Cara Professional: Trial System Guide

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Cara Professional

Trial System Guide

The Cara software (all versions) is Ó Miccant Ltd 1999, 2000
Installing Cara Professional
Cara Professional works with all personal computers that can run Microsoft Windows '95 or 98 (even Apple Macs with the
SoftWindows emulation). Cara Professional’s minimum requirements in order to process correctly are:-

§ 120 megabytes (MB) of free hard disk space

§ A video card and monitor capable of displaying more than 256 colours.

The maximum hard disk space requirement is 760MB if you installed every single book and file to your hard disk. If you
have sufficient disk space we recommend you do install everything so you can try out all the options and features during
the trial period.

To install Cara Professional onto your system:

§ Start Windows as usual.

§ Insert the Cara Professional CD into the drive and close the drive door.
§ Click the START button
§ Click RUN.
§ Type "d:setup" in the box that is titled 'Open' (if your CD drive is referred to as E: or F: then replace the D: as
§ Click OK or press ENTER to begin installation.

What will happen during installation

Step One
Once installation has commenced you will be asked to enter the name by which you wish Cara to be refered to on
your computer. The default suggested is Cara Professional v1.4. You may change this if desired.

Step Two
You will then be asked whereabouts on your computer you wish Cara to be installed to. The default suggested is

If you wish to change the location to which Cara will be installed simply click the Browse button and choose another
location. If you change the disk drive from C: to D: it is essential that you remember to also type in the name
of the folder you wish Cara to be installed into. We suqgest you use D:\carapro or E:\carapro as appropriate.

Step Three
A list of installable components will be displayed. These comprise the optional facilities that you can choose to install
or not to install onto your computer's hard disk for use with Cara. By default all components are selected for
installation. The default copies everything from the CD to your computer's hard disk and will occupy approximately
760Mb of hard disk space. We strongly recommend you leave all components selected if you have sufficient
hard disk space available.

If you do not have sufficient hard disk space available or you simply wish to conserve space by not copying over
certain components you may de-select any component displayed. On the left side of the screen are the component
'headings'. By de-selecting any of these components you completely de-select all the books associated with each

On the right side the individual books are displayed that are associated with a component. To change to a different
component simply click on the name on the left side of the screen. There may be more individual books displayed on
the right side of the screen than can be displayed at one time. In this case use the mouse to scroll down the list of
books. You may de-select an individual book by de-selecting the check box associated with it.

Page 1
Note that any components you do not install to your computer's hard disk will be ignored by Cara. Please ensure that
any optional books you want to evaluate are definitely installed. Cara cannot work with books on both the hard disk
and the CD. Only those components installed to hard disk will ever be used. If you discover that you need a book
installing simply re-run the installation process over again making sure that the desired books are installed.

Step Four
Cara will copy over all selected components to the location you previously specified. This operation will take several

After installation - Activating Cara

Cara is protected against illegal copying and distribution by means of a sophisticated software protection system.
Until Cara is 'activated' it will not operate at all. Activating Cara requires that you install Cara and then acquire a
license by contacting Miccant Ltd, the authors of Cara.

To obtain an activation code for your trial you must firstly obtain your unique Cara reference number by running Cara
for the very first time. Click the Start button at the bottom left hand corner of your screen. Then move your mouse
over the Programs option (no need to click) and when the menu of programs appears find the entry for Cara
Professional and move the mouse over that. Move the mouse onto the Cara Professional entry and click the mouse.

Cara Professional wil start and display a screen which displays your unique Cara Reference Number. Contact Dr.
Pravin jain, Sanjeevani Software 212, 1st floor, New Mahavir bldg., Telang Road, Matunga C. Rly., Mumbai –
400019 tel: 022-4014505 Email: with this reference number. You will then be assigned a
unique Activation Code within next 24-48 hours.

Important Note :
Please do not interfere with or try to modify Cara's software protection. If you do it will undoubtedly prevent Cara
from running. Be aware that the activation code you have been given is totally unique to you and the specific hard
disk you have installed Cara onto. This code will not activate Cara on another machine or even hard disk. If you
atempt to cheat by re-setting your system clock or by copying Cara’s files the system will immediately stop and you
wil be unable to continue.

