ~r . ~rity ), tbc
owning 7. once the cuspa I sub lot d of ~ is also coq n,e,ctc:d cw;rJe.r of S and 1~ \i ellus.. Jts stM lord aturu is a$Rtd:ed by
iw~th 61 mo and J l ; Ma rs Wld I u p:ito[ (tb e p.lan11s denoting Jupner. R nee Mar.s is~corane"1ed with i11de.peodeot ,uterpx· t '
.m - iul profes ion). (6th oouse) and iJospital (lath houstJ; also Som, Vena_ snd.
So the nat i1Je will carve his ca rieor succes fully du ri og tb c lup11ttr {the planets of prosperi t:1}.
joint pen od of the sig o ificators of 21 6, 10 .3tfd I l ; and be wi U (b) The oaiivn startid ~s nwn i.ndepi:nd nt surgicBJ.I fiom
ear m independent]y. on 23-9-19~9 dur.i.Bg th!! joJnt pe.riod of Mars (ownot of' 11),
MoQB (owner of 2) and Mercnry (owner of the A~c). AU lhcse
Join, period~ t The native was bom dttri8g the: pedod o[
p]agets ars dliscu;Ss.e'd ear1icr are rost1ectcd with 21 6,. ,. JO and
VentJS with balance of 11 l'\ 11 • 12°·.
:2. (a} He passed is 1 .B..B~ .. examination in October 1968 TransilJ: On D-~197~ Sun Virgo 6° was in the sub _. er-
with Gold Medal during the Joi_nt period of Moon, Sat.u m and (jUrJthe inter period ruk=1. Mcom ¥.ttgo 25~ ~ ia the star
Venus•. Mars tbc period ruler. Mars Cancer
30' ~s in the sob
(b) He sta:rfed bis ca-re-er io the hospital since October Mere-ury. Me,rqury Virgo 14• was ip the star OQ,n the sub
period nilef'.
, '969· during the join period ,o f O·OD and M~reury. Moon
cwQl ~ it is in the star V.enus ow11ing 12 -and coeap.) ing 6; 1 Inter-caste Love Mar1iag.,e :
it is in the sub Rabu (in Gcmi i riep11esentl Mercucy owning The native got ma:rrned on 11 - 12-1972 duriog the joior period
the, .sc.) in r2. Mercury owns t, it is in its own star and sub of Mnon (owau of 2)i, Vcnu_s (the cuspal ub lord of l) and
occupying the 6th. Both oon and MclWJry are the siigoJ6cakJ,ra Satum (ts auspal sub lord 0£ i).
of 16 (1tard wa rlc, fficie.uey, m-nde;-ing s rviees:). Moon b ing the Tranri-is: Sun&:oqiid 2:8°. Mooa Ag111ar·us·, Venus Libta2t•30'. .
signi6catnr of 12 t111motes the hospital. Saturn 23
J. He pa~ed hi M.~., 1cxamiaatiom in Obtober 1972 with ClillcUro :
Gold edal during the j0im t peri1od of Moan, eous and The birth 1or ~ d~ugbter 1 o n 25-.5-1975 d mring the joint
Jupiter., period ofMars,Jupitcr and Jupiter. The birth of a son oo l~ll-19-17
4. He 9tartcd fo1 Lonilan on 31-12-117.2. He made his durimg th'! joiot period of Jda MtrCUF)' and ·oQO:.
fortune thi:rt and renirned an 10~1975. Ttan&its : On 2r5 -S-19M un Tau1us, 9° 46\\. Scorpio 1·.

5 a) Tht na1ivc he to run ahe ~riods of Mars. Rahn Mars Pisces g• 20 1 • Jupiter: .Pisces 21 ~ 58', Oo 20-11- 'J:7.7 · u
and ;Jupiter etc.. IQr:1 owm 11, it is in tbe star Saturn owoias
J3. A.~Jlh f1tf
hnd a.)'. 2-45 A, M.. J. S. T<;
omale~ IJ.i h 21-12- 94'.1

I ~ 21 11
54. 1 B 27'; .yanamsa 23 l ' .
Ha _ -ted for oadon n 31 12-19?2 durio1, he joint perioij ;. .C
of I on (own~ r 10 3}, - oD u (owo r of 12 end 'tlic cuspa,I suti Libria ;0..21
I rd o 11 ) and Saturn (en ncr of 9). He turned on 10-8-1 75 ttU 21·6
during the joint iPCri d of ~ t , JupJter and SnfurD. cp. 19.i52
Virga 1l·l6 u
T,r:anrlttY = Q, - 3)-12-1972 Sun agittariu 16•, Moa n Libra 27 1

Saturn Taurus 22 1 • On 0-8-1'975 1Sun C acer 23° 30', Moon Virgo21


2 Sa,rpio

rs Taurus 3• ,32', Saturn Cancer 2° 20'. Jupiter. Aries 1• IS'. an 'l-ll

e-r. £«, 1]·16 lJ
33 Anaesthetist l agiltarius
10th cu,p : (Cancer 11• 16') : In thi ho·roscope L bra 10• :Sun
21' i on the A cij The- sub lord of the I0th cu p i Moon. -Sat. ...,.,
It is in the star Mats and im. tbe sttb J'Upite~\ Moon owns 10 ~J.35 21·5"1
Ca11cer \ lcel 0
. e star lord Mats owns lit 7 nd occupies t I. The ~ub lord 4 Capricorn ll· 16
Jupitt!r ow11 6 and occup1os l. So the c1npal .sub lord of. IO 9 59 9
is1 1ho signlficator of 2"' 71 t I and eonoectcd with 2, 6 and 10. s Aquarlui 13 166

Uran. ~3a
Hcuc the nariv-e wiU do an iadependetu ,;ocation.
2. Tha tar lord Mars (dru.8S) is j~ Leo (medicine).. The M00 D 1

sub lord: Jupite,r (m~dJcm line) i,a in Scorpio {druga) and a pc· 6 PIIUI I 3·16

- --Fa11rr1
cted by Mus, The cll9pal u\b lord oon occupies its 1,calted
ahu 81 I
Jsq in dna 8th w,l1icb .corredpond t rpio, t is peered by
Jupiter. _bus tha ell pal I b lo rd o~ JO is ci:0Jn1cctad with Man,
J,t 10-~1
Jupiter, C'o and Scorplig. llencc the oativ
Junetfon Qf an Bllue U1cti
i1 11 doctor.
,. ... n,. I' s.,~ Pt n ll. ,. u.
p rt of tbri bady or s 3 K

v •
.4 v
11 •
r ,
pc o~· ~
· erc1HJ M r. J
R r
., '91
M. ~ I
LI .. I

ur n
M. ~ ..
,. M. v
134 135

l'lu: nati . is n anat:s.tbctist and io her horo ,e Pit lin (tht crurptd Db lord of 2) the native sot atri-ed Ql\ 13-t2-197Z

ia the .s r K n1 flcf in the "'Ub iU_rn~ en;Ul" ' is in star with the pers.on or her 1a"e afra·· , belonging to a diflcmnt cute.
K ru and in t1J sub .Rabu· 't h~ snb ~:ord ahu i~ a~ttd b f}':1Q11fits.: On 13- 12-1912 1111 Scarpjo ?&
was ·
u . nn and r r, Uiy ar~ in . njuc ion. Thus both sn 11 au; sub , cum the uh and in r period .rul r.. oan qaa.rius 22~
ifcn:LUy a!d nitb Rabu, and Saturn"' nd. Venus Col'pio 0 wer(l in
the star Jupiter: 1ni period
nrftl'rlage ~ rttle't .. Ju -i_ter SagriuariUB 201;1 6" was in the. star Cl111S the

soo1· hma. _en d rule,r~

• Silt a1sp ·(Ag 1'171""ilJs 13~ J6'): The su lord of the 5lh cusp.
c&·1ar.eo ..
is e,cuir_\'. I is in etu and in du: sub Rahu. Mer-
cury j lo conjlloCtion ilb lb~ o~ ner I1 (Sun). It i in tbe 3tl1 c-usp (Aquarius JJ• 16'), The sub lord of th~ Stb cusp 1

d. ... ir is oonn -1et1 with ... and 1t ~nee it deno a Jove is Mercury. It i in the 2.nd in conjunction with the own!![' <if
atTafr.. Thu srar lord K_eru occupies l (nati ~). Th,r Stlb lerd 1 i Sun).. So the cuipa I sub lo rd of 5 is co;nncc ed ·th 2 and

Rahu o~upics 7 and asp~ted by t e o mer of s (.atum). hus. I 1. He nee 11 promises cbild birth.
lhe ius_pa} suti Jo.rd of 5 is co:nue red with S, 7,. &ahu and Kctu.
So .the na'liv.: will have a Jo,·e affair with a person be)OQgmg to·
1111~ cu p (Leo 1,·
ra•) : The sub lord of the 11 rb cusp is
Mcrcucy. So it also promises ehUd.-birtb as discussep_ abo~_..
different .ca~te, c-recd or provjnce and shtl w . mury hiDJ,. Joint Peridd. The nati"Va married during lbe joint ~cnl of
S th ~P. (Arif'.f JO" 21') ! The sub lord of the 1th CU!ip is. Jupit~r, Saturn~ Saturn and Venius ai discussed ea.rue,.
~lll'n . .It· .JS ID tbe star !\ii'. .reury and in lb sub SatnFn. ~ .ketu. Iotpiter9 Saturn and Moon are the, ipincaton of 2
d1s1mssed a6o11e the Cllspal SulJ, ford 'Of; 7 ill the signifiattor of: 5 and :11.
2 and ll, aJso CQnoccted with 5 7 d .
• ·· , an Rahu.. Hence the nat1 ve Che period ruler is the siguiticatot of 2i ll is.
will marry tltc person of her lo¥e affair, ~h.Jllgjng: to a different QMLttYed that the period ru\er, its star lord n4 its sub lord g·1vc-
castei, creed or province-.
1he expcc.~ d ,csu lts duri ll tieir joint period; e ,[ ; t_lisa dur i ng the 1

Joint period : ~be oa five uras b

"11' orn during the

period o poiod of the signlficator of child-b1rlb in t ;:. sub pe~iod or

Mars with ba lauoe of 4 f. 20D•• '"~ the cuspal sub lard of 5 CJ'I" l l an eivcn't of cbild-birth oecun
Du dug tha joint pt,tiod ot: R ...i.m So in this 1casc during the joirn period of Jupiter~ Mercury.
1 1, and Vcnu$ the-
Mercuri (the :star lord of ~upiter aad tu c pall sub lord of 5
.. ~,; ~ :1r.
ssgniJuta IO{S of 2 Bfl d ] J the .
4- . 1 native starred a !ov affair l1D
and J) ~nti Venus (1be sub lora of Jupiteri a· tlib cuspa1
5-1970~ with, her co--studeut belon°"io1 to :...l"M
• • _ 6r. - a ul,1iere:nt ~te;
_D tlt1ng Che perjod of tht . ·~-
sub lord t>f 2J Jh.c native g:aYC birtb to daugbl~' on 25-5-1975..
the &nb ner;od r h . SJBJIJru.~ator of marriage and ifit <lu.rjng th, joj11t period of Jupiter-,. Kettl aad
!rhereaf 1:,
r - • o r a cuspaJ 9 b 1 .
So hi this cam d . ,1.... • • ff ord of 7. ma1 ria gc take.A pJate.. Moon (the ·gpiftcarors o eh :lti hi · ) eh• d.etiYDMd a 50:n Olli we JPHJ t . .od - . "
signifiwtor), SttQrn Satu ( pen ef !Jup,t ·r (mlirr••- 20-1 1-1977.

,. ta ·the eusP$J $lb Jard o 7) and Vend

r,ans.·lta :' o.n 2.S-5- !9'1S SuA Taura~, 9• jO' was in tha sub J4 M•,t•~ Al!wlad
Veou"S tile mQkdim~ fl'riad ruler . .lJu,piter Pisces 21 • 58' wu in
en stat M~rcuzy cbc sub and in t r ~od ru.let~ Venus Gem.ioi

3• 24' was i:n it, own sub. Mercury Tauru.s 29• 20' -was in lbe
M lo. Birth 2fi.-:LG-UJj
Ayaoiamsa 2.l
,, . 50 ·
siigu .owa1=d by Vc11us 1 a.i~ in the rmb Saturn thi, significator of ASC
rellffd-b i rt h. agilfiann 6-58
On 2~1f--IY77 Sun Scorpio 4° ED' wos in rhc star Saturn J
the signiftc~tor of cbiJd-birtb. Moou Pisl:e,S o• 3<,i" was in 1b1 2 Capricorn i\,,Zl I

star Jupi'te:r the· peiiod rule,. Jupiter Gem,imi l t • 33' WiU in tbe Rohu 12·56
-star Rahu thr: sign.ificator. of chUd birth . .IGetu Pisces 1~t 21' s t .. 28·40 R
was in nu sjgn owned by Jupiter.

Libra 17..23 ll
Foreign Trn ,,1 1
nalivc started C-ot London on 23-2-1973 during the joint
Th 1

Sun 9-17
period or Jupher 11 Sat1uoi Sa·t urn and Jupiter. JR nturned on n. -19
3-5-l97S during the joint period or Jupiter, M~rc11r_y, Mercury -
and Kehr. .. ,4 PlijOes 17·23
U:nm1. ~3011
Trt14tils : Oa 23-2!'"""1973 Sun Aquarius IU'° 40'. Muon Libra
~ 5'\ Jupi~u Capricorn 6• 42', Oil 3-5-I.J7S Sun Arjes is• 30'. -
.M®H Ol.pdco.rn u~·. J11pitcr Pisc,s 171J 18', Mtrcury :rarutus· M
-t.•, Ketu Tauirus It 43 1,
M~ B. B. •
~ Taurw

She passed be, . -B.B.S. cxami11ahon on 27-5--1971 duriog

Moon 2! .30
fbe joint p-oriod or Jupit~r. Ji.pirer and Menrucy.
Gemlnl 6~SB
Transit, : Qn 27-S:.-Jt7l Suin Ta.uirus l r• 44'1 Moon Gffllini
.Is•., lopi t,or S'w rpio 1• 41 '.
St Sa,
St. Su. Pl. n H.
Pl. Sn. R1.
3:4. Marriap Abroad "V Li.. 10 •• v
'.S Li. 10 R. J
7lh cusp fG11nf11t 6° 58') : J'o t.tiis. horosco,P-G Sagiuarius SIR Cp. ~
.. Sa ..
M Tr. 6 Ma. Ma. R
, ·• 58' i en die Ase.. The ub lord of the 7th cusp is Rabu: l{ Mc. Cp. 2
Ma. Le, 8·9 R
. t is lt11 tile stu Moon and im lb_ •ub laliu. ltabu ·, n K 8 Sa.
Li. 11 J I:.
association wilh the owner or 2 (Sa urn) ·n th 2n'd, Tile 1th MeM
J Li. 10 R J
;cusp is aspec,ted bf Jupi11e,. T'tiu. rhc ·cuspal sab lord 7 is or
nne tad . ith 2. Hence it promis9 manb1s Rabu is eooQecta
\ icb ;b 11,h cu p ~nd qlso with the owner of 2 (famil.y life)., So
lt denor. . ninrriagc wi~i,
n pi;tson t,~longin to a differi:ntiea1 ~e. 1

c ef'd o r pM knee~
5rfl tllSp (A, lt s r;· 2J'}t ~ sub lord er the 5th eusp,
r ·. It is in the !t ,, K tu 8lld in tbe ub Mct'c:ury. The
Kctu and the sub .ercury both are Upt'Oted by the owner
owns 1, it r~ in 1 nod in
n a f tton ,1i id1 th · awt·L r of 11 tnus~ As the cuspaJ sub lord

or is c tntrccrd ~ ith 2 and ll it d note[ a JiOVe affair. As it

1s con.nee, \Wth ~ n , 11 lt indiell'tes m r,jage with the obj,£Ct
f o e ~ tlhir. As if is connected witk K-ctu, .it denatts rqatioos
with a pet on loo.gin to :i di[F'erent caste. creed or province,,
JI is the owo,,tr or 5 ir uppor.fs th~ possibitity of ·a lovb
(petro\) ttre in the ar
Joiflt period : 111c 11ali"i~ was born d ring the period of Further' oon and Ven u
ith ars. Hence
.1ars with hahlD.ce of 6Y. 10 M. 28 °..
f{e got married OJI
(m aehjme). So they a·n:i ,eoDm'CCt~
..-~ a -ts- t,nm'thi:r
a moto·r c:air. Tbtc
27-2- 1960 duru1:, we joint period of Jupiter (significator o~ 2), ... ,c ous and
a. • , ....,-... denote

Jupit~J\ . atu.rn ,(owning 2) and Venus (ow11ing 11. the CIUpBl possesses, his own car·
sub lord of 2 and 1~ in the foreign Jand.
Psofes-51011 : • 2J') . ' ) The sub lorcd of the 10th~
lupine, is connected with 2, 7 and 11. Satuta is in the lOl h ctLt.P (Virgo Jr/
- · · \3 • . l,. The
.. . . l' Man and m its bWU w
star Mar nd iDJ iits owa sub, It owns 1 (family life) and 3j cusp ,.s ,Sato m tt is 'n th-e sta . Tb llh Saturn aspec ti-
. ~ Leo it ()V.(DS 12. ,! S
{awa)' from home). So the pJacs away from home aod f-amily star lord . ats 15 ID ' ·.f Q is o,umecmd
Tb th cuspaL sub lord o .
life scr'Ve as the ·aou r,ces of ml event. The star lOrd Mars owns Soc and Jupitgr. us I - .,a,. "tn~ lh! 11ativ~
. M LAo, apd tho l lm. P
S (,love affi irj and 1-2 (.stay, abroad). So it denotes stay abroa with Sua. J11p1t&r, ar • .
and love affair. Hence the nati,;e married tbe ~rton of b11 is ,1 ~ r (cardioic,gjat). 1. 1
\0 b cusp Satllfll owns
lolVe tdfak during bis stay br°'d. V'enus is io tba s-tat Mart (b} he sub 1ord ni tltc t
~ lffi_ca.tor of
V s) S1ln ~tbe natura S'l'l
&d in ifS own ·sub. So Venus is t·he signflicator of 5 and 12'; upect! the owner Gf tl ( enu '~ f 10 and 1 t it rcury),
• l1 ~rity)~ tb1 owner O
the sub Veom owns 11 and is in association ith Merca.lY, profesain ) , Iu1nter ,P . · d l:L Haoeo tlm ~n4~
ow1:ung ?i n is CtlDUedtcd with 7 an J l~ Hen= the na~ '111111 j is connected l h 2, 't 10 tln

cowd marry h.... object of rove in the foreign 1an\1. "9ndtnc p fasioa ..

1.nd ei,sp (Capritorn 9• 23") :· The s.ub lord of the 2nd cusp and 11. So the native 1a~dl much,. ba:timc prOtiipetous and
i Ven111, 11 is tn the star Mar and ii its o~n :sub, Tho tar
pare.based his own bullding aod possos~s, bi1 own. car.
lord Mar owns S and 12~ · e sub lor Venus owns 11 abd Tbe period of Satuirn the cuspal sub lord of 10 has com-
6.. the cu1pal s~ b !otd of 2 is tllc ~igrii'.fieato-r of S (jndc- menced foffll 24-9-1975" It owns 2 and is. io its mvn sub. U
pcnden t en terprisc)., Jl (m~stmen Is, cllnic) and it is oonne:ctld
is conneclcd with the owner of 2, 6jl 10 a.11.d J :I. as rll&cus.s.ed
with 11 (succ;t s) end 6 ~eftieiccry). Hence the no.tivc will tom abovi:,. en-cu t b,e ~riod of sauim will be p1ospecous.
money b hjs ,own efficiency. b• wiH be sucecssfu I m bis
Pe,e,uHaritics :
·-nde.pcnaenr enr,crprise of runnin a cUnic.
In this hotoscope Su..m aod Jupiter are ia rthe su_b, lmpite.r-
The srar lmd · an owns .S in Leo (bea.rt~. ne sub owntng aoguJar (,kendra) boos.cs. Mars aod MttrCUry are in thr:
ord en (TUOUl!i . s tmi) · j n conjuaction wid1 Sun (hoa.rt)" sub ·ercll:fY owning kcodm b;o,11us. Saturn own:s 1 and is in
Jupiter (ancrial sysltDJ) nd as;ecTed by Sarutn (obstnICtorJ,. r.hus its awn sub. Rahu and Kem arc in th.e s-ab Rabu in th,e 2nd
· c -Dtdi ·e ear11s f'tom rllosc p;dieMS who suffer m,m i uegular (R.ahu as al. rcprie:;entalivc: of SatW'iD oiwns 2). Venus owns. 1
flmc -DD in or t c h ea, tt. ·encc he is a card!i'.tdogist. and ~ in i1s own sub"' Moon i~ in the sub Mar:s owrdng S
Tbc cusps! sub lord V~ns (owaer l a,6) is in association. {irikon).
ith Sun f aarm), Jupiter (prosperi-tj), crcurr (owner 10) s1nd No ple:nst is ai;ptcted by the owner of ll - r,) and the..
aspecl!d · die o u of 2 {Saturn). So it is co,nn ccted wit.ti owAU- of s (Mooni Even MatS: and oon do o.ot as~ each
Z 6, 10 .nd J J. e~ acqu.i jUon of modi wealth dum:lg ~lie otbtt.
_- int period o lhe. srgqifica1ors of ,. 6. 101 and l l. Sun ~owpcr of 9),. Mcicory aod J upitet (owu ers of ieudra.s!
enw (owner or 11) in a~ifltion with 011e aotbcr n\
11th CIUJI (,;, 11.·· 2:!'3 : The s.ub lotd' of lbe 11th CUip Litira. owned b~ rhe be11etic Ven,us. Rabu-;Jee1u aw
tnus. Sa lhc natil·t-11 aspirations a.nd mnbitions will be with lhe awne r of 2 Saturn in Capricorn. so ti ey denote the
_...._.,-·~ ed.
, ults of Saturn.. All plttne.til cxcq,t 0011 and arc aspec-
Periods-: The o•tivc wa• bom duJ"in8 tbc perio~or Mars, with tcd by ftle 0wner of 2 ·-atur-n in CapriQOm. Benci: the su~-
... _...........ce Of ,~. l~f,. 288 • The P,CriO of Jupiter started from futc - r of th nati~e wilhou any c:.onfl.ict.
24-9..... 959 and co ~linoti uptD 2.4-9..,.,Ji!}7S. Jupiter. it in tile star .•
Rab- i-m he ub ;Jupiter. The star R.ahu is in the 2nd. t..1' M BB s amina ion duri 111 tbe
Tho na.ti vo pas~ed ms • • ~ • -- . _
The b Ju~i,ter JS in a5.s0e·jalioo · ith the owners of ~ . d , r Reho Moon and Ketu io plil 19518.
~Qt perm O I • • . ,. "' d
6.. 10 and lI as abcady ~ above. Hence .the period mkr ....... "L:..: .._,. R C o examiu•tion dur•nJ tbc JOrat peno
Be pa~ wS 1n. ,.r.
lQitcr ia the strong .signiticalor of 2 and conoccf#d wilb JO z •. of Jnpiter, Saturn and Venus m Octo'b a 1962.
aMlgn1 1nli,1 :

