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Questions 1-6
What point is made about each question?
Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-H next to questions 1-6

A – The answer exists but will probably never be known.

B- The questioner may intend to give rather than ask for information.
C- The appropriateness of the answer depends on why the question was asked.
D- Certain actions will result from the answer.
E- The question reflects our perception of reality.
F- An answer may be useless if its basis is not made clear.
G- It is a question about language.
H- Our knowledge of the world leads us to the answer.

1. ‘How big is your car?’ ______

2. ‘Why won’t my computer start?’ ______
3. ‘What’s the population of Canada at this precise moment?’ ______
4. ‘Is Jenny Jones tall?’ ______
5. ‘Was Billy Smith’s action legal?’ ______
6. ‘Was Billy Smith’s action right?’ ______

Questions 7-10
Complete the sentences below
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Questions that make assumptions

7. Enquiries about people’s points of view are sometimes formulated as
________________________ questions.
8. The economic value of an object is best described as ________________________ .
9. Answers to a question about the right way’ may give the speaker’s
_________________________ .
10. It may be a mistake to describe the country in terms of ________________________ .

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