Removing Cara
Go to the Control Panel and use Add/Remove programs. Do this by clicking START, SETTINGS, CONTROL PANEL and
then double-clicking on the picture titled Add/Remove Programs.

Click the entry for Cara Professional to highlight it and then click the Add/Remove button to start. During removal of
Cara , Windows may ask if you wish to remove certain 'shared' files. We recommend you always answer 'No'
whenever asked.

Removing Cara Professional in this way will not delete or lose your activation code - this is always preserved. If you
subsequently re-install Cara over the 'top' of an existing version you will receive an advisory message at the end of
installation informing you that a prior activation code was already present.

If for whatever reason you delete the Cara folder using Windows Explorer you will lose your activation and
will need to apply to Miccant for replacement.
Getting Help
There are 4 ways you can get help using Cara Professional:-
§ Online help within Cara Professional
§ Reading the electronic manual
§ Email a question to Miccant
§ Contact the Cara agent who supplied your trial CD

Online help within Cara Professional

Help is also available on screen from within Cara Professional itself. So if you ever get stuck or just need help and don’t
have this manual to hand press the F1 key. Cara Professional will pop-up some context sensitive help for you to read.

Reading the electronic manual

We have included the full Cara Pro manual on the Cara CD. It is in Microsoft Word format and is named CaraPro
Manual.Doc Simply use your word processer and open this document as a file. You can read or print off any sections of
this manual. If you really want to get to grips with the basics of Cara Pro we suggest you read the Tutorial section of the
manual (naturally when you purchase a ful license we will send you a bound copy of the manual)

An alternative that you may like to consider is to send us your queries electronically! Sending email, especially if you are
using Cara Professional out of our normal office hours, will usually guarantee you a next day response.

Page 2
The process of repertorisation comprises the following:-
§ Finding and selecting rubrics in your case
§ Choosing a rubriclist to analyse
§ Setting your strategies
§ Analysing the results
§ Applying Filters

Finding and selecting rubrics in the case

Cara Professional lets you use the 7 repertories in 4 different ways. Each one is initiated using one search dialog. To
invoke the search dialog click the button in the Toolbar that looks like this:-

Searching all repertories simultaneously for words

At the simplest level this involves :-
§ Clicking the All books radio button under the heading Books.
§ Typing in the word(s) you wish to search for in the Keywords section
§ Clicking the SEARCH button

Cara then searches every repertory, every chapter and every rubric for you! (you can switch on the use of synonyms of
words if you wish). Use this method when you want Cara Professional to word search all books at the same time to find all
references to a word (or words). This is the easiest method to use by far – but may also be the slowest in computer
response terms (however still quicker than you could find manually of course!). When using All Books make sure you
choose your keywords carefully and avoid the use of words like PAIN or TIME or HEAT or COLD.

Searching a specific repertory and chapter

If you know where your desired rubrics are located choose this option. Using this involves:-
§ Clicking the radio button of the repertory you wish to use
§ Clicking on the icon of the chapter you wish to use
§ Typing in keywords
§ Clicking the SEARCH button

When you are pretty sure which book and chapter your rubric is in but you want to browse through a few rubrics, use this
search method. If you experience difficulty understanding which icons represent which chapters switch on the option
named Show button text. This will overlay a small textual abbreviation of each chapter and will stay in effect until you
switch it off.

This search method lets you to type in up to 3 keywords. This allows you to be specific about your search criteria and go
straight to your desired rubrics. You can obtain a list of main rubric headings in the selected chapter by clicking on the
question mark after each keyword slot. If you have type in a letter or two Cara Professional will show you those rubric
headings that begin with the letters you typed.

Cara Professional also allows you to specify a word to exclude from the search results. This is useful when you want to
restrict the number of rubrics returned from a search.

Browsing a repertory chapter

If you want to open up a repertory and chapter and simply browse through the rubrics and remedies you should :-
§ Click the radio button of the book you wish to use
§ Click on the icon of the chapter you wish to use
§ Click on the option Automatic browse mode
§ Click the SEARCH button

Do not type in any keywords into the search dialogue or Cara Professional will interpret this as a request to perform a
search and will not open the selected chapter for browsing.