The starte .
,d r: u.s.A. on lffe-9----19-S& duriQg tbo I
i·Of •. .35.. M ar,rlafl} Abroad
. . ,.
Mars Mars and _JtQf.Uter..
jomt _per1-0~ of R~uJt I 9~ duri~! the joint period of Jtlplt1:rt Female. Bi-rth l:9'-~1!134 Monday: 2m0. A ?vt I.Sf'T; 21)ll 3.6,
He. rcnuned w nne · 1-2~59.
P-" ; Ayaoaoua 22°.1.0'.
ler~ur,· aqd Mert1.1r,r.
ChillU'rCD :. J;,oo._rpio 18~20
D1iriog the joh1t period of Jupit:u. Saturn a d ahu the
2 S agltiar-izt3 1g,.4r;.- - - - ~ -
Libr,a - 2l·41 12.
nadve's wif" gav.e. birth to a da~gbter on 26-10-1963 in the
Jup~ 0-9R
foreign land. Ven. lfi·&e
On l'~l l.-1966 a son bo,rn du.ring the joint ]1!1.iotl Gt 20ul6
J, C'9r-lco,n
Ju_pUer, MeNtuY end Veous. . , ltaHu 26-lAl
TtuJMits: On 26-10-1963-. Sun Libra g922. .0011 etpricem 1

Sal 27 1511

if! Jl' .. ~turn Ca_ptioom 2 • 14'!1] Jupjter Pi&tts Bl9 !I''., Kahu
Gemioi 21 3t'. sun 6·41

Man 1&.46
Os tS~l l-1966 Soo Libn 28°. Mooll Scorpio 19 Jupirer 1

~ ..

ea~, 11' 1'. crcury S'OO,rpjn. 4• 40'. Venus Scorpitt 0 111 13'..
1 Mer'. 2!4-44
~ AiJUarhu 24-46 - - - -..,-~ ~-La 24-46 IOi
'9:uild" :
JDoriog lh~ joint-period of Ju_pi1ttr Raflu and K£tu the nativa

too dJC possession of bis OWlil house on l:-f--lJ 74. 1

26·10-- - - ·- -.. . . . . . . ~ancv 9

35. Mmriage liroad P]u. Q,, ~
1h CU1P · muu~ 1&•'211r)i: The sob J,otd of ibe 7th CDjjii i1 Um11. l·3S
~ It · io c sw Jupir r ancl in lb .sub MJrcury. The MQon 1(059
~ , , lmd Jl!Jli owns 2,. , aud m 11. nit $bb lord ~ & Arla 23-46 1
= 11.. So the ~
~....:- _bi lam or 7 is t:be sipjjoator of Z
1 2D
l! ~ml s Jo __fmit) aod mn.m . witti JJ. Hence it prmnf•
~-.n of ]o,re affllir..
x of 1 are m assooiation wit.ti Kaba
II. ~ BL SI~ Su~
,,. lh.
'S Aq. 3 R It. lR Cp~ ~

·' UDI!* Ki .. Hence JDSnq t a petsQD belonging

.M Ar.. 5 x J SL £ .. 3 J
ME Aq. ] It R Cp~ J
; Tbe n'h lonl of. tile ·m ~ is
It k ia Ille star a1k1 in the -.J; ~ ·
Me; ~- 3 J
Ja Li. 11 ~
The star rord Mars ownb1g l and tilt sub tonl Mer~cury owning JJ
arc aspectaf f>y Iupi re-r ownios 2 and S., Thu the: cuspal m1, in th& star of Venus nus II the sip ificaror or l 1 7, 12 and
lord ol' S is eonacoted w1 th 5, 2 ud I J, Hen@ j t denotes a also or 3 .and 9. He11c1 01arria,e in tbm f,ncip bud.
love a!(air.. TrQns,r..1 ; On 27-2-1960 S\\ln quarius 15• 1 1 a in the
b e ti1s the: soolcihma period ruler. MOOll AquariUJ 26• 1,'
c Har lord ai ~ ".° .,s:..
a.,~. ..L and 11th the empal
h1 I 't tar Jupn,r the is ler P!-:{iOJI ral r. S · fn SagittariU$:
f .S kcomes e. , igoificator of 7 and 11. Hence
22• 27' in be r V-enu . Ven Cap-r1com 15• w
Jm!Dn of he love: affair.
in 11le lib fu it'et~ Jup·t r aglt · r:i 6 22" .. ;n, , t: \ a
WUbo · Keto e 11. die lor o m niage.
12°~. She


'li .. 46'

lk ,_ GIIJP. •S U. It H ia ~ tar ...,._,,. ..

et r 1ap1t-
r is in tb tar Mam the If.al_" lord an owns 6t a.iDC::cts
the s Mercury. Sc, d2"Uss:d ' and in b
.of ii i l ~--' 3 a b.o~e 1.bpite is the si1nmca"-r Jupiter owns i and ~ 11.
• ~"' ,.. Henoe mtrr, · tbc foreign llliil. ~ .. the 6ignifica r of. 10, 1 UI "tb - d
~ ag~ JU
Lma- per1od
ook..NI • rul v
-.d in th~ ~h Satuo Th r caus is in the s~ F.ui:tbcr. the star 1otd
lord Sat11111 OWDI and. .•lar le~ Moon O'lflls 9 and the tub owner of JO (S n) and the ow.n~r o 11
· occupies 3 f utth 0
· er, as thc,e i-. no plane

Jupirer alro pispe-cJs Stin., Mars and Merc1uy. Rc-ncD tbcr nau..,
wiU ca( LI much j o her me<Jjcal profession.
11th cu,p (I/ itgo Z6•· 10' ); Tht sub lord or the l 1th c111p ia
Jap~rer.. I is .in rhe sr,~r Mars 3,nd jg Un: ub M1:1cury. So II
air ady dif.~Ossi::o ai bovc the Clhlpil~ ub Jord of 11 is the· 'iignj. c
n~uor of 6 ~nd connected wi'rh ._ ~nd ~I T riey ari iater re] fed
A.rfU J9~J
and al o ro.unecled w!lh rw, e,woer o.f 10 S.un J. Henee the S-..,n 11 ..5:
su~ss in the medit"al profession qnd goo.d eai:n1n_g..
..Educs Ho-n ; Uran.
During Eh_e jc.h1 l ,-cried or 3UJJ R~hlU aod lr.JJpiter ja
2 Tau,u,
October l-'5.1 tllc l'lEll ~'Ve prui!ed her M.,B ..B,S~ e~aminatiun,

During the joint peri~d oi Moon,. Mercury nd Rahu ill

Gtm1-Ut 21·38
_._.._ ---AlJtuJlll,&J r7..33 It
Marcll 1969 sll c passf&d be, M. D,, e:ta.mima,tiaa.. J
I"or~lgu raveJ : Moon 1·41
l r26
D ur i og th 1:i joint peria:d o.r Su o, S,at urn a11'd Safm'a ( the
1:uspal .sob J'ord of 12) ia M_ay. J!:59 she sr-.arled.. fo u.s~.
4 Cawtrtr
17.. 51
----- ;....-----ea,rliunft l T·lB 10

She retprntd in Jurae l964 d:11tillie. tft1 joill po iQd of 11·3:8

Moop..t Rahu aud Saturn. s L@

tS·4i& g
C&Ucke;q : N~p. ~.~ ~~-Slt:Dtpir,
VirJD 12,31
During tbe jpi ot period of Moon, Mars, M~n and MGPi
cury she de:t1iV(llfed a dJUlgbtu on 26-10-!Ma in the. forei.111
' Ketu
Ubro 21·3
lan.d. Dodng tha jojnt netio.d of Moo1 0. Sa.turn Saturn and
l{aliiu she gave rhi,th to a son o·n I S.-11-IS.11'6. ' Su.
. Jls,. St.
" Tr!n~lr: ,· . On 26-10-1963 Moon Ca.prieorn :21 • ll'. Mercury. Bn. Bs. SI. ·rsu. Pl
~1r~a :
22 30
17 • Qn 15'- .l-l 96(i Moon Seorpl~ 2.0 p. Rahu Ariel
Saturn A:q_uarh1s 2t• 44'~
s Ar.

"Me. M

R T.r.
11 M;,; .
llolldintJ ' Ma'II Pi. Se, 7 SL, S
Pi. 12 Me.
D.ntiog fhe joint period of Mai , Jupiter and Aahu on
8-9iml974 the nitive
took th. I .Uai:ann
. . nr' h .. ..... · I.. .... ..... I . . .
~.. G. 1 J 1{
~ltiS co 20- l-l9
c - and pi r of
fi or s·gn· tor of: mar • e.. F nher, ·- s
d • or oo aocted '\Ji1 .. 6 or j d none eap a oio lb _er .. order of Dllha -1.elB. ~ it
o it d o arnid Hfic:§ may ib iofermd that the - a • may _p m.anied during
Ii it b _ s:ignrfi 10r of or cnnn .red i th 1 ;I er I 1 join period of ercur~v alld oon. Givia1; prefcc~ to Ke
-and J or 0
' e mar-rfa
1 dur-in the joint ~riocl the nadve got ~rried on 6:;6-197§ clu,iag I I joint period of
0 s 1
¥' tors of 7 and I 1 an it not tak.J place Mercdry, ooa and . em.
duria;g the ~oiut p~riod of t&e .signi6c-ators of 1 6, a , d I • TranJits On 6~-1976 Suo Taur .22i• wu ui •
e 1.
If he ijve be matrLd al1c-adf1 rben dur11111 the joint Moon die sub JMJ·rj rule.r. Mooa Vi,rgo w in 'th1 ·gn owned

peuod or the s11atficat01'.5 or J 1 6 and ID rberc is no possibi- l)y u~ cu y the P9ri ruler.. Mercury T urus 2•
lity of conjugal jjfe or tJsc rhr:re is some sort of e rangemeat star Silo tb sigoifi.;at<ir of marriage.JI Keio A.ti
or s:p_r.a110n in m,arric:d lifl: it al o deoore divdrce. in tbo sl r ¥cpu1 t-bc igoilioator. of m rr age.
?tit ~"4P (Libra 19• 3')~ Ja this horoscope Arlcs 29° 3' is
71JJ eusp (Lioro Z,g J')
In lbi.s ho10sc~pe Aries 29• 3' is.
on th A.&c. lljc ub J01d of he 7. ~h cu :p i WI. ~ t ii i
on UJe e. The b Jord of lhlt 7rb cu p is Sun. I is in the
star Ketu iH1d in 1'111: ~ub MerAr)', S II a pee e 7th and
tbe 1tar K lQ an.d in tao ub :ereuey, in 2 nd
p:ete:d b;y tb owner or 10 SatoJ' . It, star lord 1' tu i ta

by lhe waecr f 1J l a urn . Tti~ tar lord IC tu

aoo~ia1ion with th~ owo1r or
12 (J1,p iterl. It su lord Mm-
rwry i in a ~acia,tio _ wich the
ur, owps 6 au oocup,ic1 J.21 i i1 io eon ·unction wi1b e
o n r. o . .• Thus the eu. pal 1ab lord of 7 is
owner of 1 and I Ma " hu 1hc cd p, b t ,rid oft • · con.Meted
d c nn c:tod wJth 2, 1 and 11 ffsnce
.. wil 6. JO f ae.gaiion of m rrie.d life)~
J tti e na i \l'..e•

12 (1epara11on and aa i (S 0{' ) sub l,rd i! ·be o


1T c C1J l rd ol 7 Sun j c1cd by S'tt urn and there ;, di1appo1.11tment in m - lifi , he 'CC il ·'" 4rcatn
e 7 h cu p · ., _ d :Y. rh owner ·or Mars So lare- ~ ion or dfvorce.
mar rrase i ind i eatctJ.. Jn I th cases rhe m'1't age t~t"le1 J'lacc- Slg,rific.t11or: of I, 6 lfJ:
in be c«,n th g~ of 28 a,o d 30 or •
Rouse le.Janet in Occupant UI
Sign l}koto,~: Vieau ; S n, Moon Jupi er; Mars are 1:Jie ec;,upaot"s
signiicar,er_ bf 2, 7 a d 11 Ktlu beimg is Scorpio, ,eprcseo1s star
Mars.. benae jt shouJd be cdnai,dered as the ignifieator. I None a. oac Ma.
a.jMc. Mc.
}mni period: The native was born cluijng he perioaI or 6 one one
Japltcr wit balanec or J >'. tJtY· lJD·. The native complrlts 10 None QDI Sa)t.V. Sa..
,- -...._~ ~ ---___..._n. ~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
l I
Ra!b1.1; ars, Mt,rcury; Saturn, Ketu aod Venus are the
l. Sun in Arim is as])e(ited by the! Br lor~ Satur11. Jupiter
m Scorpio aspects ho h the staT" lord Saturn aud the sub lo.r d
.Joint per.iod : The natJ\re ,va~ born dming the P"°tiod of Venus" The sub lord enus js in coojunctto·~ whb a.: f and.a
Jupi~er with balaac~ of I Y • l 1M • 23 D, .. owruu: of 6 Metcmy in Pisces.. Thus the cuspa1 sub \ord.
As the cuspal sub Jord of 1 wo the sipilica.tor uf 7, t~ of; IO is c-011in leeted with -u:i;w, M.a ~. Jupiter"; oorpio aud Pisces..
11a1.ive got married on 6- 6-1976 durimg the jo,imt period of the HeJJcc tk native. is a Doctor.
marriag~£goifiearors Mercury, I\:-ioou JDd o,tu1., 11tli cu.rp (.Aquarius 17° 38' l : The CXJ&pal ,n,
]ord of l l is Stoi.
Jt is in the star Ketu m lhre sub Mcrcut)'. St1n is aspected
Thereafter. duri ~g the joJnl p:~rr iod of MerclJIY· (owner ').
by th wner,: of 10 and J J (Satur-n), :rhc ~tar lord Xeru c.cupi s
Mais (owmer 1) 1 Jupiter (owner i2) and Kotn tbe ifie. of to
7. The sub lord Mericuey own& 6, they both aro asp~t~d b
J1ative· weat to hor parents.. house on 25-1-J 977. She th-en did
Jupit-cr. Fwtht:r the sub 10,<l Mercury is in coujtmttion ·ith Ulc
nol ntnro to her husband's hou:M:. So di.i ring tlte joint period of
oWDif o! 2 and 7 ( enus.) and the owntr of thl: Ase (MarsJ.
Mercury, Rabui Venus amd Mms the native tQok divorce on Thus the cuspa1 sub lord or 11 i connect-ed with 2, 7.1 0; 2. 5
22-7--1919 a:ccord1ng ro tbc cnsroms and" eonv"n.tibos of. tb car;tc~ 10 IU}d 11. H..,ncc, thie native will sueoe;ssf1.11l.}' ~m through ·an
lt ma.y be noted tlrdt the ~ub lgrds of al those signifi~tots inde~dent p,rofi ion.
are oonnectcd with 1~ 6 nd 12. Bene~ the diw11c1 ..

!'nd cusp {Taurus ,~~ 38'): The uh lord f' th 2nd ~dsp

TranJilts: On 22-7-19 9 Son C:a:ncet s·rh 30' W,aJS ID is Jupjt, r., 11 irs io tht star Jup1rer end in the sub Ruu. Th~
tub ereury the p«riod n1Jer1 Mcronry ancet 20• 20' wa in star lord Jupiter rs i o aspev1 to the o of 10. t l { turn},

jt own tar~ Moon Gemini was in the star Rah11 tb s,ub Jhe o,w~er of 2 (Verius, 1tabu) and the
1 owner of tMctcoey).
period r.u1er. Raho Leo 11' 4' was in the slf:lr V.,mus th, intei Tnu1 th - CU' pal sub lord r 2 is tQJHlC t d with 2, ti11 I U a11d

period ruler. V~aua Gemini 25° 40' was in the sub ercurY,• Jl. Henc the m~t1ve HI earn mucb. d'uring e join t period of

tlic signifieators of 2, 6. ID and 11.
Mars Tauru 24 40' was io its own &tar the sooksbm period
ruler. Jaln1 period : Tb nuttve' tarted tii pri att practice as a
DrrlCtof sinte Jwi~ 1971 during th joi t P. r1od r Mcrcurj~
Ptoleuioo and Fm.nee • (tbc i111ifJcator ot 6), Ke aod Saturn the signiic-a.ta,s .of
10th (rCbpric-om 1:1.• 3'8'}: I. SUD ]or<! ol the JOth
CUI/J 10 ilnd l 1). He flounsh
+ d ~..;;....
uum rb r \fer.,.II ~aiaoio The p,,r'od
t;tmp is ahlrui It j 1 i_n the star Saturn and in die sub VcoQS, of Meroury commenced from 2Q~l96 aad will co Omue upto
The. star ford 81,ruro \UJ,~ 10 and 11. The sub Jord Venus c,wns ~-4-J!J8j. e sub period of Jup,iter (th cuspal sub lord of
2 •nd 7 · Eo Ifie CU5~J .su.b ford of. JO i the signitfic-ator of. 2) wil1 Sia.rt fro,m S-S.-1.980 and tha of Saturn the pal sob
.0," --·.i
au1,11 ~ectcd w.i~Ji i and 7. H,nce the ,is i:ve wjll c» ldld oli 10). from I l-8-UJ32. Tar ub periods ~JI be very
all ind~
' ~~,U,L..J_.Ulca~tJw"Qn ~ --·------------~~~-----'"'~~~~~--'·~~- (_8_t_' _e~
· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
-otol" Vehicle!' ;,, Di~
·,h ~.JP (Canur 17 In this horoscope be 4tb
38 ) :
8rcmaJe;. Bjrdl 21~-195 1 Tuesday~ 1-45
c p h1 joinUy ruled by Moon (!rign J'ord)~ ~rct1ry (star lord) 22 N 1s. 10 B .sr.; Ay; amsa 23·4.
ud rcury (sob lord). Moen is in conjun;1ion with tH
o eir of IO an J l ( arum), lcrcotY is in conjuctio witb
amu and an. AU hese plane a aspected oy Jupiter tb1
-ow.aer oF 9~ So chi! 4th cmP: i cooo~cted with Jupiter· GOD.• 19·23 T11utdS
1m (combinNI rogdh!r dl110:u: a motor cat)· ,. 10
.2 ~mint 26-32---- - -11~---:kid 2 .n 11
and 11 H~nce I e nsiuvc po.sses
ii bi , ow.o motor car.

ats 8-29 oan 22· a

rh cusp cSag ituuiua 1• l 1 J : In thiJ horoscope Gemini 1• .l Canur ,,...56 PiscB 2-n 1

31 i 0.11 the . Tbe si:lb lord o 1hc -u1 easp ii Ve.nm. If Plu 26·18 lgp.
is in its o,wn in mbe ~ b
·tu aod ercury. It i1 a nacnral
!ignificato,r o f m rriage and i.n coojanctmn with the owaer of
1,. r,
-32 10
( !I rcoryi Heuce it promises marriag,e:" Leo
21 .. ,r ll!i
The 7th cmp is joimtly ruled by Jupite - (sign tum).. Kc:itu
stat" lord) and eaug (rob lord).. lupir~, is in the star Mcn:my
and in the sub Veous.. Keto is 111 the ar Vqus and in tho sat. 7~2
sub an~ V.enus is m the star Veums a11d in the sub Ma~ur,. 21·32 Capim 19r
~ Yflga
So the 1oiot roJers of rhe 7th cmp 33 rootroHcd by Vum~ CP-. 24-14
_ ar and Mercury respectively as their 5UD lords..
~Iu.s-25,3 8
mbra 21·32
eoas owns 6, Mars owns f2 and- rcucy on.s l. Venm
Sa'fitlllrWB 1·3
and Mercury a& retr-qgradc,. The both aro suaou.aded bJ tbe
7 ..
tna!efics Jite:tu and Saturn ~ewoe1 10). So they ia the Iaa iJJstance
Pl- Sn_. Bs. si. Sr,.
mdiaa.t~ nogatien of manied life. He.ooe the possibility of ~ - Pl. Sn., B1. SI. Su.
uuoa or divorce. 3 K M Va Le .. 4 v. Me.
Le" s
s SI"' v,-. 4
ll1h cu1p (Pi.!cn 21 • 32') : Tlic M1b lord. or lbe llth eu,p It{ pj tl Me·i
a Aq.. 9· 0 ~
is Vena,. So as discllssejl above; it dcnotft separation or divorca. )h Ca. 2 SI. V;
laR Le~ 4 v l Le..
Joint ptrlod~ Tbe native was. born during th~ pe iod of
I Pi. 10· Me. v
Meroury with bala ace or f Y • 11~u · 26° ·, Sbe got married Oii
6-6-l976 airh:ig the jai!n pedod or the marriag'.e signilltators.
Th~ u:adVe w~ born b~forre SU11r..ile,, hinR. 1,krnday ins.Re.d;
Jimu~ Rahu and J,upitef',
Qf' Toc.s,d1,y .. The roUug pJa11.* a1¢ Ma0111, artS M·e1'c111y and

