20 Fast Food Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template - QuestionPro

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What is your gender? O Male O Female What age category do you belong to? 13 years or younger 16-20 21-25 25 and above OO00°0 Do you consume fast food? © Yes O No How often do you consume fast food on a weekly basis? 1-2 times 3-4 times 5-6 times OO000 7 times or more Do you consume food at home that can be prepared instantly (like noodles, canned food, frozen food, food that is easily made in microwave)? O Yes O No How often do you consume instantly made food (like noodles, canned food, frozen food, food that can be prepared easily in a microwave) at home? 1-2 times in a week 2.3 times in a week 3-4 times in a week 4-5 times in a week OO0000 More than 5 times in a week Do you have a fixed meal time that you follow? © Yes O No Do your family members also consume fast food? O Yes O No Has your purchasing habit ever been influenced by promotions of fast food chains on social media? O Yes O No On an average how much money do you spend on buying fast food per week? $25 $50 $100 O000 More than $100 Do you have any of these health conditions? Obesity Diabetes Heart disease Cancer Other (Please specify) What are your thoughts on fast food consumption in relation to its health effects?

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