Once you are browsing a book please note that the screen scrolls a page at a time (to simulate turning the pages of a
book) – it does not scroll down line by line. You may also jump around inside of the chapter simply by typing a few letters
on the keyboard e.g. to jump to rubrics beginning with the letter G simply type this letter on the keyboard.

Searching the repertory for a theme

If you want Cara Professional to find rubrics that match a theme you see running through a case then you should :-
§ Click on the themes pull-down icon to get a display of theme words
§ Type in a few letters to identify the theme you are interested in
§ Select it by clicking the mouse on it
§ Click the OK button to accept the theme
§ Click the SEARCH button

Use this method when you observe all the issues of a client revolve around key themes. Search thematically to find
rubrics associated with those themes. Once you select a theme Cara Professional ignores all other settings (even if you
type things in) and will only use the selected theme word to search. Thematic searching uses only the Mental and Dream
rubrics from the Combined Repertory and ignores all other repertories and chapters. A compete set of over 300 themes is
provided in Cara Professional. We have associated rubrics in the Combined Repertory with the themes they relate to
according to the work of Dr Jose Mirilli. To use this facility all you need do is perform a Thematic Search as previously
explained. Don’t forget to clear out any selected theme words when you return to normal repertory searching.

Getting Rubric Information

Cara Professional contains information on rubrics and the words that make up the rubrics. Whenever you are viewing
rubrics as a result of any search method additional information may be available. To see any additional information
highlight the desired rubric and then click the button the Toolbar that looks like this:-

Selecting a rubric for repertorisation

Once you have found a rubric you wish to repertorise with, highlight it by clicking the mouse once of its name. Then add
the rubric into your list of case rubrics (i.e. a rubriclist) by clicking the following Toolbar button:-

You may also ‘double-click’ a rubric to achiev the same aim or click the right mouse button on a rubric
followed by Take Rubric or simply drag and drop a rubric directly onto a rubriclist in the Coolbar

Whenever a rubric is assigned to a rubriclist Cara Professional will prompt with a dialog requesting additional settings for
the rubric, for example, the weighting to be used, which rubriclists to assign it to, and whether the rubric is to be marked
as Eliminative or Causative. These settings can also be made by manipulating the rubriclist directly Whichever method is
used to assign a rubric to a rubriclist a weighting or grade for the rubric can be made by holding down a numeric key, 1,
2 or 3 at the same time as the assignment is being made. This shortcut further aids an experienced user in streamlining
their use of the system..

Choosing a rubriclist to repertorise

The ‘active’ rubriclist is always repertorised. The active rubriclist is defined as that rubriclist which is currently displayed
on the screen in the blue bar on the left side of the screen (the ‘coolbar’). If no rubriclist is being displayed on the screen
then Cara Professional will always use rubriclist A as the default for repertorisation. To make a rubriclist active simply
involves clicking its button in the Coolbar. A case may be repertorised and re-repertorised switching between rubriclists by
simply clicking on the desired rubriclist in the Coolbar and then repertorising.

Setting your strategies

All strategies are set in the strategies dialog invoked by clicking the following button in the Toolbar:-

Cara Professional uses whatever strategies are set and in force whenever you repertorise and allows the following to be
set :-
Totality : Weighted : Expert : Eliminating : Incidence : Families : Classes : Miasmatic

We sugqest you try Totality as the most common form of repertorisation and experiment with the others. Also try the
Expert strategy on each case you repertorise as wil often give surprising results! Cara orders (or ranks) the results by one
of the following:-
Weighted score : Number of rubrics covered : Total of rubric grades : Alphabetically by remedy name

Cara Professional also provides 4 criteria that can be applied when repertorising. These are:-
Rubric underlining Stress significance
Emphasise Strange, Rare & Peculiar rubrics Stress small remedies

These can be used in conjunction and in any combination with each other. If you use the Expert strategy it applies these
automatically for you!