Outing the joint ~ri-0d of Venus, ltahu ~na Satl.1:fa tit°' Japicer.
native to
her parents' house on 25- l-1977'" ibiemar.t-
l¥CtU. Io ftlt: lllo['-osoo~ or &er husband; ( P'lge 1'1,7 )- Mooo and
!he did not: return to her btJ5band!'s ha:uscit Jopiler are in tb · sia·r of tbc owJJcr .or 12 (1opiiw). ~fan; and
So cluring mhc j~:i nt peij~d of Vcnos, Jupiter ·anii SalufQ M.:in:u:ry are in Ehr: , hu of Ille C)r 6 and the oocupan.t -
of 12 (Mercotry).,
Uie hJJsband of t:he1ne live roo~ divorce on 12--7-1919 aceoTdin(f'
to the customs· a:Gd OOllwnUoru of tf:u: ca,te·. Tmus cb11 rutlPK p1aDets ef tbe ua:twe are the etm:ng. signi-
flcator& of 12 and 15 in tb~ homstopc cf: her b.a.sbarrut.. H:e~
It mijy be' noted that Venus Slld Jup,i ltr lhc joim 1ul1n.
diwu:cm: as the 01t11Y al.leruadvc. .
of ltie 1th cus.p ,a1e the sipificstom of man-iage and ·Dhotct
31. Annulment of Marriage
bo~~- Rattu is a~pected by V~us 11nd .Satmn is· ~cted by,
JoJ)iter.. So both ltrun1 and san1m ~IStO beCQmo the sigaitiearors 70,,. c~p (LtJt,a s· 22') : - · tbi& horQ,SCOJ]e A-Ti~ 5.. :n.'
b,. GD the Alic: Th_e 5Ub lord ,o r-th~ 7th e-11s., - i: Sun1... le i in
of mnm:ria,ga. and d iV01'Ce. Be11oe .all tb~e plaqet~ have pl ay~d
the -snn ;&1:1 n ·a.JJd in the sulb Mer cuwy.. Sw:i Q ~ 6, il it ir11
Ch ir respmtin: rpl,~ both of JD&uia.1e and divoree·.
oonjtu1e:ti n with !he ow11tt al· 1 and I Mars in I.m. l .. star
TM/1.SUs : 0n 2J- 7- 1971· St111 eana:r 5;ai O' was io the iar lo1d Keto l:~111 ·in ·oo~jp r~ Je nttiS i-~ and ir b also
nrrn Ill£ 1nte-ir .fE ired rul r. Vrnu Oem mi 25 • 40' was in a:a--p¢,cicd h;' Mir owning I il nd n Let1. I ~s 'S"i.1~ · d lffe~
tile swr Jupi~e, 1h1: ISUb period ]"D!.ler Saiura U1 49' was- jsc im S m ~oujum:t" D i!h tbn O\\ o~r of J()1 tJilliJi'te/ in
m the ~tar , nus the period :rnJcr. Tbu& lhe cu' pa:J sll'b lord of 1$ stranct, e:onne.cted , ith l
Jbr.UQg PJa:aels qlJ A.lfilliQ : '4,bse:w of famiily lifc~1 6 (abi~ncc: ~f m1uned wifi i. ((bs-
a1,P9humr:aJn), 110 (Bb~'eote or p~ anent n:lu:tioos ip) nr,1 also
Bbus : ff the mlf;Qg pJsoe'b- of A at ffirUt J,e tbc .significa(OI:I the s~n. Hence the sep2ni1ioo a m3rri~ lif. .
or 1

~ B _. 12 and not of l , o[: fl f11 r& e bO"rS¢0pc. of B1: A t:ll,P (CapriMr~ 24• ·t) :- The sub IQro or the 1 uh
will not ;ait B and during Ille Jlljn1 perilrd or -sign1.fica10.r&. cusp is ltabu. It is ju tbe star Sun and in 1h, sq l.alnL :&ahu
of 6~ I and 12 in , honcope Bf JJ. -8 ~111 110t f~l happy occup[es,_ l aod aspceJed by the owu~'t of I J3piRr)~ Suo
witfi A dil ed a\ov, is CHHme.cllffl wnh I, 6 'ild • Th~ tbe a1~~1
Rb!fi:ng pla:ncfe~ or th•.. "'B'''ll<A-
i.iu •11.r
at bi'I til are ,.s under.. . sub lord of 11 b StiTODS11 con n~td itb le G,. 10 a11dl the
- Day Jo.rd banien sim, Ha~ the scpat,al-ian im mvr1ed Ii.fl .,
Dq. Mmufa,:
Mooll 21111 GlSp [Tau,u, , ,• 7 ) : The sub tor.a, f tba hd eus-p it
Ase Gemini 1• I'
Moos,, .PiJcH to • l 01 Ictu~ It it in the star Jupite owniqg 10 in 6 and io the sub

~ I •
• t

fJ-31 P
1.1. - ·,..ea
~ .........!"!"'!'!I!'~ ~ ~ ~--tAJlut.zr,l u, 44 12

fi mlnJ ,7
.f. l(J
- · ap1tcu1n 24· 1 I

QOJl ·44
tan.. 2t1Jl 211

27-7' - - ~ -----Sag_llforlM1 27·7 10 (mo

2&~ I
u b n<1 • h\J I~ ( I
20,'lll ~f Mer, ur y, R, hu twutl
Ca,r1cc1 .24,7· ---1•- --- Sagllta,rltJ 3·7 9 196' l £ h ,I JIC e Jgh our

Sun J.2'·55 1!1ofe1rdon :

Man 12.,0
fi LLo !644---- ----Stmrplo 1·1 8 JfJ1h ttJJP ,(Sa~lttarlua 21• 7'): he 10th c p i j 1n !y n1rcd
Virgo1 Ko&u 0.32
Mer.. by Jupiter, (sign lard) \:.ID t t• lord) md Su { ub lord~ Jup,~,cr
Jup. denote& law it 11 in conjunoli ftb on:u,y (rn om. s ~ech,
Libra 5·22 writings) in tba critical 1110 Virgo. u indicates Go\fc-rnmen~
7 it is in tho mgal ,sign Leo in conj um: tton with (~rgueme nt )
i't Sn~ Ha. S.t. Su. l'I. Su. Bt. St. Su. owning hei Ase ,(nad,c). So tile nativ11 too to legal pwft sion~
8 ~- 5 K Me. V Co.. 4 Me. v the eu,pal sub lord of 10 Sun is iD llie ta otu a.od in
M Gm, 3 :R y.
J: SIR Ar. 1 V. the sub M,ercury. tnc star Joril Kctu iB in tile 7th (courts..

Mat Le~ s v ·~ R. Tr. ] s R. fttiga1ions.) 1 it is in tbe ,s ubtle sigi1 Scorpio lllld as~ted by
Me. Vg. 6 M M Mus the owner of Inc As'C (oabve). The. sub lord Memaey
JC Sc. 7 I IJ
1 Vg, fi M v owns 3 (nati"le,~, bent of milDd}. i1 is_ in conjunction w[th
owner of 9 (iegal maners) ~ad JO l v·oc1t~O:lll, ambi Uon:1.) Jupiter
(law). Hence native was pr~ tf~ing a ,a solicitor@
Death :
T bc o at iv~ d ied of ?lWl arrack CHI tba way enromte 1·0
K edt1tlHHb on 91-.5-1 97'5 durrng 1he j o.i mt P=dod nf Mc:·toury (tbie
cEsp.a ~ '.U~ lord or 8J1 . amurn' (ta badllaka owner of l l and Tsu-ru, 13-!4
mar.aka O ~!l.t t o f 12) and Sun (the ouepi1] fil 1Ub lord or 6)~
l&, Ann1ulmenr of Marria.i e r. Z.i
1th, cusp (Sct,rpfp J..t·z,tJi hi tili bor~,c Taurll, 1.3 241t Sum 1~0.
it on rht'" sc. Th't ub lord of ttfe 7th ~u p is Rabu.. H
.2 vemfttf
-Arla ,.., J2
is in rhe ~tar Moon aa,d 10 rhe rub Mari., Auu i n Virgo ii
js cqnjune1ion with th, Qwn,r Qf 10 {Satur11,) 111d the owne'I
1 l una, J,4 11 . ..5.1
of B (IupitarJ in th11 6tb. The Br lord Moon omupic,, 12 aad on Vc1J, 11 !3 I
ep. 21 ..15
the A -~ .lL · a11p1e~ by the owin~t ol 12 (:l,Jar1)i a,d file
owntr of 8 (lupitorJ, ibe . ub l01d Mari ow 12 and it a1peded ta· 21J.
by dn1 OWJ1 CJ of 10 (S11ura). hu.1 th, ~ Pltl ... rb Jord o,f 7
1 IO
is lhC ~ ifi~tot of I I l 2 and c.Qamcctcd Wiib f, f 0 and 12~
Hff cc th I c;pJuJl!lron i·o m£tttmd I Fa.
Jllh ~u 'f l (1l c,_, J"ti/4,.): e ub lo1d f: I.Ju: I lib cu1p ii
1 PlrflfJ
R fht
- i, .,, ,~ rlt:i;Jm
~· '
nahu. So ·t i oomoeated w dJ l,, 61 IQ and ,2. ?I LIIJ111
2nd. c1tt'fl:. (O~;,nlnl 9 4'): TJu, •ub, hr or tho 2nrd ou1p ii 7.4
. lt1ar.111i 4 8
l11pitcr_ H i Ull lbe. ~r -oon nd Jn 1b1 ub atur • lup,1te,,1
Moon and Sa tu ra ~• d1, cu cd ub o,ri Qre oor1 nee tod W' t 1,,,10 M
and f2, hum U1e cu p1l ~b lord of 2 • the. i1altlp10, or
1 lorplr, I ~24
1,·12 and comm:u:tcll, wirti 11,JO and J2, Hance the 1epar.1 ioo i
warr, lite. I. Sn. N, .. t .. Su. Pl.,
period~ Jtt" n1uh,-c Wa!I born, d11r,in1 tbe pcfiad of
s Om. J·2 R R v "· llcJ. t.
M r. s M.
Sun wdb b ianec or o"~ <:>M • f J1'·. Sbe we married duri 1 1h1 12~1 y V•
Ma. Sc. v
joi.ot pedotl r
Mar,, ".,rcurry a,ncJ Maon (1-4-1939 to 8-.5-1999).
Mc. m.
7 Mo- t
g. s a.
The native and b r u b n,d ~uld stBy lopthar rill th• 9Qriod m M. p·,
of Rabu (1 beh11 in thci sub Mars ownm1g 7).
J v,. s M S11~
11 Sa. M
l O
a . s,pa1ar,,,,, InMar,ttd Life
Th, house 2 donores the fam.ily lifa and tfke ab la rd or .Mah, Bit th 1:8-1-!tll Thnnd•y: ]CJ-40 P.KtS.T;
·d ie 2nd cusp Jmp itcr is th= .n ro,ng sigmiicalOr of lt6,10 an-d 12~
So dOfing 1:bc· jafau period or Jupi~\er1 irs staf lord 11nd q
7zB3:,~ Ayanl.m9a 22°!9'..
""~ '

b nt the Dali,·c miaht· er separated from lcr husband. Arlra ll·54·

ketu 23..;4
h fact during ihc: joint pit jqd of' Jrru.puer, S,a turn aad J2r2
2 Taurw Piaeu 31, l?
_ oon (7-2-1961 [o 23-4-JJlr the 111.tive quiued her li1Jsbancts
- u· • The:.rcafte1 ,die ,-i.·en broad and she :st ill ,tay:s tb1:R ~- Uru. lS-ll
the fore~ lmul.. <IOD 3·18
L?'tn , • ): Th sub tord cf the J!th cusp 1 R.ahtL 3 Gemini 7..2 Caprlcom 29-43 11
Plu. l ir-49
oon an m. th~ sub &rs.. The star 1ord loon

t 5. ..

Vmo.. ~61
UlJfrJD 3 lo. .- oa:~ J 11 e su Jot
-j a-rs O\l' D. 1-. So llahu
- th UH" of 3 J - 3illG conn ted WJ th 12- Hence i pmmiMI Cantu ..2 - C-,ritun, 10
31 1
Man 17·10
Further lb mla Ju..Pitu o as • It is ia tba Nep.. 21 .. 11 '

m the sob · .,nm o, ffll . So Jugi11r [&. t',L 27~J8

oon nd an . ltcnm th - o,eip
s Caneo 2'1143 c~ -; Sagitftlliu.a l·Z
:!lp LIO
- ta lb nati e dmm the -wint JJ riod or 11:Jp,iter 8llld &u - 1~20
Jup. 29,,,14

Du:ril,g Ille ..oint ,1ri d1. of JopiterPI Moon (its star lora}
~ ll·l6
.a Ralm or 1. 6. 7, 11 ancl
12 m!ps1) 1h1t natiw's 6 Ylrga 3-1. - -ScarpiQ ·12-
n:H_l!_a- d obtained the decme of lllea High Conic J"Cg&tding the R hu 2!-14 '
mmn1mn·t of mamagc in Fehnut.1']' 1969~ Ltbro ll·S4
48. Sepffafion ·a
lib as~ (Lil,ra 11 • 34f) :i t. this hOMScOpe·.A.ties 11• 54
arried L ·1e :Rt
' Pl.

,S t"
- on tilt' Ase. The 7th cus-p >is jointly ruled by Venus (sip M Aq. Il Ma1 v Sa~ Vg. j .(j s 1.
ler4 .• Ila.bu rstar JotdJ 1md Saturn (&ub lord) Ma. Cn. 4 Me. Mt R Vg~ 6 Ma. Sa.
Mc. €n .. 4~5 Ma. J K Pi. 12 Me. SB._
The cosJNII tub mRl Satum owns 11, it ~peels Die owner
ar 1 and 2 (Venus). So it ptemisn maumap. Jt is in tho I r
I le. s s R
Sun ud ia die J,Ub Iuptter. both an in the Sth and they a:spcct
] ff~
th offlilcr or S (M1oon) also lbe I l th., S,o a: cil~oice hlt(n-tqe i,
indicsrcd,. I J ti: (Cap,rieorn i?9"' IJ~; The." suti tora p tic, J l tb
.C\l~P i,s Saturn 1) it ii DO-l ('OJI fen iOI fot ~ l \ l nm.

The g;Ui,;e go t marrfe:d du:rmg the joint. period of JU(:Jhct

.2nd cusp (Ta11ms 12• 2~} : Th"! sub h,rd of' the 2'bd cm,
Jupiter nd MOOD .in Dcce.trjl)et 1S1-42. The n:Ui\le and his wife

• · }laltlu. Sp i~ i~ not <:.9mgmial for conjrugel lirfei.

werie sepa"rated dur11:1, the joiot pe,.riod of Japi1r,ar and Sal W'n in Tiu: sub lord, of n&a Joint r,,i,Jen of tht 7th oosp arc th,e
l94!J ...(6.. E\ietl to~a:y the)' do m.ot sl,ay togetb~. (J., of LO and LJ respt;:tively,. So also the su.b k"tt~ of
the euspal sub, lords or ·, , 1·1 aJil.M l am the own.1rs o'f ll anif
2.. (a} So e IQBY DOW dismJ(S'S the c:Jtfgct.s cf tile j0ritJt IP ie,pc~tiv~y. eoce tb.ey dertoJc ab!a,.ee of, ·~.arded J~.:
r-uh:r-s of tbe 7tb ltt1$p. ne Si: n ford ~hUs JS i:n Inc Har
Pe-rtod.$ ~ The native was b.otn1 dujr in& tbe period or Mars
Jupirer aid i. 1the sab,11. AU of tticurn occpp_y barren slg.Ers
wHb ~alilbCI of I Y • 9Ju • ti.D '. :the» fo[lltnvcd the pe:ti.bds or
,t:z.,. Gemini, l,o 10.d Virgo resprcth·ely. ll'. star iord. lUpr1er Et~u (1'21)11 J~.rpher: (194 l ). Sat111rJil (lfS?) end Me~ury (197+6)..
c" s ll (,epacation). Ju, sub lord S tU£n own lQ (abkili_oe or Jup.U.or;s sub lord R1bbl being, io Virgo b~Qm,e$ the owJlCF of
nu1.nled li.f1); i1t is on tht nth cusp in c:uojITTJction with the r6 (abse,,nce oif married Ufc). Sa.turn is in the sub Jupiter ownh11
1na.le·fic Rahn. Thns the Qwoer of 1 Venus is fll.e s-igu1ffcatot
12 ~ ·epa aff.Qn) ·roury itS nJ~ in ~ht Mlti J~pi,tt,r· owwog Ii_.
of l 2 and wi'th 1 1 IO: barr,cn .signs amt ma1efic . Renee Rance 1herei is QD p;0s,s1bility of coujugal Jifo..
enus is not eonget11i11l for conjugal Jif~
Despite. thoir U-vi~g- Sep raw1 they ~ r.nt.1~ ·cordi l re\».bbn
(bi) Ra~u· (the si ·a, iord of tbs is in Ille ijHU'
71n ~usp) with l?llCh ,o'ther. Tb."C1 .oft·!l(li) ll11 ~ t lo~tle r and they ,rUen.d s,o~ial
1lar.s aod i1 1hr:. PJti SahKP~ Hs ,;tar ford :vnir.s ~~n I , (di - fuactions at each otb~~s relati.'t'es. B tl1 of lt u::m lmld ,,, t;/ hig,'h.
appo1nl.cucc1); i is iu its fa1l s.iga and npe-cr.s. 1h 7th, so it posJt$oms or firs:t cadra iJ~ the govern,ment ins ti ations.
ti i Iurbl Uie ma:r -ied nrc. I sub lcf'J Saturn Qwns lO~ Ra.ho 411 S epara,fioo in Marrte I ire
.anll Se.curn are in ibe filli ~a U1c ba.rren sign :Virgo. Thus :R,-ahu J, 1th sp· (Arie,, 8~ 28'): Ill thJs horaseop;e LiHra· ft 281
is fbe of l, 8 and cn~ncct ~ wJtb ti, J0, barren sign .ft am rthc so~ Th sub lord of' th 7l b u<Sp ir.: Jnp it~r~ U ·a
Jl.nd i)Hilclics. So it is not con~cniial for I Jife
1 in tlin, star Mercur a•d j n du:· su6 Jupiter~ Thi' stat lord Mer ..
• cury occi!Jpies· 5 1t iz in 00J1j'11oet~n with Ute ~wnar of 11 (S~n)
(t) Sa1urt1 {;the cuspal s.ub l~ or 7J is in lbe, star sun and aspretea b)' lhc ow er of 2 aod 7 {Nldr.s}f Tbe sub lard
-and in tbe sub ~ op,frter. AH of f hem a1~ fn barren ~ige1s 'i"i:,, Jupiter otcUipt~s 2.. Tibu~· lhe oospal StJb lord of 7 is the s•gni~
:Virgo anai Leo ~e:_speair~cly.. Sa.tum n,wns H\ ,oce'Up;e'S dte 6th 1ic tor of ~S (choice Dtarriiage) and coliln,ec:ti3d ~itl1 2. 7 ang I l ..
~u p 1n eon i1..u1ction. with R-a.llu. It1 slaf lord S1:1n an GI Lhe sub Hm;Jee the nativa had 11, c'fiqiat nta_rtia,F..
. h,rd J u:p r arc in ®JlJ°lUl c tion~ I ts sub to.rd J Of' er OWBI 12'. 111Al na tin got matried. c! d rln1 the j aln1 t pedod ~r M rs-.1
Thus S ura i atmntct~d wftb lit lO, 12. malefics and barren M~ionry aod JupUer iD D~~m bel' UJ42 and d,U ri 1tg tbe ttrio-d
s1gn • · o it is 001 oomg,mjaj for -c·o1tj}1,gal Ufe. ()f &ahu the J1,1ti1'-c ud her hrubaod were ae:p .trated in 1t} \S ... 6•
' ,,


8·45 ol
Kela be cu pal sub lord or IJ I the tro11
17·18 and conn~&ed with 1, 10, 12; hi ren 1ign ind
S Af&IOl.ira 1·'5 9
Ur. n. and Saturn. So ,t de,notn abscnctii or t e m•rricd life,

.Mer. S·20 (rJ) '2frd ct,, (StorJi!o 1 '-'''): The sub l rd of lht 2nd

Sun 7.4 cup ia Ktlu~ JI 11 ia the tar and ub KIKC tbe ab-
' Piil 'I 10•45--~-,,t!-----!!!!lllli ....._ 7Iau,,-

8 Nnce or the married Ute· ,,. di1euued abaw:ii

Ven. 20.s 3. Pulalb :· Tbe: n1tive Wfll born during the pe-r.i of: SUB
wilh b1lanca of 4'-· S"'· 1
14" The nati e nd h r h11 b od sep •

Arla 8~28 rated io the pe.riod of Rabu w.biah i1 in l e ub Jupi· er owning

~ 6. Then followed lhe ~riod1 of Jupit,er (lhe CU!.p I ,ub lord

of 7) and Saturn ( • cu1pnl ub lard or 11 b' , d" c

'l'I. Sn.
N,, St, Su. l'l. 11• H,. s,. Su,
artier denote the ab1enc1 of lht m rri1 _ h~ • Hence lhe p r-
M Le. '
s.* Ma,
V Ar.
Sa,, i. ~2·
7 v atiOn continue, , HI today.
~ 3 v Le, 10 1hg 1nl in
•• ,. 5
S· Aq. A

• 2

~S7 I
11 IIJ ,cu p ( I Jb,~ fl'' ~, . n b o.rtw.:np, ~ r !1- 311

i QA he ~ fk ~ub lotid o, ~ J lttJ r). t .

in t-be: 1 · r M n and in · ftc
ti ha b r i1,n Le _ and iJ i
""r1 1i~21
Co11~e uf 4 Sa:tu rn, The ub Joro 1·ltreutiy ow·, 8, T IW · the .111,\,l!IIIIJPD
Keh• 10.1, JJtJrd ot• 11 ir ea, 1ffle¢'t~d witb $alu(o rl,ie bauen ign ~ d Ike

Ncp, 7.32 bou 4 ad 8.

