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Frequently Asked questions (FAQs) about EPS 1995 April 15, 2017

Question Answer
1) Who has approved?  Ministry of Labour & Employment (MOL&E) GOI has its
letter dated 16th of March 2017 has conveyed its approval for
allowing members of EPS1995 to get benefit of pension on
higher salary.

2) Who has conveyed  Dr.S K Thakur Addl.Cental PF Commissioner HQ (Pension)

approval to RPFC vide letter no. Pension-I/12/33/EPS-
Dehradun? amendment/96/vol.II/34007 dated 23rd March 2017 has written
to all Incharge of field offices including RPFC Dehradun (UK)
directing to take necessary action accordingly in accordance
with order of SC in SLP Nos.33032-33033 of 2015 as
approved by the Government and as per the provisions of
EPF& MP Act 1952 and scheme framed under

3) Who all are covered  All Ongcians who are members of EPS scheme are covered for
in EPS 1995 scheme? getting benefit of pension on higher salary
 Check your pay slip if you see deduction of ERC EPS 1995
that means you are member
4) Who will calculate  Primarily it is job RPFC Dehradun (UK) Office to work out
arrears arrears and revise Pension payment Order (PPO) for getting
enhanced monthly pension.
 RPFC Dehradun will take action only on receipt of internal
letter from Chief Commissioner office Delhi
 If required he may take help or assistance from ONGC
Dehradun office

5) Does RPFC  Yes. Both ONGC as well as RPFC Dehradun have required
Dehradun or ONGC data for working out arrears
have employee data?
6) What is be done  We must approach RPFC Dehradun and request him to issue
now? letter to ONGC asking the employee information/data required
for working out arrears

7) Will ONGC take  Yes. ONGC Management can write to Chief Commissioner
initiative? EPFO Delhi for speedy implementation.
 In turn Chief Commissioner should instruct RPFC Dehradun to
implement in fixed time frame.

8) Am I to deposit  Yes. Arrears of contributions

arrears?  Adjustment is possible. Both amount arrears receivable &
payable will be worked out and net amount after recovery of
arrears will be paid.
 Doing adjustment is a policy matter & will be decided by

9) Am I deposit  Yes.
interest? If so at  Rate of interest will be decided by EPFO
what rate?
10) How Much time will  There is no time line fixed for implementation.
it take?  New software is being developed for calculating arrears and
this may time few months time.
 ONGC has to follow up the matter with Central PF
Commissioner Delhi

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Frequently Asked questions (FAQs) about EPS 1995 April 15, 2017

11) What is the role of  Limited role-for calculation of arrears only

ONGC?  In the interest of retired Ongcians, on the specific request of
EPFO ONGC may extend helping hand to EFPO/RPFC
Dehradun in computing arrears.

12) Any Financial  NIL.

Implication or
liability to ONGC?  ERC deduction of 8.33% was made on restricted/maximum of
6500 instead of actual basic pay and VDA.
 Now EPS deductions has to be recalculated considering actual
Basic pay + VDA of respective period.
 Difference amount to be deposited by retired Ongcians

13) To whom to  RPFC Dehradun

approach?  ONGC was deducting ERC amount from salary and remitting
to RPFC Dehradun. Hence Our EPS account is maintained at
Dehradun office.

14) Any specific form to  Option form for Ongcians will be issued either by ONGC or
be filled? RPFC Dehradun.
 We have to wait.

15) Will I get statement  Yes

of arrears?  It will be issued

16) Who will revise my  By RPFC Dehradun.

PPO  Pension payment order (PPO) will be revised to enable to get
enhanced monthly pension amount and same will be sent to
same PF office from where you are getting pension.

17) What is immediate  We have approach ONGC CMD and request him take up the
action? matter with implementing authority-Chief Commissioner
EPFO Delhi for implementation on priority basis for retired

18) Under what  Section 10,11 and 12 of EPS 1995 to be referred for
provision of EPS determination of pensionable service, pensionable salary and
1995? for calculating monthly pension amount
19) Any  None.
difficulties/obstacles?  GOI- MOL&E has approved for enhanced pension
 Employee data is readily available.
 No Financial implication to ONGC
 All factors are in favour of retired Ongcians hence there should
not be any difficulty in implementation.

20) Can I work out my  Yes

arrears?  Using formula under section 12 of EPS 1995. Accuracy
depends up on data available and it would be an approximation
 Final calculations will be done by RPFC Dehradun.

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Frequently Asked questions (FAQs) about EPS 1995 April 15, 2017

21) What is Role of  REWA can be useful link between retired Ongcians and
REWA? ONGC Management and PFC office at Dehradun and Delhi.
They can follow up the matter for speedy implementation.

22) I do not have my  Not to worry.

records what do I  ONGC & RPFC Dehradun have your past records.
do?  In case you have misplaced PPO, may approach your PF office
for necessary action

23) What is address of Dr V P Joy IAS

EPFO Delhi and Central PF Commissioner
Dehradun? EPFO Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan
14, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi-110066
Contact no 26172671
Mail id

Dr.A.K.Singh RPFC-1
Regional Provident Fund Commissioner
Bhavishyanidhi Bhawan, Vyomprash Kanwali,
GMS Road Dehradun -248001 (UK).
Mail id

24) What will happen to ONGC-EPS section may work out and settle the matter in consultation
separated Ongcians- with RPFC Dehradun.
resigned, VRS, death
cases etc?
25) Can settlement Yes it is possible if ONGC CMD writes to Central PF commissioner
process be fast and impress upon for early settlement of retired Ongcians.
tracked? Being Maharatna company ONGC words may carry weight and Chief
PF Commissioner may request to RPFC Dehradun for earliest
26) What is current Status of letter dated 23rd March 2017 sent to RPFC Dehradun is not
status? known.
Last week few retired Ongcians met RPFC Dehradun for follow up
There is no much progress in the matter

Request to share with your retired ongc friends and spread this message

Sudhir (Sudhindra) Nanjangud

Ex-Chief Manager (F&A) ONGC Mumbai

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