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in Git. BS — oe ene J\SEARSEER (0B) (38 1 SERGE] cacolnicenene we = CEPI | 10. (HE 2 5) L.Childrend___s up as rabbits on FE dress hunt (4239) foreges anyone _2.Please don'ttell ae, Thats (=) ie 4) between you andime. 22am Aa festival _3.Christmas is Johnny's favorite 1. He enjoys having a big dinner with his family, spiders 4. The eightlegged (/ SEE). snimals are @ s__18, Tdon'tlike them. * 8g" sign __ 5.Kevin gave Marie a bunch (2£) of roses. I's nf ove ma =: PR: 109 (B29) (A) 1. Andy has a(n) in cooking, He ean cook delicious food. (A) interest (B) surprise (C) lantern (D) sign (D ) 2, Jamie's birthday is around the comer. Let's prepare some forher. 21"2ammaa,-meuasnen, - (A) biocks (B) manners (C) dragon (D) presents (CC ) 3. Let's make paper and yuanxiao (7E#F) It's fun. (A) subjects (B) lessons (C) lanterns (D) weekends (0 ) 4. Thank you forthe __! It’s great party. Tove you guys! (A) season (B)air —(C)feeting_(D) surprise (B ) 5. Tom gave Annie a and took her to a restaurant to celebrate their Ist anniversary (58% #@:2E1 ) (A) stomach (B) valentine (C) subject (D) voice SA SQRNE- SE BAR en AmB" MAT, > SESAME: 20 5 (BH 22) (ey some flowers to your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day, and she wil be happy. "#2)289 858° =a (A) Ask. (B) Buy (C)Give — (D) Make (A) 2. Sarah sent a Christmas card __her fiend in Japan. Bo Bir zeae (Oot (from | Re wBe" (8) 3.Jim’s parents are tll, but_are not. Gaymy — B)mine (C)me (DT. (B) 4. Terry: bicycle is that? SATURN OR A Josh: Erie's, Its his birthday gift. Gy "°F" (A) Who (B) Whose (C) Which (D) What ((D ) 5. The house with blue windows is ___, not the Lin’. (A) they (8) them their Op theirs ((D) 6.Thesong stands ___love and hope, soit is popular with a fot of people Ogg EAD er (A)about Bor —(C)to_—(D) for (C) 7.Alexchosenot___TV at home but went swimming with his frends, (A) watch (8) watched (©)towatch (D) watching Rat 7a °C ) 8, Coco: Be quiet! Stop le op oop @® Zoe: Oops, 1am sorry. 1 just heard the good news. (A) shout (B) shouted (© shouting (D) to shout (8) 9 Robert will take me ‘restaurant for dinner. (Ayon (Bo Ofer @) with (CC 10. Harry won Amy's heart, his tue love, Ayo (B) for (© with (©) from © Ds SANT F RRNIRE + 10 49 ( HHH 2 43) (A) L. Josh: Wow, a valentine? Are you in love? ‘Andy: Not really, but__. I'm trying to find out her ame. (A) Ihave strong feelings fora gitl (B)T gave a girl a surprise (©) won some money from a gitl (D) Thave to dress up asa girl (B ) 2. George: What will you plan to do this Easter? Lisa: Itisan intresting game (A) joined an ege standing contest. "2, "suis Sam (B) Hl join the Easter eng roll (3) a he White Howse. (©) Lam going to make my boyfiiend some chocolate (©) I want to send my friends moon cakes. Linda: Did you celebrate Valentine's Day in Italy? Mat Yes. 80 there are many locks with names. How romantic (8) ! (A) We flew to Italy at seven (B) We cleaned our house in Italy (©) We didn like Valentine's Day in Italy (D) We hung our locks ona lamp post on Ponte Milvio David: I'm going to buy Alice some expensive ( 38 43) presents to win her heart 0582 Betty: Well, I'm not sure. abe David: What shoul Ido then? (A) You can't win anyone’s love with money. (8) You can dressup asa vampire (©) You should gett know her interests. (D) This is a sign of your lasting love (8 ) 5. Linda: Is this pencil case (SS) yours? @ Tom: Its a birthday present from my father. (A) No, its mine, (B) ¥es, it’s mine. (Os yours. (D) Isher pencil ease, 5 armaments amy mo Gata: aeancane) ame) © Bi» SAGE