Analysing the results

Repertorising is initiated by clicking the ANALYSE button in the Strategies dialog. Alternatively there is a quick shortcut
icon the toolbar that repetrtorises using the currently open rubriclist (or rubriclist A if none is being viewed) using
whatever strategies are currently set. It looks like this:-

The mouse scroll bar or keyboard can be used to move around the repertorisation chart. Additional remedies can be
viewed by scrolling the display to the right. More rubrics can be viewed by scrolling the display down. A special mouse
button called HOME is available. This quickly returns the chart display back to the first rubric and the first remedy. The
HOME key on the keyboard performs the same function.
Applying Filters
Filters expand the range of things you can do with your repertorisation. There are 5 ‘filters’ that you can apply to any
case, namely:-
Families Classes Elements Size Miasms

Filters can be invoked by clicking the right mouse button anywhere on the repertorisation chart screen. Try them out on
one of your cases. See what happens! Whenever you use a filter Cara Professional continues to use that filter
setting until you change it. Therefore if, for example, you set a filter to show only Natrum remedies, every time you
repertorise thereafter, Cara will apply this filter and only show you Natrum remedies. So after setting and using a filter
remember to quickly remove it by clicking the right mouse button and click option 'Remove all filters'.
Viewing Information on Remedies
You can request information on remedies in a variety of ways:-
§ When viewing remedies in a rubric found in a search
§ When viewing remedies in browse mode
§ When viewing remedies in a repertorisation chart
§ By clicking the Remedies menu, option Remedy Viewer

To play with Cara we suggest you enter this facility from the Remedies menu. If you do then a remedy will not have been
selected and so you will be positioned alphabetically at the start of the remedy list (otherwise this screen will always be
positioned alphabetically at the currently selected remedy). To locate a specific remedy type in a few identifying letters in
the Find remedy slot available. The list of remedies will jump to the first remedy that matches what you type in. The
more letters you type the more specific you can be.

Whenever you select a remedy on the left side of the dialog Cara Professional will display all of the information about it on
the right side. When available Cara Professional will show you the full Latin name of the remedy as well as its Common
name. The Miasms associated with each remedy are also shown as is the Size of the remedy (i.e. its frequency of
occurrence in the repertory ranging from Tiny to Polycrest). The sub classifications of each remedy are also shown (there
are 2 sub-classes allowed) and the families a remedy is associated with are also displayed.

Multimedia Information
Towards the bottom of the screen an optional thumbnail photograph of a remedy may be displayed. This thumbnail can
be expanded into a larger photograph for easier viewing by clicking on the loudspeaker button which lights up when
multimedia information is present for a remedy.

This is the loudspeaker button:-

If the loudspeaker button is lit up and available but no photograph is being displayed this indicates that only an audio file
is present for the current remedy. To listen to the audio file click on the loudspeaker button and then the play button
(make sure your speakers and switched on and turned up!)
Working with the materia medicas
The materia medicas section of Cara Professional can be entered in 3 ways:-
§ While viewing remedy information for a specific remedy
§ From Cara Professional’s main Toolbar
§ From the Start, Programs, Cara Professional start up menu

If you enter materia medicas by clicking the VIEW button whilst looking at remedy information Cara Professional will open
all of the materia medicas that contain an entry for your selected remedy for you to read.

Otherwise clicking this icon on Cara Professional’s toolbar:-

will cause Cara Professional to temporarily suspend repertorisation and switch into materia medicas.

Whichever means you use to enter materia medicas you have access to the full range of facilities including:-
§ Browsing any materia medica
§ Searching all of the materia medicas
§ Annotating
§ Bookmarking
§ Exporting back to a repertorisation
§ Copying information to the Windows clipboard

Sometimes you just want to open up a book and have a good read. Cara Professional lets you do this. To browse a book
you need to tell Cara Professional which book you want to browse. Use the icon on the toolbar that looks like this:-
All you need do is highlight one of your books by clicking on it and then click the OK button. Cara Professional will then
display all of the remedies (or chapters) in the Coolbar. Simply double-click whichever remedy you are interested in
reading and the full text of this remedy will be displayed in the right window. Can’t see any remedies? Check that the
grey divider bar is not set at the extreme left side of your screen – if it is, simply drag it to the right to open up the

Cara Professional provides 2 different ways to search your library of books. These are called Easy search and Advanced

Easy Searching
Easy Search lets you type in a word or two and search the library This is best invoked by using the icon that represents
Easy Search on the toolbar buttons. Its the one with the letters ABC at the top (think of the association - you know - as
easy as .....). It looks like this:-

