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The purpose of this research, ​A study on the relevant experiences of embalmers in

selected funeral homes is to know the experiences of the Embalmers. The researchers want

to know the struggles of an embalmer while dealing with their chosen career and also their

motivation as they work. This paper’s purpose is to reveal the stories of the experiences of

every embalmer the researchers had interviewed.

While conducting this study, the researchers run into some dilemma while appointing

interviews with the chosen participants, since it’s not easy for an embalmer to spare some time

for an interview with researchers because they need to prioritize their job first. Though it was

challenging, the researchers still manage to get some participants.

As a result, the researchers had interviewed at least three (3) embalmers in selected

funeral homes along Metro Manila. Through every interview the researchers had conducted, the

researchers had realized the struggles of each embalmer and also noticed why they chose this

specific profession.

Therefore, the researchers conclude that being an embalmer is not an easy task.

Embalmers need to be available all the time because death is an unpredictable phenomenon

and being exposed to chemicals can somehow affect their bodies. But despite of the labor this

job requires, the embalmers still chose this career base on personal reasons as stated in this


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