6 .4rl 221·3
:1.,,_ ·---G. mini 22.,, 5d, DUf'P (ll.rla o• J'11) : lbi sub ~ord of Ilic Sth eu1p ii
s I: 20·3 Venus, Ir is io thr:. sstar Rarhu am.d ht lhe. Htb Sdll{n Tbcy
Ven. 11 .. 2, aU arc in lb l;ar,c.m 1Jj,gos.. Venus 1P110~ t2, i't is iJD eonjun,fbetn
PJu. 9·~ wllh Satui1rn ow· ~Qg 4,. toe ·sttr hlrd Rallu is as.pectea by the
Mer, I 8.119
,0wne.r or 1 aod 6 .M1rs. hu~ tbc cuspal s11b lord of ; ls
Taµl'fla 22• 37 com1rcill.ed by m,l 6c5 and conrleet"cd with ,ba·rrco aig_ns, ttrul the
7 houses I, 4, G Rnd t-2,
Pl. S,t n,. sII)
s A,
.,., s
Su .
Oqi. 1
Hs. St.
Ha:nce the native has no i ·sue"
M Li. ODl!r,t oa,.;
9 J( I(
Ila . Ca Sa. Gm,. 7··8 J 1
9 Me 6tlt c,p;e-(drl~s Tl~ 571 ) The sui lord pf tti.e fitih cusp is.
Me. T~ --
Sa. R Cp. 2 ¥ M :·
(j j

ai, HthI lit


M .f'-e_ - + K"'CtU lJ Ul
J D: 1' Ca 8 s.. "q(1D. Jt is i· t.h'e !Slfr and &Ub Kotu
. .... iF ~
4 rin , •

il lh

I • 2
I I\ in ihe Blh

lo rh~ tar
J ,·n, p,l: 1 h nt, ~ ,l U b r,, h I ~ 1
the r!od r .otu I U t:CU1 I
, Hh b Inn e, 6 '· 1O•hi 2 r ·. b I rd f 10, 4;
h 1 w;:1·i d I' p 11 • ub lord r,
· on the \l turted from bo,tni I

23- ! 949 ttud


mtin11 I 111pt _3,..3 l ,,. Ou,i tbc join ub r h 11 t , c:u p

period or onr. Rt1ho (ns11uotad by Mn 10 i:nH 6 nd in lhe bowe.
sror Moon th p riod rufat) und rnus ~ n1iD,B 12 nd in tho Thu1 the o t vo b ,1 no la uc.
rar Ruhu Uu1 tib ctlod rulct)t h1c netjv wo oper ted for1 1

O ratfo1 :
1tul in October 1931.
61,. ,~,, (t,b,11 9 l3'J : b, ,~b lor or 1ht I eo1p I1

Durins ctn~ Joint porJod f M<Jon, Kctu (rb ra lord of 1

J pi le r. It ~ in t I r rrtcury ID in be \lti Jup-htr1 The

h: r,etio ruJer Moon) and Mara (in tbc • r M rcury ow11io1 peeled by •he o ncr o ]2 M ri iad h
B), Hie natl,~ wa1 o Ntcd fl r hydrocclc in ptember 1956. bu1 tbc c P l ul> rd of 6 i connee Id

V nu (uw.nin1 12) ind with B (operat,ion~. 12 (ho pit I uc l cnt) ncl Mari 10 8
(oper ho )~ Jupilrr I in Scorpio (uteru, ),, Hen tbe uterui or
r 1h1 pe lod ruler tbo
motVld opo
--io_o..: . .- ~ - - ~ - - - - -
'I •

~ I I ~ , ,, ,,,,
1 ·f
Pl ., pari of
1obu r11 le11s ·r rbc th , us ) lD

----- II ti e"s u,teru, w rem cd, b. · pciaition.

25·S9 rton,lti : Oa 14-4-1970 SU-'3 Arie 1• was in tba 1t1 t,u 1bc 1

ctu 7.39 1ub pc,riod ruler. Moon €&.Deer as in the 1a1 S ,lurn th ~
4 ~o J,3,J -~ -- - ------ -Aquarlu.1 1·39 10 in1 r J!C''f , od nll r. Jupit:Dl" Libra " 421 w 'S. in i own sub th1
R Jiu 1-19 period ,uler..

S Pirgo 3·33---- ----Capricorn 4,.3;3 Mar,iag : Tb-, nali, go,t m rrie on 30-1-1939 dW"1mg th~
Moos 2· 9
joint prriod of ar (owning i')ll Jupiter (owDi'.D 1l) d er-

6 LiJr
.r. 7..52
- ft
9·3.J--- ,--~-'Sarittarius 10·33
Ma.r 21-19
eury (owning ·2).

Z"IIBtJits ."' Qni 30--4-1939 'Sun Aries, 16• D irgo 6 1,

Jup. 21.; Marrs S11giHariu 21· 43'1 Jupiter Pi ~ 'I• .., ~-.--u r ' PiKDS·

corpio I S.,2_0 London on J 5-10-l
Foreign Tr m I : n ivc starttd for
7 during thf j ·iat eri d f Jupirar, ,e- 11ry ~ nd "entt be retuli ed 1
• •

s,. on 29-8- 1 d ing tlu: • ·ar ah and rDUS.

II. ~J,, Lu.
J R Li.

. Transil.s : 011 l5-10-1
, Jupi er l 6 •
1 \JD


CBUS L~ 14•-__
. Pi. 11 On ~--....
e. 0
1 1 Me.
,· S '. R.abu u , 23, • '•
lD lb s orosw Arie. 8 46' i OIJ
44, Suri ·
11th cwp (Caprlurn 21 4') ~ The BUb ord of fJie Uth:
Male. 13irth 11-10-1935 Moaday; 6-30 PM~.S.T: 21N-20. is S _turn.. Jt is imi he Siar ltaha m I

7CFSS; Ayaoamsa 22• ,1'. lord R,aliu is in association, ·co tbe owoie r of I '1':L""--
ASC rord Salum ii r~trognde. Ra u in gittariu as a rtprasn.t~
Jlrie3 1 4' 1
arive of JupittJ becomes the own r of 12.. Sa.tum and R.a&u
'Uran ]O·SSR are obstncUve, .::nee the aifti.cu1~ in child birth.

5fh cusp (Cance, 28" 4:} ; The sub lord of die Ith cusp is
.2, TlllltUS 9.4. - PisCt-8 l·d 12
~tom. So it 1uppatt1 the abov,e :view.
Sal 10·5.Sa
Aqua.riu, Ith ltoue : Moon ii in tbc Stb, it im in tu ,mu Mercuey
3 e~mini
--- ei:,prtmrn 28·4 JI ud ia tbe sub Saturn.. nc
star lord Me~ClJlf;)' ows and OCCUf'tC, 6;
it u retrograde an~ plaf;Cd in the bamn isn Virgoii The aub

lord Saturn is mtt-<.,grade and obs tmeli ,~. So Maoa de oles

4 Cancer 0~4 ' Caprlt10 m 1
0,.4 10
dffliGUJty in child birth.
Plu. 4-33
.R:ahu 13·51 Venus is in the !th in the barmu sigD Leo.~ II i in i
s 5.4
Man 1·50 ' own star and in the 111b iupite:r owmia1g 12. V.enw 1od Jupiter
both are .aspectcd by Saturn Um obs trnetDr. Hance ..l ~ net
Ven, 21·41 favourable for, ~hild birth-. The native bas no mue.
Ncp. 22·,_ ,, 'Marri4ge ; The uti¥e gQi married on 11-6-1965 doling tu
9.4 joint period of Son, J pite-r and Voo11t.,
-6 Virgo l ·4 SMrplo 8
Mer. 27-lSR Jup. 3·10 On 11 ~-1965 Sun Tau riu s 27•, Moo o Libra 23 ,
Tronsll 1 :

1npiter Ta rus 11• 15'' , Venus Gemini 13'.

Sun 4.,21
Lfhra 8-46
Thj it1 a case or in'te1-<'lltc Jo,i: mI rt.iqc.
I. Sn. 11,~ St. SU. Pl. ~. Hs~ St. Su lDh cosp (Cap,rlcarn o• 4'J : rm r btuolCOpe Ar.ies ,• 4fi'
s Li. 6 MB. y v L-1. s J is on the A,sc. e moth Ctllp jDinSb' ruled by s turn
M Cn. s Me. Sa. SaR Aq. 11 R Sa. (•isn lord), Sun ,,c r l,OHI) nd u ( ub I rd)~
Ma,. s,. s K v It Ss. 9. V Sa. to, 11 a11d occupi I JL · o t ., ti e w H get a hi h po ition
MaR Vg. J Si. in. 11,r.vice, As ir i 111ro1rad i1 d le ba_ggG in tho iob.
J Sc. '
Ma. J
J It
K G • 3
174 'l 1'S

Sun in tile 6111 ignH!ii: ' e·wncm,rn.t scr'!iioe.• Ra'hu in, lb tth v~1ui , 1 a,bll.l. Moan arcd Satur11 r-c h, ,11pifieatar of
1o,d c1ue. good fa1tunc in Go\lcrDtn 1n ,rv1~. by BUQining ,nane_y 011~ crviee...~ dllrin1 their Joi1u perrtd tr1ein pH'tain~
a hi1h pu1h1e and ib,c nndve 'WiU b U,q ui1rcd to Wtjtt 11n in1 t e111rco and In Q~ w11'1 SQCUJ.
d UT11'fnt r,,o. I' ., Jo.tnr p,erlod • he, nuivc.. w t b rn dt1rln1 tbc r,cr?ad "-
6th eu1tD ( II trit, t• 4' ,: '" ha ff h cu p1·i j i nu, rVtr n,:d Mtric:ueyr whh h1la,n of of 2-' • 1•· T ~ period of Vcma , ~,
b,y ~1crcrJfy ( ian ~m J,, Sun ( ,lar JordJ 111d oLu Cub lord).
fr0m 22- Ji-i 942 a,nd w.wnclnut1 u1pm 2~11--1962. Verna - the
Thuc pia,uir:t upporl lhe. 1bo,~c "·ieW~ c ub hnd eli 1he ,1ig,niilcalor or tcrvicc and rr11 Q.R~ [urlh r it ii Lbc ownct ol 1

6lf:I cu1p R11h w I ' i q (be ~ r v~n UI I Dd ~n die s I rbr. !ht '2ndJ 11nd be ,.cui,p~I 1ub I ,rd or 2.
I e 1iv.c ~iU 8 1x_.
Tne u1r ~dfrd Venus ,own, 2 and 7. Tho u I rd Sdh1rn ow1 , u, ew:o fflOl!ll!!,Y dwth11 pe-rjod~ H~ w I tmplo ed lift Go·,eri111mc11t

10 · ·nd J t flu ttu, eu1paJ ,bb ,ard of, tf1s i niflca,m r ,r,vjca n 1-9-1961 durio1 1hc joiat (Mr od uf Vt11a , Mtrmrf
n.r 2; 7 Bnd e,on11r:ct1 d w1 h Iu and I I. Htnci Hu, po1Iti.on or 1(ow111r i6) and Satwn (owner 10. I J 11d ltiE tub lord of lbe
boaour. a1uJ high 1C tu •n ervi •· I Jth ,eu1p1).
2nd CUB(J (TauJ'U~ s· 4) ~ 7 Ju: uh Innt or the 2nd CUip II nffl!'lt, : On 1-9-1961 Sun Leo is• Jt' wa1 io the
V1 11U1~ It i1 in it awn Urr 3 d in, the sub Juph1r., The 11ar
Ven'us tkc p~,:icd ra,ler. Moon lrautu.1 ,· -SO' -, · 'I.tit. u6
Jord Vedu 01\,01 2,_ 1 aruJ o~ b pies 5!tl ne &u b 10,d IupJtet M,ercu ry ttla ub period ru!a ril Ve au C1aa: r ut ll' wa ill
owns 9. 12 :nid oi: upi~ 1~ThlH ~he ca.1spal .sub lord of' 2 is QODJf• awn sub. .cirftlrury V:irso l • 15' w ,.n it o D i1H1 um
rolhtd by i:itnrilcsi So it de:nores 1r~sy fa rnimg. lt i'1 tbe 1i,91a j.
C . ricar-n D~ 34' w In it a n igl.,
fi<' r.o r er 2 (mona ), 5 (pl,r.uisurcs}t 1 (,coetlcl~} and conqepred 4,5. terllitJ
wicbi 7 ~t~e.unioms)_ 9 (journey • im,eJle! u.cnd) and 1 (a--
h1 lbia ao,oscopo Taiou1s 21•55' is on the Ase.
pemdihuc}: tt.lso willn V,n~ a.e thttic seia:e) od Jupi t~r (wisdom)..
c mtc th n ativ win Uv, bis JI fb nccord i ag t'O hi c ei d ise9" 5il, Cu'i111: (V'i flo I 1'1 : ,le -ub lord r Lb, 5th is
n ,cl'l f j 1 be- ·will ma ,1: aod 111 . of money in vi rtirmg nor ble Mereury. lt i in Hua stir Ve:o~s and n t ha ~,u~ tum. Th:
ploc-ci and •ill, i tti'o ond · cnr i og 111s,rut 1-twiqgs. ,car lord DU'I O . wtu: 6. 1 n UJpi 10.. h~ sL1 ·. urn
lgnifi -.tars of ~11 6. 110~ JJ : o'Y4iJ.s oad oce1pies 10. S the cu p I uh 1 d ... the
~i ,ni£ic -~ r f f I nd I lUrA
.HOU& Plant1 t ht

O\:cwp nt, Pl n t i!I Owaer d ni - ('hild bir1b.

O('CUp rn t's (._'ti\\' ll OI' '1
51/1 hous .. iiJ
I 11'\S O n · t sn 1\1 • u r

II . ill I b:LT ~hlf
st 1r~1r
Rahu 'Ii L) tk .
. h:n~li' tc,-r
"11111 • R'. or 12~ b1rtlt.
6 f -. M r th ..
lid u ,, ( Pi 1
lo~ '1 t1' I.I ·•s
l a,n, n~ None s. . turn
Keh1~ l is h, tlt .. ( r • ( ,I t - ~

11 oae s~. N DO SI.

f • ,. l . I.; ub d

• QO I UC•

r m ,,, on 111
rid' ,Ju,pltet.
,2 Arlt• i~.J 12
,,,, '"I' Jr D, t 2~ :i. 1'11Jn J11 : On 11 196 " 27•. M
r1t1 ~ii;, 29 •
P1 I ', nun A u1d1H 2 411, J ,pl1e1 1
Iff t Pl' ~A l'l
¥ u. ' I~,•

2:,~ hi•
4 lri· '
Aqu111,1i, u,,.2 10
r1i •e :
Na,p . 25 R

IOlh ,u,p : (Aq1Hrrft1 , 16• I') : In thi, haro cope T, uro

Moon I· 6 tl i 011 t:hc A t-. The 11ub liird or the Utth cu p i~ Ve1112 •
I ·2 aprtco,n 11~2 g
I the •• r nd ub Saturn. Vonu own, 5 u.nd occuplc JO"
"''" 17· 12
The 11 11 und ,he uh Saturn own and oecupi1e JO, , th,
111'11, 19· M 1r,, 23-32 cu p1,I . b lord pr 10 i• Ilic 1ron1 1i1n1iftcator or 10 and connecited
2S·2 - Satlt1a1l11i 21·2 8
' Jup.
Rab1U 29,6
w h a.n I H n1e l lC nalivc w111 c.a,n and O®U1py 8 hrsh
S,IQI i ion n


Su, ,u 28· 6
6,,, cuap ( :L/bta 2$• f'): Th.o IUb lo.rd o( the 61b
Me cu,1]'. It i in 1he r VC'nut and ,n Iha 1uh Sah1,o,
7 Mc,c ry Offnl 2. The st,,r lord V1;11 ()Wfl 6 nd OCCl\lpic1 ro.

~l. • U~ PL n. ff.. ,. S11.

of 6 ,
ub lor Salu r 1 n1, and C)t.CUpic1 I • So I.he CQ p11I b l'm d
tan~ftc (JI 611 10 nd COTI ReCtid i lli 2
v Pi. 1,D • J)d I • w. 11 a d wiU
4 • J\q. y
• 1 ' •
,_. J ~
iD th Stu
pe.riod~ub pen , m!et. Rahm. Le • 56'. ooa
L,11 .:d • 4d ta l • were in the ~uar Ven 11, th-, sipi-
fi( f of Sit itt~
46 UD111arried
.Pl. Sll~ 11&• sz. Su .. Pl. Sn. B.s~ s,. Su"'
ilin1, Ir Um u• 1ord or the 1tb cu&p be the sigaib1ar
s Cpi 5 M Ma. v s, 4 s
M Aq. s s~.
(in the sru of 1tllc occupaal ot 1owq1:r) of J, d or JO; or coon·
~lid wi1h 11 6 or JO; atso ,Sat,um 1 Rebu er Kefu; barren or
:ti... la. '
§ Ma.
ll Tr.
Mt. M
Ma" Ma..

1llrile aip1 (Anesi Gemiai, Ltai Virao. Capcicom) ~ den-'

Me. Cp.
M s K Sc. 3 Mia, Mall
:I Pi. 1 Sa; It

Coui'dcr tie J U.h and 2nd aasps ,also.

7t/J· c,up (Agomim g}j. j.i1: lo this horosoope Leo 11· sa,. 181
moa the Ase. The mb Jocd of lite· 7rh ,usp is Son~ It ia in
01e 1ta1 Moon .and m l&c sub Mais. Sun ow.ns- I and ~ -
1he llm:rr,en 5ip caprioJmj it hi aspu;tcd. b;y rtfli: 01' · of 6
SamrD ~ olutm:uor.. Di& au, 1b1d oon oMJJ 12 md oa:upiea

11§:'1 Th · I - b o d O 7 i th i1-!Q f'°lCS t O . 6;,o t2 and
~ ;~ i an A.SC

-~-- •

l6 -
ol 2 ' 21-22

p .
6 .bie, IP36 -DD!, _
~ 18'-
:2 . ,. , .. 12; dio Samra, R.abu
an cvusn.iat to, awri•1e. ~ .,.,... '1·36
,, ac w~ ap of 53.
47. Umnarriietl
1(1, aap (raurw 1· 11:1): ia ,u horGIQQpc Scorpio,.. 361'.
~,. Sn ..
••• Sr. Sui Pl n. 81,. s, Su~
is 011 the Ast:. T.he· sub lord of the cn11 11 C{U~ ll ti iD s Pi.. s M~ Sa. v Aq. 4 J Sa..
die tu Moo.a •od ia the IDh VeD'UI.. IC.tu "' the
M Aq~ 3 R Ss. Sa. Cp.. 2 s R
bamD , . , V:•i it ii a!IJllltcd tty tbe owner of 10 (Sun).
ML en. M R It s Mc. v
Tia ••r Mo.on and ~ •uh Venm o ~ Ji·ate Jo co.aju.aotjqp..
Me. Ar. '
v R K Vg. II M v
J am. I Ti M1t.


) .

~- - - ·11 ----Ytrgo 1
6, it b alpeet,4
or I'1 i D ccttd wilb Met
20,11 .,- ---,----Leo
d S rum, Rabu and 11,11.
2nd cu p 1• 36' : The ult lord fit the 2nd
J p i r. re ·!I be . iKW sed af:>t;v.e. Sun
.22.13·.- - - - ----Cdlf~r
ub lord1 1, I or 5 Pirc,,
ilh I, , ID 12; b ,f'.rcn 1ign and malef'.iCI. Uran. .
Hn l e arti c • Pm rri d c the gc or 41.
4B. nmarried
(TrtlJJlla 14• 1'): la th11 ho cope DOrpio l I
CUip is lupiter" I · •rs 19,.l
and in the . , up11c, oa:upies 8 ill
ini ud · 51 tum. 1ihc I
the ~ 1P h-jc:s;
a l l ~ •11 of

U' ;
~J,4---,--__......_....~ :Ans;
8, f.O ..

~ tdlQ owo1 J. ID and occ:upie •

'Ide ·
s I di!CQ- atiow:. TfJn the cu pal a rb Jotd of. 1!l.Ku 2%-22
iA COllDCC.t&l wi ·~ 6, 8, 0 the _ rrcn ·gn~ also be maleficl. 7
Intl twp {L#bro 21• 'U1: The b lord of rite 2nd cusp• II., ~L B,. St. S.. PL s 81.