The cursor will be positioned ready for you to type in a search word. All you need do is type a word and click the OK
button. Don't worry about typing in capital or lower case letters - it doesn't matter. Cara Professional will accept whatever
you type in. Following a search down the left side of the screen you can see a ‘tree’ of books and remedies (a Coolbar).
Only 1 book can be opened at 1 time. In the right side of the window you will see the text of a remedy in the open book.
The text will not be the full text of the remedy but simply those paragraphs and/or lines that have some relevance to the
search word you typed in. Wherever the search word appears it is highlighted by being capitalized (and in red on a color

If you want to ‘open up’ a materia medica for a remedy after a search simply click the Expand/Compress text icon the
toolbar – this acts as a ‘toggle’ so you can easily step into and out of any materia medica.

Advanced Searching
As the name implies Advanced Searching allows you to run searches that are far more complex than with the Easy
Search. However the use of synonyms is equally valid here. The best way to invoke the Advanced search is to click on the
icon in the toolbar that looks like a lightning-bolt on top of a magnifying glass :-

Advanced search allows you to search using many words, restrict your searches to certain books and even to exclude
words from a search!

AND Searching
There are 6 lines in which to type words. If you wanted to search using 3 words, to find for example, all references to
migraine over the right eye, you would type in the words RIGHT EYE MIGRAINE into 3 separate lines. This would instruct
Cara Professional to search for and find all references to RIGHT AND EYE AND MIGRAINE (the AND search).

OR Searching
If you type several words into each line and separate them by pressing the spacebar or by typing a comma between each
then Cara Professional treats these words as OR words i.e. expressions containing one or the other word will be found.
(called an OR search). So if you typed < RIGHT LEFT > into the first line, Cara Professional would find all migraines
around the eye on either the right OR left side.

NOT Searching
You may also type in words that you want to exclude from a search. There is a line provided for you to do this halfway
down the screen labelled Exclude words.

Searching specific books

By default whenever you search Cara Professional will search every materia medica in your electronic library. However
you may restrict your searches to certain books by clicking on the list box labelled ‘Search where’ provided towards the
bottom of the screen. If you click in this you will find several options from Single Source (i.e. search only 1 book) through
to All Sources (i.e. search all of the books in my library). Then select the option you wish to use. If you choose ‘Single
Source’ you will be prompted to denote the specific book you wish to search.
Comparing Remedies
Cara Professional’s comparison function allows you to :-
§ View all occurrences of up to 10 remedies throughout the repertories
§ See the differences between up to 10 remedies
§ See the similarities between up to 10 remedies

Great flexibility is provided over the process. You can perform a comparison :-
§ Across an entire repertory
§ For selected chapters of a repertory
§ For a single chapter of a repertory
§ For specific rubrics in the chapter of a repertory

You may also apply the following filters to the comparison results :-
§ By size of rubric
§ By grade of remedy

Invoking compare
Click the Toolbar button that looks like this:-

Choosing the remedies to compare

There are 2 ways to choose the remedies to use for a comparison:-
§ By selecting them while looking at a repertorisation chart
§ By manually locating and choosing them in the Compare dialog
Selection on a repertory chart
Whenever you are looking at the results of a repertorisation you can select a remedy by double-clicking the mouse onto
the remedy name. This will attach a red flag symbol to the remedy. Up to 10 remedies can be selected in this way. If you
select a remedy by mistake simply double-click on it again to remove the selection.

Alternatively you can use the shortcut facility Cara Professional provides. Click the right mouse button anywhere in the
repertorisation chart and select option Tags and then Tag Top 10. Cara Professional will automatically select (or Tag) the
first 10 remedies on the screen you are looking at. If, after selecting in this way, you change your mind simply go back to
the Tags option and choose Untag. Once you have selected the remedies to use clicking on the Compare toolbar button
automatically loads the comparison process with your selected remedies.

Manually choosing remedies

Within the Compare dialog you can amend the list of remedies to be compared. To the right of the dialog there is a list in
which you select the remedies you want to use. On top of the list of remedies, after the Using remedies label you will a
see number in brackets indicating the number of remedies already chosen for comparison.