SRA to + for Bi x) 5 Sh (4548 1 53) 1, Amanda; Who gave the watch ___to__you yesterday? Jack: My brother did. It's gift ‘me, 2. Frank will buy a cute toy 3.1vy bought__X 4, Carol sold an old but nice car (D)3. (A) 4 for . for his daughter (£52) her sister a dog last Christmas. to___ her friend. (eure © UPN | 10 5 (198 2D) (nthe living room) Leo: Mom, I can't find my glasses. Did you see them? ‘Mom: Wel, I didn’t see them. Go ask your dad. Leo: Dad, did you see my glasses? Dad: I saw someone's glasses on the table. Are they yours? ‘Leo: No, they are blue. 1. Dad: Then, I didn't see them. I'm busy fixing the toy car __2._your brother. Why don’t you ask your brother? Leo: Hey, Tim, May Task you a question? Tim: Sure, What's that? Did you see my glasses? ‘Tim: There is pair of glasses on the chair. Are they yours? Leo: No, they are _3._. Mike bought 4. _them yesterday. ‘Tim: Wel, I can’t help you. Leo: (Crying) Where are my glasses? I can’t see anything clearly without my glasses, Hey! _ 5. _ Your glasses are on your head. Gl glasses #888 may FLL question FEL pair 85 5 SY clearly HERES, (B) Yours (B) for are black. Leo: Tim: (C) L(A)His (B) 2. (A)to (8) 3.(A)yours (B) Mike's (B) 4A) x (A) 5.(A) Stop crying (Goro bea, Sto gat Seb (OMine Oa (D) Theirs @)in (©)mine — (D) Dad's Oa () for (B) Stop finding. (D) Go ask Mom. (The famous DJ, Steve, is calling out to his audience.) Steve: Hello, May Ispeak to Janet, please? Janet: Speaking Steve: This is Stove from Steve Talk Show, You ae on air right now. Really? Wow that’s so cool! I'ma big fan of yours, and your shows are good. Thank you, Janet. Guess what? Someone wrote me a Jeter and wanted! me to call you ‘ell me more about it Well, a hard-working young man wanted me to ask you question, The question is “Will you manry me?” Ob, my god! It's not going to work. Tove Sam. He doesn’t have to buy me presents every month or take me to ance restaurant everyday. But, at a moment Tike this I want him to doi in person It means something to me; otherwise, I won't mary him. ‘You are right, Janet. Sam, did you hear that? Just ask this important question on your own right an Dp make your lover wait, And have a happy li for you, Janet. Good-bye. af ‘Daudience BUR — may ATL hard-wor a question FE marry #44 moment otherwise #75!) Janet: Steve Janet: Steve: Janet: Steve: i (By 1. What does: (A) Asking Sam to call Steve. {” mean in the dialogue? Gi dialogue 3% (@)Asking Jnetto mary Sam. ego (C) Asking Sam to take Janet to a big dinner, (D) Asking Janet and Sam to work as DJs. ( D ) 2. What should Sam do ie wants o mary Janet? {SSaemaR hrea (A) Sam should work hard as a DJ (B) Sam should buy Steve some presents (©) Sam should ask Steve to teach him singing, (D) Sam should ask Janet to marry him on his own. (CA) 3. Which i tue about the dialogue? * Sor ei Site ® (a) W's coo for Janet o talk with Steve, BEEeREIS (8) Sam should buy presents for Janet every day. (©) Steve is Janet's musi teacher. (D) Janet is talking with Sam on the cellphone now. (CC) 4. Which is NOT true about the dialogue? ® (A) Janet loves Sam, “+B Meson to nel eee (B) Janet ikes Steve's shows. ype ealaae' ta (© Steves Talk Show is a TV show. (D) Sam is a hard-working young man. ON HARARE ¢ 8 5 RE 2 5) 1. My mom read a story to me last night, (i E855) ) ‘What did your mom read to you lastnight? 2. wrote my cousin an e-mail. (AAS IRAGT ) {wrote an e-mail to my cousin, 3. I's not my cellphone. It’s Larry’s cellphone, (REBAR AOR REE OF) Ws not mine. It's Lam's 4.1's my valentine, (

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