Jupiter. is in its own 11tar a,nd in the sub "Moon. The Ital Yg. 2· M K 11 Le. I
M Gp. 4 S V ~ Aq. 5
lord Jf.lPiJer it in ~njanclioa with fb-c OWller of I Mars - . v
Ma. Sc. 2.3 Mt. V It s,.
apectai by lhe owner of Ii Satum. T.he suti lord ~on ~ 10 J
R J Gm.
the batm1 1i111 Clp,ieom and jt ia bnicgtd a,y Rahu (S)gitta· CR Li.
ri111) and Saturn (Aquariw). Tb1U1 the cu1 al aub -1d 2 fl J Sc. 2 J
.. l~
'-\: e I ,

.o ~ E 1,. I


. r
u I
11 Ill

£xampfe Horar7 1- ap ·1

· ·ao , ~ ls
Ma n I th! miacL ,So in die ho1 m P ~ miod al
quiirent J bown hy the mtioa or Mo a and. 11 belP1 in
Jrno Uta n rmur, ,01 1h q111: 1Jam • ud.. KO)Wlt
· cncr IJ)'' 11h lonl occupJi:t or
o~ ..r it I t lord .t j1

-· <fl: D11U~
o n 1ho bd e uq er q111cr~; n, Moon i1 eaacnted with tu bOUJC 2 In he h T ry, map
of q ry by CQnJ. a,r u ocJotion wit • or ,by 11pcat1 rrom the qu.ercnt; .,h I lhf: I Jt ~
owttcr 1n r cmr,anr I lhHL !1DuNc or from the Qbld pver11 r or 1aru ~• acmu'dt
the m, u,, o if 1tle cu pal ~,b ior oJ _He A • r I p
- HU1111-at or II Qu ry i9ni i;atar o lhc m ter a kcd ,
I la/J I ,lit · ; ar r lraRrOdt· : O.r,di nu 11 nth flora ry m p a Ir the eu psll ub I' rd rJt Lb A .
pl n I l'Ml'II '1 un IO I ral -ar do pl I e1n
occupant gf lh • h t l,,2 ·3, ti, IO r 11: or •' u I
J,l r,r t in ouon 1u1d wtlon 11
l)WO or thi
.........,~aq o in ndivicJ,11
pt. t j I lllDf•
USOt u:r~ ,

b us und
by ih I h II
I. Re~,aat;th &alialar1nlp 1

Numb 16 (<101 or 2'WJ.
J11t11mcot 2~1971 Id , ~
B A,M I.S~ : 23Hz, 7)1iJ5j, AJllDBJm1u1 ! • 2!'111 1

r1 , .m o pr ·fo ron:ce to tbmc s,ism Ifm

'c- A. C
m 111(n1 mo n1 :
Ai ias 2l ·5,3,. 20
1(0) Thi: Ru Iin Pktm,1 t, .d
Kc1u m~s,
(b) he! s.ign lord. stnr lord aotl sub la11d of. tho cusp1o Moon 21i1.4
I.he house uoder queryil Jap1.. ~--32
!!!,ll Taarllt ll·St 1
- ·-- - - ------Pf,lctM 1~·59 12
(c), The cupaJ $U b lordf: of' the hoases undor cons id~ra.t10JJ, Man 22-SJ
(d) Tbe joiet p rind ruJcr» ~t. nu, time ·o f judsmem.t. Disc--
! fJenJini lf.S9
m1iun ill ·uld he M:&ed wbJI~ ser1c:liog rfu: sipjficak>rs from the
above- phmcts.
'!•t . +46R Sum 2bSI
S., The query will mat ridi!e during lhe jajn1; p rwd of 4 Ctmau , .sg - -- ~ ----- - Ca.prieo,rn g.s, 10·

• Mer. U·lO
these sfgaiflca!on; wllen rb,i: nami t agrus. 1

Traa·s,its· ~ Ai tile Hwe of n .::vent Sun. Moon and/or the Vr1Hiil 191!!4

jOUJ[ period rltle1-- will ~ found in the star or Stl,b of tb1 S·SP - - - ----=-..- -81glrli:lrl11;1 14 ·S9 9·
sem I! joi.o:t Deriod nml~r or f!tller1.
6 Virgo 13!5!1-~"'"'!!!!!!'!'-· &orp/,a
The 'bin for j11rdgment giv,n in tbc pt1avioos cbapt111
may be applied also in lhe bor:a.ry m&J>.

For erecting the hora ry map ref~s to the autho,-s ' · ,11matra
I llabll 23·51
Llb1t1 l .·53,UI
· Chiatamard ''~
l Research s,Jinlarsbip Pl,. Sn. 1111. St. Su.• Pl.~. Sn. lb. St. Su~
QW!rJ! : What J1boo t my x c1ureh Rho llffhip ang my caune s . p. lD M v Sg. 9 v ll
a .1?.h D 1
M It]. 12 Mei SaR Coll 3 Saw ~ -
Buris ·i~ ll the eus;a~ ub lord · if l l (fulfilment of doire) Ma. Tr.. 2 M k Li. 7 J Mc~
he s.jgn tficator {in tll e star of th,= QQCl~-PJJ]t or ow111t) CJt 2

Me. C,~ s 1 Saa


9 ](. At_.
(money)_. fi ( Jialatsfiip) or l J (gain) ad conm~lt!d wJdl the
J- !J. 1' M
.ho s 4 (studies fb~ gch U11 se.heJaribip durin§ ttr•
joint period of' the JianfficCato111. i. 6 and 11 which aac
~ thi b rsry map ~oo.o cwns 4 (stud~)1 ii 1
R.HhU is inLibm-. it ~~-Jlrfl
,r..,... v· 100 .. ifr~
.n..i;W ti n,eetcd
_mj ~ _0 ilh J np,i tcr O"tDllll 12 .a od '"
9 (r,tsear~b).
rby Satufll. so ic rr::pf't~ots Sat.urn Qt,ince 11.• . - - •
fa r~igo land). 11 is in c star . ury ,u in , . .• ll,'l'l.•l'CUJJ ~ J'Qpftlr I
,.enus1 Sa tum, Rahu u.nd Keto the m1ing pknct-S. Satufiil ·
T:.. -[a"' lat M·e rcury o DS 6, 3, occupic1 9 . - . l[ll: 11.,M
t o.mi., ..11~:s ' l,U, . - ,pfrogmd t.l., bI. ill • It @i!:tS 1dJ.i;rect frn:m :28-3-l'
-- -
7 .:..
0 t
c.... .I
, -=u
, - .. 1..
peel$ 1we -.u,..
.:1,11,1 . ~ b lord . atom owos 11, OCCbipi'el 3

reJuim 11f1cr this date...

-h- £'n.. So · 000 is the significator of 6 (stho~ &[:ship~
and spect s, t . . iu ui. · • . ~ . .Jami Pe,wd' ~ At the lime. of"jrudgment (Mereury· tptir.-io-d with
m~~ctjon. oir po.n pon mc:nt or nud1 ), 9 (rnea ch), 4 11
3 co .~· hal~ll~ of iv· 3•\f,. 1 1!) th _ ,qu1:1romt was runn iog the joint -perim!
-· - · ) 3 d 6 Tb
sn1dimJ and coo11celed wieh l l ga1n ' BD .. us ho Gf Mtfettty
Sa tam a1']d Me~ur-yl!i ilD d it conliuues bpb

- e rcfeis re Uie se_bolanhip re1e1diog die re~car:ch studies,

18-6- 1976. Mercury OWD!il 6 (s.eholanbip) inul 3 (CQUJ,pletion rOF ;IUl-

08 s
d the p rtlsp - hcKlo.. • i1B, being l 2(b from the 4th); 1t is ~n t'lto s1ar Sun owni
llth cu, p (tlq,uaritm g• 59') : The. sub lord or the 11th cusp

(completion of I tu.d.ies be tug ft'om tho 6th eompctitive. e:icami ..

is J1.1pitcrm I rs in lllc star · e~CtJq an.d in its own uh~ N:0n1 1

1uuion) apd 000Upj1iug JQr ('fcverment)i! So M'areury i~ the

of' t~,m is licttog-r dn. ts s tor. lo rd Memu11 o·\1'm'& 6, oce~pi~.s .g ·si9nHiea·t or af S udl IO. ~ &challlf.sblp and compl.atian .of;
and aspec:cs rhr: ·th. Jts ub to,dJ J)J;pj1t~ owns Y:, L·t is 111 stud will iier-\'e a& SOtlNCI of an cvco t io n~pect achicYa· or
n ·u.actioo witb ·h e a1w ntr of 4 (Maofi) and aapcc the ,owner, ffl'Cnl .im studies. Satu_rn i in its awJ ~tar and Job~ it &was to.
~f :1 { atum}, So ht cu paiJ sub lord of II is tba signiricator 11 (&awn) and .,oec:upjes 3.. So "t denot-eJ. acbic cmcql, 1e1 fm and
f B.
4 am connected wUh 9 1 JI um, d 4. Hence t·& qu1rcnt
a campJ;don orsl'2di,~ . &th am 11nuog tbe ruHng plane~. Henec
desire to gat tb,e scholar. hip t 9ar·diD8 th rcs1:ardl studicJ will ·the qncr,ent w~H be ptti mg tflc scholaribip after 28.--3-1 976 111 d 1

bD tul_f1"l led.
1berore 11-~19'16 in this, joint pcr•od or MeteDry, Saturn aJnd
RIA er,q, (Sagillariu~ 14• SI' )~ The ub lord of tie 9th
c;ep (rese rc:h tt!icUe s) is v·enu:S l t "' jn j 1$ o.wn s.te r: i o tha
he joio t pc:-dod o IRU and S~toro ,con tinu s, upto
9th and i.o 1rhs ub R bu in Ltbra ahu rep,esrnts eous).. l-5-1978. So the QUINlrl ~H p on with bis re , · ar till
q the ,u$p11 sub lc.n,d of is die this]
tit QUllCDt ill be abl1 to he- qucrcnl inf~mcd JJL Ulal the s-hoJ:arship was dect

ro rum Jirom ~~19i& ·nd he eom.pl1tcd .bi

r1: f
.PhD. during M _y 19l8.

. . Joni
SIU 1cJ1.t
- -
z. G.ree u Card 1

Wllbm' 30 (out of l-49'). Judgment • G-,2- 19'16 Fridayo Qrwry: Wbettrc:r I shaJlbe sua:e,aful in my at1empti ro-
~ N • ~3 s; Ayaoum!Hll 23, 2:5 . " the 01'1et;n c~rd during my stay Jn. U~ S A. ?
1 :z-1 s P. .ts~,.. 23 2 7
J,1.oor, : In tbJi horary map Moop occupies 11 (supcess or
A fulfilment or dai1r,e-), it is in ooojlh1ct{on wi lb the bencfie Ju,-

r aun.1.f l l 6· 40
pjit er in its owu 1igo 'Pis-ces. It ts in tbo sub Saturn owning 1! .
Tbus Moon Nfcta. to the ,quti, ry r-cgatdirog sncoc-,$Ji OT ratfil meu.~
of dcsir~
____ _ ----- - -Arfis
2 Gemini ~28- A,c~ (TaurtM IL• 6' 40t'J : The sub lo,rd or the Ase (&ffort1
r 0011 29i.S7 cf be quarm[nt) is Mar~h It 0 wn5 12 and occupies the 1st. It i in

Jup, 26-35 the &tar Ma-0p in 11 and in the sub Sun in 9. None ar tl11:1m
Pi ces
2-8·28, i& retrostadc. Thus tbe A_sc, sub lord is tlle aismUlcaror or 11
1-26 - ~ .,.iquarl,,, 11
J (1uccas ) and conn,c·t d with 9 1 12 (for,ci,gn 1 nd) nd I (etroru).
Sat,. 4"'44R
cncc the qucr nt ill be succeAsf~\ ii\ hi,s attempts in rli.c
7i - - - - - - - - Caprleor,, 27·2 110 ft, eisu Jnnd.
4 Cant r
un 2·! ·12
11111, (~guarlu1 2s• 28') : The ub la,rd QJ tbc 11 lb
tJj fJ'

2 2H- - c p V nu!i. Ir • in lh star Ve1n11 owni·n J1 6 "nd o cu-

yin nnd it 111 in th uh J,up1 r owning B d ccup);i111 II.
one of rhcm i retro r da. ~bnN the u pt1I
b I rd or I l i the

n. 2.0.J 2
----~-- : .a., il'1farlr1s 6·28 8
1i1niftcutor f. I 6 ( ·ucc:cs )J (disa:p 1ntmcn'I) and con11ecte
ith 8 nnd 11 ~ t,nco 'Iba ucrcnt de. ire, wJII uUim tely bo
11· ,, 0
fulfillled nft,r re Iii 8 su1n c ~sappaiD l:mtn •

' cor
7 lfulfng Plan ts :

Pl. Sn .. Hs, I. ~,.. Pli

"· Hs. ,. u. S(ar icnd

Cp. 9 M s v .~ 8 v. l ,. : rrid y
. , 2'

I ii 11 Me. SaR BR Cn, 3 S,a1 1 Sag

Pi1ee1· ,. ,,·, Mu:u

. ., Tr,. I R Lt 6 J tie. Rabu i in l11bt ~ so it r¢prc tll cnus.. Kctu is in Ari ,

Me~ Cp. 8 S R K Ar. )2 v SIR so it represents Mars. Hence the ruJiog planets are Marst
J Pi. l Me. J .Mercury. Jupi r, Venus; Rahu and Keu1.
~ f jwn;fica or 11 l·
.R tJ, rt:
""'u.,u - ~· '3. Denred Po I
d Kctu are ~ 1pifftc& n f and B.
.mbcr i7 fQ ! ro l 249 ~· J gf:D..
Joi~t ptriod: be 1imc of jad~R ( ere ry peri04
t -J10 P. - . I. .T. '231'2, 72:83 5· 23~ 2iJ'.
wit _ balanoe of of". ,0111~ 23D· the querienl io r , ing joiq
p~_riod af ercur.y and Saturn Tbe period of K.et11 cammeacea
from 2.9-2-1976. I is among tic r uJ;;g ptaoets tt i1 CIIIIUI 5, 2'-40
~guifiC"ator of ,aod 6+ S t. 16-4!11
la -e ferind Kei.u the Cituer~~t ·HI have U> r:un the
Qf 1
0·4'----..,-- _...,..Gembd S.!4 fl,
sui'b p~1iod of Vcmus, Mai a.od Rabu .. AU of them are the
Moon 24r] ,g
ru!Hlg pJan,tts and also &he signiiioators of. L 6 ~nd 11. Jup. ~56
But die qucrieot bas, to fgJ some- disappointment in the &1t 3 Le'o Tellll1U 3 ..4' 11
instant= and as Rahu is, considered to b~ strouger than. any Virgo
other' significatar, the qu,er~:ait"s deKire- is likely tD be fuJIUed
Ket11 l· 0

Libra 0-4~---- Ari:u 0,46 10

during the joint period ,or Kctu, Raho (the cuspal s-ub lotd of
Rahu 2· 0
3-corrtspond nc.c} :nd Venus Ulie c.uspat sub lord of I ) wmoti
starts f1om l-J0-1979 and comtjnde upto ¢-!1-1979. 22~1,
bo was caJl~d for n intervia
The cruelie·nt informed me that 1 12·0
ou I?5~ 10-1979 and the' Gree'O card wa, sra_,tcd to him~
Tran.11l, J; On 25-10-1979 2·30 P,M. Ccn,tral Day Usbt SavJn1
S Scorpio 3·46 - - - - - '!4rillOtlus 18, 9

Tima- U .A. Son Libra s• ""O' ,,a11 ta the tai R u thn
sub A ,,,u r,lu •
Sa11uartJ11 S· 4-- ,---=- 0·46
period rut r. Moon ~P iuariu 4• w, jn tho tor Ketu tba
pa,1od Jilter. ' etu qu rhn 11 sof Wit ~n nu: ra,r R
Rnhu o JJ• ,. wt s in rh K ru. Va,nu ~ bra 2 O' 7
I o
w•r in t · awn 1 n. Pl. n. .-;1. P:I. H4 ,.
,, t

. ,,,., , .• WI
r lua ,., th o1,Iti ,n
M ,~ M I :s II

M I I n. ..

M, 8 Jt

II " ll
Jltll m1p (Taur.t!s 3• 46 1) : The trnb .l ord of the 1Uh cu1p
• Saitur~ .. It owru t (mca11cb)1 end U is in t·be hi (self,.. Il i1 ~t direct ~
rmm ll~=l9?7 and 27-4-1,111 re,,ee1J.,1LJ. 'HellQI
Nlropdc .n d ii is a I fo'w movies pJanct H,c: a c,c tbe q 11ero~t they wHl ,gi,\.ic rc1u1ilts.
llas tia lee p pali~ca. It is i 11 the stat and U1c flub
Jotnt period ~ At tbo lime 0£ jodgmr1at {Mah period Mill
Marooll'y0 jm !':i Mereury is ·ju co11j1u1cUon with the c,,woe1 of 11
balance of 6'~ sMI' 21tJ·) .. Thcr -q.rcr,apt WWJ. mnaioe the. joirtti
Vi mus), So, S tum is thie !gnifiea·tor of 9 amd com't1cclcd with
,period of'' Man ~d Rahe~
!1 aod I L Hcuce the qu,: re,nt s duitc ·to obtain the posi Hon q

a research and devieJopme1n 1ing11;tc:tr wi IJ be· ru IfI Uc:d afm fI'be. periocL -ubu· l\(iu·s is among 1lu; rul iBR ph111et• aad
PJl;I icmtJe for long. it i~ the of 11 ud aHmected wit& 9 am.d lOi The
6th CUip (Sa,glUfl!fH1 S 34 fJ : The s uo Jord of tho ath
ous,pa1 sub lord of 11 S:aiturn is abo tbe ming plafl1t od it i1
cmp i!I Rfflllo" Jt iJ in die ~tar Mars 10w.minig, JO nmd in dtt- .the iipili;ntpr of 9 and C1Jli1ue;Jed Wtth 9 31uJ 11 ..
aub Ktth~ in 10. No:qe, of lhem is rl!Ctia,sra-de. Rab11 in Libra l f the pctrio4 rule[ be the &isnili;ator oJ a11 1c1;iw:tea event U1e
«vent oco:orr~, durrh1g tbe jolet period or rthc pcti1Jd ru tar a-nd Iha

ft:t,rGots Venus ownhig ll ( uccr&a)~ So Rahu ls . tint signifieatot

of 0 and oouD~m;Jt«I with D, JO and. It. Hence thie quc11u11t will
1 ~pa) 1.:111 Jotd pf 11 · (1f i't b: th~ dasi1cd B,ipi:fiea~r~ Tba j'oia,t
11:.1 Ike joh as, a resraric:h c.ogfoe:,r a~d be w]H be, succ~sful. period of Mars and Sl,ldtll eontinl!les f,a 14-~t l .79 to 23-3-lYI ..
JOll: cusp ~ 'rle, 011). 46') : The: &ub ~ord of , h~ IWh cLWJ) is So uu, qucreut~e drcsJrc i5: Uk ly tn bo rulrilie.d dndng tltis timD~
Kc 11, Jt ,is i:O ;1 own tar in . 0 and in the PJ b Ve.nus ownins
Tbu q lflcreot dcsi res tlta po1J~tfon1 RI" r~arek od dev,a •
f I in ,. So Kc1u J !.lte iignilirato.r of JO ,od. eon.mecttd wirb 9 1
loipm1n't cogi aoer. Tlte 9th house, i II with. th.c research
a d I l ~ KrnCI Ute quuen1 wilJ ' t ihc po ition a a re ·1:--reh. wcrrk-. M~wu,y, /1Jp1tof, Vc.111J11 and Saturn arc lh0 signilicamr•
and d,~ ·r · pmenr e-nginr,t r ~nd he w·u 8t n~ . -of I lit 9t b1 T1ti cy ar amoog thm rr1.d IDB p)lnm~rm
fW{J; :g /J..kufi _I : In 1he pcriQd n M c!urhig. Lia ub p.riod :r S turn the
"nttr pcr1oti of Me,cu Yi f~llo · 1mmcd~atol:, aflcr S~turn, I'~
tr&rt fr,. m 7-4-,l lJ79 and Ju s u,plo 13--6-1979. ~ ticc th!i q11Rl

- VU.,
,. Ju,J.
M ,,
r, nt wiH pt 1~c d ir d
b, ,LI ,,,en
· 1t ,011l within tll t I me..
1ororm ~d m Iba·
r:,he j inc:d hi ut1e on
1 W hu 1hc af5Jint h p, 1 adl uri~J h Jutnl peiriod ·of

Von11 , r. in Arl ,11 Mar .• 1lurn M rf: ry a'l V.i,111 . It m 'I ba noted Iha' · e C:tlrJ

j VtnuJ, tha n~r ~eriod ruler: 1 th , b lat r

b~ A e ( me,ent). ln
• 1b ~111. t a pet Jo 1rul ~r t1 1w. IO (Tl , ion), Ill c i II b pct o

te uldr S ,n w.r1 g (ri, au1h), th~ toter period rul r Mereu r·y 1

If .fl s a,e f'ttfl . e D 12 Ii ngc or ~n.virronmtntt) und rite sollk1bma period
l •

J 01 Ul

; t\ nniuoi

,. lll

. if lb

J u b Je rd rnf 3 "~ rAt 1

IJ scum
J 11' fn-m the H:1 i e. change of
I 11
2 Git'n,ini
m 1 1 l um11.miJjel' J "'Jh re) hi! th~ tar ol 1h: ,occlf · m, ,o r o aer) of 3 or lrl Pisi:tt
!-l0-- ·----------- -JI ari .:s
d 1COOJICC't rd ~ -·, l~ 1 ~! Q'DM :mt jf m S it~iC '1 WU be
sltr tr . fl Pl th~ present pl 11:e t lbe,t place..
2'.8~ ID-............- - ._...-----,.- ......... Capicam l · D 1'0
If lhc ~uh .!
rile lCrh cm~p be the s 10 '1£ator (tlil the
,._,r or tit cccupant or O'\ \ 11~,) of Ji or 12,. th: ,,aosfu· in se,nice- 13· 9
from tHle pl1i0e to another.. llabu 20·8
s uo 19~ Ul ---=..........;;~ =---,- -C(JJ}.NCfJffl 21 1

The· 'l ransfcr teJc-cs place· during the join r -p~riod of lh~·
sipilicawrs of 31 l O and 12,
Mdan ."' 111 this. lloriary map Moon 1own,s 3. It is in conju
- (i Libra 5·48------ - I
Sogiu,ar,i - 7-10
.nctinn with Mari 12, and V1 D~ owniag 6 (.~fLr,\t'ice). Ira
S carpitJ l 1·!t3 ,20
star J101d Sun oceupics 121J J1s awb lord Rabu iS in 1coaj11rnefon- 1
itlt S'a·u1rn owning 10 (posi'tio~. s :atus) and IJ (fa!llmemt. of
Pl. Sn. H,. s,. Su. Pl,. Sn. 1/JT SI" Su.
desire). Thus Moon reveals lhe' mind oF the 1q uerut that b1
'Tr. s v f. v
desfms one of th;e t\\ro posis at .any or the two pl,a c,s cf bis
s ? >!!I!