Cara Professional always remembers the previous remedies you used on your last compare and retains them. To remove
all previous remedies and start over click the X button provided. Selected remedies are shown in the list of remedies with
an X in their check box. You select an individual remedy by clicking ‘on’ this marker. You de-select an individual remedy
by clicking ‘off’ this marker. The list of remedies available for comparison purposes is strictly alphabetical. You can use the
mouse scroll bar provided to move down the list. To locate a specific remedy you wish to use type in its abbreviation into
the slot provided labelled Using remedies.

To quickly jump through the list of remedies already chosen click the ? button provided. Each time you click this button
Cara Professional will hump to the next selected remedy.

Working with the results of a compare

The results of a compare are shown in a similar format to the results of a repertory search except that an information line
is shown over each rubric extracted showing the remedies associated with the rubric. Above each rubric found are the
remedy names extracted from that rubric. If you performed a differential comparison only 1 remedy will be shown above
each rubric. If you performed a similar comparison all remedy names are shown above each rubric. Remedy names are
shown in coloured boxes with the remedy name type style indicating the grade the remedy occurs in, Capitals for grade 3,
Italics for grade 2 and so on. The rubrics extracted following a compares are available for use just as if you had
performed a repertory search. You may use the Toolbar icons, the right mouse button and even assign them to rubriclists.
Printing high quality color repertorisation charts
Cara Professional’s regular printouts are simple print outs of the data required. There is however a method of obtaining
high quality, color printouts of your repertorisations. This involves saving the chart as a 'file' on your computer's hard
disk, starting up your word processor, and then inserting this 'file' into a document. You are then free to utilize the full
power of your word-processor to add your own comments to a case and to re-size the chart to suit your requirements
(e.g. portrait, landscape, transparency, color and so on).

These are the steps to follow :-

1. Repertorise in the usual way and make the display appear how you wish it to be printed (very important)
2. Click Edit and then click Export Chart to Enhanced Metafile
3. You will then be asked to save the chart as a file. By default Cara suggests you save the file with the name of
CARACHART.EMF into the CASES directory. You may change this or simply accept the suggestion by clicking
4. Cara will then display a small screen in which you can select which remedies are to appear in the chart. The very first
remedy is selected already and is highlighted for you. Decide how many remedies will fit on a page of your
printer (usually 6-10 in portrait mode). Hold down the CTRL key and then repeatedly click the mouse on each
remedy that you want to appear in the chart (you may need to scroll down the list to find the last remedy you
desire). Cara will highlight all of the remedies you have selected. You cannot select more remedies than are
currently displayed in the chart on Cara's screen. So take care to adjust Cara's screen before you use this
facility. If necessary adjust the screen so more remedies are being displayed by dragging the header bar to the
right of the column titled Source towards the left side of the screen. Once you can see all the remedies you want
to export then start the process.
5. Click the OK button and the file will be saved.
6. Start up your word processor (you do not need to exit Cara to do this) as normal
7. Insert the chart as a 'picture' into your document. The procedure for this will vary depending on which word-
processor you use. Using Word 97 as an example you would click Insert, then Picture, then From file. You will
then need to change the folder Word is looking at to the folder in which you just saved the chart (the \CASES\
directory if you took the default). Find the file CARACHART.EMF , click to highlight it and finally click the Insert

Now you will have a beautiful color chart to annotate and print out.

Making your decision

We sincerely hope you enjoy trying Cara Professional. Our experience of working with over 2000 homeopaths around the
world, and hearing what they say about Cara, makes us confident you will simply love using it! There is far more
contained in the Cara Professional system than can be explained in these brief notes so I do encourage you to read the
manual contained on the CD.

If you decide the system is not for you, then accept our thanks for taking the time to try it. Rest assured no-one will ever
call to pressure you! If you can find the time to write and let us know if there was any particular reason you did not wish
to keep Cara, I would love to hear about it! We can only improve by hearing your comments, suggestions and criticisms.

To retain the use of Cara Professional we strongly recommend you call to permanently activate your system before the
trial period expires. If you allow the trial period to expire you will need to delete and re-install Cara onto your computer.
If you call before the trial expires we can activate you permanently over the telephone simply by providing a new
activation code.

So when you decide you want to retain the use of Cara Professional in your daily practice please contact us for the
activation codes.

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