Letter of Complaint

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You and your wife ate at an expensive restaurant. However, you did not
enjoy the meal for a number of reasons. Write a letter to the manager
describing them and asking for action to be taken.


Opening remark • Reasons for writing (1 sentence)

Body • Complaint 1 and justification

• Complaint 2 and justification
2-3 paragraphs • Complaint 3 and justification

Closing remark • Suggested action to be taken

You and your wife ate at an expensive restaurant. However, you did not
enjoy the meal for a number of reasons. Write a letter to the manager
describing them and asking for action to be taken.

Opening remark I want to express my strong
Reasons for dissatisfaction with the service I
received during a visit to your
restaurant on December 12th.
Complaint and Firstly, I had booked a table for my wife and
justification 1 myself for 8:30, but it was 9:00 before we
were seated. Such a delay seems to me

Complaint and Then, despite the fact that I had repeated

justification 2 our order to check that the waiter had heard
me correctly, he proceeded to bring us the
wrong starters. Such careless service should
not be tolerated in a restaurant which
charges such high prices.

Complaint and To make matters worse, the chocolate

justification 3 gateau we were served for the dessert was
quite stale. The menu claimed that all
desserts were freshly prepared that day.
You and your wife ate at an expensive restaurant. However, you did not
enjoy the meal for a number of reasons. Write a letter to the manager
describing them and asking for action to be taken.

Ending remarks My wife and I will not be dining in
your restaurant again; however, as
manager, you should guard
against such appalling treatment
of your customers in future.
PRACTICE  Say the reason for the complaint in the 1st paragraph.
 Usually formal
I am writing to complain about a damaged videotape
I bought at your shop.
 Practice writing the introduction of a letter of
complaint for the following situations:
1. Your 2-year-old daughter cut herself when playing
with the new toy.
2. The top rack of the dishwasher has broken.
3. The company still deliver the equipment to the
wrong address.
4. The shirt’s red collar has turned pink.
5. You have to share a bathroom with other guests.
Complaints and justification
PRACTICE  Any complaint should be supported with a
I still haven’t received the goods. I sent you a
cheque three weeks ago.
Complaint: I still haven’t received the goods.
Justification: I sent you a cheque three weeks ago.
 Complaints and justification can be linked
I still haven’t received the goods although I sent
you a cheque three weeks ago.
PRACTICE Link the complaints and justification
Complaint Justification
1.My 2-year-old daughter cut A.I sent you a cheque to renew a
herself on the toy. month ago.
2.When we received the bill we B.I informed you of my change of
realised we had been charged the business address.
full price. C.I booked a room with a private
3.The top rack of the dishwasher bathroom.
has broken. D.I have only used it three times.
4.You still keep delivering E.You claim it is safe for children
equipment to the wrong address. over 18 months.
5.I received a letter saying my F.The label states that it can be
licence has expired. washed at temperatures without
6.The shirt’s bright red collar has the colours fading.
turned pink. G.We were told there would be a
7.I had to share a bathroom with 20% discount if we ordered before
other guests. June.
PRACTICE Cohesion in the letter
Between paragraphs:

Firstly, I had booked table […]

Then, the waiter brought us the wrong starters […]
To make the matter worse, the cake was stale […]

Within a paragraph:

My wife and I will not […]; however, […]

In spite of the fact that […], the waiter brought the
wrong starters.
PRACTICE Find the cohesive devices in the letter

Dear Mr Haynes,
I am writing to complain about your two dogs.
Although I have repeatedly asked you to prevent the dogs from
leaving your garden, you have failed to do so. As a result, my front
garden has been dug up twice over the past three days.
Furthermore, their barking is extremely annoying, both to local
residents and myself.
Finally, I feel that these dogs have a tendency to be aggressive, as I
have told you in the past. Nevertheless, they are allowed to roam
the streets of our neighborhood, which I consider unacceptable.
I hope that this matter can be resolved.
Yours sincerely,
William Penton
Sentence completion
Dear Sir/Madam,
I/ write/ complain/ washing machine/ I / recently/
buy/ your company.
When/ I/ use/ machine/ first time, it/ work properly/
and/ clothes/ come out/ clean and fresh.
However/ I/ use/ machine/ second time, it/ seem/
to have been a malfunction/ during/ rinse cycle.
Furthermore/ when/ I try/ wash/ another load of
laundry, same thing/ happen. Besides, machine/
not heat/ water/ to the right temperature.
Although/ I/ turn the dial to 50oC, water/ in/
machine/ remain/ cold.
I/ hope/ matter/ can/ solve.
Closing remarks
Closing remarks:
I hope you will replace […]; I insist you replace the item
at once.
I trust the situation will improve soon.
I hope the matter will be resolved.
I hope that I will not be forced to take further action.
Practice writing the closing remarks for the following
1.Your 2-year-old daughter cut herself when playing with
the new toy.
2.The top rack of the dishwasher has broken.
3.The company still deliver the equipment to the wrong
4.The shirt’s red collar has turned pink.
5.You have to share a bathroom with other guests.
Letter writing
1. You stayed at a holiday resort recommended by
your travel agent. However, you did not enjoy
your stay due to a number of difficulties. Write a
letter describing them and asking for action to
be taken.
2. You have recently bought a cassette player but it
does not work properly. Write a letter of
complaint to the manager of the shop where
you bought it.

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