s 1l Le. ~
M Ar.. 12
rltO:me~ .. e. Le~ 4 J
Ma~ At. 12
3rd tflS'J} ( -a,r· r ; '!I 10 1) ~- .Ar
1111 -uh Jord
! ,. ·b
,- e ..,11
~d. , c:u1p
Tr. 1. s Sa. Cl 10 J J
i,S lt.alu1.. II ts in t:OD,Pl1!1Clion ~itb S· tur11 10~ It ·s ia
I €.Q.
th ,sla mus osamg ti a' d IHCtlP)'i 8 J • Jr is •n rbe u
tile u p I
1 Qblmtd o.f 3 Is ~ be
tor f.lP

~1d l2. :hey I i~ be 1811 ti~ •~

t d trh :I nd 10. N ae n U1c ,~ 11
Hu, LI ff 11~ Wfll h VrD Jd r o•fcr l UJI,~ r d h wia I tutrHfcd ""'111e the
I \I JJI 0 hi I •
In ~ b .w=, ,t
H~ I) , ,fi,d] Qf ll~ph I J1 1

j 111 tfl ,n1e· :I •~ , o l th~

WI, lrn HJ '11nd J ~ uu1 1 iu H
I' Ith ,·u: 1o~J i f n .lllrh '1 1~,s~~~ WUII I ~
U 11 j I ~~H~ IHJ ti IO~l, wu1~ th
\ I I ~~ fall b lo1r~t, r
n i rJ,

~ i ,~ O'" I ~ Ui lb
I . u
ui~1 I r 'b r 12
..ue w~H ' ·, 1 1
rd ~1 r '"OL I~. llL , 1\h I th nlh1i t.
:!] ~ul II YI r rm,,tlU ,' ri •1 t 7- (' ftl I t
h1h hn.11g J rd ij_ hi it1oon ,r n r rh

w ht
lbe at V "~ t s; 1 t'
Dai• I ~tit,, r rd I ~ j n the ttb un th pi r l iol 1• L'

Mier, -
wo im r a ~t-.r Jwpn r ..
M1n Sun

&s u 1 u1 Leo, so lt r~vre,ents Sin. H11oce tb~ nllis1

s,J nets ,~ Sun M r1~ M!·rc~rYc, Jupit-er, Venus and Rahu .
~W.oan : In th 13 ho a r )• m o n a:u .:>iC . 7 .Q.Qd i ii Ill

Join, p_1_rioiJ : .A r lbt time of judgment {Su,n ~eriod wi,d l "~tcd 6y du: .Dll s ot 1 (lsp h-er) md 11 ( ~ • rs). i - 1 t [uni
baffl11ce or 4 r, , .,,. 1 IP'} tbe g~erenr was· 11uatg rhc, join Sun and Vcn0$. Illus oon ct rly HUlicalcs t t'be q ttent

period or Su 0 and R Zlu. 11ath S'un and .Rahu ar,e amoq tm

1 is '.Very eager to now tat hii marraage probl m..
mJing ,BJIJets . The pe,ioa rwer St1t1 i, 1b1 cupal sub lord af 7th CUSJ) 2 • 4'' 4011) : (a) T.lia 6\th lord o
(&giltJ;Jl!iu:s; 1

JI and 1hc eui period rurer lt1bu i1 tbt autpBJ sub Jorcl o.r 3 the- 7th eup h Mar:1. It is io its. awn S'tar ~ lt and
~ - -

p -. .h -- io
1. 1
(o cif ~ g. .cg~e.ut - --19; - m~
L S-- T; 2 3:5~_ 1 - 35; ....\p 11:a m 1s 23';1 21' . consKtcd w:ilh 2
A C thtm ii rctroyadi.
(JMJ {,Ji 1B-46'f-40 (h) Conailte.r the 1 th cu~p · as lhe or fin: maTtU1p;· ~rt-
Mar. 5·16 ne.r
.i ow e:s ccuuifiecl fio the "i'lh. cusp Pisces :22• 10 1 bcco.m
Ilic 4t11 cu~p- (c-0ue-atioa) for the Dnu"r.iagc pa.rlnct., IL, ub l~ rd
Mer_ 1.0.30R ~5; St.111, it owns the 9th (higber educ:atio·n1). it · s in t e .ftar
Ven. 15·33 Mc~ury aud in the ~ub VM wis owning 1 I oi the ~rd.~-p
Sn:q,, 20·37 Jlft~ner... All tb~e t)U'tt: phrnets iHt ja oonjunction wUh Ju.pitct-
2 C1lltc'-er 23~ 10 - - ~ '"'"'""=---- --- !Faurw
Jup~ ZS~JO iwl11Jilg 4 of 1he ma rdage p.ar1Dcr,1 Thus the cu~p·a1 11b lord of 4 ·
ol die m ar1 Ja~ part.mer is con:11 w.i th Mcro1.H1' Jopiter. 4- 9 111

ailld 11, Suo,. Me Cjttl')' and Jupj ler arc in C•nce.r whim i! oa

Ra.bu 16·13 the 8th ie1up and an of: tlre'm a re "-'fecic·d t>,. ! he o er 1oi 8
Sa. 19-34 (~riicillc: 1 pharmac1·-s ehc::miads., m-cnibiolQSY ·a .IJ~ SQ'eh ether
3. I:eo 20-10 --,4¥les. 26 0 11·
subjects oornJBted with the. 8th bou 1) Moon ·or tbe manriap
4 Yir.10 22,JO- --Discu .22,10· Ut patfner.. Bence the marriage partner~ cduea1·ion nngh be £V1,1~
- 'll~cted wjt-. theic nbjcc&. Further S11JJn asd Jrup1t.e£ ba,ic mu·
I LibtlJ 2,..10---- - 4(J_fUR'J~US
n~iou with m~icini.

(c] ·n c diqKJisiiion air th matz":ap r.nut~r may be !EaJDt

2~ll·- - - - -=- -CapritNJrn 23· fO & ~lD the cuspal sub lo~d of lhc '.Mi (Mara). Su Mar, io fumm
MiJDD 79
1 aigrufie, impuhitVC but adciiptaolc nawn.

~gittari 1846 4G JoliH ~itid : (a At die time of jbd,m t (i

1 with;e of 1" ,a· 12!l~- :;
Pl. Sn. lb. ,St. au. Pl.. Sn. la s,. 'S11_ in wt
I . .n. ] ,. CL I s~ :f So fu u ihe marriage -pumu ~~ tu ~
s K Sa,. Le. 2 v 1l ruJtt Sun is the cu~l sun lor of 1(1Xi ar=a • n lex
CP.~ 1
Om. 12 M R 2 v s marriage part Der,; • ~fl ii£ the sa pen ru : Xe,1 u the ~id,
GnAJ ] SL s g Aq. B-;ac It v 111 lord af 11 (su~ m e OGat:ea to lh1!- tDn"ig ~ -
R Kda j:9 m cbc 1tar Rau in 8 and in die sub Vc]IUJ tiWDJQI
C:n. M
6. D~tired Job
l fi r p11 tner. So ibe ma.·rr iqe psrlncr ill be
Number 41 r( out of 249}.. Judgmcn 24-7-1979
p ia b~ s lll - · befom I9-1 l -l ft1Sl.
2-17. P.M.t.S.T~ 2¥"2, 72 els; AJ&MJD a l3·23..
Tbc joult period of San, Venus a_pd CDUI ttu1I rrom
1' and coatio
UP. o 19- 1-l!BO. SUD j tar Mefco,y ASC
·e arl! all a:nu1iCcled with the o•ur 7. or Uhra 2 Z•53·.JO
. 2 and OWBtr of 2 OOllJ io 1e So S D becollln
2. 'Swrplo 23·!0--- ----YlJT(} 2
r f i rwrura 1jpiato
t ,i in the tu al:Ur.q_ ,_ o iJI th ·u1b Ju~llr. So 3.. S1Jgl1.tarlu1 UUi - - - - -----1.A.O a
. d
lr'W!w, r ..
uro. occuptcs
!l. 1 and p, 2.. 1 far a
r l'Ji1d '~ Caprkom 26,10----- - - - - 1

ti ..

I .B.
,B, S


t J~ ') ~~ u.,1.
12 J ,1f/. 6, ,,. 'I: 21., f Tu111i" :1..

Artie ~ r2fj

t turned
m t} an Sr arn l'~'.C' , ar lrlrd · Vc:ou WIJ"' Pl. 1/1, ll ,. St~
"· Pl.
"· ll; ,.
i1 Rabu I' 2. Hence n c: l1br lion of ID rr1 q-, 9 en, 9 $a. K v Gm. I 1 v
•n I y..
M ~n. Sa. s Sa. l/

Tran,li : 0 3-1 J910 S n Cu p,ri(k) liA
pi:.riod and ibm intCf. perrad ruler.
,• wat tn ,u o,wn
M~ lir. '
8 Ma. J R


10 v

6. Des red oh Mr1 Ca. 9. MeR IC K Aq. 4 R v
Quer :We hall I get re11ly a god job ?
B l,uJ : lf the cu1,pal 1ub tord cf the 6th or IO~h bl the
J Ca, 9 r1CR M

1ipifi"tor jo tbe ,tar of the occu arrt or ow•erJ of 2 6 or

d the

.. .
n o \ , po n i:on 1..

n 1 - g 11. llilmen,t of desire)

i~ job)'" Ir n
he sw Satum - 6 ,.
c j rd Satam occupies ID and i and
lord Sn o'fi'/Jl5 l., Tnu- oon clearly indicates tba1 the from J~ - 1910 and
queey 111:f:1rs 10 a job of lhe qiwu:n:nrs fii1P6Clation.. the !lrong ·p.iflcaror cd -
--also the C111spaJ sub lord noth of 2 a d
11th (li~o Ra· Jo',: Th~ sob lord or the lltli cusp
of Moon is "V£TJ fa OU.ta 1- to die qD.UeDL
is oon .. It is the sfgaificetor of 10 and coan,ccted willl 6~ 10 1
th.a ~ t period of lhr. -1ipificator.s amm:w
and 11 as di cussed abo\'c.. Beo,cc the que11ent will get • job
Mars (pwaiog 2) fmm 2-l-1980 to 5-4-1980• .a;ltn i£ i
1 i,t s
of his ex~ctationoi ewn star crwoiag 2 and in rb~ sub Jupiter 0Wl1io1 6. Bcacc iJ
R-U1ling Planets at 4-15 p.m . l.s,, : Do-c to disturbance after is Ubly that the QUtunt mi&ht get a job or his- expectation
during tbis rj me.
T>he qw:rc:nt irnformed mi 6,y his dated lS-4-1.980
I LU tec
Day ]~rd Sip lord StM lord from U .S .A. (_ ived by me on 24-4-1910) that be was called
Day. Tu~sdaiy Marl for an inttr\'iow OQ. 24-3- 19&0 and her was offered an uceUeot

1:~ corpio 23 11 n ' Man Mer

1 post of his e1pectatieln. Thui tbe event occurred duriog the
Moon. Cnocc·r 11 • 40' ""' Moon Sat. jpint period of the sig1li'&c-ato,rs S,aturn.. Mcoo, Mais and l{efD
(23.-3-1919 10 25-3-198~.
with Saturn and Ketu is in A,qua-
R..1h11 is in conjunctio
TransitrS : Oo 24:...3-l980 Sen .Pi~c
rius. , R:1bu and Ktrru both r pr.c,c:nt Sa.turn. Mercury is in
Sal urn the pc:riQd rUJJer,. Mars Leo 3• ·3D' was im the- star Keto
it a,wn ar and it being n:frbgrade may be rejecte4. Tbgs the
the soo ·shm.a period rtder. X tt1 Aquariue$ 4a w,a ia the sitar
rul'ag pla ts are Moon, Mars~ Saturn~ .R:ahu and Ketu. Mar the inte11 pu,riod ru1l!r.
(l, 15, 10) a' d a on. Tb=;cr tlu .1dg11iftca.tOl'i :am,.. lh

Jransits And
1N es ativiti

p;talc·r is the posJbiilil.ty of thtir rc,u1m dot og a p!irtiO\lhn y611r-

t r osic ;0 star : Saturn u·s1uaits in one IUJ;r for about under re:.,. icw..
11J monthi. R:albu or KtHU 8 months;. Jupiter fer abouc S mo1Hb,
UJd II days. Man: for 20 dais ,or so Mercury ud Venus ae
S up·pose al~ the abOYt tr-am altting plan-cb are JnQ'#'ing ln
tllo .;ti rs ro f tbe Sig11ilific~,lQ U of IQ(UI~~ (2 1 6• 11.) and alM> in

Dal uriiJbrm hm Ubtir motion. Sun is vcr:,,Jlar iio molioo incl
the eub1 con~fdU~d witl1 2, 6 and 11 io. tbe birth map, Tncn
,t.ys, iu on~ star fo.r about 13 dayi,. Moon stays !or about 14.
t~e, bceo~! mb1cid l!'d in tiJ cl r imflue nc~. S~ your monetary
b0-11n in one sm,ii
cond,; io,n. 1t1a1·v~ duting th'is part or lba y-,a,~ But duiq
Tra.nsil in ub : S..1.turm whiJe rrau1S1iiUing 1hrough ome 1car- ttilc tim,= wb,m tile abt>¥C t11mJUio11 planets mo.wa i11 the sub1
ff11JlliQs io on, , ub for many w11t!L, Rahu~ Kot'l!I and Jmp;itu CXH1necod th 8 or 12 ra.nd nol. 2, 6 or 11 in the birlh map,
tcma'illJ in one ~ub for memy day ., :un n:mui:nu ia D,De suh for it i11 Ukal,)' ttilnt yoru war (oi; moo y or }IOU may hpvc I &pcmd
on• y la U.uc1 d ,y ,, Moov rQr - bout thriu frour.sF much mo~D)' an e.oy ccount. Whe.n UH! bow ihurt.ion udm
2. Ob erv1:1 thl! Jn1fJueLflce ,of tin,tran iUing phinelt Yeti in fl ,U'f(iculnr mo th, fOII wnl nmd tl11 Sun rirdg' t [be
1v.1: ry yre r. 11: , (; hdh~ rbc 1, in Ir Qi h1 u1, ber:au e it i II For 1run hli11g ,, Uu~ tar o~ t1b cfi l'bt BJ;y,nJBcn,tor or 2J ,~1 11 ior
n ar dur111EDD'" 1,r rhe 1.r u ,,e of Ruh'o, Kalu f1itil J.upUcr. 11. 12 i th hlrith mn . n tlni c c m ., be. tho bo,
u1"~ J in IJJll 1r hintt ac wit~ 11f1 E nt ! u~ui. th re L ,j1h~ntlan o eur en u t rlloul r d y Muon n1 I lm1 l ~run iUlm
111 1er , b 1
l1 i 'IY • rnr,j ll l r h11p p 1th n IUO ,t1~nr M ,Dl1 nri n1n Id iii ll 0 1 rr , • 1
e. 12 0

th b, I h mup u
Wh 1 , ua I· •I d h th frlJ1 tn• - 1n1 1 ~ape 1c
thu~n th. p r~nd or lh It ~fl Uhl I UJ t I t U~ I ,,, tHh H 11lrlli nc,l 111 n" in I k1 J u of
th r oJ' 1 (11 n1 ,I 11 dnrtn 11 u tl,n I r

n r1 11, oh r vo Iha ii 1r uf Ir n u, ,a~ w. Hut U1 111 hu' I 1 , mul,1 h1 , h 1H~dt1 rn f'~' 1 ro 1


II ,,,1 L•CMI ~ml , jf,Jn1 p U t~ rHl~r UC ~rdine hJ t!t,;, ,I

un Ihn • "'I h •~ U wUI u 1 ~ pv ,b~ lt} r, l ,uy 11.1 lr~d
re un tlll th y. lJt1~ll1n dh t In nn11b.1n, M, •' u. If' 1Jt y h
·~ ,n. • 1-1 1 ~ t b r.l r n aA U h~11 h c- n JI cd In my boo
j n tl ~ r tl r di ~ 1i .
•N• ha.ho- ,- .h1h1hs1 nut'
]r, Hc,ra pr b11 bl:Clfl mud 10 rt d MOl1ly, rbor
HU fill
ulllh: tlon
c m1ul uIi Y1 t11 fl u~,n cc ()f lh low ma vi QS pl un t11 i I tta ii. 111• I. I Ill thJ ch ~b bo,osc " 11JB)' re d ,1 influ1Jl of.
,u,11, RubU1 Kct1i1 and J1ph1r. Thr:lr cO".:ets durh'~s rhe sprc,, cl. 1be b nsluln1, Suhua~ Ruhu ond Keto et.Ins I 97 1n1d IIIO,
mier af :! Ul J mon11b an Vib ~r1¥td.
In ibc birth llqruaoopc some p1lsncls ara I b 1ign1fien10,r1
of marri ge, (2, '1i I 0, some of moneo, ('2• 'u• -- I l)• 1omc o,·#. Jau.
iP tU'P~Ct of the pub~ie.& l1dn tf ookmt

i11 mc,ncy (8« J2)1 1c;,me or 11cbless 1(6, , 8t Jnl .~ .

~,,,, some o,~oecupat1 on,

• .,, ID 191 SalUrf1ll L _ ,0•5, R --- l!.l7''n - Vi go 1•30•,

.If -- · unday· ~~ ·. ·tt-.T: ,, , I
..... 7 ]Sr1'• 11hu o ,· 46' - 1•i,1,
,,, .,,
t;u · q . rius 27"46' - 1•19~.
3~ll~ - loo 26.4J1ci - Vi,go
I lij

I n 19BO Sat·wun Vhso 3•30,

.-cl 15' 59 t- . Rab o Leo 8·2s' ..... Cancer 19• 1s',, Ketu Aqwidu\ a 2s'

Caprimrn t~·2 · C pricors 19.., 15'.

I lTran~ 9.37R 3~ Im. t bi binb map 1tbc pb blleettibo of book" is i ndicabtl I
19-.'44, ·1,cury (wrltmgs),. Jupittl' (publiatioos). M rs (printing)1 th•
S1a,g_iltari111 l ;s.44 12
lloU-"Ses 3 (wr11iags),, 9 (publiaatlons) 10 (pubUcilty') and l l (mca- .

_o,e.n 2].49 ~) a;r,e co.nnooted with writi_np, pllllblioatio.n:1 a;nd rin.tin1;.

Ra flu ~4-36
3 Puce - SuoJ Ve1n1s and Jupt1• 1111 :thm signiiootors o~ J and lQ,,
251"44 Scorpio 2I ..2'8. 11
ttbtsy am atu~lattd witilii. 0U BOO er.. R_.ah11 ana Mal'QUJY are

Jap.,. 1.41

etafed w[r b c·a ah otbu -a11d they botb llf-t r _lated with JnpitcJ',
.4rie 25..44 Libra 2!·44, 10 . _hey we t'.p.e s~nHiuatws o·f P• .Ketu is t:bc t i l ~ t o f or f an\l
11 ~ i1 is coimectcd "'ith .Man and Mcr,c1J1ry., - 00,11 is also the
s t. 7,.30[
Ttn1r11s .21·18 .ip ifica tor of 9 amd eooncckd with Mcrc:uy, J upi tcr •nd. Maq.
Virgo 25·44
.. Kotb· 24,.36 ' ·Hence th1 wtitJnp and th,ir p11b1icatio11s prtuaised. S-o all
4he11 pianets are the sf1oi&eators orthe ~nbliatron or hoola..
,l:llu. ,~28
16 Ge1ninl 1Sr44 4'. W.hcn Sat um" ftahu aoo Ketu simlitancously transit in
Lea l-9i44 B
' illlD ~33 dha 11iar1 .and suba -0£ this• s11mfica..tors of writings and- pohl ..
M:•rs J·40
Yeo~ 23~ 0 ~ation!% doring a patticwar ~ear under rev ie.w the atfai rs of
writjogs aud pubUtmtions wi)1 be 11eti ve.
ep. 0-3,9 Mer. 13.2 s. In this ·biTUlt map. dodng 1979 Saturn ttamsits m the lblr
Cancer I .25 -Venus: rrom 4;-lQ-l 979 in the star Snn encl from. 20- l~IYIO io
1 .the star 1\f&L1n.

.. Pl: s,. Su" 811.,,lfies .Pl. S)J.Su., 'S11Jnifie ~

"1ting IQ79 Rahu in the stir Sun; frotn 2;-t---1919 in the
·s J Sai, 3. 6)J 8:,, JO, 12 v J S;a. 3. 5, ti 10. 12
tu ·vcons; frdm l-l0·-.1979 in tllc tar Ket and 'from. 9L-5-m911t
M M~.. ,S in tho star Mcrou.ry.
2 ~- 7, 9 Sa. s K I_. 2_. 4:, 6, 8
Mi. K v , .. 6:, 7., 8,, 9, 11 R Mej! Jl 2. 3~ 6.•7, ,, 12
l)Urimg,.197g · K•t~ in~ st r Jupiter; fto'ln 28.-5-1979 in the
Mr. :Sa. R I, 21 4, 6J 7, 9
,star Rah~ frem 3-2-1910 in the star Mar.s amd r,om. ll-lU-19&0
K Ma 4,-~,I ,, 8. g. II
J Sa.. R I • 2, !t 4, Jo, 1i .ill tbt st-ar .Moon.
o i,d · h• 1~ t In d d la
10 fh , U of i i 1 ,n
, 1r prinr d , nd pubU b

I bttJtlt
• 11 ,v c1 ,ed Iha t i rh ~ pl o r 1111 er nsit b r lro rada
rorard lio.n in lb p1oi.r ' t: p1.1blica Ii n . la Ibis ca. I M lei, Blrrh 2,! -9 192! Tuc,d Yi Ul-27 A. M, f. S. Tl
rorrogra _, upto l0-5-!97 , o lh.i printfog wor: w1a
10 aJN 2. 718 35; A;y DfHD II 2~•43'.
11ol ~, .Bur lhena f1cr 11 w s
Je11eJ}' prjnte by o • mb r 1979«
r s ;fr a11d tb boob Wen; eo po
It c
Libra 28 0 1

Aooll:itr boo w11s . d r priot during November 1919, Jn Moo:a 24-ll

Sat. 18-,,9
jfllt ease Ji piter ; L o was retrograde fro111 27-J 2·•1979 tO"
Ven. 14-33
2'-..i-1980, M11,~ in trao&ir remained in Leo from 7-11-1979-
'2 Scorpio 21 17 -- -- - - - - --- 1

Libra ,lrl 1 12
IIJllo 211-6,..1980 and it turn~ r lrogradc from 17-1-1910 to -

1-4-1980. Saturn in irilJ bec:ame retrograd _ from 7-l-1,80' Jup. 20 14 1
Sun. 1, S·S7
and Saiur.n in Leo was direct from 23·5·1980, Though tfley: 3 Sagittal'iw 28·17 - --~•~
~ ~-Yitgo 3·11 11
wtrc retzograd , Ibey wen: io the sta11 of direct wo•inr planet,. Capricorn Mar, 3-3
Ketu 8·S6
So Ifie piint;ng ft>'ork was not compJctely stopprd, However, tlJCJ
eompo ifom Wpdc was \'tr)' s1o and if as goiog on i111e.r· ,4 AqU/lf/113 J~l7 - . ._.___ ·- -- --.Lea
·17 IO
milleotJy dlie lo 1.bri sbor1 &e o f cmploytes "n 1he press. Nep. 0·56

2. D~ath Rahu 8·56

Ur4n. O~l3R Cancer

rho infJvcne of tho

.I. ln ibis bir h boro tope \\Ill may rrad Piscu 3·17 ------- Gemini 2~17 9
ti: s,ttin Sacurn, R.aJiu and Ketu from May 1977 to Februa:(y ~tu, 21-S2
1978 .ia r spec& of !he se1 iou5' sicklln;s of 1hc o.alive, 6 .4ri~I 2-11. ---Taur,a 27·17 8
1 Artu 28·0
2. ' atum CB11c~r l6•5 -Ieo 6~43R' - 4,JR', Rah'u Libra.
0'"6' - irllo zs•ay, Kt:111 Aries 0"6' - Pi&ees 15"31 ',
J., . n Sat1u1.1,
Rah.u and Kc . Pt St. Su. Sigfliftes Pl, .St. Su • Signifies
e si01nJta111ousry transit
in rJie tars and subs of Uie bad.liaka: tt.Dd maralca s s Me.111 10, l l y,
f>ll't o DJ~p d11rin1 a si,gnificarop R lG 1, 8, 9, 12
&Uva is b yeas under review the-
ty to sutrer from srdoua iiciJins.
M J Me. z. ~- 12 Sa. R M 4J 9.. 12
Ma. s S-a. l. q, 1. 1o, t l R a. v 4, 9. 2
Me. s~ 1 "~.10,11\-12, & s V: 3, O', 11. li

___ ,__';,(ritl
Jo h , ftopc we may read the ioflusGCC
XI 5 Sagirta,lu16· I l ,- .........- -
ur , a u a d c u from May 1977 ID fie
rapecl of 1be 1eriou1 aic na• of the aad• • U ran 21-ia
- Pfsr.e.1 1· l 8 It
Xll 6 Ca_prl~rn1· 1l
Sa w 7·28
2. S tum Cancer 16• 51'-Leo 6• 43'~ 48'R· Rallu ib Rahu 20·8
6'- irgo 15 31', Ketu A:rin o• 6'-Pilee1 15• ll'. Aq1,lariu1 5· 58
• • 1
3. hen a1urn 1 R.aJiu and Kelu 1imul&aneou ty tr1n rt
Jlu1&and•1 .4SC Sf
I r aad bs or badhab and maraka aipiJicatora or Siani/ie, Pl. ~E.i111
Su. Sfg,riflu
bl.rld in Im bittb map. during a particular year under .re,.ieW Pl. St. Su. e.
XU v ,ffMI-, v It 1X
V Vll, " Sa. s IC. nt, XIl. I
m ~ e•1 bend i1 likely o suffer from 1.erieu1 ilfnen. S S•· v. VJ, v: Vlll
M s I

J Il1 II
~ v-
lh• tiinb map from ay 1'.917 Saturn till ill J,{a. ~ Me.. Vil
Nuaa,y lroD& aiAilcam or VIII , ada) e. Mc. J VIII
11, Vil
l97i tu u lbc ,,0111 1ipiil:al0r Df 1 s
..,...~ oJ limbl •
ftom 1971 R, u in l r st l · an the strong ·., "enk~ll loumu. ManiJJge
s:igamcator of VJ and from 23-9--1917 in t'i l: star · ooa the MaJe:. Birth 14-7-1'952 · ondaJ] U-S.5
,·gnilcato, or , Vll apd VIII cf the husband. ,2B 52; Ayanam&,a 23•!i".
From MaJ1917 Keto io di~ s11·ar 1e1cLIF)" and ftom Arla 9..43
,l );-l-l97S ia star Sa,um the struog badba:ka and maralt'a
Jup. 21 .. 52
·s ismifi~tor of' die husbandi MQQD

Thus fbe transits of Satum 11 Rahu and Keto coincid'Cd ia 10.-4S•- --- ----- - - - - Puce,
tbtir in nnence and they al. o in the siubs of t e above
Rahu 01"3
'Significaton~ The 11u11ive•s busba.nd fell serioosJy iU Crom M•y
197? ud he died 01n 1-2-l97B. 3 6l'mini S-45 --.: - -..1c------ca,rieam 28~45 lt
Uran. 21-35
4. · er, ice Journey M11.riage Sun 28·13

L Jo Ibis birth'Qpe we may rc:ad d1cr in!iuence ttl 0-45 -.....---·•--=--Coprlcom 0-45 10
+ Cahcer
tbe u-a12 itlrn& Saturn, llahu and Ke1u from Ja11t!lary 19.79 to VeJI. 3·21
Mar~ J980 in rc1ptct o,f I.hie, fang jou1noy e.n'd marriage Mer. 24-46
Plu. 21·
,o f the oati\le.
2. a,turn eo .20• 2S' e - Ig.• 3110 - Virgo .:a· 3~R - Leo 5 Cancer. 28,45 - - . . . - - - 11- - - -- 1J'K1ltotlu 5·45
2a:• '52' 11, a Leo 27fi 46'-3' 39'. Ketu Aquariu1 27. 46' -

Xe u O· 3
J '.
6 flIr.go 1·4S rpla 8
3. Wlitn imµJr n ou ly tran lJ l,n
u..t. 16·
r fin (21 ·• 11 0),
(2 1, I J~ ,n e bir
th tlv. ' I kaly

.4. J u~,
Pl. I ,_

H>- 1l
' M
;I I~ 1
. 1 1.12

,a.. 5
J y s
i 21S

en · Rahu in ihe. nar Vt.nus and in the sub JopUet' an _ Whtn tmc as:~ect ii fa.r111ed between, Son Or Moon and ·
tu 11rhe .star and .sub Juprite,t. anotJJ f ' p~ane.t io• or~ may be al'O,.·ed; aud betwc1uJ ·&un .wd
s~ From, 4--10-1.97'9 Sat.urn transits tn t.bc star !uo th Moon an orb of' 1-2·.
troflg s~gniFka.ior of m 9, 1?; uom 1-10-191'9 Rahu in tb.e
Wtu!:DJ two planets taUf?jl' the same degree or decl~niuHon,
,s r Kelu fh represerotalivt of Sun and [ram 21f-S_,1!)?9 Kmtu modb or lipu1h1 I.bey ·arc io pam.UeJ posilio.m.. Lib tbi
in th1 us• Rabu rh dgn·ificarcrr of l 1 (meeting the· JiUi and
-w ,mjodt::tion. its: m.alurie .is variable -!llld an orib of f. only ··a
t-inj nod S (Jl tl1 from 9 i e~ hormeland)1. So the native" stai;t,cd allowed.
fr m U.S.A. nn !B- 12--1979-For India to meet his parents, dudn1r
• 1scpau,UDg, as.veet is stwugrer than an ap,p!.yiug one,
I.hi, tt.1md~ of Saturn in the tun SO o and in th sub Sll.t·d tn
b~cause it! ,tr_c,_ct,s bnve alr~aidy maiw~~d; while tlli! el"~a.ts of
(ow njug. l J}~ .R $.11, in the ~tar Kc'! u and 111 the iUJb Jupitar
ao OIIP.bdng ipae·t m1 mot Jet f1t1II)' "ma _tialise.d.
(0w10in119): and Kef11 in (be ~tar Rah~ a:md jn fba sub Jupitc.r.
6. Br also go,t married during rhe tr-ans·iti of ,Sat~rn 1n Ome can r~ist · ·gaicst th c.vils of. a f"pa rat in~ b,a d asp-

th,a Stll'f Sum and io the Slllb Jupt:tlt toe siraificst.ors or 2. Ind ect. tiaf it IS, DQ·t pcssibl tO tL\siSt ~insJ the twi Is of

1· .R abo m the S:lir .K.1(u thil .signific·atxnf of S (love> 4fiqir) and •ppJyjng ~d aspect.
ffl fb ! Stlb R.ahu tl}e signi~tor er j Bttd ,1 I~ a&d Krat~ in fhc
4 plaliltt ip bQd as.i,®t is fcm1c-d a.1 ~a p1anal im lion
sru. and s,ub Raba Ute sigd1'itic;dor of' 7 al I io J a1n1ary o.r atiHclre4 or af'lto_ting.
.19,BO-i 1t may be: noted ma't Ra'.bu and .IC,rnr. cu.use s:udde II Aay uirayama horo.s£ape: m1111 b~ ju~gidl 11iC:Cardiog to tit~
bn-pptn i.ngji., j'.t:in·~ ples Q;f Lbe wesuHm sys..tJm of As~roJogy.
NIRA , OIOSCOPE ,f/ane,s. : Tbu bllllBfJt1 mind is influenced b_y planets ,aax,.fd ..

WESTER ASPECTS mg_lo lheir imlieremf ttud'.imide~ and. tbis ir1.fhnna works -u
GeneraJ every walk of ~ift.., Desir.abJe influenc=~· is Jielt -mdcr goo.a; .a~p ..
Asp· Cl.Si
O,ojumc tioo
Semi- SC'X t ae

Slighd_y -ad

ects~ Wh~l.t un,Aii'able iiiflue11ee is cAttci~citd under bad a11pects
oi: ffJictipnrs.
S'ig,u: They imlic.ate' 1bre tread and qu.ality of humMl mwd.
SemJ-Fquare ]1
!j S~tig,h tly bad A• They oon.fe:r pqwcr 10 res is. · agniruit odtl ·111vironme:1Us or chtu- -
Sc:1fill 2 60 Goad. msfa~s. Tiu: m.ajorit,c (Jf p]~neti ia tht tdplh:itia 'Signify £he
r.lf ry. gou,d
~·'89- Uind O! elemllQt 0~ dittetion ,r s-phQre. in wbfoli the mitid will
wo:rki w eu in lhe q~drupJiejd1s the plauets dtnnfe the ty,pe-
Scsqu fgraadra fe 4} 13i SHgbtJy ba.d 4• or qu lity. of the· mied.
Quina.nx 5 150 Sli~bt ly QBd • Bow.": They denote tlli: euvi~ mncnr ~ JCic4::amstans:n amt!

OJposjtion 6 110 'lety bad a• a,JD.dllicin; or human Hf'e. Ea'Cb house hos its 1
0-wD speeialicy..


8 p1 ()'di · fC!'S i 1111 a

r n mu b rmon' • u it•..
.ID r Htfr.
,~ - 'II.I
·~ r•
, n . n i ro

lrt1eti\· ir w II
pe lio
'""''"""'"' lt'.11:, h f'I O lid here i
- uI o, ·r th -,
I.ill:'SitU i. tbe
t bili 1
c~ )'tbin • T
ht. •-.,i'NIIIIIC,'i:- in l i fi in
dn~ ollii1. ~au "t dd _· an ii' i tin ..
· i the) i sJo but
ranu i a pl n t of inn
_in, I. 1J IS ·Jn h VCI ·t]tc Bl'III
con ·,i us. uddc I . IE ill
till hons s pa tivcly"
JI llQ ua~ pcc~e - d... - .ities if - :Diec

p c-t.s : Tti·a iaue 10pPQrtum·ues au ,1Lt-uatioms:1 either

, d uua·cnacd in its uclioa. t
, ~Y or diffi ah, htob ri in Jiife.. 1~ 0,d a·sjlH:t bring fBV,CHl•
uses chaos. tttaclerr,, fraud and d eil it1

bh: opp u nities or ii't uadou; while b d ,p•cts e:r ate d.iffl-
cult ituat~ D!"' Bu1t tbcy do oat obstruct pr lf'!S or sucocss in
f lut
is a planet of re. enetatio n and transfo1m.alio~ lt1

lifi I

nvc throws 1h1 old armd rtplatts lhe new .. t de Y • then
Srm~ Moo11, Aic.1 Mc; Consider them for ml spher1s in lif•~ regcnera~,. Jt ciea e~ $udden diso-SI rs wi'th no defioirc -aim.
I[ S11q 11 _ oon arc weH pJa ed by sign* hous ; well peeled
1JfFecito,is : The 8~pec·~s iorm~tl by the pro~ssed tio .. ies to
d not afflicted by mal 6cs, rhey daooh! a pmgres,give aud,
1uos,psrons lifis.
die radiC'al (birtti) bojie,9 re kno n a1 'Directions\ a orb or
omJy nne degree 011 itber side (ti one d~r~ before aod mi
lf th c Ase:.. a.a c. be wtl I aspeeted and at MBioted by. dr1r1a after the fonnat~o1;1 of tbe ex,aot aspect) .s_hooid b~ altowed ..
- Ir.fies_ i is a rign o·f ·good fortune. Jt s-hould be remembtte·d th,r what js not i;,iomi~d to the birth
The ruler ef tlae Ase. is. very importan~ if it b, w aii tho bomscopp Bbould not it,,! predicted und1r directJons,
uati~e l J in t e ground aod h"·la:k~ prcrpcr 901 f-u pr,estion 1r the radical Ase·. M,c1 Sun~ Moon and planets are w-eU ·
· he uoa-9pcc ed by aoy planef, the native w1U ha to dopeqd up:cted by the pro;reise<I htl'dit,1 tbc· p~io~ w~U be favourable
ugon liis own 'abiHries1 ao help ma: be expected £r m others. ac:eording to be stN1lgth of the radital planets t'ho inh-qnnoni·

II houJtl be in any aspect, whether. good or bad. om aspiets to th progr&1sed bodies win d,notc unra.vourabJo . .
ature of Plarrels : Su gi~e~ vitality and pours !ife i11 m,ery period.

L - . . ~ - -~
oon c!fee
change! a d rowth in v11111"U ••""._...._..,...__~ - - -- ~ L - ~ ~ -- -- -- ~ -- - ~- - -- - - ~ ~ - - - ~ - - ~ -

S1;111il Moon." ,ueh M ,c. or y fllc progl.e sed :SU_o to

lua is 1titalit1 and fih~ Jhf - 1 r:ennito o. MObo .~"ml
r tr J p1Pllt ts_. tb1 ,c ff~t or tb.: 1, a ·,ting IQ.ajar plao i Jloa~d
• ,1: (11:uu:t ional SJ mm el 1bs bod~, n 11 ~ 1 im pq rm_nt m
be: g'b 'C ncd1 and al10 tbc effect! or die pcct f'o ,m11tf cv,ery
oa~e of a child and ~als"o for du &male,. Ale. a11d iu ndei: dftaote.
mon ~h b lhe pm1r1s cd ,Mc,on bould be no,cd ~,
b&>dUy urc,ogtll and powe.r ,of rc1Jal&nco.~ In .. dliM· Im: len1th
T r1111rt1 a:u1d dir,w tiioo or the: samt o81'W'c produce: ma tt:4 of lire GODLl!ldCI 1'.b1ir s,rctDlfb by A.IDs hou.1, 1n1d 8 1pech.
e.Efc,hi Anit.11. 1..eo. L1bta, &n13 Sagil ta:r-iu, Bft: ltf'O Dg wile, ..IIJ.H~

Transirs ; he ltausns of 'the major phnrcths tt.l-2. Pluto, Tau nl& .. G mini .. Virgo ud Senr(lio ar,e moda11.l11 vital Ii~~
epl nst. Uraaus1 Sahnn 1 1111piter and Mars {os-prciillJy when
'miJccr Cap1100-ro. Aq;u ari us ·and Mece.s ,are weall vital
rctrc,gmcft; a11d mtationary) Otcir mnjuc1ions -io tra11s111~&ad ceUpa Jf the meprit of tilese atte. 1lroms by 1i1nt ho.- d w.t n
our tJi_e JPlaces llicld by S1.1nj] Meant,, Mc. and Ase:. in thu birth
1 ..atpcakd Hfc ·, J9D~ Jf th~ majofity· of dlesa arc afflicreil io the
lloroscopc hav,e appreciable cfi"e;:ts on the Ure and of a -4th (n1d or llfe).11 6th i(siobeu), ·IUb {dd~k) -and 12th (hosp1itati·
per,&on.. 'fb~ 1fanJjlS Oi'V. ff the important plamer:S m the bifitlf liati oi1) Of afflicted by tlic malefies i'm 4tb. tith, lth and
bQrosoo·p e have· ako muted effects.. OpROJjtio·u .• and. .12th or afflic~ by· lbi: m1cr1 ef 1h,1 4tll1 ~it!i, Stll and tztb or
tri~e-1 me fn lbtJr ord~ of importance" -s fflielad in o, from .angles aa d vc in wO'all 1JRnl -aoa not well
w8SJ)lc1il!i1 by (h~ &en,D~. ilm Clhiid may .dh! VI mfancy.
Wheo c trruui1Un1 ;,Jaects a.nd 1bc- birth (ntdical) JJlancu
have the same d,ceJmations, tbt. 1-&cu arc apprcejable. ·BbterQ tbB pJuets to wbich Moon appU11 bf aspect aner
•birlL A Sob.1 or Lunar ecliips.e denot1" 1bo1t i1ife.. A·fflict ioo
A.a OJ"b or not more dut.m two dqru1 m~y be consridcred from MaJ11·to Mo.on and 1hat from Satufn to Sua are vef'J bad.
• Olil c,jtbcr s-ul t.
Affliction f1om an e~vared _olaoet is bad 1r Man 1or 1'piter
lbe ilia JUkr of th~ 4'Ui1 6tl, 8.tb or l2~h:1 it btmmm:s wcalt1
Eclt,s.ts : The, etfects of tbe Sala;r Iipse latt for as many
io wrtflue-11ce. Any a1pecl .from Man a11d Som gi.vcs -YilaUty to
· years a tbe ccU~se is ho11 rs in duratioo; wb Ue, those Qf tha

res.isl 13nmst disaue. . Tbt saod a~s from Mani J'upite:r

Lunar cc1ipt fof as mu11y .months as the cclip,~ it1 houri ;0
.er Vonus 1-!lp to save life..
duration. Darin1 these edip peri,ods the elfecl-5 4m fcJf when
l irecti~ms Pl. transits 1~i te tho eQlipse point~ When the. eaUpsa ,Bealtll & maCUe
faHs in aagZ•s, in eonrjune~·rb.a with OJ io alfJictroD wlth tbe l. S.u11'1 Moon. Ase .., t&e rular ur the A,a., the ruler of the
;;m~rtant phtnert ·m the 11oroiCOpc, b is most>a<fverse. The eqips1: •JllD a d p]anat i D tJ!e 6th 3fC
be $jgmrftcamra of h!l1 tJb ~
hrm faJrts upon Sun,, 1,,Joon o, Jc. or in «ffli~tion witJi them If 1hrse significaton au: f1tc rrom afflic-tiop, wcU p1&C:ld by
art~ls the: h~alt.h · and li(c under Si,.vcJC pbteti DB, •iln and b.onRC,i and ~ n a.&aMoted'4 The he~lh illl be _good.
2. The siga~ occupied by them denote the deZicata Pile•
of fhe body. .I f S.wi or loon he alTHoted by the
maJefi~&; Ule· 225
1igns occupied by the maJefies wdioat: the delica~ partiS of tha
IJody. sip) iafJua:ncc tbe miDd. So consider their 1i;nt' po u1oru,.
ana apects. The quality 1hown by squares and oppositions i&
3. The perts of th,1 body deno1ed by th~ :sign i,u oJr from marked io thle br1ckc1 as under:
llich lbcse oodies (sign iG,;ators of health) a re heavit,r affliotcd•. Sips :. Fire-jntpirativc: l!arth- ptactlcal: Air- 1uteUecmai;
become· sen ItJv aod easiJ:, subja:ct to disorder"' Watet-emotionfl; Cardinal ctrve aod ambitiollS"' F"ud-pti~t
Afflictions in ~atdinaJ ~{gos Affi:ct & ad, stomach kidoey 811 a- and .ad,amal·c; M·u t.ab1c-adaptablc aad vaeinanq.
skm .. F,xed 1jga1 thro&.r. heart, urino-gcait~J 0 , 1 iuli and blood: Ar1rt1-emterp·r isiag Ta11ms-p1uie 't: (obstiuate);
hit~ affliclioru; in mn table sign, affeot ~ungJ,, ioteuiues, ne.rves- G1mini daptable (restloss); €ance·r ~.atefw (,cnsitiv-e); ~
and dtges lion I
lordly (au acrat)~ Vit.p -discrimmati"Ve (i;;ridcal)· Libra.-judic1ou.s
4" Jf Soni A,foon and the ruler of the ~c. be In the 4th (indecisive)~ Scor.pio-pcn,tr;1ti~c (viodictiv ); l tad -franlit
~ 8ith or l 2th Chey indicate weak heal th tb rough out Jifi • ~ (exa gerative); Caprimm- cautious (suspicioYs); Aqnarius~6mad~
theJ-' atre in conj1HlCtion witlt rh.~ rulers of 4._ 6, 8 al 12 tha- m1nded {ll1l~D'lat:io uaO; Pi,~magtoa.tive (timid\;

healtb ~s P.QOr. 1F they arc affl icted by lllc ru.ter-s of or :th~ A :peels: Snn or Moon in Js~ct to :- Jars ent~ti. iug
planets J.o 4, ti, g or 12 rh~c afilictions ar, worse th n fto1D (combativ.c)1 Jupiter generous (vaio}, Saturn patienr t)el'ti~h)~
otlieor p~anets or positio11s:. Ura11m stroag--wiHed (uncontrrollable). Ne:pluce i1maigina 1w:
Direc1fans .. If thr: progressed ma~elic for b ...II - (superst.tioas), P.lurto d· riA& <rash).
. . .. ms a1u1 aspects to the-
mdi - Ase. or tbe r J~r of rh . and the afflicted maJefic io. Mercury :i upect to :- Mooo imagine ·\' . . 1'ro ~'.C-itab c},
the hut .bot~~ o _ r. t.hc ~dad 1f mot go1od fur llealtb. Man dcnero1'.s (also sar-Gastic luprtcr judicious (prcJudiciDtJS~,

Saturn precise {croo'kcH). Uranus inventive(also ec :ent it: • Ncp

th~ prog11 i-S~d IHI rorm · b UJHGts to the tadicaJ Su11.
attistic {deccprive). Pluto sharp (ua:lty).
c cd h . m die- al~ to the rndi~ I re., th CD&.P.,.
Veaus: io aspect o : Moon affec:1ion&:t:
Jo n :an d coal fie~, th cime i b d for health..
]f amiable (easy-going ~ Mar- demonstra ·
S n or A_c formsi ad ~cts to •
chastening (execs-5·v.e Salum 101 l i:,=n rt
a1e in mu al affr.-:uo~ the ti.m i bad
ioco 't?an ) , tptur dev tcd ruuat , Plur ).
tars >n as~t to :- Jupi er entupri in_ ri
comagtous ( i:,l • ra us f1 rl h~d- -u
•no - intuiti c (also scrlf d
Ttic .abot ch~act more e p td if :!.Spec·
an= lose and formed in tbe angles in lbr I t 3rd or !th.

fo 227
cneral prosperi l impottaat far lbe femal' ) M .
-r - - - • oon
per, _. J par,u; [ for the male). Junir f (niii!A ,\
ad v n , ( · r ...~ .....gre'5 J'•
'Th~ majf)rity or pJame,t! im 11111 • ici it a d qlladruplici · ;
- PPJP I H) are th twai aja,ni
,D -
' fiiri-i!l:ito
-- ltorli, r
111 of money
PrJ- ,c e l nd ~ ff rp OOGupir.d by 1h= & e... c. 1i11: p] ri~t ·a 10 b,
lo bu . • c-arned mblleJ). 5th (1pcevlatioJ1)1 ruter r tbe 10, and S1111; t b in l mc t ~ to llie: S!I.D
_ , e1ae,e ',, n11beri1aoce) 41b (Jan £14 £! tll )
( ¢eo f Dcorne r,om bu i n J o
1 aad Mc, *he planet in th~ l h a od the Ill er of · e IQ b: f
. . • l lb
l hrotr h • - r r.bcnr r J1er denote gain or promh1rn • pltn ct in tbc holOIC:Ope b Ye i an cuce on ot;e1J
• _ 01 uer . o .al c ~ i l •

Th.e oc;ru~ on i u, be Jwlpd from. di= w or~i..1..11&.,.

ii lbt
re ~ ll placed b,y •ian ud boa ell fa mu111111
od Sfg,u : ii t 0 cr tie aoti v y; &:!d . . . w:a
an Ill or • l11ct ed b ha m lefi~ th . .
o nu,n I ••.!
i1~1cror,y. o maaetar.y aMtmt vrith d"-'t:!11 11. da DI r. fi..m a
labour• acf,ivhiet wlucb nourisbp i: &fl
,wn o, M on in 1oc.,d pef t to Ju i
J 11pJtrir Pr Ven . P rcr, V nbl IIJd Satu ,n • i:lody. A~r--aeti irjt 11l1't iD1 ·~ • iio9, · ,, inu-

Jfi Gad I pe f I 1I1 U '

l od ro, w 1,hl1
' r.a, ra,nu 12d Ncpluari llrctuai ,a0"1iui rl and ~u:oec.. Water-a.ahi ict- ~
Uquid. w c:'al ~lfaret pt1bfc ~ p· · h1Al im gio Ii i aai emoti -

·Onal faei,l ie _

C rdina~ -)c;ilfu,, i iJi Y1e i#-od djplomati.c · ype or wolt..

i1ed-routi1J work tc.quiri111 j d,gmcnt.i ded ioo aad J bQ •
utablr-intcllc tual and m oifoJd ualbrR of o,t.
Include the 1i n1 on tile A&e.. and Mc.. in lhe t iplicitic
.ilod quadrupllcdtio, aloa1 walh Uic majority. or pt net ,.
Plnets :, S a- powe,r go..,,e1r meot
nd politic I 1ctiviti
Moon~Hquid1, octal , cti..,hi. and f.ood 1ft\
uc11r1- H'1e1ar,\ comm~rcial and inteillc~tu :1 • tkl; -me11ni
-of communi~atiom and traaispor1.
Venus-fine au:s 11 arris,tic 1n1d pleasur:abJc pursu its1.
Mars-medicine, Btfflj' 1 iron, m,1c.)tigarY,, cLJtlery fire and
,dangerous pu, uite.
Jupiltr'"""educatiqn, learoio1s1 aw~ religion, por and.
ibeoeYolcot activities.
128 ]f Lh c·
ci11b6eaton or mardaga ·are in mutlal r&aod upmt
~twm-polit,cal, mineral iabour and respo~&ible lypc oft ~amd n(')I l rfflictcd by Sah.1rn,. Uranus or Ni:.;911101 the p,Qt&iibillty

punmir1. Mol m,rriag~ js hidica·t1d ..

Hannony Wit'& t~ o:ppaslle .s~, Ve1nu., Moon a nd Suq 1
V.rs1u.u;-polit1,:"S11 higbesl authorily, gavernmrnt., sciqct.
in\len ci onsil' props 8'3 oda J occol t scje:ocD He. ·1&e natural 11j1n ioeaUJ{S o.r marriage·" rS D tlm good aspects bi:twcca
1'1ous ... Mooo Vemus~Sen. VmaJH---Mars, Venus-
' ,rp1ULDr:- s.pirjfugJi'!n1, Fint an,lll
jme1inaf jvc ricllU~-1.• vol~
-Saturn, Ven s-CJ.ramusli Venus.- optoo,0;. Moon- Sllli11 Mo1J11 -J11p!tor·,
1 1

1ilc mimr,r:el oils., ah:cihg1J. g&s~1 druip 11 acnu]ti~m aid sea acUvUiu1
· ooo-S turn; Sun-Marr J Sun-Jupiter and Sun-Suh11rn daaam
Piui·,a -.polo1y1, arclu!ology, sulomarfmc Jirt~ atomic ~norgyrt hatmony wiovr and married lifc\l,
1,ace e2 p·Jora1ia.ns ncwesc m ea1rchesit

If thlc$C pJam·a be in t'hc 1tli or Sib ·(lov-1) or if rhr1y am

R~bu ~01\".CfJilfflCD , PO'\\~r, fOJjtir,, mi: moriis•~ Juisler,. ,the= ruiea or the A1c 1 7th aa :I 5tb aod in go oo a., p~t th.o.:,
,onbjng..l the·EUricaiJ pmf~·ioo., add ·t o die, larmo..01y La toYe and married Jlfc11
sinful plliofES ion.
Ker 11- ccc::::ulEism,
alCl)baJ_. d~it)' ..
reug,cn I
Dl~lmrm~ny wlli 1/t~" uopoElt~ ,~x..
VenctJI M'°o11 aad S11a
whco a.ff'Hctcd by tbe QUllmfi~!i cr:eate ditlmrmonJ in low1 and
Jaoets i:n jlt'cd a~,:ecc d, ale :SUC' 6.5 std refJ:n,d o~£ patu,1H1
1 .muricfl _ift~
.bile baa af·p! r~ 1bc-w lat:oiicuq raxupa1 • n5~ lrou . .le's :at!d
failUl'"Ma When tbme· pl net g· -a rt in the 7tbJ or Sth; or wbien they
.fe UlG~le.f:. of thcs Aicf 7U1 at1d Sth 3Jld io ~ff.Hc.tioD
add lo Utt dis liar mony im, lo'N amd married Jife~
enu1 (love 1ind eunction towards the o.ppofito su), .Moon M«e 1flat, one ""1illlffgi. 1f Son (fi r 'flie fcmaler). Moe1n
~,..ifc i e malm' BIB p), Sun U111shod in tbe female's. ma.w.
(for th5= m11J•J Ve.nEii, tbe planet in tha 7'1b a~ tltc rulc,r or
M _l'S, (sex in. fiemale)11 the pJ1tu1ct ]iu lh 7th end the ruler of tbe
the 7th be in dval or donbto· bodied s1g11s (Gemini, Safittarim·
71.h fnuqr1ageJI hutbMd o;r wife) ,are the 1mgnHica ors of mar1,iE1ge.
01 Pis. e,.) or if th~y be j II a:spec ta t~ PII , ets ph1om im dual
le..ff:S 1lkellhuqd of mar.rlage. WherJ tJi - e significaters of
si10~ them is a likidJbo,;d of sqver-ai marriageJ.
matiiagt we in h.arr~a sigp (Aries11 Oe,mfni. .Leo. Vn-·ao and
Xime for ma.rrilfge. Wh~o ,be -,rogre:!scd pl1a11cts form, ioo.d
aprkoro), a,c tdDict ed bi SnjTJIJJ~r U1,amus and Ncptume (which

a;,p:cru to tbe, .sig tfioaJ~n ·o f ma.rru~p (tC" th 7tb c11;sp, i.Jil the
dcJsr Of denfJ. azc i.n dt-Jlt JrtH1US ,B ild arc weaker Lhc!H fl
less bk ~J ibpp d oT ma1.riag~
1 birth .map, m.ardaae ta~ place.
Wilen lhe »m~Jttd Vt11u~s _Ql' oon pas'jcs dlrnugb tha
Circu~1111nllll!ls th(:r ih:an lbue do :not deny mauia8!1,,¥
may o,elay 1L · th or 7th house. il!l the birth· map.1 it di0notc1 mEu·riap..

v~.u u amJ· a ~ct ,:0 Mars (in

j~ rlic 8'Iu} wrd Man
i11 au1 a~ped lo on (~11 1he t' m~lc's .nrap) indicat«. th& RQDi
-ffr Wma the prog;reg-,ct bencfle pa se.s thc-oug'h the · th ot
·10ft11$ g,ood aspects ·,:0 1he rulor of tbc 7th 1n¢l / or tht: plmictl
bi1ty ~r marriase.

Jlla,crd in l ie 7th hOUJ~ bi die bir1.h map,. marriage is iodkated ...

~ hen thr ,es d Venus forms oonj ncfjom w-it h or
. .
pod in,pe.;l 1~ a.he radical AS£, Sl\D o r Moo o, mar.ria1e ts Moomm (chaEtEst Mc: rcuni Fru:HoauOD for tn,.11.'el an.d ihe
t aoou t. natme1 ruler or Ute 3Jd Jllo\lsc)~ J upit~ (t f" 111atund rut · r of
W..heo Ju pi 1er in u1uuic pii:ia~es lll1o·ugb. 1.lle 71.b bo 11s~. t'bc 9111 bous:,e1. the planet :ru"in fb i: r and in tbG Jrd (shore
marti.age 1a.} (~. pJace.. jottrne1) nmd the p Jan el rulin; the 9rh aod io ti:i.c 9(b (1Qaug
ChlJ'd rtn
jo11J1t1ey or voyage) ,are tbe s1gnj 1r.a:1ors of l'.f~vcL

&111rs. If lh~C! ~·snifir-ators IQ ca,d,oa) o r lll).lUWble: or

Ji.h:i,nn (inclination for clliid in rhe maJc 4fnd power of :fe.rriHty 'WJUfty sig ~ iHere it eveir possi.bilit}~ of n ,y eban es, tra., els
in t11e. f!'1tu,JeJ1 liUpder amd Venus (~bild birth), tfia planet.rulimg nt \f9)'S gtti.
tb c 5th a:od in lb e S.tb u a th~ planet caliog the 11th IE d in~ ~ouses, Jf. d1c1 are io nnaf'.d, or eJd tot hous1

tra.\'el& _
Uir= IJth 1(,th from the 7th) alb tll sigofficators of clJjJd birt'l, !tkclyii
SigniJ. I I these "&i1niflca tors are in fmitf1J (wa1ery) 1jgns. ~lJ'Rls. If thef.rc ~ipjfiea u,n ~ eJl ~ ed tra .els uc
t&ey la.w u.r ma:01 t&lj.ues.; if in barren siaas fe·w cJrildffu; H ia fruitful and benefiQiati Ir afflicted h, the ma.lefi , tiro br,Q
douhJe bodied e.r dua~ 1iign~ ure1-11i birth is Hicly. ·a..riit ro n account of 1!ra ·ill.. If Moom a11d \\l •

P!an~ts,. ·vcm:us, Jupiter or .Moum in Slll or l J t~ fAvoUN BSpe(:tCd by Jropitu, Ura.a~ and I cpruni the)' deootc maDf
the bkQ o,f a Jchil~; ,Surm JA.e_n, San1n1, Uran,u~ aliltl Plato, In"
A.S..Jli~t'J'. Gue d B!o\Jl c1;s ~Ch\1f'td Moon.!!!! ~mus·, -.Moon-Mara..
oon~Jupiu:r and .fupi·h :r-Mari' 1-avour lht bictb of ii child.
llad a6prcrs hem i eo Mcon-Mwr:s" Meon-Sa11lm a-nd
n--Ma11, in 1.hc lrma1e-'s map dt11oh: 1ro bl1es i.n rile uferus. or
lfflkDJty in 1~bfiaptiea~

AIHcnon l,1twc ~ lupi1c,~ Man C!ntllqtrs the life or a

II die si,a1>ilicam1s· of c:bild bii:th 11n: in gi.qpn~ sips.
MU ;placid by .hojut11 m m11tue1 ,aod ·.a$ftct a11d not alliotat
by Mm:s, B.aham or 1Jranu, U11 blr1h of a child is: pl"l'r!I, • ,;I
""....mtstu ..
Fn tile l,irth ar a tllild it is dtsi'8,bJe· •o CCntidef'. fbe-
liill1 chufa or both jn.1abud 111d wJft.,

i ,_f ..
- -

lIll ..

gI ..
..... 4.)
...·- aN
• ~ 1:
10 'ii
c:· e
g ~ •a

2 .._...I e t

-°' -i~
I .. .I
z::, .....
~ a
• ..
(."-t .., Qi
ii ;s ~
o:;a ;-.

'° f'i,a «')
Si&u 1~rou
wJ1enu,r hi 'Wht thuir., ~ 1,•

own fruhliul ,1 ,111.. • I-I

·•u1aH1t ion bnri1h

1. ,~~10·..'Jfem:i Jo _
ldc:lrimbnt ot dual··i
Ot f1_1II

·'41p - (te ~ale,)


a. Moon (ma

or 7·

~;gn ' ffati~ ·

w,h_~Jhtr. 'in ~ l' wlletbci; In
--- --- ·:~· ·1 - - .-

~ ~

own 'fmitful- nn1t1:1· 111, mulltn I ,c(lr\(l f.11 ill1;;~,I 1,.v


naHadon barrcl!I 11.1cced,an l re" ·M~ V1,·, rnul•tlh~

da_lr1men·t I o~ dua.l or ca.tfc:ot

01 I I

• VdjJI H I


Sub sab in eac:ti Sabi

fa)· Each
'sub' is further divided in~ nine -parts. Tbi1 ub
dhriJieo is tenntd as. •s.u:b sub'. It ii;; on tbiE: followiag
formula ~-
''Daura years of ~ach planet+ tht trdal 71Umbu of Vim~
,,ari tklsha J'fllfS )( Each sub ar,a == The lo11gi.1ud~ Dr ex1en1 ar
.,,a of 1
Sub ~,b1 fer eaeh plaMt ia Ear:/h J.Sub\
(b) The above fatrnuta of deriYing 'Sub soti~ in eac1J 'Sub•
j1 mu~ rated as uode, :-

t. Tb sub area .or K-ctu i 0•4f)' 40,' ' =- : ''. la sub, Keto

,dn•a nf sub setb Ketu X : o;_=o• 21 43"

A~eo of .mb 8flb Ven111

rsro ltl-0
a- -0 7 47 and sa a,i,.

2. Tbe S1Ub nca Or Sun Hi o"° 40' ~ 40' . In. ~b Sun

Ana of nib sub Sun 1-:0 :x T = 0· l" O''

...= 3. The sub ar,e a or R.nbu is 2• 0' o"= l


A.r111 of iuh sun Sat11m-l h x ==0· i,~ 19'
....~r. Afercur t:so
Aria oI ,subla"° 1 'l
1 - ~o 11 and to Ml.

4.. The sub area of Salum 1s !

· • uc' ~ = 5~ ,4tt1P ll • I
. n

-Q ~ffl ;I'\ Cl\


'o .!! '; ~!

i, I·1

eu .s~
..• ·-
Q ,. .ooili

-m: a:;
u •
:::, Cl
.! !
~ 0 Q. m Obtain the .area of •sub 1ub' tor u.11 planets io e«ch ·•~b·
rlJ ~ :s ....
:, :s •
~ ii;
.,...• • ~
• in this w•Y· A table showing 'Sub &Ill! re • in c:ai:h 'sob arei.'
" C"I ~

is pvcn hero under :

1- ,A X IT
. b .UJh I


& l,ib i
.. :r. u& . ,.,.
• .., .. K.ttu
obs · _d
~ Atl-e , Lw.

~ 'l riUll 00• 00' (O ·13• lC,
sub db 11b
u II !ill
p,,, , I. Sim "ru.

""'"" o· 1111'
,-,, s Cttll
o· ~ 3" v ll' OO'
1fl6 sub 1,

D 7 41 tl 0 o· 00' OO''
0 0 01 Oi 00''
0 O' 4 l 0
,o 4,1 D u, in

'' Ill 1() R

,~ ( J D


- _,p

J ~, '
41 n
,4ij ft
0 M<' 01 J 0 -~ ... ~tu
tJ ll1 0 itll M
(l 0 if)( K
;f. .. Int l'l .RaltJA - fl -Ill
Ub ub
1, ,_ ~
oil O' o· iuh ~m "
0 J 0
D J c, u
0 17 0 J
0 I} 07 O·
)J1 0 0 I
K i SJ 0 s & 0 r
n, ]i
0 0 ID .0
s 0 2')1 D D G1 D
i 40

sub 8U,b
7. Bl•b Juplltr iii. Sul, &a11,t'n
sub 1n1b
' 2 00 IQ
,~ &1J 1\lufllr:,
SU;b !Qb
7.. Swb Juphtt
.. Sab
ad, .nib ml}
J o· 14'' , ,4~:t Sa o• 20' ot' M o• 1,- 02'' J 7• l l 1
Sa 0 16 53 Ma 0 11 58 K 0 96 17 '"Sa 1 47 ....
Me 0 l~ 07 K .o 07 23- v 0 II 53 e 8 04 K
K ti 06 1,3 v 0 21 07 0 OS 40 I{ s 19 05 s
17 47 s
0 06 20 u 0 09 16 I 2S
s D OS 2-0 M ,_ I
Ut 33 Ma 0 06 37 8 43 a ].,.
M ,o 08 $3 f\lt& 0 07 23 It 0 17 00 M S4 Ma 4 R I.-
Ma 0 05 1~3 R 0 DQ l9 J D 1S 07 Ma s, 47 It .!D j ]_ 55
kR D I6 GfJ J 10 l6 53 Sa, 0 ~ a 9 04 00 j JI 13 o~ 0"!
l 46 ~o 1 06 ~o l 20
~ 20 00 11 '.M Jl 20 00
·13~ lO' to 2161i 4l0'
• Z. St11 . ·
v r:nmit :, Arit1s11 LH, Saaitta.riu.s
21 sr,I, St@ 3. Srt6 MOtJn
Jl1 S!ib Yma1
·1ub !Db Suh Sub,
Sub S\lb
v 1:t' 20' 00,r s 1:5• 33,i' 10'' i,· i.31 211'
M is 3S 2fl Ma 11 18 S3
s 13 42 .12
38 40 R u; 12 47
M 13 48 52 Ma JS
59 a· lS 4"1 00 J 16 12 47
Ma ll 59
IR 14 07 4,;
J 47 00
l!li s, 16 ~l 40
14 21 46 Sa 15 52 201 Me 16 Sl 1-
1 17 Gt :a,
14 4S .33 M·e 15 SB, 40 K
06 04'
25 33
K ] '6
v 16 06 40
04 20 v
~, 20
OS 33
15 33 2J.)1 16 13 JO 00
6 .. Snb Juptt,r
~- Sub Mar&'
SY,b Sub
$, Sul, Ra~u·
Sub ub Sub Sub Ii

20'' 00 11
R. 18 01' 40
J 20·· Of,' 40''
M• t1
a 11 22 4] J l 24 40, 20 20 S4
I 11 29 d - n ts 40 ~o Mc 20 37 47
l7 as Mo l 59, 40 K 20 52 S4
Me 17 4J
17 4P
1~ I{ 11 16 40
'1 '
"' 40

20 s, 01
21 16 54
17 s. . 19 43 41 11 22 1•
I (]Qi ~ 49 40 Ma I 31 ff1
M lS 2 4& 40 R 21 37 21
53 20
1 06 06
.• Sub: ~,,~reliU;y
9. Sub Ktfll

"' _f'
' ll}b

j ,. _ou ) ·1
wb Snb
_4 00''
ub 5aJb
&I 03
l e 13 !3 K 2-4.

- 3-1
\" _i
- ,l
s 50
s l"'t"'I
.,_ ,9 Sl 47 ()I,

._ R. 44 25
It 07 ..s
J a,
00 20

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